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Ayurveda science is one of the most reliable medical sciences.The principle of

other science have changed time to time but the basic principle of Ayurveda have not
changed .it helps living organisms to lead their life without much pain. This science
explains about the emergency treatment to some extent.

Burn injuries occur universally and represented as an extremely stressful experience

for both the burn victim as well as their whole family. An extensive burn affects the
patient’s physical, financial and psychological situation. Burn injury remains the most
painful injury that human being suffers. When the injury is extensive it is expensive to
treat and many times leaves behind permanent marks. Over last few decades there has
been an improved understanding in the management of burn injury. However the
mortality is still high.

Patients with extensive burns frequently die, and for those with lesser injury, physical
recovery is slow and painful. In addition to their dramatic physical effects, burn
injuries cause psychological complications. In all societies including developed and
developing countries, burns constitute, a medical and psychological problem, but also
have severe economic and social consequences not only to them, but also to their

In general, 24% cases were not hospitalized. 40% cases died within 24 hours of
sustaining burns. 38% cases were unconscious before death. 66% cases had given
dying declaration. Mechanical injuries were present in 10% cases. The major cause of
death was septic shock in 56% cases.

The exact incidence of the burn injury in our country is not recorded. It is only a guess
that over 500,000 to 600,000 people get burn injury serious enough to need
hospitalization. About 120,000 of them die. Apparently about 100,000 dedicated burn
beds will be required in the present scenario.

Burns are injuries produced by application of dry heat such as flame, radiant heat or
some heated solid substances like metals or glass to the body. Local injury to the body
by heat from dry heat, moist heat leading to scalds, corrosive poisons causes corrosive
burns. Electric spark, discharges, flashes, and lightening leads to electric burns.

[A clinical study on durdagdhaw.s.r to second degree superficial burn and its 1

management with indigenous drugs.]

Evan [1952] was the first to device a formula based on the surface area burnt extent
and weight of the patient to compute the fluid replacement. Davies {1990} reported in
his study that there might be over 2 million major burn injuries in India per year.
Every year approximately 2 million people sustained burns in India, most of which
around 500,000 people were treated as outdoors patients.

Severe burn remains a devastating injury affecting almost every organ system and
leading to significant morbidity and mortality. There is no great trauma than a major
burn injury, which can be classified according to different burn cases and different
burn depths.

Burn injuries leads to high risk of infection. Thus burn patient face high morbidity
than mortality, because of large uncovered burn surface area getting infected; healing
takes prolong time and leaves deformities and contractures.Out of all burns, scalds
burns are more common up to the age of 5 years.

In the course of time research further expanded to other areas of burn care, such as
impact of burn disasters to diminish the risk of burn wound sepsis. Now-a-days many
studies supported by the Association of Dutch burn centres (ADBC). Burn care has
become organised on a national and international level. Generally countries have
centralised their burn care unit in order to share knowledge among caregivers and to
build a platform to exchange of scientific work.

At the beginning of 1980, most of countries in Europe burn centres were established
and in 1981 the European burn association was founded by leading burn
specialists.The Euro–Mediterranean council for burn (MCB) is designated by
WHO as a WHO collaborating centre for prevention and treatment of burns and fire

Burn injury induces inflammatory response which is characterized by the activation of

inflammatory pathways and release cytokines. In this complex, the balance of pro-
inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines is essential for controlled

[A clinical study on durdagdhaw.s.r to second degree superficial burn and its 2

management with indigenous drugs.]

The uncontrolled expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine indeed plays a formidable

role and opens up newer avenues in progression of systemic inflammatory response
syndrome (SIRS) and in its squeal results in multiorgan damage and point towards

Our Ayurvedic experts give more emphasis on wounds and proper wound care. So,
there are several herbal, animal and mineral drugs described In Ayurvedic texts for
their wound healing properties are termed as VRANAROPAKA.MaharshiSushruta
also described a formulation, which possesses excellent vranaropakaproperties in all
types of burn wounds.


1. Introduction


1. Twachashareera and skin

2. Ayurvedic and modern review of DagdhaVrana(BURN)
3. Drug review


1. Clinical study
2. Discussion
3. Summary
4. Conclusion
5. References
6. Bibliography
7. Case sheet

[A clinical study on durdagdhaw.s.r to second degree superficial burn and its 3

management with indigenous drugs.]

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