PAKPLAS Magazine 2018 (Low Res)

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By Ahmed Qaiser

hristopher Columbus sailed from controlling the trade by building industrial empires.
Spain to find sea route to East Following World War II and formation of UNO in 1945,
Asia but inadvertently discovered a modern world began to take shape since 1950. It
what is now called Americas. This gradually saw a global shift from physical occupation
discovery precipitated a bloody to industrial supremacy as more convenient and more
race among European powers to sustained means of ruling the world.
colonise the “New World”. Starting from 1950s until second decade of 21st
This is seen as the starting century, the Western nations have been leading the
point of colonial era in the world. The ultimate pur- world by exploiting their power of industrial domi-
pose of colonial wars was to physically occupy other nance over non-industrialised and under-industrialised
people’s land and their resources and control the trade nations without inviting trouble for themselves. The
routes for economic benefits. Starting from Americas, key to sustain their industrial domination is their inces-
colonialism spread to Africa and Asia, also including sant advancement in science and technology.
sub continent until, at last, World Wars I & II brought The lesson to learn from this very brief but mean-
historic destruction for Western nations. ingful account of their history is simple. That, no nation
Interestingly, while European nations fought and can prosper and be truly sovereign and self sufficient
killed each other they had one positive thing in com- until and unless it industrialises itself. Taking world
mon, i.e. the Renaissance movement. Their thinkers known measures for promoting industrial culture
and philosophers vigorously urged them to reject old and supporting its business community is recipe of
superstitions and unfounded dogmas, and struggled national development and prosperity for any country.
to unshackle the society from the clamps put in place Latest example has been set by our closest friend,
by their clergy for centuries. China, the only robust challenger to the Western su-
Europeans savagely shed each other’s blood in premacy. The story of China’s dazzling development
battlegrounds but they also continued to make ad- and progress is the story of their industrialisation.
vances in the fields of old and new sciences, technolo- Chinese leadership could build their country and the
gies and industrialisation. From 1601, the age of Trade nation only when they built their industry.
and Empire began and so did the industrialisation pro- That is what I mean to point out to our leadership,
cess later, taking its start from English soil and spread- the business community and all concerned: if you want
ing across European continent. to build the country and the nation, you can do it only
Two great wars caused such large scale death and by building your industry.
destruction for the warring nations that they were Do not forget the lesson from history: Industry
forced to replace their methods of imperialism and Builds the Nation!

Imran Ghani, Convener this
S. M. Noman, Member
Irfan Sabir, Member

A Publication® of PPMA

Chief Editor: Ahmed Qaiser

Rashid Mehmood: Secretary General
Syed Ahsan Ali: Office Coordinator

Printed at: Times Press (Pvt) Ltd. Karachi,


Pakplas and PPMA do not take any guarantee
and responsibility on the accuracy of
the information. The PPMA does not
necessarily agree with the views expressed
by contributors/interviewees nor do they
accept any responsibility for any errors. The
information, addresses and computer linkage
and materials are published without any
PAKPLAS is Ultimate Choice of Local &
responsibility. Neither the publisher, nor the International Machinery, Raw Material
association take any responsibility for any Suppliers in Pakistan: Zafar Saeed
individual or any entity for any loss or damages
arising from the information contained therein.
Innovation: PEF, a New
Polymer to Enter the Market


Suite # 8, 2nd Floor, B-9/B-2, Estate Avenue,
Metro Chowrangi, S.I.T.E., Karachi.
Tel: 92-21-32585050 - 36040111
Fax: 92-21-32585050
Email: 73
Suite # 6, 3rd Floor, Leeds Centre, Gulberg III, Tariff Reduction for Power, GST
Lahore-Pakistan. can Cultivate Export Culture in
Tel: (92-42) 35213522 Plastics Industry – Farid A. Vawda

Chairman’s Profile Cover Story –
Plastics Industry in
Pakistan – An Overview CPEC and the
Shoaib Munshi Plastic Industry:
Chairman’s Review
Zakaria Usman 27 37 Analyzing the
Potential Trading
Dr. Aadil Nakhoda

7 Massive Potential
for Growth of
Industry Exists in
Pakistan: Abdul
Qayoom Sheikh
44 Article: Benefits of 48
Editorial Investing in Recycling
Ahmed Qaiser Manufacturing Set-
ups in Pakistan
Dr. Mehr Nigar

Govt Support is Mandatory to

Boost the Export: Syed Haider Ali

Article: How to
69 Prevent Stress
Whitening in PP
Irfan Sabir


Article: 84
Air for Food &
77 Joint Study Project:
Compatibilizers in
Pharma Grade Polymers Products
Plastics Development
Imtiaz Rastgar Ayesha Afzal, Asra Tariq, There is a Need to Lay
Prof. Dr. Nasir M. Ahmad Exphasis on Export
Discussing Growth Opportunity: Marketing: Imtiaz Rastgar
PET Recycling in Pakistan
Ilyas Vohra

Inside Article: Coating Plastics /
this Plastic Coatings
Zaid Faridi


Article: Understanding Your

Materials In Processes for
Enhanced Productivity
Dr. Asif Ali Qaiser

Article: Synthetic and Natural

Polymer Blends
Tehreem Anwar, Dr. Shahzad
Maqsood Khan
Research Analysis: Plastics Solid
Waste Management In Pakistan
Dr. Yasir Qayyum Gill


Study Shows
Plastic Packaging
a Better
Asia Pacific is the Next Wealth Alternative for
Hotspot Environment

Development: Polymer Academic Update: NED
Bone Graft Substitute Lab Upgraded – New Test
Receives FDA Clearance Equipments Procured to
Raja Omer Nawaz 103 Offer Additional Facilities



Write Up: 3D Printing

Technology for Polymer
Engr M. Kashif Naseem

107 109
PPMA is Making
Headway to Have
Effective Linkage with
Academia: S. M. Noman

Research Analysis: Biomedical Plastics

Market for Future Healthcare
Dr. Sumera Khyzir, Prof. Dr. Nasir M. Ahmad

121 Article: Advance

Applications of Plastic
Asra Tariq,
131 Prof. Dr. Nasir M. Ahmad


Polymer Additives:
Materials that Impart
133 Customer Desired
Properties to Your
Plastic Products
Dr. Rafiq Ahmed Hydrogels as Drug Haulier for
Biomedical Applications
Nafisa Gull, Dr. Shahzad Maqsood
Plastic Products’ Production in China Rose 5.6% Khan, Colleagues
in 2017 First Three Quarters


Decoding the
Buzzwords like
145 and ‘Oxo-
Dr. Mehr Nigar

Celebrating 80 years
of Polyurethane

153 Spoon-in-the- Multi-Chamber
Blister System
Lid Solution
Introduced for Ensures Safe
Plastic Mulches in Dairy Products Medicine
Pakistan 157 and Vaccine
Dr. Yasir Qayyum Gill,
Hira Ehsan, Colleagues without Cold

Sustainability in Plastic Industry

Moazzam Rasheed


PPMA Members’
169 List 2017-18
Rashid Mahmood,
Syed Ahsan Ali

Office Bearers for the year 2017-18

Mr. Zakaria Usman R.C.C. Shed No.14, Estate

Chairman Avenue
Chief Executive Karachi
Perfect Engineering Works

Mr. Zakaria Usman says:

PPMA is the exclusive voice of Pakistan Plastics Industry. It represents and safeguards their interests at every forum, be it local or
international to the full satisfaction of its all members and stake holders.

Mr. S. M. Tariq
9 – Ravi Road, Senior Vice Chairman
Near Baba Chatriwala Yadgar
Lahore Chief Executive
Tariq Plastico (Pvt) Ltd

Mr. S. M. Tariq says:

Polymer is a wonder material which has unmatchable characteristics to offer to the consumers. The main reason for its ever increasing popularity
among the consumers is the unique convenience and economy.

Mr. Asif Rasheed Khushal House

Vice Chairman Opp. The News Building
I. I. Chandrigar Road
Chief Executive Karachi
Rasheed Sons

Mr. Asif Rasheed says:

Plastics Industry is a fast growing industry of Pakistan. It carries immense potential for further continuous growth in the years to
come. PPMA is delivering great services to the Industry and will continue to do so.

Executive Committee for the year 2017-18

Mr. Zakaria Usman Mr. Shakil Ahmed

M/s. Perfect Engineering Works M/s. Mehran Plastic Ind. (Pvt.) Ltd

Mr. M. Siddiq Adam Mr. Asif Rasheed

M/s. ABS Plastic M/s. Rasheed Sons

Mr. S. M. Tariq Mr. Akhlaq Ahmed

M/s. Tariq Plastico (Pvt) Ltd M/s. Sunny Co

Executive Committee for the year 2017-18

Mr. Ehtesham Uddin Mr. Shoaib Munshi

M/s. Full Brite Plastic Industries M/s. Vinmar Polymers

Mr. Mustafeez Uddin Mr. Danishmand Khan

M/s. Mashal Plastics M/s. Super Industries

Mr. Qamar Uz Zaman Mr. Khalid Masood

M/s. Rehan Can (Pvt) Ltd M/s. Plastiform

PPMA-Zonal Office (Lahore)
Office Bearers & EC Members 2017-18

Mr. S. M. Tariq Mr. Khalil Ahmed

President /Chairman Senior Vice President
Tariq Plastico (Pvt) Ltd Khalq Trading Company

Mr. Rizwan Aslam Syed Nabeel Hashmi

Treasurer/ EC Member EC Member/Chirman PAKPLAS
King Plastic Industries Thermosole Industries

Mr. Akhlaq Ahmed Mr. Muhammad Shoaib

EC Member EC Member
Sunny Co. Al-Munawar Pvt Ind. (Pvt) Ltd

PPMA-Zonal Office (Lahore)
Office Bearers & EC Members 2017-18

Mr. Ejaz Ali Mr. Iqbal Baig Chughtai

EC Member EC Member
Agha Plastics Plaspack

Mr. Irfan Aslam

EC Member
King Pack Industries

Mr. Tanseer Asghar Malik

EC Member Mr. Qamar uz Zaman
Spell Petrochemicals (Pvt) Ltd EC Member
Rehan Can (Pvt.) Ltd.

Past Presidents

Bashir Maniar Ajaz Mohammad Ejaz A. Shafi (Late)

Shaukat Ahmed Liaquat Ali (Late) Zakaria Usman

Zafar Saeed Iqbal Lakhani Idress Chottani

Ehtesham Uddin Shakeel Ahmed Imran Ghani

Committees for the year 2017-18

Mr. Zahid Ahmed, Convener Mr. Zafar Saeed, Convener

Mr. Asif Rasheed, Convener Mr. Ehtesham Uddin, Member
Mr. Nabeel Hashmi, Member (LHR)
Mr. Mustafeez Uddin, Member Mr. Shakil Ahmed, Member
• To endeavor to improve the working Mr. Shoaib Munshi, Member
conditions and facilitate effective input • Liaison with FBR, SRB and LRB for matters
for achievement of objectives for which put forward by members.
the Association has been established. • To prepare budget proposals for the year 2017 -18.
• To check and sign books of account of • Coordinate with office secretariat to circulate all important circulars
Association. regarding taxation.
• To approve all internal requisitions. • To issue and sign Plastic Raw Material Valuation Chart.
• Administration • To sort out all valuation matters as put forward by members of
• Finance Association.

Mr. Nabeel Hashmi (Convener LHR) Mr. Haider Ali, Convener

Mr. S. M. Tariq (Deputy Convener LHR) Mr. Zahid Ahmed, Member
Mr. Akhlaq Ahmed Member (LHR) Mr. Mahmood Ghaznavi,
Mr. Khalil Ahmed Member (LHR) Member (LHR)
Mr. Rizwan Aslam (LHR) Mr. Iqbal Lakhani, Member
Mr. Tariq Abdullah (LHR) • To pursue relevant
Mr. Ali Kunji, Convener (KHI)
Mr. Imran Ghani, Member (KHI) Ministries and Government
Mr. Shoaib Munshi, Member (KHI) bodies for enhancement of
Mr. Zafar Saeed, Member (KHI) plastics trade in general and
Mr. Shakil Ahmed, Member (KHI) specifically for exports.
Mr. Asif Rasheed, Member (KHI) • To give awareness on taxation to
• Arrangement, Planning, Organizing and Implementation members through seminars and
• To present pre and post emails.
exhibition reports to the EC.

Mr. Imran Ghani, Convener Mr. S. M. Noman, Convener

Mr. Irfan Sabir, Member Mr. Ali Kunji, Member
Mr. S. M. Noman, Member Mr. Nabeel Hashmi (LHR)
• To publish Pakplas Annual Magazine • To increase technological level
of members through training/
and Annual Report.
• Website • To disseminate statistical and
• To increase membership (eligible / non technical knowledge among
eligible) from current 225 to 1000. members to help them in
business decisions.

Mr. Asif Rasheed, Convener

Mr. Zafar Saeed, Member Mr. Rashid Mahmood, Secretary General
Mr. Shoaib Munshi, Member
Mr. Zahid Ahmed, Member Mr. Syed Ahsan Ali, Office Coordinator
Mr. S. M. Tariq, Member

Dear Members & Readers

Assalam Alaikum

What can be more delighting than to have the opportunity of speaking to

the valued members on behalf of myself and the Executive Committee of
Pakistan Plastic Manufacturers Association (PPMA) and present an over-
view for our members and the readers of PAKPLAS 2018, the magazine of
Pakistan’s Plastics Industry.

Pakistan Economy – The Scenario

Whatever the industry it cannot be unsusceptible to happenings and de-
velopments taking place on the overall economic front of the country. The
Plastics Industry is no exception, either. Therefore, it is advisable to start by
briefly commenting on national economic scenario.
Pakistan’s economy, as is known by all, has been subject to extremely un-
favourable circumstances over the decades with terrorism on top of everything.
For quite a long period, the country had been plagued by the menace of terror-
ism in many parts of the land which had had its typical negative impacts on the
growth and performance of the economy. In a particular context, an almost equally
detrimental issue which also continued to haunt the industries was the worst kind
of energy crisis.
These menaces did not allow the economy in general and the industries
in particular, to function smoothly, let alone the growth and develop-
ment as both factors kept the business and industrial atmosphere
and activities under constant damaging pressure.

Credit Goes to Government, Apex Institutions

The credit must go to the government which put
its foot firmly down and took the much awaited
steps with full support and cooperation from
the security organizations to take the bull by
its horns and work positively to get rid of ter-
rorism and the energy crisis. In order to cut a
long story short, it should suffice to say that
with good strategy, display of political will and
the resolve to end the crisis, the government
and our apex institutions worked in the right
direction to minimize these problems. Though
it cannot be said that all problems have been
resolved but it is very satisfying to see that
after excellent operation Zarb e Azb, another
well directed and well designed operation
Radd ul Fasad is going on in full swing to
eradicate the remaining roots and causes
of terrorism from all over the country. It
is rightly expected that once this task is
achieved, the country will reverse to its
pre-terrorism peaceful state which will
generate once again the promising
and business friendly conditions for
the industries and trade to thrive and

Plastics Industry of further strengthen the national economy. It is safe to say producing sectors had a positive impact on the services
Pakistan is on the that overall law and order situation and energy supply sector as well.
growth trajectory have shown great improvements lately, thus contribut- FBR revenues are also showing improvement on the
ing towards rebuilding the confidence of local as well back of increased economic activity mainly due to new
with very positive
as international businessmen to renew their interests infrastructure projects, surge in imports, higher con-
signs in tandem in the economy of Pakistan. sumption of consumer durables, and increased prices
with CPEC related and consumption of POL products which significantly
infrastructure Due Tribute to Business Community contributed to both direct and indirect taxes. But the
and development Here, the tribute must be paid to our business com- need still exists for more concerted efforts aimed at ex-
projects. Its current munity, too, which exhibited their incredible will and panding the tax base by bringing the untaxed sectors
growth rate is unwavering resolve to survive notwithstanding several in the tax net.
unfavourable conditions. For showing their iron will to There is no second opinion that the recent signifi-
estimated to be
survive and continuing to make very positive contri- cant gains in export growth and foreign direct invest-
around 8% per butions to the national economy in terms of revenue ment are welcome developments as reported by SBP.
annum while further generation, creation of employment opportunities and However, these gains are not enough to contain the
growth @10% has making untiring efforts to save the foreign exchange by overall balance of payments deficit as import payments
been projected. reducing imports as a result of indigenous production, far exceed the aforementioned positives, keeping the
Plus, an estimated they must be applauded. external sector under pressure. In short, Pakistan’s
shortage of around economy is well poised to continue on its growth mo-
The Economy Today mentum for FY18.
9-10 million housing Defying all odds and surprising many critics the Pakistan
units also calls for Economy has shown encouraging performance during Plastics Industry - The Future
intense development the first quarter of prevailing financial year as stated in The Plastics Industry of Pakistan is on the growth trajec-
activities and the State Bank of Pakistan’s first quarterly report of fiscal tory with very positive signs for its growth and expan-
investment in the year 2017-2018. The preliminary data on key macroeco- sion in the coming years in tandem with CPEC related
housing sector nomic indicators suggest that the growth momentum infrastructure and development projects.
which will incite remained strong in the first quarter of current fiscal year Its current growth rate is estimated to be around
while what is seen as promising is the apex economic 8% per annum while further growth has been projected
consumption and body’s observation that several coincident indicators for next 6-7 years which may go upto 10% per annum.
production of plastics point to a further strengthening of aggregate supply Such growth rate is foreseen in view of heavy construc-
products. and demand in the economy. tion and development activities taking place as part of
The large-scale manufacturing also experienced CPEC agreement. Plus, there is an estimated shortage of
a 10 percent high growth which is the highest quar- around 9-10 million housing units in the country which
terly growth since FY09. This is an encouraging per- calls for intense development activities and investment
formance as all sectors, barring fertilizer, contributed in the housing sector. This potential also entails oppor-
positively. News from agricultural front is also positive tunities for growth in the consumption and produc-
since with the exception of cotton, other major kharif tion of plastic products to meet the increasing demand
crops achieved or surpassed the FY18 targets. This im- in the construction sector. Besides, the use of plastic
provement is supported by sufficient water availability products is also on the rise in other sectors including
coupled with other factors. the pharmaceutical, food & beverages, consumer items,
This broad-based growth can be attributed to bet- automobile, textiles, disposable plastic products in
ter energy availability and improved security situation. medical sector, agriculture etc. Such a rise is also due to
Besides, rising consumer demand on the back of higher the convenience and economy associated with plastic
purchasing power and access to affordable credit facili- products and there is an increasing trend of switching
ties is also playing a positive role in better economic over to plastic as a preferred material in different sectors
performance as the healthy performance of commodity of the economy. These all factors are working together
to pave the way for continuous growth and expansion
opportunities in the Plastics Industry of Pakistan.

CPEC – The Game Changer for Pakistan and the Region

At the time of signing of CPEC, the China-Pakistan
Economic Corridor, back in 2014, it was seen with great
amount of hope and expectation for the development
and prosperity of Pakistan in particular and of the region
in general. But, at that time the law and order situa-
tion and acute energy crisis were two major negative
factors which caused some people to express doubts
whether or not its potential would be materialized. But,
the industry and business community were completely
convinced that this great initiative would pave way for a
more prosperous, more developed Pakistan.
And, now when both negative factors have been
significantly addressed, the time is proving that we
were right to believe in the potential offered by CPEC,
thanks to the initiatives taken by the government and
the improvement in law and order brought about by the
government and our highly professional and competent

security organizations. The CPEC is rapidly becoming matter with concerned government organizations to
a source of national integration, economic prosperity curb this menace. It is noted with satisfaction that as a
and regional stability. result of constant efforts made by PPMA, positive and
We believe that the CPEC is a win-win project for rightly directed steps have been taken by the govern-
Pakistan and it can change the fortune of the 208 mil- ment organizations and concerned law enforcement
lion Pakistanis by making Pakistan an economic and a agencies to curb the smuggling of raw material and
trade hub and a high middle income country. According finished goods into Pakistan. Positive improvements
to the Water and Power Ministry, 25000 MWs of energy have been witnessed in the situation as the unchecked
are identified and possibly 10400 MWs would be added smuggling activities are being curbed and some effec-
to the system by 2020 tive measures have been
whereas, soon after that taken by the government.
6600 MWs would be added Recent significant gains in However, some more
to the national grid. Apart export growth and foreign work still needs to be done
from the above mentioned direct investment are welcome on this front to get rid of
prospects, the official esti- this menace completely
developments as reported by
mates say that the CPEC so that the local industry
would possibly create 02 SBP. However, these gains are can flourish which will ul-
million jobs, enhance basic not enough to contain the overall timately be beneficial for
infrastructure, improve balance of payments deficit as the national economy. If
people to people contacts, import payments far exceed the the local Plastics Industry
overcome governance cri- aforementioned positives. In flourishes and gets con-
sis, alleviate the menace short, Pakistan’s economy is well ducive and supporting
of poverty, bring dramatic environment from the gov-
poised to continue on its growth
change in education sys- ernment, it has got enough
tem and would flourish our momentum for FY18. potential to work to meet
tourism industry. the local demand of fin-
And for these very ished goods by producing
reasons, the CPEC is rightly termed as ‘Fate Changer’ high quality products for many sectors. We would re-
or the ‘Game Changer’. As stated above, the CPEC will quest the government to continue their appreciable
also entail lot of growth and expansion opportunities efforts and take further necessary measures to eradicate
in Plastics Industry. this damaging phenomenon in order to provide healthy
conditions for the local industry which will also encour-
Raw Material Production in Pakistan age the plans for further expansion of production ca-
We appreciate the efforts of indigenous raw material pacities to meet the growing local demand.
producers generously, but the fact is that Pakistan lags
quite behind in this area of industrial activity. The raw
material production is quite meager with regard to the
total requirement of the industry. It is estimated that
hardly 10% of raw material is locally produced while
the rest is being imported from different countries. This
situation shrieks for steps to be taken towards invest-
ments in raw material production.
One good thing to be noted is the recent expansion
plan announced by Engro Polymers and Chemicals Ltd
worth over 10 billion rupees. On completion, they will
be producing an additional 100,000 MT of PVC annu-
ally besides other features of their expansion project.
Such an initiative is highly welcome move for local
industry. It also confirms the feasibility of not only this
investment but for many more such investments in PPMA Activities - What PPMA Stands for
raw material production sector since there still remain PPMA – the abbreviation of Pakistan Plastic
huge gaps between the demand and supply from in- Manufacturers Association – is the exclusive repre-
digenously production units. sentative body of Pakistan’s Plastics Industry, which is
second only to India in South Asia. It is the mandate of
Menace of Smuggling PPMA to safeguard the interests of our Plastics Industry,
Smuggling of raw material and finished goods has been to continue to take steps towards its growth, better-
a great source of concern for all industries including the ment and development, to continue endeavours for
Plastics Industry as well. This menace badly damages resolving the issues and challenges it is, or it may be
the local industry and their interests as they have to faced with in future, to continue to diligently work for
suffer multiple losses in terms of sales, revenue, meeting protecting and promoting the interests of its members
overheads and financing their ongoing development and all stake holders, to constantly keep resolving its
and expansion activities. Besides, it also affects nega- issues concerned with government organizations, to
tively the revenue generation for national exchequer, portray its factually positively image locally and at in-
thus making detrimental impacts on overall state of ternational forums, to continue its persistent efforts to
economy. see that the industry is modernized and works on mod-
PPMA has always taken this matter of grave con- ern lines, to continuously guide and assist its members
cern with due seriousness and constantly takes up the in their efforts to stay abreast with latest trends and

Hashmi, Mr. Ali Kunji, Mr. S. M. Tariq, Mr. Zafar Saeed, Mr.
Shakeel Ahmed, Mr. Imran Ghani, Mr. Akhlaq Ahmed,
Mr. Shoaib Munshi, Mr. Khalil Ahmed, Mr. Asif Rasheed,
Mr. Rizwan Aslam and Mr. Tariq Abdullah, all of them
have been doing remarkable job collectively to make
sure that PAKPLAS 2018 touches even greater marks
of success and grows in size and capacity even further.
I am fully confident that such well directed collec-
tive efforts will take PAKPLAS 2018 to greater heights
and soon it will be able to stand out as the unified plat-
form for entire Plastics Industry of Pakistan. Well done!

PAKPLAS Magazine 2018

PAKPLAS has always received warm support from all
the members and other stake holders of the industry.
Since its beginning, PAKPLAS has been making constant
efforts to keep improving its well-maintained high stan-
dards for the contents and editorial. The Convener of
our PAKPLAS Magazine Committee, its members and I
were quite confident that after having achieved many
milestones of success, PAKPLAS now offers an oppor-
tunity for further widening of its scope and induction
of professional editorial team to serve the industry in
technological advancements and developments that even more professional manner and style.
keep taking place globally, and continue to work for Hence, we all felt delighted to take the initiative
organizing the unorganized sector and spread aware- and obtain the services of Mr. AHMED QAISER, a sea-
ness among them in their own interests etc. In short, soned and highly professional journalist. Mr. Qaiser is
PPMA stands for collective betterment and prosperity enriched with experience of working in senior positions
of the Plastics Industry of Pakistan and all its members with leading media outlets of Pakistan, including DAWN
and stake holders. News and Daily Times.
We are extremely glad to have him as the Chief
PAKPLAS Exhibition 2018 Editor of PAKPLAS and note with pleasure that all
It makes me delighted to comment on the amazing stake holders have welcomed him and extended their
success of PPMA’s initiative of organizing a profes- every possible cooperation to him in discharging his
sional Exhibition “PAKPLAS” for the Plastics Industry responsibilities. I note with great satisfaction that
of Pakistan. The aims and under the Chief Editorship
objectives of organizing of Mr. Ahmed Qaiser,
the PAKPLAS Exhibition The Convener of our PAKPLAS PAKPLAS has acquired
included among oth- Magazine Committee, its the well deserved and
ers to promote the busi- members and I were quite much desired professional
ness activities from one standards for which I
confident that after having applaud Mr. Imran Ghani,
unified platform for the
achieved many milestones of Mr. S. M. Noman, Mr. Irfan
Pakistani Plastics Industry
where all stake holders success, PAKPLAS now offers an Sabir and Mr. Ahmed
can meet under one roof opportunity for further widening Qaiser for putting up
to share and exchange of its scope and induction of fine collective effort. The
ideas, knowledge, techni- professional editorial team to Magazine Committee
cal expertise and get the serve the industry in even more has taken a great leap
convenient chances of forward to turn PAKPLAS
professional manner and style. into a truly professional
business networking in a
professional environment. publication. The credit
The feedback which goes to the whole Public
we continuously receive from the Exhibitors and the Relations Committee, especially to its Convener, Mr.
Visitors is very encouraging and promising for the future Imran Ghani who worked diligently to turn his vision
of PAKPLAS. Every year, the Exhibition is gaining in size of a truly professional publication into reality.
and scope, and a lot of further growth potential has
become visible as a result of the laborious efforts of all Budget Proposals 2017-2018
my colleagues who work as an integrated body towards PPMA submitted specific budget proposals related to
achieving collective goals in the greater interests of the Plastic Sector. The withholding tax reduction proposal
Plastics Industry. from PPMA was upheld in the Budget 2017-18. One
Our Exhibition Committee has been making untir- key proposal was to remove the disparity of taxes be-
ing and ceaseless efforts to make PAKPLAS 2018 even tween commercial and industrial importers especially
more successful than the previous editions. The same in the case of raw materials which are mainly used in
motto was also pursued by the Exhibition Committees industries.
of previous editions as all of them put in laudable efforts
in making every edition more successful than the last Withholding Tax rates stand as follows
one. The Exhibition Committee convener Mr. Nabeel Reduced rates stand as 1.75% (minimum) on Industrial

The aims and
objectives of
organizing the
PAKPLAS Exhibition
are to provide one
unified platform for
Pakistan Plastics
Industry where all
stake holders can
gather under one roof
to exchange ideas,
knowledge, technical
expertise and ensure
business networking
in a professional
environment. The
feedback from the
Exhibitors and the
Visitors is very
encouraging and
promising. Every and 4.50% (final) on Commercial Importers on Plastics Exhibitors and the Visitors was very healthy who said
year, the Exhibition Raw Materials. The matter was successfully pursued they were very impressed with the performance of the
is gaining in size and by then Chairman Mr. Ehtesham Uddin along with Exhibition Committee. It was an undeniable evidence
scope. Further growth Mr. Zafar Saeed, Convener Taxation Committee in the of their satisfaction that they registered their interest to
is quite predictable as meetings of Parliamentary Committee and Standing book spaces in advance for Pakplas 2018. Mr. Ehtesham
a result of laborious Committee which were held on 13th June, 2017 in while expressing his feelings said he could not find
Islamabad. The meetings were presided over by Mr. enough words to thank the remarkable performance
efforts of all my Qaiser Ahmed Sheikh, Chairman Standing Committee of the whole team, particularly in view of the fact that
colleagues. of National Assembly on Finance Revenue, Economic they had to face number of obstacles and challenges
Affairs, Statistics and Privatization and Mr. Saleem H. in undertaking their mammoth task. As a fruit of their
Mandviwala, Chairman Standing Committee on Finance sincere efforts all major brands of Machinery and Raw
& Revenue of Senate of PAKISTAN, and also attended Material producers exhibited in Pakplas 2017, which is
by Dr. Mohammad Irshad, Chairman FBR and Mr. doubtlessly a huge success.
Mohammed Zahid, Member Customs.
PPMA Delegation at Chinaplas 2017
PAKPLAS Exhibition 2017 A PPMA delegation of around 20 members led by
It was informed with pleasure by then Chairman Mr. Chairman Ehtesham Uddin visited Chinaplas 2017 on
Ehtesham Uddin that Pakplas Exhibition 2017 recorded the invitation of Adsale, the event organizer. This visit
overwhelming success by the grace of God. He specially proved fruitful to boost the international image of PPMA
appreciated the efforts of Mr. Ali Mohammed Kunji, Mr. at Asia’s largest Plastics & Packaging exhibition. Fine hos-
Shoaib Munshi, Mr. Zafar Saeed, Mr. Shakeel Ahmed, Mr. pitality and support was extended by Adsale Exhibition
Imran Ghani and the whole team. The feedback from Services Ltd to the delegation throughout their visit. An
important business meeting also took place between
the chairmen of PPMA and Chinese Plastic Machinery
Industry Association. Both the chairmen discussed vari-
ous issues of mutual interest and exchanged views on
different options to establish channels of cooperation
and communication between the two important asso-
ciations. Both Associations also agreed to hold visits on
delegation level to explore further business opportuni-
ties to their mutual benefit and identify the avenues for
possible increase in existing trade between the two in-
dustries. Besides, the Chairman also held meetings with
the top office bearers of other important associations.

Classification of Polymeric Diphenyl Methane

Diisocynate (MDI)
After due consultations with all stakeholders, this matter
was initiated from the platform of PPMA and resolved as
per the wishes of all stakeholders and PPMA.

MOU Between PPMA and PUM

An MOU has been signed by Mr. Frans Friedeman,
Country Coordinator of PUM for Pakistan/Afghanistan

Bearers, Conveners of Taxation & Customs Committees
paid more than 150 visits to different government bod-
ies for resolving Association’s issues regarding taxes,
valuation and other government policies and presented
and defended the stance of PPMA effectively.

How PPMA Performs

As Parton-in-Chief, and the Chairman of PPMA, I con-
sider it my utmost responsibility to make sure that
the Association continues to play its remarkable role
in execution of above mentioned tasks to the satisfac-
tion of our valued members and the stake holders.
Without exaggeration, I firmly believe that PPMA, ever
since its inception in 1980, has never let down its mem-
bers whenever it came to putting up its untiring and
well concerted efforts towards achieving its aims and

Whatever PPMA has achieved so far, could never have
been possible without the collective efforts of its
Executive Committees of past and present, different
Committees tasked with various responsibilities and
and Mr. Ehtesham Uddin, Chairman, PPMA. PUM is objectives, and last but not the least, the invaluable
providing hands-on expert advice to SMEs and related cooperation and support of its all members and the
organisations in developing countries on FOC basis to stake holders. Each of them has played the assigned
enable the SMEs to make sustainable growth which role with laudable sense of responsibility and commit-
could be economically viable, environmentally sound ment to work and deliver in the collective interest of
and socially responsible. the Plastics Industry. It is because of the commitment
PUM has carried out over 40,000 advice missions in and dedication always displayed by my colleagues that
70 countries around the world and operates a network I rightly feel proud of the Team PPMA. Well done Team
of hundreds of local representatives. Normally, if any PPMA! Keep it up!
individual would like to hire their expertise they would
charge experts’ fee along with other overheads such as Gratitude
travelling, accommodation, etc. But if PPMA platform Although, it has always been a concerted and coordi-
is used in hiring their services, the aspirant will have to nated team effort that enables an organization to de-
pay only travelling and accommodation charges and liver and achieve difficult tasks, yet there is no denial to
no expertise fee will be charged from them by PUM. the fact that some members do work extra ordinarily
and dedicate their time and energy more than what
Supporting the Academia and Establishing Linkage would normally be expected. Such colleagues of mine
Effective linkage between the Academia and the Industry are many and though the limited space would not
is highly important in the greater interest of both. It is the allow for every name to be mentioned here, I would
Academic Institutes where the professionals are trained still like to pay – on behalf of the Association – grati-
and produced who later make their careers in Plastics tude to some of them, including Mr. Shakeel Ahmed,
Industry. It is necessary for any industrial representative Mr. Zafar Saeed, Mr. Akhlaq Ahmed, Mr. Ehteshamuddin,
body to have interest to see that the institutes have com- Mr. Haider Ali, Mr. Khalid Masood, Mr. Imran Ghani, Mr.
petent and up-to-date syllabi and latest academic and Nabeel Hashmi, Mr. Ali Kunji, Mr. S. M. Noman, Mr.
research facilities to be able to meet the latest require- Shoaib Munshi, Mr. Mustafeez Uddin, Mr. S. M. Tariq,
ments and cope with the emerging challenges. Mr. Mahmood Ghaznavi, and several others. As I already
We feel that there is a need to establish linkage pointed out that the space limitation would not allow
between the relevant departments of the Academic for all the names to be mentioned here, however, I
Institutes and the Plastics Industry so that both can would definitely say that my gratitude is not limited
work in the greater interest of the country. to only those mentioned herein but it goes to all those
who deserve it.
Eid Milan Party
There was a need to organize an occasion for social- Invitation to Visit PAKPLAS 2018
izing among the members where they can meet each I take the opportunity to extend sincere invitation to all
other in a lighter and relaxed atmosphere. Attending our members, plastics professionals and entrepreneurs,
to this need, the PPMA hosted an Eid Milan Party in office bearers and members of trade bodies, officials of
the 1st week of July, 2017 at PPMA Head Office. This foreign trade missions, manufacturers and processors
event is another addition in the PPMA Calendar. This of plastics products, academics and researchers, media
initiative has received warm appreciation from most persons and business minded citizens of Lahore to visit
of the members and they have expressed the desire to PAKPLAS 2018 – the Exhibition of Pakistan’s Plastics
regularly organize this event on yearly basis. Industry organized by PPMA.
The Exhibition will remain open for visits for three
Over 150 Visits to Government Bodies days including 16th, 17th and 18th March, 2018 at
Besides above activities, during the year PPMA Office Lahore International Expo Centre from 10am to 6pm.

Chairman’s Profile
Business Activities 2012-2013
Proprietor M/s. Jakkey Traders Company for imports Pak-USA Trade Committee of FPCCI 1996-1997
& export since 1976 and Plastic Machines & Raw Board of Technical Institute of Technology, Lyari, Govt
Materials, SITE, Karachi. of Sindh
Managing Director, ACME Mills (Pvt.) Ltd, A-3, SITE, Custom Committee of SITE Association 1994-95, 1995-
Karachi and Textile Weaving Industry, Manufacturing 96 & 1996-97
of Home Textile. Visited India as Chairman of Delegation in 1997 of
Partner Perfect Engineering Works, RCC Shed No. 14, PlastIndia 1997
Estate Avenue, SITE, Karachi Customs Valuation Committee of Pakistan Plastic
Partner Perfect Multiple Industries, B-3, SITE, Karachi Manufacturers Association 1998-99
Partner Map Panel & Board Mr. Zakaria Usman
Senior Vice Chairman: SITE Association 1995-96 Chairman & Patron-in-Chief
President Vice Chairman: Import Committee of FPCCI 1993-95, Pakistan Plastic Manufacturers
PPMA – 1992-93, 1994-95, 1996-97, 1999-2000, 2001, 1995-97 Association
2003-04, & 2004-05
Cassette Manufacturers Association - 1992-93, 1994- Life Member Visited Turkey as Leader of Delegation on invitation
95, 1996-97, 1999-2000 Confederation of Asia Pacific Chamber of Commerce of Turkish Government
Society of Young Textile Engg in student life - 1967-68 & Industry (CACCI)
Federation of Pak Chambers of Commerce & Life Member & Member Managing Committee 1988- Awards
Industries - 2014 99 FPCCI of CBR Food & Agriculture Committee of KCCI Received Gold Medal from FPCCI by Acting
in 1996-97 D-8 Chamber of Commerce & Industry President of Pakistan Mr. Wasim Sajjad in 1995
Senior Vice President: Karachi Chamber of 2012-2013 Received Gold Medal from FPCCI by Prime Minister
Commerce & Industry 2009-2010 Advisory Board of PTCL, Board of Governor of Pakistan of Pakistan Mr. Shoukat Aziz in 2006
Technology Centre, Karachi affiliated with UNIDO Received Gold Medal and Award from Jodia Bazar
Vice President Advisory Committee of CBR for Excise, Sales Tax and Traders as Member Working Committee PSI
Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Export, Board of Governor, Govt College of Technology Received Award as Businessman called “Benazir Talent
Industry 2009-2010 Member Ward” 1995 by Syed Abdullah Shah Chief Minister
Human Resource Committee of FPCCI 2009-2010 Sindh 1995
Justice: Justice of Peace, Karachi Region from 1998 Labour Committee of FPCCI 2009-2010 Received Award from Chen Hong Machinery Co.
to 2001 Committee formed by TDAP and FPCCI 2009-10 Hong Kong for the largest market share achieve-
Deputed by Minister of Finance for resolving the ment (Marketing of Plastic Machines in 1997)
Chairman dispute between Importers & PSI Companies (SGS Received Gold Medal from Minister of Commerce
Council of Karachi’s Industrial Association 2002-03 & Cotecna). Worked for more than 2 years Mr. Makdoom Amin Fahim in 2010
SITE Association of Industry 2000-2001 Visited Kenya as Member delegate under Received shield from Karachi Club ADBI Committee
Chairmanship of Mian Habibullah, Chairman EPB as Speaker 2011
Sales Tax Committee of FPCCI in 1996. Working Committee of PSI companies Received shield from Karachi Club as Member
Coordinator Committee with FBR of FPCCI 2012-2013 Project and Rules Committee 2012
Taxation Committee of FPCCI 2004-2005, 2005-2006, Delegation Leader Received shield from CCPTT Sichuan Council of China
2009-2010 Visited Thailand as Leader of Delegation on invita- Received shield as Speaker by Institute of Cost &
Budget Committee of FPCCI 2009-2010, 2011-2012, tion of Thai Government Management Account of Pakistan

akplas magazine has been pliers and service providers. It also Qaiser to have it produced more
published since 2010 allows our academia to make their professionally.
annually by Magazine latest research and developments Pakplas is currently published
Committee of PPMA. It known across Plastic Industry. as an annual magazine but it will
always receives warm support from Pakplas has always preferred to be converted into a quarterly Trade
PPMA members and stake holders of maintain high standards and wel- Magazine to promote Pakistan’s
the Plastic Industry of Pakistan. comes suggestions for every pos- Plastics Industry at local and inter-
The aims and objectives of sible improvement. In response to national forums. Publication of its
Pakplas include setting up and various suggestions received from Urdu version is also on the cards.
maintaining an effective and con- members and stake holders for fur- Pakplas will continue to work as
venient communication channel for ther widening its scope, vision and the image builder for PPMA as well Imran Ghani
all the stake holders. Pakplas strives circulation network etc. we have as the Plastics Industry, and play its Convener
to work as a bridge among industry obtained the services of a profes- role in organizing the hitherto un- PAKPLAS Magazine
and the local and international sup- sional Chief Editor, Mr. Ahmed organized SME sector. Committee

Plastics Industry
in Pakistan – An Overview
he demand for plastics is seen as Growth Of Pakistan Plastics Industry
ever increasing with every passing The growth rate of Pakistan
day in Pakistan. While there is some Plastics industry is still low as
negativity building up on plastics compared to developed
bags, nevertheless, there is no Asian and European
substitute and cost effectiveness countries, which
for replacing Plastics. suggests that
All alternative materials such there exists lot
as metal, wood, paper, ceramic, glass etc are not of potential for
cost effective replacements and when one under- further growth to
takes an overall comparison of carbon reduc- be realised. The present
tion, the Plastics stand out as the better choice. consumption of Plastics in
It is one of the fastest emerging segments of Pakistan is around 5.5 kg per
Shoaib Munshi
the Pakistani Industry. capita. This consumption is
General Manager The Pakistan Plastic sector promises great growth very likely to register growth
Vinmar Polymers potential as local industry continues to develop qual- due to certain encouraging
( ity products by putting up new investments in latest factors, such as, an increasing
machinery which are more cost and energy efficient per capita income, urbaniza-
and possess state of the art technology. tion which in turn is produc-
Pakistan Plastic Industry is one of the leading in- ing more educated youth
dustrial sectors in the Pakistan economy; the industry population, spreading con-
mainly produces finished products for the local market cept of vast shopping malls
for daily use. on modern lines, increasing
Exports are very limited in this sector because number of big grocery stores,
of which Pakistan is missing out on a major global online shopping as well as
opportunity which needs the focus and support of growing consumer market in
government. There is great potential for export- all segments.
ing Plastics finished products which can bring Another very important
precious and much needed foreign exchange and basic factor which is trig-
while at the same time will generate gering growth in plastics sec-
the employment opportu- tor is unmatchable convenience
nities for people. offered by Plastics products.
Besides, the Plastics Industry is
continuously introducing latest
and upgraded packaging solutions
together with affordability which is also
enhancing Plastics consumption in Pakistan.

Present Plastics consumption

of around 5.5 kg per capita
in Pakistan is very likely to
register growth due to certain
encouraging factors, such as, an
increasing per capita income,
urbanization which in turn
is producing more educated
youth population and spreading
concept of vast shopping malls
on modern lines.

100,000 MT by Q3 2020. On completion, this will increase
their total production capacity to 295,000 MT per annum.

2. PET Chip Bottle Grade

Gatron (Industries) Ltd / Novatex produces PET Resin

bottle grade for domestic market as well as for exports
Novatex Limited, coupled with Gatron is the larg-
est PET Resin Bottle Grade manufacturer in Pakistan,
with the brand name of “Gatronova.
Their total PET resin bottle grade production ca-
pacity stands at 235,000 MT per annum. Out of this
capacity, more than 50% is available for export.

3. Polystyrene

Pak Petrochemical Industries (Pvt) Limited manu-

factures General Purpose Polystyrene, High Impact
Polystyrene & Expandable Polystyrene.
Pak Petrochemical Industries (Pvt) Ltd has an an-
nual capacity of 63,000 MT for GPPS & HIPS. Also, a
new plant of EPS has started its production at Port
Qasim, having an annual capacity of 14,850 MT. With
the addition of new plant, their total capacity has in-
creased approximately to 100,000 MT per annum. Half
the capacity is exported by them worldwide.

Prospects of Pakistan Plastics Industry

Pakistan has a population of 207.774 million as per
Provisional Results of recently held Census according
to the figures released by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.
With increase in population of the country, the domes-
tic demand of Plastics is also increasing at an estimated
average of 7–9 %. What may be noted here is that this
demand is without any significant export of finished
products and it has the potential for further growth in
case a conducive environment is provided - and utilized
Local Raw Materials Production - for exporting finished products.
We see great potential of double digit increase in the
1. PVC Resin consumption of Plastics in next three year with particular ref-
erence to the progress in China Pakistan Economic Corridor
(CEC), which is in full swing. Such pace and scale of progress
is going to increase the plastics consumption not only in the
infrastructure projects, but also as a result of many Special
Economic Zones where new production units of plastic
products will be established together with other industries.
Plastic is the ideal choice for packaging needs for
most of the industries and other users. This important
Engro Polymer & Chemicals Ltd is the only PVC Resin feature of plastics will also increase its consumption in
manufacturer in Pakistan producing 195,000 MT PVC Pakistan in the future.
Resin per annum. Energy crisis was the major hurdle for the production
They have announced addition of new PVC Plant of of plastic products as the industries were quite severely

machinery and availing of modern equipments are the
factors driving the plastic packaging growth in Pakistan.
Recently, huge investments in setting up new ca-
pacities as well as enhancement and machinery upgrada-
tion in BOPP, CPP & PET Film sector have been witnessed.
This confirms the strength and the positive attitude of
Pakistan’s Packaging Industry in response to the chang-
ing needs and requirements of their sector and the
emerging challenges. Now Pakistan’s Packaging sector
should be able to export BOPP, CPP and PET Films in the
wake of capacity installation more than the local demand.
By the end of year 2017, new BOPP and CPP lines
have been installed and new products for packaging in-
dustries have been introduced offering improvement and
innovation in packaging. The increasing competition is
leading towards development of better products which
is also increasing the demand of packaging requirements.
Some big investments in installation of state of the
art printing lines have been made together with new
hit by acute shortage of electricity. One can imagine the multilayer film extruders. In 2018 as well, some new
extremely difficult situation faced by the plastics produc- lines of printing and packaging are expected to come in
ers by the fact that the power shutdowns of 10-14 hrs production with European technology and machineries.
were a normal power supply position for the industry. PP Woven bag sector is the single largest segment of
One must appreciate the iron will with which the industry Plastics’ use and imports in Pakistan. In this sector heavy
survived such extremely unfavourable power crisis until investments have been made by existing producers to
recently overcome by the government. enhance capacities as well as to upgrade old equipment
Nevertheless, the industry is still struggling with an- aimed at improving the quality and efficiency.
other detrimental factor in the face of very high cost of Every year new units also are being installed as at-
electricity which is badly affecting the competitiveness not tracted by high growth in this sector. We can see further
only for the plastics industry but for all other industries of increase in the demand in next two years when CPEC
Pakistan. However, some rays of hope are there in the wake becomes fully operational.
of government’s realization of this negative factor as it is Environmental concerns also are being addressed as
shifting its focus for power Oxobiodegerable additive
production from highly ex- is being added in most of
pensive furnace oil based flexible packaging to pro-
Agriculture sector is also gaining tect the environment.
plants to more economical
options including LNG, coal, strength in Pakistan which is a Rigid packaging de-
hydel and few others. very good sign since Pakistan is mand for various products
Once this process of still lagging behind in it despite of industrial, pharmaceuti-
shifting to more economi- its worldwide development. cal and consumer products
cal power production op- is also showing increase,
tions becomes completely consequently, the invest-
operational, it is highly ex- ment in this sector is con-
pected that the cost of electricity for industrial purposes tinuously on the rise.
will be made so economical as to render the industrial PET bottle consumption and production are also
produce competitive enough not only for increased con- increasing due to rapid growth in the consumption of
sumption in the domestic markets but also to brighten drinking water and beverage products.
up the chances for exports.
The demand for more sophisticated and good quality Plastics in Agriculture
products by a rising middle class, rapid changes in tech- This sector also is gaining strength in Pakistan which is
nology, accelerating globalization, cost efficiency and the very good for the agriculture sector as Pakistan is still
desire and means to improve the quality of life are such lagging behind in it despite its worldwide development.
factors which combine together to necessitate significant The government should focus its development allowing
investments in the Plastics Industry of Pakistan over the advantages and concession and providing support for
next few years. This, when undertaken, will further en- this sector of Pakistan Plastic Industry.
hance the consumption of Plastics products in Pakistan. It is suggested that plastic processors and the gov-
Hence, there is no denying of the fact that there are ernment should focus to develop Plastic Tunnel Farming,
huge opportunities for growth and investments in the Drip Irrigation, Sprinkle Irrigation, Pond & Canals,
Plastics sector due to growth potential provided by exist- Reservoir Linings, Plastic Mulching, Green House etc.
ing very low per capita consumption of plastics in Pakistan
as compared to Asia and other parts of the world. Tunnel Farming
This is gaining popularity and being practiced in many
Packaging Industry of Pakistan areas of Pakistan especially in Punjab but still cultivation
Flexible Packaging Industry is poised for strong growth is not at a level to pave way for exports of vegetables.
due to current economic scenario and diversified con- Farmers, field owners and relevant departments are
sumer base. still unaware of the potential and proper uses of Tunnel
New capacities, innovations, latest technologies & Farming. Government should arrange awareness programs

and educate the farmers to use this technology which in
turn can make Pakistan a vegetables exporting country.

Drip Irrigation
Usage of Drip irrigation helps save water and increases
the crop yield per acre. By applying this method the
water can be saved by allowing it to drop slowly,
regularly and frequently as close to the plant roots as
possible through drip pipes and sprinkler network of
Plastic pipes and valves. Water consumption can be
significantly reduced upto 50 to 60% while per acre
yields will increase too.
The government has started subsidizing the total
cost by 50-60%. It requires more awareness and sup-
port from the government as a neighbouring country
which has similar infrastructure but has increased its
cultivation with low water consumption by using this
technology. Drip Irrigation has been accepted world-
wide and its use is being promoted in order to save
the precious water resources.
Our government should implement this, as well as,
other irrigation techniques in agriculture particularly in
view of frequently occurring water shortages.

Plastics in Medical Industry

As technology is improving, usage of Polymers is in-
creasing a lot in the medical sector. Use of many dis-
posable plastics products like Syringes, Eye Droppers,
Canola, Drips, Urine Bags and Oxygen masks etc is
ensuring better hygiene and preventing infections.
The plastics medical products industry is cur-
rently producing many items including Syringes, IV
Solutions, Canola, medical Pipes etc. Besides, hygiene
applications such as fabric for medical gowns, masks
and disposable bed sheets are also being produced
for use in hospitals and clinics.
This segment is also expanding with increase in
population because of the convenience, economy and
other advantages offered by medical plastic products.

Potential Offered by Automobile Sector

Much potential for growth of plastics products exists
in automobile sector since new auto companies have
been showing their willingness to invest around US$
2 billion in Pakistan automobile industry for putting
up assembly plants.
According to the reports, total nine companies
have applied for setting up new auto assembly man-
ufacturing plants, out of which four companies have
been granted the necessary permission.
The production by existing assemblers has also
increased in 2017 with good forecast for 2018/2019. As
a result, the consumption of plastics is also increasing
in auto sector owing to increasing use of locally pro-
duced plastic parts and reducing CKD imports.

Pakistan Plastic Market is on the growth trajectory and
in response to the potential clearly in the sight, the
entrepreneurs are making investments in latest tech-
nologies as is reflected by machinery imports statistics.
Now it is upto the government to act swiftly to
provide much needed support and pursue right poli-
cies in order to boost the plastics industry of Pakistan
enabling it not only to cater for domestic requirements
but to compete in the export markets as well to fetch
much needed foreign exchange.


SBP Identifies Plastic Industry’s Potential for Greater Contribution towards National Economy

CPEC Plastic Industry:

Analyzing the Potential
Trading Patterns
Domestic plastic Pakistan can double
industry can grow and its exports in plastic
contribute positively to materials even if 0.5%
the generation of much of the world exports
needed foreign reserves from China are rerouted
through Pakistan
Much needed support from the government is
necessary to realize the potential

he State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) to specialized high-value products. It is believed that
released a special section on with this advancement in China, several of its currently
‘CPEC and Potential Opportunities used equipment and infrastructure will become obso-
for Industrial Transformation in lete. This can provide Pakistani industries an oppor-
Pakistan’ in its First Quarterly tunity to expand production in low-value consumer
Report 2017-2018, in which it goods that are likely to become obsolete in China. The
discusses the opportunities for report by State Bank of Pakistan lists the petrochemical
Pakistani industries in terms of fa- and plastic industry in Pakistan as a major beneficiary
vorable industrial transformation that is likely to take as CPEC not only provides opportunities for joint ven-
place under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). tures in Pakistan but also increases the potential to
The report focuses on how the industrial transforma- set up basic building blocks in the industry with an
tion can create potential opportunities for Pakistan as increasing ability to process the raw materials and the
well as on the preparedness of the economy to benefit intermediate goods within Pakistan.
Dr. Aadil Nakhoda from such opportunities. Analyzing the data available at UN Comtrade,
Ph.D. – International Economics
The report mentions the path for industrial mod- the exports of plastic products (HS Chapter 39) have
Institute of Business
ernization in China under the ‘Made in China 2025’ fallen from more than US$ 449 million in 2013 to US$
Karachi slogan. The basic objective of the Chinese plan is to 267 million in 2016, showing a 40.5% decline. On
move away from mass-produced low-value products the other hand, the imports into Pakistan of plastic

products increased from US$ 1.57 billion in 2013 to
US$ 1.94 billion in 2016, an increase of 23.6%, between
the same period. As was observed for the aggregate
economy, exports declined during the last few years
while imports have increased to the highest level.
This suggests that Pakistan is increasingly becoming
dependent upon imported inputs. However, the
recent depreciation of the Pakistani rupee and
export subsidies to major export sectors may have
contributed positively to exports of plastic materials as
well. Although, not considered as an export-oriented
sector in Pakistan, exports of plastic materials increased
from US$ 176 million between July and December in
FY16 to US $ 203 million between July and December
in FY17, an increase of more than 15%, according to
the data on trade published by SBP. On the other hand,
the imports of plastic materials increased from US$
858 million between July and December FY16 to US$
1.052 billion in the aforementioned period in FY 17,
an increase of 22.6%.

plastic products to its domestic market as well.

Classifying the products according to their produc-
tion stage, namely raw materials, intermediate goods,
and consumer goods as determined by the product
classification available from World Integrated Trade
Solution (WITS), more than 90% of the imports into
What SBP Report says Pakistan in 2016 were in the form of intermediate goods
• Under ‘Made in China 2025’, and more than 67% of the exports were in the form
China plans to move away of intermediate goods. On the other hand, 24% of the
from mass-produced low- exports of plastic products in 2016 were in the form of
value products to specialized consumer goods, while 9% of the imports were in the
high-value products. form of consumer goods. Similarly, approximately 9% of
• Several of its currently used the exports from Pakistan were in the form of raw mate-
equipment and infrastructure rials, such as waste and scrap of polymers of ethylene,
to become obsolete. while less than 0.5% of the imports were in the form of
• Opportunities for Pakistani in- raw material. It is clear that Pakistan primarily exports
dustries to expand production intermediate goods of plastic products, such as polyeth-
in low-value consumer goods. ylene in primary form worth US$ 135 million. Further, it
• Petrochemical & Plastic also exported plates and sheets of polyethylene as well
as polystyrene in primary form. Pakistan also exported
Industry in Pakistan a major
more than US $34 million worth of consumer goods in
beneficiary for two reasons: the form of household articles and toilet articles.
1. Opportunities of Joint On the other hand, 66% of the exports from China
Ventures & creation of The global exports from China have increased from of plastic products were in the form of consumer
production linkages. US$ 61.8 billion in 2013 to US$ 62.4 billion in 2016, goods, while 34% were in the form of intermediate
2. Increased potential to set an increase of 0.1%. This negligible increase could be goods. However, 84% of the imports into China were
up basic building blocks explained by the suppressed prices of oil during this in the form of intermediate goods and 10% were in
with increasing ability period, an important input in the petrochemical indus- the form of consumer goods. Therefore, China relies
to process raw materials try. The global imports into China had fallen from US$ on the imports of intermediate goods and exports
& intermediate goods 72.4 billion in 2013 to US$ 61.1 billion in 2016, an 18.4% consumer goods of plastic products. This clearly sug-
within Pakistan. decrease. With lower prices of intermediate goods and gests that China processes unfinished plastic prod-
raw materials in the petrochemical industry, the net uct into finished forms. If China is to move towards
A Win-Win Equation trade balance of China has improved considerably. more high-value goods, as suggested by the report
• Chinese firms can benefit from The share of imports into and exports from China by SBP, it may move away from production of plas-
the GSP Plus status awarded as a percentage of world trade in 2016 is presented in tic consumer goods. This can provide countries like
to Pakistan by EU. Figure 1a and Figure 1b. The share is similar in both Pakistan an opportunity to increase its own produc-
• Pakistani firms can take ad- figures, suggesting that China imports and exports tion of plastic products. For instance, China exported
vantage of technology trans- similar amount. If manufacturing process leads to more than US$ 2.8 billion worth of household products
fer as Chinese firms shift their value addition and China is dependent upon imported (excluding tableware and kitchenware) as well as US$
inputs in the petrochemical industry, it is likely that 4.7 billion worth of tableware and kitchenware in 2016.
production into Pakistan.
China is supplying a large quantity of its manufactured In essence, China primarily imports unfinished goods,

processes it into finished goods and then exports as The proportion of total exports of plastic materials ex-
well as sells them domestically in the form of con- ported from Pakistan to China and the proportion of total
sumer plastic articles. imports into Pakistan imported from China are presented
in figures 2a and 2b respectively. This is similar to the pat-
tern observed for total aggregate exports and imports from
Pakistan. Pakistan imports more from China than it exports
to it and a larger proportion of the imports originate from
China than exports destined to it. Pakistan primarily exports
raw materials of plastic products to China in the form of
waste and scrap of plastic materials, while imports interme-
diate goods from China such as polyethers, self-adhesive
plates and sheets and polyvinyl chloride in primary form.
It also imports consumer goods such as articles of plastics
from China. Trade between Pakistan and China in the plas-
tic industry is primarily in the form of intermediate goods.
Therefore, there is potential for joint ventures between firms
and creation of production linkages. For instance, Chinese
firms can benefit from the GSP Plus status awarded to
Pakistan by the European Union and receive concessions
on exports from Pakistan to the European market. Further,
Pakistani firms can take advantage of the transfer in technol-
ogy as Chinese firms shift their production into Pakistan.
In essence, the Pakistani policymakers must pur-
sue joint ventures and greater collaborations between
Pakistani and Chinese producers of plastic materials
as has been suggested in the First Quarterly Report
2017-2018 published by SBP. Pakistan can double its
exports in plastic materials even if 0.5% of the world
exports from China are rerouted through Pakistan,
taking advantage of trade concessions such as GSP
Plus. This will allow the domestic plastic industry to
grow and contribute positively to the generation of
much needed foreign reserves. The potential in the
plastic industry has been identified by one of foremost
economic institutions of the country (SBP). The much
needed support from the government is necessary to
realize the potential.

Benefits of Investing in
Recycling Manufacturing
Set-ups in Pakistan

uman history is shaped by the with disastrous consequences for the environment. This
primary materials used by a civi- unchecked dumping of waste has led to soil, water and
lization. About 5,000 years ago, air pollution with far reaching consequences on health of
humans learned how to convert humans and animals alike. Unfortunately, a major percent-
Copper and Tin into Bronze; and age of this problematic waste consists of discarded plastics.
thus Stone Age became the Plastics are materials that are most desirable for their light
Bronze Age. Nearly two thousand weight, superior strength and durability. However, once
years later, humans learned to this plastic is dumped or thrown away carelessly, its du-
turn Iron Oxide into Iron and Steel and hence the Bronze rability becomes its biggest disadvantage (Figure 1). This
Age was replaced by the Iron Age. Today, we do more than is due to the fact that unlike natural materials the plastic
mixing and modification of natural materials to improve does not break down into simpler elements on its own. It
them. Entirely new materials are being synthesized by needs to be properly reclaimed, processed and converted
manipulating the structure of chemicals. into some other product. In short, the piles of plastic waste
This era began in 1907, when Leo H. Baekeland, made that we see are not waste; rather, they are resource that
the first synthetic plastic resin, Bakelite. This age can be needs to be managed and utilized in a proper way.
named as the “Materials Age”; new and more advanced Unchecked dumping of waste, especially plastic
materials are frequently being developed and are hitting waste, has become an issue of major concern worldwide.
the markets. We owe our comfortable lives and connectiv- Another problem which further compounds the envi-
ity to the advancement in materials science. Advancement ronmental impact of plastic waste is the unchecked and
in materials have completely revolutionized the food, open burning of plastics, a practice adopted by the locals
transportation, healthcare, packaging and communica- to reduce the waste volume (Figure 2). This practice re-
tion industries. This in turn has facilitated many things that leases many toxic chemicals in the atmosphere, causing
we take for granted; e.g. transportation of goods to far off air pollution, contributing to many respiratory and other
places, cleaner practices in healthcare setups, improved health problems, cancer being the most serious of them.
shelf life of foods, better energy efficient vehicles, appli- For the past few years many Pakistani and other Asian cit-
Dr. Mehr Nigar
ances and homes, and last but not the least the world ies are facing severe smog and air pollution issues. The
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical &
becoming a global village with the improved connectivity. average Pakistani, who is not familiar with the nuances
Aerospace Engineering However all of this has a cost and the cost is our en- of environmentalpollution, is familiar with the words like
Air University, Islamabad vironment. Unfortunately, there has been an exponential “smog” and is, exposed it on a daily basis. We now know
rise in generation of non-degradable waste worldwide, that the disastrous consequences of environmental pollu-

dable na
ir non-d
to th
ed due
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me a pro
s be
: Plastic
re 1
“Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into re-
usable objects to prevent waste of potentially useful materials,
reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, energy usage,
air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from
landfilling)by decreasing the need for “conventional” waste
disposal and lowering greenhouse gas emissions compared
tion are very real and that they are being experienced by to plastic production. Recycling is a key component of modern
the rich and poor alike. waste reduction and is the third component of the “Reduce,
Reuse and Recycle” waste hierarchy.”
Recycling At roughly $236 billion in annual revenue in the US
Recycling is an activity that has been reported through- alone, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection
out human history since the time of Plato when humans Agency (EPA), the recycling industry has grown to become
re-used broken tools and pottery when materials were a significant and vital part of the global economy today.
scarce. However, today, not only the list of items that can Major industries, such as steel, paper and plastics, depend
be recycled is extensive, their benefits are also multi-varied. on recycled materials to meet growing global demand for
Having good recycling programs/practices leads to cleaner awide range of products.
communities, pollution free cities, economic prosperity,
reduces need for virgin raw material, energy, and fuel and Closed Loop Recycling
water savings. “Closed loop” recycling is basically a process in which
Formal collection and recycling of waste actually post-consumer waste is collected, recycled and used to
started as a feel-good activity by a handful of environ- make new value added products. This process may be as
mental activists in the US in 1960’s. However, today the simple as using recycled aluminum to make new cans, or
same recycling activity that started as an environmental as complicated as weaving reclaimed plastic bottles into
movement is now a multi-billion dollar industry in the polyester for clothing and other products. This step is the
USA alone: The editor of Recycling Resource Magazine most technical process where the industrial stakeholders
stated that: step in. They take the sorted and processed waste and
“Without recycling, given current virgin raw material sup- convert it into a value added product depending on its
plies, we could not print the daily newspaper, build a car, or chemistry, properties and market demands.
ship a product in a cardboard box. Recycling is not some feel- The successful working of a “closed loop recycling”
good activity; it is one of the backbones of global economic program is a community effort, where consumers, recy-
development. [Recycling] is a key ingredient to industrial clers and manufacturers must work together to reclaim
growth andstability.” valuable materials from the waste stream and use them
to make value added products. (Figure 3)
Figure 2: Open burning of What is Recycling
trash which is a major health A generic definition of recycling that can be found on the How Does the Recycling Industry Work
and environmental hazard. internet is: Unlike conventional industries, the Recycling industry
consists of 4 tiers or layers, all of which have to work in
coordination to maximize the economic potential of recy-
cling. This is an activity which cannot be carried out by the
industrial stake holders alone as the government, munici-
palities and the society as a whole have to be involved to
support this very important sector. The 4 tiers are:
1. Recycling Collection: This step involves the sorting and
collection of recyclables from the waste stream. There are
various strategies that can be employed for effective col-
lection of waste depending on what will be practical for a
given country/society. At this step the local environment/
culture has to be taken into account. For example, what
may be a very effective strategy for garbage collection in
US or Japan may not work for Pakistan and vice versa.
2. Recycling Processing: In this step, depending on the
nature of the recyclable waste, it will be subjected to some
physical treatment which may include sorting, washing
and compaction etc. Used beverage bottles for example
are compacted and converted into bales or flakes for ship-
ping and remanufacturing. (Figures 4&5)

Pakistan is lagging
behind in availing
the full economic
potential of recycling
despite effectively
executing the first
3 layers. In fact, we
are missing out on
the three fourth of
the whole pie! The Figure 5: Compacted PET bottle scrap in the form
ground reality is that Figure 4: Color sorted PET beverage bottle flakes. of bales.
we export our sorted
3. Reuse & Remanufacturing: This step involves the reuse that what is being produced will one day end in the waste
and processed waste stream. This means we have to be smart at how much (or
to industrialized of the collected scrap in some other form, e.g.reuse of waste
beverage bottles/containers for packaging some other fluid ideally how little) waste we create, how we recycle or reuse
nations who in turn it, and then finally dispose of it. We have to examine the
like oil etc. after minimal processing and no property en-
manufacture quality hancement. Products made from this step are generally entire process.
consumer goods and known as “down-cycled” products due to inferior properties.
export back as value 4. Recycling Manufacturing: This step is the most tech- Conclusion
added products to nical and the most lucrative in terms of revenue genera- The recycling industry has become an integral part of
tion. This step involves acquiring the processed and sorted modern society not only due to its social and economic
Pakistan. Pakistan impact but also because it plays a vital role for the future of
will make much waste from steps 1 & 2 and converting it into valuable
products. For example, taking a beverage bottle from the our planet. The use of recycled materials directly translates
more revenue if the waste stream and converting it back to a beverage bottle. into fewer natural resources being used and considerably
waste is reclaimed, less energy being consumed when compared to produc-
processed and Where Do We Stand tion processes using virgin materials. It is about time that
recycled into value The economic feasibility of the recycling industry as to how the Pakistani industries realized the economic and environ-
added products at a it can lead to revenue generation, job creation and a cleaner mental advantage of recycling and manufacturing value
environment has been highlighted in these lines. However, added products locally.
local level.
the maximum revenue (76%) of the $200 billion that is gen-
erated in the US is from recycling manufacturing (Figure 6). References & Related links:
Whereas the first three tiers are only responsible for 24% of 1.
the total revenue generated from recycling of waste. whatischemistry/landmarks/bakelite/bakelite-materi-
If we look at our local industry we will notice that our als-landmark-lesson-plan.pdf
recycling collection, which is considered to be the most 2.
labor intensive, is very efficient for many waste materi- recycling-important.php
als such as some plastics (e.g. PET & PP) and metals etc. 3. “Green is the Color of Money”; Canaccord Genuity; 2010
Pakistan has a 99% collection rate of PET beverage bottles 4.
which is much higher than most developed countries. lookingahead/articles/pages/the-age-of-new-mate-
Similarly, there are numerous Recycling processing setups rials-is-the-future-now.aspx
being run again by the junk dealers, however, they too be- 5. h t t p s : / / r e c y c l e n a t i o n . c o m / 2 0 1 5 / 0 9 /
long to the informal sector in Pakistan. Re-manufacturing inside-recycling-how-does-industry-really-work/
has also been taken up by many small businesses and they 6.
are making significant profit. 7.
If we look at Figure 6, all these three areas contrib- 8. “Environmental Impact of PET bottles in Pakistan”;
ute to 24% of the total revenue generation in the US and WWF, 2009.
other countries running successful recycling programs. 9. “Economic Potential of Recycling Business in Lahore,
Pakistan is lagging behind when it comes to availing the Pakistan”; Waste Management, Vol 28, Issue 2, 2008.
full economic potential of recycling despite effectively 10. “Mastering the world of waste” by Kulsum Ahmed;
executing the first 3 layers. In fact, we are missing out on March 2017;
the three fourth of the whole pie! What is unfortunate is
that most of this sorted and processed waste is being ex-
ported to other industrialized nations for manufacture of
value added products, which can be carried out locally. The
ground reality is that we export our sorted and processed
waste to these countries, who in turn manufacture quality
consumer goods that are exported back as value added
products to Pakistan. Pakistan will make much more rev-
enue if the waste are reclaimed, processed and recycled
into value added products at a local level.
According to current figures, Karachi generates 12,000
tons of solid waste daily. Countries and communities that
are effective at managing waste are successful because
they think about waste in a systematic way. We as a na- Figure 6: Recycling Economics: Sales Contributions from
Figure 3: Closed Loop Recycling tion need to take responsibility and ownership of the fact Different Recycling Activities.

Abdul Potential for
Growth of

Industry Exists in

Engro Polymers recently announced a huge investment

plan of over Rs.10 billion. Under the plan, EPCL will also add
a new PVC line of 100,000 tons per annum. Abdul Qayoom
Sheikh, the Head of Marketing Division, not only elaborates
the expansion plan but also shares research and insights into
Pakistan’s Plastics Industry, its potential, its future and the
issues facing it, in an Exclusive Interview with Ahmed Qaiser,
Chief Editor, Pakplas.

By Ahmed Qaiser

Once into running the PVC operations smoothly, the
company, in 2007, decided to undertake an expansion
and back integration project to enhance the PVC ca-
pacity to 150 KT and set up a EDC-VCM and Chlor-alkali
plants. This was necessitated in order to meet the grow-
ing local demand as despite EPCL being the dominant
player, the market demand remained unfulfilled as well
as to add cost efficiencies in the business and diversify
the operations. As a result of these initiatives, today, EPCL
is manufacturing PVC, VCM, EDC, Caustic Soda, Sodium
Hypochlorite, and HCL locally.

Success never comes without meeting hurdles. How far

is it true with Engro?
Very true. Given that any country’s economic and political
situation can have a huge bearing on the companies oper-
ating in the country, this could be a major challenge in the
emerging market economies especially when the socio
economic or political factors are not very favorable. EPCL
expansion and backward integration project also had its
share of uncalled-for challenges. Due to political instabil-
Please tell us something about yourself in detail? ity during the period of 2008-2010, the technical support
I did my masters in Chemical Engineering and started the providers could not visit Pakistan which led to start up de-
career at Engro Polymers and Chemicals Limited (EPCL) lays and issues at the VCM plant. VCM Manufacturing is a
as a Graduate Trainee. At Engro, I got ample opportuni- very complexed operation and has very limited expertise
ties for learning and self grooming by having to manage available worldwide. Nevertheless, with God’s grace and a
quite diverse roles in the organization, especially on the great team behind us, albeit all issues we, Alhamdulillah,
manufacturing side. Engro provides very conducive en- managed to run the plant smoothly in 2011.
vironment to its employees for career development and
enhancement and utilization of individual talents, and
this environment coupled with my own enthusiasm and Plastic industry is on a growth
commitment to serve the organization and play my role
trajectory. The signing of CPEC
in a positive and productive manner helped me a lot.
Since 2015, I have been heading the Marketing division agreement and improvement in
and leading a very energetic and competitive team. the security situation have been
quite instrumental in giving boost
Engro is a very important player in the Plastics Industry to the construction industry, which
of Pakistan. When did Engro commence its operations in turn is playing its role as a
in Pakistan? major driver for growth in plastics.
EPCL was set up in 1997 by the name of Engro Asahi
Polymer and Chemical Ltd as a joint venture between
Engro Chemical (50%), Asahi Glass Company (30%) and
Mitsubishi Corporation (20%) with a capacity to produce What challenges do you think are faced by the industry?
100,000 tons of PVC Resin at Port Qasim. The plant came Another major challenge to our industry, historically, has
into commercial operation in 1999. been dumping of resin and import of low quality scrap,
In 2006, Asahi Glass divested from the business and Engro due to weak implementation of policies in this regard.
Chemical acquired its shareholding and company’s name This was a major reason that despite smooth plant opera-
was changed to Engro Polymer & Chemicals Limited. tions in 2013-2015, dumping of PVC resin and unchecked
import of scrap posed a serious competition that affected
How do you describe Engro’s journey to the existing our profitability, but also a great hazard for the society.
market position? We are grateful to all GoP machineries who have over the
Pakistan has traditionally had the lowest per capita of years taken serious actions to curb this menace.
plastic consumption in the region and one of the lowest
in the world. EPCL plant was set up with the aims and Would you share some words about the expansion plan
objective to help boost the domestic consumption and recently announced by EPCL?
ensure availability of good quality resin locally versus Like all commodity businesses, the business is susceptible
low-quality imported scrap. A lot of effort was put by to international demand-supply dynamics; we therefore
the company to create awareness and boost PVC demand have been focusing on identifying and removing inef-
in the country. The efforts of EPCL and their results can ficiencies and vulnerabilities to minimize the impact of
be witnessed at a glance through a table showing the cyclicity and international events.
progress year by year. One such step towards this goal is the recent announce-
ment related to expansion of Rs. 10.3 billion. Through
this, EPCL will add a new PVC line of 100,000 tons per
annum along with debottlenecking of VCM; the project is
expected to be completed by 2020. Additionally, the ex-
pansion also entails launching of Caustic Flaker to better
position EPCL in Chlor Alkali business, debottlenecking


How would you comment on the raw materials’

production in Pakistan?
Plastics raw material production in Pakistan is at low scale
and does not meet the required demand. Pakistan was
meeting its entire plastics raw material needs through
imports till 1994 and gradually with local manufacturing
coming in, the import dependency has been reduced.
Presently, the total combined annual production capac-
ity of four leading plastic resins producers stands at a
little over 0.6 million tons as given below:

Do you think there is potential for growth of Plastics

The plastics industry in Pakistan has been showing
growth and has a great potential to grow even more
since plastic consumption per capita is very low com-
of sodium hypochlorite and hydrochloric acid plants pared to other nations. For example, PVC consumption in
for local and export market; membrane replacement of Pakistan is still around 1kg per capita, which is just 50%
existing caustic soda plant, upgradation of Gas Turbines compared to India, and only 5-10% compared to other
and other projects for operational excellence. developed nations. EPCL believes the Plastic demand in
Pakistan will grow on an average of 8-10% every year,
How do you see the existing state of Plastics Industry given further development in Housing, Infrastructure
in Pakistan? and Agriculture sectors.
The plastic resin industry produces resins which are
further treated in plastics processing facilities and sold What has contributed for the growth which you just
largely to the building and construction, packaging and mentioned? Secondly, what issues do you believe need
consumer markets. to be taken care of in order to have growth potential
Pakistan possesses a narrow petrochemical base produc- realized?
ing limited number of polymers including Polystyrene Obviously, the above progress which has been made
(PS), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Polyethylene Terephthalate over the years is credited to the support of the
(PET) and Urea/Melamine Formaldehyde. An attempt to Government and other national and apex institutions.
set up the first PVC plant However, there are some
in Pakistan was made by issues which, if and when
the Federal Chemicals Obviously, the progress made over resolved, can take the in-
and Ceramics Corporation the years is credited to the support dustry to its real potential
Limited (FCCCL) when it much faster. Most of the
of the Government and other
planned to set up a 20,000 downstream producers
tons per annum capacity national and apex institutions.
are in the SME sector and
plant in Kala Shah Kaku way However, there are some issues are usually family-owned
back in 1994. This plant, un- which, if and when resolved, or self-established with
fortunately, did not come can take the industry to its real members of one family
online. Later in 1999, EPCL potential much faster. serving different func-
started operations of a 100 tions of business. This
KTA tons PVC plant for the sector as a whole requires
first time in Pakistan. hand holding from the government and a few of the
At present, no facilities for the production of two basic issues inherent in the SME sector are also hampering
polymers - polyethylene and polypropylene - exist in the growth of the overall plastic downstream indus-
the country with the result that these two constitute the try. Understanding of these issues exists at the high-
bulk of Pakistan plastic resins imports. We estimate that est level of economic management as some of them
Pakistan’s annual consumption of plastic resins is approx- have been highlighted by SBP in its Research Report
imately 1.5 Million tons as of today and the demand may on ‘Plastic Products’ Segment’. They include but are not
further grow on the back of new developments in plastic limited to: 1) Inability to assemble and deploy intel-
technologies and a rapidly expanding market for plas- lectual, human and financial resources effectively; 2)
tics due to its ever widening use and application in the Restricted funding sources; 3) Inability to identify and
building and construction, transportation, packaging, explore new ideas; 4) Lack of Government initiatives
electrical and electronics, furniture and furnishings and and policies; 5) Lack of technical institutions and skill
household appliances industries. The rough breakdown development programs; 6) Quality certification and
of the consumption of 1.5 Million tons is as follows: testing facilities, and, 7) Lack of updated technology.

What impact can CPEC have on the growth of Plastics in particular. There is massive potential for investment of
Industry? billions of dollars and thousands of additional employ-
On the whole, Plastic industry is on a growth trajectory ment generation opportunity. Timely support of the gov-
and with the ongoing construction and infrastructure re- ernment will not only ensure realization of this potential
lated activities the overall growth is expected to continue. but also position Pakistan among the exporting nations.
The signing of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
(CPEC) agreement and improvement in the country’s se- PPMA has been organizing the PAKPLAS exhibition
curity situation have been quite instrumental in giving for some years. In your opinion, how has PAKPLAS
boost to the construction industry, which in turn is play- been impacting the industry?
ing its role as a major driver for growth in plastics. Recent Events like PAKPLAS Exhibition are much needed for a
(provisional) estimates published in the Economic Survey country like Pakistan. Such events are a great platform
of Pakistan show that the industry grew 9.1% in FY17 and for the industry players to grow in a dynamic market.
contributed 2.7% to the country’s gross domestic product PakPlas is a great platform being provided by PPMA
(GDP). Various research estimates suggest that this sector where both local and international manufacturers
is expected to have a growth rate of around 10% until associated with plastic industry come and showcase
2025, mainly to be triggered by the initiatives to meet their products, latest developments both in products
the shortage of approximately 10 million housing units as well as machinery and share new initiatives where
in Pakistan. efficiencies and throughput can be improved.
As Pakistan has great potential in terms of plastic
What approach does EPCL have for future? consumption, going forward, creating awareness and
To grow market along with ensuring quality PVC based showcasing new technologies is the key for our suste-
product availability, EPCL has a dedicated technical ser- nance and growth in years to come, In Shaa Allah. In
vices and market development team. Furthermore, as doing so PPMA is doing an outstanding job in Pakistan
mentioned earlier, EPCL has announced another 100KTA to create that awareness and thrust.
expansion to increase PVC production to be able to meet
the market demand. How does EPCL as an organization see the role being
played by PPMA?
How would you comment on the importance of govern- We as an organization highly appreciate the com-
ment support for realization of industry’s potential? mendable work PPMA has been doing for the country
We would like to request the government for their proac- and wish them very best in all they do in future as well.
tive support on developing the petrochemical industry

PEF, a New Polymer
to Enter the Market Global Bioplastics Market to Grow by 20% till 2022

he results of European Bioplastics (EUBP)’ annual
market data update, presented on November 29 at
the 12th European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin,
Germany, confirm a stable growth of the global bio-
plastics industry.
“The global market for bioplastics is predicted
to grow by 20% over the next five years. The transi-
tion to a low-carbon and circular economy, stron-
ger policy support for the bio-economy, and an increased consumer
awareness for sustainable products and packaging are driving the
expansion,” said François de Bie, Chairman of EUBP.
The global bioplastics production capacity is set to increase from
around 2.05 million tons in 2017 to approximately 2.44 million tons
in 2022. Innovative biopolymers such as polylactic acid (PLA) and
polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are the main drivers of this growth in
the field of bio-based, biodegradable plastics.
PHAs are an important polymer family that has been in develop-
ment for a while and that now finally enters the market at commercial
scale, with production capacities estimated to triple in the next five
years. These polyesters are 100% bio-based, biodegradable, and fea-
ture a wide array of physical and mechanical properties depending
on their chemical composition.
Production capacities of PLA are also predicted to grow by 50%
by 2022 compared to 2017. PLA is a very versatile material that fea-
tures strong barrier properties and is available in high performance With a view to regional capacity development, Asia remains a
PLA grades that are an ideal replacement for polystyrene (PS), poly- major production hub with over 50% of bioplastics currently being
propylene (PP), and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) in more produced there. One fifth of the production capacity is located in
demanding applications. Europe. This share is predicted to grow to up to 25% by 2022, with the
Bio-based, non-biodegradable plastics, including the drop-in European Commission’s commitment to the transition to a circular
solutions bio-based polyethylene (PE) and bio-based polyethylene economy model expected to accelerate the momentum of growth
terephthalate (PET), as well as bio-based polyamides(PA), currently and development of the bioplastics industry in Europe.
make up for around 56% (1.2 million tons) of the global bioplastics The land used to grow the renewable feedstock for the produc-
production capacities. tion of bioplastics amounted to approximately 0.82 million hectares
The production of bio-based PE is predicted to continue to grow in 2017, which accounted for less than 0.02% of the global agricul-
as new capacities are planned to come online in Europe in the com- tural area of 5 billion hectares, 97% of which were used for pasture,
ing years. Intentions to increase production capacities for bio-based feed and food.
PET, however, have not been realized at the rate predicted in previous Despite the market growth predicted in the next five years, the
years. Instead, the focus has shifted to the development of polyeth- land use share for bioplastics will remain around 0.02%. This shows
ylene furanoate (PEF), a new polymer that is expected to enter the that there is no competition between the renewable feedstock for
market in 2020. food, feed, and the production of bioplastics, according to EUBP.
PEF is comparable to PET but 100% bio-based and is said to “Over the past ten years, the bioplastics industry has flourished
feature superior barrier and thermal properties, making it an ideal and developed into a fast-growing innovative sector,” commented
material for the packaging of drinks, food and non-food products. de Bie. “We are witnessing a growing number of major brands
In 2022, bio-based PP is expected to enter the market on a com- switching from fossil-based to bio-based materials or to offer bio-
mercial scale with a strong growth potential due to the widespread degradable solutions for their products in response to the increased
application of PP in a wide range of sectors. consumer demand for more sustainable products and an overall
Packaging remains the largest field of application for bioplastics change in awareness about the impacts of consumption choices on
with almost 60% (1.2 million tons) of the total bioplastics market in the environment.”
2017. The data also confirms that bioplastics materials are already The market data update 2017 has been compiled in cooperation
being used in other sectors, including textiles, consumer goods and with the research institute nova-Institute GmbH. The data for the
applications in the automotive and transport sector and the agricul- global production capacities of bioplastics is based on the market
ture and horticulture sector. study “Bio-based Building Blocks and Polymers” by the institute.


PAKPLAS is Ultimate Choice of Local &

International Machinery, Raw Material
Suppliers in Pakistan: Zafar Saeed
PAKPLAS, the Plastics Show organized by Pakistan
Plastic Manufacturers Association (PPMA) has
some exceptional features to stand out as the
ultimate choice for exhibitors and visitors. Zafar
Saeed, a leading figure of Plastics Industry and
senior member of Exhibition Committee of PPMA
shares PAKPLAS story of fast success with Ahmed
Qaiser, Chief Editor, Pakplas magazine.

By Ahmed Qaiser

What made PPMA launch its show PAKPLAS?

Initially, there was one exhibition organized in
Pakistan for the plastics industry. Later, due to some
reasons multiple exhibitions started to take place
which incidentally confused the exhibitors, both
local and international, as they were unable to ex-
hibit in multiple shows in view of market size. They
contacted PPMA and sought Association’s recom-
mendation to make a decision.
port from Exhibitors as they were very pleased
What advice did PPMA issue to them? with the number of trade visitors and meaning-
It was difficult to recommend one organizer and ful meetings and networking opportunities. Now,
reject other since both were doing their business. PPMA is hosting PAKPLAS 2018 in Lahore and 80%
Therefore, PPMA brokered dialogue with both orga- space has been booked one month before the
nizers, urging them to sit together and work out an event’s date which highlights the level of interest
amicable strategy that should suit the interests of all from exhibitors.
concerned. We also suggested both parties to either
jointly organize the event or agree to individually What special features are there to talk about
organize it every other year in alternate stations. PAKPLAS 2018?
PAKPLAS is the only event in Pakistan where Raw
Did these proposals meet any success? Material and Machinery suppliers exhibit under one
The organizers did not agree with these suggestions roof. Also, it is the only exclusive Plastics Trade Show
which, we feel, reflected their respective business in- which is free from any non-plastic activity. These
terests. However, we persisted with them to ensure unique features are self explanatory for current sig-
only one show annually for many years but in vain. nificance of PAKPLAS while they also speak volumes
Consequently, the stake holders became convinced about the future prospects.
that PPMA would have to take the initiative and or-
ganize the exhibition from its platform. It is a significant development to have raw
material suppliers exhibiting in Pakistan. Could
When did PPMA launch its exhibition? you name a few of them?
In 2015, PPMA itself launched an exhibition under Raw material suppliers from Gulf and India include
the name and style of PAKPLAS. The first edition was Exxon Mobil, Orpic and Reliance. Besides, Pakistani
Plastic Products Show while in 2016, a Trade Show raw material suppliers such as Pak Petrochemical
was added to it in Lahore. Industries and Gatron/Novatex will also exhibit at
What response did these shows receive?
They received overwhelming response from all How do you interpret these remarkable
quarters. Exhibitors were satisfied with the response developments?
at B2B feature and requested for a full-fledged B2B Such developments and unique features practically
event. Therefore, in 2017 PPMA organized two endorse the fast emergence of PAKPLAS as a suc-
events in a month including a Product Show and cessful and promising Trade Show. People may like
a separate B2B event. to interpret it as demonstration of actual strength
and potential of Pakistan’s Plastic Industry which
What was the feedback after an exclusive B2B event? has begun to receive due recognition locally and
The exclusive B2B event received wonderful sup- internationally alike.

Compressed Air
for Food &
Pharma Grade Plastics
ccording to a recent report, global
demand for plastic packaging was
valued at $270 billion in 2014,
and is expected to reach $375 bil-
lion in 2020, growing at a CAGR
of 4.8% between 2015 and 2020.
In terms of volume, the global
plastics packaging market stood
at 81,750.0 kilo tons in 2014.
Published by Zion Research (Deerfield Beach,
FL), the report titled, “Plastic Packaging (Rigid Plastic
Packaging and Flexible Plastic Packaging) Market for
Food & Beverages, Industrial, Household Products,
Personal Care, Medical and Other Applications—Global
Industry Perspective, Comprehensive Analysis and
Forecast, 2014-2020,” said that among all applications,
food & beverage was the largest application segment
for plastic packaging market in 2014. It accounted for
over 50% share of the entire volume consumption in
2014. Moreover, pharmaceuticals and medical applica-
tions are also projected to have growing demand from
the end-user application during the years to come.

high-quality materials, such as the medical or food pro-

cessing industries, the compressed air used to produce
these materials must be clean and reliable.

What Makes a Plastic Food Grade?

What is the difference between the plastics in an every-
day household item and the type of material we might
see going into a food application? Food grade does not
mean that it is edible. It also is different from environ-
Rigid packaging was by far the most important mentally friendly, sustainable, or biodegradable material.
product segment, which accounted for largest market Food grade means the material (like plastics) can come
share in 2014. Rigid packaging is believed to continue in direct contact with the food we consume as part of
this trend due to the increasing demand from pharma- the harvesting, processing, or packaging of the food.
ceutical sector. Flexible packaging is also important type There are several things that go into qualifying
of packaging that is expected to have promising market plastics as a food grade material. An item can be certi-
during the forecast period. fied by the FDA, NSA, or 3A Dairy as some examples. A
Superior aesthetic value and excellent barrier prop- compliance agency like the FDA takes a close look at
erties of plastic against moisture and air are another the chemical composition of the plastic material. They
important factor driving demand for plastic packaging. want to make sure there is nothing in the material that
However, fluctuating prices of raw materials are one of the can harm the food supply. In addition, if anything affects
major challenges for plastics packaging manufacturers. the color, odor, or taste of the food, it will automatically
Plastics are used in almost every facet of modern fail the compliance rating. Next they take a close look
life and due to high demand, plastics manufacturers at how the plastic material performs from conditions
Imtiaz Rastgar are challenged to keep their operations running 24/7 of use standpoint. Things like how the material handles
CEO, Rastgar & Co. while minimizing costs. Since vast majorities of plastic temperature ranges, alcohols, and greases are evalu-
products are used in applications that require clean, ated and documented. Conditions that may limit use

are noted and cataloged for future reference. the compressed air is used for food manufacture. As food
Once a material has been approved for direct food manufacturers have a duty of care to protect the consumer
contact or food grade use, now the plastic material and compressed air systems are known to carry large quan-
needs to be run by a reliable manufacturer who is ISO tities of contamination, what actions should be taken?
9000 certified and practices good manufacturing pro- Introducing the Food Grade Compressed Air Code of
cesses. This ensures that they are not only using high Practice In the United Kingdom, the British Compressed
quality materials but are also processing them via a high Air Society (BCAS) who are the governing body for com-
quality process that will provide a safe product. Once a pressed air and the British Retail Consortium (BRC) who
material is manufactured to the required specifications, represent the retail industry, have jointly developed a
certifications are generated and the final material sup- Code of Practice for Food Grade Compressed Air in order
plier must be capable of maintaining chain of custody to assist the food manufacturers. This Code of Practice
between the material and its applicable certifications. evolved because of the absence of compressed air qual-
ity standards or legislation specific to the food manufac-
Food Grade Plastic Processes Using Compressed Air turing industries. The Code of Practice gives minimum
Compressed air contamination is a real problem for the purity (quality) standards for compressed air and defines
food industry. allowable levels for dirt, water and oil, in line with air
quality levels specified in ISO8573-1, the International
Standard for compressed air quality.

Food Grade Plastic Compressed Air Code of Practice

The code of practice references complimentary interna-
tional standards for air purity, gives recommendations
on installation, testing and maintenance of compressed
air systems, but most importantly, defines a minimum
acceptable purity (quality) for compressed air used in
the food related industry.

In today’s modern production facilities, the use

of compressed air is often pivotal to manufacturing
processes. Irrespective of whether the compressed air
comes into direct contact with the product or is used
to automate a process, provide motive power, pack-
age products, or even to generate other gases on-site, a
clean, dry, reliable compressed air supply is essential to
maintain efficient and cost effective production.
Once hazards are identified, measures must be put
in place to remove the hazards or reduce them to ac-
ceptable levels. So what level of compressed air con- To comply with food hygiene legislation, the food
tamination is deemed acceptable in the food industry? manufacturer is required to follow the principles of
Unlike compressed air that is used for breathing or HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) and
medical purposes, NO standards or laws exist that define a risk analysis must be carried out on the entire manu-
a minimum acceptable level of cleanliness (quality) when facturing process.

As compressed air is seen as a utility, it is often
missed as a potential source of contamination. To
be fully compliant, the compressed air system must
be included as part of the hazard analysis and any-
where compressed air is used, classified as a Critical
Control Point and subject to the air purity (quality)
Contact: Air that comes into direct contact with
ingredients, finished food, packaging materials, storage
vessels or the manufacturing machinery.
Non-Contact: Air that will never come into contact
with ingredients, finished food, packaging materials,
storage vessels or the manufacturing machinery.
Non-Contact High Risk: Air that is not supposed
to come into contact with ingredients, finished food,
packaging materials, storage vessels or the manufactur-
ing machinery, but may inadvertently do so.

Cost Effective System Design

To achieve the stringent air quality levels required for
today’s modern food manufacturing facilities, a careful
approach to system design, commissioning, installa-
tion and operation must be employed. Treatment at
one point alone is not enough and it is highly recom-
mended to treat compressed air prior to entry into the
distribution system (usually in the compressor room or
at point of generation) to a specification that will pro-
vide contaminant free air.

Grade Compressed Air Code of Practice is identical.

As Compressed air comes into direct contact with
many plastics manufacturing applications, to ensure
the finished product maintains the high-quality
standard the customer requires, CompAir offers
plastics manufacturers the Oil-Free Pure air compressor
series, which provides ISO 8573-1 Class 0 oil-free air. A
robust compressor design paired with low lifecycle
operating costs ensures plastics manufacturers receive
a reliable and cost-effective compressed air supply. For
more information please visit

The Code of Practice does not make any specific rec- Industry Solution
ommendations regarding compressor type with both oil
lubricated and oil-free compressors being acceptable Oil-free compressed air allows plastics
choices. Regardless of whether oil lubricated or oil-free manufacturers to maintain high-quality standards
compressors are installed, the purification equipment and minimize operational spending.
required to achieve the purity levels stated in the Food

Govt Support is Mandatory to
Boost the Export: Syed Haider Ali
PPCIL is the only Pakistani company that represents
Pakistan at K-Show, the world’s largest show of
Plastic. By virtue of maintaining high standards
and putting in untiring efforts, PPCIL has won a
competitive place in international markets for
made-in-Pakistan raw material which is a matter of
pride for Pakistani Plastic Industry. It successfully
competes with global giants despite facing many
challenges locally including high cost of local
production and inadequate infrastructure and holds
the green and white flag of Pakistan high with pride.
Pakplas interviewed Haider Ali, their Marketing
Director who is full of patriotism and enthusiasm
to continue winning respect for made-in-Pakistan
raw material no matter how tough the conditions
may be for Pakistani exporters locally and abroad.

By Ahmed Qaiser

Would you please share some details about

I am currently serving Pak Petrochemical Industries
(Pvt) Ltd (PPCIL) in the capacity of Sales and Marketing
Director. After completing my education from Karachi
I began my career in 1986 alongside my uncle in the
trading business. I then joined PPCIL in 1994 when
my uncle established the business. Besides work I try out our material on their applications. We also
take keen interest in swimming, gym, travelling and had to face the challenges of converting local indus-
spending time with my family and friends. try to quality polystyrene resin from using imported
resin and at times low quality scrap material which
When did PPCIL commence its manufacturing is not only hazardous for human consumption but it
The government and supplies of raw materials to Pakistani Plastic also damages the machines and causes unforeseen
needs to take certain Industry? losses to the local businesses in the long run.
measures to facilitate Pak Petrochemical Industries (PPCIL) was estab- We also worked towards convincing local investors
the export sector. lished in 1994 to cope with the ever increasing de- and businessmen to diverse their businesses and
mand of Expandable Polystyrene (EPS) in Pakistan. started producing products in Polystyrene resin
Our exports are
The company started with a production capacity of which expanded the local market within these years.
restrained due to 3,600 MT per year to deliver customers with innova- Now the manufacturers enhance their product and
lack of government tive solutions for the packaging sector. production lines on yearly basis.
support for plastic In 1999, another manufacturing plant was added to
industry exporters. the existing production facility to produce General When did PPCIL enter export market?
We have to face Purpose (GPPS) and High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) We started exporting our products in 2001 and now
various bottlenecks resin with a total capacity of 33,000 MT per year. our brand is recognized in most industrial countries
In 2010, we increased our production capacity to 55,000 in the North & South America, Europe, Middle and
and cumbersome
MT to serve the growing need of insulation and packag- Far Eastern regions.
procedures and ing sector in Pakistan. In 2011, we further enhanced our Would you describe some of the efforts that you
requirements by production capacity to 100 KMT per annum to capture undertook to be able to export indigenously manu-
multiple government the huge potential of export markets. factured raw material to foreign customers?
departments before We started focusing on export sector in 2001.
and after export of How do you describe PPCIL’s journey to the existing Initially, we had to face stiff competition to introduce
our material. Also, market position? our brand globally as our material had to be at par
We started our operations in 1994 and have been with brands like BASF, DOW, LG, SABIC etc. Also, to
high local cost of
serving the Pakistani nation for the past two de- have our product accepted in different regions and
production and lack cades. During this time we introduced the product industries we had to acquire global certifications
of infrastructure to the local sector by personally visiting each and from bodies like FDA, REACH, and ROHS etc.
makes exports every manufacturer/trader and spending countless For this purpose we visited and participated in key
difficult at times. man hours at their factories to successfully run and industry exhibitions over the years such as K-Show,

departments. Although the industry is as old as
Pakistan itself it is still considered a cottage industry
due to lack of development and innovation by the
local industrialists who are still using the obsolete
production procedures and ill trained staff. Since, we
are not able to streamline our local plastic product
manufacturers we are unable to compete globally
and fall short of meeting the global challenges in
plastic industry.
The industry still lacks updated technology and
skilled manpower to improve local production ef-
ficiency and quality of the finished goods. Also, lack
of infrastructure and lackluster certain government
laws hamper modernization and up-gradation of
the local industry despite having huge potential to
locally enhance the usage of quality products but
also to export the finished goods globally.

How do you see the market position of PPCIL

locally and abroad?
PPCIL enjoys a unique position in the local plastic
industry as being a sole polystyrene manufacturer
in Pakistan. We have developed and continue to
cater the local as well as international polystyrene
users by offering new and upgraded product vari-
ants and full technical support to all our custom-
ers. Also, we support the local industry in improving
their efficiencies and training their staff as and when
Plast Eurasia, and Plast Milan etc., to name the few. In required by our customers.
fact, we have the honor of being the only company
representing Pakistan in K-Show which is the most As a major player in the business, what future do
prominent and largest plastic industry fair in the world. you see for Plastic Industry of Pakistan in general
We made untiring efforts to win our share for as well as with reference to CPEC?
Pakistani raw material in the export markets. We We see a bright future for the local plastic indus-
had our material trialed at all our export customers’ try as the awareness in the masses about hygienic
factories under supervision of our trained techni- and safe use of plastics in various sectors is increas-
cal staff so that they can ing. Also, a lot of metal-
shift smoothly to our lic products are being
products without losing Plastic industry will play a very replaced by plastic glob-
production. ally and the same trend
crucial role in CPEC projects is being followed in
such as development of Pakistan.
How would you com-
ment on support from infrastructure, new commercial Plastic industry will also
the government orga- and private buildings, play a very crucial role in
nizations for increasing automotive sector etc in CPEC projects such as de-
the export of Pakistani coming years. velopment of infrastruc-
raw material in interna- ture, new commercial and
tional markets? private buildings, auto-
The government needs motive sector etc in com-
to take certain measures to facilitate the export ing years. In our opinion plastic industry can grow
sector. Our exports are restrained due to various tremendously if government could ease their finance
factors such as lack of support from government and custom processes and facilitate the exporters by
for plastic industry exporters as we have to face vari- offering facilities for local production and sponsoring
ous bottlenecks and cumbersome procedures and them on global forums to promote their products.
requirements by multiple government departments
before and after export of our material. Also, high How would you comment on the performance
local cost of production and lack of infrastructure and contribution of PPMA towards betterment of
makes exports difficult at times. We think the gov- Plastic Industry in Pakistan?
ernment should support the export sector by taking PPMA has been the major voice of plastic manufac-
measures in order to minimize the existing high cost turers in Pakistan and works for safeguarding the
of production and improving the infrastructure. interests of plastic industry on various public and
private forums. We have been a part of PPMA for a
You are a leading indigenous producer of raw very long time and we are very impressed with their
material in Pakistan. How would you comment professional staff and their efforts for facilitating the
on the Plastic Industry of Pakistan? industry. We hope that they will continue working
Pakistan Plastic Industry is still considered in its for the betterment of the local industry and wish
infancy due to lack of focus by the government their team very best for all their efforts.

How to
Prevent Stress Whitening
PP Copolymers

A look at causes, detection and prevention

eciding on and creating ideal col- coloration as perceived by the human eye.
oration is a key part of any product How does this work and why does it happen in PP?
design challenge, but it doesn’t end First, realize there are various ways to compound a poly-
there. Steps frequently need to be mer and PP is not always the same. PP copolymers are
taken to ensure that color will not much more susceptible to stress whitening. They boast
become compromised over time a better balance of impact and stiffness than basic homo-
as a result of environmental factors. polymer which does not typically exhibit stress whitening.
Stress whitening is one type When a piece of PP material is impacted or deformed,
of discoloration that can occur in certain plastics, such microcrazes or microvoids tend to form where elastomer
as polypropylene, particularly in automotive. We see particles in the PP matrix interface with one another. The
stress whitening in some PP copolymers and while PP resulting change in the refractive index (RI) of the mate-
homopolymer usually does not exhibit stress whitening rials causes light scattering in the stressed areas of the
when combined with certain elastomers to give it more polymer. The light scattering causes the perceptible color
flexibility and impact resistance, a side effect may yet be change of whitened appearance at the surface of the part.
stress whitening.

How can we best prevent stress whitening? The key Stress whitening does not
is really a combination of color masterbatch, PP necessarily show up immediately
copolymer, and the molding process. after impact or tension is applied
to a material, in fact, it can take
There are certain factors that affect stress whitening
days to fully appear. While results
as discussed below. How can we best prevent it? The good
news is there are a number of ways you can test materials may not be immediate, testing
early in the design process to minimize the risk of whiten- has shown that PP tends to be
ing. Based on your findings, you can tweak the copolymer 95% stable 24 hours after impact.
composition, processing methods, or product design.
Ultimately, the key is doing comprehensive testing re-
garding the color masterbatch, PP copolymer, and mold- RI is a measurement used to describe the bending of
ing process. Does testing show that a certain masterbatch light through a medium and values typically range from 1
formulation is causing stress whitening? Does resin choice to 5 on the RI scale. Values correspond to how quickly light
seem to be the culprit? Consider the part’s design and travels through a material compared with how fast light
processing as part thickness or significant force during travels in a vacuum. On this scale, the speed of light in a
processing have significant effects on stress-whitening vacuum is equal to 1 and higher values indicate slower
potential. Whatever the case may be, testing is crucial to speeds. An RI value of 1.5, for instance, corresponds to
isolate material variables making a product most prone light travelling 1.5 times slower than the speed of light
to stress whitening. in a vacuum. Differences in RI values can result in light
scattering, or the deflection of visible light rays which in
What is stress whitening? turn affects human perception of colors.
Stress whitening starts when stress is created by impact Since our perceptions of color are dependent on
or tension upon a polymeric surface. This stress leads to certain wavelengths of light being reflected off a surface
the creation of microcrazes and/or microvoids, essentially into our eyes, when aberrations—such as microcrazes,
the microscopic beginnings of cracks that result when microvoids, or cracks— start to form, they can change the
stresses overcome the forces bonding particles together. RI of the material, and in turn, they can scatter reflected
Unlike surface cracks you cannot feel microcrazes or mi- light in a way that makes it appear as though there is a
crovoids, but you can see them. This is because these color discrepancy around the site. The result is whitening
Irfan Sabir
SABIC Pakistan
tiny aberrations reflect light slightly differently than the or “blushing” around an area.
surfaces around them, which in turn gives them different Stress whitening does not necessarily show up

Ways to test for stress whitening
In order to find out what sort of color changes in material,
design and processing of PP copolymers result in the least
stress whitening, testing must first take place to determine
the success of tweaking independent variables. There
are a variety of tests for stress whitening beyond simply
looking at a piece of material, but there is no “go-to” test
method that is clearly accepted in the industry.
Impact testing: This method compares the color of
an area of material before and after an impact. Color is
measured in the same area before and within a specific
time after impact, and an equation is used to determine the
amount of change in the color: Delta L = L (elapsed) – L (ini-
tial). L corresponds to lightness, or “whiteness” in this case.
Grayscale testing: Similar to impact testing, this
method measures difference in grayness levels by using
imaging software.
Blush testing: Dart impact testing is conducted to
create a white ring on the surface of the polymeric part.
One of two methods is then used to calculate the amount
of blushing that occurs as a result of the impact: blush
factor and blush index. Blush factor is calculated by mul-
tiplying Delta L by the blush diameter, and blush index is
calculated by dividing the diameter of a created whitened
ring by the diameter of the dart used to create the impact.
Bending test: This test takes an optical measurement
In large parts, such as car door panels, immediately after impact or tension is applied to a of light transmission during the bending of a tensile bar
nucleating agents can affect mold material, in fact, it can take days to fully appear. While or flex-modulus bar. The higher the light transmission,
results may not be immediate, testing has shown that the less the micro-cracking, and therefore the less stress
shrinkage which may require more
PP tends to be 95% stable 24 hours after impact. Minimal whitening that occurs. Conversely, the lower the light
pack-out to fill the mold. That, in turn,
whitening is likely to occur after that period but it is transmission, the more cracking that takes place causing
can require more ejection force, which a higher degree of stress whitening.
can cause stress whitening where the important to remember this time span when deciding
ejector pins contact the part. how to address stress-whitening problems.
There are many factors to consider when seeking a robust
What affects stress whitening? solution to stress whitening
Testing has shown that several factors can affect a materi-
al’s propensity to display stress whitening. These factors are
related to material choice, product design and processing.
Color masterbatch formulation: When holding con-
stant the PP copolymer type used and testing within the
same color space, tweaking color masterbatch formula-
tion as an independent variable can lead to substantial dif-
ferences in material stress-whitening propensity. Changes
to the masterbatch might include use of different pigment
types, particle sizes, or pigment levels—all affect stress-
whitening potential.
Copolymer resin: When masterbatch formulations
are held constant and the same color space is utilized, we
find that differences in PP copolymer resin choice can also
lead to variances in stress-whitening potential. Even dif-
ferent PP copolymers specified in the construction of the
same part can yield large differences in stress whitening.
Part thickness: The thickness of parts being pro-
duced can also factor into stress-whitening potential.
The chart shows a thinner part has worse stress whiten-
ing than a thicker part using the same PP copolymer and
color masterbatch. Our experimentation has shown that
as thickness decreases, more pigment will be needed to
minimize the visible stress whitening (see Fig. 3).
Nucleation in large parts: Nucleating agents and
certain pigments can affect mold shrinkage during injec-
tion molding. This shrinkage may require more pack-out
to fill the mold. The result can be a tendency for materials
to stick to the mold which requires more ejection force to
be exerted on the part to free it from the mold. This added
ejection force can be enough to cause stress whitening, es-
pecially in the area where the ejector pins contact the part.

Tariff Reduction for Power, GST
can Cultivate Export Culture in
Plastics Industry: Farid Vawda
Nobody took it seriously when a lean boy of 22
put a humble step into dyes trading in 1982. But
he persevered until his time came in 1991 to show
what he was capable of. Textile sector was taken by
surprise when he delivered them the required quality
at incredibly low prices, giving boost to their sales
across Sindh. Since then he did not stop for a single
day to look back and today, his once small business
has grown into a Group of Companies, operating
19 different businesses under one umbrella. Farid
Ahmed Vawda, the Chief Executive of FAV Group
of Companies (including FAV Plastico), talks to
Ahmed Qaiser, Chief Editor, Pakplas and shares his
executable, optimistic ideas spreading from Plastics
to overall economic uplift of his beloved motherland.

By Ahmed Qaiser

Please describe how you began your career in your

I started doing business in 1982 in the field of textile chem-
icals and dyes and then came in other fields as well. We had
a vision that we wanted to deliver something particularly How did you grow from a small trading company to
beneficial to our industry. After meeting desired success a group of companies?
in the textile sector we gradually diversified our business I made a very humble start in 1982 and the industry
and progressed towards becoming a group of companies. would not take me seriously as I was quite young then.
Alhamdulillah, today there are 19 different businesses op- It took them eight to nine years to put their confidence
erating under the umbrella of FAV Group of Companies. in me until 1991 which proved as a turning point in my
business career.
What are your other businesses than textiles and By 1991, the local industry would procure acrylic dyes
plastics? at quite high rates but I delivered the desired quality at
Our businesses include the Lab Equipment, Compressors incredibly low prices. Initially, they would not believe it
for industrial purposes, Toners for HP printers and copiers, owing to such an inordinate cut in the price, but later
CCTV camera network, Security Equipment supply and in- as the quality we supplied met their standards we were
stallation, Information Technology, Food products, Shelving able to enjoy 90% market share of green acrylic dyes
for Industrial Warehousing, Manufacturing of textile pig- across Sindh.
Plastics Industry ments for local industry etc. Recently, we have also started
has got a very local production of some chemicals for textile industry. When did you start materbatch production?
Here, I would like to speak some words about food We started the production of masterbatches in 2011.
encouraging future. products. I used to observe parents going for imported Although I had plans to come into plastics field since
A big multinational candies whenever it came to good quality food products the year 2000 but it took me a decade to implement the
company is investing for children. This prompted me into starting locally pro- plans only because I wanted to start it with own resources
over 10 billion rupees ducing good quality candies and wafers for our kids and instead of going for bank financing.
for expansion of their now Alhamdulillah, our indigenous products have won
production capacities. parents’ confidence across the country. We produce 100% What response did you receive from the customers?
gelatin free, pectin based candies with the result that no We received customers’ response much better than what
Another multinational
matter how many candies a child consumes at a time, he we initially expected. People gradually learnt about our
company is going remains safe from contracting such diseases otherwise products and became satisfied with the quality we of-
to set up a large caused due to consumption of sub standard items. My fered them. With the passage of time our clientele is con-
masterbatch plant to vision was to provide our children with indigenous fine tinuously expanding across the country and our samples
cater for growing local quality food items to let them enjoy the taste without are continuously being trialed in various companies with
demand. fear of harm or disease. satisfactory response.

Are you satisfied with the progress made so far? cal stability as well as introduction and pursuance of
We have made very good progress and Alhamdulillah, consistent and business friendly policies. If these things
we are completely satisfied with the pace of sustained are taken care of, I am confident that Pakistan economy
growth as we pursue a policy of giving importance to can surpass many regional economies within a decade.
the quality with economy. Consequently, it gives me
pleasure to mention that a giant multinational com- How would you comment on plastics industry of
pany has approved the use of our products while in Pakistan?
the oil sector big brands are using our masterbatches Plastics Industry has flourished over the years and it
in different colours with satisfaction. can flourish even further provided it gets requisite sup-
We work with low margin to benefit our customers as port from the government and certain issues faced
we wish the industry to look for exporting plastic prod- by it are resolved. It has got very good potential for
ucts abroad. I started my business career in the textiles grooming into an export industry; it only needs reso-
but I feel there is a need to have our export agenda lution of its problems which can be resolved by the
diversified to increase overall export volume. The gov- government if they consult the Association and act
ernment should continue to support the textile sector with a will to support the industry.
but simultaneously it should work to develop other
sectors for export as well. You talked about certain issues faced by the plastics
industry. Could you elaborate?
What potential do you see for exports of plastics No doubt, the law and order situation and the power
products from Pakistan? supply have shown considerable improvements but
We are convinced that there is great potential for ex- the electricity tariff is quite high which leads to high
ports in different sectors of the economy including the cost of local production. The import tariff is also high
plastics products subject to government playing a role and should be reduced as the plastic industry depends
of patron. What plastics industry needs from the gov- on imported raw material. Another issue that works as
ernment is due support and guidance in this regard. obstacle for local industry is the rate of sales tax which
being 17% is very high. I think if the GST rate is fixed
What kind of support do you think should be at 7%, it will spur great surge in the local consump-
provided by the government? tion and production of plastic products. We should
The government can organize international events understand that by supporting the local industry we
to facilitate Pakistani businessmen. There are many can reduce imports which are much more than the
countries which are pursuing aggressive strategy to exports. If we talk about the export sector, there are
enhance their exports. They book space at different many problems associated with the export refund pro-
international forums and offer it free to their busi- cedure which is very lengthy and complicated. If the
nessmen, urging its use as springboard for export government introduces one window operation with a
marketing. They also arrange low cost travelling and one week time stipulation for processing export refund
accommodation to facilitate their businessmen. Such claims, this will greatly help the export sector and also
supportive measures help their businessmen to in- encourage others to plan for exports.
crease their exports to benefit their governments in Secondly, by bringing down the high local cost of
return since increase in export earns foreign exchange production we can turn our industrial products com-
and promotes local production which also generates petitive enough to explore export opportunities in
revenue and employment opportunities. This is a win- international markets. This will improve quite nega-
win strategy and I recommend our government also tive balance of payments and increase revenues for
work on these lines to pave way for enhancing the the government.
Fixing GST rate at 7% exports of indigenous products.
What future do you see for plastics industry?
will spur great surge
Are such measures by other countries bearing fruits The Plastics Industry has got a very encouraging future
in local consumption for them? as can be seen from the fact that a big multinational
and production of Positive measures always bear fruits for the economy. It company is investing over 10 billion rupees for expan-
plastic products. We makes me regret when I look at countries like Vietnam sion of their production capacities. Besides, I under-
should understand which won independence in 1964 and today, in just 54 stand another multinational company is going to set
that by supporting years with a population of only 95 million their exports up a large masterbatch plant to cater for local demand
the local industry we stand at 163 billion US dollar. We can compare their per- which is continuously growing. Consumption of plastic
formance with our economy. We are a country with 208 products is constantly increasing which will work as
can reduce imports million people and our exports are only around 21 billion catalyst for further huge investments in the plastics
which are much more US dollar even though we have great potential and our industry in the years to come.
than the exports. exports should have been much more. Even Bangladesh
Reducing local cost of which became a separate country only 47 years ago can Does FAV also have plans for further expansion?
production can turn be looked at as their exports have surpassed ours. We are also cognizant of the increasing demand incited
indigenous products by fast increasing consumption. We started production
competitive enough As a seasoned businessman what future do you see in 2011 and in just seven years we have doubled our
for Pakistan economy? production capacity. Further expansion also seems vi-
to explore export I see a very bright future for Pakistan economy as there able in view of increasing demand for our products. We
opportunities which exist several positive factors. Our country is rich in re- receive very positive feedback from the customers who
can improve quite sources and has a talented manpower of 208 million tell us that they rate our products second only to the
negative balance which can do wonders. Economic indicators are also multinational source in terms of quality. This is because
of payments and showing positivity. We just need to successfully pass indigenous producers including us are doing fine jobs
increase revenues. through the phase of war on terror and have politi- by concentrating on quality and economy.

PET in
Recycling Pakistan:
Calls for

ver the past 2 decades Recycled automated recycling plants imported. The growth in re-
PET industry of Pakistan has cycling industry also played another important role in the
moved from a low scale output economy as being a labor intensive industry it created nu-
industry to a vibrant one yet it merous new job opportunities for skilled and unskilled
remains a neglected industry. workers alike.
Recycling of post consumer Creating numerous new job slots is just one aspect of
Pet Bottles of mineral water, PET Recycling industry’s silent contribution towards na-
soft drinks, juices, oil and other tional economy; the PET bottle Flakes have also proved
edibles till late 90s was almost nonexistent in Pakistan and their worth as a good source of earning highly precious
most of the waste could easily be seen scattered on the foreign exchange. This can be witnessed by looking at the
streets. However, with the passage of time it gradually export figures in this industry which were recorded around
reached its peak in the last 10 years. USD 40-45 millions per annum till the end of 2017. Most
Pet Bottle Flakes is the basic raw material for produc- noteworthy side of these exports is that almost 90% of
ing Recycled Polyester Fiber, and other allied sectors be- the exports were shipped to China with whom the trade
came the most in demand recycled material all over the balance is highly unfavourable.
world. Particularly, the demand from the Chinese Fiber Although, China has very recently taken steps with re-
Producers remained sky high which actually triggered the gard to environmental compliances and imposed a ban on
growth in PET recycling industry all over Pakistan, even in importing all kinds of waste and scraps. This ban is not only
Ilyas Vohra the far located rural areas of KPK and Baluchistan. applicable for waste and scrap imports from Pakistan but
Managing Director With regular exports on an average of 5000-6000 also from other countries including Europe. This develop-
Shazil Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd tons per month, the industry continued to flourish on ment has significantly reduced exports from Pakistan, but
Karachi locally manufactured machines as well as on imported surprisingly, no sign of any negative impact on the growth

cities of China for 20 years, thus becoming a success story
of economic turnaround in the region. If our best friend
China can adopt such conducive policies for its industries
for a certain period and allow them to grow notwithstand-
ing pressure from many quarters, then why not Pakistan?
In the wake of Chinese ban on import of all types
of waste and scrap there is a loud knocking on Pakistani
doors for the relocation of Recycling Industry from China to
Pakistan. In this connection, it is learnt that many Chinese
companies have privately visited Pakistan in the last few
months intending to make immediate investments for es-
tablishing the industry. Unfortunately, instead of capital-
izing on such lucrative opportunities for the growth and
development of local industry, strict import laws, high
import duties and non tariff barriers are not allowing to
materialize the opportunities of direct foreign investment
and technology transfer. Consequently, there is no wonder
these lucrative opportunities seem to be diverting towards
other countries including Bangladesh and Sri Lanka just
because such investment opportunities only seek the
feasible and conducive policies. The opportunities for re-
location of Chinese recycling industry are still present, in
of this industry in Pakistan has been witnessed so far. order to capitalise on them investment-friendly laws and
In the last few years, Pakistan has leapt forward in policies are the need of the hour.
the field of producing value added end products like What is needed at the moment is a more objective
PSF, Pet Strapping Bands, PET Sheets for packaging and approach by the government which can turn this industry
thermoforming, Unsaturated Polyester resin and few into one of the bright prospects for exports, local growth
other products. Ironically, with reduced exports in the and a new sector for creating employment opportunities
wake of Chinese ban on imports of waste and scrap from all over the country. Being a niche industry yet not a small
Pakistan, the local industry which was supposed to cash one, it is imperative that the concerned government de-
in on availability of low priced raw materials is faced with partments hold dialogues with the experienced compa-
an altogether reverse situation. Due to the rapid expan- nies and stake holders who are involved in the business to
sion in value added industry, the raw material is still seen learn the ground realities and work in the right direction
as scarcely available and the gap between supply and before the highly bright prospects for the growth and ex-
demand is highly tilted in favor of suppliers. As a result pansion of this industry worth billions are diverted towards
of scarce availability of its raw material, the installed pro- other destinations. The government departments should
cessing capacities in the industry are working on less than consider the reality that opportunities knock at your doors
50% production. but if the doors are not opened they do not waste time
The current demand and supply situation can eas- in finding others which are willing to open themselves at
ily be met by importing the food grade, clean, non toxic their first knock.
and non hazardous waste from all over the world at very
The Chinese ban on low prices, which is capable of giving tremendous value
import of waste has addition in return.
presented prospects Unfortunately, an industry that has great potentials
for relocation of of value addition, earning precious foreign exchange
Recycling Industry for the country through exports, creation of numerous
from China to employment opportunities, reduction in imports and
technological development, is pitched against otherwise
Pakistan. Chinese easily avoidable non tariff barriers on account of environ-
companies have mental issues. There exists great potential for the growth
privately visited and development of PET recycling industry which can be
Pakistan to easily utilized provided some environmental laws currently
make immediate applicable at import stage coupled with few other such
investments. restrictions are either relaxed or modified to help the in-
Unfortunately, some dustry realize its potential and thus be able to additionally
contribute towards the national economy.
factors including Relaxing or modifying few restrictions to support
strict import laws, local industry for a certain period is not an unprecedented
high import duties practice. Pakistan enjoys the most exemplary friendly re-
and non tariff barriers lationship with China and we can conveniently refer to a
are likely to push the relevant situation there. China before putting an import
prospects of DFI & ban on waste and scraps on plastics and other materials,
adopted a very liberal import policy for almost 25 years
technology transfer
and allowed the industry to develop and prosper. In fact,
to other countries like a city in China called Jiyangyin in the Jiangsu Province is a
Bangladesh and recycling hub for the Polyester Fiber and Plastic Recycling
Sri Lanka. Industry which remained as one of the fastest growing

Compatibilizers in Polymers
Products Development

Ayesha Afzal Asra Tariq Prof. Dr. Asad U. Khan Prof. Dr. Nasir M. Ahmad,
Department of Polymer Department of Polymer Chairman, Department of Incharge Polymer Research Lab
Engineering Engineering Chemical Engineering Focal Person Polymers and
National Textile University National Textile University COMSAT, Composites Research Group
Faisalabad Faisalabad Lahore SCME, NUST, Islamabad

improve the morphology and resulting characteristics

of the blend. Similarly, in composites it is a challenge
to adhere layers of polymer material to other material
(glass or metal), similarly effective dispersion of fillers
in the matrix polymer becomes difficult.
Development of compatibilization technologies
are in progress, and are at the stage of enabling the
polymer industry to reap the complete benefits of poly-
meric materials in optimizing their performance, cost
and characteristics.

Table 1: Types of Compatibility in Polymeric blends and


Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC), Poly(Styrene-co-
owadays, the field of polymer sci- Acrylonitrile) (SAN, 24% to 29%), Poly(Acrylonitrile-
ence and engineering is emerging co-Butadiene-co-Styrene) (ABS), Polydroxyether
rapidly, polymeric materials have of Bisphenol-A, Phenoxy Resin, Polycarbonate,
been a source of attraction for Nitrocellulose, Cellulose Butyrate, Cellulose
last three decades and by virtue Propionate, Chlorinated Polyether, Styrene/allyl
of their use and ease of manufac- Alcohol Copolymers
turing they are replacing conven-
tional materials. Each polymer has
Mechanically Compatible
its unique property and also lacks in other properties
because of which the polymer blends, composites and
laminates are developed that have become active area Polypropylene, Poly(1-butene), Polyethylene,
of science, engineering and technology and possess Natural Rubber, Styrene/Butadiene Elastomers,
commercially great economic importance. Styrene/Butadiene Block Copolymers, Unsaturated
Blends of two or more polymers sometimes are im- Polyesters, Epoxies, Phenolics, Poly(Vinyl
miscible with each other. To make polymer blends more Acetate), Poly(Vinyl Butyral), Polybutadiene,
compatible and useful, the compatibilizers are often Ethylene/Propylene Rubber, Polyisobutylene,
utilized. Compatibilizers are used as additives to raise Polyoxymethylene, Polyoxyethylene.
the compatibility of immiscible polymers and also to

Advancement in modification techniques of polymer The major factors that every polymeric product de-
has rapidly been witnessed during the last two decades veloper must pay attention to in order to achieve the
to improve the performance and price balance by altering technical and commercial success are following:
and functionalizing the chemical structures of polymers. 1. Performance in comparison of price
The objective of adding compatibilizers during 2. Metastable morphologies that is often induced by
processing of polymer is to attain good performance processing conditions
without increasing cost or maintain acceptable proper- 3. Practical implications
ties at lower cost. Polymeric compatibilizers are poly- 4. Morphology to property connections
mers that can be employed as additives to assemble Modification of an inexpensive polymer (e.g. poly-
dissimilar polymers into polymer blends, composites, olefin) has become competitive with other expensive
laminates and multi film food packaging with improved engineering plastic, having new potential applications.
properties. To achieve homogeneity in final part, the Many industries are preparing polymeric compatibilizers
compatibilizers help to generate interaction between that lie into two major classes, namely, modified poly-
the components of blends. olefins and styrenic block copolymers. These companies
are competing for same types of applications.

There is a Need to Lay Emphasis on
Export Marketing: Imtiaz Rastgar

He is bookish with diversified interests in languages, history, geography, industrial processes and development economics; a trained athlete, optimistic,
resilient, and able to think out of box. Hailing from an Arain family of Jullundur, he became Pakistani as early as an infant and completed his
education from different institutes of Rawalpindi, Sargodha and Lahore, with a diploma in Metal Casting from PITAC. In 1966, his university invited
him to receive his degree but being busy with establishing his business, he wrote back for a dispatch. He did get it by post, only 46 years later in 2013!
In 1994, auto industry saw it plunged into crisis following an economic crush. While many of his fellow businessmen quit or cried, our undaunted
athlete chose to be led by true sportsman spirit took his products to AutoMechanika 1994, Germany, and returned as an exporter!
Meet Imtiaz Rastgar, as he opens up the book of his life – full of jewels collected during half century of eventful journey in business - and tells some
thought provoking and inspiring excerpts in an interview with Ahmed Qaiser, Chief Editor, Pakplas.

By Ahmed Qaiser

Would you like to start by giving a brief account about When did you begin your career in business?
yourself? I was still a college student when I got a P.O. Box from
I was born in Jullundur and my parents migrated to Lahore GPO to serve as a business address and started
Pakistan when I was an infant. I started my school- a small business using my father’s old typewriter for
ing from Rawalpindi and Sargodha. During school correspondence. I only waited till my exams were over
days I trained as glider pilot, long distance swimmer and in July 1966 pursued full time career as a young
and cross country runner. Dedicated teachers gifted business man.
me good grounding in sciences, languages, history
and geography which became building blocks for Did you not wait to get the formal degree for stepping
my personality. My hobbies included aero-modeling into practical life?
and photography. Well, no. And it is an interesting memory to share. Some
I did B.Com Honours in 1966 and by virtue of access months after final exams I received invitation from
to several libraries got a deep insight into subjects like Punjab University to attend the convocation but I wrote
Development Economics, Industrial Processes and to request them for a degree by post. They were kind
Business Biographies, not forgetting Urdu literature. enough to grant their student’s request by dispatching

my degree in 2013, only 46 years later. Pakistan has been able to create an upwardly mobile
lower middle class which is reflected by the figure of
What was the business that you started then? 2.2 million motorbike sales. The demand for consumer
My chosen field of business was metal casting. The goods has grown fast leading to retail sector growth
very first quarter of practical life convinced me that I of more than 8% per annum. Auto sector also is doing
would have to learn a lot to be successful in this field. well which is an indicator of increasing buying power
Besides establishing lifelong friendship with books of consumers. Our balance of payments does paint a
on topics of business and other subjects, I also com- gloomy picture but it is partly due to import of capital
pleted a Diploma in Metal Casting at Pakistan Industrial goods which in my opinion should impact the econ-
Technical System Center, commonly known as PITAC. omy for better in the years to come.
This diploma equipped me with needed exposure to
Metal Casting Techniques, Pattern Making Techniques, What major challenges do you think are faced by the
Heat Treatment, Designing and Drafting and whatever industry?
else it takes to produce good casting. On my return Based on my experience of over 50 years in dealing
from there we started a small foundry in I-9 Islamabad with certain departments I strongly feel that the big-
and that company continued to grow, by Grace of gest challenge is the lack of business friendly mindset
Allah, during the last 50 years of my life as Rastgar and ignoring the merit system which works as impedi-
Engineering Company. ment in the realization of growth potential in indus-
trial sector. Organizing the SME sector and introducing
How was the journey to success? proper documentation system also is a big challenge
Those were early decades after creation of Pakistan which needs to be tackled without losing much time.
and modern foundry technology was not well known. I think the solution is to introduce E-government as far
But I was lucky to spend some time at BECO which as possible and adherence to the merit system which
was the only well organized company in our sector can ultimately result in development and betterment
and the time I spent with them helped me to run my of our industrial sector.
business. Our company grew at a stable fluent pace
since I always endeavoured to learn and bring in In your opinion what does our economy need to focus
newer and better technology. For this purpose I also on?
became a member of Institute of British Foundrymen The most important aspect our economy needs to
and American Foundrymen Society. I started making focus on is miserably low exports. Current export
abrasion resistance casting like cylindrical pebbles, volume of 20 or 21 billion dollar does not represent
grinding balls and mill liners for the cement industry. our actual potential because our industry is capable
of much higher volume. But industry alone can-
Did library culture play any beneficial role in growing not do the job as it requires support and facilitation
your business? from the government and pragmatic policies. Cost
I will say it proved very beneficial everywhere. Being of doing business also is very high as compared to
a business student, I not only attended to technology other regional countries and the government should
needs of my company, but also created own logo for introduce certain measures to minimise it. Productive
the material we developed, RASTALLOY. This could use of higher percentage of young population is very
happen because I was aware of the importance of important and they should be provided with oppor-
selling techniques and out of box thinking. tunities for quality education with globally competent
Although RASTALLOY became very popular grinding syllabi at affordable cost.
media for cement industries yet the first 18 years were
very tough as we would make little profit from small How do you look at the future of economy?
sales. But I persevered with the investment in marketing In spite of all the challenges faced by the Pakistani
and technology which finally started to yield the de- economy, the high IQ levels, hard working habits of our
sired results, paving way for company’s stable growth. population and several steps taken by the incumbent
Our economy government make the prospects look good. Large
needs to focus You mentioned about the importance of out of box scale investments in energy, extension of world class
thinking. Could you share any example to describe it? road network, addressing the gas crisis, investments
on miserably low There are many such examples but I would like to in higher education are such positive measures which
exports. Current share just one of them to show how out of box think- will start giving results in the next four to five years.
export volume of 20 ing can help in turning problems into opportunity.
or 21 billion dollar In 1994, the auto parts industry plunged into crisis How would you comment on the performance of
does not represent due to infamous economic crash. It made many fel- PPMA?
our actual potential low businessmen either quit or cry but I took my It is very heartening to note how the Pakistan Plastic
because our industry products to AutoMechanika 1994 in Germany and re- Manufacturers Association has flowered as a trade
turned with export orders. By end of 1994, we made body and its trade fair, the PAKPLAS, has also pro-
is capable of much our first export of truck Wheel Hubs and Brake Drums gressed to be recognised as an international trade
higher volume. to Indonesia. Now, we are exporting about 70 percent event. PPMA is on its way to becoming a real BSO -
But industry alone of our products. Business Support Organisation.
cannot do the job as I suggest PPMA should work in collaboration with
it requires support You have been in business for a half century now. TEVTA as well as technical universities for improve-
and facilitation from How do you describe the existing state of economy? ment in syllabi to ensure better qualified professionals
In my opinion the existing state of Pakistan economy for industry and urge its members to lay emphasis on
the government and
is quite good. Thanks to large scale motorisation, Export Marketing.
pragmatic policies.

Understanding Your
Materials in Processes for
Enhanced Productivity

lastics are very versatile materials used to the plastics processor through material supplier in
in many products both in commod- the form of Materials Data and Safety Sheet (MSDS).
ity and specialty applications such Commonly, either the machine or material suppliers
as structural load bearing materials. suggest the particular resin for a product and also the
The specific advantages of plastics processing conditions during product manufacture.
over non-polymeric materials such as In this situation, the plastics processor cannot explore
metals, ceramics etc. are low density, the full potential of the similar materials available in
tune-ability of mechanical proper- the market being unaware of the significance and im-
ties from flexible to high rigidity (modulus) materials, plication of properties data in product function and
adaptability to mass production processes, consolida- processing. Moreover, by undermining the importance
tion of various functions in a single product (e.g., snap- of materials’ properties evaluation and their applica-
fit assembly, controlled permeation etc.) and colouring tions in product design and processing, the processor
and finishing in a single operation (Injection Molding). is unable to get the advantage of material replacement
Prof. Dr. Asif Ali Qaiser The product design features (e.g., part thickness) and for better price, energy saving and enhanced product
Chairman Deptt of Polymer & selection of processing operation and conditions de- life/functionality. Therefore, the better understanding
Processing Engineering pend on the properties of the materials evaluated at of plastic materials properties needs not to be over-
University of Engineering & certain standard conditions. Usually these properties emphasized and bears a direct relationship with in-
Technology, Lahore testing is done by the resin manufacturer and provided creased productivity and product quality.

Plastics though appear solids, are viscoelastic materi- by weighing extrudate weight and MVR is calculated by
als in reality and their mechanical properties depend on incorporating melt density in the formula. The MVR gives
temperature, stress and time unlike non-polymeric ma- an idea of volumetric flow rate at stipulated conditions.
terials where temperature is the only influencing factor. MFI can be only used for lot/batch qualification and can-
Viscoelasticity means that at a given combination of tem- not be used in place of viscosity. MFI depends on average
perature and time, plastics may show both solid-like and molecular weight of the resin and is always questioned
liquid-like properties simultaneously and one can shift the for its measurement accuracy.
behaviour by carefully selecting plastics, molecular weight,
Table 1: Technical Data sheet for Low Density
molecular weight distribution and additives package.
Polyethylene. (Courtesy:
Based on the applications, thermoplastics can be clas-
sified into commodity, engineering and specialty ther-
moplastics using famous triangular diagram (Figure 1).
As we go on towards top of the triangle, the application
temperature increases along with cost of the material.

Under Mechanical Properties, short-term mechanical

properties are measured either in Tensile (elongation) or
Flexural (bending) mode depending upon the intended
application of the resin in terms of final product. Being vis-
coelastic in nature, plastics properties are highly sensitive
Figure 1: Classification of The first set of information that a plastic product to tensile (or flexural) strain rate in addition to temperature
Plastics based on Application designer or processor encounters about a material is and under ISO 572-2 testing standard, both temperature
Temperature (Courtesy: www. Materials Data and Safety Sheet (MSDS). These are nomi- and elongation rate are fixed thus yielding only single nal values of a few selected properties measured by point data useful only for comparison purpose. At least,
resin producer under certain testing standards. A typical one should insist on the complete stress-strain curves at
Technical Data Sheet (TDS) of Low Density Polyethylene varied temperature and strain rate to assess complete me-
(LDPE) is shown in Table 1. In this typical TDS, density, chanical behaviour of the material (Figure 2). The Creep
flowability and selected mechanical and thermal proper- data shows long term behaviour of plastic materials and
ties are given. In “Polymer Properties” section, virgin resin’s products. Creep Modulus is calculated by imposing a
density and fluidity index in terms of Melt Flow Index (MFI) constant load (stress) at specified shaped specimen and
and Melt Flow Rate (MFR) are shown. The resin density measuring strain (elongation) with respect to time. Creep
is important for bulk solid handling and conveying and Modulus is calculated as the ratio of strain at 1 and 1000 h
benchmark the filler content of compound resin and to the applied stress. These Moduli show how fast the resin
packing density in case of injection moulding product. loses its stiffness with respect to time at a given tempera-
MFI shows how easy the resin can flow in its molten state. ture. The question arises: how useful are these properties
It should be noted that it is a single point fluidity value at for product design and processing parameters selection?
a stipulated temperature, extrusion force through a stan- “Izod Impact Notched” values show the energy ab-
dard extrusion (capillary) die and can never replace viscos- sorption under sudden load. This property shows resil-
ity. Polymer melt viscosity is measured in a viscometer/ ience to shock loads that are applied at very high rates.
rheometer with well-defined and measured geometry, Usually, either Izod or Charpy impact methods are used
strain rate and shear stress. Moreover, the melts are pseu- under ISO and ASTM standards where a rectangular speci-
doplastic in nature that means the viscosity decreases men either with or without a small cut (notch) is fixed in
by increasing shear strain rate at constant temperature an anvil and a hammer equipped with a weight is struck
and viscosity is not a constant property (Melts are non- to the specimen. The energy to break the specimen is
Newtonian fluids). In an MFI apparatus, MFI is calculated recorded and quoted as toughness.

Figure 2: Stress-Strain curve for LDPE at melting point measurement can indicate the heat absorp-
varying temperature (Courtesy: Jordan tion till all crystallinity in a polymer is destroyed. However,
et al., J. dynamic behavior mater. (2016) this energy does not correlate to the heat absorption
under load in an extruder where viscous heat generation
is mainly responsible for resin melting and plasticisation.
To simulate melting behaviour in an extruder barrel, de-
termination of fusion behaviour in a Measuring Mixer (e.g.,
Brabender ® Measuring Mixer) can be helpful.
Polymeric resins are never used in N.E.A.T (Nothing
Else Added To) condition and are always used in com-
pound form where other components such as filler,
processing aids, plasticisers, heat stabilizers, rubbers
etc. are added to achieve desired properties. Moreover,
the stipulated conditions in these testing standards sel-
dom simulate the application conditions of the product
therefore tell a little about a successful product design
and application. For a better productivity and product
quality, additional instrumental tests and long term
Surface hardness is measured in Shore A in rubbers property evaluation are needed and the values given
and Shore D in soft thermoplastics scales. Hardness is a in TDS are useful only for batch qualification and com-
surface property that tells about the “softness” of the sur- parison purpose.
face. An indentation needle is pressed against the surface
with a prescribed load and indentation is measured. Prof. Dr. Asif Ali Qaiser is currently working as Chairman
In Thermal Properties, Heat Deflection Temperature of Polymer & Process Engineering Department, UET
(HDT) measurement guides about the maximum appli- Lahore. He is actively involved in academic and in-
cation temperature whereas Vicat Softening point shows dustrial research, new developments, characteri-
softening temperature. Based on these tests, one cannot zation and a lot more. He got his PhD degree from
determine maximum application temperature. For this, the University of Auckland, New Zealand in Chemical
decrease of a specific mechanical property (e.g., Modulus) and Materials Engineering in 2011. Prof. Qaiser’s re-
is measured at increasing temperature in another test. search interests include Polymer Membranes, Polymer
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) test measured
Characterization, and Rheology. He has published his
thermal transitions such as Glass Transition Temperature
research in a number of well-reputed journals and also
(Tg) and Melting point (Tm) along with degree of crystal-
linity and blend composition etc. Enthalpy change during presented his work in many conferences/symposia.

Coating Plastics/
Plastic Coatings

ow many of us know that plastic,
even after going through a com-
plex process of being colored,
still sometimes has to be further
coated with paint. Why? Good
question, but before we go into
the topic of coloring plastic, let
us analyze what plastic really is.
Plastic can commonly be defined as “any natural or
synthetic material that can be softened by applying heat
two chemicals is called Thermoset. Polyurethane car
but reverses back to its hardened state upon cooling”.
bumpers are formed by the chemical reaction of liquid
However, this is the definition of only thermoplastic only.
monomer, isocyanate with the liquid polyol. (Polyol is a
We also have another form of plastic, called thermoset, un-
product that contains multiple -OH groups, like glycerin).
like thermoplastic, thermoset once hardened is irreversible.
With a few exceptions, thermoset is generally used to
An example is the thermoset polyurethane car bumpers.
formulate paint and coatings. Latex paints are made from
acrylics or vinyl. Epoxy is another example of thermoset
plastic. Polyamide, a Nylon of low molecular weight, is
It is a plastic consisting of very high molecular weight
used to make flexographic ink.
polymer. Examples include polyethylene, polypropylene,
polystyrene and so on. Thermoplastic is normally used to
Coating Plastic
mold products like plastic buckets, toys, auto tail lights,
Coating Plastic is too broad a subject to be comprehen-
dinnerware, bicycle helmets.
sively covered in one go for any magazine. Space limi-
Zaid Faridi tations linked with writing such articles for a magazine
ChemConsult International necessitate most of the discussion to be concentrated on
A plastic that is formed by a chemical reaction between
plastics used in automobiles.

Another extremely When we enter our cars, we notice that the entire
important part of interior of the car is made up of plastics of various types.
an automobile is Not only the interior, but the exterior of the car also has
many parts that are made from plastic. Almost 40% of
its tail light. By the
exterior (automobile) parts are made from plastic. Plastic
Western standards, bumpers, facias, hub caps, body ding and scratch pre-
the tail lights must venting body molding strips, side mirror casings, noise
be visible from at deafening/acoustic foam lining around the windows,
least two miles with wind shield wipers, tail lights, head lights housing,
the same shade the front grill and others, all are made from plastics.
of red. In many Nevertheless, every plastic has a function in an automo-
bile. Interestingly, each of these plastic parts is coated
countries there are
with special paint for specific reasons.
no standards and
auto safety is laxed, Color Matching
the shade of red Companies that manufacture plastic parts know very
may vary, especially well, regardless of how hard they try, they cannot match
aftermarket lights. the color of two different plastic types. As discussed ear-
A transparent lier, interior of an automobile is composed of many dif-
ferent plastics. The top of dashboard and seats are made
acrylic coating is from vinyl. The sides are made from ABS. The gear shift
applied inside of the cover is made from acrylic or polycarbonate. There are
light to achieve the also nylon, polystyrene (airbag compartment), and other
same shade of red. plastics involved. Now to make the interior appealing,
after the inside of the car is assembled, it is coated with a
special coating to get same shade and hue of a particular
color. The coating usually is acrylic for the economy cars
and polyurethane for the mid cost to upscale cars that
do not have leather seats and dashboard. Aesthetics
Another important part of an automobile to be color We all appreciate beautiful things that surround us, and
matched is its bumper. The bumper is usually made from that is also true for a car. A car is one possession that
PU (casting polyurethane) or TPU (casting thermos poly- we all appreciate and admire greatly, and sometimes it
urethane). Sometimes plastic bumpers are also made is the second biggest investment in our lives after our
from polypropylene, but this is not customary in Western homes. We want the best for our money. In that respect,
countries for two reasons: it is neither as durable as PU if the auto manufacturer had thrown in various plastics
nor does it allow the paint stick to it. together, the interior of the car would be very unattract-
Anyhow, there is a world of a difference between the ive. Polystyrene would show mold marks with extremely
righty of steel body of an automobile and the flexible low gloss. ABS and vinyl would be very dull, while poly-
plastic bumper’s physics. That makes the color matching carbonate would have a gloss so bright that it would hurt
of the two substrates very difficult. The reflection of light your eyes when the light is reflected from it. The plastics
(color absorption and color reflecting) from the two sub- in the car are therefore coated with a coating to get a
strates has different DELTA values (Delta value is a term uniform gloss and look.
of physics for color measurement). The paint, when ap- As the cost of fuel is going up, the weight of auto-
plied over the two substrates, therefore, overcomes this mobiles is being reduced. Just as chrome bumpers are
difficulty. The paint used is crosslinked polyurethane or replaced with plastic bumpers, the front chrome grill is
crosslinked polyester melamine system. Both give excel- replaced with a polycarbonate grill. The grill is subjected
lent scratch and crack resistance to paint film up to five to vacuum metalizing to imitate a chrome finish.
to ten miles an hour collision (normally the speed of the Vacuum metalizing is quite similar to electroplating
automobile during parking). except here aluminum metal is liquefied and vaporized
in a vacuum chamber. The electrostatic electric charge is
Protection created in the chamber that forces the liquid aluminum
The dashboard and the ceiling of a car are laminated with vapors to travel to the plastic object in the chamber. The
vinyl skin. Vinyl, also called the PVC, is an inexpensive plas- micro droplets of aluminum, after being collected on the
tic, but, unfortunately, it does not have UV resistance to plastic grill, coalesce and form an imitation chrome film.
sun light. In a very short time, the plastic changes color This method is also used on toys, jewelry, plastic door
and then starts to crack. The skin is coated with opaque handles, photo frames, Mylar (polyester film) and many
acrylic or polyurethane paint. These paints block the UV other objects.
rays that would otherwise attack vinyl. Similarly, the acous- Auto hubcaps are no longer made from steel but
tic and water proofing window foam lining is also pro- ABS. This choice of plastic is due to ABS (Acronitrile butyl
tected from the sun’s harmful rays by a protective paint. styrene) being much lighter than steel. ABS is not a true
Another extremely important part of an automobile is plastic but an alloy and exhibits some great physical and
its tail light. By the Western standards, the tail lights must chemical properties. ABS is hard, rigid, inexpensive, and
be visible from at least two miles with the same shade of requires low maintenance; however, it is not UV resistant.
red. In many countries there are no standards and auto Therefore, when coated with a bifunctional coating; it
safety is laxed, the shade of red may vary, especially af- protects the cap from the harmful UV rays of the sun and
termarket lights. A transparent acrylic coating is applied gives a metallic look. A very inexpensive acrylic lacquer
inside of the light to achieve the same shade of red. serves a bifunctional coating.

Wood Replacement
To preserve Green Earth, a keen interest is taken in the
West to preserve trees. More and more doors and win-
dows are manufactured using vinyl, ABS, acrylic and
polystyrenes. These wood replacement materials are
colored during the injection molding process but still
require a paint film for esthetic reasons. Acrylic or ure-
thane paint is applied.

Fiberglass is used in automobiles, doors, roofing, green-
houses, airplanes, trains, boats and others. This material
is made with thermoplastic polyester, also called BMC
(bulk molding compound) reinforced with glass strands.
Color is added during extrusion, but with high UV rays
from the sun, soon shows color fading. An aftermarket
transparent acrylic coating brings back the luster.

Space shuttles and capsules move with tremendous
velocity which generates the high heat. Plastics used
in this industry are technically advanced plastic alloys,
So far, we have discussed plastics used in an auto- i.e. thermoset casting materials along with carbon fiber.
mobile, but there a few more important plastic prod- These materials are further coated with coatings that
ucts that have become integral parts of our daily life and have high heat resistance. Among the polymers used
need to be mentioned here. in these coatings, silicone resin is the main component
to reinsure safe re-entry of the shuttle into the earth’s
Television atmosphere. The coating used not only has high heat
As pricing for televisions is dropping, their electronic resistance, but also exhibits very advanced EMI/RFI
properties cannot be sacrificed, but other aspects (of properties.
the physical building) of the televisions can and are
changing. The television housing where the entire Plastic Coatings
monitor sits is made from HIPS (high im- Plastic is just not coated over with paint and
pact polystyrene). HIPS have the im- coatings, but plastic is also coated
pact resistance, but uncoated, it over non-plastic materials to at-
does not reflect eye appeal. tain certain properties. They
It can have mold marks, are as follows:
sometimes sink marks, • P T F E
or slight irregularities (Polytetra fluoroeth-
in the outer surface. ylene) coated cook-
These housings ware and tools
are therefore sub- • P o w d e r
jected to acrylic coated office
lacquer be- cabinets, cook-
Auto hubcaps are no cause of which ing range, refrig-
longer made from it acquires its erator, washing
steel but ABS. This accepted look. drying machines
• S i l i c o n e
choice of plastic is due resin coated oven
to ABS being much Computers,
Mobile Phones (inside), barbeque
lighter than steel. These items have grills and restau-
ABS is an alloy and become such im- rant equipment
exhibits some great portant parts of our • Automobile
physical and chemical lives that it seems as if we under the hood where
are born with them. Plastics the engine is
properties. It is hard,
used in these items are acrylic, • Penetrating vinyl,
rigid, inexpensive, acrylic and PU coatings for wood
and requires low ABS, polystyrene and polycarbonate.
One of the physical characteristics of these • Concrete coatings
maintenance but it plastics is that they develop an electrostatic charge • Casting epoxies
is not UV resistant. from the atmosphere, especially in a non-human envi- • House paint
Therefore, it is coated ronment. This charge would interfere with both items’ • Bowling balls
with a bifunctional operations. The housing therefore is coated with an • Hardwood floors
EMI/RFI (electromagnetic interference/radio frequency • Screen printing
coating to protect the
interference) depleting coatings. The coatings dissi- Plastic coatings are a separate subject. As said ear-
cap from the harmful lier, the space limitation in this magazine would not
UV rays of the sun and pate the electrical charge and allow interference free
communication. allow it to be discussed fully. It can be discussed at
give a metallic look. length at another time.

Polymer Bone Graft Substitute
Receives FDA Clearance

steo-P is a synthetic bone graft Bringing this product to market is the culmination of
substitute that supports and Lee’s years-long fascination with stem cells, which began
guides the growth of new when he was an undergrad at the UC Davis School of
bone and is resorbed and re- Medicine. “I fell in love with those cells,” Lee told Howard.
placed with the patients’ own “That’s how I got into stem cell biology. There was nothing
bone during the healing pro- else I wanted to do than study and research them.”
cess. Charles Lee, the founder The stem cells he worked with were grown in a single
of Molecular Matrix and also layer, but Lee began thinking about new ways to grow them.
an assistant adjunct professor in the Department of Cell “Stem cells behave much differently when they are
Biology and Human Anatomy at the UC Davis School grown in an aggregate as opposed to a monolayer,” he
of Medicine, expects to bring the biomaterial to market said. “But building up stem cells is not easy. It requires a
within the next couple of months. “What began as an idea scaffold—a matrix or structure—to help support the cells
from UC Davis has reached all the way to FDA clearance,” to grow into an organoid.”
Lee told Lisa Howard, who reported on the achievement Lee specifically wanted to use a carbohydrate, a sugar,
on the UC Davis news page. for scaffolding that would be degradable and nontoxic.
The bone graft substitute is a non-mineralized, The breakthrough came with the invention of a hyper-
synthetic bone void filler made of a hyper-cross-linked cross-linked carbohydrate polymer technology that pro-
carbohydrate polymer (HCCP). It is highly porous, bio- vides a platform for stem cells to grow both in vitro and
compatible, biodegradable and has shown exceptional in vivo. By extreme cross-linking of the molecules, the
capabilities of bone repair, according to a press release structure is able to hold its shape under heat and pres-
from the company. sure, Lee explained. He founded Molecular Matrix, with
The polymer technology reportedly offers several ad- significant support from UC Davis through its technology
vantages over current bone graft substitutes, including commercialization program, in 2011.
exceptional bone formation and implant resorption, real “The need for bone substitute products is expected
time fusion monitoring and the ability to hold a suture. to expand,” Jim Keefer, COO of Molecular Matrix, told UC
Raja Omer Nawaz Based on proprietary research, Osteo-P is intended Davis. “The global bone graft and substitutes market was
Managing Director for the filling of bone defects created surgically or through estimated at $2.1 billion in 2013 and is expected to grow
RON Extrusions Engineering, traumatic injury. When placed or gently packed into bone to $2.7 billion by 2020.”
Lahore voids, Osteo-P supports and guides the in growth of new The Osteo-P biomaterial is expected to be available
omer.nawaz@ronextrusions. bone across the graft site, after which it is resorbed and re- in the form of large pore granules, sheets, cubes, wedges
com placed by newly formed bone during the healing process. and cylinders or in custom sizes starting in March 2018.

NED Lab Upgraded
New Test Equipments
Procured to Offer
Additional Facilities

ED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi has announced to have upgraded their laboratory of
Polymer Department. According to the detailed provided by them, the University has procured several
new Test and Analytical Equipments to upgrade its laboratory, thus being in position to offer additional
testing facilities for polymer materials and products. The University believes by equipping their lab with
further technology, they will be able to conduct some of those tests as whose facilities were not avail-
able previously.
Given below are the details of recently added facilities and the scope of the equipment, as provided
by the University to Pakplas.

PPMA is Making Headway to Have Effective
Linkage with Academia: S.M. Noman
NED University of Engineering & Technology recently organized
2nd International Conference on Advance Materials & Process
Engineering. The conference was co-sponsored by PPMA and
represented by Mr. S. M. Noman, Convener, Training & Development
Committee. Pakplas spoke to Mr. Noman to have his views
regarding the conference and on the efforts being made by PPMA
to strengthen linkage between the Industry and the Academia.

By Ahmed Qaiser

You have been an active member of Training & Development side of

PPMA. How do you describe your role?
Ever since I joined PPMA as a member my role has been to strive to
ensure that the plastics industry and the relevant institutes - be they
academic or professional - coordinate with each other to their mutual
benefit. On behalf of PPMA, I undertake various tasks which are aimed
at upgrading the technical skills and technological knowledge of our
members. In this regard holding seminars and training workshops are
also seen as useful activities.

What is the focus of your activities?

Plastic technology has improved our prospects as an industry and
opened up many avenues for growth and development. We aim to el-
evate the status of the industry from that of a household plastic industry
to the one having diversified production capacities and capabilities in
line with innovations that frequently take place in the world of plastics.
The industry constantly needs well educated and well trained profes-
sionals and it is imperative that academic and professional institutes are
sufficiently equipped to educate and train their students in accordance
with the prevailing demand of industrial manpower.

How important is the linkage with Academia? What headway has (PSTC). PSTC was established in 1965 with the collaboration of Swiss
been made in this direction? Government under the umbrella of PCSIR. It has the privilege of
It is observed that academic institutes lack adequate funds from the being the first institute which introduced Dyes & Mould Technology
government and have to manage with outdated syllabi with less em- in Pakistan and its graduates are serving the plastic industry world-
phasis on practical implementation of knowledge. Linking industry to wide. Besides, PPMA members played significant role in the estab-
academia allows research and study to be based on practical applica- lishment of Plastic Technology Centre (PTC), Karachi in early 90’s.
tions to ensure solution of such problems in less time. The Chairman, PPMA acts as its Board Member by default and I have
I believe it is high time for both industry and the academia to establish also attended some of their meetings and seminars. However, I must
closer links with each other to secure better results. PPMA is making point out here that such centres should run with close coordination
headways towards achieving these goals by also having its members with the concerned Association whose suggestions and recommen-
participate in the academic boards of different institutes. dations should be considered before implementing any decisions.
Moreover, during last few years Skill Development Cells have also
You represent PPMA on the advisory board coordinating with NED been set up to train the less privileged ones and those with limited
University. What are its aims and objectives? knowledge of Plastics so that they can learn the requisite skills to
The Polymer and Petrochemical department of NED University has be an effective part of the industry.
some of the best research and testing equipment and machinery
available. Recently, they have equipped their laboratories with further PPMA recently co-sponsored an International Conference orga-
testing equipment and facilities which is appreciated by the industry. nized by NED. How do you comment on it?
The advisory board which you mentioned makes efforts to utilize their The 2nd International Conference of NED is a welcome initiative and
coordination in respect of their curriculum and testing facilities not only PPMA is proud to be one of its sponsors. The research and theoretical
for the benefit of the Plastic Industry but also to benefit their faculty papers presented at the two conferences presented ideas on inno-
and students by providing them with opportunities of interaction with vations of different materials and processes in petrochemicals field
the industry. which can be implemented on industrial basis.
Such conferences were very beneficial for the students and all the
Do you also involve the public sector in the growth and development speakers had vast experience in their subjects but it was noted that
of Plastic Industry? the participation from industries was little. In my opinion the industry
PPMA also works on this side and on its behalf I play my role as a should come forward and join such academic initiatives which will
senior member of Board of Management of Pak Swiss Training Centre be beneficial for them.

3D Printing
Polymer Industry

olymer industries of Pakistan have very
good growth rate over the last decay as
well as a great contribution to the econ-
omy of country. Polymer industry is mostly
using conventional processing methods,
for example, injection molding, blow
molding extrusion or blown film tech-
niques for mass production of various
polymeric products. The industry works a lot to find out the
cheaper raw materials sources to reduce energy costs, to cut
transportation bills etc, but does not seem to focus emerging
technologies. These new technologies can certainly benefit our
businesses and community.
One of these emerging technologies is 3D Printing. This Muhammad Kashif Naseem
technology is one of the extra ordinary ideas to develop the Polymer Engineer
new design at cheapest price. How these printers work and Islamabad
how cheaply these machines are available in market, is an open
secret. The idea of 3D printing technology has not garbed the
attention due to various reasons. One of those reasons may be that it was thought earlier that it can be
used for prototyping only. Now this technology is not confined to prototyping. This technology is
being adopted for production of high value and unique products. It has recently been used for
fancy and custom made products. That is one of the good return markets as well.
Users can process materials up to 300°C – making it possible to manufacture polymer
material classes such as PA6, PBT, PET, PPS, PEKK and others.
Modern machines have three stage filter unit consisting of a cooling trap, fines filter
and reactive coal filter to counter material out gassing and particle contamination, es-
sential for manufacturing high quality products. 3D printing has enabled to handle high
performance polymer materials like PEKK, known for its high thermal stability, inherent
flame retardancy and high chemical resistance, which makes it a lightweight alternative
to metal. The goal of these new polymers is to provide alternate to metals at a competitive
cost per part, enabling an industrial application that was not feasible until now.
In modern machines, FDM Technology works for production grade thermoplastics to
build strong, durable and dimensionally stable parts with the best accuracy and repeat-
ability of any 3D printing technology.
3D printing materials just keep getting cooler. The introduction of polymers with
conductive, magnetic, and glow in the dark properties, now comes shape memory
filament which has led to the concept of 4D.
3D Printing goes 4D with smart memory materials which self-assemble.
The concept of 4D printing was developed to create materials that could be
manufactured or assembled in one configuration and then alter themselves
by self-assembling into a pre-programmed configuration. The transformation
could be controlled using smart materials that alter themselves. These unique
and most advanced outcomes are being possible by using 3D printing tech-
nology in the industry. Further robotics, Medical, Dental & genetic engineering
and space technology are also being enriched by the 3D Printing Technology
throughout the world.
Two-thirds of European industrial manufacturers use 3D printing technology,
as it can handle multiple materials and with faster processing, they have found its use
beyond rapid prototyping. According to various newsletters based assumptions and
predictions, revenue worth billions will be generated from thermo-polymers and other
formulated materials used for printing after 10 years.

Plastic Solid
Waste Management

ith the advent of 21st cen- to plastic waste.
tury a global increase in Plastic waste makes up 10% of the total global
population, strengthen- municipal solid waste and this percentage is expected
ing of economy, techni- to increase with the passage of time [3].
cal prosperity and rapid
industrialization were
observed that lead to an
increase in urbanization
and overall improvement in the standard of living [1]. But
on the other hand they also exposed the consequences
of increased generation of municipal solid waste (MSW).
On a global scale over 1.3 billion tonnes (1.2kg per
person per day) of MSW is generated annually. With the
increase in rate of waste generation, the development
Dr. Yasir Qayyum Gill, of an effective and efficient system for solid waste
Assistant Professor,
management has emerged as a challenging issue for
Semester Coordinator
Deptt of Polymer and Process
all municipalities around the world [2]. An important
Engineering, aspect of MSWM that needs to be urgently addressed Figure 1: Waste Management Hierarchy
University of Engineering and is that of plastic waste management (PWM). Due to
release of toxic gases upon incineration, life expectancy In the light of current waste generation, trends and fu-
of plastics that range from hundreds to thousands of ture estimates, most of the countries have come up with the
Email: years, traditional practices of MSWM such as landfill, concept of Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) for
incineration or composting cannot be directly applied the proper handling of MSW. The ISWM is based upon the

Waste Management Hierarchy and it comprises of two
parts: Waste Diversion and Waste Disposal [3]. The stages
of ISWM as proposed by the waste management hierar-
chy include separation of waste from source, collection
and transportation of waste, transfer stations, recovery
of salvageable material, waste treatment leading to re-
source recovery and finally ending at the disposal [4].
Another approach of the ISWM followed globally is
the 3R i.e. reduce, reuse and recycle. The 3R approach
(sometimes the 4R, fourth being ‘recovery’) acts as waste
diversion and reduces the amount of waste entering
the waste stream requiring disposal and maximizes the
material and energy recovery from waste. By following
the 3R approach countries have reduced their waste by
reducing, reusing and recycling it [4]. For PWM the same
ISWM and 3R approaches can be applied effectively for
the reduction of plastic waste entering the waste stream.
The total global municipal solid waste contains 10%
plastic waste out of which only 14% is recycled while
40% ends up in landfill, 32% goes to oceans or land and
14% is burnt or incinerated [5].
Less developing countries including India, Sri-Lanka,
Bangladesh and Iran [3] have the highest plastic waste
composition of 12% in their MSW streams which will
become 13% if projected to 2025. Bangladesh has 7%
plastic waste in its MSW [3], while India, Iran, Sri Lanka,
Pakistan have 2%, 11%, 6% and 18% respectively.
Sweden and Denmark who have relatively well estab-
lished and effective MSWM practices have 2% and 1%
plastic respectively in their waste streams [3].
In Pakistan, Municipal Solid Waste Management and
Plastic Waste management are relatively unknown con-
cepts. The municipalities do not have a proper system for
the management of solid waste generated. There is lack
of long term planning resulting in counter-productive
plans and policies [6]. Although, the municipalities are
responsible for collection, transportation and disposal of
all kinds of waste, MSWM is still defunct in Pakistan [7].
Based on current data, Pakistan produces 50,438
tonnes/day of MSW, i.e. 0.84 kg/capita/day. This could
rise to 1.05 kg/capita/day till 2025. Of the total MSW
produced, 67% is organic, 5% paper, and about 18% is
Plastic. This is a considerably high percentage of plastic
waste when compared to other countries of comparable
population and income level [3]. This staggering per-
centage of plastic waste in MSW of Pakistan presents
an impending problem to the country. Inadequate and
inefficient plastic waste management policies can result
in serious consequences for Pakistan in future.
The three metropolitan cities of Pakistan, Lahore,
Karachi, and Islamabad are the only municipalities with

a working model for the management of municipal

solid waste. In Karachi, the responsible organization
is Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC). In Lahore,
Lahore Waste Management Company (LWMC) is respon-
sible for waste collection while in Islamabad, Capital
Figure 2: Flow of Waste in Lahore Development Authority (CDA) deals with MSWM.

Figure 3: Collection Bins in Lahore Although, KMC is responsible for waste collection and wise infeasible. Biodegradation can be done by using bio-
disposal in Karachi, yet the city suffers from a waste epi- degradable resins but it is economically infeasible too due to
demic. The city spends about in excess of a billion rupees their highly expensive formation. Besides, various toxic gases
annually in solid waste management but still it is ineffective are emitted during biodegradation causing environmental
[8]. The city is littered with solid waste and both the public issues like global warming. Hence, recycling and reusing
and private sector are unable to cope up with the problem. of waste qualifies as the most feasible choice according to
In Islamabad, CDA is responsible for municipal duties [9]. conditions of Pakistan.
CDA has effectively countered the solid waste and plastic One needs to understand the slight difference between
waste problem in the city. Recycling is practiced efficiently recycling and re-use. In re-use the end use application of
throughout the city and private sector also is employed in the product remains same while in the case of recycling
this regard, mainly the independent waste pickers [10]. although the material remains same but its end use applica-
Lahore is the only city in Pakistan which has modeled tion is changed due to its modification by various processes.
its MSWM system according to the modern needs. Its waste Recycling technique is beneficial because it can reduce the
management system is effective in collecting and dispos- waste production efficiently. Recycling also has the potential
ing off the waste generated within the city. The system ef- to check over consumption of natural resources due to less
fectively deals with both the organic and inorganic waste consumption of energy as compared to production from
especially plastics [1]. virgin materials. If everyone starts recycling at individual
The common practices in Pakistan to deal with plastic level it will not only reduce the total waste volume but will
waste are landfills, compositing, incineration and recycling. cut unnecessary repeat purchases as well.
Each has its own pros and cons but some of these have
more disadvantages than benefits. Landfill sites are unavail- References
able in most of the cities of Pakistan. Even mega cities like 1. Masood, M., Barlow, C. Y., & Wilson, D. C. (2014). An as-
Lahore and Karachi have just a single landfill site each for sessment of the current municipal solid waste manage-
Regarding Pakistan’s their needs [1]. In Pakistan, open dumping is more practiced ment system in Lahore, Pakistan. Waste Management &
than proper engineering and sanitized landfill sites. These Research, 834.
perspective about
landfill sites lead to even more pollution by releasing toxic 2. Sujauddin, M., Huda, S., & Hoque, A. R. (2008).
plastic waste gases, thus contaminating the underground water supply. Household solid waste characteristics and manage-
management, landfill Furthermore, the cost of transporting the waste to these mentin Chittagong, Bangladesh. Waste Management,
is not a feasible choice landfill sites is immense and cannot be afforded by the mu- 1688-1695.
due to less availability nicipalities which are on a tight budget. 3. Hoornweg, D., & Bhada-Tata, P. (2012). What a Waste:
of land in urban areas Composting of plastic waste is almost non-existent A Global Review of Solid Waste Management. Urban
whereas moving it in Pakistan. A sole compositing plant is being operated in Development Series Knowledge Papers. Washington
Lahore under LWMC which composts about 8% of the total DC: World Bank
to the surroundings
organic compost produced by the city. Incineration is an 4. Memon, M. A. (2010). Integrated solid waste manage-
is economically organic waste treatment technique by the means of the ment based on the 3R approach. J Mater Cycles Waste
infeasible for higher combustion process. Incineration is referred as a thermal Manag, 30-40.
transportation cost. treatment process. It converts the waste into thermal en- 5. Macarther, E. (2012). The New Plastics Economy. Ellen
Biodegradation is ergy which is then converted to electrical energy. China has Macarther Foundation.
economically infeasible incinerated its 29.84% of total solid waste in 2016 to meet 6. Anwar, F. (2000). Institutional Assessment and Evaluation
while incineration is its energy demands. The basic drawbacks of this technique of Public Facilities Management Practices in Local
include production of ash and flue gases during waste com- Government Solid Waste Management Sector of Karachi.
infeasible too since it
bustion that possess serious environmental concerns. Also, Karachi: Shehri-CBE.
turns the waste moist it requires the waste in dry form wherefore wet waste turns 7. Noman Ahmed, C. Z. (2002). URBAN ORGANIC WASTE
enough to require costly as it requires pre-treatment. MANAGEMENT IN KARACHI, PAKISTAN. 28th WEDC
pretreatment which Regarding Pakistan’s perspective about plastic waste Conference . Kolkata
renders this technique management we infer that due to less availability of land 8. Hasan, D. M. (2001). INTEGRATING RECYCLING AND
very expensive. Hence, in urban areas, landfill is not a feasible choice for managing DISPOSAL SYSTEM FOR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT
recycling and reusing plastic waste. Moreover, if we want to move the urban waste IN KARACHI. Karachi: Urban Resource Centre.
to the surroundings (buffer zone) it will not be economically 9.
of waste qualifies feasible because of higher transportation cost. Incineration, pdf
as the most feasible on the other hand, is also not suitable choice due to mois- 10. Muhammad Qasim, N. A. (n.d.). CHARACTERIZATION OF
choice according to ture content in Pakistan. It turns the waste moist enough HOUSEHOLD WASTE IN ISLAMABAD AND EXPLORING
conditions of Pakistan. to require pretreatment which renders this technique cost POSSIBLE REUSE AND RECYCLING OPTIONS.

Natural Polymer
Blends synthetic polymers which possess good mechanical
properties along with thermal stability, that is of course
faraway better than several natural polymers. In contrast
to synthetic polymers, natural polymers show limitation
in performance, which is why the blending of natural and
synthetic polymers is employed to attain such material
having biocompatibility, strength, and thermal properties
which will prospect in various fields.
Therefore, a whole group of such biopolymers is ex-
tracted from plants and animals and further blended with
synthetic polymers. Biopolymers can only be extracted
from their natural resources i.e. plants and animals. A
few major noticeable groups include polysaccharides,
Tehreem Anwar1, Dr. Shahzad Maqsood Khan1, Prof. proteins, lipids and their derivatives. Among the featured
Dr. Muhammad Taqi Zahid Butt2, Dr. Atif Islam1, attributes a biopolymer shows non-toxicity, non-antige-
Nafisa Gull1, Muhammad Shafiq1, Saba Zia1, Dr. Sadia nicity, non-irritancy, non-carcinogenic behavior which
Sagar Iqbal1, Adnan Ahmed1, Fahd Jamshed1 enhances their efficiency in many applications.
Department of Polymer Engineering & Technology
The term ‘biopolymer’ covers polymers that are ei-
College of Engineering & Emerging Technologies
University of Punjab, Lahore
ther renewable based, biodegradable or both. They often

show menial properties compared to synthetic polymers.
Thus, the evolution of biomaterials using natural polymers
is foremost and promising area of research. Biopolymers
olymeric materials have captivated show biocompatibility and biodegradability but show
the sight of scientific and techno- inferior mechanical properties. Therefore, blending of
logical researchers over other com- these polymers with synthetic polymers has given us a
modity materials. This is because of new class of biomaterials that have gained much atten-
their specified attributes as being tion in the field of industry. Many commercially available
light weight, having exceptional synthetic polymers lack the prospect of biocompatibility.
mechanical strength and optical While using indigenous biological polymers as bio-
properties, which make them mul- materials has been precluded by inadequate mechanical
tifunctional constituents. ‘Polymer’ refers to long chain properties, they are an interesting class of materials that
compounds that comprise molecule subunits. Polymers can decompose into non-toxic products and therefore
are one of the ubiquitous classes of materials discussed they have gained attention in certain applications. Due to
so far. They can be classified into natural and synthetic this feature of biodegradability these biopolymers have
types owing to the sources of production. Since a major gained much attention over synthetic polymers as they
class of polymers is extracted from their natural resources are of keen interest regarding environmental stability.
i.e. animals and plants, therefore, they possess certain We have executed such a project in the Department
properties including biocompatibility and biodegrad- of Polymer Engineering & Technology to study the blend-
ability that are lacked by certain synthetic materials. ing of Gelatin a natural polymer, and Polyvinyl alcohol
Among the natural polymers chitosan, alginate, (PVA) a synthetic polymer. Natural and synthetic polymers
starch, collagen and gelatin are widely used in vast ap- are blended in various concentrations and by using cross-
plications after being modified. They are of particular linker for increasing mechanical properties.
interest due to their wide abundance in nature, low Resulting blended polymers were cast in the form of
cost and being biodegradable. Whereas if we discuss membranes and analyzed by Fourier Transform Infra-Red

The evolution of
biomaterials using natural
polymers is foremost
and promising area of
research. Biopolymers
show biocompatibility
and biodegradability but
show inferior mechanical

Spectrophotometer (FTIR), Thermo-gravimetric Analysis works on research and development of Polymers and
and Mechanical Testing. The objective of this study was Textile materials formation to help the industry with the
to develop PVA-gelatin based packaging materials. PVA- objective of boosting the national economy by reduc-
gelatin blends were prepared owing to their properties of ing imports and increasing the exports of indigenously
being biodegradable. Polyvinyl alcohol blended with gel- produced materials.
atin without addition of any additive showed enormous *Ms. Tehreem Anwar; M.Phil Polymer Technology stu-
efficiency in respect of its properties which are of more dent worked on this research.
interest in regard of bio degradable food packaging. **Dr. Shahzad Maqsood Khan, Incharge/Chairman,
Finally, the change in film properties due to various Department of Polymer Engineering & Technology super-
concentrations of PVA and gelatin was analyzed via FTIR, vised this project.
TGA and mechanical testing. FTIR analysis verified the
blending between the gelatin and the PVA depending
on the PVA concentration and effect on the crystallin-
ity of the films was observed by the TGA analyses.
Mechanical testing showed the elongation at break
and extension of the blends was immensely in-
creased due to increase in the PVA concentration
which mainly provides the strength.
Thus blending processes enhances the
properties of polymers in comparison to raw
polymers which are being blended and new
product with new properties was synthesized.
Such projects can be initiated to utilize poly-
mers and to make combination of natural and
synthetic polymers. The products thus can be
used for biodegradable applications for medical
purposes and also for packaging applications.
Such diverse studies with different polymers can
be helpful for the formulation of different types of poly-
meric materials for multiple applications, thus supporting
the indigenous polymer production in Pakistan. In this
perspective the Department of Polymer Engineering
& Technology is not only providing education but also Figure: PVA-Gelatin blend film

Study Shows Plastic
Packaging a Better
Alternative for Environment

study, “Impact of Plastics Packaging on Life Cycle Energy - result in 2.3 times more global warming potential, equivalent to adding 3.3
Consumption & Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the US million more cars to our roads.
and Canada”, showed that six major categories of plastic Highly engineered plastics packaging results in enormous sustainability
packaging help to significantly reduce energy use and benefits throughout the entire life cycle, this study showed.
greenhouse gas emissions compared to other materials. After use, plastics make further contributions to sustainability by being
These categories include caps and closures, re-purposed through recycling or recovered for its energy value and converted
beverage containers, other rigid containers, carrier into a liquid oil, electricity and into other fuels.
(or shopping) bags, stretch/shrink wrap, and other In a Report on Canada’s Access to Residential Recycling of Plastics released
flexible packaging. in 2016, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) beverage bottles show an access to
“Plastic packaging enables the safe and efficient delivery of various products recycling rate of 99%; plastic containers made from PET, high and low density
which form part of our daily lives, everything from food to essential health and polyethylene (HDPE, LDPE) and polypropylene (PP) show access rates of 90%
safety aids. However, many are unaware that plastics carry out these functions or higher.
while at the same time conserving energy and lowering greenhouse gas emis- The access rate for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and other (#7) types of plastic
sions. This study clearly articulates these benefits to sustainability,” noted Carol containers have risen to 88% and 91% respectively. Rates for containers made
Hochu, President & CEO of the Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA). of polystyrene (PS) have increased from 63% in 2014 to 70% in 2015. As well
Study authors used life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to compare there was significant access rate increases in the film and bags categories (from
current amounts of various plastic packaging products to packaging made with 55% in 2014 to 65% in 2015).
alternative materials. A Study on Post Consumer Plastic Recycling in Canada released in March
The assessment found that for the baseline year, replacing all plastic 2017, shows that for a sixth year in a row, the amount of post-consumer plastic
packaging with non-plastic alternatives for these six types of packaging material being recycled across Canada has increased. In total, over 322 million
in Canada would: kg of post-consumer plastic material was collected for recycling in Canada.
- require almost 4.4 times as much packaging material by weight, increasing Plastic packaging collected for recycling includes plastic bottles, non-bottle
the amount of packaging used in Canada by nearly 5.5 million tons or 5.5 rigid plastics such as deli and dairy containers, bakery, vegetable, fruit containers,
billion kg; and plastic film, bags and outer wrap. They are reused to make, for example,
- increase energy use by 2.0 times, equivalent to the amount of oil transported fleece jackets, new plastic bottles, pipe, pallets, crates and buckets, decking and
by 18 supertankers; and other lawn and garden products.

Biomedical Plastics Market
for Future Healthcare

The polymers based medical equipment have started to get preference relative to traditional materials because of their
significant advantages including low cost, design, light weightiness, processing ease, raw materials and easy availability.

he global medical polymers market size was
estimated in 2013 at around US$ 9.69 billion
and has been forecast to continue to grow
at a Compound annual growth rate, CAGRof
8.4% from 2014 to 2020. This specific and
specialized market growth is due to increas-
ing demand for lightweight polymer-based
equipment and utilities demand by health
care industry. Since by 2050, 16% of population will be around
65 years of age, thus, growing geriatric population, particularly in
the developed countries will also provide support for the growth
of the biomedical polymers and plastics industries all around
the world. North America medical polymer market by products
Dr. Sumera Khyzir, Dr. Prof. Nasir M. 2012-2020 in US$ Millions is presented in Figure 1[1].
Ph.D. Ahmad, Ph.D. It is important to mention that the polymers based medical
equipment have started to get preference relative to traditional
Incharge Polymer Research Laboratory materials because of their significant advantages including low
Focal Person Polymers and Composites Research Group cost, design, light weightiness, processing ease, raw materials
SCME, NUST, Islamabad and easy availability. Emerging economies of Asia Pacific have
greater potential markets due to the rise in medical tourism in
that region.

Developments in in tissue engineering drug delivery applications.[2].
polymer technology Developments in polymer technology have enabled
have enabled plastics to be used in healthcare applications that demand
high consistency, reliability, performance, precision and
plastics to be
regulatory compliance. Inventions and novelties in the
used in healthcare field of plastics have contributed to the development
applications. The of medicine, including advances in surgical equipment
application of plastic and techniques, critical care and life support hardware.
technology has The application of plastic technology to medicine
also contributed to has also contributed to decreasing rates of infection
decreasing rates and medication-related error. As plastic technologies
progress, medical device designers and engineers are
of infection and
choosing plastics over conventional materials, such
medication-related as metals. Improvements in sterilization techniques, a
error. Medical shift towards disposable devices, and technological
device designers innovations are driving global market growth and
and engineers are expansion. The advancement of novel materials, such
choosing plastics as biocompatible and biodegradable polymers for use
over conventional in medical implants, will provide further momentum to
the flourishing global medical plastics market.
materials. Nanotechnology has been continuously
Improvements contributing to the fast development of diagnostic
in sterilization Figure 1: North America medical polymer market by and therapeutic agents. There are ongoing efforts
techniques, a products 2012-2020 in US$ Millions. on simultaneous delivery of therapeutic agents
shift towards as well as molecular imaging of biomarkers along
disposable devices, Biomedical plastics market is significant and with monitoring of therapy response. Among these
attractive as biomaterials for researchers and medical inventions, polymer/plastics-based theragnostic agents
and technological
applications due to the ease of tailoring their chemical, hold great potential for the design and fabrication of
innovations are driving physical and biological properties for target devices. multifunctional agents for translational medicine.
global market growth Due to this diversity and capacity for customization, Using the diagnostic polymeric nanoparticles enable
and expansion. such plastics are rapidly replacing other classes of simultaneous therapeutic and diagnostic functions to
biomaterials including ceramics or metals. As a result, boost the biomedical field towards future efficient and
the demand for biomedical polymers and plastics has personalized medicine. [3]
grown exponentially and supports a diverse and highly Plastics experts have been trying to mimic behavior
monetized research community [1]. of biological systems to external stimuli for the last
Applications of biomedical plastics have a twenty years creating the so called smart polymers.
profound influence on modern healthcare as shown These are defined as polymers that undergo reversible
in Figure 2. Specifically, polymeric biomaterials that are large, physicochemical changes in response to slightly
biodegradable provide the substantial advantage of applied external changes in the environmental
being able to be broken down and removed after they conditions, such as temperature, pH, light, magnetic
have served their function. Fortunately, an extensive or electric field, ionic factors, biological molecules, etc.
range of natural and synthetic degradable polymers Smart polymers have very promising applications in
has been extensively investigated for biomedical the biomedical field as delivery systems of therapeutic
applications with new and different functionalities with agents, tissue engineering scaffolds, cell culture
controlled macromolecular characteristics to meet new supports, bioseparation devices, sensors or actuators
challenges.The most recent advances in the field over systems. Dual-stimuli-responsive materials have also
the past 4 years, highlights novel and exciting discoveries been developed and attracted in the biomedical context
because of their high potential in the biomedical field.[4]
Due to ‘unique and intelligent’ characteristics of
stimuli-responsive polymers and plastics, they have
found a wide variety of applications in biomedical and
nanotechnological fields such as intelligent hydrogel
systems, intelligent drug delivery systems and intelligent
molecular recognition systems. Polymers with molecular
recognition ability can be attained by introducing
bioactive molecules to the polymer backbone, and
then can be applied in different biomedical fields such
as bio affinity separation and molecular diagnostics.
Although well-defined polymer protein conjugates have
provided the opportunities to synthesize the excellent
intelligent polymers with molecular recognition ability,
the preparation methods and applications of such
functional polymers are still limited at present. The
synthesis of bioconjugated polymers with controlled and
Figure 2: Applications of biomedical well-defined structures is full of challenge. It is believed
plastics have a profound influence on that with the development of the biotechnology,
modern healthcare. molecular biology and polymer chemistry, more and

more polymers with molecular recognition ability will be References
synthesized and widely applied in biomedical fields.[5] [1] Source/adopted from: Medical Polymers Market
Few of the plastics with some biomedical Analysis By Product (Resins & Fibers, Elastomers,
applications are summarized as below in Table 1. Biodegradable Plastics), By Application (Devices
Global demand of one of the common plastics, styrene- and Equipment, Packaging) and Segment
block copolymers as used in medical equipment and Forecasts To 2020 [Medical Research Report, Aug,
diagnostics is presented in Figure 3.[6] 2015].
[2] Bret D. Ulery, Lakshmi S. Nair, and Cato T. Laurencin,
Biomedical Applications of Biodegradable
Polymers, J Polym Sci B Polym Phys. 2011 Jun 15;
49(12): 832–864.
[3] Wang Z1,Niu G, Chen X, Polymeric materials for
theranostic applications, Pharm Res. 2014 Jun
31(6):1358-76. doi: 10.1007/s11095-013-1103-7.
Epub 2013 Jun 14.
[4] M.R. Aguilar*, C. Elvira, A. Gallardo, B. Vázquez, and
J.S. Román Smart Polymers and Their Applications
as Biomaterials.
[5] XIAO Chun Sheng, TIAN Hua Yu , ZHUANG Xiu Li,
CHEN Xue Si & JING Xia Bin, Recent developments
in intelligent biomedical polymers, Sci China Ser
B-Chem | Feb. 2009 | vol. 52 | no. 2 | 117-130.
[6] Sourse/adopted from: Medical Design, Plastemart
Magazine, Plastics Today Magazine, Medical
Figure 3: Global demand of styrene-block copolymers Plastics News, Primary Interviews, Transparency
for medical equipment and diagnostics [6]. Market Research.


Table 1: Common plastics with some biomedical applications.

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What is Additive Anyway Stabilizers

An auxiliary material that is combined with a matrix material This term is applied to those chemicals which are added to
to provide distinctive properties is called Additive. Currently, plastics to assist in maintaining the physico-chemical proper-
all natural and synthetic polymers need additives to ease ties of the polymer at suitable values throughout the process-
their processability, enhance their performance, render at- ing and service life of the plastic and articles made therefrom.
tractive appearance and precisely tailor the product for the Examples of stabilizers are antioxidants, antiozonants, light
respective application. An efficient additive is stable under stabilizers, flame retardants, and anti-bacterial additives etc.
processing and service conditions, does not bleed or bloom,
nor does it have adverse effects on the matrix properties. Processing Aids
A substance added to a polymer matrix to optimize the
Why Additives are Important flow behavior during processing and which shortens
The Additives are so important that in almost all cases the the flow cycle times is termed as Processing Aids. The
polymerization reactor product is of no use without the ad- Processing aids may include heat stabilizers, nucleating/
dition of polymer additives. The use of polymer additives clarifying agents (e.g. 1,3:2,4-bis (3,4-dimethylbenzyli-
depends on the nature of polymer and its application. dene) sorbitol), plasticizers, and lubricants (e.g. polyethyl-
Appropriate use of polymer additives confers countless char- ene waxes, oxidized polyethylene waxes, paraffins, metal
acteristics to the matrix polymer such as durability, thermal soaps, esters, amides, fatty acids).
stability, stiffness, clarity, weatherability, chemical resistance,
resulting in creating a product that has higher value. Plasticizers
A substance of low or even negligible volatility incorpo-
Classification of Additives rated into polymer matrix to increase its flexibility, work-
Dr. Rafiq Ahmed Addition of additives is vital to the production of poly- ability, or extensibility is called Plasticizers. For example,
Assistant Professor mers to maximize the profit, performance of the prod- orthophthalate plasticizers, paraphthalate plasticizer,
Polymer & Petrochemical uct and meet the customer demand. In most cases more phosphate plasticizer, phthalate ester are well-known
Engineering Department than 10 different kinds of additives, ranging from 50 ppm classes of plasticizers in plastic and rubber industries.
NED University of Engineering to various weight percentages, are used to adjust melt
& Technology viscosity, thermal stability, specific gravity and the desired Fillers
Karachi product properties. Following are few types of additives A substance added to polymer in order to improve its
Email: with their brief function. mechanical properties, thermal properties and other

Diffraction (Wide Angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD)
and Small Angle X-ray Diffraction (SAXS)), Dynamic
Mechanical Thermal Analyzer (DMTA), Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance (NMR) and many more.

Extraction Techniques for Additives in Polymers

Solvent, Fractional Precipitation and Extraction,
Separation by Diffusion Methods, Dialysis or Electro-
dialysis etc are among those mostly applied.

Chromatographic Techniques
They include Paper, Thin layer, Liquid, Gas, and
Supercritical Fluid Chromatographic Techniques.
Some of the major advantages of the direct deter-
mination of the additives in polymer matrix are less time
consuming, small amount of sample and reproducibility.
The limitations of the direct determination methods are
that the determination of some additives is not always
possible due to the interference from other additives,
Figure 1: FTIR spectrum of very low concentration (< 50 ppm) of the additives, mass
PP and its composite with qualities is called Fillers. The Fillers are also added to re- matrix oligomers and low relative molecular weight.
CaCO3. Arrows show the duce the cost of the product. Calcium carbonate, silica, Characterization methods of additives depend on
characteristic peaks. organically modified clays, graphene, carbon nanotubes their nature and content in the polymer matrix. Examples
are some examples of the fillers. of two different fillers, calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and
clay are shown below. The Figure 1 shows the FTIR
Coupling Agents spectrum, measured on Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50
These are the chemical substances that improve the FT-IR, USA, of polypropylene (PP) and its composite with
adhesion by creating chemical bonding within the CaCO3 while the Figure 2 shows the effect of clay on the
combining molecules, between the polymer matrix and thermal stability, measured on TGA/DSC 3+ Star System
the filler. Silane coupling agents, maleic anhydride, and Mettler Toledo, Switzerland, of PP. Both of the character-
isocyanates are long-familiar coupling agents in polymer izations were performed in the Polymer & Petrochemical
community. Engineering Department, NED University of Engineering
& Technology laboratories.
Anti-statics The purpose of CaCO3 addition was to reduce the
A chemical that prevents the accumulation of electro- cost and determine the nucleation effect on the crystal-
static charges on plastic products by imparting slight lization behavior of PP. The Figure 1 clearly shows the
electrical conductivity to plastics is called Anti-static. incorporation of CaCO3 as is evident by the CaCO3 char-
The right choice of anti-static material is essential and acteristic absorbance peaks, marked with arrows, at 712
is the function of many factors such as polymer type, and 870 cm-1, respectively. The Figure 2 shows enhanced
process variables and end application. Examples of anti- thermal stability, more than 50 °C higher than the virgin
static agents are long‐chain aliphatic amines and amides, polymer, of PP by the addition of only 5% clay. In near
phosphate esters, quaternary ammonium salts, polyeth- future, nucleation effect of the fillers, dispersion of the
ylene glycols, polyethylene glycol esters and ethoxylated fillers, thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of
long‐chain amines. both the samples will be carried out in the Polymer &
Petrochemical Engineering Department Laboratories
Characterization of Additives using DSC, DMTA, and X-Ray Diffraction.
The desired properties of polymeric materials (plastics)
are not only influenced by the nature of matrix polymer
and processing but also by the chemistry of the addi-
tives and their weight percent. If the additive choice and
composition is not precisely administered as aimed, it is
most likely that the originally intended polymer proper-
ties will change. Therefore, characterization of the nature
and percent composition determination of additives is
vital for the plastic product, notably where the nature
of the additives is lacking or replacement of existing ad-
ditives is desired with better additives or to reduce the
cost of the additives.
The additives can be determined directly or indirectly
in the polymer matrix or can be characterized as a sepa-
rate substance. Following are the possible determination

Direct Determination of Additives in Plastics

Fourier Transform Infrared Radiation (FTIR), Thermal
Analysis (Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Figure 2: Effect of Clay on the thermal stability of PP of
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)), X- Ray CaCO3.

New Thermoset Plastics Introduced that
Meet New European Railway Standard

German company has developed new thermosetting ments in rail vehicle construction with regard to their mechanical properties
plastics that comply with the new European railway and flame retardant behavior and as one of the first passed the fire protec-
standard DIN EN 45545-2, which addresses the fire be- tion test in conformity with CEN/TS 45545-2.
havior of the materials and components used. In the focus of the new material test procedures are – next to the flam-
The new DIN EN 45545-2 shall now regulate and mability and flame dispersion – in particular, the inspection of the develop-
standardize the fire protection requirements on a ment of smoke gas, the density of smoke and the toxicity of the smoke.
European level so that the interoperability in the trans- According to the company, thermoplastics, the most commonly used
European high-speed traffic as well as the safety of rail material in rail vehicle construction, will not fulfill the high standards in all
passengers is being guaranteed. areas due to their poor mechanic and thermic properties.
Common causes of fire in trains are intentional or negligent arson as To calculate the Hazard Level (HL), on which the requirements of the
well as malfunctions of the electric system. The possibility to exit railway classification system are oriented, the operating and construction categories
vehicles in the case of fire as safely as possible is a decisive factor of safety. in conformity with DIN EN 45545-2 are being used. Currently, the require-
“Other requirements apply in railway vehicles than in buildings, other ments are being assigned in 26 tiers (R1-R26).
plastics have to be used,” explained the company’s MD. “These fire protection Depending on the range of application of the material or parts within
standards pose difficulties for manufacturers of material and components.” a construction, the form and the arrangement of the material as well as the
The thermosets have been designed to the broad range of new require- directly exposed area various fire protection tests and results are required.

New Automated
Solution for Improving
Extrusion Productivity

Swiss Group is introducing an automated expac sys-
tem, which comprises an extrex gear pump, screen
changer, automation solution, and drive unit, for
improving productivity of the extrusion process.
A 12” monitor variant is now available follow-
ing the introduction of the enhanced extrusion
The new expac system can control up to four
variable-speed drives, and can be upgraded up to a maximum of 32 heat-
ing/cooling zones (in the basic software configuration). It retains the in-
tuitive user control, screen page layout and color concept of the existing
controllers, which enables customer-specific requirements, such as page
layout, additional pages or special component control, to be met within
certain bounds.

Advance Applications
of Plastic Materials
lastics are favorable material for
their unique properties of moldabil-
ity, high specific strength, corrosion
and moisture resistance, and other
adjustable characteristics. It is a quo-
tidian material that covers almost all
the applications in packaging mar-
ket; as automobile components,
light machinery, usage in biomedical devices, electronic
devices, in adhesive, paints and coating substance and
innumerable other applications. The production of plastics Figure 2: Graphene and polymer based sensitive
has long ago surpassed steel in terms of volume in 1982. electrode.
The annual consumption of plastic all over the world is in
excess of 500 billion lb. material can recover its original shape. These kinds of
One can find polymer sand plastic everywhere from a polymers can be specifically applied in biosensors.
very simple item like shirt buttons to a very sophisticated The application of nanoparticles to plastics is the
one like heart valves which are now made of plastics. For opportunity to amplify the performance of a plastic resin
example, KAUST researchers have developed sensitive at the molecular level. This kind of precise engineering
electrodes based on graphene patterned into a polymer amendments has developed materials with characteristics
for the detection of biological molecules. There is a such as greatly enhanced flame retardancy, dent and
development of smart polymers that respond in shape, scratch resistance. There can also be an increase in
color and displacement to alterations in the environment, dimensional stability, stiffness, electrical conductivity,
such as temperature, amount of light, presence of any number of adjustable properties. Materials that are
moisture or pH. In many cases it is a non-linear reply being added to polymer based nanocomposites include
such that the shape change can be notable based on nanoclays, nanotalcs, carbon nanotubes, other minerals
a minimal stimulus. When the stimulus is removed, the and related materials.

Asra Tariq, M.S., &

Dr. Prof. Nasir M. Ahmad,
Incharge Polymer Research
Focal Person Polymers and
Composites Research Group
SCME, NUST, Islamabad
E-mail: nasir.ahmad@scme.nust.
Figure 1: Market share of food packaging materials. (Source: Polymers and Composites Research Group, SCME, NUST)

Although the production of plastic is increasing
dramatically but it has some serious issues. This high
consumption of plastic leads the environment towards
high risks. There is a big challenge to develop efficient
polymer blends for enhanced performance. There is a need
to make a blend by recycling different kinds of plastics
wastes. In considering all these challenges researchers
developed efficient compatibilizers like PP grafted maleic
anhydride and LDPE grafted maleic anhydride. Multi
performance with improved gas barrier blended films
of PET with polyolefin were developed with the help
of these compatibilizers to be utilized for multipurpose
applications. Reactive extrusion process can be done in
single screw, twin screw extruder, batch mixer and torque
rheometer for the development of compatibilizer.
Surface functionalized polymer were used to improve
adhesion of polymer with fillers.
The plastics industry is working on resin
manufacturing and compounding, polymer processing Figure 5: Surface functionalization of polymer resin.
and metal fabrication of molds, the actual manufacturing
of plastic products and parts, blending of different current data shows some very promising breakthroughs in
polymers, and the distribution of resins and shapes. plastics technology. The pot life of any type of plastic product
Although the demand will experience downward will be high and the production stages will continue to be
or upward variations depending on the performance of shortened. To sum up all above mentioned perspective, it is
economy but the plastics are not going to disappear. The true to say that: “There is a great future in plastics.”

Figure 6: Polymer
nano composite

Figure 4: Compatibilizer development

in melt extrusion process.

Asia Pacific is the Next Wealth
Hotspot, Says GlobalData

he value of liquid assets held by the global population will
exceed US$100 trillion by the end of 2017, with frontier
and emerging economies leading the way in terms of fu-
ture growth according to analytics company GlobalData.
The company’s latest report, The Global Wealth Market in
2017, which analyzes the current dynamics of 71 wealth
markets, estimated that the global wealth market stood
at just below US$100 trillion as of December 2016, but
will surpass this mark by the end of 2017.
However, the pace of growth is forecast to slow down, recording a compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) of just above 5% over 2017 to 2021, down from
7% over the previous five-year period. With giants like China and India, Asia
Pacific will be the best-performing region with growth of over 8%, contrast-
ing with a slow performance in Europe.
Asia Pacific frontier markets are forecast to outperform emerging and mature
markets. Countries such as Mongolia and Kazakhstan lead the rankings in
terms of forecast CAGR for 2017–21, both in nominal and real terms. However
GlobalData also forecasts that inflation will continue to erode a large portion
of frontier markets’ fortunes.
GlobalData Wealth Management analyst Silvana Amparbeng commented,
“This is just one of the reasons why wealth managers should be careful when position.”
considering expanding in these markets.” Despite being small in size, the populations of Singapore and Hong Kong
“Despite being the fastest-growing they are still small in terms of aggregate remain affluent and enjoy an even distribution of wealth. Most individuals
assets. Moreover, stark wealth distribution inequalities and other local eco- in these two markets are richer than in other developed economies. By 2021
nomic factors reduce wealth managers’ opportunity further.” the average Hong Kong citizen will hold more assets than an individual in
On the other hand, Asia Pacific still hosts most of the 2016 success stories. Switzerland.
Amparbeng continued, “China is second only to the US in the global wealth Nonetheless, Asia Pacific is known to be a competitive market. According to
market rankings and is forecast to maintain this position up to 2021. GlobalData’s 2016 and 2017 Global Wealth Managers Surveys, most clients
Meanwhile India is expected to surpass France by 2021, reaching eighth in this region already work with two or more wealth managers.

Plastic Products’ Production in China Rose

5.6% in 2017 First Three Quarters

ndustrial added values of enterprises above designated
sizes in China rose 6.7% in the first three quarters of
2017, according to the latest figures of National Bureaus
of Statistics of China (NBSC).
Plastic products production in the first three quarters
amounted to 60.52 million tons, up 5.6% Year on Year
(YoY); volume of plastic in primary form was 64.73 mil-
lion tons, up 6% YoY; production of synthetic rubber
amounted to 4.32 million tons, grew 2.3%.
As for exports, 8.58 million tons of plastic products were shipped in the
first three quarters at a value of RMB 194.1 billon, up 12.7% and 15.2%
YoY respectively.
Imports of primary-form plastics amounted to 21.12 million tons, grew
12.9% compared with the prior year period. Import price of RMB 242.2
billion rose 23.8% YoY.

Boeing Signs
Materials Supply
Agreement for
777X Program

oeing has signed an agreement with a leading Belgian and structural bonding adhesive.
company to procure the supply of advanced compos- These materials will support applications across the entire 777X including
ites and adhesives in support of the 777X airplane the vertical and horizontal stabilizers, the nacelle, landing gear doors, wings
production. and interior structures.
The company will be supplying a range of mate- “Boeing is one our key strategic partners and the signature of this agree-
rial technologies including out-of-autoclave structural ment demonstrates our ability to develop material solutions that meet
carbon fiber epoxy prepreg, flame resistant interior phe- Boeing’s technical, supply and cost challenges,” said the president of company’s
nolic prepreg, lightning strike protection surfacing film Composite Materials Global Business Unit.

New Lexan CXT Resins with High-Clarity

and High-Heat Properties Unveiled

abic has unveiled the LEXAN CXT resins, a new line of high-
clarity, high-heat, injection moldable polycarbonate copoly-
mer resins. It can offer a unique balance of high temperature
resistance, high flow and excellent color stability under ex-
treme molding conditions, together with a high refractive
The potential applications of LEXAN CXT resins include
optical applications in the electronics, consumer & industrial,
and healthcare industries.
Typical products in the first two areas include lenses and small sensors that
detect visible light; in healthcare, the materials answer the call for excellent optical
quality and the ability to resist high temperatures involved, for example, when
over-molding clear face shields with silicone rubber.
Global industry trends such as miniaturization and the need to integrate more
functions into less space are driving a growing demand for the level of perfor-
mance offered by LEXAN CXT resins, according to the company. development of LEXAN™ CXT resins indicates numerous other potential benefits.
With Vicat B120 softening temperatures as high as 190°C and glass transition These potential benefits include: improvements in productivity and system costs
temperatures (Tg) of up to 195°C, LEXAN CXT resins can provide converters with through shorter cycle times; improved dimensional accuracy; fewer production
the potential to injection mold parts that can withstand demanding assembly stoppages and lower reject levels; and the potential to create components with more
processes, such as cold reflow or wave soldering onto printed circuit boards. Parts complex geometries, thinner and longer walls, and improved textural definition.
will also stand up to prolonged exposure to high service temperatures. “The launch of this new portfolio is the result of us taking heed of the current
LEXAN CXT resins, which can have a refractive index (RI) over 1.6 as well as high and future needs of our key customers in different segments and then imple-
transparency (greater than 89% in the visible and infrared spectra at a thickness of menting key innovations in resin and product technology to respond to these
1 mm), can help enable the production of very small lenses (such as those used in challenges,” said the company’s official.
mobile phones) that can be assembled onto a PCB that then goes through various The new LEXAN CXT resins will complement existing LEXAN™ polycarbonate
soldering operations. The very good thermal stability of the LEXAN CXT resins can copolymer specialty resins, which include EXL, XHT and SLX resins. These can be
help prevent deformation or discoloration. distinguished, respectively, by particularly good low-temperature impact resis-
According to the report, the feedback from customers over the course of the tance, heat resistance in clear and opaque forms, and high weatherability.

Hydrogels as
Drug Haulier

Nafisa Gull1, Dr. Shahzad

Maqsood Khan1,
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Taqi
Zahid Butt2,
Dr. Atif Islam1, Muhammad here is a clinical need for more effective and new treatment of debilitating and chronic diseases
Shafiq1, Dr. Aneela Sabir1, which cure by high potential antibiotic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. To get potent
Sadaf Hafeez1, Saba Urooj drug right to the site of infection and inflammation, hydrogel loaded drugs are required that
Khan1, Sehrish Jabeen1 could self-assemble and deliver that particular drug directly to the infected area of the body.
Department of Polymer Hydrogels are receiving much attention in the past few years, as intelligent materials due to their
Engineering & Technology,
properties for biomaterials. Crosslinking in hydrogel is crucial to improve the different properties
College of Engineering &
Emerging Technologies,
of hydrogels like elasticity, decrease in viscosity, enhanced strength and toughness of hydrogels,
University of Punjab, Lahore etc. The novel crosslinkers help to fabricate hydrogels by blending natural and synthetic polymers.
Hydrogels are cross-linked, three-dimensional hydrophilic networks that swell but do not dissolve when brought

into contact with water. The hydrophilicity of the network may not provide sufficient mechanical properties and
is due to the presence of chemical residues such as hy- may contain pathogens or evoke immune/inflammatory
droxylic, carboxylic, amidic, primary amidic, sulphonic and responses, they do offer several advantageous properties
others that can be found within the polymer backbone or such as inherent biocompatibility, biodegradability, and
as lateral chains. Hydrogels can be formulated in a variety biologically recognizable moieties that support cellular
of physical forms, including slabs, microparticles, nanopar- activities. Synthetic hydrogels, on the other hand, do not
ticles, coatings, and films. Their ability to swell, under possess these inherent bioactive properties. Fortunately,
physiological conditions, makes them an ideal material for synthetic polymers usually have well-defined structures
biomedical applications. As a result, they are commonly that can be modified to yield tailorable degradability and
used in clinical practice and experimental medicine for a functionality. The physical properties of a polymer can
wide range of applications, including biosensors, tissue also be altered by introducing a second polymer that
engineering and regenerative medicine, separa- improves the properties of the original polymer in certain
tion of biomolecules or cells and barrier aspects, such as hydrophilicity, melting temperature, and
materials to regulate biological glass transition temperature.
adhesions. They are a class of highly hydrated biomaterial,
usually produced from natural or synthetic polymers.
Polysaccharides such as alginate, dextran, and chitosan,
along with the proteins gelatin and fibrin, are exam-
ples of natural polymers that form well-studied hy-
drogels. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyethylene oxide
(PEO), and polyacrylic acid (PAA) are examples of
hydrogel-forming synthetic polymers. Additionally,
hydrogels can also be obtained from synthetic
peptides and polypeptides. Many hydrogels are
biocompatible and can be designed to have me-
chanical properties similar to natural tissues, and thus
A m o n g have been used in a myriad of applications including
these applications, hy- drug delivery, healing of chronic and traumatic wounds,
drogel-based drug delivery devices surface coatings for implants, encapsulation of cells for
have become a major area of research interest. three-dimensional cell culture, and tissue engineering,
Hydrogels can protect drugs from hostile environments, to name a few.
e.g. the presence of enzymes and low pH in the stomach.
Their porosity permits loading of drugs into the gel ma-
trix and subsequent drug release at a pre-designed rate. Hydrogels are the polymers
Hydrogels can also control drug release by changing the which swell in presence of water
gel structure in response to environmental stimuli, such and they entrap drug within
as pH, temperature, ionic strength and electric field. They their pores, therefore, to impart
are of special interest in controlled release applications sufficient mechanical strength
because of their soft tissue biocompatibility, the ease to these polymers, cross linkers
with which the drugs are dispersed in the matrix and the
are incorporated which prevent
high degree of control achieved by selecting the physical
and chemical properties of the polymer network. They burst release of the medicaments.
consist of polymer chains cross linked to each other to The crosslinked polymer network
create a tangled mesh structure, providing a matrix for makes hydrogels solid like and
the entrapment of drugs. they can possess a wide range of
It is also possible to produce hydrogels containing a mechanical properties.
significant portion of hydrophobic polymers, by blending
or copolymerizing hydrophilic and hydrophobic poly-
mers, or by producing interpenetrating networks (IPN) A research project was initiated in the Department of
or semi-interpenetrating polymer networks (s-IPN) of hy- Polymer Engineering & Technology to fabricate hydrogels
drophobic and hydrophilic polymers. These are actually based on chitosan and polyvinyl pyrollidone for control
cross linked polymers, which can swell considerably in drug delivery applications. Hydrogels prepared from
aqueous medium without dissolution. Crosslinks within chitosan and polyvinyl pyrollidone using different novel
polymeric hydrogels can be created either chemically or crosslinkers showed the high swelling index in distilled
physically. Since hydrogels are the polymers which swell water, different buffer and electrolyte solutions. These
in presence of water and they entrap drug within their hydrogels also demonstrated antimicrobial behaviour
pores; therefore, to impart sufficient mechanical strength against E.coli and non-toxic and biodegradable response.
to these polymers, cross linkers are incorporated like glu- These hydrogels presented best properties at optimum
taraldehyde, calcium chloride and oxidized konjac gluco- concentration of all ingredients including natural poly-
mannan. These cross linkers prevent burst release of the mer, synthetic polymer and crosslinker. On the basis of all
medicaments. The crosslinked polymer network makes results of prepared hydrogels, these are suitable for the
hydrogels solid like, and they can possess a wide range release of different drugs like anti-septic, antibiotic and
of mechanical properties. For example, their stiffness can pain killer which may be used through oral or injectable
be tunable from 0.5 kPa to 5 MPa, allowing their physical administration. Hence these hydrogels are recommended
properties to be matched with different soft tissues in to be used as drug haulier in different biomedical applica-
the human body. tions like controlled drug delivery, targeted drug delivery,
Although hydrogels made from natural polymers wound healing and scaffolds.

Global Passenger
New Base Polymer Car Market Grew
Developed with 2% to 84.6 Million
High Temperature Units In 2017

new base polymer distinguished by sta-
ble mechanical properties at sustained
high temperatures has been developed.
The new high temperature poly-
mer VESTAMID HTplus TGP3717 can
withstand mechanical stress up to
135°C; the glass transition temperature
is 155°C. While the modulus of elasticity
of a standard product falls by approximately 80% at 120°C,
the decrease for new base polymer is only 15%.
Thanks to its high crystallinity, the company Evonik said
this new plastic material has the properties typical of the
VESTAMID HTplus product range such as very good chemical
resistance and dimensional stability and simple processing.

It is specially developed as a substitute for metal in classic
metal applications such as highly filled molding compounds.
The high temperature stable, semicrystalline material is based ccording to the German Association of the Automotive
on polyphthalamide (PPA). Industry (VDA), global passenger car market has
grown by 2% in 2017 to 84.6 million vehicles.
China, the largest vehicle market in the world,
is expected to rise by 2% to 24.1 million new cars.
The US light vehicle market has contracted
slightly, for the first time after seven years of growth
– by 2% to 17.2 million units.
Europe as a whole has continued to grow in 2017, increasing by 3% to
15.6 million passenger cars.
Of the top five markets in Europe – Germany, France, the UK, Italy and
Spain, only the UK has falling figures, possibly due to initial effects of Brexit,
said VDA. The German passenger car market has increased markedly this
year for the fourth time in succession. The association expects a growth of
at least 3% to 3.4 million passenger cars.
In 2017 the German automotive industry will produce around 16.4 million
passenger cars (+4%) worldwide. While production abroad has added 7% and
climbed to 10.8 million units, domestic production has fallen slightly (-2%) to
5.6 million passenger cars.
Comparatively, 10 years ago France built nearly 2.6 million cars, but only
1.8 million units were built in 2017, down by more than 30%, according to VDA;
In Italy, production has fallen by 17% (from 911,000 units to 756,000 units).
VDA predicts that the global passenger car market in 2018 will increase
by 1% to 85.7 million units. The overall European passenger car market will
maintain its level of 15.6 million units; the US market will continue to lack
dynamism in 2018, achieving sales of just over 16.8 million light vehicles.
China, on the other hand, will remain on its growth path and is expected
to grow by 2% again to 24.6 million passenger cars. Russia and Brazil will also
continue their recovery.
Meanwhile, the Indian market may well expand by 10% in 2018 to 3.6
million passenger cars and thus overtake the German passenger car market
for the first time.

Sino-US Plastics Machinery
Trade Tilts in Chinese Favour

xports of Chinese plastics processing machinery remain
strong with remarkable increase in volumes and value for
January to November, 2017 when compared to the
same period of previous year.
A total of 737,021 units of plastics m a -
chinery were exported with value
of US$1.991 billion in the
first eleven months
of 2017, according to the report of
China Plastics Machinery Industry
Association (CPMIA).
This represents an increase of 33%
and 11% YoY (Year over Year) on ex-
port volumes and export value respectively.
Meanwhile, the per unit export price was US$3,000.
Injection molding machines, extruders, blow molding machines, bridge-die-
forming machines and calendar forming machines were the major types of
machines being exported. In total, 87,813 units were exported at US$1.717 chinery industry. In November, both income from major operations and profit
billion from January to November, representing 11.91% of the total export increased more than 12% YoY.
volume and 86.23% of the export values.
As a result, China recorded a favorable balance of US$386 million in plastics 2017 Top 10 import destinations of Chinese plastics machinery:
machinery trading.
Of the 10 major export destinations of Chinese plastics machinery, the US,
India, Mexico, Bangladesh and Malaysia experienced a faster growth. In par-
ticular, 259,455 units were exported to the US through January to November,
up 79.21% when compared to previous year’s same period. The Chinese 3D
printers comprised 83.93% of the total export volumes, continuing to take
the US market by storm.

China importing pricier machine units

From January to November, China imported 19,717 units of plastics process-
ing machinery, a drop of 27% YoY. However, import values increased by 31%
to US$1.605 billion. The per unit import price was US$80,000 (US$50,000 in
previous year).
Machines from other Asian countries constituted the major portion of China’s
imports, in which 15,624 units were shipped to China at US$936 million.
They represent 79.28% and 58.09% of the total import volumes and values
In particular, imports from Japan grew by 49.96% and 43.20% in volumes and
values compared with the same period of previous year.
Imports from Europe amounted to 2,368 units at US$592 million, representing
12.02% of the total volume and 36.73% of the total values. Germany’s import
volumes dropped 36.36%, but values were increased by 16.36%, while import
volumes from Italy grew 47.15%, but values dropped 0.65%.
There are 402 enterprises above designated size in the Chinese plastics ma-

Celebrating 80 Years of
Polyurethane Development

0 years ago, Dr. Otto Bayer discovered polyurethane
(PU) chemistry by accident, launching the success of
one of the world’s most versatile plastics.
Milestones of polyurethane developments
From energy-efficient refrigerators, comfortable
upholstered furniture, safe car seats to protective coat- 1937 – Otto Bayer invents polyurethane chemistry
ings and lightweight composites, PU played a huge role 1943 – New brands: Desmodur (isocyanates) and Desmophen
in the modern world. (polyols)
Dr. Bayer was an important figure in the de- 1952 – First flexible foam made of TDI and polyester polyols
velopment of I.G. Farbenindustrie, which was later reestablished as 1958 – Premium coatings made of Desmodur and Desmophen
Farbenfabriken Bayer after World War II. Bayer has gradually grown into (DD coatings)
a giant chemicals group, spinning off its MaterialScience department in 1962 – Premiere of rigid polyurethane foam as an insulating
2015 now known as Covestro. material in refrigerators
“We don’t leave anything to chance but are specifically pushing exist- 1967 – First car with an all-plastic body at the K 67 trade show
ing boundaries to make more efficient insulating materials, even lighter 1970 – Metal-faced sandwich panels for building envelopes
materials, and even more resource-saving products possible,” said the From 1970 onwards – Introduction of Baydur polyurethane
Global Head of the Polyurethanes segment of the company. systems for rigid integral foams
PU makes an important contribution to securing global food supplies: 1980 – Car seats with various foam hardness levels
some 95% of the world’s refrigerators are thermally insulated with rigid
1990 – Viscoelastic foams open up a new dimension in comfort
polyurethane foam. New polyurethane system can even raise the insulating
performance by another 10%, meaning greater costs saving and reduced 1995 – Blowing agents with no HCFCs
CO2 emissions. 1998 – Introduction of the Baypreg spray system for composites
A method has been developed to synthesize PU components using 2000 – Polyols for coatings and adhesives based on Impact
CO2. For the production of flexible PU foam, up to 20% of the fossil raw technology
materials previously used in these products have been replaced by CO2. 2005 – Advances in polyurethane composites
Together with industry partners, governments, government agen- 2012 – Baytherm Microcell for insulating refrigeration systems
cies and society, new models are being developed for affordable housing – CO2 technology
and running specific projects. An innovative technology has also been 2016 – Market launch of cardyon
developed for manufacturing rotor blades for wind turbines. The rotors – First rotor blade made of polyurethane resin in Asia
are fabricated in a special process from a PU resin and a fiberglass fabric.

Plastics & the Environment - Decoding
the Buzzwords like ‘Degradable’ ‘Bio-
degradable’ & ‘Oxo-Biodegradable’
Introduction share of this leakage. Not only is Degradable, Bio-Degradable & Oxo-
Plastics have become the ubiq- packaging the largest application biodegradable Plastics in Packaging
uitous material of the modern of plastics with 26% of volumes, Many innovations and improvement
economy due to their attractive its small size and low residual efforts aimed at reducing the litter-
properties and low cost. Their use value also makes it especially ing associated with plastics show
has increased twenty times in the prone to leakage. One indicative potential. However to-date most
past 50 years and is expected to data point is that plastic packag- of these efforts have proven to be
double again in the next 20 years. ing comprises more than 62% of too fragmented and uncoordinated
Today nearly everyone comes into all items (including non-plastics) to have impact at a large scale.
contact with plastics – especially collected in international coastal Today’s plastics economy is highly
plastic packaging. While delivering clean-up operations. fragmented. The lack of standards
many benefits, the current plastics Plastics can remain in the ocean and coordination across the value
economy has certain drawbacks for centuries in their original form chain has allowed the proliferation
Dr. Mehr Nigar and even longer as small particles.
Assistant Professor and environmental repercussions of materials, formats, labeling, col-
that are becoming more and more The best research currently avail- lection schemes, and sorting and
Department of Mechanical & able estimates that there is over 150
Aerospace Engineering difficult to ignore. Currently a total reprocessing systems, which collec-
of 95% of plastic packaging ma- million tons of plastic waste in the tively hamper the development of
Air University, Islamabad
terial valued at $80–120 billion ocean today. Without significant effective markets. Other issues, such
annually is lost to the economy action, there may be more plastic as the fragmented development and
after being used only once. A stag- than fish in the ocean by weight, adoption of labeling standards, hin-
gering 32% of plastic packaging by 2050. Even by 2025, the ratio der public understanding and create
escapes collection systems, gen- of plastic to fish in the ocean is confusion.
erating significant economic and expected to be one to three, as
environmental costs. plastic stocks in the ocean are Introduction of Bio-degradable and
Among the major drawbacks forecast to grow to 250 million Oxo-biodegradable Packaging
associated with plastic packag- tons in 2025. One such initiative is the introduc-
ing is the issue of littering, which Leaked plastics can also de- tion of “degradable, bio-degradable”
is now a global problem. The dura- grade other natural systems, such and “Oxo-biodegradable” plastics as
bility of plastics which makes them as forests and waterways, and potential packaging materials to
attractive materials for packaging induce direct economic costs by reduce littering and environmen-
is their biggest disadvantage once clogging sewers and other urban tal pollution. The manufacturers of
they are dumped after use. Plastics infrastructure. The economic costs these “degradable” plastics tend to
made from conventional materials of these impacts need further claim that these plastics will break
and methods can stay intact in land assessment. down into smaller fragments on
or water for decades or centuries.
Companies offering This litter is as ubiquitous as the
additive-mediated plastics packaging itself and the
conventional plastic repercussions of this littering to the
materials promise surrounding flora and fauna are se-
a “quick solution” vere and cannot be ignored.
to countries that
Negative Impact of Plastics Waste
have no or nearly no Degradation of natural systems as a re-
waste management sult of leakage, especially in the ocean:
infrastructure, but At least 8 million tons of plastics
this promise comes leak into the ocean each year–
with great dangers to which is equivalent to dumping
the environment. The the contents of one garbage truck
into the ocean per minute. If no
bottom line is that
action is taken, this will increase to
Oxo-fragmentation two trucks per minute by 2030 and
and biodegradation four per minute by 2050. Estimates
must not be promoted and expert interviews suggest that
as excuse to litter!. packaging represents the major Figure 1: Growth in global Plastics Production 1950-2014

degradable,” “Oxo-biodegradable,” existing acceptable standard speci-
“Oxo-green” and “landfill degradable” fications misleading that are not re-
are often used to promote products producible and verifiable. Also, since
made with traditional plastics sup- no peer reviewed/published data
plemented with specific degradable has been released publicly relating
additives. The “degradable additives” to mineralization rates that support
are typically incorporated in conven- the claims of complete biodegrada-
tional plastics such as polyethylene tion for these additive technologies,
(PE), polypropylene(PP), polystyrene the term “Oxo-biodegradable,” and
(PS), polyethylene terephthalate more specifically biodegradation in
(PET) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) general, lacks meaning and is not
during the converting process from supported by any recognized indus-
polymer pellets to final products. try certifications or third-party peer
Addition rates vary by type of de- reviewed scientific data.
gradable additive and planned use In addition, the term “biodegrad-
but are typically below 5%. able” by itself is no more informa-
These additives are generally tive than when the adjective “tasty”
based on chemical catalysts contain- is used to advertise food products.
ing transition metals such as Cobalt, The term “Oxo-biodegradable” is an
Manganese, Iron, etc. or organic ma- appealing marketing term that is
terials, which can cause fragmenta- very misleading because the “bio-
tion as a result of a chemical oxidation degradation” part of the adjective
of the plastics’ polymer chains trig- cannot be verified in the absence of
gered by ultraviolet irradiation or heat standard specifications (i.e., an ex-
exposure, or direct biodegradation plicit set of requirements with well
of the organic additive. In a second defined pass/fail criteria to be satis-
phase, the resulting fragments are fied by a product).
claimed to eventually undergo bio- All of these multi-varied claims by
degradation. While in theory a very additive manufacturers have created
Figure 2: Plastics packaging material value loss after 1 use cycle slow biodegradation process can take so much confusion that in 2012 the
place, however the absence of light U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC),
their own once dumped. They liken and oxygen as well as the presence which is an organization committed to
their degradation to decomposition of moisture or very low temperatures curbing consumer fraud by deceptive/
of organic waste; e.g. paper, veg- severely retard the process, resulting unfair marketing, issued its revised
etable and fruit peels etc. If a close in a very slow or absent chemical pro- Guides for the Use of Environmental
look is taken, it will be observed cess. Their affect is similar to putting Marketing Claims, also known as
that terms such as “degradable”, water on a fire. In addition to addi- the “Green Guides”. The Guides’ sec-
“biodegradable”, “Oxo-degradable”, tives that trigger the fragmentation tion on “degradable claims” which
“Oxo-biodegradable” are used to process, the “degradable additives” the FTC notes is applicable to Oxo-
promote products made with tra- include stabilizers, which are added degradables, Oxo-biodegradables
ditional plastics supplemented with to limit the unwanted fragmenta- and similar claims states that:
specific additives. tion of the polymer chains while the (a) marketers may make an
Products made with this tech- plastic is progressing along the value unqualified degradable claim only
nology that are available in the mar- chain from production to warehous- if they can provide that the “entire
ket include film applications such as ing to end use. For this reason, differ- product or package will completely
shopping bags, trash can liners, ag- ent storage conditions are required break down and return to nature
ricultural mulch films, landfill daily in order to prevent premature aging within a reasonably short period of
The misconception that covers and most recently certain and loss of mechanical properties time (defined as within one year)
oxo-biodegradable plastic bottles and food trays. As for plastics containing “degradable after customary disposal and (b)
is safe for the many companies try to adopt these additives.” To an average consumer “unqualified degradable claims for
environment is leading products in an attempt to reduce the above mentioned terms sug- items that are customarily disposed
their carbon-footprint, there are seri- gest that the products can undergo in landfills, incinerators and recycling
many businesses
ous concerns amongst many plastics, rapid degradation and biodegrada- facilities are deceptive because these
to promote these tion under many different end-of-life locations do not present conditions
composting and waste management
products, which in experts that these products do not conditions. However, the main effect in which complete decomposi-
turn would lead to meet their claimed environmental of oxidation is fragmentation (break- tion will occur within one year.” In
increased littering. The promises. In fact the truth is that ing down into very small fragments) October 2013 an article was re-
industry, government most people even in the plastics in- into small particles, which remain in leased stating, “FTC Cracks Down
and academia dustry do not have complete clarity the environment for an indefinite on Misleading and Unsubstantiated
over the terminology that is being amount of time and they cannot be Environmental Marketing Claims.”
should collaborate
used. An attempt will be made here absorbed by the soil like plant based Additionally, the U.S. National
and try to come organic matter. Advertising Division (NAD) of the
to shed light on some of the pros
up with strategies and cons of introduction of such Council of Better Business Bureaus
for proper disposal plastics as packaging materials. Misleading Claims has recommended that advertisers
and management The SPI (Society of Plastics Industry) discontinue claims such as “100%
of plastics waste in Degradable Additives Bio plastics Division considers the Oxo-biodegradable or degradable”
Pakistan. Terms such as “degradable,” “Oxo- use of terms without reference to because such statements incorrectly

packaging) into invisible contami- as excuse to litter!
nants (plastic fragments). This is The United Nations Environment
generally not considered a feasible Program (UNEP) stresses that litterin-
solution to plastic waste, as the gis a problem of irresponsible behav-
behavioral problem of pollution by iors and must be resolved by raising
discarding waste in the environ- environmental awareness and by the
ment could be even stimulated establishment of appropriate waste-
by these kinds of product claims. management systems. Neither bio-
Furthermore, while plastic products degradation nor additive-mediated
can be collected once in the envi- fragmentation should be used as an
ronment, plastic fragments at very excuse to carelessly discard plastics
small levels are impossible to collect in the environment. European Bio
or control. plastics advocates a more respon-
sible communication about suitable
An Answer to Littering or its waste management options for spe-
Promotion? cific products and materials.
“Degradable additives” for plastic European Bio plastics strongly
products have been described as supports legislative proposals to
a solution to littering problems enforce responsible (marketing)
1 Headquarters of the global top 20 FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) companies (measured whereby they supposedly frag- claims concerning the end-of-life
by 2014 global net sales) ment in the natural environment. of products and materials. During
2 Headquarters of the top 20 plastics and resin manufacturers (measured by 2015 global capacity) In fact, such a concept risks increas- the amendment process of the
3 Production of plastics material volumes (excluding thermoplastics and polyurethanes) ing littering instead of reducingit. EU Directive on Packaging and
4 Source of plastics leaked into the oceans (proportion of the total global leakage measured in
The United Nations Environment Packaging Waste at the end of
million tonnes of plastic marine debris leaked per year)
Source: PlasticsEurope, Plastics - the Facts 2015 (2015); Statista; ICIS Supply and Demand; J.R. Program (UNEP) stresses that litter- 2014 / beginning of 2015, “Oxo-
Jambeck et al., Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean (Science, 13 February 2015). ing is a behavioral problem and must degradable” plastics were nearly
be resolved by raising environmental banned in Europe. In summer 2015,
Figure 3: Distribution of Plastics Headquarters; Production & Leakage awareness and by the establishment the French government positioned
suggest that a plastic will quickly or of appropriate waste management itself as a pioneer in this discussion
completely biodegrade with the help systems.“Degradable additives” for by banning “Oxo-degradable” plas-
of these additives. In fact, the NAD plastics are not specified as a solu- tics as of 2017.
and FTC have taken action against tion by UNEP. Long standing efforts Pakistan is one of the fastest
companies using the additive tech- for the prevention of littering could growing consumer markets for
nology for “Oxo-biodegradables” and actually be damaged by giving users plastics packaging of all kinds. In
using the word “biodegradable” for of plastic items the impression that 2013 legislation was passed that
marketing purposes for making false those items might vanish harmlessly all manufacturers switch to Oxo-
and unsubstantiated claims. if discarded into the environment. In biodegradable plastics. Many big
Other organizations such as the fact, even food waste littering can be companies have embraced this
Bio-degradable Products Institute cited in many states and fined, even switch in order to improve the
(BPI) have tested bottles and though the food waste is completely problem of littering. However, this
bags,containing degradable addi- biodegradable. approach needs rethinking. The mis-
tives, to confirm claims made about conception that oxo-biodegradable
the biodegradability of the prod- Conclusion is safe for the environment is leading
uct. In the case of the bottles that Additive-induced break-down of many businesses to promote these
were tested using relevant ASTM plastics increases the problem of products, which in turn would lead
standards, BPI noted that “after 60 micro plastics in the environment. to increased littering. We instead,
days, the bottle achieved an overall Additive-mediated conventional should be working on effective
biodegradation total of only 4.47% plastic products such as “Oxo- waste management, reduction and
, moreover the results of this test degradable” plastics have been recycling strategies. The industry,
During the amendment cannot be extrapolated to claim promoted as a solution to the prob- government and academia should
process of the EU that the bottle will fully biodegrade lems of littering and micro plastics collaborate and try to come up
in the future.” Similarly, in the case whereby they supposedly biode- with strategies for proper disposal
Directive on Packaging
of the bags that were tested using grade in the natural environment. and management of plastics waste
and Packaging Waste In fact, such a concept risks increas- in Pakistan.
the appropriate ASTM standard, BPI
at the end of 2014 / noted that “after 60 days, the bags ing littering instead of reducing it
beginning of 2015, achieved an overall biodegradation and leaves tiny fragments in the References:
“Oxo-degradable” total of 0.16% or less.” environment and worsens the prob- 1. “The New Plastics Economy
plastics were nearly Fragmentation of “degradable lem of micro plastics even further. Rethinking the future of plastics”;
banned in Europe. In additives” for plastics is not the re- Companies offering additive-medi- World Economic Forum; Jan 2016.
sult of a biodegradation process ated conventional plastic materials 2. “Position Paper on Degradable
summer 2015, the
but rather the result of a chemical promise a “quick solution” to coun- Additives”; Society of Plastics
French government reaction. The resulting fragments tries that have no or nearly no waste Industry (SPI); Feb 2016.
positioned itself as will remain in the environment. management infrastructure, but this 3. “Oxo-biodegradable Plastics
a pioneer in this Fragmentation is not a solution to promise comes with great dangers and O ther Plastics With
discussion by banning the waste problem, but rather the to the environment. The bottom line AdditivesForDegradation”,
“Oxo-degradable” conversion of visible contaminants is that Oxo-fragmentation and bio- European Bio plastics,
plastics as of 2017. (such as bags, cutlery, other food degradation must not be promoted October 2015.

New Hydrolysis-Resistant PBT Grades Launched
as Alternative to High Performance Polymers

leading Dutch company is materials and more expensive specialty solutions.”
adding hydrolysis-resistant He also points out that PBT scores over stan-
grades of polybutylene dard polyamides (PA) for automotive electronic
terephthalate (PBT) to its applications because it does not require the use
family of thermoplastic of heat stabilizers (some of which are the source
polyesters. of corrosion problems on metal contacts) and be-
The new ‘HR’ grades cause its lower moisture absorption leads to higher
come in response to in- dimensional stability.
creasing calls in the automotive market for mate- The new grades features their higher reten-
rials that resist hot and humid environments, for tion of mechanical properties after USCAR Class
applications that do not necessarily require the 3, 4, and 5 temperature/humidity profile exposure
outstanding performance of high temperature and “85/85” cycles (85°C/85% relative humidity) of
polyamides. up to 3,000 hours.
“Our customers are telling us The official also notes that performance at
that with continuous-use and 150°C is exceptional. “Our grades will outperform
peak temperatures around the virtually all the competition in terms of flow, speed
engine continuing to rise, materials of crystallization – which translates into production
currently in use including stan- cycle time – and mechanical property retention
dard PBT are no longer good over the lifetime of the vehicle.”
enough for the job in some The company said the new grades have been
applications,” said a high official engineered in anticipation of more robust test-
from company’s Automotive ing and validation standards as the trend towards
Electronics. “Many Tiers see HR electric-powered and autonomous road vehicles
PBT as a bridge between these picks up.

Spoon-in-the-Lid Solution
Introduced for Dairy Products

new solution is designed for consumers
who eat on-the-go, with the foldable
polypropylene (PP) spoon simple to ac-
cess, assemble and use. The APET lid fea-
tures a fine polyethylene terephthalate
(PET) seal that is easy to tear off. As such,
it represents a significant improvement
over similar lids which are sealed with
aluminum foil, and thus oblige the user to find the spoon with
which to eat the product.
“We have created a lid with a two-piece spoon which matches
the widespread and popular small diameter typically used for a pot
of yoghurt or a chocolate mousse,” explained the Product Portfolio
Manager of the company. “In fact, it is a new option from us.”
Due to the intuitive nature of the seal, there is no need for
instructions, meaning it can be fully exploited for branding mes-
sages with a choice of six colors. In addition, the lid can be specified in any transparent color, giving customers a wide range of design possibilities where the
pot, lid and seal complement each other to create an attractive presence for maximum on-shelf impact.
As well as providing a good-looking alternative to more conventional pots, the lid height of the container has been kept down, creating logistical benefits
and reducing the amount of virgin material. The pot stacks well both filled and empty, and is also available with a diameter of 95mm.
A further option is a combined solution that features both the spoon and topping in the lid – ideal for muesli, for example. This ensures a high level of
hygiene, with the spoon kept separate from the topping.
“We are introducing this spoon-in-the-lid solution so that our customers have the potential to make their products stand out in refrigerated display coun-
ters,” he concluded. “And, as we all know, getting attention is step one for increased sales.”

Plastic Mulches

Abstract and have relatively long life of about 2 or more years. For
With the rapid increase in population throughout the better crop production colored plastic mulching is usually
world, the demand of crops for fulfillment of food re- preferred. Selection of color depends on the type of crop
quirements have tremendously been increased. This and the environment it needs. Common colors include
requires increased production and protection of food white, black, clear, grey etc. These plastic mulches can be
crops to meet the required needs. Mulches is one of best applied manually but are often applied by machines by
methods that not only increase the production of crops making holes to allow the plants to grow through. They
but also protect them from other factors that affect crops are used for small fruits and vegetable crops [3].
quality and production. Different types of mulches are
available but plastic mulches are most widely utilized Mulch Installation
worldwide. Plastic mulches consists a high water resistant Synthetic Mulches
thick or thin layer of material that widely spreads on ag- Most widely used plastic mulch is black polyethylene
ricultural land to prevent the evaporation of water from film. Mulches of such type are simply laid down on seed
soil. Plastic mulches prevent the soil erosion and provide bed before transplantation of seed in soil. Seed is then
barrier to soil bacteria. They have excellent weed control transplanted in soil through the holes or slits that have
and can be used for a long time. They can be applied been cut into mulch as shown below. These mulches
manually but are often applied by machines. block weed emergence, promote soil warming and early
growth of crops. According to National organic program
Introduction final rule, these synthetic mulches must be removed from
Mulch is a material usually spread on the surface of the fields at the end of growing season [4].
ground in order to protect plant or plant roots from low
temperature, accidental injury and moisture loss either by
wind or by evaporation in case of extreme temperatures
Dr. Yasir Qayyum Gill,
Assistant Professor [1]. Mulching materials can be classified into three main
Hira Ehsan, classes: organic materials that include plant products, ani-
Postgraduate Student, & mal wastes etc; inorganic materials i.e. the synthetic ma-
Ahmed Shakeel, Omer Khalid, terials; special materials e.g. sand-grave, concrete etc [2].
Undergraduate Students, Plastic mulches are inorganic mulches classified on
Deptt of Polymer and Process the basis of color and mode of extrusion i.e. either blown,
Engineering, cast or both. These plastic mulches are completely water
University of Engineering and resistant and improve the texture of soil by preventing
Technology, Lahore loss of water by evaporation, preventing soil erosion and
Email: provide barrier. They possess good soil heat retention Figure 1: Installation of Synthetic mulches.

Blends of LDPE or LLDPE CA No
with EVA
PHB copolymers UR Yes
Copolymer of PCL and starch UR Yes
Starch based polymer UR Yes
Vegetable oil coated kraft paper UR Yes

CA commercially available, UR under research, LDPE:

low-density polyethylene, LLDPE: linear low-density
polyethylene, EVA: ethylene vinyl acetate, EBA: ethyl-
ene butyl acrylate, PLA: poly(lactide) or poly(lactic acid),
PBAT: poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate), PHB:
poly(hydroxylbutyrate), PCL: poly( -caprolactone)
Figure 2: Installation of Organic Organic Mulches In Pakistan, the sites near Bhalwal, Hafizabad, Pakpatan,
mulches. Organic mulches include hay, straws, leaves, chipped Kot Sumbanwala, Bawalpur and Tando Ghulam Ali can be
brushes etc. They are usually used when crop is fully used for installation of mulches in fields. These areas are
established and soil has achieved its near optimum water deficient as source of water in these areas is only
temperature. These mulches generally lower the soil tem- ground or canal water supply. The site of coastal areas of
perature and conserve the moisture of soil by reducing Murad Ali Barohi, Thatta, Sawat and Baluchistan plateau
the rate of evaporation. Unlike synthetic mulches these near Quetta; the rainfed areas like Gujar Khan, Kotli can be
organic mulches are left in fields after harvesting [4]. selected as ones where utilization of mulches can be expe-
A lot of knowledge is required for installing plastic rienced. Jhang, Chiniot and Multan belt can be selected as
mulching. Some factors must be kept in mind before best sites for utilization of mulches as they are flood affected
installation of plastic mulches. The type of plastic mulch areas. Vehari, Sahiwal and Okara can also be selected for
which is to be used depends upon nature of climate, mulches utilization as these fields are highly fertile and any
soil, water quality etc. For example, perforated mulch kind of crop can be cultivated in such areas. Mulches are
should be used in rainy season, thicker mulch is used least practiced in Pakistan mainly due to little knowledge on
for orchards and plantation, black mulches are preferred water saving and productivity. Lack of technical background
in case of weed control or sandy soil, white film is suitable among conventional farmers also is a huge hurdle in adopt-
in summer for cropped land while silver colored film is ing such practices of mulches. Cheap and easy availability
used where pesticides are to be repelled [5]. of river water is nature’s precious blessing which should be
Utilization of Mulches in Pakistan utilized to increase the quality and quantity of crops by em-
bracing latest facilities. However, lack of awareness keeps the
farmer complacent who, consequently, does not feel excited
about the idea of experimenting with innovative practices
for enhanced productivity. [7]

Because of serious shortfall of river water in Pakistan as
Some factors must be reported 11% in 2004 and expected to be 31% in 2025, it
kept in mind before is the need of hour to implement such measures in order
installation of plastic to fulfill the basic requirements of people. Moreover,
mulches. The type of more storage reservoirs are required to overcome this
deficiency of water. Installation of mulches in suitable
plastic mulch which areas should be made possible to get improved yield at
Figure 3: Worldwide production of mulches.
is to be used depends low possible cost.
upon nature of climate, As evident from the above discussion mulches can be
soil, water quality used in areas where there is insufficient water for irriga- References
etc. For example, tion, rate of evaporation is high (especially in summer 1. V.A.Clarkson, W. (1957). Plastic mulches for horicul-
perforated mulch cultivated crops), for plant type crops like carrot, straw- tural crops. Oregon State College.
berry, tomato etc. A number of polymeric mulches are 2. Kader, M. A., Senge, M., Mojid, M. A. & Ito, K. Soil &
should be used in rainy
already commercially available worldwide and a number Tillage Research on Recent advances in mulching
season, thicker mulch of new polymeric mulches which are also biodegradable materials and methods for modifying soil environ-
is used for orchards are being developed through research. Listed under Table ment. Soil Tillage Res.168, 155–166 (2017)
and plantation, black 1 [6] are most of the commercially available and under 3. Tiffany Maughan, D. D. (2016). Use of Plastic Mulch
mulches are preferred research polymeric mulches. for Vegetable Production. Utah: Utah State University.
in case of weed control 4. Schonbeck, D. M. (2015). Mulching for Weed Management
or sandy soil, white Table: 1 Polymeric mulch materials commercially in Organic Vegetable Production. Extensions
available and currently under research [6]. 5.
film is suitable in
6. Kasirajan, S. & Ngouajio, M. Agron. Sustain. Dev.
summer for cropped Types of Plastic Mulch CA or UR Biodegradable (2012) 32: 501.
land while silver LDPE CA No 7:
colored film is used LLDPE CA No Management/Pre-Development Socio-Economic
where pesticides are EVA CA No Report of the, Participating National Integrated Water
to be repelled. EBA CA No Management Programme.pdf

European Biocomposite US Plastics
Production Reached Machinery Shipments
410,000 Tons in 2017 Jumped 20%

S shipments of primary plastics machinery
posted a strong Year on Year (YoY) increase
in third quarter of 2017, according to statis-
tics compiled and reported by the Plastics
Industry Association’s (PLASTICS) Committee
on Equipment Statistics (CES).
This marked the second consecutive quar-
terly YoY increase in this data.
The preliminary estimate for shipments of primary plastics equip-
ment (injection molding, extrusion, and blow molding equipment)
for reporting companies totaled US$350.8 million in the third quarter.
This was 20.4% higher than the total of US$291.3 million in Q3 of 2016,
and it was 4.0% stronger than the revised US$337.2 million from Q2 of
2017. This YoY gain in Q2 followed a revised 6.5% YoY increase in the
quarterly total from Q2.
“After hitting a plateau in the second half of 2016, the upward trend
in the shipments data for plastics equipment re-emerged in the third
quarter of 2017. Quarterly gains of 20% will not be sustained going
forward, but the plastics industry is entering the New Year with more
momentum than it did a year ago. I still expect the underlying eco-
nomic fundamentals in the US to push higher, and global demand
will also improve in 2018,” said Bill Wood of Mountaintop Economics
& Research, Inc.
The shipments value of injection molding machinery increased 21%
in Q3 when compared with last year. The shipments value of single-
screw extruders declined by 2%. The shipments value of twin-screw
extruders (which includes both co-rotating and counter-rotating ma-
chines) jumped 61%. The shipments value of blow molding machines
was not reported in Q3.
Demand for auxiliary equipment also appeared to be strong in the
third quarter according to the latest estimate for total bookings. Actual
comparisons in this year’s quarterly auxiliary data to last
year’s quarterly totals are unavailable due to a change
in the number of reporting companies.
The CES also conducts a quarterly survey of
plastics machinery suppliers that asks about their

future expectations. According to the Q3 survey,
87% of respondents expect market conditions to
either hold steady or get better during the next year.
he biocomposite production in Europe is estimated to amount This is up slightly from 86% in Q2.
to 410,000 tons in 2017, according to nova-Institute. Global market conditions in the coming year are
Over 30 compound companies produce and trade 80,000 expected to come in steady-to-better. This is a bit
tons of granulate with wood and natural fibers in Europe. In more optimistic than the outlook in
addition to the common petrochemical plastics PE, PP, TPE Q2. Expectations for North America
and PVC, biopolymers such as Bio-PE, PLA, PBS, PBAT or PHA improved slightly. Expectations for
are utilized. Latin America and Europe were lit-
Depending on the target application, wood flour, wood tle changed. Expectations
fibers, cellulose fibers, bast fibers such as hemp, flax, jute or kenaf, but also bamboo, for Mexico declined,
cork or the fibers of the sunflower seed shells are used. but there was a big
The overall annual growth rate of the European biocomposite production is increase in positive
about 3% which is roughly in line with the average growth of the plastics market. sentiment for Asia
Much higher growth rates of up to 30% have been identified in various in- in the com-
novative application fields of biocomposites. These application fields range from ing year.
technical applications over furniture to consumer goods that are produced mainly
with injection molding, 3D and other production methods like roto molding.
Furthermore, in the area of traded granulates the overall growth rate has also
been substantially higher as the average (15%).

Award-Winning Multi-Chamber Blister System Ensures
Safe Medicine and Vaccine Packaging without Cold Chain

edicines and vaccines with unstable and mois- and Development said the system represents a new way to transport vac-
ture-sensitive ingredients can now be trans- cines or sensitive APIs.
ported in one pack, safely and without cool “Products can now be transported to even the most remote locations,
storage, thanks to a solution developed by which increases convenience and improves patient safety,” he said. “The so-
Amcor and Rohrer-Leading Solutions. lution laminates on the bottom and lid foil has special sealing properties
The Multi-Chamber Blister System is a phar- with both a tight seal and easy peel seal. This allows the components to be
maceutical blister that incorporates Amcor’s combined accurately, providing “on-the-spot mixing.”
SafeMix cold form laminate. One chamber can Another official described how his company has brought this innova-
be filled with a dry powder incorporat- tion successfully to market through a combination of different capabilities.
ing an active ingredient, and the other “It was important that we mastered the blister sealing process using this
with a liquid. A frangible seal, once solution to enable frangible, but still tight seals. Even more important was
peeled, opens a channel be- a unique, cost-efficient, in-line sterilization process to enable this tech-
tween the chambers and the nology to be used in sterile applications, where the API would
components are mixed by push- not survive a later sterilization procedure,” he said.
ing on the cavities. The Multi-Chamber Blister System has been
The pack enhances granted a 2018 WorldStar award from the
drug stability and simplifies World Packaging Organization,
the supply chain by eliminat- having already won an
ing cool storage and glass containers. Alufoil Trophy from the
SafeMix can also be used for diagnostics in European Aluminium Foil
situations where a complex laboratory environ- Association in the Technical
ment cannot be set up. Innovation category ear-
A senior Director of the company responsible for Research lier in 2017.

Sustainability in
Plastic Industry
hile most people un- ponents in complex shapes.
derstand sustainability • This significantly reduces costs associated with as-
only in terms of finan- sembly and the use of fixtures.
cial aspect, in order for
a product to be truly Plastics products also provide whole life cost savings
sustainable it must be • Reduced fuel use in transit due to their lightweight.
sustainable environmen- • Reduced maintenance requirements, for example PVC
tally, socially and eco- windows do not require painting.
nomically. These aspects have become known as the • Reduced energy requirement for heating when plas-
Three Pillars of Sustainability. Plastics make a positive tics insulation is used.
contribution to all three pillars of sustainability. • Reduced food and consumer goods wastage due
to the unparalleled protective properties of plastics
• The plastics industry is a leader in research & develop-
ment, and innovation.
A viable natural
Plastics materials and applications are constantly
developed and improved
natural and built economic
• Significant industrial research and development is
environment development supported by a University infrastructure of polymer
or polymer engineering departments.

Completing the final pillar of sustainability, plastics

are also socially sustainable
Nurturing Equitable Sufficient
• Pakistan’s plastics industry is socially inclusive and
community social
economy offers a wide range of worthwhile careers with con-
siderable room for career development, progression
and training. The industry is very attentive to training.
• Plastics companies are geographically widely dis-
tributed across Pakistan and provide jobs to some
thousands of engineers and skilled professionals.
Plastics make an immense contribution to the en- Plastics provide unparalleled benefits as a packaging
vironmental sustainability through their energy saving material. This is because plastics are lightweight, resource
potential and intrinsic recyclability and energy recovery efficient and offer excellent barrier properties. Due to
options. Economically plastics play an important role in these properties packaging items in plastics significantly
our economy. Socially the plastics industry is a significant reduce waste and saves energy.
and inclusive employer with an attention to training and
education. Plastics packaging reduces waste
Plastics have a very good environmental profile. Only On average, ten times more energy goes into the produc-
4% of the world’s oil production is used for plastics and tion of the food or goods packaging contains than the
much less energy is used to produce it compared to other packaging itself.
materials. Plastics are durable yet lightweight and thus A cucumber loses moisture quickly and would be un-
save weight in cars, aircraft, packaging and pipework. sellable within 3 days were it not protected by 1.5 grams
When plastics have completed their use phase, of plastic.
whether as a car bumper or a bottle, they can either be Plastics packaging is lightweight and resource
recycled or if this is not economic or environmentally efficient.
beneficial the calorific value of the plastic can be recov- If plastics were not used in packaging and other ma-
ered through energy from waste incineration to provide terials were used instead, then waste and energy con-
a much source of home-grown power. As a consequence sumption would double, and weight and costs would
plastics can be viewed as ‘borrowing’ the oil. quadruple.
Plastics packaging has an excellent record of inno-
Mr. Moazzam Rasheed From an economic aspect, Plastics also have a role to vation and lightweighting. Between 1991 and 2000 the
C.E.O play at a micro-economic level average weight of plastics film (g/m2) decreased by 36%
Bin Rasheed Group • Plastics products are very cost effective to produce whilst the average weight or bottles and containers de-
and provide the ability to make single moulded com- creased by 21%.

Plastics have a huge role to play in is made from three plastic composite sections. This
sustainable construction, whether serves to reduce fuel burn by as much as 20%.
it be PVC windows, plastic However, it is also important to realize the ob-
foam insulation or plas- stacles in the sustainability of plastic as a whole.
tic water pipes.
Plastics Some of the major obstacles in this sustainability are:
pipes • Inability to reach export markets
• Relatively small regional markets for recycled
• High cost of input material
• Compliance costs
• Limited research & development
• Slow pace of techno-
logical upgradation

less en-
ergy to produce
than concrete or iron
and being lightweight
they save on transport costs and
emissions in the building industry.
Furthermore, the replacement of Victorian
pipes in London with new plastic pipes reduces
leaks and saves significant amounts of water with
consequent savings in the energy required to process
and pump the water.
Plastics have a number of inherent properties
which make them an ideal material for modern trans-
port systems. Plastics are lightweight, corrosion free
and easily moulded into complex shapes without the
need for assembly or fastening systems.
The average new car in 1984 contained 8.5%
plastics by weight. A similar car today contains around
11%. The increased use of plastics reduces the weight
of vehicles and consequently emissions. The weight
The average new car in
reductions brought about through the increased use 1984 contained 8.5%
of plastics have also offset the extra weight brought plastics by weight. A
about by improved safety features such as airbags. similar car today contains
Using 100 kg of plastics in a car can replace be- around 11%. The increased use
tween 200 - 300 kg of traditional materials. Over the of plastics reduces the weight
average lifespan of a vehicle every 100kg of plastics of vehicles and consequently
will reduce fuel consumption of the vehicle by 750 litre.
Some 22% of the Airbus A380 (the world’s largest emissions. The weight
commercial aircraft) is built from carbon reinforced reductions have also offset the
plastics. This helps to reduce the fuel burn to a rate extra weight brought about by
comparable to that of economical family car. improved safety features such
The fuselage of the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner as airbags.

PPMA Members List 2017-18

A.B.S. PLASTIC 021-32270704, 32276850

ABDULLAH ENTERPRISES +9221-3634217 – 36344471
ABDUL QADIR & CO 042-37357225
A.C.C. POLYMERS 042-37378143-4
ADAMJEE DURABUILT PVT LTD. +9221-32423298 – 32460856 - 32460838-9
AGAR INTERNATIONAL 021-32415412 -14
AGHA PLASTICS 042-37729612 & 37725393
AHN SYNTHETIC (PVT) LTD 042-35403591-2
AL-HUDA MULTIPURPOSE (PVT) LTD +9221-32551445-6 Ext. 801-811
AL-HUDA PLASTICS +9221-36999137, 36997102
AL-KHAIR HMD INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD 021-35055395 - 35069061
ALEENA PLASTICO 042-37150236-7
ALKA (PVT) LTD 021-32587602-11
AL-MUNAWAR PVC IND. (PVT) LTD 042-35914084
ANA INTERNATIONAL 021-35053605-6
APP (PVT) LTD 021-32593591
ASTRO PLASTICS (PVT) LTD 021-34311172-5
A.T.M. INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD 021-35033155
ALSONS AUTO PARTS (PVT) LTD 021-34723622-4
ARRAX ENTERPRISES 021-35033318, 35040723
BELTA 042-37928600
BIN RASHEED (PVT.) LTD 111-100-000
BLOW PLAST (PVT) LTD 021-32562353
BOMBAL PLASTIC INDUSTRIES +9221-32563767 – 32563821
BROTHERS INDUSTRIES +9221-35065590 – 35066699
BUSINESS SYSTEM 021-32466931

PPMA Members List 2017-18


CBM PLASTICS (PVT) LTD +9221-32571884 – 32561651
CHERRY PLASTIC INDUSTRIES 021-32563886 / 32564158
CIRRUS TRADING CO. 042-35751641-2
CITI POLY PACK (PVT) LTD 042-111-001-786
COMBINE HOLDING (PVT) LTD 021-34801551-52
CONTINENTAL PLASTICS INDS 021-36034258 - 35067664
DADEX ETERNIT LTD 021-111-000-789
DATA PLASTIC 021-36977618
DECENT ENGINEERING WORKS 021-36956661 - 36970700
DECENT PLASTIC +9221-36951724–36962882
DOLLAR INDUSTRIES (PVT) LIMITED +92-21 32563535 - 38
ECOPACK LIMITED +92 213 5291051-2
ELECTROL ENGINEERS 021-32214865 - 32631293
EMERAUDS DMCC 042-35295291
ENGRO POLYMERS & CHEMICALS LTD 021-111-411-411 & 35293871-85
ERUM PLASTICS WORKS +9221-36600047 – 36605383
EURO GULF INDUSTRIES +9221-36881602 – 36880145-6
EXPRESSPAC (PVT) LTD +9242-35383477 – 37034091
FASNNA IMPEX 042-37283991
FAV PLASTICO (PVT) LTD 021-32550093-98
G. B. COLLECTION +9221-36682466 – 36688236
GALAXY ENGINEERING 021-32589721-22

PPMA Members List 2017-18


GOLDEN INDUSTRIES 021-32434690-1
GRACE IMPEX 042-35121974
HAIDERY INCORPORATED 021-35444724 - 32427477
H. M. ENGINEERING 021-36006437
HASEEB IMPEX 042-37666591
H. R. & BROTHERS 021-32566356
HUB POLY PACKAGES (PVT) LTD +9221-35884246, 35884181
HUSSAIN CAN CO. (PVT) LTD (92-42) 3)-37925137, 37914881-3,
IAV POLYMERS 042-37929002
ILYAS PLASTIC INDUSTRY 055-4222067 / 4232067
IMRAN CROWN CORK (PVT) LTD 021-32578593-5
INTERNATIONAL CAPS COMPANY +9221-36825625 – 36825848-9
IRSHAD SAEED PACKAGING (PVT) LTD +9242-35323296 – 35323196
IZU TRADERS 042-37246615
JAKKEY TRADERS 021-32427516-18
KARACHI PLASTIC 021-32579567
K. M. FOOD INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD 042-37510707
KARIM CONTAINERS (PVT) LTD +9221-32572417 – 32578932
KHUSHALS (PVT) LTD 021-32216661-2
LIAQUAT ALI TRADING & CO. 042-37280540

PPMA Members List 2017-18

MAAZ ENTERPRISES 0092-321-4121561

MACHINERY ZONE 021-35884181
MACPAC FILMS LTD +9221-32576341, 32579057
M.A.J. INTERNATIONAL 0092-21-34536897-98
M. A. POLYMERS 042-35923211
M. H. PLASTIC INDUSTRIES 042-111-952-952
M. S. ENTERPRISES 021-36607553-4
MARFLEX HOUSE +92-42-37577333, 37566213
MEHRAN PLASTIC INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD 021-32569556- 32568467
MESHE INTERNATIONAL 021-35888625-35389330
METATEX (PVT) LTD 021-32354301-5
MIAN NAZIR SONS IND. (PVT) LTD 021-32412982-85
MILLAT INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD 021-32564030 - 32578657
MILLAT PLASTICO 042-37702918
MODERN PLASTIC 021-2580806 - 36621316
MULTI TECK +92-321-9457935, 0323-4020880
NASAR STEELS (PVT) LTD 042-37960204-6
NEW IDEAL PLASTICS 0092-21-36691648
NOVATEX LTD 021-35659502-14
PAK PET (PVT) LTD 021-36990468
PARUS PLASTIC (PVT) LTD 021-36022761
PARVEZ SONS 042-37665690
PEARL PETRO INDUSTRY (PVT) LTD +9242-111-952952, 35935564-9
PERFECT ENGINEERING WORKS 021-32572828 - 32563653

PPMA Members List 2017-18

PLASPACK 042-35115855-57

PLASTECH PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD 021-32276711 & 111-742-762
PLASTIC MARKEZ 021-32443052
PLASTIFORM 042-35298667
PLASTIKING 021-35067402-3
PLASTI KRAFT +9242-35304977 – 35304918
PLASTIMAKERS 021-36963269
POLY INDUSTRIES 021-32216661-2
POLYCLOTH (PVT) LIMITED 021-35123123-24
POLYDIST (PVT) LTD 021-32270564-5
POLYMER MARKETING (PVT) LTD +9242-36308294 – 36372494
POLYMER ACCESS (PVT) LTD 021-111-052-052
POLY PACK (PVT) LTD 042-35757491-2
PRECISION POLYMERS (PVT) LTD (+9221)35246880-81
PREMIER CABLES (PVT) LTD 021-34397771-5
PRIME CHEM 042-37639348
PRIME PACKAGES 021-32589166
QUALITY PLAST (PVT) LTD +9241-8810216 – 316
RASHEED SONS 021-32216661-2
REHAN CAN (PVT) LTD 042-35856784
ROYAL PACKAGES (PVT) LTD 021-35147551-3
SABIC PAKISTAN 021-35633231
SAEED CORPORATION +9221-36826206 – 36826216
SAYYED ENGINEERS LTD 042-35177610-14
SHARIF AND SONS 042-37913167-9
SHARMEEN PAKISTAN (PVT.) LTD 32415803, 32427876
SHEZAN TRADING COMPANY (9221) 34313671 – 2

PPMA Members List 2017-18


SHOAIB AMIN +9221-32431540, 34324212-13
SUN PLASTIC 021-36600841
SUNNY CO +9242-36545050-1 / 36526670 – 1
SUPER INDUSTRIES +9221-36881378 36881487
TANVIR PACKAGES (PVT) LTD +9221-32575952 – 32581949 - 32564351
TARIQ PLASTICO 042-37722043-45
TARIQ PLASTICO (PVT) LTD 042-37722043-45
TECH HOUSE 042-37720950
TECHNO PLAST +9221-36880631 – 36880598
THERMOSOLE INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD +9242-35118512, 35117859
TOYO PACKAGING (PVT) LTD +9221 32579057, 32576342
TRADE TACTS INT’L (PVT) LTD 042-37498501
TRANSPAK PVT LTD +9221-32576914-15 – 32564190
TRI PACK FILMS LTD 0092-21-35224336/7
UMAIR PETROCHEMICALS (PVT) LTD 021-32418631- 32466981-3
VALUE POLYMERS +9221-34982781
VINMAR POLYMERS +9221-32411606 – 32412621 - 32419285
VITAL POLYMERS (PVT) LTD 021-34326670-71
YASIR CHEMICALS 021-34543163
Z. M. TRADERS 042-37920427
ZAKI SONS 021-36826210

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102 3N Prime Aerosole 130 Kashif Engineering

148 Abeer Enterprises 104 K-Group
36 Aftab Sons Writing Instruments 130 Khushal (Pvt) Ltd.
106 Al-Huda Plastics 134 King Plastic
152 Ali Bilal Enterprises 38 Kunji Industrial Solutions
52 Alka (Pvt) Ltd. 32 M. Y. Chandiwala
58 Appollo Plastics 162 M.R. Consolidated
92 Arfeen International (Profile) 108 MAJ International
94 Arfeen International (Profile) 172 Metatex (Pvt) Ltd.
95 Arfeen International (Profile) 112 Masoom Corporation
62 Bank Al-Habib Limited 114 Mehran Industries
158 Bin Rasheed 28 Millat Industries Pvt. Ltd.
160 Bin Rasheed 64 Pak Petrochemical Ind. (Pvt) Ltd
66 Bole 56 Pakplas
68 Bombay Automobile & Seals House 118 Parus Plastic
70 Bridge Power Battery 120 Petro Gulf Polymers DMCC
03 Brite Trading Agency 122 Polydist (Pvt) Ltd.
06 Brite Trading Agency 04 Precision Polymer
46 Brite Trading Agency 126 PUMA
170 Brite Trading Agency 134 R. Muhammad & Sons
42 Brite Trading Agency (Profile) 60 Rastgar & Co.
43 Brite Trading Agency (Profile) 128 Rehan Can Private Limited
74 CBM Plastics (Pvt) Ltd. 86 Reliance Petrochemicals
30 Clariant 87 Reliance Petrochemicals
76 Combine Holding (Pvt) Ltd. 100 Ron Extrusion Engineering
78 D.S. Motors 02 Rootech Pakistan
80 Decent Plastic 138 Rootech Pakistan
82 Dollar Industries (Pvt) Ltd 05 Royal Packages
20 Electrol Engineers 140 Royal Water Cooler
50 Engro Polymer 142 Shezan Trading Co.
72 FAV Plastico (Pvt) Ltd. 144 Shield Corporation
102 Galaxy Engineering 144 Sohail Plastic Works
54 House of Amin 146 Sultan Trading Co.
156 Hygiene Pack 34 Sunny Co.
90 Ibrahim Associates 40 Sunrise Plastic Industries (Pvt) Ltd.
171 ICPL 116 Thermosole Industries (Pvt) Ltd.
98 Javaid International 157 Urooj Plastic
88 Karim Container 150 Wazir Ali & Co.


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