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Đề 01:

It is often thought that the increase in juvenile crime can be attributed to violence in
the media. What do you think is the reason for a growth in the rate of juvenile crime?
What solutions can you offer to deal with this situation?

Nevertheless, there are several solutions to tackle this problem. First, by setting age
limits on questionable contents for the youth, governments could be able to restrict
harmful effects of violent scenes to behavior and thoughts of juvenile. For example,
movies which show graphic images of fighting or death should be classified of 18+
year-old, the age are able to control their own behavior. Second, family should be
working with schools to educate children on how to avoid the reduction of drug
dealers and also raising awareness of crime prevention. In fact, realising negative
consequences and massive harms of drugs, youngsters are likely to gain more
consciousness and become highly vigilant about this issue.

Đề 02:

Crime rate, in most countries, is often higher in urban areas than in rural areas. Why
do you think that is? What can be done to reduce the crime rate?

There are several reasons why this pattern has existed. First, since urban areas
have higher ethnic diversity in comparison with rural areas, which in turn takes place
a great deal of conflicts that lead to higher crime rates. For example, racism in
people of color which has existed has resulted in committing crime, from petty crime
to bloody conflicts. Second, because of densely populated metropolis, citizens have
to compete to gain limited opportunities and scarce resources. This means that
people who are in the disadvantageous position in society have growing tendency to
engage in illegal activities, even minor crime, to make a living.

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