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Lesson Plan for Literature in Grade 7

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of discussion, the students are expected to:

1. Discover literature as a means of connecting to a significant past using the

story entitled, "Footnote to Youth".
2. Use structural analysis to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in the
3. Recognize the common purposes of writing used in the story.
4. Observe correct subject-verb agreement in a sentence.

II. Subject Matter:

Literary Focus: “Footnote to Youth”. Jose Garcia Villa

Language Focus: Suject-verb agreement
Reference: Pathways to Effective Communication in English. Nerissa C.
Gabelo. pp. 41-49
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Manila paper

III. Procedure

a. Prayer
b. Review
c. Before Reading
 Unlocking of Difficulties
 The teacher asks the students the following questions:
 Class, have you ever heard this question, "Why life forsake you
after love?"
 Have you ever experienced this kind of situation where in after
being in a hurry into something the outcomes of your
expectations turn out the opposite?
 Then, the teacher helps the students unlock the meaning of the
unfamiliar words being underlined which are taken from the story
"Footnote to Youth".

1. The sun was salmon and hazy in the west. (darkened)

2. What he had to say was a serious import as it would mark a
climacteric in his life. (Climax)
3. Dodong felt insolent and big at the thought of it. (Rude/impolite)
4. He walked faster, prodded by the thought of his virility.
5. Dodong was immensely glad he had asserted himself. (great in
size or amount)
 Pre-test
Directions: Identify what is asked in the statement.
1. Who told his father that he wanted to marry Teang?
2. At what age did Dodong got married?
3. Who is the son of Dodong and Teang?
4. How many children Teang gave birth?
5. Who had been the other suitor of Teang?
6. How many years Lucio is older than Dodong?
7. Who is the girl that Blas wants to marry?
8. Did Dodong give his consent to Blas? Yes or No?
9. At what age Blas wants to get married?
10. How do you describe Teang after giving birth to her seven child?

Answer Key
1. Dodong
2. 17
3. Blas
4. 7
5. Lucio
6. 9 years
7. Tena
8. Yes
9. 18
10. Her body is shapeless and thin

 Motive Questions
 The teacher asks the following questions:
 What can you say about the short story, "Footnote to
 Does really life forsake you after love?
 If you were Teang, would you marry at young age because
of love?
 What is the moral lesson of the story?
 Did you find the theme of the story significant to your life?
Why or why not?

d. During Reading
 The teacher tasks the students to read the story and as they read they
will identify the author's purpose in writing this story ( persuasive,
informative, entertain )

e. Language Focus
 The teacher discusses the subject-verb agreement used in a sentence
and gives more examples.
- In studying Subject-verb agreement, note the basic
principle (Irvin, Odell, Vacca and Hobbs, 2009)
- SINGULAR subjects need singular verbs; PLURAL
subjects need plural verbs.
- Subjects with s are plural; Verbs with s are
- Subjects without s are singular; Verbs without s
are plural.
- (Ex: Teang cries sometimes, wishing she did
not marry at young age.)
- Teang in the sentence is a noun which is singular
that’s why the verb should be its singular form
which is “cries”.
- (Ex: The bananas are overripe.)
- The word bananas in the sentence is plural
because it ended with that’s why we use are as
the plural form of is to make the sentence correct.

f. After Reading
 The teacher groups the students into three (3)
 Each group will be given a sheet of paper
 They are tasked to give the summary of the story with the correct used
of subject-verb agreement
 They will write it within 10-15 sentences and they are going to
underline the subject and encircle the verb in the sentences
 After writing, each group is required to present their work.

g. Generalization
 The teacher asks the following questions:
 How will you use the correct subject-verb agreement in the
 What is the importance of subject-verb agreement?

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Underline the correct answer to make the sentece complete and
correct(2pts. each item.)

1. The bath (make, makes) him feel cool.

2. It was dark when he (reach, reaches) home.
3. Dodong's mother (remove, removes) the dishes when they were through.
4. Dodong thought himself he would (tell, tells) his father about Teang when
got home.
5. "I (wants, want) to marry Teang."
6. “I will (tell, tells) it to him.” Dodong said.
7. Dodong (is, are) immensely glad to himself.
8. His father (look, looks) at him silently.
9. “You better (go, goes) to sleep. It is late.”
10. The hilot (are, is) wrapping the child.

V. Assignment

Directions: Write all the activities you did this day from the time you woke up
until you go to bed this night using the correct subject-verb agreement in the
sentence for at least 2 paragraphs. (10 pts)

Prepared by: Alma-Eda D. Sahedain

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