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The Stabilizing Effect of Inventory in Supply Chains

Manuel P. Baganha, Morris A. Cohen,

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Manuel P. Baganha, Morris A. Cohen, (1998) The Stabilizing Effect of Inventory in Supply Chains. Operations Research 46(3-

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Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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(Received November 1990; revisions received November 1995, May 1996, October 1996; accepted October 1996)

This paper presents a hierarchical model framework for the analysis of the stabilizing effect of inventories in multiechelon manufac-
turing/distribution supply chains. This framework is used to compare the variance of demand to the variance of replenishment orders
at different echelons of the system (e.g., retailer, wholesaler). Empirical data and experience with management games suggest that, in
most industries, inventory management policies can have a destabilizing effect by increasing the volatility of demand as it passes up
through the chain (the “bullwhip” effect). Our model helps to explain these observations and indicates mechanisms that can promote
stabilization. The analysis results also define sufficient conditions for the existence of stabilization and relate these conditions to the
optimality of myopic control policies.

O ne of the principal reasons used to justify investment

in inventories is its role as a buffer to absorb demand
variability. The need for such a buffer is based on strong
pattern of replenishment requests. In this paper, we de-
velop a material management model to analyze the stabi-
lizing effect of inventories in distribution networks. Our
economic incentives for reducing fluctuations in produc- model considers the important effects of multiple echelons
tion levels (due to fixed setup costs and/or convex manu- (wholesale, retail, market) in an environment of nonsta-
facturing costs), as well as protection against stockouts tionary (correlated) product requirements. Such nonsta-
which can affect revenue. Inventories can act to protect the tionarity is a consequence of the stock replenishment
production system from changes in product requirements procedures commonly used in each echelon of the distri-
generated by the marketplace. If this stabilizing function is bution network.
performed effectively, observed variability in production The model introduced in this paper can shed light on
will be less than the observed variability in market the empirical results, noted above, concerning demand
demand. variance amplification. It also provides a basis for develop-
There is considerable empirical evidence, however, that ing inventory control policies for multiechelon supply
indicates that the variance of retail sales is in fact less than chain systems in a manner that explicitly accounts for the
the variance of deliveries from plants to retailers.1 These
linkage between stocking policies and transferred demand
data suggest that inventories do not have a stabilizing ef-
processes. The model indicates that, under certain condi-
fect on material flow patterns in spite of the significant
tions, inventories can have a stabilizing effect, and in other
investment in finished product inventories in many indus-
cases this effect will not occur. These results suggest that
tries.2 There is also evidence that the variance of plant
the stabilizing effect of inventories is based on the interac-
production is greater than the variance of manufacturer
tion of cost, technology, and market attributes that are
sales (West 1986, Blanchard 1983). Furthermore, fluctua-
tions of orders tend to increase as one moves upstream in peculiar to the industry of interest. They also indicate that
a supply chain (Holt et al. 1968). Finally, extensive experi- there is a close relationship between stabilization and the
ence with management simulations (such as the Beer inventory control policies utilized at each echelon of the
Game) demonstrate how easily this “bullwhip” effect can supply chain.
be triggered (Sterman 1989). Taken together, these empir- The paper is organized as follows. We begin by review-
ical results suggest that the manufacturing/distribution ing the empirical data that describe the effect of invento-
supply chain can act to amplify market variability rather ries on product requirements variance in the
than to dampen it. manufacturing/distribution supply chain. In Section 2, rel-
Such behavior is inconsistent with management expec- evant literature is reviewed. We then present our multiec-
tations (which are based on the economies and technology helon model. We use the model to analyze the relationship
of manufacturing). A number of normative models of between inventory levels at each echelon in the supply
materials management have been developed which help chain and, in particular, the variance of input and output
to explain how various factors (like batch sizing, safety demand/order processes that are transmitted from echelon
stocks, price speculation, demand patterns) affect the to echelon.

Subject classifications: Multiechelon inventory systems. Inventory/production smoothing.


Operations Research 0030-364X/98/4603-S072 $05.00

Vol. 46, Supp. No. 3, May–June 1998 S72 q 1998 INFORMS
Table I
Observed Variability of Production and Sales
Manufacturer Wholesaler Retail
Production Sales1 Sales2 Sales3
Current Prices
Mean 161,294 161,308 91,590 88,603
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St. Deviation 22,319 22,217 17,115 15,682

Coef. Variation 0.138 0.138 0.187 0.177
1967 Prices4
Mean 62,499 62,463 35,178 33,657
St. Deviation 4,119 3,623 2,556 1,758
Coef. Variation 0.066 0.058 0.073 0.052
Manufacturer shipments represent net selling values, f.o.b. at the plant, less all discounts and allow-
ances and exclude freight charges and excise taxes. The time series of these shipments reflects the
demand for goods and services which are produced by U.S. manufacturers. Manufacturers inventories
are at book value of stock on hand at the end of the period (month) and include raw materials and
supplies, work in process, and finished goods. All values are seasonally adjusted by the Bureau of Census.
The series on wholesale sales and inventories is limited to merchant wholesalers. It represents the
dollar sales volume of merchandise sold to retailers by wholesalers less returns, allowances, and dis-
counts, and receipts from repairs.
Retail sales include merchandise sold for cash or credit by establishments primarily engaged in retail
trade and thus represents the market demand for products.
Since these sales series are expressed in current dollars, it is necessary to deflate the data in order to
reflect actual material flows. We used the producer price and consumer price indices (also published by
the Joint Economic Committee based on data compiled by the Department of Labor) for this purpose.
Producer Price Indices measure average changes in prices received in primary markets of the U.S. by
producers of commodities at all stages of processing. Consumer Price Indices provide a measure of price
change for fixed market baskets of goods and services purchased by all urban consumers. Both indices
have as basis, the year 1967. Since there is no specific index for intermediate transactions (wholesale), we
deflated the wholesalers sales series by the Producer Index.

1. EMPIRICAL RESULTS series reflect different item values (market price versus
Previously published data on the occurrence of stabiliza- cost), it is necessary to convert inventories from a cost to
tion does not reflect the impact of those economic agents market value basis. We used the approach introduced by
that operate between producers and retailers. Such agents West (1983).3
are found in the echelons associated with the producer’s As a result of the indicated calculations, time series on
owned distribution network (comprising distribution cen- (1) retail sales, (2) wholesale sales, (3) manufacturer sales,
ters, warehouses) or in echelons operated by independent and (4) production volumes were generated. We computed
wholesalers and distributors who purchase and resell man- the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation
ufactured products. In order to account for this more com- for each of the time series, at both current and 1967 prices,
plex (and more realistic) structure, we must explicitly for the period January 1978 to December 1985. The results
consider data for the case where the distribution network are presented in Table I.
has multiple echelons. Analysis of Table I shows that, at current prices, the
The “Economic Indicators,” published by the Joint Eco- standard deviation of wholesaler sales is greater than that
nomic Committee of the U.S. Congress (1978 –1985), con- of retail sales and smaller than that of manufacturer sales.
tain statistics on shipments from manufacturers, Manufacturer sales standard deviation is itself smaller than
wholesaler sales, and retailer sales. This publication sum- the standard deviation of production. We note these re-
marizes monthly estimates compiled by the Bureau of sults do not take into account the relative size of the ma-
Census. We use these three time series of sales to repre- terial flows in each time series.4 To take size into
sent the production/distribution behavior of the economy consideration, we computed the coefficient of variation.
with respect to the three major supply chain echelons From Table I we see that, at current prices, the coefficient
(manufacturing, distribution, retail). The results are sum- of variation increases as we go from the retailer to the
marized in Table I. The estimates in each of these time wholesaler level (as noted by Blinder 1981a, 1981b). This
series were developed from representative samples for measure of variation then decreases in going from the
each industry which contained data from firms of all sizes wholesaler to manufacturer level. Finally, we note that the
and in all kinds of businesses. None of these time series coefficient of variation of production is less than the coef-
represents actual production volumes. In order to estimate ficient of variation of retail sales. Similar results are ob-
production schedules, we used the manufacturer ship- tained when we consider the 1967 prices version of the
ments series and corrected it by the change in manufac- series. However, in this case, the reduction on the coeffi-
turer inventory levels. Since the shipments and inventory cient of variation from the wholesaler to manufacturer
level is not sufficient to offset the increase from retail to lost sales, then stabilization occurs. He also developed a
wholesaler level, and the coefficient of variation of produc- relationship between this concept of stabilization and the
tion is greater than that of manufacturer sales. variance related definition we introduced earlier. Kahn
These results clearly support the conclusion of Blinder (1985) considered the case where, in each period, a firm
and others that the variation in deliveries to retailers from must decide how much product to make available for sale.
wholesalers (0.073) is greater than the variation of the He showed that the presence of positive serial correlation
market demand (0.052), and West’s results, which indicate in the demand process and the use of backlogging for
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that the variation of production (0.066) is greater than the excess demand both lead to a situation where the variance
variation of manufacturers shipments (0.058). However, of production is greater than the variance of sales. His
they also highlight a fact not previously noted. The vari- results are also valid for the monopolist price setter.
ability of manufacturers’ sales is less than the variability of Caplin (1985) showed that, for a retailer following an
wholesaler sales, and it may even be less than the variabil- (s, S) continuous review inventory policy, the variance of
ity of retail sales (under current prices in our data set). replenishment orders exceeds the variance of demand.
This suggests that wholesalers perform a stabilizing role by This result is also valid when aggregated over several re-
smoothing the flow of demands. Without the existence of tailers. Thus, the variance of aggregate orders in a distri-
wholesalers, it is clear that the variability of manufacturer bution network is greater than the variance of aggregate
shipments would be considerably larger— e.g., equal to the demand. Caplin’s result (which pertains to a stationary
variance of wholesaler shipments. steady-state model) suggests that the presence of retailers
In the remainder of this paper, we develop a normative does not act to stabilize the aggregate demand faced by the
model of distribution system management which can shed wholesaler who supplies them.
light on the above results. This model specifically considers Lee et al. (1994) developed a framework for explaining
a production/distribution system with three echelons, the the destabilization effect which is based on four different
retailer, distribution center and producer. The model will mechanisms: (1) order batching, (2) price speculation, (3)
indicate that the observed pattern of material flow is com- capacity shortfalls that lead to over-ordering and cancella-
patible with rational behavior. tion, and (4) demand signal processing (whereby the mar-
ket demand signal is distorted through the customer re-
order process). They devised a set of simple models to
2. LITERATURE REVIEW illustrate how each of these factors can lead to the ampli-
Economists have long recognized the relevance of inven- fication of order variance as one moves up a production/
tory fluctuations in explaining the timing and magnitude of distribution supply chain. The model presented here
business cycles. The linear decision rule of Holt et al. relates specifically to the order batching and demand sig-
(1960) (HMMS) has been the basis of much theoretical naling phenomena.
and empirical work and indicates that production smooth- It must be emphasized that Abel (1985) and Kahn
ing (the production time series has less variance than the (1985) consider only price and production costs (no inven-
demand time series) is associated with cost minimizing tory related costs), while Caplin’s results are independent
behavior. Their model indicates, in particular, the role of of the firm’s cost structure (and hence optimal stocking
buffer inventories in smoothing production in face of ran- policies are not considered). Caplin’s model is stationary,
dom or seasonal sales. In the context of a distribution while Abel and Kahn explicitly consider the dynamic as-
system, the HMMS model tradeoffs would predict the pects of production/inventory requirements. In this paper,
smoothing of replenishment orders from retailers by we present a multiechelon model that combines the rele-
wholesalers. vant features of the models noted above. It contains an
Blinder’s results, noted above, do not agree with the explicit model of inventory stock control at each echelon
conclusions suggested by the HMMS model. Blinder and location and, moreover, nonstationary demand and
(1981a) advanced the use of (s, S) policies by retailers as a supply processes are considered.
possible explanation for the observed behavior pattern. He
developed an econometric model, consistent with this class
of stock control policies.
The empirical results noted above motivated several In this section we develop a multiechelon model that can
studies concerned with the stabilizing effect of inventories. explain the empirical results presented in Section 1. This
Abel (1985) considered a model in which a firm must de- model formulation takes into account the multiechelon
cide, each period, how much to produce and at what price linkages. Our main results focus on an explanation of the
to sell its output (monopolist situation). He assumed that stabilizing role of wholesalers.
there is a one-period production lag. He uses as a measure
of stabilization the derivative of production with respect to 3.1. Model Description
initial inventory. If the derivative is between 21 and 0, Consider the network structure illustrated in Figure 1. We
inventories will have a stabilizing effect. Abel showed that assume a periodic review system. At the lowest level, re-
if the demand curve is perfectly inelastic and if there are tailers face a random i.i.d. market demand process. At the
Assumption 6. Holding and shortage costs are charged
against expected (end of period) inventory levels.

Assumption 7. Pipeline holding costs are paid by the re-

ceiving location.

Assumption 8. All costs are stationary.

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Assumption 1, concerning stationarity of demand,

means that the only source of requirements serial correla-
tion is the retailers’ ordering decisions. Periodic review
and backlogging are common practices in many industries.
The assumed ordering cost structure charges fixed replen-
ishment costs to retailers and not to the wholesaler. This
situation could arise when wholesalers have adopted effi-
cient order filling technology and/or where the manufac-
turers absorb the cost of filling orders. In the latter case, it
could be argued that such costs are passed on to the
wholesaler and are reflected in the unit cost (and hence in
the holding cost). We have observed such arrangements
when wholesalers have long term contracts with their sup-

3.3. Notation
We make use of three subscripts in the model. The first
subscript refers to the echelon, the second to the location,
and the third to the time period. Thus Xijt will be the value
of variable X in period t, at location j of echelon i. For
Figure 1. Multiechelon structure. stationary parameters, we omit the time period.
The echelons will be numbered starting from the bot-
tom. (Retailers will be echelon 1.)
beginning of each period, retailers review their inventory For each location, echelon and period, define:
positions. Depending on their stock control policy and
D: a random variable denoting demand in a period;
their current status, an order may be issued, which will be
Q: the quantity of stock ordered;
delivered after a fixed leadtime. All excess demand is
I: the amount of inventory on hand at the beginning
of a period;
The retailers are all supplied by one distribution center,
W: the inventory position (on hand plus on order) at
which reviews its inventory position at the beginning of
the beginning of a period;
each period. The distribution center will place a replenish-
c: unit cost of ordering ($/unit);
ment order to the plant according to its inventory control
K: fixed cost of ordering ($/order);
policy (which is to be determined).
h: unit holding cost ($/unit/period);
3.2. Assumptions p: unit shortage cost ($/unit/period);
L: leadtime (in periods);
The following assumptions are made in our model. f[: probability density function for D;
Assumption 1. Demand per period at each retailer location F[: cumulative distribution function for D;
is an independent and identically distributed random vari- m: mean demand;
able. s: variance of demand;
b: discount factor (0 ¶ b ¶ 1).
Assumption 2. A periodic review procedure is used, and in
each period the following sequence of events occurs at each 3.4. Formulation
stocking location: order, delivery and sale. The managerial objective is to determine order quantities
for each period and location which minimize total ex-
Assumption 3. Orders are delivered after a fixed leadtime.
pected discounted cost over an infinite horizon.5 There are
Assumption 4. Excess demand is backlogged at all levels. two cost components in the system (retailers—CR and dis-
tribution center—CDC). The model statement is as fol-
Assumption 5. Fixed plus variable ordering costs are in- lows.

curred at the retailer level. Variable costs only are charged N
at the distribution center. Min E CR i 1 CDC (1)
subject to

CR i 5 Ob

H K 1i d ~Q 1it ! 1 c 1i Q 1it

1 b L 1i h 1i W 1it 1 Q 1it 2 O
t1L 1i

D 1il D1
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1 b L 1i p 1i SOt1L 1i

D 1il 2 W 1it 2 Q 1it DJ1
, (2)

CDC 5 Ob

H c 21 Q 21t

1 b L 21 h 21 W 21t 1Q 21t 2 OD
t1L 21

21l D

1 b L 21 p 21 SO
t1L 21

D 21l 2W 21t 2Q 21t DJ

W 1it11 5 W 1it 1 Q 1it 2 D 1it , (4)
W 21t11 5 W 21t 1 Q 21t 2 D 21t , (5)

D 21t 5 1it , (6)

d ~ x! 5 $ 10 if x . 0,
if x < 0,
(7) Figure 2. Multiechelon decomposition.
0 < b < 1, (8)
Q 1it > 0, i 5 1, . . . , N, (9)
distribution center for the determination of optimal distri-
Q 21t > 0. (10) bution stock control policy. We then move up to the next
level. Note that this process is not necessarily optimal from
Equation (2) is the total discounted cost over an infinite
the point of view of the overall network—a branch-and-
horizon for retailer i. It includes the usual costs for an
bound procedure would be required (see Cohen et al.
inventory system with backlogging, fixed order cost, and
1986). However, if each location corresponds to a different
leadtime. We are assuming that the ordering costs are
incurred in the order period and that its variable compo- firm, then this solution approach provides a reasonable
nent includes the holding cost for the pipeline inventory.6 approximation to a decentralized control mode. We also
Equation (3) corresponds to the distribution center cost assume that there are no interactions between levels (e.g.,
and is similar to Equation (2) without the fixed order cost. lateral pooling).
Equations (4)–(6) are the inventory balance equations We note that the inventory policy of the distribution
across time (Equations (4) and (5)) and locations (Equa- center will have an impact on the leadtime offered for
tion (6)). The latter balance equation captures the demand replenishment orders made by the retailers. This, in turn,
linkages between echelons. These linkages will, in turn, can impact the retailer inventory policy. The multiechelon
determine the degree of stabilization that will occur across decomposition proceeds only once from the bottom up. A
echelons in the network. more realistic, but computationally demanding, approach
would cycle through the echelons until policy convergence
occurs. Experimentation by Cohen and Lee (1988) for sim-
4. SOLUTION METHOD ilar manufacturing/distribution supply chain optimization
We solve the overall optimization problem by a multiech- problems indicates fast convergence and good first itera-
elon decomposition procedure. Each location will deter- tion accuracy for this procedure. Recent results by Bag-
mine its optimal policy only after all those locations it anha and Cohen (1990) show that the cost performance of
supplies have determined their inventory policies and policies generated in the first iteration of the multiechelon
their associated ordering policies. The diagram in Fig- decomposition procedure is comparable to that attained
ure 2 illustrates this procedure. At the lower level, retailers with the final iteration (fixed point) policy. In the following
will determine their optimal stocking policy. Once this is subsections, we will solve the optimization problem for
done, the demand transmitted to the distribution center each echelon based on the assumption of a one-pass pro-
can be calculated. This demand acts as an input to the cedure.

O F ~ j!,
4.1. The Retailer Subproblem `
M i ~ j! 5 i
We define the stocking problem at the retailer level in n51

m ~ j! 5 O f ~ j!,
terms of the following mathematical program: `

HO J N i i
Min E CR i , (11)
i51 are, respectively, the renewal function and the renewal
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subject to density associated with the demand process. It follows

from (17) that the variance of a retailer’s orders will be
CR i 5 t21
K 1i d ~Q 1it ! 1 c 1i Q 1it greater than the variance of its input market demand.
t51 Analysis of values of ri( j) for different values of j shows

that the successive values of Q1it are not independent.7 It is
t1L 1i 1
1 b L 1i h 1i W 1it 1 Q 1it 2 1il important to note that this correlation is negative for a lag
of one period. For higher order lags, it might be either

1 b L 1i p 1i SOt1L 1i

D 1il 2 W 1it 2 Q 1it DJ
positive or negative. This follows from the batch ordering
enforced by (s, S) policies.
In what follows we assume that the reorder process can
(12) be described by an autoregressive model with lag parame-
W 1it11 5 W 1it 1 Q 1it 2 D 1it , (13) ter less than or equal to the cycle length, which is defined

$ 10 %
if x . 0, as the number of periods between two consecutive orders
d ~ x! 5 (14) and is given by the expression:
if x < 0,
0 < b < 1, (15) cycle length p i 5 1/P@Q 1it . 0#.
Q 1it > 0, i 5 1, . . . , N. (16)
Thus for any location i,
Since there are no constraints linking the N retailers
O u ~ j!Q
(i.e., we have assumed there is no pooling or coordination Q 1it 5 a i 1 i 1it2j 1 u it , (18)
among the retailers), the problem decomposes into the j51

solution of N stochastic dynamic inventory problems with where uit is a random disturbance term that is assumed to
backlogging and a fixed order cost. It is well known that be a normal variate with mean 0 and variance s2.
the optimal policy for each of these problems is of (s, S) To calculate values for the autoregressive model param-
type (e.g., Scarf 1960, Veinott 1966) and there are algo- eters (ui( j)), we use the Yule-Walker equations (the loca-
rithms to compute it (Veinott and Wagner 1965, Feder- tion index i has been suppressed) that relate the
gruen and Zipkin 1984, Cohen et al. 1988). autocorrelation coefficients to these parameters:
Define (si, Si) as the parameter values for the optimal
policy at location i. Let ri( j) be the correlation coefficient r~1! 5 u ~1! 1 u ~2!r~1! 1···
between the order quantity in period t, Q1it, and the order 1 u ~ p!r~ p 2 1!
quantity in period t 1 j, Q1it1j, i.e., the autocorrelation for r~2! 5 u ~1!r~1! 1 u ~2! 1···
the retailer replenishment request time series for a lag of j 1 u ~ p!r~ p 2 2!
periods. Based on a renewal approximation introduced by
: : : : : : :
Erhardt et al. (1981), it can be shown that
r~ p! 5 u ~1!r~ p 2 1! 1 u ~2!r~ p 2 2!
2m i j51 m i ~ j! 1 u ~ p!.
Var~Q 1ip ! 5 s i2 1 , (17)
1 1 M i ~D i 2 1!
Since the AR( p) process is stationary, there is a solution
and to the above system of equations (Box and Jenkins 1970).

O Once the us are determined we may compute ai as

D i 21
2E~Q 1ip ! lf i ~l !/Var~Q 1ip !, j 5 1,
! O
D i 21 a i 5 E~Q 1ip !~1 2 u ~1! 2 u ~2! 2 · · · 2 u ~ p!!. (19)
r i ~ j! 5 2E~Q 1ip l50 f i~ j!~l !/Var~Q 1ip !,
Similarly, the variance of ut is computed from its relation
2 j21
l51 F i~ j21!~D i 2 1!r i ~l !, j . 1,
with variance of Q1ip.
Var~u it !
Di 5 Si 2 si, Var~Q 1ip ! 5 . (20)
1 2 u ~1! 2 · · · 2 u ~ p!
Q1ip 5 a random variable denoting the steady state
order quantity, 4.2. The Distribution Center
i [ 5 the
f (j) probability function of the j-fold The demand at the distribution center is determined by
convolution of demand per period, the sum (convolution) of the replenishment orders it re-
i [ 5 the CDF of the j-fold convolution of demand,
F (j) ceives from each of the retailers. Thus, the random vari-
and able denoting demand at the distribution center is

OQ where (Xut 2 1) is an operator that conditions the random

D 21t 5 1it , variable X on the information available at the end of period
t 2 1 (or beginning of t).
where Q1it is defined in (18). The total demand during periods t . . . t 1 L will be
The sum of N autoregressive processes will be an autore-
L L p k11
gressive moving average process. Since any stationary ARMA
t1k 5 t2j i k1j112i
process may be converted into an AR process of superior
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k50 k50 j51 i51

order, we represent the distribution center demand by
O O gp 1 O O p e
L k11 L k11

OfD 1
p i i t1k112i
D 21t 5 g 1 j 21t2j 1 et, (21) k50 i51 k50 i51

OD O Opf
j51 p L k11
where g and fj are the autoregressive model parameters 5 t2j i k1j112i
and et is the random disturbance term in period t, which is j51 k50 i51

a normal variate with mean 0 and standard deviation se.

O Op 1Oe O p,
L k11 L L2k

Note that the demand at the distribution center will also 1g i t1k i (25)
k50 i51 k50 i51
exhibit negative serial correlation for one period lag. In order
to ensure that the demand is always positive, we assume that and

the mean demand is at least m times the standard deviation L
and that realizations of demand will not deviate from the E D t1k ut 2 1
mean more than m times the standard deviation, i.e.: k50

OD O Opf O Op,
p L k11 L k11
E~D t uD t21 , . . . , D t2p ! > m s , 5 1g (26)
t2j i k1j112i i
and j51 k50 i51 k50 i51

E~D t uD t21 , . . . , D t2p ! 2 m s

< D t < E~D t uD t21 , . . . , D t2p ! 1 m s ,
Var SO L

D t1k t 2 1 5 s e2 D k50
O S O p D.
L L2k

i (27)

where m is an arbitrary positive number. Note that the variance is independent of the information
A key random variable for inventory control is the de- available. It is only a function of the length of the lead
mand during lead time. The following lemma (Baganha time. In the sequel we will use s(L11) for the standard
1987) defines the demand k periods into the future, given deviation of the (L 1 1) period demand. Since ¥k50 L
the information available now. can be expressed as a linear combination of independent
normal variates, it is a normal variate.
Lemma 1. Let demand in period t be represented by the The stock control optimization problem at the distribu-
autoregressive model of order p: tion center may now be reformulated as (ignoring location
D t 5 g 1 f 1 D t21 1 · · · 1 f p D t2p 1 e t , and echelon subscripts):
and define

p1 5 1 and pj 5 Ofp
for j > 2,
Min E FO H `

b t21 cQ t 1 b Lh W t 1 Q t 2 S ODD


i j2i
i51 t1L 1

with 1 b Lp Dl 2 Wt 2 Qt , (28)
p i2j 5 0 if i<j and fi 5 0 if i . p.
subject to
Then, given the information available at the beginning of
period t:
(i) the demand in period t 1 k is Dt 5 g 1 j t2j 1 et t 5 1, 2, . . . , (29)

OD Opf
p k11
W t11 5 W t 1 Q t 2 D t , (30)
D t1k 5 t2j i k1j112i
j51 i51
where et is a normal variate with 0 mean and variance se2.

O gp 1 O p e
k11 k11
Using a change of variable we get the equivalent formu-
1 i i t1k112i ; (22)
i51 i51
(ii) the expected demand in period t 1 k is
Min Ob
E cY t 1 hE Y t 2 S OD

OD Opf O gp ;
p k11 k11 t1l
t51 l50
E~D t1k ut 2 1! 5 1 (23)
t2j i k1j112i i
j51 i51 i51 L 1
1 pE D t1l 2 Y t
(iii) the variance of demand in period t 1 k is l50

Op; S O DJ
k11 L 1
Var~D t1k ut 2 1! 5 s e2 2
i (24) 2 b cE Y t 2 D t1l , (31)
i51 l50

Dt 5 g 1 1 et, t 5 1, 2, . . . , (32) p j11
> j11 , (37)
j t2j
j50 j50
W t 5 Y t21 2 D t21 , (33)
where Yt is the total inventory position in period t after

ordering but before demand.
In the following, we will first derive a myopic policy for p1 5 1 and pj 5 i j2i for j > 2,
Downloaded from by [] on 13 October 2014, at 07:44 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

problems (31)–(33) and then prove a condition for opti-
mality of the myopic policy. with
The myopic solution will result from solving the one- p i2j 5 0 if i<j and fi 5 0 if i . p.
period problem,

Proof. Expressions (34)–(36) define the myopic policy.
L 1
Min cY t 1 hE Y t 2 t1l
This policy will be optimal if it is feasible. This translates
l50 into Qt11 Ä 0.

1 pE SO L
D t1l 2 Y t D 1
2 b cE Y t 2 S OD
From expression (36),

l50 l50 L
Q t11 5 E~D t1L11 ut! 1 e t i11 .
Compute the derivative, set it to zero and solve for Yt: l50

OD O O p f O Op,
p L k11 L k11
From the conditions of the theorem and part (iii) of
Yt 5 Qs ~L11! 1 t2j i k1j112i 1g i
j51 k50 i51 k50 i51 Lemma 1, we have

E~D t1L11 ut! > m s ÎO L11

p l2.

Q 5 Z 21 ~ h 1pp22c b c ! , Thus,
with Z being the CDF of a standard normal variate.
Equation (34) can also be written as Q t11 > m s ÎO
p l2 1 u t Op

Y t 5 Q s ~L11! 1 t1k ut 2 1!.
(35) L11 L
> ms p l2 2 m s e l11 > 0.
The quantity ordered in period t 1 1, (Qt11) will be given t50 l50

by Yt11 2 (Yt 2 Dt): The sufficient condition follows from this inequality. □

Q t11 5 t1l11 ut! 2 t1l ut 2 1! 1 D t Three particular, but important, cases of Theorem 1 are
l50 l50 presented in the following corollary (the first part is imme-
O @E~D
diate; see corollaries 3.1 and 3.2 in Baganha 1987 for a
5 E~D t1L11 ut! 1 t1l ut! 2 E~D t1l ut 2 1!#
simple proof of the second and third parts). The first part
of the corollary pertains to the case where the lead time is
1 D t 2 E~D t ut 2 1!,
zero, and the second where demand is any autoregressive
since E(Dt1lut) 2 E(Dt1lut 2 1) 5 pl11[Dt 2 E(Dtut 2 1)], model and lead time is one. The third part refers to the
situation of general deterministic lead time with demand
Q t11 5 E~D t1L11 ut! 1 l11 @D t 2 E~D t ut 2 1!# represented by an autoregressive model of period one.

OD O pf Corollary 1. If in the optimization problem defined by

p L11
5 t112j i L1j112i (31)–(33):
j51 i51

(i) L 5 0, or
O p 1e O p
L11 L
1g i t l11 . (36) (ii) L 5 1 and f1 , 0, or
i51 i50
(iii) p 5 1 and f1 , 0, then a myopic policy is optimal.
We can now present the sufficient conditions for the myo-
When a myopic policy is used, the following theorem
pic policies defined above to be optimal.
gives the sufficient condition for distribution center inven-
Theorem 1. If, in the optimization problem defined by tory to stabilize requirements passed on to the manufac-
(31)–(33): turer.
(i) Dt Ä 0, @t,
Theorem 2. A sufficient condition for the inventory stabili-
(ii) uDt 2 E(Dt)u¶ m=Var(Dt), @t,
zation effect at the distribution center following a myopic
then a sufficient condition for optimality of myopic policy is policy (i.e., Var(Q21t) ¶ Var(D21t)), is that:

L11 L12 Table II
p i p j < 0. (38) Myopic/Stability Conditions
i51 j5i11
Myopic Optimal Stabilization
Proof. From (36), we can calculate:
L50 Always f1 , 0

Var~Q t11 ! 5 O Var~D

FO t112j !
p i f L111j2i G 2 L51
f1 , 0
f1 , 0
f1 1 f21 1 f31 1 f2 1 f1f2 , 0
f1 , 0
Downloaded from by [] on 13 October 2014, at 07:44 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

j51 i51

1 s e2FO G S O L

p l11

p i f L122i D The above theorem and corollaries show that the intro-
duction of a distribution center between retailers and plant

z SO D
p l11 cov~D t , e t !. (39)
may reduce the variability of the demand faced by the
plant. If there were no distribution center, the retailers
would order directly from the plant. Then the plant would
Since the process is stationary, Var(Dt11) 5 Var(Dt1L11). face a demand equal to the demand input for the distribu-
Substituting L 1 1 for k in (22) and computing the vari- tion center in our model (which would have variance
ance, we will get greater than market demand). Introduction of the distribu-

O Var~D FO G
p L11 2 tion center thus has the potential to introduce a stabilizing
Var~D t1L11 ! 5 t112j ! p i f L111j2i effect.
j51 i51
It is interesting to note that the myopic optimality con-

1 s e2 FO G L

p l11
. (40)
dition (37) and the stabilization condition (38) at the dis-
tribution center are actually very similar. From (37) we
have that myopic is optimal if
Since cov(Dt, et) 5 s2e , Var(Qt11) ¶ Var(Dt1L11) if

p l11
p i f L122i DS O D OL
p l11 <
p l11
. (41)

j11 > SO D

p j11
. (42)
l50 i51 l51 l50
From (41) we know that stabilization occurs if
Using the fact that pL12 5 pifL122i we will get,
after some computations, the result. □

Corollary 2. If the leadtime is zero (L 5 0) and f1 , 0


j11 > SO D

p j11
1 2 p L12 O p.

i (43)

then Var(Q21t) ¶ Var(D21t). Thus,

Proof. If L 5 0 Myopic Optimal
L11 L12

O p ,0
pipj 5 p1p2 5 f1, L11
i51 j5i11 2 p L12 i
and the result follows. □
From these observations, we can see that when a myopic
Corollary 3. If demand at the distribution center is repre- policy is optimal and is followed at the distribution center,
sented by an autoregressive model of period 1 ( p 5 1) and the stabilization effect occurs under a straightforward con-
f1 , 0 then Var(Q21t) ¶ Var(D21t). dition based on the autoregressive parameters of the dis-
tribution center’s demand process (which are computable
Proof. If p 5 1 then pk 5 fk21
1 , k Ä 1, then
through the use of standard time series analysis). In Table

L11 L12 L11 L12 II, we summarize the results of Corollaries 1, 2, and 3, and
pipj 5 f 1i21f 1j21 we also include the case L 5 1. The stabilization condition
i51 j5i11 i51 j5i11
for L 5 1 was obtained from expression (38) and using the
Of O
L11 L122i21
5 i21
f 1i1j facts that p1 5 1, p2 5 f1 and p3 5 f21 1 f2.
i51 j50 The relevance of a negative serial correlation is evident
from Table II for a lag of one period (f1 , 0). Our
5 O f
2i21 1 2 f 1L122i
1 2 f1 analysis of the retailer’s stock control problem resulted in
a replenishment process with these characteristics. Conse-
1 2 f1
FOf L11

1 2 Of

1 G quently, the input demand process for the distribution cen-
ter (which is the aggregation of the replenishment process

5 F f1 ~1 2 f12~L11!! f1L12~12 f1L11!

1 2 f12
1 2 f1
1 2 f1 G over all retailers) will exhibit such a negative serial
It is worthwhile to study the case of zero leadtime in
f 1 ~1 2 f 1L11!~1 2 f 1L! detail, since it provides insight into the reasons for the
5 < 0. □
~1 1 f 1 !~1 2 f 1 ! 2 occurrence of stabilization. When L 5 0, from (36) and
the fact that demand is an autoregressive process of order Table III
p, we have: Distribution Center Order Process: Identical Retailers

p Lead
D t11 5 j t112j 1 g 1 e t11 , Time (L) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Mean 250.51 250.69 250.55 250.66 250.58 250.64
5O f D
Q t11 1 g 1 et. Std. Dev. 60.75 69.76 42.09 53.31 35.86 45.20
j t112j
Downloaded from by [] on 13 October 2014, at 07:44 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.


The only difference between the two expressions is the order-up-to-level function, assuming a safety stock factor
error term (e). Both the demand in period (t 1 1) and the of Q 5 3. We then simulated the distribution center’s
order size in period (t 1 1) are equal to an estimate of the inventory order response to the above aggregated retailer
demand (¥j51 p
fjDt112j 1 g) plus an error. However, in order series. The resulting distribution center’s order se-
the demand case the error is independent of the estimate ries has the mean and standard deviations indicated in
of the demand, while in the order size case the error is Table III for each value of L.
correlated with the estimate of demand. The error is posi- We note that, in all cases, the standard deviation of the
tively correlated with one of the components of the esti- distribution center’s orders is less than the aggregate retail
mated demand (Dt), and hence reinforces its impact. This order series standard deviation of 100.99. The mean de-
simple fact explains the existence of stabilization or ampli- mand, of course, is unchanged since we assume backlog-
fication of demand shocks. If demand in consecutive peri- ging, and hence no demand is lost to the system. It is
ods is positively correlated (f1 . 0), there will be an interesting to note that the distribution center order pro-
amplification of the shocks; while if demand in consecutive cess standard deviation exceeds the aggregate retail mar-
periods is negatively correlated (f1 , 0), there will be ket standard deviation of 33.5(=5 3 15) for all values of
stabilization. L. Hence, the multiechelon system (consisting of both the
Time lags amplify only the effects described above. In retail and distribution center levels) increases variability
the case where (L . 0), the conditions get messier, since overall.
the order size is a function of the aggregation of demand Our second example consists of five retailers (Table IV).
over the leadtime. However, we conjecture that the intu- The first three each face a normally distributed demand
ition is the same; i.e., order quantity equals estimated de- with a mean of 50 and standard deviation of 15, and use an
mand plus an error that may or may not be correlated with (s, S) policy with s 5 60 and S 5 160. Each of the remain-
the estimate. ing two retailers has a normally distributed demand with a
mean 100 and a standard deviation of 25, and uses an
5. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES (s, S) policy of s 5 120 and S 5 250. After simulation has
In this section we consider two simulation examples that been run for 300 periods, the aggregated order time series
illustrate the variance stabilization impact of distribution of the five retailers has a mean of 350.61 and standard
center inventory. deviation 175.19.
In our first example, the supply chain has five identical The fitted autoregression model of the aggregated order
retailers, each facing a normal demand per period with a series in this case is
mean 50 and standard deviation of 15. Assume all retailers D t 5 350.72 2 1.02D t21 2 0.30D t22 1 e t ,
use an (s, S) ordering policy with s 5 60 and S 5 120. We
e t , N~0, 103.86!.
ran the simulation for 300 periods in order to generate a
time series of aggregated orders placed by the retailers. Hence, p 5 2, f1 5 21.02, f2 5 20.30, g 5 350.72, and
The mean and standard deviation of this aggregated order se 5 103.86. Substituting the relevant parameters into
series are, respectively, 250.57 and 100.99. (37) and (38), respectively, we can note that both the my-
Using standard time series analysis software (e.g., SAS), opic optimality and variance stabilization conditions again
we can fit an autoregression model to the aggregated order are satisfied for the range of values of L. Upon computing
series and get the myopic order-up-to-levels in (34), we then simulated
D t 5 250.67 2 0.762D t21 1 e t , e t , N~0, 65.60!, the distribution center’s order process and derived the re-
sult illustrated in Table IV.
which indicates the presence of negative serial correla-
tion.8 In particular, we see that for this case p 5 1, f1 5 Table IV
20.762, g 5 250.67, and se 5 65.60. Since p 5 1 and f1 Distribution Center Order Process: Nonidentical
, 0, it follows from Corollaries 1 and 3 that both the Retailers
myopic optimality and variance stabilization conditions are
satisfied at the distribution center. In order to simulate the Lead
Time (L) 0 1 2 3 4 5
actual variance levels of the distribution center’s ordering
process, we substituted the above parameters into (34) for Mean 351.38 351.41 351.41 351.40 351.41 351.40
Std. Dev. 94.54 92.65 39.08 54.12 41.39 45.23
a range of procurement lead times L to obtain the myopic
Table V
Supply Chain Variability (for Distribution Center L 5 4)
Manufacturer Distribution Center Retail
Demand Demand Demand
Case 1 (Identical Retailers):
Mean 250 250 250
Downloaded from by [] on 13 October 2014, at 07:44 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

Std. Deviation 35.86 101.0 33.5

Coef. of Variation 0.143 0.404 0.134
Case 2 (Nonidentical Retailers):
Mean 351.4 350 350
Std. Deviation 41.39 175.2 43.8
Coef. of Variation 0.118 0.501 0.125

Once again, the distribution center acts to reduce vari- The analytical models developed in this paper may be
ability. In this case, we note that the stabilization effect of extended in several directions. At the distribution center
the distribution center is sufficient to reduce variability we considered only variable ordering costs. The inclusion
passed on to the manufacturer; the variability is less than of fixed ordering costs would introduce a factor that works
the retail market aggregate standard deviation of 43.8 for against variance reduction. A possible extension would be
the cases L 5 2 and L 5 4. to see how sensitive the model is to this fixed cost; how
The two examples introduced here illustrate that the high must it be in order to compensate for the other fac-
variance stabilization effect of a distribution center is quite tors?
robust. The results of these examples, from a supply chain The optimization problem was solved by multiechelon
perspective, are summarized in Table V for the case where decomposition assuming that each location only has local
L 5 4. It is interesting to compare these results to the information. This assumption is reasonable if different lo-
empirical results in Table I, which are remarkably similar. cations are owned by different firms. When a firm owns the
entire multiechelon structure, or if suppliers and custom-
6. CONCLUSIONS ers share data (through an EDI link), it is possible to use
global information in optimizing the network. How will
In this paper we reviewed some empirical results concern-
this affect the results? In particular, can the system be
ing the destabilizing effect of inventories. We saw that
managed in such a way that inventories absorb the shocks
wholesalers can, in fact, introduce a degree of stabilization
of demand variability, or will the occurrence of stabiliza-
into the supply chain by transmitting an order process to
tion continue to depend on the wholesaler leadtime? Re-
manufacturers with variability lower than the variability
cently, Cachon (1995) has explored these phenomena in a
inherent in the retailer replenishment order process. We
model inspired by the efficient consumer response policies
also noted that there are no models available for the study
used in the grocery industry.
of the impact of inventory policies on the variability of
The main objective of the model developed in this paper
demand throughout the manufacturing/distribution supply
is to show how the optimal behavior of firms can lead to a
chain that takes the stochastic linkages associated with the
stabilizing effect of inventories and to show that variance
multiechelon structure of such systems into account.
amplification is not always present throughout the supply
The multiechelon model introduced here does consider
these linkages, and it suggests that reduction of demand
variability is possible. In particular, we showed that under
certain conditions the variance of the demand faced by a 7. ENDNOTES
plant will be less when it is filtered through a distribution 1. Blinder (1981a, 1981b) presents results that show that
center than when it is received directly from replenishment during the period of January 1959 to December 1980,
orders issued by retailers who act to amplify demand vari- the variance about the trend of retail sales was smaller
ance. The conditions that ensure variance reduction are than the variance of deliveries to retailers.
based on the pattern of orders generated by retailers and 2. The term inventory stabilization will be used to charac-
are not dependent on wholesaler costs. They are, not sur- terize the variability of the replenishment process for
prisingly, highly dependent on the leadtime facing the stocking locations in a distribution network. In general,
wholesaler. The intriguing similarity of the myopic opti- demand fluctuations throughout the manufacturing/dis-
mality and the variance reduction conditions leads us to tribution chain are generated by the stochastic process
conjecture that both phenomena will appear simulta- associated with the market demand. Stabilization occurs
neously. More importantly, it illustrates the strong linkage at a location as a result of material control decisions
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practices. These conjectures are borne out by the results of the location. More precisely, we say that a location ex-
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