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Modern communication technologies have impacted the way that individual relates with one
and another. Modern communication technologies provide various new and innovative
options for individuals to interact with one and other. New technologies allow faster and
efficient communication and help to go beyond the boundaries to build the relationship.
Therefore it is an un-debatable fact that communication technology is pervasive throughout
our lives.

With the emergence of internet and mobile communication over few decades the nature of
communication has changed significantly. In the modern era these communication
technologies are becoming increasingly popular among the people. As these modes of
communication dominate the society, it is important to examine their impact on people’s life
and relationship. Communication technologies may have potential benefits, enabling people
to keep in touch with friends and family members more easily and quickly anywhere in the
world. Several researches and studies have pointed out a positive association between the use
of communication technologies and personal relationship. However other studies indicated
the detrimental impact of communication technologies in the growth of personal relationship.
The aim of the current study is to explore whether the effects of communication technologies
and the nature of personal relationship.

Definition of Communication Technology

However there is no single and universally accepted definition for communication

technologies which describes adequately about its nature and function, the term
communication technology generally understood as all devices, network components,
applications and systems that combined and allow people to interact in the digital world.
(Techtarget Network, n.d.)

In more general term, communication technology includes all technical components and
facilities that translate, process, save and transfer various types of information in digital form.
It includes voice telephony, data communication and computer, radio, television and similar
technologies. It is similar to information technology but mainly focuses on communication
technology. The communication technology includes the internet, wireless network, cell
phones and other communication devices.

The modern digital communication technologies have provided vast array of communication
options to the society. In this modern era, thanks to the modern communication system
people can communicate in real-time with others in different countries and locations. Social
networking websites like Facebook allow the user to remain in contact and communicate on a
regular basis with others without any geographical barriers. Emergence and repaid growth of
modern communication technologies have created a “Global Village” in which people can
communicate with others as if they live near to them. The development in modern
communication technologies has broken the geographical barriers in the communication.
Therefore it is necessary to understand how modern communication technologies affect
personal relationship of people who use the modern communication technologies.

Types of Communication Technologies

Revolution of technology has changed the traditional way of communication and moved
people to modern way of communication in order to build their personal relationship. Some
of the common types of communication technologies are as follow

1. E-mail

A means or system for transmitting messages electronically (Acquiescence, 2011)

2. Texting

Sending of short text messages electronically especially from one cell phone to another,
(Acquiescence, 2011)

3. Instant messaging

A message sent by using a system for sending messages quickly over the Internet from
one computer to another computer. (Acquiescence, 2011)
4. Video Conference & Call

The holding of a conference among people at remote locations by means of transmitted

audio and video signals. (Acquiescence, 2011)

5. Social Media

Forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and
microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information,
ideas, personal messages, and other content. (Acquiescence, 2011)

6. Facebook

A social network which connects people and allow sharing photos, videos, other images
and application with others instantly

The medium of communication technology can have an impact on the way messages are sent
and received and it can impact relationships.

The aim of this study is to analysis the impact of communication technologies in personal

Formulation of Remaining Chapters

The following chapter will outline, the ways communication technology can be used for
communication and its benefits and issues referring to relevant literature.

The subsequent chapters will analysis on the changes in modern communication process with
examples to support the research point. Further the author will analysis the role of
communication technology has played in enhancing personal relationships in our culture.
Finally the author will conclude the research problem through pointing out the positive ad
negative impacts of communication technology on personal relationship.
2. Brief Outline of Ways Communication Technology Can Be Used for
Communication, Highlighting Benefits and Issues Using Relevant

Communication technology has changed the lifestyle of people and it changes continue due
to the rapid advancement in the communication technology. The advancement of technology
has touched every part of human life hardly we could say there is no aspect of human life
which is not impacted by the advancement of technology. However there is one area where
technology made significant change that is communication.

Communication is a core element in building the relationship. Communication is used in

families and among the friends to build a strong and positive relationship through sharing the
thoughts and opinions. The advancement of communication technologies have changed the
way we communicated traditionally and the advancement of communication technologies
have taken the way of communication to the next level. Traditional face to face
communication has become digital communication. Today we are living in an era of digital
communication, where it brings the things closer through breaking the barrier of distance. se
of Modern Communication Technology for Communication

1. Text messaging services

Keeping in touch with the family and with the friends are important part for
relationship, therefore through texting using the mobile apps will solve this problem.
Whats up, Viber, Messenger and IMO are few examples which help the individuals to
send instant and free messaging.

2. Social networking service

Social networking sites have helped individuals to discover old schools buddy,
relatives and to get new friends based on interests. Before the introduction of social
site it was really impossible for one to find all his/her old friends and keep in touch
them regularly. It would even difficult to find new friends for other countries based on
our interest. Due to introduction of social networks, like Facebook and Hi5 have
removed those barriers

3. Parental security apps

Due to the advancement of modern technologies, now with GPS tracking, we can
track the location of your friends and loved ones. In order to safeguard their children
form the potential thread parents can install GPS tracking app and can ensure the
safety of their children.

4. Free internet calls

Families and friends can call to their relatives, loved ones and friends using free
internet call application. SKPE is the best example for free internet calls, with SKPE
enabled computer anyone can communicate with their friends and relatives anywhere
in the world for free if they also have the same application in their device.

5. E-mail

Even though social network try to replace use of e-mail communication, still e-mail
considered to be the best option in order to share certain sensitive and confidential
information. Now, it relatively very rare a person writes a letter and posting it to a
postal office through paying the stamp charge whereas e-mail communication is free
of charge. Gmail, Yahoo mail and Hotmail are the some of the leading e-mail service

Benefits of Advancement of Communication Technology

1. Accessibility
Advancement of technology has made the commination more easy and quick through
providing various options of modes of communication. Modern communication
makes long distance communication possible and helps the families and friends to
stay connected through internet. Email, instant messaging and social networking are
some of the examples which make people to stay connect. Computer software needed
for these kinds of communication is freely available in the internet.

2. Mass communication
Sharing information with large number of people is convenient in this digital
communication technology era through electronic device. E-mail and group messages
can be sent instantly using appropriate computer aided application. Mass
communication saves the time of the sender without repeating the same process.

3. Cost Effective Communication

Usually technology-based communication is less costly than sending traditional form
of letter for communication purpose. Modern communication technology saves
money while helping the user to communicate with the others effectively.

4. Quicker and Faster

Modern communication technology is recognized for its quick and effective way of
delivering the message to the receiver when compare to the traditional ways of
communication. Introduction of wireless communication dramatically changed the
way information passed down to the individual.

5. Quality
Modern communication technology always upholds the quality of sharing the
information to the receiver. Modern communication technology can be used in order
to share quality information to the receiver.

Issues of Advancement of Communication Technology

1. Environmental damage
With the advancement of new technologies and rapid growth and development in
electronic gadgets and constant update in the new technology, the old technology and
gadgets become extinct. Those E-wastes is always not disposed properly as a result
harmful chemical contaminates the environment. Further new additions increase the
level of toxicity in our air and land.
2. Privacy
Emergence of internet and advancement of communication technology have stripped
off the concept of privacy. Those with sinister intention could hack and disseminate
virus to get hold with anyone’s personal information. CryptoLocker, ILOVEYOU and
MyDoom are some of the examples for virus which stole and threatened the privacy
of a person.

3. Higher level of deceit

People use to create false profile and pretend to be whomever they want to be through
deceiving other users. Some people without doing much search they get caught to this
false profile without much search about it. Dating sits are classic example for such

4. Lack of social boundaries

People sometimes over share on social networking sites and there is a high chances
where they share others information without their permission. Sharing nude and some
very personal information about others in the social sites are some of the examples for
crossing social boundaries.

5. Higher energy consumption

Even though devices are becoming more energy saving, the increase use of devices
demands more energy consumption. Most of the people do not switch off their
personal electronic devices which consumes more energy which increases in
greenhouse gas emissions.
3. An overview of the Ways Communication Technology is Changing
Communications Process

Communication technology has transformed communication process how it was operated in

the past. We hardly have a time to realize how modern communication technology has
become integral part of our lives without even taking a deep breath. We have transitioned
from land phone to mobile, e-mail to chat, blogs to social network and analogue to digital
communication. We usually get in touch with people through technology rather speaking
with them face to face. The smart phone has all kinds of new things that we can use to
socialize with other people.

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have changed the way we have connected with people.
Those social networks bring people closer to us and help us to share our thoughts and views
instantly. Technology also provided us with Skype, which helps us to get connect with others

1. World inside your pocket

No device is need more than a smart phone which could carry entire world within
your pocket. It is kind of a personal computer which fits within your pockets. It could
contain all contacts, photos, music, can make a call and connect with others or can
send a text message from one device to another. Can access to internet and get the
information on finger tips. Can connect to social network and get connected with
friends and family. Therefore emergence of smart phone changed the communication
process and it replaced several other communication devices into one device.

2. Face-to-device
Due to the advancement of communication technology now we can initiate video
conference to connect anyone from around the world. Today most of the news media
like BBC, CNN and Al-Jazeera use this technology to get the news faster and to
broadcast to the viewers. Most of the news channels use this technology to interview
the experts who are far away from their location, which immensely changed
traditional way of news presenting. Now a days most of the business meeting with
their foreign clients and customers used to held in the form of video conference. Most
of the important training uses web-based video training in order to improve the skills
of their employees who live across the country or world minimizing their travel time.

3. The world becomes a “Global Village”

The modern communication technology has played a major role in globalization of
the world. Modern communication technology has made the world as a “Global
Village”. Anyone needs a device which has the capacity of connecting to the internet
to connect to the Global Village. Smart phones, tabs, note books, lap tops and
personal computers are best example for this concept, where a person use to connect
to the internet and get connects to the world.

4. Work anywhere, virtual office place

The modern communication technology has broken the boundaries of office and
allows the person to work anywhere they like through creating a virtual work place.
KPMG India has taken a step through allowing their employees to work anywhere
they like through creating virtual office place considering the fact of traffic and
transport which make the employees tired while travelling to the office. Many offices
which are situated in the congested area allow their employees to work at home due to
the advancement of modern technology. In a way which helps them to increase the
productivity and quality of the output.

5. Need to share
Due to the emergence of the social media sharing of information has become vital
way of getting know a person. Since its launch in 2004, Facebook has created a place
to share and connect with the friends.

6. Raise of global communication

Due to advent of internet and other modern communication technology
communication has become more convenient even for the lower class of the
population. Today most of the people have basic knowledge on modern
communication technology and how it operates since it impacts their daily life.
Due to speed and reliability of modern communication technology, it has been used to
communicate breaking news in order to save millions of lives. Japan effectively uses modern
technology in the disasters management in the event of tsunami and earthquake to evacuate
the people away from the area.

The recent, category 5 storm Irma, which devastated Caribbean Islands was continuously
monitored and communicated through modern technology appropriately in order to avoid loss
of million lives. It was a massive achievement of modern technology. Modern technology
completely changed the way it was forecasted previously.

The modern communication technology is used protect the people from crimes and dangers.
Defense Agencies mostly use modern technologies together information about terrorist
organization to counter act the terrorist attack and to protect people from thread. The
important information about safety and protection disseminated to the people through the
modern communication and people can retrieve the important data from the authorized
agents. The modern communication technology has completely revolutionized the defense
system of many countries. US FBI and CBI are classic examples of use of modern
communication technology in order to prevent the possible terror attack from terrorist

Media industry like BBC and CNN was also completely revolutionized due to the
advancement of modern technology. News agencies are able to broadcast the news live while
it is happening to the viewer using the modern technology.

Other industry like, telecommunication, medical, sports and other sectors also vastly
impacted due to advancement of modern communication.
4. The Role that Communication Technology Has Played in Enhancing
Personal Relationships in Our Culture

The impact of technology on both personal relationship and culture cannot be overlooked.
Approximately 2.1 billion smart phone users across the world would probably agree with the
above statement.

Some may argue that the advancement of modern technologies have brought detrimental
impact to our culture and to our personal relationship, while others would say that these
advancements have only enhanced our personal relationship and improved our living

Modern way of communication in our culture

In this technology age, people talk less and transcribe more. Instant messaging emails and
social media posts have become convenient method of communication with our family and
friends. Advancement of communication technology has brought the concept of 24/7/365
reachable and we can keep in connect with everyone.

Now in the modern era, it has become a trend to send a short message instead of committing
to a full conversation with everyone in our life

Mass sharing culture

Our culture has changed from the past to present, now we are able to share important life
events with lot of people like birthday, wedding day, engagement, success in the exam and
birth of a child. Family events now have become community events with the advancement of
communication technology.

Less personal approach culture

Culture has changed in a way people have very less personal interaction with others due to
the advancement of modern communication technology. As pointed out in TED talks, Turkle
“As we expect more from technology; we start to expect less from each other”. Further the
speaker pointed out that often we hide behind the electronic technology rather than discussing
the issues in person. It is because that online perceived to be less personal and the effort to
connect on personal level is reduced by sending messages online rather than in person.
Less thoughtful culture

According to PBS documentary which was aired on Feb, 10, 2010, people living in the same
house and in the same area or wok place are less thoughtful about their neighbors since most
of them are looking at different screens and communicating with different people. The
discussion held at the dining table, café center or meeting room was replaced with online chat
room. People are less bothered about the person next to them and to their needs.

Shapes thoughts and personality

Constant communication changes the way people think and act to a certain situation. The
modern communication technology vastly impacts the individuals thinking behavior and
shapes his/her personality. Modern technology helps the individuals to get attention, be heard
his/her thoughts and voice and individual feels that ne belongs to a group and gets
recognition in his/her community which improves his/her personality. Connecting to modern
communication technologies may also lead to isolation.

5. Analyses the Positive and Negative Impacts of Communication

Technology on Personal Relationships

Some studies pointed out that technology helps to strengthen relationships instead of isolating
people. It connects people and improves their social interaction. Some research suggests that
the users of social networks tent to have more close relationships, not just online, but in real

Some researchers disagree with the notion that the people who use technology the most are
hiding in their house to avoid personal contact. They believe that online conversation often
lead to face to face conversation or date in a restaurant. They argue that there is no evidence
that digital interaction replaces the face-to-face interaction.
Positive Impact of Modern Technologies

1. Getting closer to the people

The user of modern technologies is getting connected with their families, relatives and
friends. They find new people and new knowledge through social interaction which
helps them to improve their lifestyle

2. Technology helps the relationship last over time and distance

In this busy world, limited time and distance we have limited opportunities to meet
the friends, relatives and family members in person, but technology breaks all these
barriers and keep them connect always. This will help them to get assistance when
they in need and increase the companionship and any other physical help. It will help
the relationship to bloom and take the relationship to the next stage.

3. Bring the group diversity and make us to respect those diversity

In the past it is very hard to get the information about our friends, relatives and family
members. We always assume that everyone shares similar thoughts and belief, but
with the emergence of social networks, and constant communication we begin to
respect the idea of others and we get more information about others and their beliefs
and thoughts. It shapes our thoughts and we tent to respect the diversity of the group.
The modern technology makes us aware of the diversity of the people in our social

4. Creates community
In the past people lived in the extended family, with their grandparents, uncle and
aunty. Due to economic factor and education reasons people had to move out of the
extended families and the extended family became nuclear families. The use of
modern technologies brings the separated family together and keeps them in touch. It
creates a bonding community within the family

Negative Impact of Modern Technology

1. Isolation
Social isolation is identified through a lack of contact with other people since they
confined themselves within their little world by staring at the screen of the latest
mobile device even when people are around them

2. Obesity
More people spending most of their time in playing video games, talking to their
online friends and watching movies, thus they spend very little time in active exercise
to keep their body healthy

3. Depression
Technology creates depression due to lack of interaction with others and for not
spending quality time to look after themselves.

4. Poor sleep habits

One of the negative effects of use of modern communication technology has pointed
out by the researchers was that technology can be link to poor sleeping habits. People
often get stuck into online activities and they go bed to late which impacts there
health. Always it is advised by the doctors and scholars that we need to keep
technology out of the bedroom.

Both positive and negative impact of modern communication technology impacts ones
personal relationship immensely.


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