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. (For Ph.D Course Work)

Unit I: Introduction
Research methodology - definition and significance, Types of research - exploratory research,
conclusive research, modeling research, algorithmic research, casual research, theoretical and
empirical research, cross-sectional and time series research. Research process- steps, research
problems, objectives, characteristics, hypothesis and r~search in an evolutionary perspective.

Unit II: Research Design.and Data collection

Research design- definition, type's -descriptive and experimental, validity and reliability of ,C
ins~e6t, Validity of findings- internal and external validity, Varia:6les in Research, types If''
of dat?'-=-primary and secondary data, methodsj>f a data collection for scientific and busines~..: i_•• (,
research, experiments, construction and vali'dation of questionnaire, measurement and sca1ing...' i
Types of scale - Thurstone~ Case V scale model, ~good's Se~!l!1tic Differential scale, Likert ...
scale, Q-SOlt scale _x), 'IX "r
\)<'1 ~(;.
C I~5_..."
\ A('J,) Jt:;;/ ,V\ ,,so !j~G 1
,]I Unit III:Sampling Technique / Ex~cutirrg-tb.t!.esearch '.
III \1 ( Sampling methods - Probability sampling methods - simple random sampling with replacement ,
e ,; ) and without replacement, stratified sampling, cluster sampling. Non-probability sampling mefhod- --
l':: l:- convenience sampling, judgment sampling, quota sampling. Nonparametric tests- One sample
tests - ,one sample sign test, KQlmggorQv-Smirnovtest, run test for randomness, two sample tests
- two sample sign test, Mann-Whit!l~L~
_-- test, K-sample
test.- Kruskal Wallis test (H-test)

Unit IV: Mathematical tools for analysis I Research Me~surement

Hypothesis testing - Testing of hypotheses concerning means ( one mean and difference between
two means - one tailed and two tailed tests), concerning' variance _ one tailed Chi-square test.
Introduction to Disciminant, Factor analysis, cluster analysis, multi-dimensional scaling, conjoint
analysis, multiple egression and correlation, application of statistical software for data analysis.

Unit V: Ethic in research

Report writing - types of report, guidelines to write report, typing instruction, need of summary,
importance of language in the preparation of research report, oral presentation. Recording the
findings of research - publication- contents to meet the journals standard - impact factor - .'
citation and citation index, policy on academic honesty and integrity - academics cheating and I
plagiarism. Opportunities to carry out research projects with funding/assistance from various
Government agencies.

1. Donald R. Cooper and Pamela S. Schindler, business Research Methods, 9th edition, Tata
Mcgraw Hill, 2006.
2. Alan Bryman and Emma Bell, Business Research Methods, Oxford University Press New Delhi,
3. Uma Sekaran, Research methods for Business, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2006
4.K.N.Krishnaswamy, Appa lyer sivakumar and M.Mathirajan, Management Research
methodology, Pearson Education,2006
5. Garg, B.L.Karadia, R.Agarwal, & F.Agarwal, U.K 2002. An introduction to research
methodology, RBSA'Publishers
6. Kothari, C.R.1990. research methodology: methods and technique. New Age International. 418p.
.7~ Sinha,S.C. and Dhiman , A.K. 2002. Research methodology, Ess Ess Publication 2 Volumes.
8. Trochim, W.M.K. 2005. Research Methods: the concise knowledge base, atomic dog publishing.
9. Wahedra B.L.2000. Law relating to patents, trade marks, copyright designs and geographical
indications. Universal law publishing.
IO.Anthony M Graziano, A.M and Raulin, M.L, 2009. Research methods: A process of inquiry,
Allyn and Bacon •
11. Coley, S.M and Scheinberg, C.A, 1990, "Proposal Writing", sage publication.
IZ.Day, R.A. 1992 How to write and publish a scientific paper, Cambridge University press.
13Fink, A. 2009. Conducting Research Literature Reviews: from the internet to paper. Sage
Publication. '.~
14.Leedy, P.O. and Ormrod J.E, 2004 practical research: Planning and Design, Prentice Hall.
15. Satarkar, S.V. 2000. Intellectual property rights and copy rights. Ess Ess publications.

Jeppiaar Nagar,Chennai - 600119.

Sub. Code: SREX500i Date of Exam: May 28,2013FN

Subject: Research Methodology Tools and Techniques (Ph.D Course Work Paper)

PART - A 8)( 5:: 40 Marks

Answer all Questions
1. Distinguish betweencross sectional' researchand time series/longitudinalr.esearchdesign.
l\ Define reliabilityand validity in quantitative researchand in qualitative research.
~ Each person of.a group of 500 people tosses a fair coin 120 times. How many people shouldbe
expected to report that a) between 40% and 60%of their tosses resulted in headsb) 5/8 or moreof
their tosses resultedin heads?
4. Many states are considering towering the blood-alcohol tevel at which a driver is designatedas
driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol. An investigator for a legislative committee designedthe
following test to study the effect of alcohol on reaction time. Ten participantsconsumed a specified
amount of alcohol. Another group of ten participantsconsumed the same amountof a nonalcoholic
drink, a placebo. The two groups did not know whether they were receiving alcohol or the placebo.
The t~~!y'_par.tici~nts' average reaction times (in seconds) to a series of simulated driving
situations are report' 0 lIo~ing table.A boxplot of the two samples show that the population'
~t . distributions ar skewed right. Does it appear that alcohol consumption increases reaction time'1
:;r perform a significance nd clearly stateyour hypotheses, test statistic, p-valueand conclusion.
'( ~ Placebo 0.90 0.371.630.1330.950.780.860.610.38 1.97 i'e '7
~1'1. Alcohol 1.461.451.761.441.11 3.070.981.272.561.32 ',/;" ' .
• 5.' The number of days absent form work last yeo/ due to job r~lated cases of carpal tunnel syndrornr
were recorded for 25 workers. Use Kolmogr~smirnoy the normalityassumptionat 95~
confidence interval on population mean-forthe data given below
21 _.,
~, 33 ,-
" 37 ~
(;.0 &' J-~(?1~,~
40 37 2':1 23' 29 c-
"\. ~If)~-yr
v -5"
~4 32 24- 46 32
~/ ~~~.~w/·
;X7~ ~~./


/ c_~ ,I'
)(\.~ J
,,_ ",! "(\t--
6/f'ive samples of sizes 9 and 12 are drawn from two normally distributed populations having
.'~./variances 16 and 25 respectively. If the sample variances ar 20 and 8 determine at 1% and 5%
vihether the first sample has a significantlygreater variance than the second sample.
7 What an 'impact factor' of a journal denotes? Mention the name of the highest and lowest impact
factoredjournal of your research area with its impactfactor value
Whatdo you mean by 'indexing' and 'citation' in a researchpublication?
PART - B 5.1{12 = 60 MARKS

'ii Explain the stages of 'empirical cycle' with a blOCKoiaqram. Aiso C;;\ii;·;c;,.:;te :t:; C'l;j~:.!!,,~~,
for choosing the empirical research and its advantages. OR
12. Discuss how 'modeling' is evolved as a scieniific research.method with a suitable example.
Enumerate the limitations and misconceptions that are involved in modeling.
'j 3. Discuss in detail about the construction and validation of questionnaire by considering the
principles,design, types, advantages, and limitation. OR
14. Discuss the issues in scaling techniques and explain the four important scaling techniques namely
Thurstone's, semantic differential scaling, Likert and Q-sort scaling with construction, methods,
examples and limitations -.
15. Assume that the heights of 3000 male students at a university are normally distributed with
mean68.0 inches (in) and standard deviation 3.0 in. If 80 samples consisting of 25 students each are
obtained, what would be the expected mean and standard deviation of the resulting sampling
distribution of means if the sampling were done (a) with replacement and (b) without replacement?
How many samples would you expect to find the mean (a) between 66.8 and 68.3in and (b) less than
66.4 in? . OR -s-c~ ~ a.. g'~ ~\.

16. A professor has 2 classes in psychology a morning class of 9 students and afternoon class of 12
students. The grades received by the students in term end exams are as follows. Can one conclude
at 5% significance level that the morning class performed worse than the afternoon class by sung
Mann Whitney U test.
l\'(oTning ctass 73 87 'I') 7S 82 66 ~$ 75 7(J

A ftcr ..teen ~h!.lt, fi6 81 !l4 88 90 8S 84 92 SJ 91 53 84

17. Obtain spearman rank correlation for the following data

Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Food 167.8 173.1 176.2 180.0 lR6.2 190.7 195.2
,[vfcdical 260.8 272.8 285.6 297.1 310.1 323.2 336.2

18. In his experiments with Gregor Mendel observed that 315 were round and yellow, 108 were
~ round and green, 101 were wrinkled and yellow, and 32 were wrinkled and green. According to
~ ~js theory of Heredity, the numbers should be in the proportion 9:3:3:1. Is there any evidence to
~oubt his theory at the (a) 0.01 and (b) 0.05 significance levels.
19. What are the various steps involved in submitting a research paper to an
international/national journal till the phase of its publication? Discuss the same and
state the role of the referee's report in your research. OR
20. Discuss the role of language in wrltlng/presenting a research report for a
thesis/journal publication/ppt presentatie-n/applying for a project funding agency!
invited talk, etc. with appropriate examples.
Re&i$ICI Numbe( _ 5. Five samples of sizes 9 and 12 are drawn from two normally
distributed populations having variances 16 and 25 respectively. I r-
SATHY ABAMA UNIVERSITY the sample variances are 20 and 8 determine at I% and 5% whether
the first sample has a significantly greater variance than tbe second
<: curse : Ph.D. course work Max. Marks: 80 sample.
Titl e of the Paper: Research Methodology Tools & Techniques
./ List out the characteristics of a research paper for a journal
~;ll). Code: SREX500 I Time: 3 Hours • pu bl ication
Cal,:: 07/12/13 Session: FN PARTB (5 x I 0 ~ 50)
Answer All the Questions
PART-A (6 X 5 = 30) 7. Describe (he key characteristics, basic uses and the various types 01
exploratory research.
A nswer All the Questions
:t",WllaLdo you mean by algorithmic research and mention (he steps 8. What are [he different types of time series designs and explain the
. involved in the development of algorithms same with examples of their application? Also list out the
advantages and limitations of time series designs
;'. What do you mean by 'research instrument'? Name [he two
..<tatislical properties used to evaluate the quality of research ? Explain the methods available (or collecting primary data. Discuss
instruments. the same with its types. Mention the advantages and Iimitation ill
each case.
~ Each person of a group of 500 people tosses a fair coin 120 times. (OR)
How many people should be expected to report that a) between 40% 10. Explain the four categories of measurement scale and enumerate
ana 60% of their tosses resulted in heads b) 5/8 or more of their the hypothesis formulation' by discussing its functions, .
tosses resulted in heads? characteristics, types and errors in testing the hypothesis.

1. Use Mann Whitney test for the following data 11. Assume that the heights of 3000 male students at a university
i. __ are normally distributed with mean68.0 inches (in) and standard
- , 5 6 7 ~ 'J
'" II ,:
Id.(chln:: J .;
" s:
deviation 3.0 in. If 80 samples consisting of 25 students each art
'" "";5
.1'1 _lJ; 4~'
)" .>l 0' )0
obtained, what would be the expected mean 1111d standard deviation
}.,;chi'l~II !I 0.' .J;; 0.' H) ...: ,10\ 5:t vr 1) hi) of the resulting sampling distribution of means if the sampling were
done (a) with replacement and (b) without replacement? Flow many
samples would you expect to find the mean (a) between 6{l.R and
68.3in and (b) less than 66.4 in?
? !\ lirrme: wishes
determine if there is any difference in the
ytdds bCIW~C!1 two different varieues of Ragi. Can the farmer SC.ftAUM ~
conclude <H at 5% and at 1% that the difference exists?
I I."1
\\ ,.01.

,. I~II ,~ I' I I 1111" I!\, f 1\ to Ix t" .,: I.....

STA "1T.6"TT"_q;
- ----- e-

-~6.. tc.{i6\,V\
./ 13 l-suniate the blood pressure 01 the "oman whose age is 30 years A ,.11 '
~o"', V\~,.Sf>~
I 'b J;
Hi,,'\.111\"" ,n'
I:~ ~ II~ IN lA.'{~ 0" 'S~~
« )({)
14 Lkl,-r the One WClY,\Nt)V 1\ It) check the 1rlctimc of chromosomes
t;llh~ Illtlod celts froltll lite I..IIOIWIIII; d<lI,1

~ • c ,,, '" , 1 ~.5

/I l ' II) 1 ' I."'i til l...
,. ,I ' ' i" ; , t I ~

tr '" \ , ,.: ~t ) \ , .1 1

I 'i Discuss ubout the lmellcctual Property luw, patents, patent

:tppl,,:iIIIOJ1, patent prosecution, patent rights and number, process of
{illJlg the patents, etc • Iill II,,; phase of Hading.
//1 u.Drscuss the role of language in WI iring/presenting a research report.
iora thes,s/juurllHlpublication/ppt presentation/applying for a project
lundinu a;,:clIcy/mvitcJ talk, etc with appropriate examples
Jcpplaar Nagar, Chennai -119.
11 a) Explain different Iypa~ of ~~mpllng techniques Implemented II) research 10
Sub: Research Methodology Tools and Techniques Sub.Code: SREX5001 realtime ~pp"cahons
Course: Ph.D Course Work Paper Date of Exam: May 4,2014 AN b) Twenty·flve individuals were sampled as 10whether they liked or did not like
Max. Marks: 80 Time: 3 Hours a product (Indicated by Y and N fP.~peclively) The resul:109 sample IS shown
by the following sequence
Part -A 6'5=30 Marks (I) Delermine the number of runs. V
1. Wnte a note on Formutailon and deSign of Action Hypothesis (II) Test at the 0 05 sognlfocanceleve whether the responses are random
2. Wnte the framework of decoding the mode of data collection? (OR)
3. Compare and contrast the meaning and nature 01 observatoonal and survey
methods 01 data collection. 12 a The elleel 01 social competence tralOlIlg IS tested 15 Subjects are testec
4. The reaction time before lunch was compared ..;th the reaction time after lunch before and after traoning lor SOCIal competence on a seven point scale. Data are
for a glOOp 01 25 oIfoce worlelS Eighlc<!n wor1<crs found lheir reaction lime ordlllal scaled and no! normal distnbuted The Questooo is. ~ social coroeieoce
belore lunch was shorter Is the reachon tome after lunch signifICantly longer ISenhanced by the trallling. Raw data arc listed in lhe following lable
than the readlon tomebefore lunch?
Explam about multi dimensional scahng

Part B =
5'10 50 Marks
Wnle about the research repon lor the topIC " IS SOCIAL NETWORKING
6 2' 4 ~4 1 3
13 14 15
The follol\l1Oganangement Indlcales whelher 25 consecutive persons onleMew~ by
a SOCialscienust are for (F) or 8g3111St(A) an Increase In the number of cnmes ona
Stoff COI'lI'''lohl'l1: If I~YfilM" onl of the I[ "Ing aulomobile compaues in India.
certain locahty
10<1 11)~11ct shan 10 ,ts COlllpet,'OI I (."0 IIcnda 'n the late 1990·s. In order to
F. F. F, F, F. F, A. F, F, F. F,F A. F. F. F, F A, A. F, F F, F, F F (5 marks)
co "11 Is In~rktl "II'''' II' cCI11'~ny plins 10 find ouuno 'cason Ior :Is failure
Test whether lhls arranqement of A's 31ld Ps may be regarded as random a15%
·r' III" milrllp.l. YOII IIII' appeilllCd as a le~I~i1rcl)10MIs Vijay At,to
level of sigl1lhcanco.
a) Wh<t lype of Il'ff'.)rch <II Slgll vmuld YOII pr9fer? Suppoll your answer wilh
b An expenment is penormed to determine the Yields of five different varielies of
wheal. A, B. C. D. and E. FOLirplots of land are assigned to each variety
h) ~lillO th(' "'llirer"; 111I0liOhwh rli Vllny }\III(1 ran ohtain prirmlY ctaln
ri liow IV')lllrI YOII pr~pol(~ il fl'slw(:h suppon? The yields (i!_1lJus_trels
PGI.2crQ)ar~_~hqVlnin Table below
rJ) U,,·ir'.(JIAfI.::.)II." o'Il,clqnall,[ imAlty lis Iw"d
A 20 12 15 19
(OR) B 17 14 12 15
8. Explain in bnef lhe modeling of research and Ihe different types of research c 23 16 t8 14
Involved Whal typo of research to be opted by you in your thesis. o 15 17 2Q 12
9. What is lhe rllc<llIing of measurement In research? Whal difference does It E 21 14 17 18
make while WI) measme In 101'115 of a normnal, ordonal. Inlerval or ralio scale? •
Explaon. Assuming Ihat Ihf plols h~va SImilar lertihly and Ihat Ihe varieties are assigned to the
plots al random U~ Ihe Non fwnmelric test al 5·" level, determine whelher there IS a
(OR) signifICant dofferen.;e belween lhe yields. (5 marks)
10. Explain m broeflhe techniqllp.< 10 be adopled for Ihe validity and reliability of lhe
:nstrumer.! c:dnpted fOi j'",,:':i expcnment in the research. Fame a research
desiqn, variables, and melhods of experiments for lhe problem" Analysis on
stress in IT sectors"

13. a) The blood volume (ml) in 10 normal persons and 8 persons involved in 16. Explain in brief aboul
mulliple fractures are given below a) Publicalions OF internalional journals in scopus index with impact factor (to
be defined) and hi indexed in terms of google scholar and Thomas Reuters
NoBL065- ~OOO3400 4200 4600 3500 2500 4300 3600 4700 5200
PRESSURE b) Opportunities to carry out research projects with funding/assistance from
various Government Agencies.
-MULTIPLE 2500 2800 300ir ~O 3800 3200 2900 3200
c) Ethics in thesis writing

Do you agree witt\ the claim that the blood volume is more variable in normat beings than
in patients on the basis of these data? (5 MARKS)
b) A survey of 320 families wilh 5 children each yielded the following distribution

Noofgi~s 0 1 2 3 4 5
No of boys 5 4 3 2 1 0
No of families 12 40 88 4Q....56 . 1~_
ts the resull consistent With the hypothesis that male and female births afe
equally probable? (5 MARKS)
14. a) From the following data, test whether there is ally association between
intelligence and economic conditions
Excellent Good Medium Dull II
Economic Good 48 200 150 80 I
Condition Not good 52 180 190 100 J

(6 marks)
b) The correlatoon between a general intelligence test and school achievement
in a group of children from 6 to 15 years old is 0.80. The correlation between the
general Intelligence test and age in the same group is 0.70 and the correlation
between school achievement and age is 0.60 What is the correlation between
general intelligence and school achievement in children of the same age? (4 marks)

15. a) It is never safe to take published statistics at their face value without knowing
their meaning and limilalions. Elucidate Ihis statement by enumerating and
explaining the various points which you woutd consider before using any
published dala. Illustrate your answer by examples wherever possible.
Register Number
II 11]"""111 process is believed to improve the quality of tyres. A test sample of
28 new tyres has a mean life of 43,500km. Do you think that the new
SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY car tyres are significantly superior to earlier one. Test the hypothesis
under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
at 5% level of significance.
Course & Branch: Ph.D 6. Explain about report writing.
Title of the Paper: Research Mcthodology tools & techniques
Sub. Code :SREX5001 Max. Marks:80 PART-B (10 x 5 =50)
Date :12112/2014 Session AN Time: 3 Hours
Answer all the questions
Part A (6 x 5 = 30)
7. Explain about the objectives, characteristics, hypothesis with respect
Answer all the questions to evolutionary perspective research design.
I. Write a note on cross sectional and time series research. Or
8. Define research design and justify its need.
2. Explain the methods of data collection in scientific and business
research 9. Explain in detail about the reliability, validity and the types of scales
implemented in research design
3. Explain probability sampling methods in research methodology. Or
10. Discuss each type of research design along with its methods to
4. A Supreme Mats company, manufacturing electronic toys has execute each type, principles and by providing suitable examples.
recently been taken over by SAPNA MATS company. Prior to the
takeover of the company ccrtnin workers were approached to 11. A professor has 2 classes in psychology a morning class of9 students
ascertain their satisfaction levels. The sample workers were again and afternoon class of 12 students. Thc grades received by the
approached to know their satisfaction level after the takeover of the students in term end exams are as follows. Can one conclude at 5%
com )all '. The two sets 0 f dato a re given below significance level that the morning class performed worse than the
Before 69 113 I
~8 76 82 65 75 64 87 70
After 65 1:75 63 75 82 68 71 65 85 68
afternoon class by Sung Mann Whliney U test.

M'"IIHlJ "Il"'~

Use Wilcoxon test find out whether there has been an improvement AII""h~11!d""1i

in the satisfaction level of workers after the takeover their company

by a new company Or
5. MRf is engaged in manufacturing car tyres and their mean life is
-12,000km with a SD of 3.000 )..111. A change in the production
12. Two types of data indicate the lifetime in hours of samples of two
kinds of light bulbs in continuous use. Use Mann Whitney test to
compare the lifetimes of brands A and B light bulbs

A 603 625 641 622 585 593 660 600 633 580 615 648

B 620 640 646 620 652 639 590 646 631 669 610 619

13. Five coins are tossed 3200 times and the number of heads
appearing each time is noted. At the end the following results are
No of 0 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency 80 570 1100 900 500 50

Use Chi-square test to test the goodness of fit to determine whether

the coins are unbiased at 5% level of significance
14. Explain about conjoint analysis with a real time example

15. Explain in brief about the research projects with grants from
government agencies and guidelines of proposal submission.
16. Explain about report writing and publications of research
findings in scopus indexedjournals.

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