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Viktor Novak



Two omitted chapters from the book



Translated into English Ьу Ilеапа Cosic

Viktor Novak



Dva izostavljena poglavlja iz knjige

Magnum crimen Viktora Novaka


Prevod па engleski Ilеапа Cosic


Viktor Novak's manuscripts are stored in the Serbian AcademyofSciences

and Arts in Belgrade (sign. по. 14.474). In the files containing the written
material regarding his book MAGNUM CRIMEN there are also sheets of
two chapters not published јп the final version of the book. Опе of these
chapters, number XIV, entitled ECCLESIA MILIТANS АТ WAR WIТH
ТНЕ IDEOLOGY ОР TYRCH, is printed оп 25 sheets and the other, пит­
ber ХУ, LIВELLUS ACCUSAТIONIS is printed оп 4 sheets. Professor Novak
has corrected аН the errors in these sheets with his own hand. ТЬе shape
and dimension of the letters are the same as those јп the book MAGNUM
CRIMEN from which they were omitted at the very last moment.
Those who know that during the process of writing MAGNUM CRIMEN
Viktor Novak was under the pressure of censorship and those who could wit-
ness about that are probably по longer among the living. His close friends
and associates were familiar with that fact and were not silent about it. Sima
Simitch, а respectful publicist and author of several outstanding books оп
the ustashi movement and Roman Catholic clericalism, told те that Viktor
Novak was compelled to omit the chapter оп the Sokol Movement ип­
der the pressure of Maks Batche, а hight official of OZNA (Police in Тito's
Yugoslavia) from Croatia who was ап extended hand of Vladimir Bakaritch,
the supreme political authority in Croatia. This chapter had to Ье omitted Ье­
cause it completely unmasks the top of the Roman Catholic church revealing
that it was anti-Yugoslav, ultra clerical and pro fascist. ТЬе same applies to
the chapter LIВELLUS ACCUSAТIONIS, actually а pro memoria don Frano
Ivanishevitsh, а great and devoted supporter of Yugoslavism, addressed to
Archbishop Stepinec.
ТЬе editors of the second edition of MAGNUM CRIMEN were aware of
the fact that some chapters had Ьееп omitted јп the first edition under the
pressure of the Croatian political top but, unfortunately, they simply could
not find the omitted chapters јп over опе hundred big files of randomly
stored manuscripts Viktor Novak left as his heritage. Since these chapters,
previously omitted for political reasons, have Ьееп discovered, we think that
they should Ье published now. With them MAGNUM CRIMEN will Ье Б­
паНу completed. ТЬе риЫјс will Ье јп а position to get acquainted with their


U rukopisnoj zaostavstini akademika Viktora Novaka, koja se cuva u

Arhivu SANU u Beogradu (sign. br. 14.474), u materijalima koji se ticu пје­
gove knjige Magnum crimen, nalaze se sifovi dva poglavlja kojih пета u ko-
паспој verziji pomenute knjige. Jedno poglavlje nosi naslov Ecclesia militans
ratuje s Tyrsevom ideologijom, а drugo Libellus accusationis. Prvo poglavlje
oznaceno је brojem XIV а drugo brojem XV. Ecclesia militans ima ukupno
25 sifova а Libellus accusationis 4 sifa. Sifovi-SU korektorski ispravljeni rukom
profesora Novaka. Tipovi slova i dimenzije sloga u svemu odgovaraju knjizi
Magnum crimen. Nikakve sumnje пета da su ovo odeljci knjige Magnum
crimen, koji su iz пје u poslednjem trenutku izostavljeni.
Danas verovatno i пета onih ljudi koji znaju da је Magnum crimen
Viktora Novaka u samom procesu nastajanja dozivljavao cenzuru. Novakovi
bliski prijatelji i saradnici to su zna1i i о tome nisu cutali. Ugledni publicista
Sima Simic, pisac neko1iko poznatih knjiga koje se ticu ustastva i rimokato-
lickog klerikalizma, pricao mi је da је Novak Ыо рriпш1еп da izostavi ро­
glavlje о sokolskom pokretu pod pritiskom tadasnjeg visokog funkcionera
OZN -е iz Hrvatske Maksa Васе, iza kojeg је svojim politickim autoritetom
stajao Vladimir Bakaric. Posto је tim tekstom Novak razobliCio vrh rimoka-
tolicke crkve i pokazao koliko је Ыо antijugoslovenski, antislovenski, ultra-
klerikalan i profasisticki, morao је biti izostavljen. Sada znamo da se to, iz
istih razloga, desilo i sa odeljkom knjige Libellus accusationis, u kojem је rec
о promemorЏi ирисепој 1934. godine nadbiskupu Stepincu od strane don
Frana Ivanisevica, velikog i iskrenog Jugoslovena.
Kada је pripremano drugo izdanje Magnum crimen-a znalo se da su
neki delovi Novakovog rada, pod pritiskom politickog vrha Hrvatske, bi1i
izostavljeni. Medutim, priredivaCi drugog izdanja te knjige tada nisu ima1i
mogucnosti da dodu do izostavljenih poglavlja, jer preobimna Novakova ru-
kopisna zaostavstina, koja ima vise od stotinu arhivskih kutija, ni najgrublje
nije bila sredena. Sada, kada smo dosli do tih poglav1ja, koja su iz politi-
ckih razloga bila izostavljena, smatramo da zasluzuju da budu objavljena.
Njima се se Magnum crimen, konacno, kompletirati. Javnost се biti upoznata
sa sadrzajem tih izostavljenih poglavlja а nauka obogacena novim sazna-
Viktor Novak

content and science enriched with а пеw knowledge about the attitude of the
Croatian Roman Catholic Episcopate towards Yugoslavia and the Yugoslavs,
towards the Sokol Movement and the reasons why it (the Episcopate) was so
vehemently hostile to it.
ОР TYRCH has Ьееl1 tound among the manuscripts of Viktor Novak type
\vritten. ТЬе differel1ce betweel1 this type written text and the text оп the
sheets is negligible. Only some words are Croatized and some minor editing
correctioI1 made. Since Novak has with his own hand corrected the already
printed text we deem that he has thus authorized it. This is the reason why we
decided to publish the thus latest version printed оп the sheets and omitted
from the book MAGNUM CRIMEN.
Viktor Novak's texts we are publishing are identical with the texts оп
the sheets. Nothing has Ьееп changed. 0111y some printing errors have Ьееп
We would like to emphasize that remark по. 29 in the text of ECCLESIA
MILIТANS could 110t Ье found either in the type written text or in the
text printed оп the sheets. Remarks по. 93 and 103 refer to chapter XVI of
pendent State ofCroatia) - AN OLD AND LONG COVETED DREAM. Due
to the omission of chapters XIV and XV аН chapters in the book have Ьееп
renumbered and some of their titles changed. BLOODY НARVEST was the
over title of the chapter entitled NDH-AN OLD AND LONG COVETED
DREAM ,vhich ,vas chapter XVIII оп the sheets.

Preface/ Predgovor

njirna о odnosu hrvatskog rirnokatolickog episkopata prema Jugoslaviji i

Jugoslovenirna, kao i prerna sokolskom pokretu i razlozirna zbog kojih rnи se
odlucno suprotstavio.
U zaostavstini Viktora Novaka sacuvan је i pisacorn rnasinorn рrеkuсап
tekst Ecclesia militans ratuje s Tyrsevom ideologijom. Razlika izrnedu njega i
teksta оdstаrnрапоg па sifovirna је пеzпаtпа. Опа је lektorske prirode ј, Ье­
zrnalo, svodi se па hrvatizovanje Novakovog jezika. Kako је Novak svojorn
rukorn оЬаујо korekturu уес оdstаrnрапih tekstova, srnatrarno da ih је tirne
i autorizovao. Zbog toga srno se i odluCiIi da starnparno poslednje verzije sa
sifovirna, koje su izostavljene iz knjige Magnum crimel1.
Tekstovi Viktora Novaka koje objavljujerno u svernu su isti kao опј sa
sifova. U пјјrnа nista пјје mепјапо. Isрrаvlјепе su samo poneke sitne stam-
parske pogreske.
Duzni srno da kazerno da u tekstu Ecclesia militans пароrnепе br. 29
пеrnа пј u rukopisu рrеkuсапоrn pisacorn rnаsiпоm, пiti u tekstu odstarn-
рапоrn па sifovirna. Napornene pod br. 93 i 103 оdпоsе se па poglavlje koje
u knjizi Magnum crimen поsi br. XVI, s паslоvоrn Zanosni docek. - NDH
- "Davno sanjani i zeijkovani ideal". Izostavljanjern XIV i XV poglavlja doslo
је do prenurneracije odeljaka kпјigе i do izvеsпih prornena u njihovirn па­
slovirna. Krvava zetva Ыо је паdпаslоv ispod poglavlja паslоvlјепоg s NDH
- "Davno sanjani i zeijkovani ideal". То poglavlje odstarnpano u sifovirna
nosilo је br. XVIII.


ТЪе first SOKOL (FALCON) Society was founded јп Prague јп 1862,

soon after the faH of Bach's absolutism and the failure of the policy of nation-
а} alienation and assimilation of non-German ethnic groups, practiced in
the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy according to elaborate plans. ТЪе ideologi-
са} founding fathers of this new organization were Jindriich Fiigner and Dr.
Miroslav Tyrsh. This was опе of the тапу organizations founded in Bohemia
according to the same pattern within the of national renaissance drive. Their
ајт was to геујуе and enhance national awareness and promote the mental
and physical health of Czech people through physical and moral education.
ТЪе slogan of the Sokols LET US GET STRONGER imp1ied not only physi-
саl strength and stamina, but also vigor and toughness of character as spiri-
tual assets, moral awareness, love for the native country, love for freedom
and independence. MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO, а healthy mind in
а healthy body, was the slogan adopted in the XIX-th century in the aim of
strengthening the ideals of the nationally awakened nation, within the Slavic
Renaissance as а much broader movement. In 1871, оп the еуе ofthe Tenth
Anniversary of the Sokols, Tyrch spelled out the fundamental aims of the
whole movement:
"Our first and primary tasks is to safeguard the vita1ity of our
people, the kind of vitality that secures their survival and prevents
their ехtiпсtiоп, help promote their physical, mental and moral
health and thus епаЬЈе them to successfully соре with serious dif-
ficulties, including various calamities such as aggression and back-
wardness, the worst crime of аН inflicted оп а nation."l
ТЪе Sokol Movement very quickly emerged јп other Slavic countries. In
ЧиЬЈјапа the Sokol Society was founded јп 1863 under the title SOUTHERN
SOKOL. ТЪе Austrian authorities dissolved it јп 1867, but it reemerged
the following уеаг, in 1868 under а s1ightly altered title: ТНЕ SOKOL

I "ALL SOKOL RALLY IN PRAGUE IN 1938". (Svesokolski slet u Pragu ) Beograd 1.


Prvo Sok01sko drustvo osnovano је и Pragu 1862. ВјЈО је to ubrzo poslije

sloma Bachovog apsolutizma i politike odnarodavanja, koju је austrijski si-
stem sa planom izvodio nad nenjemackim narodnostima Habsburgova car-
stva. OsnivaCi ideolozi оуе nove narodne ustanove bili su Jindrich Fi.igner i
dr. Miros1av Tyrs. Оуо drustvo, kao i druga, koja su se ро njegovu uzoru sta1a
osnivati ро Ceskoj, posta1a su sastavnim dije10m opceg narodnog preporoda.
СЩ је drustvu Ыо podizanje nacionalne svijesti, oplemenjivanja dusevne i
fizicke snage ceskog naroda, putem fizickog i moralnog uzgoja. Sokolska de-
viza: Јасајто se! znaCila је ne samo za tije10, nego је obuhvatila i duh, mora1,
svijest, ljubav ka domovini, ka slobodi i nezavisnosti. Zdrav duh u zdravom
tijelu imao је da oce1iCi ideale koje је probudena nacija u XIX. stoljecu, и
vrijeme slovenske renesanse, postavila u prvi plan svojih nastojanja. Pred
prvu desetogodisnjicu postojanja уес velikog broja drustava, Tyrs је 1871.
podvukao osnovnu misao zadatka Sokolstva:
"Nas prvi i opCi zadatak је da smo prije nego itko drugi pozvani
da осиуато svoj narod u onoj svestranoj zivahnosti koja ne da na-
rodima da izumru, u оуој stalnoj i svjezoj snazi, u onom tjelesnom,
dusevnom i moralnome zdravlju koje ne da da se pojavi bilo ka-
kva propast, ni zastoj, ра ni nazadnjastvo, najgori smrtni zloCin, koji
moze da se vrsi nad narodima." 1
Sokolstvo se vrlo brzo ројауНо i u drugim slavenskim zemljama. Уес
slijedece godine 186}.osniva se prvo Sokolsko drustvo u Ljubljani kao Juzni
Sokol. Austrijske vlasti raspustile su to drustvo 1867., а onda se javlja pono-
упо 1868. kao gimnasticko drustvo Sokol u ЧuЫјапј. Prvi sokolski slet slo-
venskih sokolskih drustava Ыо је odrzan 1888. па koji su dosli i osnivaci so-
kolstva Cesi. U duhu Tyrsevih gimnastickih nacela razradio је sokolsku ideju
u Sloveniji dr. Viktor Murnik devedesetih godina proslog stoljeca. U Zagrebu

1 Svesokolski slet u Pragu 1938. Beograd, 1.

Viktor Novak


SOKOL SOCIEТIES took place јп 1888, with the participation of the Czechs,
as founders of the Movement. 1п the 90's of the X1X-th century Dr. Viktor
Muгnik developed in Slovenia the idea of the Sokol Movement, јп the spirit of
Tyrsh, his ideology and his principles in gymnastics. 1п Zagreb the first Sokol
Society was founded јп 1874. 1п Serbia the Sokol Movement was reorganized
јп 1882. 1п Croatia and Slovenia the first Sokol Alliances were founded at
the beginning ofthe XX-th century. The Sokol Rallies greatly helped develop
so]idarity among the South Slavs and with other Slavs and nationalities. ALL
SOKOL RALLIES developed into prominent риЫјс manifestations of Slavic
mutuality. 1п 1911 the АН Sokol Rally јп Zagreb brought together the Sokols
[rom: Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Bohemia, Poland and Russia.
E\Tidently, the Sokol Movement in the Slavic countries greatly contributed to
the promotion of the idea of Slavic mutuality and offered to Slavic people the
opportunity to get to know better one another.
1п view оЕ the nature of the principles they promote and the importance of
their objectives it is understandable why the Bishop of Djakovo Strossmayer
liked the Sokol Movement from its very foundation and was giving it not
only his love and attention, but also his great support. Strossmayer [иllу ар­
proved Ље tasks of the Slavic, and within that framework the Croatian Sokol
Movement, and generously supported the Yugoslav and Czech Sokols. When
the Sokols јп 1stria decided to build their Center (called НО МЕ) he was
the first to send his blessing, his contribution and а very significant letter
јп which he emphasized the patriotic task the Croatian Sokols are expected
to fulfill јп the endangered Istria. 2 Оп their part the Sokols reciprocated the
Bishop's favorable attitude towards them Ьу expressing love and respect for
Ыт, the great supporter of the idea ofbrotherhood among аН South Slavs. 1п
his lifetime Strossmayer epitomized the lofty ideals of the Sokol Movement.
Later, his memory was cherished as а national and morallodestar. ActuaHy,
Strosmayer's first encounter with the Sokols took place in Prague, only а
year after the foundation of the Movement, at the end of October 1863. Оп
that occasion the Bishop also met its leaders: Fugner and Tyrsh. Strossmayer
was one of the first honorary members of the Czech Sokol. At the celebra-
tion оЕ Stossmayer's Jubilee in Djakovo, in 1888, the Slovenian and Croatian
Sokols were also present. At the celebration of the second Jubilee јп 1898,
јп Djakovo, Dr. Lazar Tzar (Car), оп behalf of the Croatian Sokols, јп his
speech expressed some views and ideas which every Catholic Bishop would

2 ,,fOSIP ТИRAТ STROSSMAYfR", 1850-1900. Zagreb 1904.,791.

МаgШ1111 сгimеп XIV

је osnovano prvo sokolsko drustvo 1874. U Srbiji је reorganizirano Sokolstvo

1882. U pocetku ХХ. stoljeca osnivaju se i prvi sokolski savezi II Hrvatskoj
i Sloveniji. Sokolski sletovi pomazu razvijanje svijesti i solidarnosti izmeau
juznoslavenskih i ostalih naroda. Svesokolski sletovi postajali su vidne ll1а­
nifestacije slavenske uzajamnosti. 1911. Ыо је svesokolski slet u Zagrebu па
kome su se uz Hrvate паЉ Slovenci, Srbi, Bugari, Cesi, Poljaci i Rusi. Nema
sumnje da је Sokolstvo u slovenskill1 zemljall1a uCinilo ogromno шпоgо u
propagiranju ideje slavenske uzajall1l1osti i meausobnog upoznaval1ja. _
Sasvim је shvatljivo da је ovakvu ustanovu zavolio aakovacki biskup
Strossmayer od samog pocetka poklonivsi Sokolstvu рипи paznju i ljubav,
ali i svoju ротос kadgod је stigao, poznavajuCi potpuno ciljeve i osnove па
kojima је опо poCivalo. Strossmayer је uistinu pravilno shvatio 1.adatke sve-
slavenskog, ра tako i hrvatskog sokolstva. Strossmayer је па sve stгапе dije-
Но svoje ротосј, ра tako је пјје uskratio l1ј jllgoslavel1skom, kao l1ј ceskom
sokolstvu. Kad је istarski sokol u Puli stao graditi svoj dom, prvi dar i prvi
blagoslov poslao је Strossmayer sa jednim vanredl1im pisl110m u kome је
oznaCio rodoljubni zadatak hrvatskog sokolstva u ugrozenoj Istгi. 2 Zato је
i sokolstvo uzvracalo ljubav i postovanje tom velikoll1 propovjedl1iku jugo-
slavenskog i sveslavenskog bratstva. 1 kao sto је za zivota Strossmayer Ыо
veliki ideal sokolstva tako ти је ostao i kasnije trajno kao zvijezda ргеdvо­
dnica u njegovim nacionalnim i moralnim stгешlјепјill1а. Poznato је da је
Strossmayer upoznao sokolstvo odmah, godinu dal1a poslije l1jegova OSl1i-
val1ja i to u samome Pragu krajem oktobra 1863., gdje је upozl1ao i njegove
voae Fugnera i Tyrsa. Strossmayer је теаи prvim pocasl1im clanovill1a се­
skog sokola. О Strossmayerovu jubileju 1888. nalaze se u Dakovu i predsta-
vnici slovel1skog i hrvatskog sokolstva. О drugom jubileju 1898. u Dakovu је
odrzao govor u cast Strossmayera predstavl1ik hrvatskog sokolstva dr. Cazal"
Car u kome је iznio i takve misli koje је mogao potpisati svaki biskup katoli-
cke сгkvе. З Jasl10 је bilo za svakoga da l1ј опо staro, kao l1ј mlaae sokolstvo,
пјје bila l1eka protuvjerska ustanova. Dosta је l1apomenllti da је veliki broj
hrtvatskih i slovenskih svecenika Ыо пе samo аап nego i voaa pojedil1im
sokolskim drustvima. Osim toga da se пјје u sokolstvu gledalo l1eko protu-
vjersko i bezbozl1o drustvo oCigledno izlazi iz toga sto је zboroval1je prvog
Euharistickog kOl1gresa godil1e 1900. odrzal1o u Zagrebu u Sokolskom dоп1U.
Svakako l1јје bez zl1acel1ja da pri svecal10stima prvog hrvatskog svesokolskog
sleta sudjeluje i tadasl1ji l1adbiskup koadjutor dr. Ante Bauer sa izаslапiсiша

2 Josip Јuгај Strossmayer. GоdillЗ 1850-1900. Zagreb 1904.,791.

3 Josip Јurај Strossmayer, 829, 842.

Viktor Novak

readily support. 3 In his speech Dr Tzar emphasizes that the Sokol has never .
Ьееп ап anti-religious organization, nor is it now. Оп the contrary. А great
number of Slovenian and Croatian Catholic priests are not only its members
but also leaders of its local branches. Moreover, the Sokol Center in Zagreb
was the уепие of the First Eucharistic Congress held in 1900, which proves
that the Sokols were not regarded as ап anti-religious and impious mоуе­
ment, the proof being the presence at the First Croatian Sokol Rally of Dr.
Ante Bauer, at that time Archbishop-Coadjutor, the delegation of the Captol
and the parish priests of Zagreb. Еуеп the Chairman of the First Catholic
Congress, Count Miroslav Kulmer, attended the event. 4 At that time попе of
them viewed the Sokols as ап anti-religious or impious organization.
Ву 1911 the Croatian and аll other Sokol organizations јп Slavic соип­
tries had [иllу adopted the principles established Ьу Miroslav Tyrsh, actually
the perennial Sokol principles. It was in 1912, at the ALL SLAVIC SOKOL
RALLY, held in Prague that for the first time unification of the Serbian,
Croatian and Slovenian Sokols was discussed as а possibility. Теп days Ье­
fore the assassination in Sarayevo, at the meeting held in the Croatian Sokol
Center in Zagreb, the representative of the Slovenian and Serbian Sokols ех­
pressed themselves јп favor of unification which implied joint work, use of
the same terminology, use of the same flags, the same commands, orders,
etc. Еуеп соmmоп Rule were drafted in that aim. The First World War was а
serious challenge to the Sokol Movement. The THIRD ALL SOKOL RALLY
was scheduled for August 1914 in Ljubljana. It never took place, being рro­
hibited Ьу the Austrian-Hungarian government already оп Јипе 20, 1914.
The Serbian Sokols were the most persecuted in Sremski Karlovci, Zagreb,
Sarayevo, etc. In Slovenia too. The Sokols were among the first arrested and
in а great number.
After the end of the First World War The Sokols resumed their activities
јп the spirit of the proposals adopted in 1912 and 1914. The Extraordinary
Sokol Assembly was held јп Zagreb, оп Мау 11, 1919. Dr. Vlatko Machek
(Macek), опе of the speakers, addressing the Assembly said:
"We are аН Yugoslavs! Therefore, аН South Slavs, the Serbs,
Croats, Slovenes and Bulgarians should Ье members of the same
Slavic organization. The Sokols have nothing to do with politics and
this fundamental principle should Ье honored Ьу both the Sokols


Sokolstvo). "NOVOSTI", January 21,1933.

Magnum crimen XIV

zagrebackog kaptola i gradskim zupnicima. Stovise, prisustvovao је i nekada-

snji predsjednik prvog katolickog kongresa, grof Miroslav Kulmer. 4 Niko od
пјЉ nije nasao tada da је sokolstvo nevjerska ili protuvjerska ustanova.
Bilo је to 1911. kad је i hrvatsko sokolstvo, kao i sve опо iz ostalih sla-
venskih zemalja, Ыlо prozeto sokolskim пасеНmа Miroslava Tyrsa, koja su
Ыlа pravo sokolsko vjerovanje. О sjedinjavanju hrvatskog i srpskog i sloven-
skog sokolstva prvi put se raspravljal0 па svesokolskom sletu и Pragu 1912.
Deset dana prije sarajevskog atentata odrzana је и domu hrvatskog sokola
и Zagrebu sjednica, па kojoj su se predstavnici slovenskog i srpskog sokol-
stva izjasnili za ujedinjenje koje treba da se manifestira и zajednickom radu,
terminologiji, zastavama, naredenjima i t.d. U tu svrhu sastavljena su i zaje-
dnicka pravila. Za vrijeme prvog svjetskog rata sokolstvo је imalo da izdrzi
паиспа iskusenja. ТreCi svesokolski slet и Ljubljani zakazan za august 1914.
Ыо је уес 20. јипа 1914. od vlade zabranjen. Progonima su ЫН izlozeni prije
svega srpski sokoli и Sremskim Karlovcima, Zagrebu, Sarajevu i drugdje. А и
Sloveniji su stali mеЈи prvima da zatvore рипе, upravo sokoli. Poslije okon-
сапја rata produZilo se и duhu prijedloga iz 1912. i 1914. Izvanredna glavna
sokolska skupstina и Zagrebu Ыlа је 11. mаја 1919. Na toj skupstini govorio
је i dr. Vlatko Macek. Оп је mеЈи ostalim rekao:
"Svi smo Jugoslaveni! Zato је potrebno da se и slavenskoj so-
kolskoj organizaciji udruze svi: i Srbi i Hrvati, i Slovenci i Bugari.
Nacelo је da se и soko пе smije unositi politika. No to пасеlо mora
da уаlја za jednu i za drugu stranu, za politicare i za sokolstvo. Mi
moramo уес danas и nasem поуоm sokolskom savezu sacuvati slo-
bodno cetvrto mjesto za bracu Bugare."5
15. јипа 1919. pod predsjedanjem dr. Lazara Cara zakljuceno је, da se sve
hrvatske sokolske organizacije imaju sa srpskim i slovenskim stopiti и jedan
jedinstven sokolski savez. Prvi sokolski sabor odrzan је и Novom Sadu od
28. do 30. VI 1919. gdje је i sprovedena поуа sokolska reorganizacija. Mjesec
dana kasnije odrzan је и Mariboru prvi pokrajinski slet па kome se savez
sokola SHS prozvao Jugoslavenski sokolski savez. U svojoj prvoj deklaraciji
udarene su i smjernice radu sokolstva и поуој drzavi. U пјој se kaze pri kra-
"РоmlаЈепо, оЬпоуlјепо i ujedinjeno sokolstvo Srba, Hrvata
i Slovenaca pozdravlja radosno narod za (јји slobodu, napredak i
cvjetanje daje sebe. Ра snazno vjerujuCi, da се pobjeda narodne mi-

4 Tyrs, Nadbiskup Bauer i Sokolstvo. "Novosti" 21. 1.1933.

5 "Jugoslavenske поујпе" 2. IX. 1937.

Viktor Novak

and the politicians. Also, as of today the Sokol АШапсе should keep
the fourth seat vacant for ош Bulgarian brothers. "5
Оп Јипе 15, 1919, the Meeting chaired Ьу Dr. Lazar Tzar decided that
аН Croatian Sokols should merge with the Serbian and Slovenian Sokols
into опе, united Sokol АШапсе. The FIRST SOKOL CONVENTION which
took place јп Novi Sad, from 28 to 30 Јипе, 1918, adopted а пеw organiza-
tional pattern of the Sokols. А month later the FIRST REGIONAL SOKOL
RALLY took place јп Maribor and оп that occasion the Serbian, Croatian
and Slovenian Sokols changed their пате into ТНЕ YUGOSLAV SOKOL
ALLIANCE. Its first Declaration provides guidelines for the Sokol activities
јп the new state. At the end it reads as follows:
"Rejuvenated, renewed and united the Sokol Movement of the
Serbs, Croats and Slovenes is most cordially greeting аН of уои, ош
people for whose freedom, progress and blossoming аН Sokols are
ready to sacrifice themselves. We strongly believe that the victory of
the national idea and the ideal of truth and justice wi1l bring Ьар­
piness and реасе to all of us. We also remain devoted to the idea
of Slavism which epitomizes ош cultural and ethical strength and
which, we Ьоре, will continue to keep ош Ьитап soul alive even
after the death of old Gods. "6
It is interesting to note that already јп 1919 and 1920 the Croatian Sokols
left the АШапсе and founded their own national organization. This Ьар­
pened before 1921 when differences between the Zagreb Sokol Society and
the Yugoslav Sokol АШапсе emerged due to internal conflicts оп political
grounds. It was actually а conflict between the concept of particularism and
separatism, оп the опе hand, and the concept of integral Yugoslavism, оп the
other. However, the Croatian Sokol remained faithful to the Sokol principles
of Tyrsh and his progressive ideology. Even the separatism prone Croatian
clergy did not deny support to Croatian Sokols. They did not refuse to bless
their flags јп spite of the fact that the Leaders and Senior members of the
Croatian Sokol still fostered the ideals and ideology of their founding [а­
thers. At that time the clerical organization ORLOVI (the Eagles) was found-
ed with the support of high Catholic clergy, the Seniorate and Episcopate.
The idea was to take young people away [roт the Sokols and attract them
to јојп the new independent gymnastic clubs. When јп 1919 the Ministry
of Education issued а directive to аН schools to organize physical education

5 ТНЕ YUGOS],AV GAZETTE ("Jugoslavenske поујпе") September 2,1937.

6 'ГНЕ SOKOL НЕRАIЛ ("Sokolski glasnik"), 1919, по 1, 1.

Magnum crimen XIV

sli, istine i pravde donijeti obilne plodove i srece i mira, duboko је

osvjedoceno da се Slavenstvo biti ona kulturna i eticka si1a, sto се и
casu smrti starih bogova па svojim ledima prenijeti i spasiti covjecju

Medutim, jos prije nego sto је nastupio spor izmedu sokolskog drustva
и Zagrebu i Jugoslavenskog sokolskog saveza (1921) pod utjecajem unutra-
snjih partijsko-politickih previranja (i па kraju istupio iz Jugoslavenskog so-
kolskog saveza i osnovao Hrvatski sokol), vec 1919. а pogotovo 1920. stali
su se javljati znaci kritike i negodovanja sa Jugoslavenskim sokolstvom. Вio
је to sukob ideja, partikularizma i separatizma s jedne strane i integralnog
Jugoslavenstva s druge strane. Hrvatski sokol је i dalje zadrzao Tyrsova so-
kolska nacela sa svom njegovom naprednom ideologijom. Prema njemu se
separatisticki orijentirano svecenstvo ophodi1o i dalje naklonjeno i ono ти
nije ustezalo svoju ротоС. тi se svecenici nisu opirali da blagoslove njihove
zastave, iako su vode i starjesine izjavljivale da ostaju vjerni ideologiji osni-
vaca sokolstva. U isto vrijeme pada i osnivanje klerikalnog Orlovstva kojemu
su utirali puteve vode klerikalizma seniorat i episkopat. Prije svega najprije
odvajanjem omladine od sokolstva ра onda uClanjivanjem и samostalna gi-
mnasticka udruzenja.LKad је Ministarstvo prosvjete 1919. izdalo naredenje
da se и svim skolama vrsi tjelovjeZba и sokolskom duhu, ta је Cinjenica bila
predmet raspravljanja jugoslavenskog episkopata па apri1skoj konferenciji
1920.] Nije bez znacenja podvuCi da se па toj konferenciji па kojoj se prvi
put odrazio antisokolski stav episkopata nalazio i papinski nuncij Cherubini.
Ova podudarnost zapazena је bila и javnosti i о njoj se и novinama sa su-
protnih gledista raspravljalo. \protest episkopata upucen Ministarstvu pros-
vjete Ыо је motiviran tezom da и skoli mora sav odgoj biti vjerski i па vjeri
osnovan .• Ovako organiziran sokol и Jugoslaviji, и kome su bili sjedinjeni
katolici, pravoslavni i muslimani i koji је stao da propovijeda nacelo "brat
је mio koje vjere Ыо", punu i istinsku vjersku snosljivost i naklonost i ljubav
prema braCi bez razlike ispovijedanja, od samog pocetka Ыо је gledan sa
nepovjerenjem. Teza о vjerskoj toleranciji smatrana је kao veoma opasna za
katolicizam. Napredno shvacanje voda sokola formirala је и оБта klerika-
laca sliku veoma slozenih opasnosti za klerikalizaffi\\ Sokolske manifestacije
za neoslobodenu bracu и Julijskoj Krajini i и profasistickom periodu, ozna-
cavane su od talijanske stampe kao imperijalisticke provokacije. Uz nekleri-
kalnu i klerikalna stampa и Italiji zauzela је prema sokolstvu vrlo ostar stav
napadajuCi ga kao ustanovu opasnu па istocnim granicama Italije. Stari sokol

6 "Sokolski glasnik" 1919., br. 1, 1.

Viktor Novak

according to the principles of the Sokol Movement the document was dis-
cussed Ьу the Yugoslav Episcopate at its Conference held in April1920. It was
at this Conference that а negative attitude against the Sokols was taken for the
first time. Тhe presence ofNuncio Cherubini at the Conference was publicly
discussed and commented in аН papers in different ways. Тhe Episcopate
еуеп lodged а protest with the Ministry of Education under the pretext that
аН aspects of school education should Ье based оп re1igious principles and
conducted in the re1igious spirit. Тhe Catho1ic Church could not accept
the Sokols who bring together the Catholics, Orthodox and Moslems, who
launch the idea that "а brother is dear regardless of his faith" and who pro-
mote true religious tolerance, affection and love for the brothers irrespective
of their confession. ActuaHy, the clerics considered religious tolerance and
progressive ideals as extremely dangerous to the Catholic Church. Moreover,
Тhe Sokol protests in support of the brothers in Julian Alps region during
the pro fascist period the Italian press qualified as ап imperialist рroуоса­
tion. According to both clerical and поп -clerical Italian press the Sokols were
viewed as а threat to the Italian Eastern border Dr. Laza Popovitch (Popovic),
and outstanding and old member of the Sokols, refuted аН these accusations
оп the ground of valid arguments.l
Тhe members of the Clerical Party and their supporters (in further text
CLERICALS) tried to disguise the political background of their anti-Sokol
campaign Ьу transferring the whole issue to the sphere of religious educa-
tion. It was for the уегу first time that they brought ир the problem of philo-
sophical naturalism and indifference to the principles of Christianity in the
learning ofTyrsh, assessing them as dangerous to perennial Christian values.
ActuaHy, the clericals, favoring separatism, were much more apprehensive of
the idea of Yugoslavism than of the philosophy of Tyrsh. Опе month before
the Meeting of the Episcopate (March 1920) the Yugoslav Sokol АШапсе is-
sued а Declaration оп its attitude to the idea of Yugoslavism, which reads as
"Тhe Revolution of the Yugoslav peoples for liberation and uni-
fication, brought to its successful end in 1918, epitomizes its great-
est achievement - the idea of Yugoslavism which implies freedom,
unity, independence, survival and progress of аН Yugoslav nations
living united in опе state. Тhe idea of the Sokol Movement actuaHy
stems [rom the national idea of Yugoslavism. Its aim is to unite аН


(Laza Ророујс, Jugoslovenski katolicki Episkopat protiv Sokola) "JUGOSLAVENSKA OBNOVA
NJIVA",1920, п. 32, рр. 495-496.

Magnum crimen XIV

dr. Laza Ророујс odlucno је reagirao па оуе klerikalne napadaje u zemlji i па

strani? Da Ы se osnovna politicka misao sakrila koja је klerikalce rukovodila
u njihovom antisokolskom stavu potrebno је bilo cijelo pitanje prebaciti па
vjerski odgojni teren. Odatle prvi put iskrsava u polemikama Tyrsev filozof-
ski natura1izam i krscanski indiferentizam kao strahovita opasnost za Cistocu
krscanskih nacela, koja inace nikad nisu u sokolu bila napadana. Vise nego
Tyrseva filozofska naziranja bila је jugoslavenska misao koja је bola оСј se-
paratistickih klerikalaca. Na mjesec dana prije zasjedanja episkopata mjeseca
marta 1920. predsjednistvo Jugoslavenskog sokolskog saveza u svome рro­
glasu odredilo је svoj odnos prema jugoslavenskoj misli.
"Oslobodi1acka i ujedinjavajuca revolucija jugoslavenskog naro-
da, zavrsena 1918., dala је kao jednu od glavnih sinteza jugoslaven-
sku narodnu misao, misao slobode, jedinstva, samostalnosti, odrza-
nja i napretka jugoslavenskog naroda, u [о ]bliku jedne i jedinstvene
drzave. Iz jugoslavenske narodne misli ponikla је jugoslavenska so-
kolska misao ujedinjenja i jedinstva bivsih plemenskih sokolstava u
jedno jugoslavensko sokolstvo, u jedinstvenu sokolsku organizaciju,
sa potpunim razresenjem svih pokrajinskih, plemenskih, vjerskih i
staleskih razlika, u cilju krepljenja i jacanja i mnozenja fizicke, intele-
ktualne i moralne snage cijeloga jugoslavenskoga naroda za zivotnu
borbu ... U borbi za ideju jedinstva jugoslavenskog sokolstva, u radu,
muci i krajnjem naprezanju da оуа ideja bude rea1izirana, ukorjenje-
па i postavljena u temelj svega jugoslavenskog sokolstva, ima da sa
potpunim angaziranjem svih sposobnosti i sila sudjeluje cjelokupno
jugoslavensko sokolstvo ... U radu za ideju jugoslavenstva svi ste је­
dnako veliki, jednako potrebni i jednako vrijedni ... "8
Osnovna Tyrseva ideja bratstva i samodiscipline koja је imala prozeti
i jugoslavensko sokolstvo u iskrenim i istinitim preporodnim pregnuCima
za jugoslavensku misao postajala је protivnik svim ekskluzivizmima i se-
paratizmima, ра dosljedno i onima hrvatskih klerikalaca. Znatnom dije-
lu sokolskih prvaka, osobito u prvim pocecima razvoja ne moze se nikako
poreCi iskrenost i zalaganje za pravu sokolsku misao koja је imala da sluzj
iskljuCivo narodnim interesima. Medutim, treba naglasiti da su u pojedinim
stranama izvjesni po1iticari sa pretjeranim neprijateljskim stavom naskodili
jednako sokolskoj kao i jugoslavenskoj ideji. Narocito od trenutka kad su

7 Laza Popovic, Katolicki episkopat Jugoslavije protiv Sokola. "Jugoslavenska оЬпоуа njiva" 1920., br.
32, 495-496.
8 "Sokolski glasnik" 1920., 145-146.

Viktor Novak

former ethnic Sokol societies into опе Sokol organization and thus
overcome аН regional, ethnic, religious and class differences and help
our people get stronger and improve their physical, intellectual and
moral qualities so as to Ье ready to соре with аН challenges along
that way, including struggle for life ... In the struggle for the unity
of the movement аН Sokols should spare по effort to translate their
ideals into reality and help them take deep roots in the Movement ...
Within the соттоп strive to keep the idea of Yugoslavism alive аН
of уои are equally great, equally useful and equally valuable ... "8
ТЬе idea ofYugoslavism and the principles of the Sokol Movement based
оп brotherhood and self-sacrifice as а prerequisite for national revival and
progress were а serious threat to аН promoters of separatism, particularly
the Croatian clericals and their supporters. Most of the Sokol leaders, par-
ticularly during the initial stage of the Movement, were sincere supporters of
the Sokol ideology that the Movement should exclusively serve the national
interests. However, it should Ье emphasized that the hostile ideas of some
politicians jeopardized the Sokol Movement and the idea of Yugoslavism.
But а similar damage to the Sokol Movement and the idea of Yugoslavism
was done Ьу those who encouraged education of the Sokols in the spirit of
Monarchism and support to the Royal Family, or abused the Sokols in pro-
moting the interests of some political parties, or against some social move-
ments. It is from these positions that most criticism, not always unjustified,
was addressed to the promoters ofthe Sokol Idea which till1918 had played а
positive role in the struggle for Slavic solidarity. ТЬе Catholic Episcopate and
the clericals very smartly took advantage of these differences and transferred
the whole issue to the sphere of education. ТЬеу were not only against secu-
larization of religious education but also against general education promot-
ing national features and features of national cultural heritage, not organized
or approved Ьу the Church. Evidently, ТЬе Sokols who promoted brother-
hood and equality of аН religions had а great епету in the Catholic Church
for whom religious tolerance was equal to religious indifference and as such
а great епету of the Church and religion.
ТЬе conflict of these totally opposing concepts of the progressive and
conservative, the Yugoslav and exclusively Croatian, tolerance and intoler-
апсе, continued in Zagreb and in аН regions populated Ьу Croats and was
gaining impetus with the increasing resistance of the clerical movement to
the idea of Yugoslavism, brotherhood and religious tolerance, from its та-

8 ТНЕ 50KOL HERALD (,,50kolski glasnik"), 1920., рр.145-14б.

Magnum crimen XIV

је stali otvoreno odgajati za dinastiju u svirn rnoguCirn izrazima, а onda i

zloupotrebljavajuCi је u svoje uske partijske ciljeve protiv socijalnih pokre-
ta u zemlji. Odatle osnove sa kojih се se uveliko i sa opravdanjem pobijati
sokolstvo kao cjelina i пјепј predstavnici kao nosioci sokolske ideje koja је
do 1918. izvrsila jednu pozitivnu ulogu u duhu slavenske solidarnosti. То је
vjesto iskoristio i klerikalizam i episkopat onoga trenutka kad se је suprot-
stavio пе samo laiciziranju vjerske nastave nego i unosenju u skole svih опЉ
ротоспЉ sredstava za nacionalni i kulturni odgoj, koja nisu potekla iz same
crkve ili bez odobrenja i suglasnosti sa crkvorn. Sokolstvo, koje је nacelno i
programski tezilo da pobratimi i drustveno pornogne izjednaCivanjе vjerama
podvojenog naroda rnoralo је паБ svoga protivnika u crkvi, koja је vjersku
toleranciju izjednaCivala sa indiferentizrnom, time za пји opasnim protivni-
kom crkve i religije.
U duhu ovih suprotnih shvacanja, naprednog i konzervativnog, jugo-
slavenskog i sarnohrvatskog, snosljivosti i nesnosljivosti, vjerske i narodne,
odvijati се se daljna borba u Zagrebu kao i u unutrasnjosti, u pokrajinama
u kojima stanuju Hrvati. 5to se јасе razvijala i organizirala klerikalna misao
otpora protiv jugoslavenstva kao nosioca bratstva i vjerske snosljivosti uto-
liko је bila izrazitija suprotnost klerikalnih stremljenja, manifestiranih i u
Orlovstvu а tako i u vodstvu klerikalnog pokreta, narocito pako organizirano
od vremena organiziranja KatoliCke Akcije.
Provalija tih shvacanja izbila је prilikorn svesokolskog sleta u Pragu
1926., kad se prirnjetila akcija zarnjenika papinskog nuncija, дја је intriga
dovela do apstiniranja poljskog sokolstva па sletu. Krajem novernbra 1926.
saopCio је Poljski sokolski savez dokurnente iz kojih se ogleda pozadina uti-
саја Vatikana, koji је zbog nuncijeve afere Ыо naroCito nenaklonjen prema
cehoslovackoj vladi, а posebno prema пјепот ministru vanjskih poslova dr.
Eduardu Benesu. Poljsko sokolstvo је najprije odluCilo da се u velikom broju
ucestvovati па praskom sokolskorn sletu. 1 upravo kad su priprave bile u пај­
vecem jeku, zarnjenik papinskog nuncija Msgr. Arata obavijestio је Poljake da
се sokolske svecanosti u Pragu irnati protukatolicki znacaj ра stoga zahtijeva
da poljski sokoli пе ucestvuju па sletu. Papinski nuncij u Varsavi i varsav-
ski nadbiskup kardinal Kakowski иСјпШ su svoje kod starjesinstva poljskih
sokola. Pritisak poljskih crkvenih dostojanstvenika i papinskog nuncija Ыо
је toliki da је poljsko starjesinstvo па kraju odkazalo posjetu Pragu. 1z оЬја­
vljene dokurnentacije vidi se da su nuncij i nadbiskup apodikticki tvrdili da
се se manifestacije u Pragu pretvoriti u antipapinske dernonstracije. Papinski
nuncij u Varsavi doslovno је napisao ovo: "Apostolska stolica Ы rnorala sva-
ko ucestvovanje u Pragu srnatrati za tesku uvredu katolicke crkve i Svetog
Viktor Novak

jor strongholds: the ORLOV1 (Eagles) and CATHOL1C ACТION Movement

(Katolicka akcija).
'Ље chasm between these two concepts surfaced at the ALL SOKOL
RALLY in Prague, in 1926, where due to Deputy Nuncio's intrigues the Polish
Sokols decided to abstain from participation. 1n November 1926 the Polish
Sokols submitted the documents revealing the clandestine influence of the
Vatican, hostile to the Government of Czechoslovakia, and particularly its
Foreign Minister Dr. Edward Benesh, because of some problems with the
Nuncio. At first the Polish Sokols were ready to massively participate in the
Rally, but when applications were to Ье submitted Deputy Nuncio Msgr, Arata
warned the Poles of the secret intention of the organizer to turn the Rally in
Prague into а demonstration of anti-Catholicism. Actually, the Nuncio in
Warsaw, Cardinal Kakowski Archbishop of Warsaw and Polish high clergy
exercised а strong pressure оп the Polish Sokols not to participate and they
obeyed. 'Ље documents also reveal that the Archbishop, оп the ground of
his allegedly incontestable proofs, claimed that the Prague Rally was соп­
ceived as а protest against the Роре. 1n this connection the Nuncio said: "The
Holy See would regard participation in Prague as а gross offense against the
Catholic Church and the Holy Father." This is how the Vatican managed to
break ир the Slavic unity in connection with that particular event. Оп the
other hand, during the Rally not а single negative gesture against the Church
was noticed. 9
Evidently that this smartly orchestrated campaign involving опе Deputy
Nuncio (Msgr Arata) and опе Nuncio was undertaken оп the instructions of
the Vatican. Actually, it was а well pondered and planned coincidence of in-
terests of the Vatican, оп the опе hand, and fascism constantly attacking the
Sokols, оп the other. Thousands of South Slavs who participated in the event
took back home with them а bitter feeling, having realized that аН of them
living along the banks of the rivers: Vltava, Warta and Socha have the same
епету. 1t is with this awareness in mind that they started developing their
national strategies which were not in Нпе with the interests of the Vatican
and fascism. 'Ље Sokol Movement very well understood the reasons for the
hostility of the Roman Curia against them and the implications of the hostil-
ity which had nothing to do with religion. 'Ље Roman Curia simply could
not accept brotherhood between the Poles-devoted Catholics and the liberal,
progressive sons of the people of Јап Huss, Јап Ziska, Prokop and Јап Amos

Poles brought uр interesting details of the policy conducted Ьу high clergy behind the scene.
(Vatikanske spletke protiv svesokolskog sleta и Pragu ... ), WORD ("ЮЈЕС"), 1926 по. 277.

Magnum crimen XIV

Оса раре". Tako је Vatikan uspio i, u jednom trenutku, razbio је slavensku

slogu. Poslije odrzanoga sleta moglo se konstatirati da se nije desila ni jedna
protucrkvena manifestacija. 9
Nema sumnje da su se pri оуој aferi, koju su tako vjesto izveli jedan
zamjenik papinskog nuncija (Msgr. Arata) i jedan nuncij (Msgr. Lavra), оа­
gledno пе bez instrukcija Vatikana i па vlastitu odgovornost, nego smisljeno
i planski, stekli interesi Vatikana i fasizma koji је stalno napadao sokolstvo.
Hiljade Jugoslavena koji su ucestvovali па tome sletu, ponijeli su u domovinu
jedno поуо saznanje о neprijatelju Slavenstva, koji је jedan isti, па Vltavi,
Visli kao i па SoCi. Svakako, оуа saznanja nisu mogla ostati bez svojih ипи­
trasnjih uvjerenja па kojima se izgradivala jedna nacionalna orijentacija koja
nije mogla da bude draga ni Vatikanu kao ni fasizmu. Sokolstvo је shvatilo
znacenje ovog neprijateljskog stava пе pobrkavsi talijansku politiku Rimske
Kurije sa vjerom. Rimskoj Kuriji nije moglo biti svejedno da se Poljaci, toli-
ko vjerni i odani, bratime sa naprednim sinovima naroda Јапа Husa, Ziske,
Prokopa i Јапа Amosa Komenskoga, tog "uCitelja naroda", "Galileja odgoja",
Ciji se narod rado naziva i ponosno istice da је narod Komenskoga. 1 kasnije
kao sto se vidjelo u slucaju prvog antisokolskog stava episkopata, uz ucesce
beogradskog nuncija Cherubinija, javljat се se slicnosti, koje се jasno govoriti
da је slavensko snazenje u duhu naprednog i slobodarskog sokolstva jednako
nemilo Vatikanu kao i njegovom oCiglednom savezniku fasizmu.
Sarajevski nadbiskup Saric kao i njegova najbliza okolina zalili su se па
Hrvatski Sokol sto nije prisao Orlovstvu kad ga i onako spajaju zajednicki
ekskluzivisticki nacionalni pogledi i jednaki separatisticki osjecaji. Povod za
jednu vrlo karakteristicnu diskusiju izmedu sarajevskih klerikalaca i pred-
stavnika Hrvatskog Sokola u Zagrebu dao је starjesina Sokola Aleksandar
Freudenreich, па svome predavanju odrzanom u Sarajevu о sokolstvu. Na
uzas sarajevskih klerikalaca Freudenreich је rekao da је "sve jedno da li tko
nosi fes, ili se kriza, ili se krsti, da li se klanja ili se moli jer vjera је eticki то­
tiv koji је nastao u srcu covjeka, ра zato mi postujemo svaCiju vjeru". Saricev
"Katolicki tjednik" уеота је ostro reagirao па ovakve misli (15. V 1927.).
"Katolicki roditelji, opominje klerikalni polemicar, zamislite se u to: ako ује­
rujete, da је crkva katolicka jedina luka ујеспе i vremenite srece, onda znajte
da vasoj djeci пета mjesta u drustvu, gdje se sire nauke oprecne Kristovom
evandelju!" Prema tome tolerancija za koju se zalagao оуај sokol bila је ро­
vod da se odgovori najzucnijim ogorcenjem. U polemici koja se produZila

9 Vatikanske spletke protiv svesokolskog sleta и Pragu. Zanimljiva poljska otkrica iza kulise visoke
klerikalne politike. "Rijec" 1926., br. 277.

Viktor Novak

Komensky, "the national teacher", "а Galileo ofeducation" who were proud to
Ье called the people ofKomensky. ТЬе first anti-Sokol Epistle ofthe Catholic
Episcopate in Yugoslavia and later оп the attitude of the Nuncio in Belgrade,
Cherubini, reveal а similar approach, which proves that the strengthening of
the Slavic idea and its dissemination through the progressive and freedom
loving Sokol Movement was equally unacceptable to both the Vatican and its
obvious ally-fascism.
ТЬе Archbishop ofSarayevo, Sharitch and his close associates reproached
the Croatian Sokols for not joining the Eagle Movement (Orlovi) since they
share the same feelings of national exclusiveness and separatism. Aleksandar
Freudenreich, опе of the Sokolleaders, delivered јп Sarayevo а lecture оп the
Sokol Movement, which ignited а very interesting discussion between the
Sarayevo clericals and the representatives of the Croatian Sokol. ТЬе Sarayevo
clericals and their supporters were appalled to hear from Freudereich that:
"it is absolutely irrelevant whether опе wears а fez оп his head, or а cross,
whether while praying опе crosses himself or keeps bowing because reli-
gion motivated Ьу ethics is а matter ofheart. We respect everyone's religion."
Sharitch's KATOLICKI TJEDNIK (Catholic weekly) of Мау 15, 1927 vehe-
mently reacted to this statement warning the Catholic parents to take this
idea seriously. "If уои ЬеНеуе that the Catholic Church is the only stronghold
of everlasting celestial and earthly happiness then уои must know that the
movement disseminating the ideas contrary to the Gospel is not the right
place for уош children." Evidently, the idea of tolerance the Sokols were dis-
seminating was rejected with bitterness. ТЬе polemics that followed was а
good opportunity for Freudenreich to give а long lecture оп tolerance and
brotherly love in the spirit of the Jesus:
"Love уош next ... " and emphasize that the Sokols simply cannot trans-
form love for the next into hatred of а brother of different religion which is
neither his merit, nor his guilt.
It should, however, Ье emphasized that аН Catholic Bishops did not share
the views of Archbishops Sharinitch and Bauer оп the Sokols. It is interest-
ing to note that in his letter of July 30, 1928 to the Sokol Society in Vinkovci
Вishop Akshamovitch (Aksamovic) thanks them for the Memorial Book and
at the end says: "Greetings Sokols! (Zdravo Sokoli) God bless уои аН and help
уои get stronger and stronger!"lO


SLAVIA" (Organizacija Sayeza sokola Кгаlјеујпе JugoslaYije), LjubIjana, 1930., 7, 18.

Magnum crimen XIV

sok01ski starjesina iz Zagreba odrzao је Citavu 1ekciju о t01eranciji i bratskoj

1jubavi u duhu Kristovih misli ,,1јиЫто bliznjega svoga". Sok01 пе moze da
1јиЬау prema bliznjemu pretvori u mrznju па brata svoga samo zato jer је bez
ikakve zasluge ili krivice druge vjeroispovijesti.
Medutim svi biskupi nisu jednako gledali па sok01stvo kao sto su to uCinili
svojim raznim postupcima nadbiskup Saric i nadbiskup Bauer. Zanimljivo је
da је biskup AksamoviC 30. jula 1928. zahvalio pismom Sok01skom drustvu
u Vinkovcima па paznji sto ти је poslalo spomenicu svoga drustva ра је па
kraju zavrsio: "Zdravo sokoli! Bog vas јасао i blagoslovio!"lO
Kad је doslo do drzavnih promjena 6. januara 1929. i zavedena diktatura,
onda је ukinuto Orlovstvo kao i Jugoslavenski, Hrvatski sokol i Jugos1avenski
sok01ski savez, а osnovan od strane v1ade Savez sokola Kraljevine Jugoslavije
(5. ХII 1929.). Sada је velik dio starih sokola napustio оуи ustanovu, smatra-
јиСј da оуо поуо sokolstvo znaCi pre10m sa starim, а опј koji su i u пјети za-
ostali imali su cesto da odgovaraju па opravdane prigovore da је Sok01 postao
ustanova koja indirektno pomaze diktatorski rezim, i da daje kompromitira-
nim idejama mora1ni legitimitet. Nema sumnje, da је i pored sve dobre volje
znatnoga dijela vodstva novog Saveza sokola Kraljevine Jugos1avije kome su
па се1и ЫН Engelbert Gangl i Oton Gavran6c, i koji su htjeli produziti staru
sok01sku tradiciju mimo svih tendencija vlade i sestojanuarske klike i partij-
skih satelita, nailazili kod pristalica sestojanuarskog rezima па mnoge sme-
tnje koje su u mnogim slucajevima kompromitira1e sokolsku ideju. Као sto је
jugos1avenska misao naturenom, podrzavljenom i eksploatiranom diktator-
skom jugoslavenskom misli bila unizena i kompromitirana, tako је i sokolska
misao pretrpjela velike moralne i naciona1ne stete. Medutim, klerikalci stari
neprijatelji Sok01stva produbli su svoj otpor prema ovakvom sok01stvu. 1 to
iz istih osnovnih razloga kakvih su ih vodili i ranije, jer su Tyrseva пасе-
1а osta1a i dalje u орСјт odredbama statuta Sokola Kraljevine Jugoslavije.
Naime С1. 11. орсЉ odredaba SKJ-e kaze da se u sok01skim drustvima "ро
Tyrsevom sok01skom sistemu izvodi tjelesno, mora1no i nacionalno odgaja-
ПЈе ро uputama i pravilnicima koje izraduje Uprava saveza, odnosno uprave
sokolskih iupa". U svome manifestu od 28. 1 1930. Savez Sokola Kraljevine
Jugoslavije (SKJ) podvukao је osnovne ideje vodilje kojima се se rukovo-
diti reorganizirano sok01stvo. Jugoslavenstvo, slavenska solidarnost, napre-
dan i tolerantan duh, prema svima djelovima naroda bez obzira па vjeru,
kao i osnovne misli osnivaca Tyrsa i Fugnera bile su i поуот starjesinstvu
pred оЬта. Dakako i ovako reorganiziran Sokol, zapeo је za 06 пе samo

10 Organizacija Saveza sokola Кгаlјеујпе Jugoslavije. Ljubljana 1930., 7, 18.

Viktor Novak

As а result of the political changes of January 6, 1929, and the estab-

lishment of dictatorship the EAGLES, the YUGOSLAV and CROAТIAN
SOKOLS and the YUGOSLAV SOKOL ALLIANCE were аН abolished and
оп December 5,1929, the Government founded the SOKOL ALLIANCE ОР
ТНЕ KINGDOM ОР YUGOSLAVIA. А great number of "old" Sokols left the
organization believing that the new Sokol Аlliапсе had nothing to do with
the perennial опе. Оп the other hand, the old members who adhered to the
new Sokols were often and rightly criticized for supporting the organization
indirectly serving the dictatorial regime, thus granting legitimacy to соm­
promised ideas. Мапу leaders of the new Sokol Аlliапсе of the Кingdom of
Yugoslavia headed Ьу Engelbert Gangle and Otton Gavranchitch who were
using their best effort to keep аНуе the ancient tradition of the Movement,
had serious problems because the Government, the supporters of dictator-
ship and various political feHow travelers tended to compromise the perenni-
al ideas of the Sokol Movement. ТЬе same applies to the idea ofYugoslavism,
compromised to the point of humiliation Ьу the state imposed Yugoslavism.
ТЬе clericals, traditional enemies of the Sokols, continued their old hostilities
against the new Sokol, for the same reason. Namely, the Statute of the Sokol
Аlliапсе of the Кingdom of Yugoslavia, Article 11 of the General Provisions
reiterates the idea of Tyrsh that: "ТЬе Sokol societies organize physical, mor-
al and national education as envisaged Ьу the Rules and Regulations issued
Ьу the Main Board and the Boards of the local societies caHed ZUPА." Јп
its MANIFESTO of January 28, 1930 the Sokol Аlliапсе of the Kingdom of
Yugoslavia speHs out the major objectives of the reorganized Sokol, which
are: Yugoslavism, Slavic solidarity, the spirit of progress and tolerance for аН
nations and ethnic groups, irrespective of their religion, and respect of аН
principles laid down Ьу the founders of the Movement: Tyrsh and FUgner.
These ideas were still alive in the minds of the new Sokolleaders. ТЬе cler-
ics and their supporters in Croatia and other Slavic countries did not like
this new, reorganized Sokol either. Nor did the Italian clerics, their support-
ers and Italian fascists in whose eyes the Sokol Аlliапсе of the Кingdom of
Yugoslavia was а military organization with the primary task to neutralize
their appetite for some Yugoslav lands.
ТЬе book PUTEVI I CILJEVI (Ways and Objectives) adopted Ьу the
General Assembly of the Sokol Аlliапсе of the Кingdom Of Yugoslavia of
March 29, 1931, is devoted to the ideology of the old (perennial) Sokol
Movement and its approach to the concept of relations оп the nationallevel,
оп the level of the state and оп the level of the Slavic community. Already
at that time the clericals accused the Sokols of promoting religious indiffer-
Magnum crimen XIV

hrvatskim i slovenskim klerikalcima, nego i talij anskim, а tako i fasistima u

Italiji, koji su u Sokolstvu, уес ranije, а pogotovo od ројауе SKJ vidjeli u tome
jednu vojnicku organizaciju - uperenu prvenstveno protiv njihovog apeti-
ta s obzirom па Jugoslaviju. Cjelokupna ideologija Saveza sokola Kraljevine
Jugoslavije razradena је u knjizi "Putevi i ciljevi" koje је primila glavna skup-
stina SKJ 29. ЈП 1931. "Putevi i сЩеуј" jesu u prvom redu rezultati shvacanja
stare sokolske ideje i pogleda па sva pitanja, javnog, nacionalnog, drzavnog
i ор се slavenskog zivota. Jer se уес tada prigovaralo od strane klerikalaca da
Sokol zastupa ideju vjerskog indiferentizma, u "Putevima i ciljevima" dodir-
nuto је i оуо pitanje. "Sokolstvo priznaje slobodu uvjerenja i misli svakog
pojedinca. Sokolstvo postuje svako vjersko uvjerenje i osjecanje, jer smatra
da је vjera najintimniji dio unutrasnjeg dusevnog zivota. Sokolstvo usvaja
nacelo vjerske snosljivosti".ll
U zasebnoj glavi "Sokolstvo i vjera" оуај је stav jos preciznije odreden.
"Sokolstvo kao ideja slobode priznaje i slobodu uvjerenja i misli
svakog pojedinca. Od svog Clanstva zahtjeva, da postuje svako otvo-
reno i iskreno uvjerenje i misljenje drugih i pri tome da сиуа Cistocu
sokolske ideologije. Sokolstvo naroCito postuje i svako vjersko иује­
renje i osjecanje, jer SЉ1<:lЈrа da је vjera najsvetiji dio unutrasnjeg zi-
vota svakog pojedinca. Svaki pripadnik sokolske organizacije moze
slobodno da izvrsava svoje zapovjesti i propise svoje vjere i crkve."
Ра opet пј ovim nikako nisu bi1i zadovoljni klerikalci, ni episkopat.
Pogotovo kada је Sokolstvo i sada bilo jos povezanije nego ranije sa skolom,
osnovnom i srednjom. Jer cjelokupni tjelesni odgoj u srednjim i strucnim
skolama imao se provoditi ро sokolskom sistemu.
Orlovstvo i klerikalizam osjetili su da је zakonom о osnivanju Sokola
Kraljevine Jugoslav~e i njegovom funkcijom u osnovnoj i srednjoj skoli
uveliko pogoden dalekosezni plan о пјЉоуоm klerikalno-separatistickom
djelovanju. Као sto је Zakon о SKJ primljen sa velikim negodovanjem od
jugoslavenskih klerikalaca i episkopata оп је podvrgnut kritici u talijanskoj
fasistickoj stampi kao i u опој sluZbenoj i polusluZbenoj u Vatikanu. Nema
sumnje da је Vatikan bio izvjesten od pojedinih biskupa i nadbiskupa о zna-
сепји tog novog zakona, а zacijelo sa komentarima, koji su se podudarali sa
politicko-separatistickom orijentacijom crkvenog velikodostojnika. Ра i sam
пипсјј уес ро svojoj funkciji bio је u tom pogledu u prvom planu. Kako се
se vidjeti da је уес ranije ulagao protestne note radi sokolskog zakona kao
i uvodenja fizickog odgoja u skoli. Ako su se 1925. pojedini jugoslavenski

11 Putevi i сјlјеуј, 21.

Viktor Novak

ence. This book (Ways and Objectives) devotes due attention to the Sokol's
approach to religion. "ТЬе idea of the Sokol Movement is [иН respect for аН
religious beliefs and feelings as the most intimate aspects of spirituallife of
each individual and [иН support to the principle of religious tolerance." 11
ТЬе book deals in details with the topic of religion in а separate chapter
"ТЬе Sokol ideology implies the right of the individual to free-
dom of thought and belief. Its members are expected to respect аН
other different, openly professed and sincere beliefs and convictions
Ьу, at the same time, safeguarding the purity of the Sokol ideology.
ТЬе Sokols [иНу respect аН religious beliefs and feelings as the lofti-
est aspects of the intimate life of each individual. Each member of
the Sokol is free to honor the principles of his religion and church
and behave accordingly."
ТЬе clericals and the Episcopate did not like this approach, particularly
now when the Sokol Movement got more closely linked to the elementary
and secondary school education. Actually, the entire concept of physical ed-
ucation at school was developed according to the Sokol system.
ТЬе clericals and the supporters ofORLOVI (Eagles) realized soon enough
that the establishment of the SOKOL ALLIANCE OF ТНЕ KINGDOM OF
YUGOSLAVIA and its role in the elementary and secondary school educa-
tion wi1l seriously impede their separatist activities. ТЬе Law оп the Sokols
of the Кingdom of Yugoslavia was vehemently criticized not only Ьу the
Yugoslav clericals, their supporters and the Yugoslav Episcopate, but also
Ьу the Italian fascist press and the official and semi -official Vatican press.
Evident1y, Боте bishops and archbishops were involved in the campaign
with the task not only to keep the Vatican informed about the imp1ications
of the new law, but also send their political comments with special emphasis
оп the prospects of separatism in view of that law. Ву the very nature of his
position the Nuncio was prominently active in this campaign. Не is known
for lodging protests against the Law оп the Role of the Sokols in Physical
Education. In the talks with the Yugoslav delegation in Rome negotiating the
CONCORDAT Cardinal Gasparri said that already in 1925 Боте Catho1ic
bishops in Yugoslavia were hostile to the state of Yugoslavia (at that time
called the Кingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) and in Rome conduct-
ed а campaign against it. 12 In the light of that fact it is not difficult to assume

11 WAYS AND OBJECТIVES (Putevi i сiljеуј), р. 21.

12 See Chapter Х.

Magnum crimen XIV

/ XIV.
..~- 'Ргуо Sokol.ko drustvo osnоуапо је u Pragu 1862. Bilo ј: to ulшо роо[;је
sloma Bacllovog 3fJsolutizma i politUke odnarodav","ja, k.ju је austrij"ki .istem 8'а
planom izvodio nad nenjemaikim паrodп"ыtunа H~ ..г!;'""a carstva. Osmvaei
ideolozi ОУе nOVC narodne ustanove Ьilј 8U Јiпdгiсh Fugller i dr. Miroslav Туг" Оуо
dt-uItvо, kao i druga, koja su Бе р" njegovu шиu _ш\а оолi'Vаti ро Ce!koj,
postala з ... sastavnim d'jclom OPCeg narodnog preporoda. Сјlј је dru'lvu Ьio рod;...
,апје !Шсionаlпе 8videsti, орЈеlllcnјјуапј •. duicvne i fizicke roage lclkog naroda.
рtИет f.jzi&og i пюгаl,юg ищоја. Sokolfka dcviza: ]аСајmо вс! ~ је ле вато
za (ј'је/о; ·nego је obunvatila i d,ub, mогal, svijest, Јјооау ka domovini, ka .lоЬod; i
nezav.isnmti. Zdrav dUih u zdravom tijeJlI јтао је da oceJj~j јоеаЈе koje је probudena
nac;ја '11 ХНС stoljecu, u угјјете sloven.ske renesanse, рооtзујЈа U ргуј рЈап .уојјЬ
Т>I3I'tojanja. Pred plVU desetogod;snjicn postoj"",ja уеЈ: vel>kog bloja dru§tava, ТЈ::n
је 1871. podvukao o.novnu тј.ао zadai:ka Sokolslva:
»NaS ргУј i орБ zadatak је da 8rnо ргјје oel(o itko drugi pozv311i da
OOuуаmо .уој п..-od u опој svestTanoj !ivahno~ti koja пе da narodima da
izu.mru, u оуој &talnoj i svjezoj ~nazi. u onom tjclosnam, du5evnon'l. i moral-
пom zdravlj.u lюје пе da da .. ројауј ьјјо kakva pr<>past, "ј za.toj, ра пј
uazшlnја.!tvо. na}gori smrtoi zЈоЫп, koji то;;е da se УЈЋј nad оаrodјта.с l

1: S~c"JOkolski s1et 11 Рraяu 1938. Deo~rat1. 1. .

8<J<lrol~0 te vrl" brro pojavil<> >u t!rugim sl",v~m zemljama. Vet. вЊје­
dece gюdiпе 1863. оопјуа Зе ргуо Sоkо~эkо druStvo 11 LjLUbljaoi као jufni Sokol. A",~ltri,j­
.ke vlasti ra>pwtile su 10 drustvo 1867., а ooda se јауlја ЈЮ,юvпо 1868. kao giП1'n.aStiСkо
dn,stvo So:kol u Ljubljani. Ргу; , .Је! sloveD&kj,h sokolskih dru'iava ЬјО је
odr!ah 1888. nit koji BU do,li 'ј ооrnуасј sokol'stva Сез;. U duhu ТУГБеујЬ girnnastjckih
na~еlа razra.d·io jes>:>kolsku јоеј" u Sloveniji dr. Viktor Murnik devedesetih gOOina
pro~log ~toljeca. U Zagrebu је омwvаno рrvo вokolвko dMtV'o 1874; U S,tJij; Је
rеorgшmiran" SD\ro1stVO 1882. U poёet1w хх. stoljebi osmvaju ,е i ргуј sokol!'ki
$аУ"; u Hrvan'koj ; S!oveniji. So,k<>lski. slehw; рота!и ra.zvЈјаЈПје Bvij'eS!1 i вOlidar­
nostj izrnedu juZooslavenskiih ; oo'taliih narodа. Sve80kolski, siletovi pootaН su vidne
rnanifcstacije slav....ike UIlајamIЮSti. 1911. Ыо је <Је! 11 Zagrebu па kome
su se uz HrvMe "а!Јј, Srbi, Bugari, Се,;, Роlјасј i Rusi. Nema 'tlmnje da је
SokolstV'O u slovcnskim ,еmlјата ucini.lo ogromno rnnog() u propasiranJu ideje
,Iavemkc u,"јаmпоsti ј rncd~obnog upoznavanja.
Sasvim је зЬуајlјјуо da је ovakvu uв!аЈЮVU ,ау{)lјо dakovacki bi.lrnp Str_-
шауег оо samog poёetka рокlonј,у!ј Sokol~u р1Ш1I pa!nju i Ijubav, 31; i S'\toju
pomое kad'god је stigao, роzпaуајиб potpuno сЫјеуе ;' oIэriзvе па којјта је
ono poI'ilva1lt. Str08эmауеr је ui.tirnl ртауi.lno shvali.o zadat:ke sves\avenskog, ра tako
i hrvatslrog sokolstva. Sti'_ayer је па вуе strane dijelio ",оје potnоеј, ра ta.ko је
Ьјје uol<raЫo lIј jugoolavenskom. kao ni cclkom sokol:stvu. Kad jiC istanki sokol u
ћlј эtао gтaditi SVDj' d·ош, ргуј dar i ргуј blagoolov posIao је Strossmayl!'l' ва
jednim vanrcd,nim pismom .u k<>me је :""",аБо гоооlјоопј zadata'k hrvai1lkog !i>kOl~
u ugro~enoj Istri.' Zalo је ј sokоЊltvЬ uzvrata.lo 'јооау i po!tovanje [от vеlikопl
рrороvјedniЈш jugoolaven.kog .ј sveslavenвkog bratstva. 1 kao .10 је _а !јуotа Strosв­
.таует bio veli-ki ideal sokol~tva tako mu је о.\ао i kasn.ijc trajno kao zvij ..da pred-
vodnii:a о nj"govim П<lсiоnalпim i тог ..Јпјт stremljen.jima. Роznэ.tо је da је
Stro""rnaует иp<>znао sоkоlэtvо odтаЬ, godinu di>"a posНје njegova oonivznja i ti) u
.атоте Pragu krajem <iktobra 1863., gdje је иpoznао i njegove vode Fugneтa i
Туг.а. Strossmayer је medu ргујт роёазпјт сЈanоујта ldkog .~Kola. О Stross-
rnayerow jubileju 1888. nalaze ое u Dakovu i рredstЗlVniосi slovenskog ј hтvatokog
sokolstva. О drugom jUihileju 1898. u fJakovu је OOr!ao govor '" сав! Stro..",maym
pтed~ta.vnik hrvat.skog sokoIstva dr. L;цаг Саг u kome је i takve /П;.1i ~j~ је ~". "j~!:
тI/IIe,~ jalll\!j ,"је bilo za svэ:\rogа da 1Ii'6biit '..1.':;'·iU. !Н!!:Ј';
' ka '
'", Ч"'':" ._~t_" _____ _ .~,~..F'
___~-,#:1~;.г . '" s "

Naslovna strana izostavijenog poglavija

Тhe Jront page оЈ the omitted chapter

Viktor Novak

the nature of their comments оп the Sokols. Since censorship during the
б-th ofJanuary regime was very strict the bishops smartly decided to use the
authority of the Holy See and its Encyclical devoted to general matters with
special emphasis оп Christian education. Everything in the Encyclical deal-
ing with education refers to Yugoslavia, without mentioning its пате. The
Vatican also reacted promptly. Оп December 31, 1929 Pius ХI announced
his Encyclical оп Christian Education of the young. In the introduction the
Роре explains that it is the nature of education in different countries and the
wish expressed Ьу а number of bishops and their believers to hear his views
оп that subject that he decided to openly аппоипсе them in this Encyclical. 13
Evidently the suggestion сате from Yugoslavia where in November 1929, а
month before the Encyclical, а Law оп the Sokol АШапсе of the Кingdom of
Yugoslavia and а Law оп School Education was enacted. The clericals and
their supporters were profoundly dissatisfied with both of these laws. То the
best of ош knowledge at that time this issue was not raised in апу other
country, except Italy which resulted in а conflict between Mussolini and the
Роре over the role of the CATHOLIC ACТION. Pius ХI admits that accord-
ing to church principle it is the church, the state and the family that share
the responsibility for the education of the young, but emphasizes that church
education has priority with regard to the other two because the spirit of the
church as а supreme and most reliable teacher of religion, should permeate
the complete school education.
,,1Ъе Church is, therefore, entitled to ореп and support schools
and other institutions teaching science and arts and culture, оп аН
levels. The same applies to physical education which should also Ье
under the motherly care of the Church because in view of its па­
ture this education тау Ье developed to the benefit, or detriment, of
Christian education in general ... lЗа Furthermore, it is ап inalienable
right and imperative duty of the Church to monitor in аН public and
private schools and institutions not only the program of religious
education but also аН other aspects of teaching involving religion
and ethics. The use of that right should not Ье interpreted as interfer-
епсе of the Church because it only reflects its motherly care for the
children and their protection against аН kinds of dangerous scien-
tific and moral poisons."14


YOUTH (Enciklika Svetog оса Раре о krscanskom uzgoju mladezi), Zagreb, 1930.
13а Reprinted from the "KATOLICКI LIST", 1930.
14 ТНЕ ENCYCLICAl (Enciklika) 6-7.

Magnum crimen XIV

biskupi vlada1i u Rimu kao neprijatelji drzave, kako је to rekao jugoslaven-

skoj delegaciji za zakljucenje konkordata kardinal Gasparri,12 onda пе treba
mnogo fantazije da se predoCi duh i sadrzina tih po1itiCkih komentara. Kako
је cenzura sestojanuarskog rezima bila уеота stroga, to su se jugoslavenski
biskupi оуај put vjesto zaklonili iza autoriteta Svete Stolice i пјој su prepustili
da u jednoj enciklici od opceg znacenja raspravi pitanje krscanskog odgoja,
ра tako posredno dodirne i оуо jugoslavensko pitanje пе pominjuCi ga da-
kako poimenicno. 1 Vatikan se dao brzo па djelo. Vec па poslednji dan 1929.
objavio је Pio ХI svoju Encikliku о Krscanskom odgoju omladine. Sam рара
kaze u uvodu оуе Enciklike da su ga па пји ponukali savremeno raspravljanje
skolskog i odgojnog pitanja u raznim zemljama kao i zelje mnogih biskupa
i пјЉоуЉ vjernika. 13 1 upravo u оуот priznanju vidimo i inicijativu za tu
Encikliku koja је bez sumnje potekla i iz Jugoslavije, u kojoj se 1929. па тје­
sec dana ranije donio Zakon о SKJ, kao i о skolama, sa kojima su klerikalci ЫН
jednako vrlo nezadovoljni. Koliko пат је poznato u drugim zemljama nije se
u to vrijeme bas о tom problemu diskutiralo, osim sto је u Italiji nastao sukob
izmedu Mussolinija i раре zbog К. А. Prema nacelima crkve i Pije ХI tvrdi da
odgoj pripada crkvi, obitelji i drzavi. Ali u prvom redu, podvlaCi рара, odgoj
pripada crkvi. Posto је crkva vrhovna i najpouzdanija uCiteljica ljudi u vjeri i
uredivanju cudoreda, crkva mora da prozme svu skolsku nastavu.
"Zato опа moze osnivati i uzdrzavati skole i vlastite zavode za
svaku nauku i svaki kulturni stepen. Ni sam takozvani fizicki odgoj
пе smije se smatrati tudim njezinom majCinskom uCiteljstvu i to bas
zato, jer i опа imade narav sredstva, koja moze biti па korist ili stetu
krscanskog odgoja ... lЗа
Nadalje crkva ima neotudivo pravo i duznost koje јој se пе moze
oteti, da nadzire sav odgoj svoje djece, vjernika, Ыl0 u kojoj ustanovi
јаупој ili privatnoj; i to пе samo u pogledu vjerske pouke, koja se оп­
dje podaje, nego i u pogledu svake druge znanosti i odredaba, ukoli-
ko stoje u vezi s vjerom i moralom. Izvrsivanje ovoga prava пе smije
se smatrati kao neko nedopusteno uplitanje, nego kao dragocjena
materinska briga crkve, da zastiti svoju djecu od teskih opasnosti
svakog naucnog i moralnog otrova. "14
"Ipak је jasno, da u svim ovim naCinima promicanja odgoja te
javnog i privatnog роисауапја, drzava mora postivati prirodena pra-

12 Vidi naprijed poglavlje Х.

13 Enciklika Svetog Оса раре Рја XI. о kгsсапskош uzgoju шlаdеZi. Zagreb 1930.
13а Ргеstашрапо iz "Katolii'kog lista" 1930.
14 Enciklika, 6-7.

Viktor Novak

"This means that in аН public and private schools and institu-

tions of learning the state has to respect the natural rights of the
Church and parents and secure Christian education [ог their chil-
dren. ТЬе State should guarantee that right to the Church according
to the principles of proportionate distribution, so as to avoid any as-
pect of possible state monopoly. Moreover, it is inadmissible, against
the spirit of Christianity and the principle of equality to exercise any
physical ог moral pressure оп the parents to send their children to
public schools. This, however, does not mean that the state should Ье
excluded [гот the process. Оп the contrary. ТЬе State is responsible
[ог the administration, management of риblјс affairs, defense of the
country and internal and external реасе, in the interest of риblјс
good. In that aim the State should ореп professional schools provid-
ing special, including military education, indispensable [ог secur-
ing services of special state interest. Only, the State should always Ье
very careful never to infringe оп the rights of the Church and family
in this field of education either.
At this point we feel it ош duty to draw attention to а phenom-
enon of nationalism which is nowadays being spread in its artificial
and exaggerated version and which is, as such, ап enemy of реасе
and progress. This also applies to physical education [ог boys (and
girls too, although it is against their natural features) which include
some elements of military drill. Moreover, such activities are of-
ten organized оп Sundays and Church holidays which should Ье
devoted to church and family Ые. Ош intention is not to criticize
the beneficial effects of this kind of education fostering courage and
discipline; we only want to say that aggressiveness should not Ье а
substitute [ог courage and noble feelings of valor as а basic principle
of аН activities undertaken in the defense of the native country and
its реасе and риЫјс order. ТЬе only thing we want to criticize is the
exaggerated importance attached to athletics which already in the
ега of paganism brought about degeneration and disintegration."15
"We would like to reiterate and endorse their statements (those
of Pius IX and Leo XIII) and гесаН the Canonical Rules according to
which Catholic youth is prohibited to attend non-Catholic, neutral
or mixed schools, namely the schools equally accessible to Catholics
and non-Catholics. ТЬе Ordinarium is the only entitled to allow ех­
ceptions to the Rule, in special circumstances and upon serious de-

15 Idem, 13-14

Magnuт стјтеп XIV

уа Crkve i obitelji па krscanski odgoj; а k tomu је duzna izvrsiva-

ti distributivnu pravednost. Zato је nepravedan i nedopusten svaki
uzgojni ili skolski monopol, koji Ы fizicki ili moralno silio obitelji па
polazak drzavnih 5kola protiv obveza krscanskih savjesti ili protiv
opravdanog davanja prednosti drugima. То dakako пе iskljucuje, da
si drzava zbog valjane uprave јаупЉ poslova i zbog unutarnje i уапј­
ske obrane mira - stvari - koje su tako nuzne za орсе dobro i koje
traze posebnu sposobnost i posebnu spremu - pridrzi osnivanje i
upravljanje strucnih skola za nekoje svoje sluZbe, napose za vojni-
Cku, samo da imade brigu, da se пе povrijede prava crkve i obitelji u
опоте, 5to spada па пјЉ. Nije beskorisno ovdje napose ponoviti ovu
оротепи. U па5а se naime vremena (kad se 5iri neki naciona1izam,
ko1iko pretjerani i lazni, jednako toliko neprijatelj mira i napretka),
оЫсауаји prekoraCiti pravedne granice u tome, 5to se па vojnicku
ureduje takozvani fizicki odgoj djecaka (а kadikad takoder i djevoj-
cica, premda је to protiv same naravi ljudskih stvari), koji k tome
cesto puta па dan Gospodnji preko mjere zadire u опо vrijeme, koje
mora biti posveceno vjerskim duznostima i sveti5tu obiteljskoga ь­
vota. Uostalom песето Мј da pokudimo опо, 5to u tim metoda-
та moze biti dobra u duhu discipline i prave srcanosti, nego samo
kudimo svaki eksces, kakav је па primjer duh silovitosti koji se пе
smije zamijeniti s duhom hrabrosti ni s plemenitim osjecajem уој­
nicke vrline u obrani domovine i javnog poretka; а i опо uzve1icanje
atletizma, koji је za pravi fiziCki odgoj уес u klasicno pogansko doba
znaCio degeneraciju i rasulo."15
"Мј obnavljamo i potvrdujemo пјЉоуе izjave (tj. рара Рјја IX. i
Lava XIII), а ujedno i propise svetih kanona ро kojima је kato1ickoj
mladezi zabranjeno pohadanje akatolickih, neutralnih ili mjesovi-
tih skola, tj. опЉ koje su jednako bez razlike otvorene katolicima
i nekatolicima ... То se pohadanje moze trpjeti i to jedino ро sudu
Ordinarija i u odredenim prilikama vremena i mjesta i pod osobitim
oprezima. Ne moze se za katolike dopustiti ni опа mjesovita skola ...
u kojoj mladez dobiva doduse napose vjersku obuku, ali ostalu оЬи­
ku prima оnа od uCiteija nekatolika i u zajednici sa svim nekatolickim
pitomcima ... Potrebno је da svu nastavu i sav uredaj 5kole: uCitelje,
nastavne osnove i knjige i to u svim predmetima prozima krscanski
duh pod upravljanjem i materinskim nadzorom crkve tako da vjera
bude uistinu temelj i kruna cijele obuke u svim stepenima, пе samo

15 Enciklika, 13-14.

Viktor Novak

liberations оп the case. The Catholics are also prohibited to attend

mixed schools -namely the schools which provide separate religious
education [ог Catholics, but where аН other subjects are taught Ьу
поп -Catholic teachers and where they attend class with non-Catholic
pupils ... ,. The curriculum, the whole teaching process, the teachers,
the books and аН teaching aids should Ье permeated with the spir-
it of Christianity and under the auspices and motherly care of the
Catholic Church. This means that religion should Ье the foundation
and tЬe crOWl1 of the whole teaching process not only јп elementary
schools, but also јп the secondary and high level education. We сап­
not accept the explanation that this approach to education is too ех­
pensive јп а multi-confessional country because neutral and mixed
schools also cost .... Iп the regions with а multi-confessional popula-
tion the situation is different. There, the Catholics themselves Бпапсе
Catholic schools tor their children, with the help of the Episcopate,
the clergy and other Catholic donors. Iп spite of being а heavy Б­
nancial burden оп them they accept it voluntarily, out of conscious
commitment to their Church and pious religious feelings ..... Iп case
this right is del1ied to them, or јп апу way jeopardized, the Catholics
will use their very best efforts to defend their schools оп the ground
of the Law оп Educatiol1 guaranteeing them tЬat right." 16
It is evident that јп this Encyclical Pius ХI refers to the circumstances јп
Yugoslavia, both јп the political and јп the field of education, because there is
по other county јп the world with such confessional diversity. But, јп spite of
the presence of other religions too, the Роре requires only Catholic teacher јп
mixed schools. According to Pius ХI јп multi-contessional states CATHOLIC
ACТION (Katolicka akcija) has а special task to fulfil. "Therefore, the
Catholics аН over the world, regardless of their nationality and ethnic origin,
should support Catholic schools for their children. It should Ье emphasized
that this request has nothing to do with politics. It only means commitment
of the Catholics to their t'aith and their conscious choice." 17
It should Ье noted that the Encyclical was not written in Latin- the ипј­
versal language of the Roman Catholic Church, but јп the language of the
fascist Italy. Written јп Italian language this Encyclical denies the universal
nature of the Catholic Church and shows that it is actuaHy Italian and univer-
sal only to the extent it serves the imperialist strivings of the Italian fascists to
[еујуе the Roman Empire. lhe Fascists were very happy with the content and

Јп Idеш,22-26.
17 Idеш, 23-24.

Magnum сгјтеп ХТУ

osnovne nego i srednje vise Skole ... Neka se пе kaze da је u narodu,

koji је podijeljen па vise vjeroispovijesti drzavi nemoguce, da se za
јаупи izobrazbu poskrbi drukCije nego sa neutralnom ili mjesovitom
Skolom ... U drugim krajevima izmijesanih vjeroispovijesti dogada
se protivno (tj. da se pomazu katolicke i konfesionalne skole), dakako
па teski teret katolika, koji pod zaStitom i vodstvom Episkopata i uz
пеитоrnи saradnju svjetovnog i redovnog klera uzdrzavaju sasvim
svojim troskom katolicku skolu za svoju djecu, jer to trazi preteska
obveza пјЉоуе savjesti ... А gdje se i ta osnovna sloboda sprecava ili
па razne паСјпе krnji, katolici песе nikada dosta nastojati, da makar
i pod сјјепи ogromnih zrtava uzdrze i Ьгапе svoje skole i da se Ьгјпи
da se uzakone pravedni skolski zakoni."16
Ko1iko је оујт stavom Enciklike рјо XI zahvatio u jugoslavenske prilike,
skolske i politicke samo је ро sebi jasno јег jedva јта poredenja sa та kojom
zemljom u svijetu gdje postoji ovolika vjerska raznolicnost. Ра opet оп trazi
da u tim mjesovitim skolama uCitelj i profesor budu iskljucivo katolici. рјо
XI је u takvim vjerskim mjesovitim drzavama патјепјо zasebnu duznost i
zadatak К. А. "Zato katolici bilo kojeg naroda па svijetu Ьгјпиа se za katoli-
cku skolu svoje djece - neka bude glasno proglaseno i neka dobro razume i
priznadu svi - пе (јпе stranackog politickog djela nego vjersko djelo, koje јт
neotklonivo nalaze пјЉоуа savjest." 17
ТгеЬа podvuCi da оуа Encik1ika nije izdana па univerzalnom jeziku гјт­
ske crkve, nego па jeziku fasisticke Italije. Tako оуа ргУа talijanska Encik1ika
i svojom vanjskom formom demantira univerzalni karakter crkve, ра је
ustvari prikazuje onakvom kakva опа uistinu jeste, - talijanska, а univerzal-
па utoliko ukoliko sluzi imperijalistickim сЩеујта fasisticke оЬпоуе rimske
јтрегјје. РјО XI obradovao је fasisticke redove i izazvao entuzijazam kakav
se rijetko javlja kod fasista u odnosu ргета Rimskoj Kuriji.
Enciklika је objavljena ubrzo i u Jugoslaviji u pojedinim 1istovima ог­
dinarija, аН i и zasebnoj knjizici јапuага 1930. Tako јој је dat уеоmа sirok
publicitet i опа је odmah zapazena u javnosti kao пеоЫспо jasan politicki
potez Rimske Kurije. Enciklika је dosla i episkopatu kao i klerikalcima kao
рorиСепа. Naime, sada su imali za svoje гапјје antiskolske i antisokolske teze
autoritativnu potvrdu izrecenu ех cathedra. Enciklika је odmah izazvala di-
skusiju. 1 to уеота zucnu па sasvim politickom terenu. Vanjsko-politicka
situacija tada је bila i уеота slozena i vrlo teska. Revizionizam razmahao se

16 Enciklika, 22-26.
17 Enciklika, 23-24.

Viktor Novak

message of the Encyclical and their enthusiasm for the Roman Curia at that
particular moment was almost unprecedented in the history of their mutual
Thе Encyclical was very soon published in Yugoslavia in some papers
of the ORDINARIUM and in JANUARY 1930 as а separate booklet. Thus,
the Encyclical was given wide publicity and very soon attracted great public
attention as а significant and open political move of the Roman Curia. Thе
Episcopate and the clericals welcomed it with great enthusiasm because it
meant support from а high place to their negative attitude towards the exis-
ting school education and the Sokol. Thе Encyclical immediately aroused
animated discussions оп the po1iticallevel. At that time the situation in for-
eign policy was very complex and unfavorable. Revisionism was in fuH swing
in Austria and Hungary and wholeheartedly supported Ьу fascist Italy. Thе
Encyclical оп Education of Youth тау Ье interpreted as part of the same
effort. According to Milanese CORRIERE DELLA SERA the Encyclical
оп Christian education of Youth primarily addresses the circumstances in
Yugoslavia. For evident reasons r.:OSSERVATORE ROMANO of January
16, 1930 rejects the accusation and its connection with fascist ideology and
insists that the Encyclical has in view аН states and reflects the attitude of
the Catholic church to education of youth in general. Оп January 23, 1930
Roman TRIBUNA published ап article Ьу its Budapest correspondent un-
der the title: "Anti-Catholic Aspects of Serbian Struggle against Croats" in
which the author makes biased comments оп the situation in Yugoslavia.
Не even goes so far as to claim that the laws adopted Ьу the 6-th ofJanuary
regime endanger the property of some Croatian religious societies and in-
stitutions. Не also mentions the case of NAPREDAK which decided to
transfer its whole property to the Catholic Archbishopric of Sarayevo. АН
these comments indicate that negotiations оп the CONCORDAT will not
Ье continued. This and some other cases from time to time discussed in the
Austrian, Italian and Hungarian press represent only smart links in the chain
of activities undertaken and campaigns launched Ьу the Vienna clerical
REICHPOST and very keenly taken over Ьу the Italian fascist and the cleri-
cal press. Thе counter-attack was published soon in the article entitled: AN
the article signed CROAT CATHOLIC, evidently оп the ground of relevant
information and data from the Foreign Ministry, discusses а number of de-
velopments in foreign policy aimed against the interests of Yugoslavia and

18 ТЬе author was actually Мјlап Marjanovitch, Director of PRESS BURREAU. Minister Koroshetz
was very disturbed Ьу the article, but remained јп оfПсе.

Маgлum сгimел XIV

svim svojim snagama u Madzarskoj i Austriji kao sto ga је uveliko podupira-

la fasisticka Italija. Nema sumnje da izvjesne podudarnosti daju osvjetljenje i
za pojavu papinske Enciklike о odgoju omladine. Milanski "Corriere de1la
Sera" podvukao је da se Enciklika о krscanskom odgoju odnosi u prvom
redu па jugoslavenske prilike. Mada је ovu fasisticku tezu "L'Osservatore
Romano" 16.1 1930. iz sasvim shvatljivih razloga demantirao izjavivsi, da se
ta Enciklika odnosi па sve drzave bez razlike, jer sadrzi nauku katolicke crkve
о odgoju mladezi. Osim toga rimska "Тribuna" objavila је 23. 1 1930. od svog
pestanskog dopisnika komentare о situaciji u Jugoslaviji sa karakteristicnim
naslovom "Antikato1iCki izgled srpske borbe protiv Hrvata". U Citavom nizu
ocigledno tendencioznih navoda dopisnik saopcuje da su dosla u pitanje
imovina izvjesnih hrvatskih drustava i ustanova vjerskog karaktera pogode-
пе zakonima sestojanuarskog rezima. Tu se navodi slucaj sarajevskog
"Napretka" koji је prenio svoju imovinu па nadbiskupiju 5to daje nasluCivati
da se nikako ne misli па obnovu pregovora za zakljuCivanje konkordata. Ovaj
neosamljen slucaj od Citavog niza koji se pojavljuju cas u austrijskoj, cas u
talijanskoj, cas u madzarskoj 5tampi, samo је jedan vje5to saCinjen lanac akci-
ја i kampanje koju је zapoceo becki klerikalni "Reichpost" а objerucke ju је
prihvatila talijanska, fa5isticka i klerikalna stampa. Ovo sve је podvrgao kri-
tici anonimni pisac Clanka "Umjetno stvaranje katolicke fronte".18 Znalo se
da је pisac dobio podatke od Ministarstva vanjskih poslova. Anonimni autor
"Hrvat kato1ik" obuhvatio је Citav splet vanjsko-politickih zbivanja usmjere-
пЉ protiv interesa Jugoslavije i пјепе konsolidacije. U C1anku је pisac оЬја­
snio prije svega pojacanu nervozu katolickog episkopata u vezi sa zakonom о
skolama i zakonom о SKJ. Stovise i sam nuncij Pellegrineti uputio је protes-
tne note Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova kao i ostalim nadleznim ministrima.
Mjerodavni su tvrdili da su note Ыlе tendenciozne i da nije пј jednom zakonu
bilo pred оСјта da bilo u cemu omalovazi ili suzbije polozaj katolicke nauke i
crkve. То se пајЬоlје vidjel0 sto је ministar prosvjete mogao da izda Pravilnik
u duhu tog istog skolskog zakona i da formulira primjenu toga zakona па
takav паБп da је formulacija mogla potpuno zadovoljiti najvise predstavni-
ke katolickog episkopata u drzavi. Sasvim је bilo prirodno da sestojanuarski
rezim nije htio da namjerno izaziva sukob sa katolickom crkvom, posto је
u vladi Ыо od 6. januara 1929. do 30. septembra 1931. ministar dr. Anton
Korosec. Stovise, dacima је dozvoljeno da se izvan skole udruzuju u kato1i-
ckim dru5tvima. Medutim, klerikalci su bi1i пеоЫспо nezadovoljni zato 5to

18 Sada se znа da је pisac Ыо Milan Marjanovic, tadanji sef Presbiroa. Clanak је uznemirio i ministra
Koroseca, mada је оп i dalje ostao u vladi.

Viktor Novak

its consolidation. Не starts Ьу explaining why the Catholic Episcopate is so

irritated Ьу the Law оп Education and the Law оп the Sokol of the Кingdom
of Yugoslavia. Nuncio Pel1egrineti even lodged а written protest with the
Ministry for Foreign Affairs and other relevant ministries in this regard. But
the relevant ministries rejected these protests as groundless, since, accord-
ing to them, the Law in по way underestimates or jeopardizes the role of
the Catholic Church. Тhe Minister of Education even issued the RULES ОР
CODUCT and INSTRUCТIONS for their implementation. Тhe wording of
these documents absolutely meets the requirements of the Catholic Church
and the Episcopate in Yugoslavia. Naturally, the 6-th of January regime did
not want to enter into conflict with the Catholic Church owing to the fact
that Dr Anton Koroshetz (Korosec) was one of its ministers from January
6, 1929 to September 30, 1931. Catholic pupi1s were free to attend Catholic
institutions outside school. Тhe clericals, particularly irritated Ьу the status
of the new Sokol and its presence in schools, denied to the Eagles (Orlovi),
decided to react. Тhanks to а smart maneuver they dealt а severe blow оп the
Government Ьу converting the Eagle Movement into а religious organization
in disguise, under а пеw name GREAT FRATERNIТY ОР CRUSADERS
(VELIKO KRIZARSKO BRATSTVO). In spite of its Statute of an exclusively
religious organization it was conceived so as to enable the EAGLE to con-
tinue its political engagement. 19 Moreover, the clericals started spreading ru-
mors that, within its efforts to impose the unitarian (centralized) regime, the
State intends to confiscate the property of аН Catholic institutions which do
not foHow its Rules of Behavior. Тhe point was to find а pretext for giving ир
their property to the benefit of the Church. In their negative campaign they
went even so far as to claim that these institutions would have to merge with
other religious or ethnic organizations in view of making them uniform. Тhis
was only one of numerous attempts to justify the transfer of property to the
Catholic Church. Following this example NAPREDAK from Sarayevo hand-
ed over to Archbishop Sharitch (Saric) its several mi1lion worth property. Тhe
Croatian Public Reading Room in Tomislav grad did the same. In his circular
letter fra Mishitch, (Misic) Вishop ofMostar, calls оп аН Croatian institutions
to seek refuge under the auspices of the Catholic church. Тhe aim of these
efforts and activities was to make the most of the already created specific
atmosphere and psychosis in which some bishops would act not only as pro-
tectors and defenders of the dissolved Croatian institutions, but also Ьесоте
the leaders of their members. Тhis approach was adopted in view of creating

19 See ор. cit. Chapter XI.

Magnum crimen XIV

је Sokol та i u izmijenjenom obliku usao u skolu, а Orlovi su ЫН zabranjeni.

Medutim, klerikalci su па drugoj strani iznjeli osobit manevar i zadali dobar
udarac vlastima, kad su Orlovstvo pretvorili u kamufliranu vjersku ustanovu.
Naime, orlovske organizacije pretvorile su se u Veliko krizarsko bratstvo,
koje је prema statutima potpuno vjerska ustanova, аН је tako vjesto organizi-
rana, da u potpunosti zamjenjuje izivljavanje politickih tendencija nekada-
snjih orlova. 19 Iz klerikalnih krugova proturane su vijesti kako drzava prema
novim unifikatornim teznjama namjerava konfiscirati imovinu svim onim
drustvima koja se пе zele uniformirati, а to samo stoga, kako Ы ta drustva
prenijela оуи svoju imovinu па crkvu. Stovise, agitiralo se da се se vjerska i
plemenska drustva morati stopiti sa inovjernim i inoplemenskim, ра се biti
bolje ako ga predadu crkvenim vlastima. Tako је sarajevski "Napredak" pre-
dao veliku milijonsku imovinu nadbiskupu Saricu а tako i hrvatska Citaonica
u Tomislav gradu. Mostarski biskup fra Misic pozvao је okruznicom hrvat-
ska drustva da se sklone pod okrilje katolicke crkve. Sve је to иБпјепо da se
iskoristi jedna psihoza i da pojedini biskupi tako postanu пе samo zastitnici
i branitelji nego i vode Clanstva tih hrvatskih rasturenih drustava. Sve је to
иБпјепо u oCiglednoj namjeri da se stvori jedan naroCiti katolicki front pre-
та svim drugima i prema Citavoj drzavi. Nije bez znacenja da se sva ta akcija
podudara sa stvaranjem Lateranskog pakta, sa izmirenjem Mussolinija i Pia
XI, i sa odlaskom Ante Pavelica u inostranstvo, najprije Бugаrsku ра onda u
Italiju, gdje је naisao па рипи podrsku za svoje rusiteljske сНјеуе protiv
Jugoslavije. Postoje jasni znaci da se ustvari оуа akcija пе vodi iz Hrvatske,
nego izvana i za tudi racun. U Hrvatskoj ta akcija ide za tim da kanalizi-
ra ostatke starog nezadovoljstva kako Ы se povezao plemenski momenat sa
konfesionalnim, da se sugerira masama, ра i inteligenciji da jedini oslonac
Hrvatima moze da bude u пјЉоуој borbi, u jednoj internacionalnoj konfe-
sionalnoj organizaciji. Unatoc tome, sto hrvatsko pitanje nikad nije bilo ро-
. stavljeno kao konfesionalno. То najsugestivnije pokazuju оЬа njegova vode,
оЬа antiklerikalca Ante StarceviC i Stjepan Radic. Sada Ы se svi trebali staviti
pod vodstvo crkve, pod vodstvo kojemu је sjediste Rim. Бесki katolicki i rea-
kcionarni elementi пе podrzavaju bez razloga tezu о srpskim antikatolickim
tendencijama u Jugoslaviji opravdavajuCi time stvaranje katolicke fronte. U
Бесu i Rimu prikazuju se stvari tako kao da Hrvati пе mogu doCi do ravno-
pravnosti u Jugoslaviji, i to пе zato sto su Hrvati, уес stoga sto su katolici. Kad
se иоСј akcija papinskog nuncija u Беоgrаdu, koji па upadan паСјп kritizira
prosvjetnu politiku u Jugoslaviji, prebrojava broj stanovnistva i Cinovnistva u

19 Vidi naprijed poglavlje XI.

Viktor Novak

а Catholic front against аН others and the whole state. Some other interesting
developments along these lines should also Ье mentioned: the signing of the
LATERAN TREAТIES, reconci1iation between Mussolini and Pius Х1 and
the trip of Ante Pavelitch (Pavelic) to Bulgaria and Italy where he obtained
[иН support for his destructive activities against Yugoslavia. According to
evidences these activities were not conducted from Croatia, but from abroad,
to serve foreign interests in the first place. ТЬе ајm of combining the ethnic
with the religious aspect was to bring together аН dissatisfied Croats, not
only Croatian masses, but also Croatian intelligentsia, and persuade them
that the Catholic church as an international religious organization is the only
one сараblе of providing them the support they need for their struggle. It
should, however, Ье recaHed that the Croatian question has never been а
religious issue. ТЬе case in point are two Croatian leaders: Ante Starchevitch
(Ante Starcevic) and Stjepan Raditch (Stjepan RadiC) who both maintained
anti -clericals political views. N ow, the idea was to accept the leadership of the
church and the Ноllу See in Rome. 1n Vienna the Catholics and reactionar-
ies accused Serbia for being anti-Catholic. ActuaHy it was only their pretext
within the effort to establish а Catholic front. 1n Vienna and Rome best en-
deavors were being used to seH the idea that the Croats were denied equality
in Yugoslavia, not as Croats but as Catholics. ТЬе Nuncio in Belgrade vocif-
erously criticized the policy of education in Yugoslavia. Also, he organized
the population census in the Banovinas оп religious grounds and compared
the number of Catholics with their number employed in the regional ad-
ministration head offices (Banovina) in order to determine the percentage of
Catholics in public administration. ТЬе point was to impose some kind of а
"key" in the employment policy оп that level.
1his approach was in 1ine with the plans of Croatian clericals, the
Episcopate, the роНсу of fascist Italy and the Roman Curia. 1n their view this
was the right moment for pressure оп Yugoslavia to sign the СОNСОRDАт.
1n his circular letter the Bishop of Ljubljana, Jeg1ich (Jeglic) vehemently
criticized the new laws and regulations оп education and the status of the
Sokol, calling оп the devoted members of Catholic church to close ranks and
persevere in their resistance. ТЬе author of the article continues Ьу quot-
ing the Encyc1ical in which the clericals са]] оп Catholic parents to send
their children to Catholic schools only, although they are under some kind
of state control. ActuaHy, in spite of their independent administration and
autonomous development аН churches, including the Catholic Church, are
not separated from the state because the state partly budgets their activi-
ties and salaries of clergy. 1t is difficult to be1ieve that the Vatican did not
Magnum crimen XIV

banovinama prema njihovim vjeroispo-

vijestima i паЬасије pitanja о vjerskim
"kljucevima" kod namjestanja (јпоупј­
ka, onda se moze uoCiti povezanost оуе
akcije u vremenu, tendencijama i plano-
ујmа hrvatskih klerikalaca, Episkopata i
politike fasisticke Italije i Rimske Kurije,
koja је smatrala da је situacija u Jugo-
slaviji povoljna da је se stegne i prisili па
konkordat. Ljubljanski biskup Jeglic u
svojim okruznicama уеоmа је ostro па­
рао поуе skolske zakone i odredbe а
tako i Sokole i pozivao је vjernike па
otpor. Sto se tice papine Enciklike, pisac
kaze, da рара poziva katoliCki svijet da
svoju omladinu daje samo u katolicke
skole, iako se zna da su skole podrza-
vljene i da katolicka crkva, kao i ostale
crkve, iako se samostalno upravljaju i
Sokolsko odelo
razvijaju, nisu odvojene od drzave, koja
Тhe Sokol uniform
placa dio njihovih troskova i njihovo
svecenstvo. Ne Ы se moglo pretpostaviti
da za sve to пе zna Vatikan, ра izgleda kao da se паmјеrnо u toj formi poku-
sava harangirati miran katolicki svijet protiv svih dobara, koja пјеmи kao
gradaninu i kao vjerniku pruza Jugoslavija. Тјmе se zeli stvoriti u vanjskom
svijetu uvjerenje kao da u Jugoslaviji postoji vjerska nesnosljivost i da је ugro-
zen katolicizam, а sve sa сНјеm da se sa tom psihozom doista moze stvoriti
jedna fronta, koja се naoko biti vjerska i crkvena, а stvarno ima svoju politi-
cku pozadinu. Treba da se kaze da sve hrvatsko svecenstvo пе ucestvuje u toj
akciji koja је inspirirana izvana i koju nekolicina fanatika vjesto odrzavaju
drzeCi ih budno оуоm psihozom. Oni slusaju vise оуај glas koji dolazi izvana
nego li glas svoje krvi, kako Ы pod svoje okrilje skupilo i pod svoju disciplinu
stavilo cijelo katolicko svecenstvo i sav katolicki svijet u Jugoslaviji. Stovise, u
tim se krugovima пе gleda rado па nastojanje vlade da dode do jednog ро­
vo~nog konkordata s Vatikanom koji Ы za оЬје strane definitivno sredio
odnose. U tim krugovima nikome пе pada па иm da podrzi vladu u пјепоm
zahtjevu, postavljenom 1924. da, kod izbora biskupa, Sveta Stolica moze da
vrsi izbor iz reda onih kandidata koje се јој predloziti zbor biskupa jedne
provincije. Rimska Kurija, naprotiv, stoji па stanovistu da u izboru пе moze

Viktor Novak

know anything about these activities of the church. Evidently, the aim of the
anti-Yugoslav harangue was to antagonize the law abiding Catholics against
Yugoslavia and ignore the benefits and rights they enjoy in it as citizens and
believers. Evidently the intention was to leave the impression with the inter-
national community that there is по religious tolerance in Yugoslavia and
that Catholicism is jeopardized. In such an atmosphere the саН for а front in
defense of the Catholic faith and Catholic Church sounds natural and was
actuaHy planned as а smokescreen for the political aspect of the whole саm­
It should Ье emphasized that аН Croatian Catholic priests did not partic-
ipate in that campaign, inspired from abroad and in the country conducted
Ьу а few fanatics who were very skillfuHy maintaining high tension. They
obediently foHow the instruction Ьу listening to the voice from abroad and
are deaf for the саН of their own flesh and blood, in the effort to bring under
their wing the whole Catholic clergy and аН Catholics in Yugoslavia. These
circle are not prone to the efforts of the Yugoslav government which is using
its best efforts to reach а favorable agreement with the Vatican and solve the
problems jeopardizing their mutual relations. It does not оссш to them to
support the request of the Government from 1924 that when appointing the
bishops the Holy See should select them from the list of candidates proposed
Ьу the Bishops' Council of that particular region. The Roman Curia does
not accept that limitation. The author of the article goes оп Ьу wondering
whether the clerical circles have the slightest feeling for the national aspect.
If they are sincere Croats they should support this request of the Yugoslav
government and thus prevent foreigners, Italians, Arnauts (Albanians),
Hungarians or Germans, to Ье appointed bishops in Dalmatia, Croatia,
Slovenia and Vojvodina. Efforts are being made to uproot from memory the
old request of Croatian priests to use the Glagolitic missal for Catholics оп
the whole territory of Yugoslavia. Why, wonders the author of the article
and answers: "Because it is not in the interest of the political background of
the whole campaign in support of the establishment of а Catholic front in
Yugoslavia. ActuaHy, this is not in line with the old Croatian tradition and
their struggle for national identity. This is an obscure machination which
Bishop Strossmayer would саН FURТIM, which means а specific, psychotic
atmosphere created in view of achieving а given aim. This high tension is
very smartly designed. The intention is to attract numerous former foHowers
of Stjepan Raditch (Radic) who used to insist оп the religious, but NOT оп
the confessional and clerical aspect, and also attract the intelligentsia, always
progressive, in the spirit ofStarchevitch or Strossmayer, and put them аН un-
Magnum crimen XIV

biti ograniCena predlozima biskupa jedne provincije. Ali, pita se pisac, ako
nasi crkveni krugovi imaju doista osjecaja za nacionalni momenat i ako u
njima doista Hrvati treba da nadu oslonac svojim nacionalnim nastojanjima,
zasto oni ne podrze оуо zahtjevanje vlade, ро kome Ы bila sprijecena ора­
snost, da jednoga dana u jugoslavenskim biskupijama па sjeveru i па jugu, а
naroCito па zapadu, u Dalmaciji, u Hrvatskoj, u Sloveniji i u Vojvodini, ne
osvanu biskupi iz reda Talijana, Arnauta, Madzara ili Nijemaca? Zasto su
tako temeljito zabasurili stari zahtjev Hrvata za uvodenje glagoljice u katoli-
ckom bogosluzju па cijeloj teritoriji Jugoslavije? Naprosto stoga, odgovara
sasvim pravilno pisac, jer te stvari nisu u interesu one politicke pozadine koja
stoji iza Citavog ovog forsiranog nezadovoljstva i forsiranog formiranja kato-
licke fronte u Jugoslavij i. Sve ј е to protivno i daleko od stare hrvatske tradici-
је i Citavoj narodnoj ра i plemenskoj borbi Hrvata. Moze se nesto pokusati sa
kriumcarenim, zaobilaznim nacinom koji је Strossmayer nazvao "furtima-
skim". Jedino "furtim", "furtimastinom" moze da se podvali ovako nesto
Hrvatima, iskoriscujuCi postojecu i stvarajuCi novu psihozu medu njima.
Оуа se psihoza stvara jednim prepredenim nacinom, da se one mase, koje је
do nedavna vodio Radic i uzgajao ih u religioznom, ali ne i u konfesional-
nom, klerikalnom pravcu, i onu inteligenciju koja је u duhu bilo Starcevica,
bilo Strossmayera, bila uvijek napredna i kulturna, podredi vodstvu nekoliko
fanatika iz provincije, ili politicara iz Ljubljane, а pod uticajem Peste, Веса i
Rima. 20
Ovakav prikaz politicke atmosfere toga vremena u vezi sa klerikalnim
akcijama Ыо је uistinu vjeran odraz stvarnosti koje се u kasnijem zbivanju
naiCi па punu potvrdu, naroCito u uvodu u ustasku NDH, а u samom ustas-
tvu dat се hiljade naknadnih dokaza za njihovo ranije postojanje, ра i ono-
vremene klerikalne akcije. U tom trenutku, kada se prstom ukazalo па оуи
klerikalnu akciju, klerikalci su u koru povikali da su to najopakije i najnepra-
vednije denuncije. Odatle i odlucna reakcija zagrebackog nadbiskupa Bauera
па Clanak koji је u umjerenom i stvarnom izlaganju bez ikakvih licnih uvreda
samo iznio ор се uvjerenje sirih, naprednijih krugova u Jugoslaviji.
Nadbiskup Bauer ustvrdio је da је tesko ikada kroz оуо 50 godina sto
prati javni zivot u Hrvatskoj izasao u javnosti tezi napadaj па glavu katolicke
crkve, kojoj pripada hrvatski nar9d i gotovo polovina pucanstva Jugoslavije
kao i па katolicku crkvu иОРСЕ:/ Medutim, u tom trenutku је zacijelo za-
boravio nadbiskup Bauer па postojanje recimo zagrebackog "Hrvatskog
daka", "Pokreta", "Slobodne misli", "Vala", sibenskog "Naprednjaka", splitske

20 "Novosti" 26. I. 1930.

Viktor Novak

der the leadership of а few provincial fanatics, or politicians from Ljubljana

under the strong influence of Budapest, Vienna and Rome. "20
This description very faithfuHy reflects reality which later оп culminated
in the establishment of the fascist Independent state of Croatia - NDH and
the USTASHI movement, proved that it had its roots in this clerical сат­
paign as weH. Those who tried to expose the background of that clerical сат­
paign were immediately unanimously accused Ьу аН clericals of being dirty
denouncers. It is exactly in this spirit that Bishop Bauer vehemently reacted
to this article which, in а moderate tone and offending по опе, publicly and
openly only expressed the opinion of the progressive circles in Yugoslavia.
Archbishop Bauer claims that for fifty years of his foHowing the public
life in Croatia there has never Ьееп а more vehement attack оп the Head of
the Catholic СЬшсЬ and the Catholic СЬшсЬ in general which is the сЬшсЬ
of аН Croats and almost of опе half of the population in Yugoslavia. It is obvi-
ous that the Archbishop decided to ignore тапу papers such as: HRVATSKI
DJAK (Croatian schoolboy), POKRET (Movement), SLOBODNA MISAO
(Free Thought), VAL (Wave) and VIHOR (Wind), published in Zagreb,
NAPREDNJAK (Progressive), published in Shibenik), ZASTAVE (Flags),
published in Split, PREPOROD (Renaissance), published in Ljubljana which
were аН engaged in hot discussions оп anti-clerical issues. Еуеп the Zagreb
paper ЮЈЕС (Word) in 1929 published several extremely critical articles оп
this issue. NOVOSTI (News) criticized the Vatican and fascists for their anti-
Yugoslav policy before and after the conclusion of the LATERAN TREAТIES.
Obviously, the Archbishop disregarded the articles in JUGOSLOVENSKA
NJIVA (the Yugoslav Field) and in Old Catholic magazines REFORMA
(Reform) and PREPOROD (Renaissance). Не had in mind something else.
Не wanted to send а message to а "particular group" which was actuaHy the
source of аН relevant information. It is with the"source" that the Archbishop
wanted to argue in his effort to refute аН accusations against the Holy See,
the Episcopate, Nuncio PeHegrinetti and the CATHOLIC ACTION. ТЬе
Archbishop particularly emphasized that аН of them had always conducted
activities strictly within the framework of Law. Had Archbishop Bauer lived
to witness the developments in 1941 Ье would Ьауе рroЬаblу Ьееп ashamed
of the CATHOLIC ACTION and e.g. KRIZAR (Crusader) which bragged
about the contribution of that organization to the destruction of Yugoslavia
and establishment of NDH (Independent State of Croatia). At the end of
this argument the Archbishop, in his capacity of Chairman of the Bishop

20 "NOVOSTI", January 26, 1930.

Magnum crimen XIV

"Zastave", ljubljanskog "Preporoda", zagrebackog "Vihora" i tolikih drugih

listova koji su najodlucnije raspravljali antiklerikalna pitanja.Ta sama zagre-
backa "Rijec" 1929. donijela је nekoliko nemilosrdnih krit~a, kao sto su to
donijele i "Novosti" u vezi fasisticko-vatikanske antijugoslavenske politike
prije i poslije Lateranskog sporazuma. Zacijelo је nadbiskup Bauer sasvim za-
boravio i па "Jugoslavensku njivu" i starokatolicku "Reformu" i "Preporod".
Ali nadbiskupu Baueru trebalo је da to naglasi zato da pogodi tu "naroCitu
stranu" od koje su "Novosti" dobile svoja obavjestenja. Nadbiskup Bauer ро­
lemizira sa tom "naroCitom stranom" braneCi od svih prigovora Svetu Stolicu,
episkopat, svecenstvo i К. А. а nada sve nuncija Pellegrinettija. NaroCito па­
dbiskup brani К. А. za koju kaze da nigdje nije prekoraCila svoj djelokrug i da
se nije upustala u akcije koje Ы bile u suprotnosti sa drzavnim zakonima. Da
је nadbiskup Bauer dozivio 1941., zacijelo Ы Ыо uveliko postiden izjavama
najmnogobrojnije organizacije К. А., "Krizara", koji се se hvaliti kako su ро­
magali rusiti Jugoslaviju i stvarati NDH. Pri kraju оуе polemike nadbiskup је
podvukao da kao predsjednik biskupskih konferencija izjavljuje "ovako ро­
tpuno istinito i kao hrvatski mitropolit21 i kao zagrebacki ordinarij da unutar
episkopata i klera пета razmimoilazenja u ljubavi prema svetoj majci Crkvi
i njezinom vrhovnom poglavaru, prema svom narodu, iz kojeg nice i za koji
zivi i radi i prema drzavi i zakonitim vlastima.",Episkopat i kler је u svojim
duznostima jednodusan, пета sile koja се g{uskolebati i skrenuti od puta
kojim је i dosada isao"..Dakako, i оуот prilikom nadbiskup, skidajuCi s epi-
skopata i klera svu otgovornost, prebacuje је па "medunarodne tamne sile"
(misli, naime, па masone, kao toboznje podrzavatelje sestojanuarskog rezi-
та), koje "idu za tim da rezbukte u Jugoslaviji vjersku borbu i potaknu па
progon katolicke crkve".22
Svakako је оуа polemika odloZila za izvjesno vrijeme рипи akciju i pri-
тјепи te Enciklike, u prvom redu u skolskom pitanju, а onda i u sokolskom.
Stalo se па glediste da nikako nije oportuno da se od strane episkopata уес

21 Оуај termin "Hrvatski metropolit" је potpuno proizvoljan naziv, potpuno samozvani, i preuzet је
iz hrvatske stampe, та da ga nikad i nigdje пјје Rimska Kиrjja upotrjebila. Metropolita Croatics
пе postoji. Postoji Metropolita zagrebacke biskupije, а nikako Hrvatski metropolit ili Metropolita
Hrvatske koji Ы naziv јтао da odgovara madarskom Primas Hungariae. Postoji i naziv Primas
Serbiae, ali Metropolita Hrvatske пе. Reformno svecenstvo predlagalo је теЈи prvim svojim zahtje-
ујта i zeljama da se zagrebackom nadbiskupu da titula Primasa Jugoslavije. Svakako је karakteri-
sticno da se tako naziva sam nadbiskup Bauer. Njegovim primjerom роСј се i njegov nasljednik А.
22 Hrvatski Metropolita па obranu crkve i Svetoga Оса. Izjava zagrebackog nadbiskupa dr. Antuna
Bauera uredniku "Hrvatske straze". "Hrvatska straza" 30. 1.1930. Vidi i "Katolicki list" 1930., br. 5,

Viktor Novak

Conference declared that as а Croatian Archbishop21 and Ordinarium of

Zagreb he could claim in аll sincerity and with fuH responsibility, that the
Episcopate and clergy share the same love for their Holy Mother Church,
the Holy Father, their со- nationals with whom they Нуе and work and for
the State and its legal authorities; that the Episcopate and the clergy unani-
mously accept to сапу out their duties and that there is по might or power
which could force the Church to swerve from its path." This time too the
Archbishop is using his best efforts to exculpate the Episcopate and clergy
and throw аН the blате оп "international dark forces" (meaning free masons
accused of supporting the б-th of January regime) whose ајт is to ignite
religious conflicts in Yugoslavia and launch а persecution campaign against
the Catholic Church. 22
This polemics has, undoubtedly, postponed the implementation of the
Encyclical, primarily the items оп education and Sokol. It was decided that
the moment was not right for raising these issues because of their possible
serious implications which тау produce а negative affect оп the authority of
the Holy See and Pius ХI himself. Under the circumstances they decided to
patiently foHow the developments in Yugoslavia and at the most appropriate
moment take action, but only upon approval of the Roman Curia.
'Ље discussion continued after the ALL SOKOL RALLY organized оп
VIDOVDAN (June 28). Croatian clericals decided to counteract Ьу organiz-
ing their own Rally as an event parallel to the Eucharistic Congress in Zagreb,
in August, in order to show how strong they are. 'Ље public opinion rightly
concluded that the Eucharistic Congress was а smartly conceived reaction
to ALL SOKOL RALLY in Belgrade. Both, the organizers of the event and
the participants admitted that fact. 'Ље atmosphere surrounding both events
revealed the intentions and goals of each organizer. 'Ље Eucharistic Congress
lasted from 14 to 17 August 1930. Nuncio PeHegrinni was the Envoy of the
Holy Father. Archbishop Bauer explained the reasons for organizing the
Eucharistic Congress "and why it required so much money, effort and sac-

21 .,Croatian Metropolitan" ("Hrvatski metropolit") is ап arbitrary term, invented and launched Ьу

Croatian press. ТЬе Roman Curia has never used it. Metropolita Croatica does not exist. And never
did. There is опlу the METROPOLIТA of the Zagreb bishopric. Metropolita Croatica was invented
as а counterpart to the Hungarian Primus Hungariae. ТЬе term Primas Serbiae does exist, but
Metropolita Croatica does not. ТЬе clergy that supported the Reform requested that the Archbishop
of Zagreb Ье renamed to the PRIMAS ОР YUGOSLAVIA. It is interesting to note that Archbishop
Bauer also calls himself PRIMAS. А. Stepinatz, his successor, will use the same title.
ofDr. Bauer, Archbishopp of Zagreb, to the editor of "HRVATSKA STRAZA" (Croatian Guard) of
January 30,1930. See "KATOLICКI LIST", 1930, по. 5, рр. 56-57.

Magnum crimen XIV

sada postave neki naroCiti zahtjevi и vezi sa Enciklikom, jer Ы time jos i vise
и prvi plan Ыо uvucen autoritet Svete Stolice i same licnosti Pia XI. А to se
imalo pod cijenu tesko nametnute strpljivosti odloziti za najpogodniji tre-
nutak, kad ga budu odredi1e prilike и Jugoslaviji i suglasnost Rimske Кшјје.
Diskusija se nije stisala ni poslije svesokolskog sleta koji је odrzan sa velikim
svecanostima па Vidovdan 1930. Hrvatski klerikalizam manifestirao је svoje
snage i svoj stav и antipodnim svecanostima, и Zagrebu па Euharistickom
kongresu mjeseca augusta. U javnosti је smatrano da је оЬјауа i odrzavanje
Euharistickog kongresa doslo kao odgovor па odluku odrzavanja svesokol-
skog sleta и Beogradu. Uostalom tako su to tumabli i priredivaCi i ucesnici
Euharistickog kongresa. Jer, duh izvodenja оЫји svecanosti Ыо је najrjeCitiji
tumac и namjerama i ciljevima priredivaca. Zborovanje Euharistickog kon-
gresa zapocelo је 14. augusta 1930. а zavrseno 17. augusta. Papin delegat Ыо
је nuncij Pellegrinetti. Nadbiskup Bauer је dao i odgovor па pitanje zasto se
drzi оуај Euharisticki kongres "skopcan sa toliko troska, napora i zrtava? Nije
Isus Krist samo nas spasitelj, Оп је i nas Kralj, ра treba da ти se kao Kralju
klanjamo. Zato сет о ga svecano iznijeti па ulice grada Zagreba, da ти se svi,
svi javno kao Kralju poklone, da ти to bude naknada za sve uvrede sto ти
ih ljudi Cine i zadovoljstina za grijehe kojima ga vrijedaju". Predsjednik prj-
redivackog odbora, vikarni biskup Premus, ponovio је zakljucnu misao na-
dbiskupa Bauera kad је otvarajuCi kongres pozdravio kongres i izrazio "nadu
da се kongres рroСј sretno, koju пат daje i prisustvo delegata Svetog Оса раре
Msgra Pellegrinettija, jer је ро nјети теЈи nата sam Sveti Otac рара, nатје­
snik Isusa Krista па zemiji, ра је tako i sam Krist теЈи nатаf"23 Sa kongresa
upucen је telegram и Beograd kralju i и Rim papi. Hrvati i Slovenci zahvalju-
ји papi па pocasti koju је ukazao kongresu sto је па nj izaslao svog nuncija.
"Izrazavaju nadalje svoju vjernost i odanost Rimskoj Apostolskoj
Stolici i Vasoj Svetosti kao zamjeniku onoga Isusa Krista, ајој pri-
sutnosti и presvetoj Euharistiji hoce оуај kongres odati postovanje i
slavu, uvjereni da је zaloga njihove narodne buducnosti lјиЬау pre-
та katolickoj crkvi i njenoj vidljivoj glavi па zemlji. Konacno тоlе
od Vase Svetosti blagoslov и svome radu i zborovanju, koje ima za
сЩ da presveta Euharistija preporodi duhovni zivot svih vjernika i
zavlada nasim javnim zivotom."24
Priprave koje su cinjene za taj kongres и klerikalnoj, а i и ostaloj sepa-
ratisticki orijentiranoj stampi и Zagrebu, Sarajevu, Splitu i drugdje, а tako i

23 .,Politika" 16. УIII. 1930.

24 Idem.

Viktor Novak

rifice. Jesus is not only our Savior Не is also our Кing and we should bow to
him. 1herefore, we shaH take him to the streets of Zagreb in а solemn proces-
sion so that everyone can publicly bow before him and Ьу doing so expiate
for аН wrongs done to Him and give Him satisfaction for аН sins committed
against him."
ТЬе Vicar Вishop Premush (Premus), Chairman of the Organizing
Committee, reiterated the message, with which he concluded his opening ad-
dress to the Congress. "Expressing hope that the Congress will take place in а
favorable atmosphere he particularly emphasized that thanks to the presence
of Msgr PeHegrinetti, Envoy of the Holy Father, Christ is among us through
his representative оп Earth. "23
ТЬе Congress sent а telegram to the Кing in Belgrade and the Роре in
Rome. ТЬе Croats and Slovenes most cordiaHy thanked the Holy Father for
the tribute he paid to the Congress Ьу sending his Nuncio to represent him.
"ТЬе participants in the Congress also made а solemn pledge
of aHegiance, faithfulness and devotion to the Roman Apostolic See
and the Holy Father who represents Jesus Christ оп Earth and who,
through the Envoy of the Holy Father, is also present among us. It
is to his presence at this Holy Eucharistia that this Congress wants
to рау tribute and respect to our Lord, convinced that the future of
our people lies in love for Catholic Church and its visible LORD оп
Earth. ТЬе Participants beg your Holiness to bless the Congress and
support it in its efforts to help the Eucharistia enrich the spirituallife
of аН believers and take the lead in our public life. "24
АНinformation about the Congress in the clerical and other press ad-
vocating separatism in Zagreb, Sarayevo, Split and elsewhere and the at-
mosphere surrounding the Congress revealed that the connection between
Eucharistia and true religious feelings, оп the one hand, and the Congress,
оп the other, was only formal ТЬе general public understood the message
coming from the organizers and within that effort took part in violent dem-
onstrations staged in favor of separatism. 1here was not а single flag hoisted
in Zagreb, simply because Croatian flags, as ethnic, were prohibited and the
State flags were not acceptable. ActuaHy, the absence of the state flag is in-
dicative of the state of mind both of the organizers and participants. Only an
enormous flag of the Holy See was hoisted оп the tower of the Old Cathedral
with two tiny Yugoslav flags at each side, to meet the legal requirement.

23 "POLIТIKA", August 16, 1930.

24 Idem.

Magnum crimen XIV

samo izvodenje kongresa pokazalo је da је taj kongres u stvari imao samo

formalne veze sa Euharistijom i sa istinskim vjerskim osjecajima. Naprotiv,
siroke mase shvatile su priredivace i odazvale su se па taj kongres па kome
su se demonstrativno manifestirale separatisticke tendencije. U Zagrebu nije
bilo zastava. Naprosto stoga sto su hrvatske bile zabranjene, а drzavne se
nisu htjele da iznesty Svakako ovo otsustvo drzavne zastave bilo је osvetlje-
nje duhovne strane kojom su se rukovodili priredivaCi i ucesnici. Jedino па
tornju starodrevne katedrale vila se ogromna papinska zastava, zastava раре­
Kralja, а uz nju dvije male jugoslavenske, bez kojih se zacijelo ne Ы mogla
izvjesiti ona раре- Kralja. Nema sumnje, ovaj kongres Ыо је ono sredstvo,
koje је omoguCilo da okupi tolike hiljade separatista, da kazu, та i bez rijeCi,
ali sadrzajno i prkosno, kakav је njihov stav prema toj drzavi u kojoj se kon-
gres odrzava. Nijedna molitva nije oCitana za drzavu Jugoslaviju, dok su se
prosula bezbrojna isticanja о vezama hrvatskog naroda sa Svetom Stolicom,
sa Rimom. Duhovno, s ovim jos nepovezanim klero-fasistima povezao se i
ustaski emigrant Ante Pavelic, koji је velikim interesiranjem pratio pripreme
za ovaj manifestacioni zbor hrvatskih masa nezadovoljnih nekojim opravda-
nim razlozima sa sestojanuarskim reZimom. Zato је Pavelic iz Italije poruCio
svojim pristalicama da се "papinski Юm osloboditi rimokatoliCke Hrvate od
pravoslavnih Srba':25
Tokom Citavog kongresa bila је stalno naglasavana u propovjedima, govo-
rima i predavanjima ideja Krista-Kralja, koju је toliko pontifikat Pia Х! uzdi-
gao i razvio, а objerucke ји је prihvatio hrvatski klerikalac u svome isticanju
bozanskog kralja, kao antitezu zemaljskom, srpskom i pravoslavnom kralju
u Beogradu. Qva ideja nebeskog monarhizma u Hrvatskoj, па zemlji nije
bila izraz nekih тоЫа republikanskih kamufliranih osjecanja, vec naprosto
vjesto koriscen termin antipravoslavnih raspolozenja klerikalnih i separati-
stickih masa. Stara teza Bonifacija VПI koji se proglasio kraljem kraljeva kao
zamjenik Isusa Krista, ozivjela је vise nego ikad za Pia XI, koji postaje tako u
оБта vjernih i prvi vladalac nad svim vladaocima па zemlji. То је jos prije
Lateranskog sporazuma trebalo i te kako Piu Х! u Italiji, to је klerikalizmu
u Jugoslaviji doslo osobito u ротос u vrijeme najtezih politickih previranja.
U istome se duhu vrsila propaganda u crkvama i novinama. Sva hodocasca
koja su se kretala iz Hrvatske u Rim polazila su zamjeniku Krista Kralja. Kad
su 1925. hrvatski biskupi odlucili proslaviti hiljadugodisnjicu hrvatskog kra-
ljevstva onda su odlucili da to uCine pred nogama "Zamjenika Kralja Krista".
Prema ovoj tezi, koju је па svoj politicki naCin tumaCio narod, оп је u svom

25 Niko Petric, Zagrebacki Euharisticki kongres. "Nasa sloga" 22. УIII. 1930.

Viktor Novak

This Congress was successful јп rallying thousands and thousands of

separatists who tacitly, but риЫјсју, openly and spitefully demonstrated their
attitude towards the Кingdom of Yugoslavia where the Congress was tak-
ing place. Not one single prayer was оffегеd [ог Yugoslavia. Оп the other
hand, рагticulаг attention was devoted to the links between Croatian people
and the Holy See and Rome. Ante Pavelitch (Pavelic) an Ustasha emigrant,
availed himself of the opportunity to get in touch with clero-fashists, not
yet united at that time. Actually, Ante Pavelitch followed with keen iпtегеst
the preparations of this massive protest of the Croats who did not accept
some of the solutions envisaged Ьу the 6-th of January regime. Aware of what
was going оп Pavelitch sent а message from Haly to his suppoгters in which
he says: "ТЬе Роре and Rome willliberate the Roman Catholic Croats from
Orthodox Serbs"25
АН the time the Congress kept glorifying the idea of Christ -the- Кing,
in аН addresses, speeches and lесtшеs. Actually, it was Pius Х! who particu-
larly insisted оп that idea. ТЬе Croatian clericals fшthег developed that same
idea insisting оп the divinity of God-the-Кing оп Heaven as opposed to the
Serbian Orthodox King оп Earth-in Belgrade. This idea of celestial monar-
chism in Croatia was not an attempt to sell the republican idea in disguise,
but rather епсошаgе the already existing anti-Orthodox feelings of the cleri-
cals and the Croatian masses calling for separatism.
Pius ХЈ very strongly suppoгted and disseminated the idea launched Ьу
Bonifacius VIII, according to which the Роре, being the Кing-of- Кings, is the
envoy оп esus Christ оп Earth. Thus, in the eyes of the believers the Holy Father
is the supreme Lord оп Earth, аЬоуе аН others. Even befoгe the LUTERAN
TREAТIES the Роре in Rome and the clericals in Yugoslavia found this idea
very useful in politically tшЬulепt circumstances. Propaganda in Catholic
Сhшсhеs and papers was conducted in that same spirit. АН Catholics pil-
grims from Croatia were in Rome received Ьу the Envoy of Christ-the-
Кing. When in 1925 the Croatian Bishops decided to mark the Thousandth
Anniversary of the Croatian Kingdom they organized the ceremony at the
feet of the Envoy of Christ -the- King. Fшthег elaborating оп the idea of sepa-
ratism the Croats decided to also get their own Croatian Queen Ьу crowning
Ље statue of the Holy Motller of Вistrica, оп the 7-th ofJuly, 1935. ТЬе inten-
tion was тоге than evident so that it was very difficult to put it under the
umbrella of devotion to Ноју Eucl1aristia and the Holy Motller.

25 Niko Petritch, "EUCHARISТIC CONGRESS IN ZAGREB" (Niko Petric, Zagrebacki Eukarististicki

kongres) "NASA SLOGA", Al1gust 22,1930.

Magnum crimen XIV

Sokolski duvacki orkestar

Тhe Sokol wind orchestra

separatistickom stremljenju i u istom duhu dobio svoju kraljicu, hrvatsku

kraljicu, krunivsi kip Matere Bozje па Bistrici, 7. jula 1935. OCiglednost ovih
tendencija bila је jasna i najsirim narodnim masama, ра i onda kad su te
tendencije bile zaodjenute poboznoscu prema Svetoj Euharistiji ili prema
Materi Bozjoj.
Nuncij Pellegrinetti, u svojim је odgovorima isticao istu misao da је Krist
kralj nad kraljevima i vladar nad vladarima. U posvetnoj molitvi Srcu Isusovu
podvucena је па prvom mjestu misao Krista Kralja koji ima da kraljuje nad
Hrvatima katolicima. U politickim kao i u vjerskim krugovima zapazene su
jasno оуе prozirne tendencije koje su уес ranije izbile jasno u "Katolickom
listu" kad је dr. Stjepan BaksiC, profesor univerziteta i kanonik u borbenom
stavu izrekao оуи misao: "U borbu dakle s devizom: "Nemamo Kralja - nego
Krista Gospoda". Оуа igra rijeCi bila је ista 1926., па inat Stjepanu Radicu,
koji је sa republikanstva presao па monarhizam, kao sto је to bilo i 1930.
Njihovi protivnici, starokatolici koji su ih najbolje poznavali, protumabli su
ovu monarhisticko-republikansku propagandu, vezujuCi је sa Euharistijom.
"Pred Euharistijom klicati Krista Kraljem, znaCi obnavljati prizor, kada su
zidovi pred Isusom Kristom, odjeveni u skrletu i okrunjeni trnovom kru-
пот па porugu klicali: "Zdravo, Kralju Zudijski! Kada se pak sakupljaju pod
zamamljivim imenom Euharistije, а stvarno u svrhu da se podize veliCina,
тос i slava та koje bilo crkve ili njezina poglavara, tada је to: profanacija
Euharistije - svetogrde!"26

26 Euharistija. "Starokatolik" 31. УIII. 1930., 1.

Viktor Novak

In his speeches Nuncio Pellegrinetti insisted оп the same idea: Jesus

Christ is the Кing of Кings and the Lord of Lords. In his prayer dedicated
to the Holy Heart the idea of Christ -the- Кing comes first, Christ, who is
to Ье the Кing of аН Catholic Croats. This idea fostered Ьу clerical circles,
was earlier disseminated through KATOLICKI LIST and the writings of
Stjepan Raditch, university professor and а clerical. Не launched the follow-
ing militant slogan: ';Не do not have our king, but we have Jesus Christ, the
Almighty." In 1930 this play оп words was the same as that јп 1926, actually
а sting addressed to Stjepan Raditch who turned coat, gave ир republicanism
and Ьесате а monarchist. The Old Catholics and their opponents very weH
understood the background and implications of that monarcho-republican
game and its connection with Eucharistia. То hail Christ before Eucharistia
reminded of the scene јп which the Jews, wearing scarlet gowns and crowns
of thorns оп their heads derisively saluted Christ Ьу chanting: "НаН King
of Judea!" When gatherings under the auspices of Eucharistia are used to
glorify the church and its Head јп this way it is nothing but desecration of
Eucharistia, it is actually sacrilege. 26
The introduction of the prayer to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
Reads as follows: ,Же, your Croatian people are fully aware that our
beautiful country is а gift of your merciful generosity so that we
тау freely Нуе in it and prosper .... Thanks to the gift of your love
the Croats were among the first јп Europe to adhere to the Catholic
Church. Thus уои have protected us from the sin of heresy and as-
signed us the task to serve as ante muralis of Christianity for centu-
ries ... We bow to your celestial wisdom, your celestial power and
love with which уои rule over Croatian People. Today, together with
the entire Croatian people we pledge devotion to you-our Кing ... In
уои we believe because уои are TRUTH and јп your hands we put
our 1ives and аН our hopes, convinced that your true faith will bring
us freedom and your Commandments реасе to our mind. "27
In 1930 the Episcopate actually revives Mahnich (Mahnic) and his
thought from 1917 and 1918 when he spoke about unification of the church-
es according to the principle of unitarism (centralism). The implication of
the prayer to the Holy Heart is that Christ is not yet јп the hearts of аН other
non-Catholic Slavic brothers.
"We pray to уои, our celestial king to ignite our hearts with
the f1ame of your love and devotion to the Sacred Roman Catholic

26 "EUCHARISТIK (Eukaristija) "STAROKATOLIK", August 31,1930.,1.

27 MORNING PAPER ("Jutarnji list"), July 18, 1930.

Маgпuш сriшеп XIV

U "posvetnoj molitvi hrvatskoga naroda Euharistickom Srcu

Isusovu", kaze se и uvodu, da "hrvatski tvoj narod priznaje da је od
tvoje dobrote primio lijepu svoju domovinu, da se и njoj slobodan
razvija ... Dar је ljubavi tvoje, sto si ga medu prvim narodima Evrope
pozvao и svetu katolicku crkvu, sto si ga sacuvao od krivovjerstva i
јасао, te је Ыо kroz stoljeca predzide krSCanstva ... Мј se klanjamo
tvojoj boianskoj mudrosti, mоСј i ijubavi, kojom vladas hrvatskim nа­
rodom ... ТеЫ se evo danas s nаmа sav hrvatski narod posvecuje kao
svome kralju, ТеЫ izruca sebe i sve svoje. U ТеЬе, koji si istina, put i
zivot stavljamo svu nadu svoju, uvjereni da се nas istina vjere Туоје
osloboditi, put zapovijedi ТуојЉ mir nam povratiti. "27
1 sada 1930. vraca se episkopat па Mahnica, misli iz 1917. i 1918. kad go-
vori о sjedinjenju crkava, па naCin koji је nedvosmisleno unijatski. U "posve-
tnoj molitvi" naime aludira se da Krist jos ne vlada srcima ostale slavenske,
nekatolicke brace.
"МоНто Те, dakle, о Bozanski Kra1ju nas, da zarkom ljubavi
srca svoga razaris srca nasa te тi ostanemo vjerni и svetoj rimoka-
tolickoj crkvi. тi nas vodi i bIagoslovi, da izvrsimo narednu zadacu
svoju, koju nam ljubeznom Providnoscu namjenjujes da preko nas
Тј zavladas и srcima ostale sIavenske brace nase te se svi и ТеЫ radu-
јето и sretnoj vremenitoj i vjecnoj domovini. Amen. "28 I 1,

Narod, koji је уес odavna Ыо naucen da ти se и crkvi tumaCi politika

и alegorijama i aluzijama, umio је dodati od cega се ga Krist, Kralj nad kra-
ljevima, doticno njegov zamjenik i namjesnik, osloboditi i vratiti ти mir.
Mnogi su znali za РауеНсеуи poruku iz Italije, mnogi su је prenosili od usta
ka ustima i mnogi su јој dali svoj karakteristicni komentar. Radikalnija stru-
ја priredivaca ovoga kongresa zelila је da па najgrubIji naCin iskoristi орси
politicku psihozu и drzavi. Sta vise, njoj su podlegli i najvideniji hrvatski
intelektualci, koji su osudivali sestojanuarski rezim. 29 Prije pocetka kongresa
razgovarao sam sa dr. М. Dezmanom, urednikom "Obzora" о politickoj ро­
zadini kongresa, koja је i za manje upucene bila oCigledna. "Obzor", nekada-
snji Iiberalni, jugoslavenski i Strossmayerovski, sada se dao и sIuZbu izrazitog
klerikalizma zalazuCi se za sto uspjesniji rezultat kongresa, kako Ы sto уеСј
broj Hrvata tih dana dosao и Zagreb. Dr. Dezman mi је objasnjavao da su
Hrvati, svi bez razlike koji su nezadovoljni s rezimom и Beogradu, koji hoce

27 "Jutarnji list" 18. VП. 1930.

28 Idem. - Osvrt па Euharisticki kongres u Zagrebu. "Starokatolik" 31. VШ. 1930.,2.
29 Autor пјје dao komentar.

Viktor Novak

Church. Lead us and bless our efforts to fulfiH our next task уои have
kindly assigned us in your divine providence, that through us we
win the hearts of аН our Slavic brothers so that together, in уои we
аН find јоу and ап eternal, happy homeland. AMEN"28
People very weH understood the figurative language of the Church and
from whom Jesus, the Кing ofКings, through his епуоу оп Earth, willliberate
them and restore their реасе of mind. Тhe message Pavelitch sent from Italy
was spreading from mouth to ear, always spiced with some personal сот­
ments. Тhe most radical organizers of the Congress wanted to take advantage
of the atmosphere prevailing in the country in the most aggressive way pos-
sible. Eminent Croatian inteHectuals who condemned the 6-th of January
regime joined forces with them. 29 Before the beginning of the Congress I
talked to Dr Dezman, editor of OBZOR, about the Congress and its political
background, obvious еуеп to the much less informed. OBZOR started as а
liberal paper which fostered the ideas of Strossmayer and Yugoslavism, but
later changed its political stands. Now it was giving its fuH support to the
Congress and tried to bring to Zagreb as тапу Croats as possible to support
the event. Dr Dezman tried to explain that аН Croats, with по exception, do
not support the Belgrade regime. Тhey want freedom and independence and
in pursuing that aim they are ready to риН forces with the devil himself, еуеп
with the black International, with everybody willing and ready to help them
achieve their goal.
"Тhis Congress very weH serves our purpose. We shaH use this
occasion to openly demonstrate our hostility. We сап feel the politi-
cal atmosphere surrounding the Congress, which makes us particu-
larly happy, because it contributes to our success too. Тhe clericals
believing that аН these people are there for their sake wi1l brag about
it. Тheir illusion is irrelevant. Let them епјоу in their daydreaming.
Let them. It does not matter. In view of the prevailing circumstances
we аН have to join forces and Ье оп the same side: the clericals, соп­
servatives, liberals or progressives. Тhe Croats are fortunate enough
to have the Catholic Church through which they сап speak both at
home and abroad. "30

28 Idem. "ABOUT ТНЕ EICHARISTIC CONGRESS IN ZAGREB". (Osvrt па Eukaristicki Kongres u

Zagrebu), "STAROKATOLIK", Јиlу 31,1930.
29 No comment Ьу the author.
30 Prof. 1. Tkalchitch (TkaICic) and prof. Tch. Lichar (е Licar) also participated јп the talks which
took рlасе јп mid August 1930., јп the summer house ofDipl. Ing. Peyer, оп the island ofKorchula

Magnum crimen XIV

slobodu i nezavisnost, spremni da idu i za crnim davlom, ра i za crnom inter-

nacionalom, ako im to moze da bude od pomoCi pri njihovu nastojanju.
"Zato је nama dobro dosao ovaj kongres. Mi сето se i njim ро­
sluziti da demonstrativno demonstratiramo nase neraspolozenje.
Nama је neobicno drago sto se osjeca da се taj kongres imati i svoju
politicku notu, jer сето tako i mi uspjeti. Da се se i klerikalci time
hvaliti, uobrazavajuCi da su sve te mase njihove, nas to ne smeta i to
је drugostepena stvar. Uostalom sada su dosla takva vremena da se
svi moramo naCi па jednoj fronti, bez obzira da li smo konzervativ-
ci, klerikalci, liberalci ili naprednjaci. Sreca је da Hrvati jos imaju
katolicku crkvu kroz koju mogu i u zemlji i napolju da kazu svoju
rijec."30 ~
Daljni razgovor ukazao је da је zagrebacka Kurija vec dotad uCinila veli-
ke politicke usluge separatistickim tendencijama hrvatske opozicije - preko
Vatikana. Dr. Milivoj Dezman Ыо је savrseno upoznat sa zakulisnim rezijama
hrvatske politike. Pisanje "Obzora" iz toga vremena u historijskom razmatra-
nju i poredenje utvrdenih stvarnosti dokazuju tocnost ove konstatacije.
Euharisticki kongres u Zagrebu Ыо је nesumnjivo prva pokusna i odva-
zna demonstrativna osuda politike kralja, vise nego та koji drugi politicki
akt toga vremena kao i onih koja su slijedila. Nadvisit се ga samo izvjesne
politicke "punktacije" i antisokolska poslanica jugoslavenskog episkopata.
Ра opet, kralj Aleksandar isao im је u svemu па ruku, zeleCi, та i zlatnim
lancima povezati sa sobom episkopat. Bio је tu slab poznavalac problema.
Nisu pomogle ni Karadordeva Zvijezda, koju је skinuo ispod svoga vrata i
prikopcao је па Bauerove grudi. Кlerikalizam Ыо је па osnovnom polasku.
Оп је trazio sve. Tako ти је bilo spolja naredeno.
Као sto је ovaj Euharisticki kongres, tako su i brojni ostali, lokalni i
zupski imali uvijek istu politicku pozadinu, ра је cesto dolazilo i do suko-
Ьа sa policijskim vlastima, koje su kruto primjenjivale zakon о zabranama
plemenskih nesnosljivosti. Mase su se susticale па kongresima vise prema
svojim politickim i opozicijskim raspolozenjima, nego motivima unutra-
snjeg vjerskog osjecanja. Politicke izazovne manifestacije, koje su dovodile
nerijetko i do tucnjava, nisu nastajale uslijed smetnji koje Ы se Cinile stovanju
Euharistije ili radi sprecavanja molenju i klanjanju Kristu Kralju, vec radi
prekrsaja о postojece zabrane, naroCito plemenskih zastava, koje su klerikal-
ci, ротоси slika М. Bozje, kristijanski i t.d. Episkopat ni svecenstvo nisu dje-

30 Razgovoru su prisustvovali па Korculi polovinom augusta 1930. u уш ing. А. Peyera јо!; i profesori
Ј. Tkalbl i С. Licar.

Viktor Novak

Further talks revealed that through the Vatican the Zagreb Curia had
already rendered important political services to the Croatian oposition ad-
vocating separatism. Dr МШуој Dezman was to the very detail familiar with
the secret machinations of the Croatian politicians. ТЬе articles published in
OBZOR at that time are the case in point.
ТЬе Eucharistic Congress in Zagreb was, undoubtedly, the first and most
courageous condemnation of the Кing and his policy, more than апу other
political act at that time and those that foHowed. Only stronger in that [е­
spect will Ье some later political "punctuations" and Epistles of the Yugoslav
Episcopate against the Sokol. 1n his effort to win the Episcopate over to his
side, еуеп at the cost of golden chains, Кing Alexander only played into their
hands. Не was not smart enough to understand the рroblет. Еуеп the medal
KARADJORDJEVA ZVEZDA he took offhis chest and put it оп the chest of
Bishop Bauer did not do апу good. ТЬе offensive of Clericalism was in [иН
swing and they wanted everything. 1t was the order from abroad.
Like the Eucharistic Congress in Zagreb аН other local and district
congresses always had the same political background. Therefore, frequent
conflicts with the роНсе force, which was under strict orders to implement
the Law prohibiting ethnic intolerance. ТЬе masses were coming to the соп­
gresses mainly for political and not religious reasons and in order to mani-
fest opposition to the regime. АН these politicaHy chaHenging controversies,
which often times ended ир in physical conflicts had nothing to do with the
respect for Eucharistia or prayers to Christ -the Кing. ТЬе роНсе reacted to
the violation of the Law according to which аН tribal flags were prohibited.
ТЬе clergy did not respect that Law and used to сапу these flags along with
the statues of the Holy Mother and the statues of other saints. Actually, nei-
ther the Episcopate, nor the clergy respected the Church and State laws in
force. Оп the contrary. АН these activities were, actuaHy, а smart mixture of
Catholic and religious feelings, оп the опе hand, and political aggressiveness
and intolerance, оп the other. А highly respected Catholic priest Dr Mirko
Perkovitch (Perkovic) in his article says openly and conrageously:
"Dangerous phenomenon-Dumping Jesuits" very bravely writes
about а phenomenon already present for two years, which тау Ье
very dangerous for future cultural and politicallife. This phenom-
епоп is accompanying аН religious events taking place in аН Catholic
parts of Yugoslavia. Nothing is wrong with such events when they
remain restricted to religious life. But this is not the case. АН these
events have а political and nationalistic background. Obviously,
their organizers have different, not religious objectives in mind. ТЬе
Magnum crimen XIV

lovali ni savjetovali u duhu crkvenom i postojecih zakona. Naprotiv. Sve је to

vjesto spajalo katolicizam i vjerske manifestacije sa politickom nesnosljivom
iskljuCivoscu. О tome је hrabro i bez ustezanja progovorio jedan bez sumnje
uzorni katolicki svecenik, dr. Mirko PerkoviC u Clanku:
"Opasna ројауа - Dumping jezuita". Тај svecenik konstatira da
se u posljednje dvije tri godine zapazila ројауа, koja је opasna za
buduCi kulturni i politicki zivot. То se vidi u priredivanju raznih
vjerskih manifestacija, koje se javljaju u svim katolickim krajevima
Jugoslavije. 1 dok Ы se te manifestacije kretale па vjerskom terenu,
опе пе Ы padale u оБ. Ali sve te priredbe vezane su sa politickim,
nacionalistickim manifestacijama. Svakako, inicijatori tih priredbi
imaju sasvim druge сНјеуе, nego sto su vjerski. Kroz te manifestacije
zele priredivaCi, t. ј. biskupi i zupnici, da bastinu velikog Slavena i
Hrvata Stjepana Radica poklopi jezuitski klobuk. 31
Sistematskiji i organiziraniji ofenzivni potez klerikalizma u vezi sa
Enciklikom Pija ХI zapazio se, pored ostalih akcija pojedinih biskupa u ko-
jima su napadali i novije ublazenije Pravilnike о skolskom zakonu, u anti-
sokolskoj akciji krckog biskupa dr. Josipa SrebrniCa u njegovoj korizmenoj
poslanici pod naslovom "Presvetoj Bogorodici Mariji".
Naime, u toj poslanici, krcki biskup, та da је опа posvecena temi stova-
пја Bogorodice, posvecuje Citav jedan pasus ideologiji Miroslava Tyrsa. Tako
se prvi put desi1o, i to sluZbeno, da se о Miroslavu Tyrsu govori1o u crkvama
i njegovo ime, dakako sa osudom, pronijelo kroz bozje hramove. Оуо sto је
uradio krcki biskup u Jugoslaviji, to nije uCinio nijedan ceski biskup, ni опај
koji је zivio u Tyrsevo vrijeme rada, kao ni опај poslije рипЉ pet decenija
iza njegove smrti. Svakako, katolicka crkva u Jugoslaviji imala је naroCitih
razloga da korigira dotadasnji propust ceskog episkopata. Ali, jasno је bilo,
da је оуај udarac preko Tyrseva groba, Ыо u stvari namijenjen ustanovi koja
је bila njegovo zivotno djelo t. ј. Sokolstvu.
"U posljednje doba, rijeCi su biskupa Srebrnica, росео se nari-
vavati neprijatelj Presvete Bogorodice u поуот podmuklom obliku.
Hvali i preporuca, siri i hvata Tyrsev duh, Tyrsevu ideologiju, Tyrsev
паБп misljenja о svijetu, о covjeku, о пасјјј, о drZavi ... Tyrsev је
duh, duh naturalizma i materijalizma. Tyrs је uzimao svoje ideje
najprije od njemackog filozofa Schopenchauera, zavolio је kasnije
tjelesnu kulturu poganskih Grka, иБо se takoder od muhamedanaca
te presao u materijalisticko shvacanje ljudskoga drustva i svijeta ио-

31 "Jugoslavija" (Zagreb) 23. VП. 1932.

Viktor Novak

organizers, actuaHy the bishops and priests, want to put the heritage
of Stjepan Radich, а great Slav and Croat, under the hat of Jesuits. 31
FoHowing in the wake of the Encyclical some bishops also
launched an intensive campaign against the amended Law оп
Schools. In his Epistle addressed to the Holy Mother Bishop Dr Josip
Srebrnitch (SrebrniC) vehemently attacks the Sokol.
Although devoted to the cult of the Holy Mother in his Epistle Вishop
Srebrnitch devotes а whole paragraph to Miroslav Tyrsh and his ideology
which was severely criticized in аН churches where the Epistle was read. What
Dr Srebrnitch, Вishop of Krk, said was unprecedented in church practice. In
Bohemia it never occurred to any of the bishops, at the time of Tyrsh, or
fifty years upon his death to launch а campaign in the style of Dr Srebrnitch,
Bishop ofKrk. Evidently, the Catholic Church in Yugoslavia had а special rea-
son to even belatedly make ир for the omission of the Bohemian Episcopate.
ActuaHy, this blow to dead Tyrsh was addressed to his life achievement-the
Sokol Movement.
This is what Dr Srebrnitch says in his Epistle: "As oflately the en-
emies of the Holy Mother have decided to change the tactics and act
meanly. ТЪеу started extolling and disseminating the spirit and ide-
ology ofTyrch and his views оп the world, the man, nation, state ....
Tyrsh is а state of mind. Не fosters the spirit of naturalism and mа­
terialism. At first Tyrch was under the influence of the German
philosopher Schopenchauer and later [еН in love with the physical
culture of pagan Greeks. Не also [еН under the influence of some
Mohammedan ideas and adopted the materialistic view оп human
society and the evolution of human species according to Darwin's
theory. His ideology does not recognize God, nor the eternal life
of the Soul ... Tyrsh preaches freedom, brotherhood and equality in
the sense of naturalistic humanism ... Не caHs for education of the
human mind and strength of wi1l thanks to which man willlove his
country and his people, love freedom, Ье ready to defend his people,
support education and moral values, but аН that as part of secu-
lar culture, without God, without Christ, without Church, without
prayer, even without the Holy Mother, because his ideal is the Greek
ideal of Man. According to him "по one in history has ever created
а better man than the Greeks." This was the approach Tyrsh, the
founding father of numerous organizations for education of youth,
was promoting in his work, eliminating every possible religious,

31 "JUGOSLAVIJA" (Zagreb), Јиlу 23, 1932.

Magnum crimen ХIУ

рсе prema Darvinovoj teoriji. Njegova ideologija ne poznaje Boga ni

neumrle duSe ... Propovijeda slobodu, bratstvo i jednakost u smislu
naturalistickog humaniteta ... Носе da se odgaja ит, volja i cuvstvo
u covjeku za ljubav prema narodu i drzavi, za slobodu i stegu, za na-
rodnu odbranu, za prosvjetu i moral, аН dakako u svijetlu ovozemne
kulture te dosljedno bez Boga, bez Krista, bez crkve, bez molitve -
ра i bez Presvete Bogorodice, jer njemu је ideal grcki covjek; "boljeg
veceg covjeka nije proizvelo ni jedno kasnije doba", ovako se sam
izjavio. Tyrs је medu Cesima otac opseznih omladinskih odgojnih
organizacija; u smislu svoje ideologije izluCio је iz njihova odgoj-
nog rada svaki upliv religioznih narocito katolickih momenata te је
neprestano djelovao da budu u vjerskom obziru ateisticke. Ovo је
Tyrseva ideologija. Nitko је od dobrih katolika ne moze prihvatiti,
jer је ona jednostavno negacija ne samo Citavog katolicizma, nego
иорсе vjere u Boga ... Apsolutno је dakle za nas iskljuceno, mirno
dopustiti odgoj u smislu Tyrseva duha kao sto је иорсе suprotno
katolickoj nauci, da је та bilo koji odgoj iskljuCiva stvar laickih ele-
menata doticne crkvene vlasti ... Та ideologija је najveca pogibao za
nasu djecu ... Та se ideologija danas preporuca i siri i mnogi zbog
svoga polozaja niti ne mogu da је mimoilaze, premda је iz dna duse
mrze i osuduju. Ali mi hocemo da se protiv nje borimo, da se Ьо­
rimo za slobodu savjesti roditeljskih prava pod vodstvom nebeske
Bogorodice! Ne stoji ona па strani Tyrseve ideologije! Si1na, jaka
zena iz raja, Presveta Bogorodica Marija, ona је uz nas. Mi necemo
Tyrsa, mi hocemo u odgoju djece i mladezi Bogorodicu Mariju. "32
Ovako је Miroslav Tyrs, svijetlo ime u generaciji ceskih preporodite-
lja XIX. stoljeca, svojom nekrivicom Ыо uporeden dakako па svoju stetu
sa Bogorodicom Marijom. Miroslav Tyrs, covjek velike duhovne kulture i
univerzalne naobrazbe, profesor univerziteta, historicar umjetnosti, kriticar,
filozof, esteticar, politicar, odgojitelj omladine, propovjednik idealnog zdra-
vlja fizickog i moralnog nije ni slutio da се jednom doCi u priliku da ga se
uporeduje i unizuje u vezi sa Materom Bozjom. Tyrsev nacionalizam nije Ыо
ni uskogrudan, ni sovinisticki, nego oplemenjen i snosljiv. Tyrs је vjerovao
da u svijetu treba da zavlada duh ljubavi i prosvjecenosti koji се pobjediti
laz, mrznju i nesnosljivost i otvoriti vrata idealima covjecanstva i covjecno-
sti. Ovakvim su smatrali sokoli svoga osnivaca, а onako је о njemu mislio i
svojim vjernima predstavljao Tyrsa krcki biskup Srebrnic. Dobri poznavaoci

32 Korizmena poslanica 1931: "Presvetoj Bogorodici Mariji".

Viktor Novak

particularly Catholic influence in this regard. This was actually his

ideology. No good Catholic could accept it because it simply denies
not only Catholicism, but religion as such and God in the general
sense .... We simply cannot recognize education based оп the philos-
ophy of Tyrsh because Catholic Church does not accept апу form of
secular education. Actually, secular approach to education ... is fatal
for ош children ... Nowadays this ideology enjoys support Ьу people
оп high positions. In spite of the fact that they strongly condemn its
implications they support and disseminate it only because it helps
them make а career. But we want to fight against this ideology, we
want to fight for the rights of the parents and for the freedom of соп­
scious under the leadership of the Holy Mother! ТЬе Holy Mother is
not оп the side of Tyrsh and his ideology, the Holy Mother is оп ош
side. We want the Holy Mother to Ье present in the education of ош
This is how Miroslav Tyrsh, ап outstanding Czech reformer and опе of
the most prominent personalities of his generation, although innocent, was
set against the Holy Mother as а negative example. А mап of remarkable
spiritual culture and general education, а university professor, historian of
art, critique, philosopher, aesthetician, politician, educator of youth dissemi-
nating the principles of ideal moral and physical health, could have never
dreamed ofbeing compared to the Holy Mother in such а humiliating соп­
text. ТЬе nationalism of Tyrsh was neither narrow minded nor chauvinistic.
His nationalism was поblе and based оп tolerance. Не be1ieved in а world
of love and enlightenment, а world without hatred, falsehood and intoler-
апсе, а world based оп humane feelings. This is what the Sokols thought
about the founder of their movement, which was in sharp contrast to what
Dr Srebrnitch, Вishop of Krk preached about him to his believers. Those fa-
miliar with the life and work of Miroslav Tyrsh claim that he never denied or
attacked God and the church. Dr Srebrnitch has concocted such conclusions.
Оп the other hand, Вishop-Frano Uccelini- Тitze, а highly educated and
learned theologian with а rich pastoral experience, had а different opinion.
Не said: ,,1 have thoroughly analyzed the principles of the Sokol Movement
and in them 1 did not discover anything that could have а negative affect оп
religious feelings"33

32 LENT EPISTLE ТО ТНЕ HOLY MOTHER (Коrizшепа poslanica posvecena Presvetoj Bogorodici
33 Iуап Ivanchitch: ТНЕ SOKOLS AND RELIGION (Ivan IvanCic: Sokolstvo i vjera), "SOKO NA
JADRANU", 1931, NO.3, 47.

Magnum crimen XIV

Sokoli veZbaCi па spravama

Тhe Sokols - Athetes practicing gymnastics оп appliances

Tyrsevih djela i njegova zivota tvrde da nije ni u jednom spisu niti odricao
Boga ni crkve niti ih је napadao, sve је to pronasao dr. SrebrniC. Naprotiv
drugi biskup, Frano Uccelini- Тice, uceni teolog i орсе kulturni erudita, sa
velikim zivotnim i pastoralnim iskustvom jos је ranije rekao: "ProuCio sam
nacela ро kojima sokolstvo radi i uputio sam se u taj rad, аН nisam nasao
nista, u cemu Ы se vjerski osjecaj mogao povrijediti".33
Srebrniceva poslanica izazvala је пе samo paznju nego i veliku polemiku.
Sokoli su izdali svoj odgovor "Tyrs па 10maCi" u kojem pobijaju Srebrniceve
optuZbe protiv Tyrsa.
"Као sto su plamenovi proZdirali zivo tijelo Tyrsevog zemljaka
Јапа Husa (1415.), tako Ы trebao da oganj gnjeva rimokatolickog
svecenika sazge i unisti osnivaca sokolstva - 47 godina ро njegovoj
smrti (1884.); '" Sa mirnim ponosom postavljamo svoju cast i svo-
је grudi tom novom napadu srdZbe rimokatolicke vojujuce crkve u
uvjerenju, da се se od nas odbiti valovje strasti, jer пат је тоЫа
bolje nego biskupu krckomu poznata u sokolskom zivotu tvrdo pro-
kusana rijec: "Ako s njim umremo s njim сет о takoder zivjeti; ako
s njim trpimo, s njim сето takoder kraljevati."

33 Ivan Ivancic, Sokolstvo i vjera. "Soko па Jadranu" 1931., br. 3, 47.

Viktor Novak

ТheEpistle not only aroused great interest but also triggered а hot contro-
versy. Тhe Sokols responded in an article entitled TYRSH ON ТНЕ STAKE
in which they refute аН accusations concocted Ьу Srebrnitch.
"In 1415 John Huss was burnt alive. Ву the same token, now in
1884, 47 years after his death, а Roman Catholic priest is trying to
destroy the founder of the Sokols Ьу burning him оп the stake of his
hatred ... Against this new attack of the militant Catholic Church
with pride and dignity we set ош chests and honor, convinced that
we shall Ье able to соре with that wave of hatred. We, Sokols know
it perhaps better then the Bishop of Krk that if we die with them
with them shall we live; if we suffer with them with them shall we
Тhe ensuing polemics was only an introduction to an organized attack
against the Sokols. Actually, the attack оп its privileged status within the
school system and its ideology was only an attack in disguise оп Yugoslavia
and а smart effort to bring to the attention of the international community
the difficulties the Catholic Church is allegedly facing in Yugoslavia. In vehe-
ment protests emphasis was placed оп the evident fact that Srebrnitch was
only the first link in а smartly concocted clero-fashist campaign. "In spite of
different messages coming [roт Rome we are [иНу aware that the progres-
sive ideals of the Yugoslav inte11igentsia wi1l соте true only if we develop
а strong national awareness, severe religious links with Rome, set ир а na-
tional Church and create а genuine Yugoslav amalgamation. Тhe ideology of
Tyrsh тау Ье helpful in this regard, because it is the ideology of truth and
progress."34 Тhis message сате from Sushak (Susak) the most vulnerable
point оп the Yugoslav -Italian border and was addressed to the Bishop of Krk,
highly respected Ьу Italian fascists. Fascism was triumphing because it had
found an аНу against the Sokols. А reliable one, there was по doubt about it.
At that time only at the mention of these activities and only а finger
pointed at someone of them triggered violent reaction and protests against
cruel and unjust denunciations.
Archbishop Bauer vehemently reacted to that article claiming that Bishop
Srebrnitch wanted to justify his views оп the ideology of Tyrsh Ьу produc-
ing more convincing proofs. For that purpose two new brochures were риЬ­
lished: FIAT LUX and ТНЕ SPIRIТ OF TYRSH, which, according to Вishop
Srebrnitch, "contain some ideas very important for the education of ош


IDEOLOGY OF TYRSH" (Biskup Srebrnic, Schopenchauer, darvinizam i Tyrseva ideologija),
"NASA SLOGA", March 29,1931.

Magnum crimen XIV

Polemika koja је uslijedila ukazivala је da се uskoro uslijediti pravi or-

ganizirani napadaj па Sokolstvo. Ne samo unutar sokolskih redova nego i
izvan njih, jer se osjetilo da је Sokolstvo i njegov nadahnuti favorizirani ро­
lozaj u skoli i njegova ideologija samo izlika da se napadne Jugoslavija i da
se ukaze svijetu u kakvim se teskocama nalazi katolicka crkva. Dakako u
polemici nisu izostajali i najogorceniji protesti i upozoravanja da је SrebrniC
samo avangarda jedne vjesto zamisljene klerofasisticke akcije. "Ра i ako nam
papinski Rim drukCije porucuje, mi, nazalost, znamo da jedino u nasoj jakoj
nacionalnoj svijesti lezi ostvarenje ideala napredne jugoslavenske inteligen-
cije: kidanje s crkvenim Rimom, osnivanjem autokefalne crkve i stvaranjem
definitivnog jugoslavenskog amalgama. Ти се nam ротоа donekle i Tyrseva
ideologija, jer ona уоН istinu i napredak".34 Ovako su sa Susaka, sa ugrozene
tocke па jugoslavensko-talijanskoj granici, poruCivali biskupu Krka, па kog
su Talijani - fasiste sa velikim postovanjem gledali. Fasizam је likovao, jer је
nasao saveznika protiv sokolstva. 1, s pravom.
Biskup SrebrniC htio se opravdati od svih prijekora i jos vise utvrditi svo-
је gledanje па Tyrsevu ideologiju. Zato su i ponikle dvije nove brosure "Fiat
lux" i "Tyrsev duh", kako оп kaze u cilju "vrlo vazne stvari odgoja nase mlade-
Zi".35 Оуе dvije brosure jos su i vise utvrdile da su se sukobila dva nazora па
svijet i domovinu, dakako u vezi sa Jugoslavijom, koji su se jedan od drugog
sve vise odmicali. Jos jednom Srebrnic podvlaCi da katolici, u stvari klerikal-
ci, moraju najodlucnije istupiti protiv Tyrseve ideologije. Jer,
"U tome nazoru nema mjesta Bogu; nema mjesta kralju vjekova
i Spasitelju Isusu Kristu, komu treba da se svako stvorenje klanja kao
Bogu i apsolutnom gospodaru svome; nema mjesta katolickoj crkvi
i papi, koji zamijenjuje Isusa Krista па zemlji kao vrhovni pogla-
var njegova stada nepogrijesivo vodi narode putevima istine; nema
mjesta Promislu bozjem, koji upravlja najvecom mudroSCu ... Kako
se moze dakle ocekivati, da bilo koji dobar katolik mirno dopusta,
da se ta ideologija narivava i da јој se расе povjerava odgoj njegove
djece i mladezi? Расе duznost је njegova, da se svetim ogorcenjem
prosvjeduje proti svim ovakvim pokusajima!"36
Medutim, stav i misljenje krckog biskupa dra. SrebrniCa nije ostalo loka-
lizirano. Ono је postalo орсе u svim dijecezama i kod svih ordinarija, osim

34 Ljubo Serdar, Biskup dr. Srebrnic, Schopenchauer, darvinizam i Tyrseva ideologija. "Nasa sloga" 29.
35 Josip Srebrnic, Crkvi slobodu. Zagreb 1932.,31.
36 Josip Srebrnic, "Fiat lих". Zagreb 1931.,20-21.

Viktor Novak

youth"35 These two brochures prove that the whole controversy is actuaHy а
conflict between two different concepts of life and the fatherland, in other
words Yugoslavia, which were getting increasingly incompatible. Srebrnitch
reiterated his саН оп Roman Catholics and Old Catholics to adopt а negative
attitude towards Tyrsh and his ideology because:
"In that ideology there is по room for God; there is по roот for
the Кing of the centuries and ош Savior Jesus Christ who should Ье
venerated Ьу аН of us and before whom, ош God and Lord, we аН
should bow; there is по room for the Catholic Church, nor the Роре
representing Jesus Christ оп Earth, at the head of His flock leading
it along the road of truth; there is по room for Celestial Providence
governing this world with great wisdom ... А good Catholic cannot
Ье expected to entrust the education of his children to the system
fostering that spirit. Оп the contrary. Every good Catholic should
reject such system of education with iпdigпаtiоп!"3б
views ofDr Srebritch, Bishop ofKrk, spilled over the local boundar-
ies and were disseminated in аН Catholic Dioceses and Ьу аН ordinariums,
except in the Kotor Dioceses headed Ьу the old Bishop Frano Ucce11inni-
Titze. Srebrnitch was in constant conflict with the Sokols. When the SOKOLS
ОР ТНЕ KINGDOM ОР YUGOSLAVIA decided to mark the Hundredth
Anniversary of their founding father Miroslav Tyrsh оп March 5 or 6, 1932,
only а few days before the envisaged event, оп February 25, 1932, Bishop
Srebrnitch circulated his Epistle to аН Sokol Societies in which he argues with
the ideology of Tyrsh in his weH known manner, rejecting it as impious and
dangerous for true Catholics. His request that the Epistle Ье read during the
ceremony aroused derision among the Sokols. In his Epistle Srebrnitch does
not mention the Encyclical the Holy Father announced оп Christian educa-
tion because he did not want to jeopardize his authority. Thе Holy Father was
not openly engaged in the anti -Sokol campaign, foHowing it [roт the shade.
ActuaHy, Srebrnitch took advantage of every opportunity to engage in conflict
with the Sokols, which is evident from the letters they exchanged, e.g. in 1932
the Bishop's reaction to their invitation to celebrate the morning mass оп St.
George's Day (Djurdjevski uranak), or his angry comments оп the privi1eged
status of the Sokols who оп state holidays always had а prominent place in the
Cathedral. When in the Summe~ of 1932 Thе Sokol Society in Supetar asked
the priest to bless its flag he asked Bishop М. Pushitch (Pusic) for permission

Ј5 Josip Srebrnitch: "FREEDOM FOR ТНЕ CHURCH" (Crkvi slobodu), Zagreb, 1932.,31.
36 Josip Srebrnitch: ,ЛАТ LUX", Zagreb 1931., рр. 20-21.

Magnum crimen XIV

и kotorskoj dijecezi kojom је upravljao starac biskup Frano Uccellinni-Tice.

Srebrnic је sada stalno и sukobu sa soko1ima. Kad је SKJ odredio da se 5. ili 6.
marta 1932. odrzi и svim sokolskim drustvima proslava stogodisnjice rode-
пја Miroslava Tyrsa, onda је biskup Srebrnic uputio svim sokolskim drustvi-
та 25. II 1932. svoju poslanicu и kojoj је па svoj poznati паБп polemizirao
sa Tyrsevom ideologijom, роЫјајиа је kao bezboznicku i opasnu za prave
katolike. Svakako је njegov zahtjev, da se poslanica proCita па samoj proslavi,
izazvao ор си veselost и sokolskim redovima. Ni и оуој poslanici пе poziva se
Srebrnic па papinu encikliku о krscanskom odgoju. Naprosto stoga da пе Ы
и borbi izlozio papin autoritet. Оп ostaje и pozadini Citave antisokolske kam-
рапје. Sukobi izmedu dra. Srebrnica је izrazavao svakom prilikom kadgod se
опа ukazala. О tome rjeCito govori prepiska izmedu biskupa i krckog Sokola
tokom 1932. !!c_~~zi sa durdevdanskim urankom, kad su Sokoli trazili od ы­
skupa da im odsluzi misu prije polaska па uranak ili radi biskupove ljutnje
sto su sokoli zauzimali vidna mjesta и katedrali prilikom raznih drzavnih
Kad је sokolsko drustvo па Supetru и ljeto 1932. zatrazilo od svog zu-
pnika da ти blagoslovi zastavu, оуај se obratio biskupu М. Pusi(u, koji је to
nacelno odbio, а pristao, ako drustvo prethodno pismeno izjavi da osuduje
Tyrseva "protuvjerska, kulturna i uzgojna nacela". Kad је tu biskupovu odluku
objavio splitski "Kriz па Jadranu" (4. IX. 1932.), razmahala se ostra polemi-
ka. U isto vrijeme izdao је zagrebacki nadbiskup svome svecenstvu nacelnu
zabranu blagosivljanja zastava SKJ-e. U nadbiskupovoj motivaciji te zabrane
kaze se da је Tyrseva ideologija osnova SKJ-e i stoga se пе moze dopustiti ta-
kav crkven Бп. "Dr. М. Tyrs nije Ыо samo bezvjerac, nego bezbozac, а паро­
se је nastupao protiv katolicke vjere i katolicke Crkve. Prema tome је jasno,
da је i njegova ideologija materijalisticka i naturalisticka, dakle protuvjerska,
protukrscanska. Blagosivljati barjak drustva sa ovakvom ideologijom znaCilo
Ы и пајтапји ruku preporuCiti vjerski indiferentizam. Stoga иорсе пе mogu
dozvoliti da se barjak blagoslovi". Nadbiskup је 1932. zaboravio, da је 1911.
па Svesokolskom sletu и Zagrebu i па banketima ucestvovao kao nadbiskup
koadjutor sa predstavnicima ovog kaptola. Na sletu koji је takoder tada slavio
Tyrsa. Ali onda nije bilo Mussolinija ni klerofasisticke direktive!
Primjerom nadbiskupa Bauera iCi се i dakovacki biskup Aksamovic, koji
је jos prije kratkog vremena onako Нјеро pisao vinkovackom Sokolu. 37 Sve је

37 Susacki "Mornar" 1. IX. 1932. poredujuCi radnje talijanskih prelata па granici Jugoslavije s оуј·
та jugoslavenskih biskupa u odnosu prema Sokolu kaze i оуо: "Kad је па Rijeci biskup Celso
Constantini u crkvi sv. Vida blagoslovio bodez sto su ga rijecke zene obuzete erotickim [иroroт
poklonile D'Annunziu, оуај mitrirani prelat nije ni poslije toga zatrazio od D'Annunzia da јаупо

Viktor Novak

who agreed to give it provided the Society accepted to previously condemn

јп written the anti-religious, cultural and educational principles maintained
Ьу Tyrsh. ОП September 4, 1932 the paper KRIZ NA JADRANU (Cross оп
the Adriatic) published the text of the Вis}юр's decision which ignited а hot
discussion. At the same time the Bishop of Zagreb prohibited his priests to
bless the flag of the Sokol of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, under the pretext
that the АШапсе is based оп the ideology of Tyrsh. This religious act сап­
not Ье aHowed because "Dr. М. Tyrsh was not only а тап without religion,
he was ап atheist, particularly hostile to Catho1ic religion and the Catholic
Church. Evidently, his ideology is materialistic and naturalistic which means
that it is anti-religious and anti-Christian. Blessing а society fostering such
ideology would, at least, теап support to religious indifference. This is the
reason why I cannot aHow the blessing of the flag." In 1932 the Archbishop
forgot that in 1911, as Archbishop-Coadjutor, together with the representa-
tives ofhis Captol he attended the АН Sokol Ral1y in Zagreb and the festivi-
ties dedicated to the memory of Tyrsh. But, at that time there was neither
Mussolini, nor the clero-fascist directives coming from these sources.
Akshamovitc11 (Aksamovic) Вishop of Djakovo, fol1owed in the wake of
Archbishop Bauer, the same Bishop Akshamovitch who shortly before the
controversy expressed his positive opinion about the Sokol organization in
Vil1kovciY Which added new heat to the polemics. 38
It was only the introduction to а decisive attack of the Episcopate оп
its most hated institution. At the Conference of the Yugoslav Episcopate, оп
November 17, 1932 аН Bishops condemned Tyrsh and, consequently, the
Yugoslav Sokols. Before the Conference Bishop Srebrnitch published а book-
let FREEDOM FOR ТНЕ CHURCH (Crkvi slobodu) in which he was trying
to accuse Yugoslavia [ог persecuting the Catholic Church. In this booklet

37 "MORNAR", (published јп Sushak), iп its article оfSерtешЬег 1, 1932, сошрагiпg the activities of
the Italian Prelates across the Yugosla\' border \vith those of the Yugoslav Bishops with regard to the
Sokols, ашопg other thiпgs says: "Iп the Church of St. Vitus, Celso Constantini, Bishop of Rijeka,
blessed the dagger, а gift of sexually obsessed wошеп to D'Аппuпziо, but the Prelate пеуе]' asked
D'Аппuпziо to риЫјсЈу refute iп frопt о{ the church аll dirty words he has used against Christ and
Catholic morality јп his books оп the Index оЕ Prohibited Books. And the НоЈу Father, Pius ХI? Не
\·егу \vell knows 'Nho Мussоliпi is апd what he is doing. Не also knows that iп Geneva, јп front of
some f'riends, Мussоliпi claimed tlblt there was по God! ... Before he blessed Mussolini and deco-
rated hiш with tl1e highбt ОгЈег, Medal of the Gоldеп Spur, did the НоЈу Father ask him to риЫјсЈу,
јп fгопt of tlJe church, геflJtе this Ыаsрl1ешу? NO! Апd before dесогаtiпg the поtoriОlJS bandit апd
агsошst GilJnto 311d some fascists directly involved јп the murder of the honest mап Matteotti did
the Роре ask them to герепt iп риЫјс for the cOl11mitted сгiшеs? NO! After his recent гесопсiliаtiоп
with the Duce did the Роре ask him to stop persecuting ош priests iп the Јuliaп region? NO!"
38 "SOKOLSКI GLASNIK", ЈиЈу 14, 1932.

Magnum crimen XIV

to dalo povoda novim, u mnogom uzbudljivim, polemikama. 38

Tako је tokom 1932. bila pripravljena atmosfera za odlucan napad epi-
skopata па mrsku ustanovu. Тај је uslijedio па konferenciji jugoslavenskog
episkopata 17. ХI 1932. kad је u Citavom zboru prisutnih biskupa osuden
Miroslav Tyrs, а s time dosljedno i jugoslavensko sokolstvo. Prije nego sto
је doslo do konferencije, biskup dr. Srebrnic najodlucniji zagovornik osude
Sokola па konferenciji, objavio је brosuru "Crkvi slobodu" u kojoj је dokazi-
уао da је katobl'ka crkva u Jugoslaviji progonjena. Sada se dr. Srebrnic prvi
put poziva па рарјпи Encikliku. 1 to u оЬа пјепа glavna momenta, skolskom
i fizickom odgoju omladine.
"Samo neprijatelj Crkve i Njezina Bozanskog poslanstva, samo
oni, koji su pogledom па crkvu velike neznalice, samo oni, koji ni-
јеси Boga i neumrlost duse, te gledaju svu svrhu covjeka u zivotu па
zemlji, mogu crkvi osporavati pravo odgoja mladeZi. Tog se prava
Crkva nikada nе moze odreCi, 5 tim pravom Crkva zivi i pada, te se
mот naglasiti, da је Crkva u риnоm stanju progonstva u svakoj dr-
zavi, u kojoj se vrsenje toga prava osporava, otescava ili расе оnеmо­
gucuje. "39
Dr. SrebrniC htio је nesumnjivo pokazati koliko је tesko katolicima u
Jugoslaviji koji zive pod hegemonijom pravoslavnih Srba. Оуо i nista drugo.
А to se i te kako rado slusalo u оЬа zarista talijanskog nacionalizma, koji је
strahovao od jugoslavenskog konsolidiranja. Niko, nikad ranije nije tako ује­
sto i hipokritski izvodio jednu makijavelisticko-jezuitsku politiku nego sto је
to Cinio dr. Josip Srebrnic. U tome је оп za Citavo koplje nadvisio, inace veli-
kog majstora, dr. Ivana SariCa. 1 zato su rijeCi dr. Srebrnica ukoliko se odnose
па crkvu i о пјепој neslobodi u Jugoslaviji nepravedne i neistinite. Опе su
za osudu i u опот slucaju kad Ы bile samo zabluda, а пе i strahovitom сЩи
usmjerena tendencija. Pri kraju оуе svoje knjige kaze Srebrnic:
"Sloboda, sto је Crkva u Jugoslaviji uziva vrlo је gorka. Prava је ironija,
govoriti о slobodi Crkve u Jugoslaviji ... Svako ropstvo је zloCin. Najveci је
pred crkvom opozove sve svinjarije, sto ih је u svojim па iпdех роstаvlјепiт djelima sasuo па
Kristov kato1icki mora!. А Njegova Svetost Рара рјо Х!? Sveti Otac zna, ko је i sto је Musso!ini. Zna
da је Mussolini pred jednim svojim drustvom u Zenevi ustvrdio, da пета Boga! ... Da li је рара,
prije nego li је Mussolinija blagoslovio i odlikovao опјт visokim ordenom (Zlatna ostruga) zatra-
iio od njega, da јаупо pred crkvom opozove опи strahovitu hulu па Boga? Nije! А prije nego li је
odlikovao poznatog palikucu i razbojnika Giuntu i neke fasiste, sto su direkte ucestovali u umorstvu
postenjaka Matteottija је li рара trazio od пјih da se јаУ110 pokaju za опа bogomrska zlocinstva?
Nije! Је li nakon nedavnog ponovnog izmirenja раре Рја ХI. zatraiio od Ducea da пе progoni nase
svecenstvo u Julijskoj Krajini? Nije."
38 "Sokolski glasnik" 14. УН. 1932.
39 Josip Srebrnic, Crkvi slobodu, 1932., 14.

Viktor Novak

Srebrnitch for the first time makes reference to the Encyclical only in соп­
nection with two major subjects: general school education and physical edu-
cation for youth.
"Only the епету of the Church and its Celestial mission, only
those who know nothing about the Church, only those who deny
God and immortality of the Soul, only those who ЬеНеуе that hu-
тап life is only Ше оп Earth dare deny the Church the right to edu-
cate young people. Church will never give ир that right. ТЬе future
existence of the Catholic Church depends оп its right to perform
that mission. 1herefore, it should Ье emphasized that the Church is,
in fact, persecuted in every state which denies or in апу way jeopar-
dizes that right to the Church. "39
Evidently, Dr. Srebrnitch wanted to emphasize that in Yugoslavia Ше is
very difficult for the Catholics under the hegemony of the Orthodox. Serbs.
1his was the only intention of the booklet Also, this was music to the ears of
both centers of Italian nationalism which actually feared the consolidation of
Yugoslavia. Dr. Josip Srebrnitch was ап absolute champion in conducting а
hypocritical, Machiavellian and Jesuitical роНсу. Не was definitely superior
to Dr. Ivan Sharitch (Saric) otherwise а grand master of that skill. Speaking
about the status of the Catholic Church in Yugoslavia Dr. Srebrnitch, being
what he was, completely distorted the truth and his comments were sheer
falsehood. It was not his blunder. It was part of а well pondered campaign
with а perfectly defined aim. At the end of his book Srebrnitch makes the
following comment:
"Вitter is the freedom which the Catholic Church enjoys in
Yugoslavia. Freedom of Church in Yugoslavia is sheer irony... Every
kind of slavery is а crime and the greatest of аН crimes is to deprive
the Church of its rights and reduce to slavery the loftiest Celestial
Providence turned into reality оп Earth, in the aim of alienating the
believers and push them to impiety..... High State officials should
Ье better acquainted with Church Canons, its spirit, its history and
its organizational pattern. Our High officials do not know or do not
want to know, anything about that .. 1his is the source of аН our соп­
flicts, crisis, dissatisfactions, deviations from the right course and so
much injustice done to our Catholic Church and to the Catholics!
Before concluding 1 would like to launch and appeal: FREEDOM

39 Josip Srebrnitch: "FREEDOM FOR ТНЕ CHURCH", 1932.,14.

Magl1um crimel1 XIV

zloCin liSiti Crkvu njezine slobode i njezinih prava, te nastojati, da bude Ona,
najljepsa realnost Bozjih zamisli па zemlji, ropkinjom, te расе sustavno iCi
za tim da se narod Crkvi otudi i zavede u bezvjerstvo ... Drzavnici Ы morali
tu Crkvu temeljito poznati, do dna Ы morali poznati njezin Zakonik, duh
Crkve, njezinu proslost i njezin ustroj. Nasi је drzavnici nazalost ne poznaju
ili nece da је poznaju. Radi toga, eto toliko nezadovoljstva, toliko kriza, toliko
lupanja, ра i toliko velikih nepravdi Crkvi i nama katolicima! ... Zavrsujem:
Crkvi Slobodu! U Krku, па blagdan Majke Bozje, Kraljice Svete Krunice, 27.
listopada 1932."40
Srebrnicevu misao prevela је najmnogobrojnija organizacija К. А. sa
"Hrvatskoj slobodu". Ovdje su se tako sustekle dvije misli koje su se i jedna-
ko dopunjale i pomagale.
Na drugoj strani, u talijanskoj fasistickoj stampi, sve su оуе ројауе u
Jugoslaviji bile registrirane i па svoj naCin komentirane. Kad је SKJ priredio
izloZbu u Beogradu, bili su prikazani i oni jugoslavenski djelovi koji su poslije
Rapalla doSli u sklop talijanske drzave, а u kojima је nekad cvjetalo sokolstvo.
NaroCito Rijeka, Zadar, Gorica i Trst bila su mjesta iz kojih је zraCila sokolska
misao. Zastavice, zavite u crno uz imena оуљ gradova па velikoj geografskoj
karti za milanski "Corriere della Sera" bile su strahovita provokacija. Jer, "one
pokazuju da jos ima brace koju treba osloboditi i da је сЩ sokola da pripravi
njihovo otkupljenje".41 Zato istodobni fasisticki i jugoslavenski klerikalni na-
padaji па SKJ dovodeni su u uzrocnu vezu kod velikog dijela rodoljuba, ра i
takvih koji su bili prema sokolu u kritickom stavu, sto је pristao da radi pod
diktatorskim rezimom. "Jugoslavenski katolicki episkopat i talijanski fasizam
kao ро dogovoru, u isto doba, naSli su se па istom terenu u borbi protiv so-
kolstva. Najnovija dva ispada protiv sokolstva, jedan sa strane fasista, а drugi
sa strane naseg episkopata, pokazuju, jer su istodobni, da se borba protiv so-
kolstva vodi s jedne zajednicke fronte ро jednom skupnom planu sa svim ra-
spoloZivim sredstvima".42 Svima rodoljubima bila Ы оуа stvar zagonetna da
nije bila i odvise oCigledna. Jer decenijama је postojalo sokolstvo, decenijama
su se blagosivljali sokolski domovi i zastave ... Decenijama је svecenstvo bilo
naklonjeno sokolstvu, koje је uvijek radilo u duhu Tyrseve ideologije. 1 sad se
najednom otkrilo da је sve to Ыlа jedna ogromna zabluda, da su blagosivljali
ustanovu, njene zastave i domove, koja se osnivala па bezvjerskim nacelima.

40 josip Srebrnic, Crkvi slobodu, 42-43.

41 jos о sokolskoj izlozbi u Beogradu. jedan glas talijanske stampe "Sokolski glasnik" 9. ХII. 1932.
42 Ljubidrag Garcina, "Bezvjerac" Tyrs. "jugoslavija" (Beograd) 30. ХII. 1932.

Viktor Novak

FOR OUR CHURCH! Krk, оп the Day of the Holy Mother, Queen
of the Rosary, October 27, 1932."40
CATHOLIC ACTION, the organization with the most massive mеm­
bership, took over the ideas of Srebrnitch and published them in the paper
HRVATSKA SLOBODA (Croatian Freedom). This was actually the conver-
gence of two complementary ideas.
ТЬе Italian fascist press closely followed these developments in
Yugoslavia, informing about them and commenting them from their angle
ganized their exhibition in Belgrade they also indicated оп the maps the
parts ofYugoslavia which after the RAPPALO TREATIES were handed over
to Italy, because the Sokol Movement used to flourish there, particularly in
Rijeka, Zadar, Gorica and Trieste. According to CORRIERE DELA SERA it
was аn unprecedented provocation to put the flags wrapped in black next to
the manes of these places, because it meant "that some of our brothers are
not free and that the Sokols intend to bring them freedom. "41 Маnу patriots,
еуеn those who criticized the Sokols for accepting to continue their activi-
ties under the dictatorship, recognized the connection between the simulta-
neous attacks of the Fascists and Yugoslav clericals and their supporters оп
the Movement "ТЬе Yugoslav Catholic Episcopate and the Italian Fascists,
as if Ьу agreement, are side Ьу side struggling against the Sokol Movement.
ТЬе two simultaneous attacks оп the Sokol Movement, оnе coming from
the Fascists and the other from the Yugoslav Episcopate are evidently part
of а joint front organized according to the same plan and with аН available
means"42 Everything was so evident that there was nothing enigmatic about
it. ТЬе Sokol Movement has existed for decades and for decades their centers
and flags have Ьееn ceremonially blessed ... For decades the clergy had Ьееn
prone to the Sokol Movement, always faithful to the ideology of Tyrsh. АН of
а sudden they discovered that everything was only а blunder, that they used
to bless the centers and flags of аn institution based оп religious indifference.
Evidently, the issue was raised for completely different reasons and Ьу differ-
ent circles, both from Yugoslavia and abroad.
Оп November 22, at the end of its work the Вishop Conference adopted
а Resolution later published in CATHOLIC GAZETTE (Katolicki 1ist), the

40 Idem, рр. 42-43.

41 "Моге Details оп the Sokol Exhibition јп Belgrade. а comment јп the Italian Press," (Jos о sokolskoj
izlozbi и Beogradu .... )",SOKOLSКI GLASNIK", December 9,1932.
42 Ljubidrag Garchina: "Tyrsh, the Infidel" (Ljubidrag Garcina: "Bezvjerac" Tyrs), "JUGOSLAVIJA",
Beograd, December 30,1932.

Magnum crimen XIV

Svakako sve је to dalo povoda da је tre-

balo па drugoj strani traziti uzroke, u i
izvan zemlje.
Вiskupska konferencija koja је
zakljucena 22. novembra izglasala је
rezoluciju, koja је bila odstampana u
sluZbenom listu zagrebacke dijeceze,
"Katolickom listu". Drzavni tuZilac ро­
grjesio је sto је Ыо odvise samostalan
kad је nasao, da rezolucija sadrzi proti-
vdrzavne denuncijacije, ра ји је zabra-
пјо. Тјте је dao пеирисепјта osnove
da pomisle da se uistinu istina i pravi-
са gone. Da ји је dopustio, а s пјоте
i otvorenu polemiku, vise Ы koristio u
samoj stvari i drzavi. Dakako episko-
pat је uspio da је razasalje svecenstvu.
Sta vise objavili su је pojedini klerikal-
пј listovi, kao па primjer dubrovacka
"Narodna svijest" (30. ХI 1932.), ра su
onda naknadno zabranjene. Zato је do- Prestolonaslednik Petar
nosimo u cjelosti. u sokolskoj uniforтi
" Katolicki episkopat Jugosla- Ље Crown Princes
vije sakupljen mjeseca novembra in Sokol uniforт
ove godine па svojim godisnjim
konferencijama pretresao је vazne crkvene administrativne poslove
i crkveno-politicka pitanja. Nakon svestranog raspravljanja stvoreni
su vrlo vazni zakljucci i теЈи ostalima donesene su ove rezolucije:
1. Episkopat najodlucnije prosvjeduje proti nekulturnim пара­
dajima, sto ih sustavno provode neprijatelji crkve i pripadnici neka-
tolicke vjeroispovijesti па vrhovnoga glavara katolicke crkve Svetog
Оса Рари i katolicke svetinje.
2. Episkopat odlucno trazi, da se pitanja, koja spadaju u zajedni-
cki djelokrug crkvene i drzavne vlasti, rjesavaju medusobnim spo-
razumom. Napose trazi, da se pitanje vjerske nastave па osnovnim,
srednjim i пјјта slicnim te strucnim skolama rjesavaju па паСјп da
dodu do jasnoga izrazaja prava crkve i roditelja.
3. Episkopat konstatira, da se u skolskim udZbenicima obraduju
mnoga pitanja па паСјп, koji tesko vrijeda vjeru i moral katolicke

Viktor Novak

official gazette of the Zagreb Diocese. ТЬе Public Prosecutor, being abso-
lutely independent, decided to prohibit it as "а threat to state interests." It
was а mistake because the uninformed general public was thus led to believe
that everything in the Resolution was true and that the prohibition meant
persecution of justice. Otherwise, the issue would have aroused only а lim-
ited public interest with по detrimental effect оп the interests of the State.
In the meantime the Episcopate managed to disseminate the Resolution. It
was even published in some clerical papers, e.g. in Dubrovnik NATIONAL
AWARNESS (Narodna svijest) of November 30, 1932, which was immedi-
ately prohibited.
Here is the whole text of the Resolution:
"At its regular Annual Conference held in November of this year
the Catholic Episcopate in Yugoslavia discussed important Church
and administrative matters and political issues regarding the Church.
After а very detailed discussion some important conclusions were
arrived at and the following Resolutions adopted:
1. ТЬе Episcopate strongly protests against uncivilized attacks
оп the Holy Father and Catholic holy objects Ьу non-Catholics and
enemies of the Church;
2. ТЬе Episcopate demands that the Church and the State, Ьу
mutual agreement, find а solution to аН issues of common interest.
Religious education in elementary and secondary schools and pro-
fessional schools of the same level should Ье devoted special atten-
tion so as to fully guarantee the rights of the Church and parents;
3. ТЬе Episcopate has соте to the conclusion that in school text
books many topics are presented in а way insulting to the Catholic
Church and its moral standards and grounded оп distorted histori-
cal facts. ТЬе Episcopate demands immediate corrections;
4. ТЬе Catholic Episcopate protests against evident injus-
tice done to Catholic parents Ьу appointing mostly or exclusively
поп -Саtlюliс teachers for their children. According to the Law оп
Education secular school teachers тау also teach religion, which is
unacceptable and makes this protest fully justified;
5. Owing to the fact that the Sokol of the Кingdom ofYugoslavia
fosters the naturalist philosophy of Tyrsh the Catholic Church de-
mands that Catholic youth Ье spared the fatal influence of that edu-
cational system;
6. ТЬе Catholic Episcopate condemns the insults and various
other forms of persecution Catholic bishops, priests and Catholic in-
te1ligentsia are exposed to through mean denunciations. This prac-
Magnum crimen XIV

crkve, i da se iskrivljuju historijske Cinjenice, te zahtijeva, da se ove

povrede odmah uklone.
4. Katolicki episkopat prosvjeduje protiv oCitih nepravdi, koje
se nanose katolickim roditeljima time, sto se па skole, gdje su dje-
са iskljuCivo ili pretezno katolicke vjeroispovijesti, namjestaju na-
stavnici inovjerci. Ovaj prosvjed је to opravdaniji, sto nastavnici u
smislu skolskog zakona zamjenjuju vjerouCitelje.
5. BuduCi da је Sokol kraljevine Jugoslavije usvojio naturalisti-
cku kulturnu ideologiju Tyrsovu, episkopat odlucno trazi, da se od
katolicke mladezi ukloni pogubni utjecaj ovoga odgojnoga sistema.
6. Katolicki episkopat osuduje insulte i mnogovrsne oblike рro­
gonstva biskupa, svecenika i katolickih civilnih inteligenata па te-
melju neopravdanih i zlobnih denuncijacija, koje ruse sklad i mir
izmedu crkvene i drzavne vlasti. "43
Jedan osobito povjerljiv izvjestaj, аје informacije poticu iz jedne ka-
ptolske Kurije u Zagrebu, upucen predsjedniku vlade mjeseca decembra
1932. govori о borbenom duhu koji је vladao па toj biskupskoj konferenci-
ji. Pouzdanost ovih informacija је potpuna. Iz njih se vidi da su "najostriji,
najintransigentniji i najprotivdrzavniji ЫН sarajevski nadbiskup dr. Saric i
krcki biskup dr. SrebrniC". Obojica su zahtjevali da se rezolucija sastavi u jos
odlucnijem i ostrijem tonu. Zahtjevali su da se sve drzavne vlasti sabotiraju,
da se stupi u bliski kontakt sa opozicijom, i da se izposluje kod Svete Stolice
opozivanje papinskog nuncija Pellegrinettija, kako Ы se doslo do prekida di-
plomatskih odnosa izmedu Jugoslavije i Vatikana. Od toga је odvratio bor-
bene biskupe sam nuncij Pellegrinetti, koji је dosao u Zagreb па konferenciju
posljednjih dana. U izvjestaju se tvrdi da је Citava konferencija vodena pod
predhodnim instrukcijama jezuita, koji su najenergicnije trazili da se dopusti
osnivanje katolickih gimnastickih drustava. Sve Ы to trebale sprovesti orga-
nizacije "Krizara", poput slicnih ustanova u Austriji i Njemackoj, па sasvim
vojnicki naCin. Zato se nagovaraju bivsi austrijski oficiri koji nisu primljeni
u jugoslavensku vojsku da pristupe medu Krizare. Na kraju konferencije ро­
vjereno је biskupu Garicu i jezuiti Miilleru da odrzavaju veze s opozicijom,
naroCito s frankovackim ustaskim krilom, koje vodi dr. МНе Budak najin-
timniji saradnik emigranta dr. Ante Pavelica. Jezuita Miiller se naime tru-
dio da poravna neskladnosti u redovima opozicije kako Ы Citava opozicija
(HSS i SDK) zajedno s klerikalcima i ustasama Cinila jednu jedinstvenu i jaku
frontu, ne samo protiv vlade, nego i protiv drzave. Nastup ove opozicione

43 U sedmoj tocci rezolucije preporuca se svecenstvu i vjernima karitativna akcija.

Viktor Novak

tice has а negative effect оп реасе and harmony between the Church
and state authorities. "43
Аconfidential report based оп information coming from one of the
Captol Curiae in Zagreb, addressed to the Prime Minister in December
1932, describes the militant spirit prevailing at the Bishop Conference. These
information are absolutely re1iable. According to the Report "the most in-
transigent and hostile with regard to the state were: Dr. Sharitch, Bishop of
Sarayevo and Dr Srebrnitch, Bishop of Krk. Both demanded а more severe
and vehement resolution, including sabotage of state authorities, establish-
ment of closer contacts with the opposition and recall ofNuncio Pellegrinetti
in view of breaking off diplomatic relations between Yugoslavia and the
Vatican. It was Nuncio Pellegrinetti who сате to the Conference in Zagreb
оп the last day that persuaded them to withdraw these demands. According
to the Report the Conference developed in 1ine with the instructions of the
Jesuits who insisted оп the right of the Catho1ics to found their own, Catho1ic
athletic clubs. ТЬе CRUSADEERS (Krizari) should Ье in charge of these
Athletic clubs (Gymnastic societies), like in Austria and Germany and or-
ganize them according to the military system. Therefore, аН former Austrian
officers who were not accepted in the Yugoslav Army were called upon to
join the CRUSADEERS. At the end the Conference assigned Bishop Garitch
(Garic) and Jesuit Miiller to maintain contacts with the opposition, particu-
larly with the FRANKOVCI -USTASHA wing and its leader Dr Mile Budak,
the closest collaborator ofDr Ante Pave1itch, in emigration. Jesuit Miiller was
using his best efforts to persuade the opposition parties to overcome their
differences and together with the clericals and ustashas establish а united
front, not only against the government but also against the state. This newly
established united front was particularly active during the elections for the
National Assembly in November 1931. Archbishop Bauer convened in а con-
ference аН prominent members of the Captol, Catho1ic priests and members
of the CATHOLIC ACTION and asked them to boycott the elections, but at
the proposal of Canon Dr Raditchevitch (RadiceviC) the Captol rejected this
idea with а great majority of votes. Only Archbishop Bauer and his closest
collaborators were in favor of the proposal. Before the elections Secretary to
the Archbishop, Dr Slamitch (Slamic), in а confidential circular letter, re-
quested the boycott of elections, which was in line with the decision of the
opposition. One of the conclusions of particular interest was the саН of this

43 Неm seven of the Resolution recommends the priests and devoted Catholics to engage јп Charitable

Magnum crimen XIV

klerikalno jezuitske fronte zapazen је kod izbora za Narodnu skupstinu и по­

vembru 1931. Tada је odrzana konferencija istaknutih Clanova zagrebackog
kaptola i drugih svecenika i Clanova К. А. kod nadbiskupa Bauera, па kojoj
se trazilo da sve vodece svecenstvo apstinira od izbora. Medutim zagrebacki
Kaptol је па predlog kanonika dr. Radicevica odbio to sa velikom veCinom,
te је nadbiskup ostao osamljen sa uzom okolinom. Jos prije izbora uputio је
tajnik nadbiskupa dr. Slamic povjerljiv akt, da se sabotiraju izbori kako се to
uCiniti i ostala opozicija. Od osobitog је znacaja Ыо zakljucak da se zapocne
otvorena i odlucna borba protiv pravoslavlja. Vodstvo ove akcije povjereno је
profesoru dr. Janku Simraku, glavnom uredniku "Hrvatske straze" koji inace
pise и "Katolickom listu" pod pseudonimom dr. К. В. (Kosta Bohacevski)
dok је njegov eksponent и Beogradu dr. Augustin Juretic. 44
Na konferenciji biskupa zakljuceno је da se izradi opsirna poslanica sve-
censtvu i vjernima koju се potpisati svi prisutni biskupi i uputiti је па cita-
пје 8. januara 1933. Sa akcijom episkopata podudara se i politicki potez dr.
Koroseca sa takozvanim "punktacijama" koje је objavio пе samo и jugosla-
venskoj, nego i stranoj stampi. Naime dr. Korosec nalazio se vec od oktobra
1931. и odlucnoj opoziciji, istupivsi iz vlade 30. septembra 1931. U punkta-
cijama trazio је preuredenje drzave и federativnom smislu, kako је to prosle
godine naglasila i Hrvatska seljacko-demokratska koalicija. Dosljedno tome
trazio је i ujedinjenje svih slovenskih krajeva и jednu jedinicu. 45
Biskupska poslanica katolickog episkopata bila је objavljena пе samo и
svim dijecezanskim listovima nego ји је iz пјЉ prestampala i ostala stampa
и Jugoslaviji. Rijetko koja biskupska poslanica imala је takav sirok publicitet.
U klerikalnoj kao i ostaloj stampi. Dakako da ји је objavila и izvodima i pro-
komentirala i fasisticka stampa. U poslanici ponavljaju se vec ranije iznoseni
razlozi zasto se osuduje Tyrs i njegova ideologija kao i svi oni koji и njegovu
duhu rade. Тreba podvuci da se и ovoj poslanici stalno govori о "Jugosokolu"
а пе i о Hrvatskom sokolu, koji је doduse tih godina Ыо zabranjen. SKJ је
isto sto i "Jugosokol" t. ј. опај sokol и Jugoslaviji do 1929., i prema tome оЬа
stoje па istoj ideologiji, i zasluzuju jednaku osudu. Za ovaj dokaz pozivaju se

44 Iz prepisa sa originala, ustupljenog od licnosti, koja је autor ovog izvjestaja. О tim рlапоујта ерј­
skopata, narocito о diplomatskom prekidu sa Jugoslavijom, prodrle su vijesti u stranu stampu, се­
sku i austrijsku ("Narodny Listy" i "Neues Wiener Tagblatt"). "Ljubljansko Jutro" tim povodom
donijelo је decembra 1932. Clanak: "Konferencija jugoslovenskih skofov v Zagrebu. Senzacionalne
vesti inozemnih listov о poteku јп о sklepih skofovske konferencije." OdbijajuCi tvrdnje da postoji
progonstvo katolicke crkve u Jugoslaviji i poredujuCi progone julijsko-krajinskih crkava, "Jutro"
tvrdi da danas пета u Evropi drzave koja Ы sa toliko obzira stitila interese crkve i postovala vjerska
osjec'anja naroda kao sto је to u Jugoslaviji.
45 "Punktacije" dr. KoroSca. "Novosti" 12. I. 1933.

Viktor Novak

Conference for ап ореп and decisive struggle against Orthodox religion. Dr

Janko Shimrak (Simrak) editor-in-chief of HRVATSKA STRAZA (Croatian
guard) was assigned leader of that project. Dr Shimrak published his ar-
ticle in KATOLICKI LIST (Catho1ic Gazette) under the реп пате of к.v.
(Kosta Bohacevski). His representative in Belgrade is Dr Augustin Yuretitch
ТЬе Bishop Conference decided to address to the clergy and be1iev-
ers ап Epistle signed Ьу аН bishops present, to Ье read оп January 8, 1933.
1his decision of the Episcopate coincides with the political action of Dr
Korochetz (Korosec) who published his PUNCTAТIONS (Punktacije) both
in the Yugoslav and foreign press. Namely, Dr Koroshetz resigned from gov-
ernment оп September 30, 1931 and in October 1931 joined the vehement
opposition. In his PUNCTATIONS Dr Korochetz caHs for the reorganiza-
tion of the state оп the federal principle, thus repeating the request made the
previous year Ьу the PEASANT- DEMOCRAТIC COALIТION (Seljacko-de-
mokratska koalicija). Не also requested that аН Slovenian regions Ье united
into опе single unit. 45
ТЬе Epistle of the Catholic Episcopate was published not only in the ра­
pers of аН Catholic Dioceses but in the whole Yugoslav press as weH. ТЬе
wide publicity of this Epistle in clerical and secular press was almost ип­
precedented. ТЬе fascist press published its summarized version with сот­
ments ТЬе Epistle repeats the weH known arguments against Tyrsh and his
ideology and condemns аН those who foHow in his wake. It should Ье ет­
phasized that the Epistle only speaks about the YUGOSOKOL and does not
mention the CROAТIAN Sokol, which was prohibited three years before.
same YUGOSOKOL from before 1929, because they share the same ideology
and therefore deserve the same condemnation. ТЬеу support this statement
Ьу quoting а high-ranking Sokol official who, оп January 11, 1931 said in

44 ТЬе сору of the original document was provided Ьу the author of this Report. ТЬе news about the
plans of the Episcopate, particularly regarding the break off of diplomatic relation with Yugoslavia
leaked out and was published јп Austrian and Czech press. ("Narodny Listy" and "Neues Wiener
Tagblatt"). "LJUBLJANSKO JUTRO" (Ljubljana Morning Paper), јп December 1932 published
the article entitled: "CONFERENCE OF YUGOSLAV SOKOLS IN ZAGREB"... Sensational news
јп foreign newspapers оп the course and сопсlusiопs of the Conference of Bishops јп Zagreb."
Denying the persecution of the Catholic church iп Yugoslavia and describing the forms of persecu-
tion of our church јп the Јuliап region the paper "JUTRO" (Morning) concludes that there is по
country јп Europe јп which the interests of the church and the religious feelings of the people are
more respected than iп Yugoslavia.
"NOVOSTI" (News), January 12,1933.

Magnum crimen XIV

biskupi па izjavu prvog podstaroste SKJ koju је dao па sjednici pretsjednis-

tva Slavenskog sokolstva u Pragu 11. januara 1931. Tada је оп rekao da је
Sokolstvo "ро unutrasnjoj strani u srcima i dusama ostalo, kako је bilo i prije
u smislu sokolske ideje. Nase sokolske organizacije sve su u duhu starih tra-
dicija sokolskog bratstva Tyrsovih ideja. Dok stojimo па celu mi stari sokoli,
u novoj organizaciji vladat се stari duh slavenskog sokolskog bratstva".
Dakle, ova slavenska misao bila је ta koja је bola оБ separatistickom
episkopatu. Slovenac Engelbert Gangl mogao se uvjeriti poslije deset godi-
па kako је njegov biskup dr. Gregor Rozman 1933. koji је tada kamuflirano
vrsio misiju rimskog klerofasizma, otvoreno i javno suradivao sa najveCim
neprijateljem Slavenstva i jugoslavenskih naroda. Prirodno је, da је ova ро­
slanica izazvala пе samo u redovima sokola, nego u Citavoj javnosti veliko
uznemirenje i revolt protiv episkopata i klerikalaca. U polemici ucestvuju
pored sokola klerikalci i liberalci sviju struja.
"Sokolski glasnik ogorcen i uvreden zapoceo је polemiku uvo-
dnim Clankom Englberta Gangla, koji је Ыо ilustriran slikom sahrane
Miroslava Tyrsa 9. ХI 1884. па Vaclavskom trgu, а u povorci se vidi
svecenstvo, koje vrsi crkvene funkcije. U Clanku је obuhvacen cijeli
problem u svoj sirini. Hrabro i odlucno se podvlaCi da ova poslanica
nije jedna izuzetna pojava crkvenih puritanaca, vezana Cistim doma-
бт interesima, nego da је to jedna akcija, smisljena i sistematska,
koja se vec duze vremena vodi iz Italije protiv Jugoslavije. Propascu
Austrougarske monarhije izgubila је Rimska Kurija svoje najmocni-
је uporiste, па kome је zidala svoju politicku тоС. Ultramontanizam
i teznje Vatikana da nad zemljama rimokatolicke konfesije prosiri
svoj uticaj poslije prvog svjetskog rata, smanjile su se. Unatoc tome,
Rimska Kurija пе odrice se zemaljskog carstva, koje ро svemu izgle-
da, pretpostavlja опот nebeskom. Jer, takve su пјепе aspiracije,
oCigledne i тапје upucenima, u toku svjetske politike. Опа sve to
pravda time sto се пјепа svjetska тос biti zastitnik katolicke crkve i
Kristove nauke. Тој politickoj supremaciji zeli se dati posve religio-
zni karakter. Ovakve borbe preZivjeli su mnogi narodi, koji su tezili
da se oslobode politickog gospodarstva Vatikana, koji tezi da zadrzi
primat i nad svjetovnom vlascu. Za tu se ideju риЫа krv, mjesto
tamnjana kao slavosjev Bogu. Опа se danas sluzi drugim, suvreme-
nim sredstvima, koja nose u sebi sva obiljezja najvece diplomatske
rafiniranosti i takta. Raznovrsno primjenjena u vremenu i prilikama
pojedinih naroda gdje djeluje nuncijatura. Ти se stalno imaju u vidu
psiholoski momenti i politicka raspolozenja naroda ра se oni isko-

Viktor Novak

Prague that "the ideas of the Sok01 Movement live unchanged in the hearts
and minds of аН Sok01s. АН ош Sok01 societies are organized in the spirit of
the 01d tradition of Sok01 brotherhood promoted Ьу Tyrsh. As 10ng as we, 01d
Sok01s, stay at its head the 01d spirit of S1avic Sok01 brotherhood will prevail
in ош new organization."
ActuaHy, the Episcopate was in favor of separatism and therefore ve-
hement1y opposed to the idea of S1avic brotherhood. Engelbert Gang1, а
S10venian Ьу nationality, ten years 1ater, when cooperation of Bishop Dr
Gregor Rozman with the greatest enemy of S1avism and the Yugos1av peop1es
Ьесаmе open and evident, discovered that a1ready in 1933 this bishop secret1y
worked for Roman c1ero-fascists. NaturaHy, the Sok01s and the genera1 public
were great1y disturbed Ьу the Epist1e and embittered against the Episcopate,
the c1erica1s and their supporters. ТЬе Sok01s, the c1erica1s and 1ibera1s of аН
c010rs were engaged in very animated p01emics.
"Offended and embittered SOKOLSKI GLASNIK (the Sok01
Hera1d) initiated the p01emics Ьу publishing the editoria1 signed Ьу
Englbert Gang1e, illustrated with а picture of the funera1 of Miros1av
Tyrsh, taken оп November 9, 1884 at Vats1av Square in Prague,
showing the participation of c1ergy in the procession. ТЬе artic1e dis-
cusses the problem in а very detailed manner, emphasizing that this
Epist1e is not an is01ated case and that it has nothing to do with the
interests of c1erica1 puritans at home. ТЬе artic1e assesses it as а very
weH p1anned action within the campaign Ita1y has been conducting
against Yugos1avia for а 10ng time.
With the faH of the Austria-Hungarian monarchy the Roman
Curia 10st the most powerfu1 strongh01d of its p01itica1 authority.
After the First Wor1d War the idea ofULTRAMONTANISM and the
efforts of the Vatican to enhance its influence in аН Catholic countries
were great1y jeopardized. In spite of that the Roman Curia was not
ready to give ир its empire оп earth, which is, obvious1y, the Vatican's
first priority with regard to the Ce1estia1 one. These aspirations of the
Vatican were obvious even to the 1ess familiar with the deve10pments
in internationa1 p01itics. These activities were conducted under the
guise of protection of the Cath01ic Church and Christianity. Best ef-
forts were used to seH politica1 aspirations under the 1аЬе1 of reli-
gious matters. Many peop1es trying to get rid of the Vatican's tute1age
had to engage in similar strugg1es in which the smeH ofhuman blood
rep1aced the scent of incense to the g10ry of the A1mighty. Nowadays
strugg1e is rep1aced Ьу refined dip10matic means and patience. ТЬе
approach actuaHy depended оп the circumstances in which the
Magnum crimen XIV

ristavaju, cas otvorenije cas skrivenije, vec prema diktatu potreba.

Rimska Kurija majstorski uspjeva da identificira svoje teznje za ро­
litickim gospodstvom sa pitanjima vjere i Kristove nauke. Ispravno
drzanje jednog dijela svecenstva, koje umije da diferencira politiku
Rimske Kurije od Kristovog nauka smatra se u Vatikanu kao i od
jugoslavenskog episkopata otvorenom nepokornoscu prema crkvi,
ра su takvi svecenici podlozni presijama, prijetnjama, ра i kazna-
та, ako se пе pokore diktatu svojih ordinarija. 46 Plod ovakve vise-
godisnje politike hrvatskog i slovenskog episkopata је i antisokolska,
antityrsevska poslanica, koju је potpisalo 19 katolickih nadpastira i
njihovih zamjenika. Pri Citanju ove poslanice pojedini svecenici dali
su maha пе samo svojoj fantaziji, nego i mrznji prema sokolstvu,
u stvari jugoslavenstvu, u komentarima ispred oltara Boga ljubavi i
zapovijesti о bliznjemu." Odlucno odbijajuCi sve, sto se u tom pastir-
skom pismu pokazuje, jednovremeno sve to oznacuje kao "proste i
necuvene klevete, tim necuvenije, sto dolaze iz ustiju Kristovih slje-
dbenika, Cime oni kaljaju veliko i svijetlo ime Bozje."47
Izvrsni odbor SKJ-e odrzao је sjednicu u Beogradu 16. 1 1933. i donio је
potrebne odluke povodom ove poslanice. Poslije svestrane diskusije prihva-
сепа је rezolucija koja је preko stampe ирисепа svoj jugoslavenskoj javnosti,
u kojoj se odbijaju sve uvrede i klevete episkopata.
"U tome "pastirskom pismu", koje u nizu sistematskih napada-
ја па Sokolstvo za posljednjih nekoliko godina iz redova visokog
katolickog klera pretstavlja najbezobzirniji i najostriji, nastoji se
zlonamjerno i па naCin nedostojan onako visokog tijela: tendenci-
oznim, nevjernim i neistinitim prikazivanjem sokolske ideologije i
sokolskog rada, proizvoljnim generaliziranjem i oCigledno krivim
zakljuCivanjem, mistifikacijama i providnim sofizmima, obiljeziti
Soko Kraljevine Jugoslavije kao пе samo protukatolicku nego i рro­
tuvjersku i bezboznicku organizaciju, koja pijankama, sirenjem od-
vratne golotinje i rusenjem morala u nasoj omladini i u nasem па­
rodu иорсе potkapa i иЫја vjerski i moralni zivot, kao i pokret koji
је "nepriznavanjem postenog hrvatskog odnosno slavenskog imena"
protiv tradicija i svetinja ovih dijelova naseg naroda.
Savez Sokola Kraljevine Jugoslavije najodlucnije odbija od sebe
sve ove necuvene insinuacije i objede, koje najrjeCitije роЫјаји svi-

46 Vidi nize slucaj biskupa BonefaCica i don Frana Ivanisevica.

47 Pastirski list katolickog episkopata protiv Sokolstva. Izazivanje kulturne borbe? - "Sokolski glasnik"

Viktor Novak

Nunciature manipulated the mentality and political attitude of the

general public. Also, depending оп the circumstances, these activi-
ties were more or less open and evident. ТЬе Roman Curia is а true
virtuoso in dovetailing its political aspirations into the matters of
religion and Christianity. ТЬе Vatican and the Yugoslav Episcopate
accuse of disobedience those Catholic priests who make а differ-
епс е between the political activities of the Roman Curia and Church
matters. ТЬеу are exposed to pressure, threats, even punishments if
they do not follow the orders of their Оrdiпаriае. 4б This anti-Tyrsh
and anti -Sokol Epistle signed Ьу 19 members of Catholic high clergy
is the result of а policy for many years practiced Ьу the Croatian
and Slovenian Episcopates in Yugoslavia. During the reading of this
Epistle some did not know what to think and some did not hide their
hatred for the Sokols which was actually hatred for Yugoslavia, and
they expressed it openly in front of the Almighty, а symbol of love,
his Altar and his Commandments. "ТЬе author of the article rejects
with indignation аН allegations in the Epistle "as mere insults сот­
ing [roт the followers of Christ, which is deplorable because in this
way they besmirch the lofty and luminous name of the Almighty"47
At its Meeting held in Belgrade оп January 16,1933, the Executive Board
ofthe SOKOL ОР ТНЕ KINGDOM ОР YUGOSLAVIA, after а detailed dis-
cussion about the Epistle, adopted а Resolution addressed to the Yugoslav
public and published in the Yugoslav press, refuting аН insults and falsehoods
concocted Ьу the Episcopate.
"This Pastoralletter is, undoubtedly, the most brazen of аН nu-
merous affronts and attacks against the Sokol in the last few years.
Coming from Catholic high clergy the text is bellow аН standards;
it is biased and gives а false picture of the Sokol ideology and the
activities of that Movement. Generalizations are arbitrary, the con-
clusions evidently wrong, mystification and sophisms cheap. ТЬе
main objective is to present the Sokols not only as an impious, but
as an anti-religious movement which Ьу organizing drinking parties,
tolerating nudity and destroying moral principles in ош youth and
people in general actually undermines and destroys the religious
and morallife. Moreover, "Ьу refusing to accept the honest Croatian,

"6 See the case ofВishop Bonefachitch and don Frano Ivanishevitch, later јп the text.
SOKOLS-declaration of cultural war!-"SOKOLSКI GLASNIK", January 13,1933.

Magnum crimen XIV

rnа dobro poznati sokolski ciljevi i teznje, kao i pred svirna sirorn
odkriveni sokolski zivot i rad, te koje rnogu da proizlaze sarno iz zle
volje, politickog racuna ili fanaticke zaslijepljenosti.
Savez Sokola Kraljevine Jugoslavije s ogorcenjern u dusi dize
svoj glas protiv ovakvog naCina borbe najvisih predstavnika katoli-
cke crkve u drzavi protiv sokolstva, koje tu borbu niCirn nije izazvalo
i sa zaljenjern utvrduje, da se bas sa onog rnjesta odakle treba da
Krscanska ljubav i pornirljivost zrace па cijeli nas narod i cijelu nasu
zernlju, u tako nada sve ozbiljno vrijerne nacionalnog i drzavnog zi-
vota, nastoji u siroke slojeve naseg naroda unijeti razdor i rnrznju,
i raspirivanjern vjerskih i plernenskih strasti, te unosenjern zabune
i uznernirenosti oslabiti otpornu snagu jugoslavenskog naroda, bas
onda kada rnи је ona najpotrebnija.
SKJ па prvoj svojoj skupstini od 29. rnarta 1931. godine u
Beogradu, u onde jednoglasno prirnljenirn rezolucijarna, iznio је
па jedino rnjerodavan naCin svoje stanoviste u odnosu Sokolstva
prerna vjeri, i, u potpunoj suglasnosti sa tradicionalnirn sokolskirn
shvacanjirna, utvrdio: Sokolstvo kao ideja slobode, priznaje i slobo-
du uvjerenja i rnisli svakog pojedinca, i da naroCito postuje svako
vjersko uvjerenje i osjecanje, srnatrajuCi vjeru najsvetijirn dijelorn
unutrasnjeg zivota svakog covjeka; da sljedstveno jednako postuje i
ispoljavanja svakog vjerskog uvjerenja i osjecanja, i da svaki pripa-
dnik sokolske organizacije rnoze slobodno da izvrsava zapovijesti i
propise svoje vjere i crkve ... "48
U savrsenoj podudarnosti episkopatskog napadaja, u korne se pri kraju
kaze pozivajuCi vjernike da ostanu cvrsti u vjeri otaca i neka se ne daju od
te vjere odvratiti od Sokolstva "koje nece da znade za Spasitelja nasega ni za
posteno nase hrvatsko i slovensko irne", dosao је i napadaj glavnog organa
fasisticke stranke u Italiji ("Lavore Fascista") koji је 12. januara 1933., dakle
poslije Citanja pastirske poslanice nazvao SKJ "zloCinackorn i nernoralnorn
organizacijorn" bacivsi па nju rnasu pogrda.
Sa svih strana zernlje gdjegod је bilo sokolskih drustava, naroCito iz
Hrvatske i Slovenije iz posve katolickih krajeva stizali su protestni telegrarni
protiv оуе biskupske poslanice. АН ne sarno i sokolska drustva, nego i brojne
druge nacionalne ustanove osudile su оуај biskupski postupak koji se роја­
vio u trenutku najzivlje fasisticke antijugoslavenske akcije. U tirn trenucirna

48 "Politika" 17.1.1933.

Viktor Novak

also Slavic, пате in the title, the Sokol Movement actually stood up
against ош tradition and everything sacred to ош people."
SLAVIA strongly rejects all these groundless and appalling accusa-
tions and insults. ТЬе aims and aspirations of the Sokols are very
well known. Тп their life and work there is nothing hidden from the
public еуе. It is the facts that refute all these slanders concocted Ьу ill
will, political calculations and tanatical blindness.
SLAVIA, with bitterness raises its voice against the kind of campaign
the highest representatives of the Catholic Church in this country
are waging against the Sokols who have not provoked it in апу way.
ТЬе Sokols deplore the fact that at this crucial moment in the life of
ош people and ош соuпtгу, instead of disseminating Christian love
and tolerance, the llighest representatives of the Catholic Church
disseminate hatred and dissent, instigate religious and ethnic intol-
erance and thus confuse and disturb the Yugoslav people and under-
mine the indispensable detensive ability of the country.
In опе of the Resolutions adopted Ьу its Assembly held in
Belgrade, оп March 29, 1931, the Sokols presented their attitude
to religion and in line with the Sokol tradition declared that: "ТЬе
Sokol Movement is based оп the idea of freedom and freedom of
thought and belief. ТЪе Sokols respect all religions. Every member
of the Sokol Movement is free to express his religious feelings which
are viewed as the most sacred aspect of his life as ап individual. This
means that every member of the Sokol Movement is free to respect
the principles of his faith and Church and behave accordingly... "48
At the end of its attack оп the Sokols the Episcopate calls оп the believers
to remain devoted to the faith of their forefathers and do not allow the Sokols
to persuade them to give up that faith, because "the Sokols reject ош Savior
and ош honest Croatian alld Slovenian пате. At the same time another at-
tack сате from the top of the Fascist party in Italy (LAVORE FASCISTA)
which, оп January 12, 1933, after the reading of the Epistle, addressed dirty
insults to the Sokol Аlliапсе of the Кingdom of Yugoslavia, еуеп calling it "а
criminal and immoral organization."
1Ъе Sokols from all over the country, particularly those from the Catholic
Croatian regions alld Slovenia, massively reacted to the Epistle Ьу sending
telegrams of protest. Numerous other national institutions also condemned

4~ "POLIТIKA", Јапuагу 17, 1933.

Magnum crimen XIV

Vencanje jednog Sokola

А Wedding Photo оЈ а Sokol
ocekivalo se u javnosti sto се [еа о svemu tome oni narodni svecenici, koji su
ostali vjerni nekadasnjem Strossmayerovom stavu prema Sokolstvu.
Uskoro se сио glas kotorskog biskupa Frana Uccellini- Тice. Upitan od
suradnika "Politike", kako gleda па tu poslanicu, posto оп nije prisustvovao
konferenciji episkopata vec njegov zamjenik, starac је spomenuo i odlucno
"Ја znam sto те ceka, а znam sto си odgovoriti. Nikad u zivo-
tu nisam se ustrucavao da [есет sto mislim i osjecam, pak necu ni
danas. Vjera nije bila u pitanju. Zato poslanicu nisam potpisao i ona
nije oglasena u тојој biskupiji. Clan sam Jugoslavenskog sokola. Bio
sam i ostajem. Ne vidim u tome grijeh. Ako те pozovu da blago-
slovim njihov rad, blagoslovit си ga radi Boga. Radu Sokola u тојој
biskupiji пета prigovora, koji su osnova poslanice i vjerujem da ih
nece biti."49
Qva izjava kotorskog biskupa odjeknula је senzacionalno u narodu,
Sokolstvu kao i medu klerikalnim krugovima. Vise nego та koja polemicna
knjiga ili odrzani mitinzi, odjeknuo је lldarac koji se spustio па glave njego-
vih drugova.

49 "Politika" 29. 1.1933.

Viktor Novak

this move of the Bishop Conference, at the moment of the most vigorous fas-
cist anti- Yugoslav campaign. 'Ље general public expected to hear the opinion
of those priests who have remained faithful to Strossmayer and his views оп
the Sokol Ыеа.
1n his interview to the Belgrade daily POLIТIKA Frano Uccellini-Titze,
Вishop of Kotor, asked to comment the Epistle said:
,,1 know what I ат going to say and what to expect after having
said it. 1 have never hesitated to say what I think and feel, nor will I
do it today. 1T WAS NOT А RELIGIOUS ISSUE. That is why I did
not sign the Epistle and it was not read in ту bishopric. If they in-
vite те to bless their work I will do it, in the пате of God and for
His sake. Contrary to what is said in the Epistle I have nothing to
reproach to the activities of the Sokols in ту bishopric and believe
that there will Ье по reproach in the future either. "49
'Ље statement of the Bishop of Kotor greatly impressed the general риЬ­
lic, the Sokols and the clergy and caused а true sensation. His blow оп the
heads of his colleagues produced а stronger effect than any polemical book
оп that issue, or any public protest.
When they heard what the Bishop said the Sokols from Cetinje decided
to go to Kotor and personal1y thank the old bishop for his courage and his
words which were а balm оп the souls of the slandered and insulted. 'Ље old
Bishop was sincerely touched Ьу their words of gratitude. Emphasizing that
their national work has always been correct and in line with the principles
of Christianity, he also said: "Our only true salvation lies in the harmony
among the brothers of the same blood: the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. I have
been fostering this ideal since ту young days and under Austria I dedicated
ту D1VNA GLUMA (Perfect Acting) to the harmony and love between the
Serbs and Croats. I have always cherished that idea and I ат not going to give
it ир now! Dear brothers, thank уои for coming and continue to foster and
disseminate the feelings of love!" Оп that same day the Sokols took part in
the procession headed Ьу the Bishop himself. 50
'Ље Meeting of the Executive Board of the Sokol Alliance, held оп
February 6 and 7, 1933, forwarded to Bishop Uccellini-Titze а letter of grati-
tude for his nice words of consolation and promised to continue to behave
according to the highest moral principles and respect the faith and Church.
When Tzarevitch (Carevic) the Bishop of Dubrovnik refused to bless the

49 "POLIТIKA", January 29,1933.

50 "SOKOLSКI GLASNIK", February 17,1933.

Magnum crimen XIV

Kad se proculo za оуи biskupovu izjavu, crnogorski sokoli sa Cetinja,

роЉ su sa Cetinja па Tripundan u Kotor da se zahvale starom biskupu za
junacki stav koji је oblagorodio duse povrijedenih i napadnutih. Tople i za-
hvalne rijeCi crnogorskih sokola dirnule su starog vladiku. OdgovarajuCi im i
priznavsi njihov ispravan nacionalni rad koji nikad i nigdje nije dolazio u su-
kob s moralnim krscanskim nacelima, оп im је rekao izmedu ostaloga i оуо:
"Jedino 5to nas moze potpuno i konacno najtjesnje vezati i spasiti jest sloga
jednokrvne brace Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca. Od najmladih svojih dana gojio
sam оуи misao, а u teskim vremenima, pod Austrijom, posvetio sam тоји
"Divnu glumu" bas "slozi i ljubavi Srba i Hrvata". Та те misao uvijek pratila
i s njom sam se zanosio ра kako ne bih i sada! Sirite braco ljubav i hvala уат
sto ste dosli!" Sokoli su istoga dana ucestvovali i u svecanoj procesiji koju је
predvodio sam biskup.50
Sokolski savez је sa svoje sjednice Izvrsnog odbora, odrzane 6. i 7. [е­
bruara 1933. uputio biskupu Uccelliniju-Tice zahvalnost za njegove utjesljive
rijeCi оЬесауајиа ти da се se Sokoli ubuduce rukovoditi nacelima najviseg
morala i postovanja prema vjeri i crkvi. Kad је pak dubrovacki biskup CareviC
odbio da blagoslovi zastave sokolskih ceta iz dubrovacke okoline, blagoslovio
ih је u Kotoru biskup Uccellini-Tice. Тот је prilikom biskup odrzao rodolju-
bivi govor u kome se dodirnuo i poslanice. Biskup је rekao: "Nijesam potpi-
sao poslanicu jer su u nјој bile oCite klevete. Tuzili su Sokole za ono sto nijesu
krivi. Oni su poslanicom uCinili veliko nedjelo. Zato sam је kritizirao. Fakta
nijesu bila istinita а па podlozi tih neistinitih fakata oni su osudivali Sokol.
Meni је zbog toga dolazilo do suza!"51
Jos је jednom biskup Uccellini-Tice dao izjavu, poslije godinu dana, kad
је spomenuo da se i poslanice samoga Svetog Оса раре mogu kritizirati 14.
таја 1934., kazao је:
"Tuzili su sokole za ono zasta nisu krivi. U тојој biskupiji so-
koli su valjani, oni su sve. Ја ih sve blagosivljam. Ја sam im (t. ј. ы­
skupima) odmah kazao: nije tako. Mi u Dalmaciji Zivimo drugim
zivotom. Rekao sam jednom od njih: "Ako bude5 tako radio, nase се
biskupe pljuvati ро obrazu. Oni su poslanicom uCinili veliko nedjelo.
Zato sam је ја kritizirao. Fakta nijesu bila istinita, а па podlozi tih
neistinih fakata oni su osudivali sokol. Meni је zbog toga dolazilo
do suza!" Ovako је govorio starac, gotovo doslovno 1933., 1934. u
jednoj te istoj stvari. 52

50 "Sokolski glasnik" 17. П. 1933.

51 Frano ИссеЉпј- Тice, biskup kotorski. "Dubrovnik" 8. VI. 1937.
52 Senatori i poslanici u posjeti kotorskom biskupu. "Stampa" (Beograd) 15. V. 1934.

Viktor Novak

flags of the Sokols [roт the surroundings of Dubrovnik it was the Bishop of
Kotor Ucce11ini -Тitze who did it. Оп that occasion, in his patriotic address,
the Вishop, mentioning the Epistle, said: ,,1 refused to sign the Epistle Ье­
cause it was slanderous. ТЬе Sokols did not commit the guilt they are accused
of. ТЬе Epistle is а great error. That is why 1 criticized it. It was not based оп
true facts and consequently condemned the Sokols оп false grounds. Tears
were coming to ту eyes."51
А year later, оп Мау 14, 1934, Bishop Ucce11ini- Тitze made а statement
in which he said that the Epistle of the Holy Father could also Ье subject to
"ТЬе Sokols are not guilty of what they accuse them for. In ту
bishopric they are beyond reproach. 1 immediately told them (the
bishops) that they were wrong. We in Dalmatia Нуе differently. 1 told
to one of them: "If уои don't change they will start spitting us in the
[асе. Their Epistle is а big mistake. Therefore 1 criticized them. ТЬе
facts they mention are not reliable. Their accusations against the
Sokols are false. Tears were coming to ту eyes!" This is what the old
bishop said speaking about the same thing in 1933 and 1934.52
ТЬе Bishop ofKotor was not the only one to condemn the Epistle. Several
priests met in Split and also condemned the Epistle and its demagogical ро­
litical messages as damaging for the Church. One of the Catholic priest pres-
ent at the meeting even sent а letter to NOVOSТI (News) а Zagreb news-
paper, in which he explained their views. High clergy and the clericals were
enraged. It was а пеw and vigorous condemnation of high clergy. ТЬе letter
speaks about distortion of facts, lack of precision and falsehood. In addition
to that he author of the letter commends the Sokols for sincerity, openness
and generosity, qualities [иllу in line with the idea of Catholicism.
"ТЬе Epistle is sheer demagogy. Its intention is to instigate in-
tolerance and Pharisaism. It grossly violates the Constitution of our
Кingdom. Those who should Ье the first to respect the law are set-
ting а deplorable example. ТЬе Epistle is sheer Pharisaism which is
very sad. ТЬе Sokols have always respected the same principles and
they decided to attack them only now.



Magnum crimen XIV

Medutim kotorski biskup unutar svecenickih redova nije Ыо osamljen u

osudi оуе poslanice. U Splitu naslo se па okupu, povodom оЬјауе poslanice,
nekoliko svecenika koji su jednodusno osudili postupak episkopata, osjetivsi
da u demagoskim i politickim tendencijama poslanice ima vise stete nego
koristi za crkvu. Jedan od njih formulirao је njihovo glediste i uputio ga u
zagrebacke "Novosti". Оуо pismo katolickog svecenika, koji је govorio u ime
mnogih drugih, izazvalo је novo ogorcenje u klerikalnim i visokim hijerar-
hijskim redovima. Bila је to nova i teska osuda crkvenih velikodostojnika. U
tom uvodnom Clanku govori se о grubom izvrtanju Cinjenica, netocnostima
i neistinama. Stovise, doticni tvrdi da Sokol naucava iskrenost, otvorenost,
nesebicnost u punom skladu sa naukom katolicke crkve.
"Poslanica је naprotiv plod demagogije; iz nje izvire namjera
potpirivanja strasti u duhu nesnosljivosti i farizejstine. Ро tom i ta-
kvom sadrzaju ona је u oCitoj i gruboj opreci sa temeljnim zakonom,
sa Ustavom nase kraljevine. 1 time, oni koji Ы u postivanju zako-
па morali prednjaCiti, daju grub primjer, poguban primjer. Rekao
sam da је poslanica jarizejska. То је vrlo tesko za nји. Jer, odavna, od
uvijek, ima Sokol ista nacela, ра kako to, da su se presvjetla gospo-
da sjetila tek sada ... da Sokol napadnu. Cudne li bas koincidencije,
da оуа poslanica dolazi istodobno kad i razne "punktacije", razne
izjave zalosnih emigranata i otvorena kampanja nama neprijateljske
stampe! Nego, recimo otvoreno i bez uvijanja: ne napada se Sokol
zbog navodnog protuvjerskog djelovanja i naroCito zato i zbog toga,
sto је оп jugoslavenska nacionalna ustanova! Ја sam uvjeren da nе
grijesim kad kazem, da izvor napadaja па Sokol treba traziti izvan
nasih granica. Napadaj па Sokol ima svoju osnovu i u strahu, da ne Ы
Sokol okupio svu nasu omladinu i onemoguCio time razne "Krizare",
ili slicne anacionalne ustanove i pokrete. Kazem anacionalne, jer se
uzalud trazi u izjavama takvih ustanova ili pokreta, u njihovoj stam-
pi i jedna rijec nacionalne svijesti! Napadaj па Sokol izazvan је dalje i
strahom da ne Ы povampireni plemenski separatizam nasao svoj put
i mimo i protiv klerikalnog pokreta. Odatle ono demagosko nadlici-
tiranje prema raznim punktacijama."53
Оуај Clanak izazvao је postupak biskupa splitskog dr. Кlementa
BonefaCica protiv don Frana Ivanisevica, koga је biskup osumnjiCio kao аи­
tora. Naime biskup BonefaCic Ыо је jos i vise uvjeren da Clanak potice od don
Frana Ivanisevica jer је оп па nekoliko dana ranije odrzao u solinskoj sokola-

53 Pismo katolickog svecenika. "Novosti" 21. 1.1933.

Viktor Novak

... Why only now? Oddly enough, the Epistle comes together
with different PUNCTAТIONS, statements made Ьу miserable emi-
grants and ап ореп campaign conducted Ьу hostile press.
Let us Ье ореп and straightforward. They do not attack the
Sokols for their anti-religious activities. They attack the Sokols as а
Yugoslav national institution! 1 ЬеНеуе that the attacks оп the Sokols
сот е from foreign sources. The attack is also orchestrated out of fear
that the Sokols тау attract to their ranks аН our young people, which
would greatly jeopardize the activities of various CRUSADEERS
(Krizari) and similar anti-national organizations and movements. 1
say anti-national because in their statements and in their press there
is not а single word about the national aspect. The attacks оп the
Sokols are also motivated Ьу the fear that the clericals and their sup-
porters could lose control over various efforts of ethnic separatism
which, in the final account, might еуеп turn against them. This is the
explanation for demagogical bargaining in connection with various

Dr Кlement Bonefachitch (BonefaCic), Bishop of Split, reacted to this

article, accusing don Frano Ivanishevitch (Ivanisevic) of authorship. Namely,
several days before the publication of this article don Frano Ivanishevitch,
in his lecture delivered in the Sokol Center of Solin said that 120 000 red
Yugoslav shirts are ready to stand ир and give their lives against 400 000
black shirts. The Bishop sent to don Frano Ivanishevitch а сору of his letter
to Dr Rachitch (forwarded оп January 17,1933) regarding the Epistle ofthe
Episcopate in which he says:
,,1 have heard the big ЬеН of the masons ringing through уои
in the effort to hush ир the truth. Оп ту personal behalf and оп
behalf of аН Bishops 1 reject with indignation аН falsehoods meant
to persuade the uninformed public that the Epistle is closely соп­
nected with the Punctations, the fascist declaration and what not!
The Epistle was drafted and adopted Ьу the Bishop Conference held
оп November 17,1932 ... and then we looked ир the calendar in or-
der to determine the most appropriate date for reading it in public.
The foHowing were the weeks of Advent and уои know that there
are по sermons оп these Sundays. Then сате Christmas and оп the
8-th of January the Holiday of the Holy Family, а very suitable day
for the Epistle. Оп the 17-th and 19-th November this was the only
thing we had in mind. It did not occur to us to connect the Epistle


Magnum crimen XIV

ni predavanje u kome је rekao da се protiv 400.000 crnih kosulja znati ustati

i poginuti 120.000 crvenih kosulja Jugoslavena. Biskup је uputio don Franu
IvaniseviCu prijepis jednog pisma koje је оп uputio dr. RaCicu (17. 1 1933.),
povodom poslanice episkopata. Biskup BonefaciC kaze da
"сије da i Уата isponira glas velikog zvona masona, kojim se
hoce zaglusiti, da se ne сије istina. Kategoricki i s gnusanjem odbi-
јат od sebe, а mogu bez straha reCi i za sve biskupe, insinuacije,
koje se serviraju javnosti i kojima se hoce da zavede neupucene, da
је poslanica u savezu s punktacijama, deklaracijom fasizma i sto ti ја
znam! Poslanica је odlucena i uglavnom sastavljena па sjednici ы­
skupske konferencije 17. ХI 1932 ... Sa kalendarom u ruci se је trazi-
10, kada Ы zgodno Ыlо da se procita. Slijedile su neposredno nedjelje
adventa, а vi znate, sto se bar u glavnim crkvama i уеат mjestima
u te nedjelje propovijeda, ра bozicni blagdani. Epifanija је za dan
misija, а nedjelja 8. 1 Sveta Obitelj. Nikad zgodnijih dana za jednu i
drugu poslanicu. Tko је 17. odnosno 19. ХI sanjao о svemu drugom,
sto se u savez donosi s poslanicom! Samo masonska perfidija moze
da to ustvrdi i siri."54
Ovako su biskup Uccellini -Tice, don Frano Ivanisevic а uskoro i uzorni
svecenik Vjekoslav SpinCic postali "glas velikog zvona masona". Уес sutra-
dan 18. 1 odgovorio је don Frano Ivanisevic biskupu BonefaCicu. Objasnivsi
biskupu stanje naseg naroda u Julijskoj Krajini, kao i organiziranu akciju [а­
sistickih ustanova protiv Jugoslavije, iskreno kazuje don Frano da smatra ро­
trebnim u Jugoslaviji mobilizirati sve zdrave nacionalne snage za obranu.
"Vi mi spoCitavate, rijeCi su don Frana Ivanisevica, da svecenik
ne smije govoriti za vrijeme mira о ratu. Ја уат odgovaram da ја
nisam svojim govorom poticao па rat, nego bas obratno па obranu
protiv rata, te mislim, da svecenik za vrijeme mira moze i mora govo-
riti proti takvom osvajackom ratu, koji vrti mozgom u glavi osvajaca
Mussolinija, pogledom па nase primorske krajeve. Takve sam javne
govore izrekao па vise mjesta u Jugoslaviji, dok sam ыо predsjednik
Jugoslavenske matice, te izaslanik Jadranske Straze, i nitko zdrava
shvacanja nije mi sto opazlo." Don Frano odbija biskupovo misljenje,
da ти "imponira vlast velikog zvona masona", jer njemu imponira
glas njegove savjesti i kriterij njegove pameti. "U тојет skromnom
radu, vjeran nacelu biskupa Strossmayera, ја sam uvijek nastojao da
uzdrzim ravnotezu i harmoniju izmedu ројта vjere i domovine,

54 Pismo biskupa dr. BonefaCica don Frani Ivanisevicu (17. XI. 1933.). Prepis s originala.

Viktor Novak

with апу other document. Оп1у perfidious free masons are сараblе
of p1anting such fa1sehoods. "54
1his is how Bishop Ucce11ini -Тitze, don Frano Ivanishevitch and а highly
respected reverend Vjekos1av Spinchitch (SpinciC) were promoted into "the
ringing ЬеН of free masons." In his answer to the Вishop (a1ready оп the [о1-
10wing day, January 18), Frano Ivanishevitch describes the situation and the
1iving conditions of ош реор1е in the ЈиНап A1ps region and speaks about
ап organized fascist campaign against Yugos1avia. Не is of the opinion that
in view of the situation Yugos1avia shou1d mobilize its patriotic forces for
"Не a1so rejected the criticism of the Bishop that war is not а
topic for priests to discuss. I emphasize that in ту speech I was not
calling for war. Оп the contrary. I оп1у spoke against the war. In ту
opinion in peacetime the priest should speak against ап aggressive
war concocted in the head of Mussolini and against his appetite for
ош coast. I tackled that issue in severa1 of ту public speeches in
Yugos1avia, as Chairman of the JUGOSLOVENSКA MATICA and
deputy of JAD RANSKA STRAZA and so far по опе in his right mind
has reproached те for discussing that subject in public." Don Frano
a1so rejects the insinuations of the Bishop that "he enjoys listening
to the big ЬеН of free masons", emphasizing that "he оп1у listens to
the voice of his conscious and behaves according to the criteria of
his wisdom. "In ту modest work-continued don Frano-faithfu1 to
the princip1es of Bishop Strossmayer, I have a1ways tried to strike
the right Ьа1апсе between the ethnic and the religious, between
the notion of Faith and the notion of the father1and. I have never
swerved from that path and I note with great satisfaction that ту at-
titude has a1ways Ьееп well accepted. And now, with аН due respect
for уои as ту Spiritua1 Father, strict1y speaking about the interest
of the Catholic Church оп1у, I [ее1 free to tell уои that Ьу attack-
ing the Soko1s the Catho1ic Episcopate has gone too far. It does not
stand to reason, nor is it honest to say that it was уои who wanted
to endanger ош country and particu1ar1y compromise its reputa-
tion abroad, because that wou1d Ье а crime punishable Ьу 1aw and
уои could Ье held responsible and tried for that. Now, when Ita1y is
supp1ying Hungary with weapons and concocting intrigues in the
effort to flare ир а war in the Ba1kans and Ешоре, Catholic Bishops


17, 1933), сору of the original document.

Magnum crimen XIV

te nikada nisam sasao sa te staze,

а uvijek postizavao dobre uspje-
he па тоје veliko zadovoljstvo. А
sada imajuCi pred oCima iskljuCivo
interese nase crkve, dozvolite mi,
Preuzviseni, da Vam kao svojem
duhovnom оси u ovom pitanju
iskreno kazem: KatoliCki episkopat
u Jugoslaviji s onim nesmotrenim
istupom protiv Sokola izgubio је
tu ravnotezu. Nitko pametan i ро­
sten песе reCi, da ste vi onim Cinom
hotili neumice ostetiti ugled nase
drzave osobito u vanjskom svijetu,
jer Ы to Ыо zloCin, za koji Ы vas
drzava mogla pozvati па odgovor-
nost, аН svako се vam reCi da nije
bilo pametno ni takticno u ovom
casu, kada Ita1ija salje u Madarsku
oruzje, kada intrigira па Balkanu Veiba sokola
i Evropi, da пат navijesti rat, nije А Sokol exercising
bilo umjesno da biskupi katoliCki
navjestuju vjerski rat protiv Sokola i drzave, jer је Sokol Jugoslavije
ustanovljen drzavnim zakonom i smatra se donekle polu -drzavna
ustanova, obranbeni zid protiv propaganda izvana i rastrojenih ele-
menata unutra. Promislite, Preuzviseni, ЫН se to usudili i pomisliti,
а kamo li uciniti katoliCki biskupi protiv Mussolinija, koji је poznat
kao izraziti ateist? Ne Ы, jer su ро srijedi drzavni interesi, koji se kod
nas nazalost zaboravljaju ... "55
Ovim pismom nije zavrsena polemicna prepiska izmedu don Frana
Ivanisevica i biskupa BonefaCica. Опа се па kraju zavrsiti upotrebom duho-
vne sile, koja је bila па raspolozenju BonefaCicu, upotrebom crkvenih kazni
kojima се biskup udariti па sjajnog slugu bozjeg, starca i rodoljuba svecenika
koji је Ыо uistinu integer vitae!
Kad su stigle u Split zagrebacke "Novosti" sa Clankom "Pismo katoliCkog
svecenika" uznemirila se BonefaCiceva kurija. Ти se odmah pomislilo da је
autor Clanka don Frano Ivanisevic. 3. februara 1933. obratio se biskup па don
Frana saopCivsi ти pismeno sumnje splitskih kao i zagrebackih klerikalaca

55 Ооп Frano Ivanisevic biskupu dr. BonefaCicu, 18. 1. 1933. Prepis s originala.

Viktor Novak

have по justification for declaring а religious war against the Sokols

and the State, Because the Yugoslav Sokol was established Ьу а legal
decision, it has the status of а serni-official organization and it rep-
resents а shield against foreign propaganda and subversive elernents
inside the country. Would it occur to any Catholic Bishop in Italy to
engage in а sirnilar carnpaign against Mussolini, а rnilitant atheisH
Never, because state interests would Ье at stake. But, when it cornes
to Yugoslavia state interests, apparently, do not count ... "55
This was not the end of the argurnent between don Frano Ivanishevitch
and Bishop Bonefachitch. At the end the Вishop used the authority of the
Church to punish the old priest, а patriot, а devoted servant of the Alrnighty,
When the Zagreb paper NOVOSТI (News) with the article entitled
А LETTER ОР А CATHOLIC PRIEST reached Split the Curia of Bishop
Bonefachitch got extrernely disturbed and irnrnediately concluded that don
Frano Ivanishevitch rnust Ье its author. In his letter of the 3-rd of February
the Bishop inforrned don Frano about his personal and the suspicions of the
clergy of Split and Zagreb regarding the authorship of the LETTER published
in NOVOSTI. In support to this conclusion the Bishop quotes don Frano's
letter of the 18-th of January in which the reverend expressed sirnilar views.
"ТЬе very fact that only your пате is rnentioned in connec-
tion with the LETTER is very cornprornising for уои as а priest, for
your honor, for the honor of the clergy of уои Diocese and for the
clergy of Dalrnatia in general. In case it is planted Ьу the Editorial
Board it would Ье уои sacred duty to offer а public apology and thus
take the suspicion off your пате and disassociate yourself [roт the
LETTER ... ТЬе Bishop, the Ordinariurn of the Bishopric, the clergy
of the Diocese and аН devoted Catholics expect уои to do your duty
without any official warrant and thus behave according to the rnoral
standards а Catholic priest is bound to honor."56
At that tirne don Frano Ivanishevitrch was in Belgrade and visited те оп
the 2-nd ofFebruary, 1933, Оп that occasion I asked ту old friend to teH те
аН about the argurnent surrounding the Epistle and the background of the
whole issue. I wanted the whole country to hear his voice, like in the case of
Bishop Uttice1lini- Тitze.

the original document.
сору of the original document.

Magnum crimen XIV

kao i svoje. Biskup nalazi za to potvr-

de i u don Franinom pismu od 18. 1 u
kome nalazi idejne slicnosti sa mislima
u Clanku.
"Sama Cinjenica, da se иорсе
ime ni jednog drugog svecenika iz
Dalmacije ne spominje s tim Clan-
kom, t. ј. u razgovorima, nego samo
vase, bez dvojbe уес tesko kompro-
mitira vasu osobnu svecenicku cast,
ра cast dijecezanskog svecenstva i
opcenito dalmatinskog, te Ы Уат
bila i u slucaju, da је Clanak pote-
kao iz samog urednistva ili zlona-
тјеrnо podmetnut, velika i sveta
duznost, da se javno i jasno izjavite,
kako biste od sebe odvratili svaku i
najmanju sumnju u kakvom svom
udjelu u spomenutom Clanku ...
Veiba sokolice
Pravom ocekuje Biskup i Biskupski
А Sokol girl exercising
Ordinarijat i Diecezansko svecen-
stvo i svi svijesni katolici, da cete Vi obzirom па izlozeno bez for-
malnog poziva ili naloga uCiniti svoju duznost, kako se dolikuje ka-
tolickom sveceniku. "56
U casu, kad se don Franu Ivanisevicu uputilo оуо pismo, оп se nalazio
u Beogradu. U posjetu koji mi је uCinio (2. 11 1933.), kao davnasnji prijatelj,
zamolio sam ga da те izvijesti о cijeloj stvari kao i pozadini poslanice, sa
zeljom da se njegov glas сије kroz Citavu zemlju, kao sto se сио i biskupa
Ucce11ini-Tice. Naglasio sam da Ы njegov glas i njegovo misljenje u veliko
doprinijelo razbistravanju оуе neobicno mucne i mracne situacije. Као sto
sam predvidao i ocekivao, misljenje don Frana IvaniseviCa se potpuno podu-
daralo s onim kotorskog biskupa. Poslije razgovora ovlastio те је don Frano
Ivanisevic da glavne misli iz toga razgovora objavim u "Politici". То sam i uCi-
nio уес sutradan, reproduciravsi ујеrnо taj razgovor сиуајиа se da ne dodam
nista od svojih licnih zapazanja.
"Iako mi је neugodno govoriti, rece don Frano, ipak mislim
da си posluziti dobroj stvari, ako Уат kazem sto znadem, mislim i

56 Biskup dr. Bonefacic don Franu IvaniseviCu 3. П. 1933 .• br. 426. Prepis s originala.

Viktor Novak

I emphasized that his publicly expressed opinion greatly contributed to

shedding light оп this very painful and gloomy situation. As expected, the
opinion of don Frano Ivanishevitch [иllу coincided with the views of the
Вishop ofKotor. Moreover, he gave те the authorization to publish hid views
in the dai1y POLIТIKA, which I did, оп the very following day. Ош conver-
sation was faithfully reproduced, without апу of ту personal comments.
This is what don Frano told те: "In spite of feeling ill at ease I
decided to speak ир in the hope that what I know about this subject
тау serve а good cause, because conf1icts and blunders stem [roт
ignorance of what the whole campaign is [еаllу about ... I have Ьееп
following the developments in ош national life since 1880, which
means for over 50 years, I ат familiar with the cultural and political
situation оп both sides of the Drina river and Mount Velebit and I
speak [roт personal experience. ТЬе Sokol Movement was founded
in Bohemia and introduced to Dalmatia via Croatia and Slovenia. I
claim with [иll responsibility that in the eyes of ош clergy the Sokols
have always Ьееп ап eminent national institution whose aim, in ad-
dition to strengthening the muscles, is to strengthen the spirit in
order to prepare ош youth to successfully соре with foreign subver-
sion. Nothing else. ТЬе priests close to the people support the Sokols
because in their activities they have never noticed а trace of апу anti-
religious feeling. Оп the contrary. ТЬе priests [roт the rural areas
tell те that the Sokols are their best Christians and most devoted
Catholics, that they take part in Church processions, sing in church
choirs and play music at church event and festivities. I ат not fami1-
iar with the scholarly views of Dr. Tyrsh. In ту opinion а distinction
should Ье made between Dr. Tyrsh, the scholar and Tyrsh the Sokol.
Qui Ьепе distinguit Ьепе docet. I have never noticed that Tyrsh used
the Sokols for disseminating atheism. In 1908, as а delegate of the
Yugoslav Parliamentary Club in Vienna I attended the ALL SOKOL
RALLY IN PRAGUE. In 1920 I attended the same event, but this
time as member of the Yugoslav delegation, together with numer-
ous Catholic dignitaries and members ofHigh Clergy in Prague. ТЬе
Nuncio of the Holy See, next to the Роре in Church hierarchy, at-
tended the banquet in honor of the Sokols, actually the organization
founded Ьу Tyrsh. If the Sokols were а hotbed of atheism this would
Ье easily revealed in the fatherland of Tyrsh, in the first place, and
the Catholic Church would not have Ьееп represented at the RALLY
and the BANQUET ТЬе political aspect of the Epistle is something
very serious and totally inappropriate in the period of consolidation
Magnum crimen XIV

zelim, jer nepoznavanje pravoga stanja stvari najvi5e zavada и blи­

dnju i prouzrokuje ovakve sukobe ... Pratim narodni zivot и па50ј
domovini od 1880., dakle preko pedeset godina, te su mi prilicno
poznate kulturne i politicke prilike i s jedne strane Drine i Velebita,
da mogu kazati, 5to sam dozivio. "Sokol" је potekao iz Ceske, а и nas
se и Dalmaciji preselio iz Hrvatske i Slovenije. Mogu Vam pouzdano
[еСј: da se "Sokol" i и nasim svecenickim krugovima uvijek smatrao
iskljuCivo kao eminentno nacionalna ustanova, k~~_,::!zjacanje ~ele­
SП~Ь._ДlШса, ima za сНј da јаса i duh, kako Ы ga oceliCila za obranu
protiv infiltracije tudinstine. 1 nista drugo. Narodni svecenici podu-
pirali su to drustvo, jer и пјети nisu nikad opazili niti traga bezvjer-
stvu. 5tovise, obratno. Сио sam od mnogih mojih drugova zupnika
па selu, gdje је bilo sokola, da su im sokoli najbolji krscani i vjernici,
oni su оЫспо crkveni рјеуаСј, sviraci и sokolskoj glazbi spremni па
svaku uslugu prema crkvi, njezinim obredima i poboznostima. 5to
је dr. Tyrs и паиспот naziranju mislio i pisao meni nije poznato,
ali mislim, da i tu treba razlikovati Tyrsa naucnika od Tyrsa soko-
lasa. Qui Ьепе distinguit, Ьепе docet. Da је Tyrs sirio kroz sokolske
cete bezbostvo, to ја nisam nikada i nigdje opazio. Sjecam se da sam
1908. godine kao delegat jugoslavenskog parlamentarnog kluba и
Беси prisustvovao velikom sokolskom sletu и Pragu, а tako i 1920.
kao Clап delegacije nase drzave iz Jugoslavije, ра sam tom prilikom
vidio uz ostale odlicnike i пајуесе dostojanstvenike katolicke crkve
и Pragu, stovise, zadnji put па banketu priredenom и cast "Sokolu",
koji је zasnovao dr. Tyrs, prisustvovao је Nuncij Apostolske Stolice,
iza Раре пајуеа dostojanstvenik katolicke crkve. Da је sokolstvo gni-
jezdo bezvjerstva i bezbostva, to takve ројауе Ы se morale pojaviti
najprije и Tyrsevoj domovini, уап svake sumnje, da katolicka crkva
пе Ы bila zastupana па tom sletu i banketu. Najteza је strana оуе
poslanice и politickom pogledu. Sasvim је nezgodna i neumjesna и
оуот casu i znacajnom razdoblju nase drzavne konsolidacije, kada
пат se sveta duznost патесе, da se svi sinovi odani оуој drzavi bilo
kojega imena ili plemena, bilo konfesije ili profesije ... i da stisnemo
nase redove proti pohlepnim оСјта izvana i destruktivnim elemen-
tima iznutra. Niti svijesno, niti nesvijesno пе smijemo slabiti nase
drzavno i narodno jedinstvo, jer и tome пат jedino lezi spas. Nitko
пе smije osporiti pravo i duznost episkopata па dusevni odgoj svojih
vjernika i zupa, da сира otrovni korov па njivi Gospodnjoj, ako se
оп pojavi. Ali i tu treba imati velike vjestine i opreznosti, da se пе do-
godi, kao опот evandelskom kosacu, koji sjekuCi neoprezno otrovni
Viktor Novak

of ош State, when the most sacred duty of аН its sons, regardless of

their пате, ethnic origin, religion or profession, is to close ranks
against foreign aggression and domestic subversion ... We must not
undermine ош national unity, intentionally, or unintentionally, Ье­
cause ош survival and salvation depend оп ош national unity. No
опе should deny the right and duty of the Episcopate to take care
of the spiritual education of the Catholics and work оп the eradi-
cation of poisonous weeds, if they, Ьу апу chance, start growing in
the pasture of Heavens, but we should Ье very careful по to dam-
age the healthy wheat, as in case of the Epistle. The reaction to it
should have Ьееп anticipated because such serious cuts are always
risky. Therefore, ап experienced surgeon, dealing with the physical
and spiritual aspects of human life should avoid аН negative conse-
quences. То anticipate developments means to Ье ореп for the right
counsel and guidance. As 1 have already said, this direct attack оп
the Sokols, and оп top of that ТНЕ SOKOLS ОР ТНЕ KINGDOM
ОР YUGOSLAVIA, the national organization which fosters the idea
of Yugoslavism and stands in defense of its interests, is а state is-
sue. The reaction of the state officials and аН those to whom the in-
terests of Yugoslavia are sacred is, therefore, understandable. Еуеп
the Church itself never denied the importance of state interests. It
must Ье very painful for Yugoslav patriots to read in Italian papers
their comments of the Epistle announced Ьу the Croatian Catholic
Episcopate in Yugoslavia. Оп the other hand, these Italian papers
have never discussed the Policy of the Italian Episcopate, their Ьаlil­
las, or the attitude of the Czech and Polish Episcopate towards the
Sokols. ТЬе country hostile to Yugoslavia is faced with enormous
problems, but Italian press does not write about them. Also, some
Austrian papers again report in the old style, [roт the period before
the First World War, spreading falsehood that for the Catholics in
Yugoslavia life is unbearable. As ап old priest 1 very well know what
was the status of the Catholic Church like before the First World
War and what it is now. 1 therefore claim in [иН honesty that in the
former Austria-Hungarian Monarchy the Catholic Church did not
епјоу the rights and support it is enjoying today in the Кingdom of
Yugoslavia. It is gratitying to witness the development of the Catholic
Church here in Belgrade where it now has 5 Dioceses. The Catholic
Church is welcome among the citizens of Belgrade who are over 80%
Orthodox. The Municipality of Belgrade has granted а Буе million
dinars worth site for the construction of the Cathedral! 1 have also

Magnum crimen XIV

korov, zahvatio је i zdravu p5enicu, te nanio vi5e 5tete nego li koristi,

kao 5to se zbilo, cini mi se, i sa biskupskom poslanicom. Тrebalo је
prije predvidjeti kakva се reakcija nastati, jer su ovakve te5ke оре­
racije uvijek skopcane sa komplikacijama, koje vje5t kirurg, fizicki
i duhovni, treba da nastoji izbjegnuti. Znati predvidjeti znaCi do-
bro upraviti. Kazao sam da оуај direktni nastup protiv "Sokola" i to
"Kraljevine Jugoslavije" tangira direktno i drzavu, za Бје se interese
i ideale zalaze osobito taj isti "Sokol". Stoga se moze i lako pojmiti i
osjetljivost drzavnih faktora, аН i sve javnosti, kojoj su interesi do-
movine svetinja prvoga reda, svetinja, kojoj i crkva nije odricala svu
пјепи vaznost, sav пјеп znacaj. Koliko samo boli mora da osjeti srce
rodoijuba, koji Cita talijanske novine, koje па svoj nааn komentiraju
ovaj istup hrvatskog episkopata, оnе iste novine, koje nisu imale prili-
ku, da kritiziraju ili hvale svoj talijanski episkopat u pogledu njihovih
balilla. Jer, nepoznato mi је, da su se talijanski biskupi digli protiv
balilla, ili ce5ki i poljski protivu svojih sokola. Koliko nevolja zemlji
u inostranstvu koje nije Jugoslaviji prijateljski naklonjeno! Nikako
nе odgovara vijestima talijanskih novina, а onda i оnе povampirene
austrijske stampe, koja propagira lazne vijesti, kao da је nepodnoSijivo
stanje katolika u nasoj drzavi. Meni su kao starom sveceniku dobro
poznate crkvene prilike od prije i sada, te Vam mogu kategoricki utvr-
diti ovo: katoliCka crkva nije nikada u bivsoj Austrougarskoj monar-
hiji uzivala toliku slobodu i potporu koliku uziva danas u Kraljevini
Jцgoslaviji. Dosta је pogledati ovdje па Beograd kako se lijepo razvija
katolicka crkva, koja ima ovdje sada pet zupa. UZiva veliku susretlji-
vost gradanstva, koje је vi5e nego 80% druge vjeroispovijesti: pravo-
slavne. орапа grada Beograda ustupila је besplatno teren za поуи
katolicku katedralu, koja se ima graditi, а taj teren predstavlja vrije-
dnost od pet mШопа dinara! Sve оуо 5to sam Уаm kazao, kazao sam
i nekim biskupima u najboljoj namjeri da se spor 5to prije izgladi, jer
је to u interesu crkve i drzave. "57

Dakako, оуа iziаvа_Q.Qll_trС:!IlillУ~Нl!kviCa.-kојu је i ostala 5tampa prenije-

la, bila је поу udar i поуо uzbudenje za don Franinog biskupa dra BonefaCica.
Cim је stigao 6. 11 u Split odgovorio је don Frano па biskupovo pismo od 3.
11 1933. U tom odgovoru don Frano Ivani5evic odrice da је оп autor Clanka
u "Novostima" i da је upravo radi toga 5to su i njega neki pitali da li је оп

57 Viktor Novak, QЩ} FranoJvaniSevic о poslanici katolickog episkopata. "Politika" 3. П. 1933.

Viktor Novak

iпfоrшеd several Bishops about everything, including that valuable

donation, iп the best intention to help оvеrсоше the controversy, as
soon as possible, because it is јп the interest of both the Church and
the State. "57
1Ъis statement, reprinted iп шапу other papers, was а пеw blow
to Bishop Bonefachitch, who was very annoyed Ьу what was go-
ing оп. 1mmediately ироп arrival to Split, оп the 6-th of February,
1933, don Frano answered the Вishop's letter ofthe 3-rd ofFebruary,
1933. 1n his answer he denies authorship of the LETTER published
јп NOVOST1 and explains that the purpose of his talks with рro­
fessor Novak јп Belgrade, later published јп ап official newspaper,
was to reject аН such insinuations and publicly express his personal
views. 58
This letter crossed with а пеw letter the Bishop sent to don Frano оп the
6-th of February, 1933, јп which he talks about the article јп POLIТ1KA and
asks whether the text is authentic, or not.
"ТЬе Ordinarium of Bishops wants to know whether уои have
really talked with Dr. Viktor Novak about that issue, whether the
article faithfully reflects уош words, or whether it is а partial, or
total mystification? Уои are requested to inform the Ordinarium, at
your earliest сопуепјепсе, јп what way уои intend to make ир for
the damage caused Ьу the ART1CLE, regardless of the veracity of its
content. "59
1 have по сотшепt. 1 опlу suggest that these letters serve as а ground for
assessing tћe approach of the Вishop to freedom of conscious and evaluat-
ing his moral сопсерts withiп his effort to refute the truth and distort it into
falsehood. Again, the two letters crossed оп the same day. 1n his letter of the
8- the of February don Frano 1vanishevitch replies to the Вishop:
,,1 confirm what 1 told уои јп ту letter ofthe 6-th ofthis month,
патеlу that 1 authorized Dr. Viktor Novak to publish јп POLIТ1КA
ту talks with him about the Epistle, which he did. There are some
slightly different nuances јп the wording and style, but this is irrel-
evant. 1 take full responsibility for the content of the article because

EPISCOPATE", "POIJTIKA", F~hruary 3, 1933.
58 OON FRANO Ј\"АNЈSНЕ\'ПСН ТО вrSHOP Or. BONEFACHIТCH, February 6, 1933, сору of
the original cl0cument.
the original documel1t.

Маgпuш сriшеп XIV

njegov autor, dao izjavu profesoru Novaku u Beogradu, па Ciji ga tekst иро­
zorava kao i па сЩ koji је ovim iпtеrvјuош imao. 58
U isto vrijeme su se razmimoisla pisma don Fral1ino, i novo biskupa
BonefaCica koje је uputio don Fral1u 6. II 1933. Biskup ovdje govori vec о
Clanku, doticno о izjavi datoj za "Politiku" i raspituje se da li је tekst vjerodo-
stojno reproduciran?
"Biskupskom ordinarijatu је potrebno da znade, jeste li Vi s gosp.
dr. V. Novakom doista о predmetu razgovarali i jeli u spomenutom
Clanku taj Vas razgovor u cijelosti i vjerno prikazan ili је potpuno ili
djelimicno mistifikacija? Ovim Vas se poziva, da u najkracem roku
biskupski ordinarijat о tomu izvjestite, odnosno izjavite, sto kanite
uCiniti, ako је razgovor Ыо iskrivljen i za popravak sablazni sto ји је
cak izazvao ро sebi, bez obzira па njegovu ispravnost. "59
UzdrzavajuCi se od svakog komel1tara, ostavljam da se neposredni utisci
dobiveni iz tih pisama povezu sa zakljuccima о jednom sasvim izuzetnom
moralnom shvacanju jednog biskupa u pogledu ataka па slobodu savjesti,
kojim se zeli postiCi poricanje jedne istinite tvrdnje, da је istina neistina. 1
opet istoga dana mimoisla su se 8. II pismo don Frana IvaniseviCa i biskupa
BonefaCica. Don Frano daje obavjestenja koja је biskup od njega trazio.
"Kako sam u тојет listu od 6. ov. тј. priopCio, tako Vam i ovim
listom potvrdujem, da sam ја ovlastio gosp. Viktora dr. Novaka neka
тој razgovor s njime о biskupskoj poslanici objelodani u "Politici"
sto је оп to i uCinio. Za nekoje stilisticke izreke, sporedne naravi,
koje su potekle iz njegova pera, ne mogu da odgovaram, ali za Citav
sadrzaj u glavnom ја uzimljem odgovornost i u savjesti sam potpu-
по miran, da sam onom izjavom mnogo doprinio ublazenju onog
05traca i zlovolje 5to је prouzrokovala poslanica kod dobrih rodo-
ljuba katolika, па prvi mah. Ро treCi put Vam, preuzviseni, iskreno
izjavljujem, da sve 5tO sam dosada uradio i sto си i dalje uraditi to је
sve u interesu i ugledu nase katolicke crkve. Eto Vam dokaza:
Pri prvom uzbudenju proti poslanici u nasem gradu, nastojao
sam kod nekih Clanova Sokola, neka se о prelazu па drugu vjeru,
kako su neke ugrijane glave mislile, niti ne govori i mogu Vam reCi,
da је тоја preporuka dosta djelovala. Kada је ovih dana dosao glas iz
Zagreba i Susaka, da se zapocne sa rastavom od Rima i osnuje nova
jugoslavenska katolicka crkva, nastojao sam kod onih, koji su se za to

58 Don Frano IvaniseviC biskupu dru Bonefacicu 6. П. 1933. Prepis iz origil1ala.

59 Don Frano IvaniseviC biskupu dru Bonefacicu 6. П. 1933. Prepis s originala.

Viktor Novak

it actually reflects everything 1 said. Му conscious is clear because

1 only wanted to slightly dull the edge of sharpness of the Epistle
and mitigate its venomous effect оп good patriots and Catholics. "Ље
Right Reverend, 1 ат repeating it for the third time: Everything 1
have done so far and everything 1 intend to do in the future has been
and wi11 Ье in the interest of the Catholic Church and its reputation.
1 have proofs for what 1 ат saying:
First, reacting to the great concern aroused Ьу the Epistle 1 have
used ту very best efforts to convince some Sokols that it is far from
being а саН for religious conversion and that such interpretation of
the Epistle is totally wrong. Му words have produced а positive ef-
fect. Second, when the message сате from Zagreb and Sushak that
we should establish а пеw, Yugoslav Catholic Church separated from
Rome, 1 managed to dissuade the proponents and supporters of the
idea to take action in this regard. Third, during ту visit to Belgrade,
when 1 heard that the Financial Committee ofthe National Assembly
is drafting а proposal to the Assembly to abolish the subsidies to our
Вishoprics 1 contacted some Members of Parliament and tried to
persuade them to reject that proposal, explaining that such а тоуе
would only aggravate an already hot situation which both sides
should endeavor to calm down.
"Ље Right Reverend, 1 feel free to tell уои in strict confidentiality
that in the evening of Wednesday, February the l-st, 1 had а rath-
er long audience with His Majesty in the Royal Palace, at Dedinje.
Оп that occasion we also tackled the issue of the Epistle against the
Sokols and discussed how to overcome the conflict, If уои are inter-
ested to hear more about that encounter 1 ат ready to submit to уои
ту oral report, as already mentioned in ту letter of the 6-th of this
1 claim that everything 1 said is true and that 1 have proofs for
every word 1 uttered. Уои also mention the effect of "abomination"
produced Ьу ту words. 1 can only tell уои that а possible "abomi-
nable" effect of ту words is only а far cry of the negative reaction
of our people to the Epistle, which, God forbidding, тау have very
serious negative effects оп the Catholic Church in Yugoslavia if we
do not put down the big fire immediately.
Acting according to their moral principles the Right Reverend
Uccellini- Titze, Вishop of Kotor and many other Reverends nega-
tively reacted to the Epistle. So did 1 and for the same reason, in the
effort to mitigate the negative attitude towards our Church. 1 hope
Magnum crimen XIV

zanimali, da se ta misao osujeti sto mi је dosada uspjelo. Тrece, kad

sam zadnjih dana и Beogradu boravio i doznao da se и financijskom
odboru Narodne skupstine predlaze ukinuce drzavne dotacije nasim
biskupima, nastojao sam kod nekih poslanika da se tome protive, jer
Ы se takovim neopreznim mjerama sve to vise zaostrilo ovo pitanje,
koje treba nastojati s jedne i druge strane, da se izravna.
U tu svrhu, mogu Vam, Preuzviseni, i ovo povjerljivo kazati, da
sam dne 1. februara и srijedu и vece Ыо и duzoj audijenciji Njegova
Velicanstva Kralja па Dedinju, kojom prigodom poveo se govor i о
biskupskoj poslanici proti Sokolu i о паСјпи kako Ы se sukob izra-
vnao. О tomu, kako sam Vam vec pisao 6. ov. тј. spreman sam ako
zelite usmeno da Vas izvijestim.
Za ispravnost тоје izjave spravan sam navesti dokaza i uvje-
riti Vas, da odgovara potpuno istini. 5to se tice "Sablazni" koju
је, ро Vasim rijeCima prouzrokovala тоја izjava, mogu Vam reCi,
Preuzviseni, da опа nije ni sjena опе silne zlovolje, koja је prouzro-
kovana kod Citanja biskupske poslanice и nasem narodu, i koja, пе
dao Bog, moze dati povoda teskim brigama i sudbonosnim poslje-
dicama crkvi katolickoj и Jugoslaviji, ako se pozar odmah и pocetku
пе ugaSl.

Као sto је, Preuzviseni biskup kotorski Ucce11ini Тјсе i mnogi

drugi odlicni svecenici, bili ponukovani od svoje savjesti, da iskazu
svoje negodovanje prama toj poslanici, ti su isti motivi vodili i тепе,
da se onako izjavim и cilju, da se zaprijeCi zlovolja prama nasoj cr-
kvi, sto se је uistinu djelomicno i postiglo. Nemojte mi zamjeriti,
Preuzviseni, sto Vam sve ovo napominjem, jer mi se Cini, da Vam
nije poznato sto se misli, govori i radi van zidina Vase biskupske ра­
lace, pak је meni duznost kao odanom sinu i sveceniku katolicke cr-
kve, da Vas па to upozorim i ocitujem тој е misli i pobude. Takve su
misli i pobude i тепе vodile kroz svih 47 godina mojeg svecenickog
zivota, takve pobude zelim da те prate i dalje do groba и istom prav-
си, и neodvojenom radu za Boga i narod, za vjeru i domovinu. "ба
Sa ovim pismom don Frana Ivanisevica mimoislo se biskupovo
od 8. II
"Buduc Vasim odgovorom od 6. ov. тј. glede Clanka и
"Novostima" poricuCi svaki udio и пјет, niste udovoljili pozivu, а
jos тапје оп rasprsava i moze da rasprsi sumnju koja se medu sve-
censtvom и katolickoj javnosti ироrnо drzi, da ste Vi auktor njegov,

60 Biskup dr. BonefaCic don Franu Ivanisevicu 8. Н. 1933. Prepis s originala.

Viktor Novak

to have, at least, partiaHy succeeded. Thе Right Reverend, I apologize

for talking about аН these matters at such great length, but I have the
impression that уои are not familiar with what is going оп outside
the waHs of your Palace and that уои have по idea of what people
think and talk about. As а devoted son of the Catholic Church I feel
it ту sacred duty to bring to your attention what actions I have ип­
dertaken and what were the ideas and motives that induced те to
act. During ту 47 years of priesthood ту ideas and feelings have not
changed and I hope they will remain the same till the day I die. In ту
work I have never made а difference between God and ту people,
nor between ту Faith and ту Fatherland."60
This letter crossed with the Bishop's letter of the 8-th of February, in
which he says:
"In your letter of the б-th of this month уои deny authorship of
the LETTER published in NOVOSTI, but уои did nothing to dispel
this doubt prevailing among the Catholic priests and the Catholic
public. Уои are, in fact, the co-author, because уои admit to have
authorized Dr. Viktor Novak to publish in POLIТIКA what уои told
him about the Epistle and also authorized the reprinting of the same
article in JADRANSКA STRAZA (Adriatic Cost Guard) and NOVO
DOBA (New AGE). Thе readers and the public were abhorred, par-
ticularly in view of your claim that аН your actions were motivated
I therefore саН оп уои to publicly deny апу connection with the
LETTER published in NOVOSТI, publicly revoke the content and
wording of the article Ьу Dr. Viktor Novak published in POLIТIKA
and publicly repent. In case of the contrary the ORDINARIUM OF
ВISHOPS will have to take action in Нпе with the Canonic Rules."
Оп the 11-th of February Bishop Bonefachitch sent а private, confiden-
tialletter to don Frano Ivanishevitch in which he does not question his good
intentions, but reproaches him for publishing his views in POLIТIKA, as if,
in that way, he wanted to teach а lesson оп patriotism to the Вishops, in а
language used Ьу the informers and free masons, and taking into account the
political aspect only. Thе Вishop опсе again caHed оп don Ivanishevitch to
revoke his statement, if he wanted to avoid punishment.
In his reply to his letter don Ivanishevitch says: "As I already
said in ту letter of the 8-th of this month I take fuH responsЉility

60 ВISHOP Dr. BONEFACHIТCH ТО DON IVANISHEVIТCH, February 8, 1933., сору of the origi-

Magnum crimen XIV

Sokolski slet
7he Sokol Rally
а priznajete, da је и "Politici" ро Vasem ovlastenju iznesao dr. Viktor
Novak Vas razgovor s njime, bas radi toga sumnjicenja ро Vasem
misljenju i pisanju о biskupskoj poslanici - ро Vasem nalogu pre-
tiskanoj и "Jadranskoj Posti" i и "Novo Doba" - objavljenjem toga
razgovora је zgrazanje и javnosti jos уесе postalo, jer ste se driali
postavljenog nacela: Qui Ьепе distinguit, Ьепе docet.
Stoga Vas pozivijeт da posebnoт izjavoт kategoricki odbijete od
sebe svaku suтnju za clanak и "Novostiтa" kao takoder da pozalite i
pred javnoscu opozovete razgovor sa dr. V. Novakoт и forтi i sadrza-
ји kako је objavijen, jer јnасе biskupski ordinarijat bit се ponukan da
postupi preтa kanonskiт propisiтa. "
Biskup BonefaCic је, medutim, 11. П, uputio don Franu IvaniseviCu pri-
vatno i povjerljivo pismo, и kome ти пе odrice dobre namjere, аН ти pri-
govara da s izjavom и "Politici" zeli da biskupima dijeli lekcije о patriotizmu
i da pise и zargonu masonstva i denuncijantstva, jer da gleda sve kroz роН­
ticke naocare. 1 sada ga pozivlje neka opozove svoju izjavu, inace neka ceka
Na оуо је don Frano Ivanisevic, kao i па pismo od 8. II odgovorio.
"Kako sam и тојет odgovoru 8. оу. тј. izjavio ја uzimljem svu
odgovornost za izjavu и "Politici" а пе mogu da odgovaram za Clап­
ke и "Novostima", jer ih nisam napisao uistinu, kako sam уес izjavio,

Viktor Novak

for the statement published in POLIТlКA, but, in spite of its similar-

ity with ту statement, 1 cannot Ье held responsible for the LETTER
published јп NOVOSТI, because 1 have not signed it. Оп the other
hand, уои саН оп те to refute the article in NOVOSТI and take [иН
responsibility for the statement in POLIТIKA, which would Ье pre-
posterous. Since both articles have а similar content serious people
would make [ип of те and 1 definitely do not want to Ьесоте а риЬ­
lic laughing stock. It would Ье еуеп more deplorable if, at your order,
1 accepted to revoke everything 1 said to Dr. Novak and he published
in POLIТIKA with ту permission.
ТЬе Right Reverend, уои know те very well. 1 ат not ап ir-
responsible young Ьоу, but а serious old тап and ап experienced
writer who thinks twice before putting his thoughts оп paper. This
means that everything 1 said was the result of ту thorough consid-
eration of the matter, in the best intention to put down the first small
flame of а big fire ignited Ьу the Epistle. 1 ат not а renegade. 1 ат
а devoted believer and а devoted son of the Catholic Church. 1 was
born and educated as а Catholic, 1 ат ап ordained Catholic priest
and with God's help 1 hope to die as а Catholic. 1 did not achieve
what 1 intended to, but 1 ат not embittered in ту disappointment. 1
accept things as they are because 1 ат in the service of the Almighty,
not in the service of апу earthly power, nor in the service of теп. It
is not his position, or salary, that makes а тап а Мап. А true Мап
is endowed with spiritual wealth and works for lofty aims. Уои de-
mand that 1 revoke the statement written Ьу ту soul and ту реп.
That would теап lying to myself and lying to уои. 1 do not think
that there а justification for such а demand. Does it make sense? It
would Ье а mystification, ап immoral act, actually а moral suicide
which ту conscious and ту honor do not allow те to commit. 1
would also like to inform уои that JADRANSKA POSTA (Adriatic
Post) did not publish ту statement at ту request. 1 returned from
Belgrade to Split оп the 4-th of this month at 8 р.т. and the article
was published јп the morning edition of that same day. ТЬе state-
ment published in JADRANSКA POSTA was so distorted that 1
asked the editor ofNOVO DOBA (New Age) to publish the original
integral text, which he did, in order to help the reader understand
the core of the problem and ту good intention.
ТЬе Right Reverend, among тапу letters 1 also got this опе
from а Bishop61 in which Не inform те about how ту statement


Magnum crimen XIV

iako ро sadrzaju mnogo su slicni тојој izjavi. Da se ја pak, kako mi

Vi naredujete, izjavim proti ovim Clancima и "Novostima", а kroz
to uzmem svu odgovornost za izjavu и "Politici", izgledalo Ы odvec
smijesno kod ozbiljnijih ljudi, posto su clanci istoga sadrzaja, а ја пе
zelim, da mi se ljudi и javnosti smiju. Jos Ы bilo zalosnije, kada ЬЉ
па jedan mah pozalio, kako mi Vi naredujete, sve опо 5to sam kazao
profesoru Novaku, а оп и "Politici" objavio.
Vi тепе, Preuzviseni, dobro poznate. Ја nisam lakoumno mlado
dace, koje пе zna ozbiljno da promisli sto pise, nego sam iskusni stari
pisac, koji sam svijesno i promisljeno kazao и опој izjavi sto mislim i
sto zelim и najboljoj namjeri, da se prigusi prvi plamen pozara, koji
је nastao и nasem narodu iza Citanja опе poslanice; nisam odmetnik
nego vjernik i odani sin katolicke crkve и kojoj sam roden, odgojen,
reden kao svecenik i и kojoj uz ротоа milosti Bozje, zelim dovrsiti
тој zivot; niti nosim и srcu kakav prkos, zato 5to nisam od Vas ро­
stigao опо sto sam od Vas trazio, а sto те је ро zaslugama islo, jer ја
пе sluzim ljude nego Boga, i jer vis~*i polozaj imasna рlа~ащ~_сiпi
covjeka covjekom, nego njegov duh i rad i visi сНј, koji ти lebdi pred
о Цm а,. Ima li dakle smisla da izlazem i sebe i Vas, jer mi naredujete, te
da opozovem оnи izjavu, koja је spontano izaSla iz тоје duse i mojega
pera? То Ы bila gadna mistifikacija, nemoralno djelo, ili tocnije receno,
moralno samoubojstvo, koje ја, Preuzviseni, nе mogu па sebi da ро­
Cinim, jer mi savjest i obraz to nе dopusta. Istodobno dajem Уат па
znanje, da nije ро тојет naredenju tiskana опа izjava и "Jadranskoj
Posti" jer ја sam dosao iz Beograda и Split tek и 8 sati и уесе dne 4.
оу. тј., а "Jadranska Posta" izasla је istoga dana уес pred podne. Ali
posto је опа prenijela izjavu rastrgnutu bez pravoga smisla, ја sam
zamolio urednika "Novog Doba" neka ји pretiska и cjelini, sto је оп
to i uCinio, а da se vidi prava sustina i dobra namjera.
Da Vas pak, Preuzviseni, uvjerim koliko је odjeka i priznanja
nasla опа тоја izjava kod dobrih katolika svecenika i svjetovnjaka,
еуо Уат par redaka iz pisma jednoga biskupa,61 koji mi оуо pise:
"Dva puta sam najpomljivije proCitao Туој clanak и "Politici"
i potpisujem ga do zadnje rijeCi. Nas se episkopat s опот poslani-
сот ро тоте shvacanju silno izlozio: ра bas и оуот casu mahnitih
punktacija. Ti si uCinio patriotsko djelo i veliku uslugu crkvi. Radim
i ја s istim uvjerenjem. Star sam, петато sto ni dobiti ni izgubiti,
ali obraz i postenje nadasve. Ostario sam i prostio sam toga dosta,

61 То је biskup Uccellini- Тјсе.

Viktor Novak

was received and commented Ьу the Catholic priests and devoted

Catholics. Here are some excerpts:
,,1 have carefully read twice уош article published in POLIТIKA
and 1 subscribe to every word written in 1t. In ту view ош Episcopate
has exposed itself too much just at the moment when irrational
PUNCTUATIONS were brought to the attention of the general риЬ­
Нс. Уои behaved as а patriot and did а great service to the Church.
1 fully share уош views. 1 ат old and have nothing to lose, or gain,
but ту face and honor соте first. Yet, in spite of ту long memory
and а rich experience 1 simply could not imagine that the Episcopate
in Yugoslavia would draft such an ugly Epistle to Ье read from the
1 also got а letter from а very learned priest from Split in which,
among other things, he says: "Many of us are positively impressed
Ьу уош sober and courageous reaction to the Epistle, for which 1
cordially congratulate уои. Rest assured that уои have the support of
ош best priests."
Also, two respectful Franciscans have visited те, one from the
surroundings ofDrnish (Drnis) and the other from Tzetina (Cetina),
near Sinj. Both fully endorse ту way of reacting to the Epistle as use-
ful for the Church at this moment. А number of respectful citizens,
some of whom are members of Church Boards and for sure good
Catholics, also support the way 1 reacted to the Epistle as useful for
the Church. 1 thought that these information could interest уои.
In уош letter of the 8-th of this month уои саll оп те to revoke
ту statement or else уои intend to take action against те according
to the Canonic Rules. Уои are fully entitled to use that right. Уои
are ту Senior. 1 ат under уош authority and уои are duty bound
to monitor ту work. 1 very well understand уош position and уош
responsibility to уош conscious and to the Bishops who signed the
Epistle. 1 admit to have violated the Rules of Church Discipline Ьу
publicly commenting the decisions of ту Seniors. But, if уои take
into account the seriousness of the circumstances that induced те
to react in this emergency situation of inflammatory feelings of ha-
tred against ош Church and an evidently pending tragedy уои will
understand that one of us had to breach the rules, јитр over the
fence and put down the fire ... Му reaction should not Ье judged as
а sin but rather appraised as а merit. 1 ат convinced that ту state-
ment was beneficial for the Church because it mitigated the negative
feelings and public bitterness against ош Church and 1 personally
Magnum crimen XIV

аН ne Ы se Ыо nikada nadao, da Ы rnogla ovakva grdoba izaCi па

svijetlo potpisana od jugoslavenskog episkopata s naredborn, da se
stije s oltara!"
Od jednog vrlo ucenog svecenika iz Splita prirnio sarn list u ko-
јети rni pise: "Vas trijezni i odvazni nastup uCinio је i па rnene i па
druge najljepsi utisak, ра Уат srdacno cestitarn. Budite uvjereni, da
stoje iza Vasih leda najvrijedniji elernenti naseg sveCenstva."
Osirn toga rnogu Уат napornenuti, da su dosli ovih dana do
rnene dva ugledna postarija zupnika franjevaca, jedan u okolini
Drnisa, а drugi iz Cetine, okolice Sinja, te najveCirn odusevljenjern
odobravaju тој istup kao veorna koristan u ovorn casu za crkvu.
Takoder теои svjetovnjacirna irna veorna cestitih gradana, izrne-
ои kojih i nekoji Clanovi crkovinarstva stolne crkve - dakle bez su-
rnnje dobri katolici - koji odobravaju тој istup, jer srnatraju da се
koristiti crkvi. Sve ovo srnatrao sarn potrebitirn da Уат predocirn,
Preuzviseni, da vidite kako drugi ispravni ljudi shvacaju тоји dobru
U spornenutorn dopisu od 8. ov. тј. Vi rni, Preuzviseni, javljate,
da ako ne opozovern тоји izjavu, da cete postupiti prerna rneni ро
kanonskirn propisirna. То је Vase neosporivo pravo. Vi ste тој cr-
kveni starjesina, ја spadarn u Vasu nadleznost, jer је Vasa duznost
da kontrolirate тој rad. Pojrnirn dobro Vas polozaj i odgovornost
prarna svojoj savjesti i ostalirn biskupirna potpisanirn па poslanici.
Ја sarn se, priznajern ogrijesio о crkovnu disciplinu kad sarn u javno-
sti prenjeo u pretres djela svojih pretpostavljenika; аН ako uvazite
okolnost i pobude, koje su те potakle, u onorn prvorn casu pozara,
strasne zlovolje proti crkvi i oCite pogibelji, da netko iz nasih ka-
tolickih redova istupi i preskoCi ogradu duzne discip1ine, sarno da
pozar ugasi, rnislirn da njegovo djelo, ne srnije se upisati u grijeh
nego u zaslugu. Potpuno sarn uvjeren i zadovoljan u svojoj savjesti
da је ona izjava puno doprinijela koristi crkvi, jer је suzbila u narodu
ogorcenje i njegove posljedice. Ја си svaku Vasu opornenu i naredbu
dragovoljno od Vas prirniti, bude 1i opravdana i сЩи shodna, a1i то­
Нт Vas, Preuzviseni, nernojte da cupajuCi korov zahvatite i zdravu
psenicu, te se ne dogodi novissirnus error pejor priori.
Jos си Vas za jednu uslugu, Preuzviseni, u interesu iste stvari
zarnoliti, da prilikorn Vasega sastanka u Zagrebu date do znanja
Preuzvisenorn nadbiskupu ova тоја razjasnjenja, ako 1i srnatrate
shodnirn. Puno те vesele glasovi, koji dolaze iz Beograda i Zagreba,
ро kojirna rek Ы vec se nastoji, da se ovaj sukob izgladi. Za ovu ple-

Viktor Novak

feel very happy for having done it. Оп the other hand, I ат ready
and willing to accept from уои every reprimand serving а given рш­
pose, but I beg уои, the Right Reverend, to Ье cautious and Ьу trying
to риll out the weeds not to also риll out healthy wheat. I beg уои
not to take any action resulting in NOVISSIMUS ERROR PEJOR
ТЬе Right Reverend, in the interest of the same cause I would
kindly ask уои for а favor. Namely, when уои see the Archbishop of
Zagreb if уои deem it pertinent, please bring to His attention ту ех­
planation for what I have done. I hear from the circles in Belgrade and
Zagreb that efforts are being used to overcome this conflict, which I
most cordially welcome. If уои find that ту modest self could Ье of
any help in this regard I ат wholeheartedly at уош disposal. "62
Оп the 15-th of February don Frano Ivanishevitch answered the Bishop's
private letter ofthe ll-th ofFebruary, in а style which reflected stoical ра­
tience, modesty and readiness to help his Church in а difficult situation. Оп
his part, the Bishop retaliated Ьу vehemently attacking the old patriot who
only wanted to draw the Вishop's attention to the possible negative effects of
the Epistle оп state interests. Being а patriot, like many other patriots, he was
convinced that the Epistle served the interests of those who undermine ош
state unity, although personally he did not believe that the Episcopate did it
"We should not close ош eyes, nor turn а deaf ear to what is
going оп around us and to what people talk about. I wonder wheth-
er the Right Reverend Bishops have read the statements of Prime
Minister Herriot and the former Italian Minister Sforza in which
they openly speak about Mussollini's intention to invade ош whole
Adriatic coast and аН ош islands. I can understand the attitude of
Bosnian Bishops and the Bishops in the hinterland. ТЬеу are far
from the coast. But we, living along the coast, the first target and
the first to bear the brunt, must never forget that this tragic develop-
ment will take place if we weaken the position of ош state. ТЬе Right
Reverend, I ат deeply convinced that аll those working against the
unity of ош state по w, in the present political circumstances, are ас­
tuaHy working against its survival. ТЬе reaction of the State is, there-
fore, not surprising. ТЬе strict measures are meant to save the State
from destruction. ТЬе actual behavior of ош Church is not wise Ье-


the original document.

Magnum crimen XIV

menitu svrhu, ako li тоја malenkost moze ista doprinijeti, stavljam

Vam se od svega srca па raspolozenje."62
Don Frano IvaniseviC odgovorio је 15. II i па biskupovo privatno pismo
od 11. II, i opet pravom stoickom strpljivoscu, skromnoscu i gotovoscu da
pomogne crkvi u teskoj situaciji. Medutim, biskup је zavitlao ostro nad gla-
vom starog i zasluznog rodoljuba, koji је biskupa upozorio, jos jednom, od
kolike је stete ta poslanica za drzavu. 1 sada se оп ne moze da otme uvjerenju
svome i mnogih rodoljuba da se је sa poslanicom crkva postavila u sluZbu
rusitelja drzavnog jedinstva, iako оп licno ne misli da је tu svrhu imao pred
ocima episkopat.
"Ne treba ipak zatvoriti oci i usi па sve оп о, sto se okolo nas
govori i dogada. Jesu li preuzviseni biskupi Citali sto је bivsi ministar
predsjednik Heriot izjavio, sto је bivsi talijanski ministar Sforza na-
pisao о aspiracijama Mussolinija da nam svu obalu s otocima osvoji?
Ne cudim se bosanskim biskupima i drugim u zaledu, oni su daleko,
ali mi sa primorja moramo imati uvijek pred оБта ovu neizbjezivu
pogibelj, ako li se rastrojimo bilo radi koga razloga i oslabimo ро­
lozaj nase drzave, mi smo prvi па udarcu. Моје је tvrdo uvjerenje,
Preuzviseni, da u danasnjim teskim politickim okolnostima, tko radi
protiv jedinstvu nase drzave, taj radi i protiv njezinu opstanku, ра
onda nije nista zacudno, ako drzava poduzme korake i ostre mjere
bez obzira па та koga, а da se od propasti ocuva. Је li pametno, da
se nasa crkva tako izlaze te stvara, iako nehotice i sebi i drzavi nepri-
lika? Sve те је ovo potaklo, da u тојој izjavi utvrdim, kako је i ona
poslanica u ovakvim politickim vremenima sasvim nezgodna ... "63
Biskup Kvirin Кlement 18. II 1933. zavrsio је svoju prepisku sa don
Franom Ivanisevicem, koji је od starog svecenika trazio da u interesu cr-
kvene discipline porece jednu istinu, ustvari, da laze. U tome aktu izrekao је
splitski biskup inkvizitorsku presudu nad svecenikom koji se nije htio poko-
riti zahtjevu svoga biskupa da pred Citavim svijetom porece sto је pri zdravoj
svijesti rekao s uvjerenjem da koristi crkvi. Cestitom don Frani biskup је
oduzeo titulu pocasnog kanonika Stolne crkve u Splitu, sest dana ти је za-
branio Citanje sluZbe Bozje, а za godinu dana ти је zabranio ispovijedanje
i propovijedanje i naredio trodnevne duhovne vjeZbe. Sve је to bilo stoga,
sto је don Frano "prouzroCio sablazan te stoga zasluzio primjerenu kaznu ...
uoCiv kanone С. Z. i 27, i 386 § i, 2300, 22344 i 2355, а u smislu zakljucka

62 Don Frano Ivanisevic biskupu dru Bonefacicu 13. п. 1933. Prepis s originala.
63 Don Frano Ivanisevic biskupu dru BonefaCicu 15. п. 1933. Prepis s originala.

Viktor Novak

cause it is detrimental both to the Church and the State. Taking into
account аН the above I was induced to say јп ту statement that at the
present political moment the Epistle is absolutely pointless ... "63
Оп the 18-th ofFebruary, 1933 Bishop Kvirin Кlement sent his last letter
to don FrarlO Ivanishevitch calling оп the old priest to revoke his statement
јп the interest of Church discipline. In other words, he asked him to lie. Since
the old priest did not repent the Bishop of Split found him guilty, according
to the Canonical Rules of Inquisition, опlу because the old priest refused to
publicly and јп his right mind deny а statement he strongly believed was јп
the best interest of the Catholic Church. "ТЬе honest don Frano 10st his title
of Honorable priest of the Cathedral of Split, was prohibited to celebrate the
mass for six days, preach sermons and take confessions for опе year and was
ordered to practice spiritual exercises for three days. This was ап exemplary
punishment for his "abomination", according to Сапопјсаl Law i 27 and 385
and paragraphs: 2 300, 22 344 and 2 355. ТЬе Consistorium pronounced the
verdict at its Meeting of the 14-th of February, for non-compliance with the
order of the Ordinarium to риblјсlу repent for the committed evil. "64
Falsehood and mystification were behind the order "to repel1t for the
committed evil."
ТЬе old priest was appaHed and deeply offended Ьу the unjust punish-
ment and even more hurt Ьу the fact that јп the ХХ -th century coercion and
punishment were used against moral scruples and wisdom. ТЬе il1tention
was, оп the опе hand to stigmatize al1d humiliate the liberal opponent, and
оп the other, help the Episcopate improve its compromised reputation. Don
Frano Ivanishevitch found consolation јп the letters he had exchanged with
the old Вishop Ucellini- Тitze who completely shared his views. These letters
prove that Bishops: Srebrnitch, Yeglitch and Bonefachitch, each of them јп
his own way, tried to convince the old priest to revoke his statement as plant-
ed оп him! These letters also prove how 10w опе тау [аН Ьу using the power
of senior authority јп the effort to justify ап erroneous approach.
When јп his answer of the 7 -th of February, 1933, don Frano informed
Bishop Uccellini-Titze about the statement the Bishop expressed his [иН
agreement with every word јп the text. ТЬе Вishop was also against the whole
campaign launched at the po1iticaHy most inappropriate moment, consider-


the original document.
logue ПО.6] 6, сору of the original document.

Magnum crimen XIV

konsistorijalne sjednice dneva 14. 11 о. g. posto se nije odazvao pozivu ovog

Biskupskog Ordinarijata, da sam pred javnosti popravi zlo!"64
Dakle, laz i mistificiranje javnosti trebale su posluziti da se "popravi
Zgranut i pozlijeden nepravednom kaznom, а jos vise saznanjem, da se i
и ХХ. stoljecu nedostatak morala i pameti nadoknaduje silom i kaznom, jer
se nije htjelo posluziti lazi i mistifikacijom dvostrukom сЩи. S jedne strane
da se liberalni protivnik obiljezi kao mistifikator, da ga se unizi kao laka, а s
druge da se tim sredstvom uneko1iko popravi pomraceni ugled episkopata.
Don Frano Ivanisevic nasao је utjehu и tom krajnjem razocaranju и prepi-
sci sa starcem biskupom Ucce11ini- Тice koji је doista dije1io potpuno don
Franino glediste. Iz te se prepiske vidi da su trojica biskupa, SrebrniC, Jeg1ic
i BonefaCic, svaki nezavisno utica1i па starog biskupa da i оп povuce svoju
izjavu kao netocnu! Jer, i ova pisma pokazuju koliko se moze moralno pasti
kad se silom ze1i opravdati rdavi postupak.
Kad је don Frano obavijestio biskupa Ucce11ini-Tice о svojoj izjavi, оп
ти је odgovorio 7. 11 1933., slozivsi se s njime do kraja, do najzadnje rijeCi.
Ucce11ini- Тice је ogorcen jos i stoga sto је to sve doslo и najnezgodnije po1i-
ticko vrijeme. Ivanisevicev gest ти је patriotsko djelo, а onda kaze, sto smo
vec spomenu1i и citatu, и don Franinu pismu biskupu BonefaCicu, jos i ovo:
"Ostario sam i prostio sam toga dosta - a1i ne bih se nikada
Ыо nadao, da Ы mogla onaka grdoba izaCi па svijetlo, potpisana od
Jugoslavenskog Episkopata, s naredbom da se stije s oltara! Samo oni
nesretni zadnji kapovers! i zakljucak. Ро srijedi је profurtimasenje!
А dokazi! тi si ih upravo unistio! Dosao si zgodno и ротос i meni,
jer sto nije bilo moguce da ја uCinim, to jest da ih uceram и laz, to
si uCinio Ti. Sada се nasi (biskupi) vikati i па ТеЬе, kao sto vicu i па
mene. Imas ti druga, imam i ја druga, ра је to neka utjeha. Saljem тi
ga ovdje и slici, da Ti bude blШ. "65
Don Frano Ivanisevic i dalje је obavjestio biskupa Ucce11ini-Tice о toku
svog sukoba sa biskupom, saljuCi ти и prepisu sva akta. Dva Ucce11inijeva
pisma, od 19. 11 i 23.11 Ьасаји nove zrake svjetlosti па tu antisokolsku posla-
nicu. АН ne samo i па to. Jer i па moral trojice biskupa, dra Srebrnica, dra
Jeglica i dra BonefaCica, koji su od starca trazili da se odrece svojih izjava,
koje је javno dao protiv potpisnika poslanice.

64 Biskup dr. BonefaCic don Franu Ivanisevicu 18. П. 1933. К. br. 616. Prepis s originala.
65 Biskup Frano Uccellini- Тјсе don Franu Ivanisevicu 7. П. 1933. Prepis s originala.

Viktor Novak

ing don Frano's statement ап act of patriotism. After repeating some ideas
already qlloted јп don Frano's letter to Bishop Bonefachitch, he also said:
,,1 ат very old, 1 have а very 10ng memory and 1 have very
illllch pardoned јп ту life, but 1 could never dream that the Catholic
Episcopate јп Yugoslavia would опе day аППОllпсе sllch ап аЬотј­
паblе Epistle to Ье read [roт the Altar! Ве it опlу the last misfor-
tllnate paragraph and the Conclusions. This is а trick. And Ље so
called proofs! Уои have disqllalified them аll! Уои helped те а 10t Ьу
proving V\That 1 tried to prove, bllt did not succeed. Уои proved that
they were lying. Now ош Bishops will raise hue and cry against уои,
like they did against те. But both of llS have the same friend. This is
ош CONSOLAТION. 1 ат sending уои His picture so that уои сап
have Нјт close to уои. "65
Don Frano Ivanishevitch continued informing Bishop Uccellini -Тitze
about the course of the conflict with the Bishop, enclosing the copies of the
relevant letters. Two letters Ьу Bishop Uccellini, опе of the 19-th and the oth--
er of the 23- rd of February shed new light not опlу оп the anti -Sokol Epistle,
but also оп the moral scrup]es of Bishops: Dr. Srebrnitch, Dr. Yeglitch and
Dr. Bonefacllitch, who аН three called оп the old Bishop to revoke his pllblic
statements against the signatories of the Epistle.
Оп the 19-th of February, irritated Ьу the reaction to don Frano's state-
ment and his controversy with Bishop Bonefachitch, Bishop Ucce11ini Titze
made the following comment:
,,1 have never experienced anything similar јп ту life, nor did
1 expect it to happen to те. Stand firm оп the ground and mind
the traps. Those who speak the truth praise God. BOl1efachitch is
а great surprise to те, bllt if he decides to go too far try to contact
Rome through the Nllncio јп Belgrade. Yesterday 1 received а letter
[roт Fra Miloshevitch (Milosevic) about his visit to the Nuncio јп
Belgrade. We also discussed these issues Не told те abollt numerous
letters he had received, signed and anonymous. Не does not agree
with the anti-Sokol Epistle either. Не is of the орјпјоп that it was а
mistake to generalize some cases and mention Croatia and Slovenia
at the end of the Epistle. According to him the task of the Bishops is
to understand and disseminate religion јп the right way and behave


сору о{ theoriginal document.

Magnum crimen XIV

19. 11 1933. рј5е biskup Uccellini- Тice, ogorcen nad svime 5to se
dogac1a, kao refleks don Franinih izjava i raspravljanja sa biskupom
,,5to slicna u zivotu nijesam dozivio, niti sam se nadao doziviti. Тј
se drzi5 dobro i ne pU5taj se smesti od nikoga. Tko govori istinu Boga
hvali. Cudim se BonefaCicu, ali ako тi dodija obrati se па Rim preko
Nuncija u Beogradu. Jucer sam primio od Mil05evica iz Beograda
list, u kom тј рј5е о njegovu posjetu kod NUl1cija: 'Razgovarali smo
se о svim pitanjima. Rekao тј је da оп prima otud razna pisma sa
potpisom i bez potpisa, anonimna. Оп ne odobrava onu poslanicu
о Sokolima. Pojedine slucajeve nije se јтаlо generalizirati. Svr5etak
poslanice - hrvatsko i slavensko јте - osuc1uje. Оп kaze da biskupi
moraju jednako misliti i naucati u pitanju evanc1elja i vjere. U osta-
lim pitanjima mogu misliti kako hoce, pak su slobodni i u politickim
pitanjima: 66
Na mene se obratio pismeno biskup krcki, jer da sam stra5nO
sablaznio kod njeg cijeli svijet, pak hoce da povucem 5tO su о meni
pisali listovi - ali odre5ito, а da се те оп braniti! Da ga ovlastim!
Kratko sam ти odgovorio, ali fino i opapreno. Izmec1u ostalog: da
oni nesretni docetak opoganio сјјеlи poslanicu. Naputio sam ga i па
Tvoja pisanja u "Politici". 1 knez-biskup ljubljanski, jucer те је тоlјо
da se izjavim, је li istina 5tO рј5е о meni "Vreme"? Uputio sam njega
па Ьroј 7 "Sokola" od 10.11, koji se tiska u Ljubljani, ра da се vidje-
ti ogromnu 5tetu, 5tO su nanijeli biskupi katolickoj crkvi, osobito u
ovim stranama.
U ovom pitanju, тој dragi Frane, evo kako mislim ја: Na5i bisku-
рј javno su optuzili i javno osudili Sokole; ра su tu osudu najsvecani-
јјт naCinom u bozjem domu, s oltara i s amvona kroz blagdansku sv.
Misu proglasili kr5canskom puku, ukim i neukim, pismenim i ne-
pismenim. То је ne5to vrlo ozbiljno i znamenito i vrlo te5ko. Sokoli
nijesu bili pri optuzbi saslu5ani, а oni sada i Cine kroz uficijezni svoj
organ sasma pametno i zakonito. То јт se ne smije zanijekati. Suci
koji su ih tako svecano i 05tro javno osudili, duzni su ро savjesti i
svakom ljudskom bozjem pravu pomno savjesno i росјјеl0 5titi ova
opravdanja, ра nac1u lј da su ih krivo osudili, javno poreCi, kako su
ih i javno osudili. Ne uCine lј, za vijeke su se osramotili i nanijeli
ogromnu 5tetu svetoj crkvi.
Neka se koprcaju koliko hoce, oni se nece opravdati. Da ti odgo-
vorim s darom па dar, 5аlјет тi fotografiju 5tO sam ucinio pr0510-

66 Biskup Frano Uccellini-Tice don F'ranu Ivanisevicu 19, II, 1933, Prepis s originala,

Viktor Novak

accordingly. Regarding other issues, they are entitled to personal,

private opinion, particularly оп political matters. 66
In his letter the Bishop of Krk informs те that ту statements
have shocked his congregation and demands that I vehement1y re-
ject everything written about те in various papers. Тhis is his pre-
requisite for his support to те and he asks те to comply. Му answer
was short, decent and direct. Among other things I emphasized that
the beginning and the end of the Epist1e are particularly detrimental
for its overall effect. I also recommended him to read уош article in
POLIТIKA. Yesterday, the Bishop of Ljubljana asked ту comment
оп ап article оп те published in VREME (Time). I referred him to
SOKOL по. 7 ofthe 10-th ofFebruary, published in Ljubljana, from
which he will see for himself how enormous is the harm caused Ьу
the Epistle.
Dear Frano, this is what I think about the issue. Ош Bishops
have publicly accused and publicly condemned the disobedient
Bishop and pronounced the condemnation from the Altar during
the holiday mass, so that аll Christians, the educated and unedu-
cated, the literate and illiterate ones тау hear it. As а symbol this
is а very serious and meaningful issue of crucial importance. Тhe
Sokol side was not heard. Now they react through their legal body,
in а legal and rational manner. Тhey cannot Ье denied the right to
defense. Тhe judges that have condemned them so severely and in
such а high sounding manner are bound Ьу their conscious and the
Celestial and Secular Laws to listen to the Sokols and their argu-
ments with due attention and if the accusations prove ungrounded
publicly revoke them and exculpate the Sokols. Otherwise, the ver-
dict they have pronounced will remain their eternal shame with а
very detrimental effect оп the Catholic Church.
Тhey are trying to wiggle, let them wiggle as much as they сап,
but they will never Ье аblе to justify themselves.
And now I would like to reciprocate уош gift. I ат sending уои
а picture I took last January. Тhe Almighty is much more merciful
than some people over there. I have problems with ту legs and eyes.
Тhey do not serve те well апу more. Let те know if there is some-
thing important going оп. Non fallare, поп tremare! Ош Catholic
Church has its Codex. It is а law for аll of us, from а just baptized


сору of the original document.

Magnum crimen ХIУ

ga januara. Dragi Bog imade milosrda bolje nego neki ljudi tamo.
1 noge те ра i оа dobro sluze. Slava ти i hvala! Molim Те prijavi
mi se imades li sto nova da mi pises. Non fallare, поп tremare! Mi
u katolickoj crkvi imademo nas Codex, to је zakon za svakoga, od
maloga djeteka sto је krsteno danas, do Sv. Оса Раре. А sad idem
па objed."67
Kroz nekoliko dana, 23. 11 mogao је biskup Ucce1lini-Tice da doda dvo-
jici biskupa, koji su od njega traZili da odrece svoje date izjave, i trecega.
Biskupa dra BonefaCica.
"Dok sam iscekivao odgovor па тој zadnji list gdje sam Ti Ыо
priopCio razgovor don Antuna Milosevica sa apostolskim Nuncijem
u Beogradu, zatekao те spis tamosnje biskupske kurije u komu mi је
priopcena i Tvoja osuda. Evo Ti ovdje moga odgovora, drzi ga molim
Те za sebe. 68 1 meni biskupi Korosevci slovenski htjeli Ы da nametnu
brnjicu, najprije Srebrnic, za njim knez biskup ljubljanski, ра sad evo
i Istranin BonefaCic. Ро тоте mnijenju тi si osuden bez povoda i
nelegalno. Kada Ы se pozvati па Rim molim Те prijavi mi se.
А sad тој dragi prijatelju budi miran. 1 meni se pocetkom moga
episkopata dogodilo nesto slicna. Bio sam kaznjen zabranom роп­
tificalium, koja је trajala duga 4 mjeseca, а bila Ы trajala i godinu.
А zasto? Za jedno djelo, koje sam ја smatrao Bogu najugodnije i za
тоји biskupiju najcasnije i najprobitacnije. Bila mi је savjest Cista, ра
nijesam zbog te kazne izgubio ni pet casa moga mirnoga sna. Sve је
svrsilo sa imenovanjem assistens solio pontificio, da nekako polizu
(и Vatikanu) grdnu svoju pogrjesku. 1 тi ро тоте sudu, mozes i kao
svecenik i kao patriota kazati: Savjest mi је Cista i pred Bogom i pred
svijetom, а oni sto su тi krivo иапш neka dobro promisle, da se пе
moze Boga varati kako se moze ljudima dati rog za svijecu. Ne idem
dalje, а jos uhvam primiti odgovor па тој zadnji list. "69
Ovu пеоЫспо vaznu prepisku ро tome pitanju zavrsilo је pismo
don Frana Ivanisevica, koje је 28. 11 uputio biskupu u Kotor.
"Vrlo те veseli Vas odvazni i ustrajni duh, odlicna vrlina u Cita-
vom Vasem zivotu, poznata пата, koji pratimo Vas rad jos sa skol-
skih klupa, ра evo i sada u ovom okrsaju sa ljudima kratkih i пеЫ­
strih pogleda. Мепе је silno zacudio pokusaj biskupa BonefaCica,
koji mi nareduje, neka opozovem опо sto sam svijesno i promislje-

67 Idem.
68 Zato оуо pismo, па zalost nisam mogao dobiti.
69 Biskup Frano Uccellini don Franu Ivanisevicu 23. П. 1933.

Viktor Novak

ЬаЬу ир to the Ноlу Father. And now 1 have to stop and have ту
ОП the 23-rd of February Bishop Uccellini- Тitze got а letter
form Bishop Bonefachitch in which, like the previous two Nshops,
he asks him to refute his statement.
,,while waiting for уош answer to ту letter in which 1 inform
уои about the talks between don Antun Miloshevitch and the Nuncio
in Belgrade 1 received from the Curia of the Bishops the informa-
tion about уош verdict. Here is ту strictly confidential answer, just
for уои. 68 ТЬе Slovenian bishops, followers of Koroshetz, wanted
to muzzle те as well, first Srebrnitch, Bishop of Ljubljana and now
Bonefachitch, Bishop of Istria. 1п ту opinion the accusation against
уои is groundless and the verdict is not legal. 1f уои decide to арреаl
to Rome against the verdict let те know.
Take it easy, dear' friend. Something similar happened to те at
the beginning of ту Episcopate. 1 was prohibited to pontificate for
four months, although it could have Ьееп much 10nger. Why? For
doing something that 1 deemed would Ье pleasing to God and hon-
orable and beneficial for ту bishopric. Му conscious was clean and
1 опlу 10st less then five hours of peaceful sleep. 1п order to make
honorable amends they appointed ап assistenens solio pontificio.
1п ту view, as а priest and patriot уои сап also say: ту conscious
is clean before God and the whole world and those who did уои
wrong should remember that they сап deceive теп but they cannot
deceive God. 1 will stop now, expecting уош answer to ту last letter
to уои."69
This very important exchange of letters ended with the letter
don Frano 1vanishevitch sent to the Вishop of Kotor оп the 28-th of
,,1 admire уош courage and perseverance, the qualities ассот­
panying уои аН уош Ые. We who know уои since уош school days
are very well aware of them. Уои displayed these qualities also now
in this conflict with shortsighted реорlе with hazy views. 1 was very
surprised Ьу the order 1 received from Bishop Bonefachitch to refute
what 1 have declared јп full awareness and after а serious consider-
ation of the effects of ту words, having in mind only the interests of

67 Idem.
68 Unfortunately, 1 could not get this letter.

Magnum crimen XIV

по izjavio, imajuCi pred oCima iskljuCivo interese katolicke crkve; ali

ј05 те nije ozlovoljio, kako doznajem iz Va5ih listova, poku5aj triju
biskupa, koji su od Vas tra:Ыi, da opozovete Va5e izjave. Vjerujte mi,
Preuzvi5eni, ја пе mogu da pojmim kako se ti ljudi usuduju Ciniti ta-
kove poku5aje, koji nisu drugo nego atentat па nase savjesti. Kako пе
mogu da uvide, da takovo opozivanje, kada Ы ро nesreCi i slijedilo s
па5е strane, bilo Ы moralno samoubojstvo na5ega p05tenja, obraza i
dU5e па5е. Те pokusaje ја sтatraт neтoralniт аnот.
Ali ti pokusaji s druge strane oCiti su dokaz da је njihova savjest
neтirna i da su htjeli proturiti sa тjesta istine (oltara u crkvi) jednu
neistinu, koja iт se sada osvecuje. Govorio sam ovih dana u Beogradu
i Zagrebu sa mnogim vrlo odliCnim na5im ljudima (Hrvatima katoli-
cima) i svi mi rek05e ovo: Biskupu Uccelliniu, kanoniku Ivanisevicu
i profesoru Spincicu crkva katolicka ima da zahvali 5to prigodom
Citanja biskupske poslanice protiv Sokola stotine i stotine tisuca ka-
tolika nije istupilo iz njezinih redova. Izmedu tih odliCnika spomi-
пјет Vam samo biV5eg Ьапа profesora Silovica, odlicnog ucenjaka i
iskrenog vjernika katolika.
Velika Vam hvala, Preuzvi5eni, i s тоје strane, 5to ste im onako
odrijesito odgovorili, da se okane corava posla i onakvih poku5aja te
ih dobro savjetovali, neka se vrate sa polovine puta, ј05 imaju vre-
тепа. Uklapam Vam osudu 5to је Biskupski Ordinarijat izdao protiv
тепе. МоНт Vas, cetiri kazne, а za5to? Zato 5to sam pomogao da
stotine tisuca katolika пе pobjegne iz па5е crkve. Vi ste dobro rekli,
da se slicna nije ј05 upamtilo u Dalmaciji. Dakako ја se osjecam i
uvrijeden i nepravedno osuden па kaznu, koju nisam zasluZio, ali тј
је savjest mirna.
1 u samoj odluci koju uklapam, ima jedna tocka, proti koje sam
ја protestirao па Ordinarijat. Ти se krije laz, koja prikazuje u ruznom
svijetlu nasu kuriju. Ро stilu te odluke izgleda kao da sam ја toboze
priznao sablazan 5to је proizvela тоја izjava u "Politici". Uprav pro-
tivno, kao 5to se vidi iz mojeg dopisivanja sa biskupom BonefaciCem
proistice, da sam ја uvjeren u тојој svijesti о dobru uspjehu i zasluzi
za ugled i korist crkve, doCim је njihova biskupska poslanica proi-
zvela veliku zlovolju i sablazan. Ја sam samo lojalno priznao, da sam
propustio u formalnom pogledu propise crkvene discipline ро kojim
пе smije svecenik pisati о pitanjima koja se ticu crkve bez dozvole ([-
kvene vlasti i zato su mogli udijeliti ukor i zabranu za daljnje pisanje,
ali u meritornom pogledu ро sadrzaju i dobroj namjeri тоје izjave,
naime da se izgladi ovaj spor па korist crkve i drzave, nisu smjeli
Viktor Novak

the Catholic Church. But I have not yet 10st ту temper. I see from
your 1etters that уои have Ьееп contacted Ьу three bishops who de-
manded that уои a1so refute your statement. Believe те, the Right
Reverend, I simp1y cannot understand how dare they do that. This
is ап attempt оп your conscious. ТЬеу shou1d understand that the
act of your refuting the statement would Ье equa1 to mora1 suicide
of your honesty, your [асе and sou1. In ту view such requests are
Оп the other hand, аН their attempts prove that their conscious
is not с1еап and that from the 10ftiest р1асе of Тruth, the A1tar, they
were trying to disseminate fa1sehood instead of truth, which is surfac-
ing and acting against them. I have contacted our реор1е in Be1grade
and Zagreb, аН good Croats and Cath01ics and they аН agree that
the Catholic Church shou1d Ье thankfu1 to Bishop Uccellini, rever-
end Ivanishevitch and professor Spinchitch that after the reading of
the anti-Sok01 Epist1e hundreds of thousands of Cath01ics did not
give ир their church. Опе ofthem was professor Shilovitch (Si10vic),
former Вап of the Croatian Banovina (Banovina Hrvatska) ап out-
standing sch01ar and а devoted Catholic.
ТЬе Right Reverend, thank уои for having Ьееп so ореп with
them and for advising them to Ье reasonable and соте ha1f way
back before it is too 1ate. Enc10sed p1ease find а сору of the verdict of
the Ordinarium of the Bishops against те. Four sentences, сап уои
believe it? And for what? For having prevented hundreds of thou-
sands of Catholics from giving ир their church. Уои right1y said that
something similar had never happened in Da1matia. Of course, the
unjust punishment hurts а 10t. But, ту conscious is с1еап.
In the verdict there is ап item against which I protested with the
Ordinarium. It exp1ains the root of the wh01e fa1sehood because the
decisions sounds as if I had admitted the abomination caused Ьу
ту statement published in POLIТIКA. Оп the contrary. ТЬе 1etters
I exchanged with Bishop Bonifachitch c1ear1y show that I believed
in what I was doing and was doing it for the benefit of the Cath01ic
Church, because it is their Epist1e that gave rise to great disappoint-
ment and abomination. I оп1у admitted to have formaHy vi01ated the
Ru1es of Church Discipline according to which the priests are not
aHowed to write about church matters without а previous approva1
of church authorities. For that I cou1d have Ьееп reprimanded and
ту further writing prohibited. Оп the other hand, the оп1у intention
of ту statement was to he1p overcome the conflict to the satisfaction
Magnum crimen XIV

izdavati onakve preostre kazne kao za kakova kriminalnog zlocinca

ili razvratnog svecenika, kakovim se ја pred Bogom i narodom пе
osjecam, sto i oni dobro znaju. Tako ја shvacam, Preuzviseni, а tako
mislim da је i Vase shvacanje. Sada па zakljucak: Quid faciendum?
Sto mislite, Preuzviseni, Ы li zasluzivalo, da se protiv ovoj osudi pri-
tuzim preko Nuncija па Rim? Molim Vas, Vi те posavjetujte, ја se
nisam nikada nasao u ovakvom slucaju, bit си Vam рипо haran па
usluzi ... "70
U ovoj intimnoj prepisci dva uzorna svecenika, оЬа rodoljuba, а па vi-
sokim polozajima, ugledna i priznata u narodu, odrazava se unutrasnja slika
metode kojom se predstavnici klerikalizma mogu posluziti samo da postignu
izvjesnu svrhu, та da tom metodom i sa tom svrhom stoje u suprotnosti sa
osnovnim zakonima krscanskog morala. сЈ
Dok је don Frano Ivanisevic raspravljao svoje pitanje sa biskupom Вопе­
faciCem i savjetovao se sa biskupom Uccellinijem, dok su trojica biskupa
nastojala da sklone Uccellinija da demantira svoju vlastitu izjavu, pojavila
se па uzas episkopata jos jedna nova prosokolska i antiposlanicka izjava u
beogradskoj "Politici" 19.11 1933., koju је sva ostala stampa prenijela i dala
јој najsiri publicitet. Bila је to izjava starog narodnog borca i istarskog pre-
poroditelja Vjekoslava SpinCica, uzornog svecenika, koji је u svojim visokim
godinama Zivio u rodnom Kastvu, па domak rapallske granice, preko koje је
taj rodoljub sa boli gledao па bracu koja su ostala u talijanskom ropstvu, u
kome nisu uzivali ni vjersku slobodu!
1 stari Vjekoslav SpinCic Ыо је uzasnut pojavom episkopatske poslanice.
Kad је javnost zazelila da сије i SpinCicevo misljenje;on se najspremnije oda-
zvao i dopustio jednom dugogodisnjem sokolskom radniku dru Miloradu
Dragicu, da razgovor sa njime objavi u beogradskoj "Politici".
Daleko ostrije, otvorenije i frontalnije istupio је Vjekoslav SpinCic protiv
poslanice, nego sto SlJ. to uCinili sa najvecom obazrivoscu biskup Uccellini-
Tice i don Ivanisevic:'I sam sokol, па Rijeci kao dak gimnazije (1868), SpinCic
је upoznao rad sokolstva u Pragu, gdje је studirao 1872.-1875. Ти је saznao
da sokolska ideja predstavlja rodoljublje najviseg stepena. Као Clап parla-
menta u Веси dosao је u dodir sa najizrazitijim ceskim rodoljubima, koji su
svi od reda bili sokoli. Nikad nije сио za та kakav bezvjerski rad sokola, а
upoznao је neke koji su bili ljudi velike poboznosti. Jednako, kasnije u svom
nacionalnom radu nikad nije sokolstvo vrSilo drugu osim nacionalno-pros-
vjetnu funkciju, ostajuCi uvijek u prvim redovima borbe u preporodu Istre.

70 Don Frano Ivanisevic biskupu Uccelliniu 28. П. 1933. Prepis s originala.

Viktor Novak

of both the Church and the State. The sentence is too severe. I ат
not а criminal, 110Г а debauch priest, and they know it уегу we11. The
Right Reverend, I believe that уои share ту view. And now QUID
FACIENDUM? WHAT ТО DO? Do уои think that I should 10dge an
арреаl with Rome, through the Nllncio? I beg your advise because
I Ьауе never been in а similar sitllation before and I simply do not
know what to do. I wOllld Ье very thankful to Ьеаг from уои ... "70
Two exemplary priests, оп higЬ positions in Church ЫегагсЬу, highly
respected, both of them patriots, in their letters reveal that the clerics, in vie\v
of achieving а given goal, do not hesitate to resort to the methods contrary to
the basic principles of Christianity.
While don Frano Ivanishevitch was discussing his issue with Bishop
Bonefachitch and seeking advice from Bishop Uccellini and while the other
three bishops were using their best efforts to persuade Вishop Uccellini to
refllte his statement the Episcopate was shocked Ьу а пеw pro-Sokol and
anti-Epistle statement published in POLIТIKA ofFebruary 19,1933, which
was reprinted Ьу а11 other papers and had а wide риblјс есЬо. Its author was
Vjekoslav Spinchitch (SpinCic) an оЫ fighter for the national callse from
Istria, an ехетрlагу priest who was living in his native town Kastva, close
to the Italian boarder established Ьу the Rapa110 Тreaties, so that Ье litera11y
could see his brothers living under Italian occupation, deprived of their re-
ligious rights.
The оЫ Vjekoslav Spinchitch was also shocked Ьу the Epistle. When Ье
was asked to publicly express his opinion оп that isslle Ье did not hesitate
to give an interview for POLIТIKA to an оЫ Sokol Dr. Milorad Dragitch
Не was far тоге open and vehemently against the Epistle than Bishop
Uccellini- Тitze and don Ivanishevitch. Vjekoslav Spinchitch was а Sokol аl­
ready in high school (1868) which Ье attended in Rijeka and later during his
studies in Praglle from 1872 to 1875. Не realized that the Sokol Ыеа embod-
ied the 10ftiest patriotic ideals. As Member of Parliament in Vienna Ье estab-
lished contacts with Czech patriots who were а11, without exception, Sokols
Не never heard that the Sokols had anything to do with atheism, and Ье рег­
sona11y knew some who were devoted believers. Later оп, during his work for
the national callse Ье got familiar with the Sokol Movement in Istria. Their


the original document.

Magnum сrimеп XIV

"lmajuci sve to па umu zaprepastila те је poslanica nasih bisku-

рао о о
Zaprepastilo те је tvrdenje, da је Tyrs zasnovao Sokolstvo па
bezvjerstvu kad znam, da su katolicki svecenici izvrsili opijelo nad
posmrtnim ostacima Tyrsa prilikom sprovoda do mjesta vjecnog
poCinkao Sokolstvo postoji уес sedamdeset godinao Za sve оуо vrije-
те ni svecenici ni biskupi katolicki, ni ceski ni nasi, ni та koji drugi
nisu nista prigovarali Sokolstvuo Katolicki svecenici i biskupi mnogo
puta su prisustvovali sokolskim manifestacijama, а mnogi od njih
su i aktivni Clanovi sokolske organizacijeo Zbog svega toga i ја sam
se nedavno vrlo rado odazvao zelji sokolskog drustva u Kastvu dao о о
blagoslovim zastavu kastavskih sokolao
Zaprepastila те је ta poslanica, jer poznajem mnoge dobre so-
kole, koji su u jedno i dobri krscani i dobri katolicio Zaprepastilo те
је tvrdenje poslanice jer nikada ni па jednoj sokolskoj manifestaciji
ili zabavi nisam vidio nista neprijatno ili nemoralnoo Zaprepastila
те је оуа poslanica naroCito i s toga, sto smatram Sokolstvo kao
eminentno nacionalnu organizaciju, koja bas i radi toga postoji, da
goji medusobnu ljubav i snos]jivost kod naseg naroda s tim, da је
pripravno braniti domovinu u svima, ра i najtezim momentimao
Zbog svega toga poslanica је porazno djelovala па sve nase lju-
deo NaroCito mi је tesko kad pomislim, kako su morali dusevno trpiti
oni svecenici, koji su i sami uvjereni sokoli ili prijatelji Sokolstva i
koji su pri tom morali Citati poslanicu u crkvama ispred oltara ili sa
propovjedaonicao А trpili su i oni vjernici koji su sokoli i prijatelji
sokola, а uz to dobri katolicio Uvjerio sam se da su ovi 1judi ЫН tesko
uznemireni, ne znajuCi prosto sto da radeo о о Svima ovim ijudima, koji
su i mеnј dolazili, nе moie nikako da ide u glavu, da је оnа poslanica
mogla biti proglasena bez znanja SVo Stolice i njenog pretstavnika u
_nasoj driavio Dobri su katolici i zele da ostanu dobri katolicio 1 vjeru
ipak ne zele da mijenjaju! Ali ta poslanica boli tim vise sto se zna da i
SVo Stolica radi ruku pod ruku sa tvorcem i procelnikom jasizmao
U cijeloj nasoj drzavi javljali su se protesti protiv biskupske ро­
slaniceo АН ovi su protesti utoliko jaCi, ukoliko su mjesta protesta bli-
za granicama Italijeo Stanovnici onih krajeva naroCito jako osjecaju
karakter оуе poslaniceo Na taj naCin moze se protu,PiaCiti okolnost,
da kotorski biskup i zamjenik barskog nadbiskupa'nisu ni dozvolili
da se Cita poslanica u crkvama njihova podrucjao Isto tako u mno-
gim crkvama Dalmacije poslanica nije Citanao А protiv poslanice
najzesce se protestiralo u Primorju: па Susaku, u Kastvu, Crikvenici,
Novom, u Krku, па Rabuo Primorci dobro znaju i pamte sve оnо sto se

Viktor Novak

activities were restricted to the field of national education and culture only
and they were always in the first Нпе of struggle for the renaissance of Istria.
"In view of ту past experience I was shocked Ьу the Epistle ...
I was appaHed to hear [roт ош bishops that Tyrsh grounded the
Sokol Movement оп atheism because I know that the Catholic priest
celebrated his funeral mass. ТЬе Sokol Movement has Ьееп existing
for seventy years. During аН that time neither ош, nor the Czech
Catholic priests and bishops, or апуопе else had а word of reproach
in that regard. Catholic priests and bishops used to attend the Sokol
events, and тапу of them were active members of the Sokols. For
that reason I have recently accepted the invitation of the Sokols in
Kastva to bless their flag.
I was shocked Ьу the Epistle because I personaHy know тапу
good Sokols who are also good Christians and good Catholics. I was
shocked Ьу the Epistle because I have never seen anything immoral
or indecent at апу of their events. I was shocked Ьу the Epistle par-
ticularly because I deem that the Sokols are ап eminent national or-
ganization whose primary task is to foster mutuallove and tolerance
among ош peoples and prepare them to defend the country in case
of danger.
For аН these reasons the Epistle dismayed аН ош peoples I par-
ticularly have in view the priests who are great supporters or friends
of the Sokol Movement and their pain when they had to read the
Epistle in their churches, from the Altar or the pulpit. ТЬе Sokols,
good Catholics and their friends were also dismayed. ТЬеу were аН
so dismayed that they did not know what to do ... ТЬеу simply сап­
not believe that the Holy See and its Nuncio in Yugoslavia did not
know anything about it. ТЬеу are аН good Catholics and they want
to remain good Catholics! But the Epistle hurts, particularly in the
light of the fact that the Holy See goes hand in hand with the founder
of fascism, the Duce.
Protests against the Epistle were organized аН over the coun-
try. ТЬе closer to the Italian boarder the more vehement they get.
People living in the border region are particularly hurt Ьу the Epistle,
which explains why the Bishop of Kotor and Deputy Bishop of Bar
did not aHow the reading of the Epistles in the churches of their re-
spective dioceses. In тапу churches in Dalmatia the Epistle was not
read either. ТЬе protests against the Epistle were most vehement in
Sushak (Susak), Kastva, Tzrikvenitza (Crikvenica), Novi, Rab and
Krk. People in these regions very weH know and remember what is
Magnum crimen ХIУ

protiv naseg naroda govori i radi u susjednoj driavi. 1 to u svjetovnom

tako i u crkvenom Rimu. Nasi Primorci dobro znaju, da је trscansko-
koparski biskup Andrej Karlin, sada biskup u Mariboru, Ыо prisiijen
i od same Sv. Stolice, da poloii cast i sluibu biskupa u Trstu, а da nа­
pusti Trst. Oni znaju da је па Rijeci osnovana па brzu ruku biskupija,
bez vjerskih potreba, vec iz Cisto politickih razloga. Znaju takoder da
је iz crkvenog Rima poslat za biskupa Isidor Sain, koga је ustoliCio
jedan kardinal. Biskup Sain nije medutim znao nas narodni jezik, te
prema tome nче mogao ni vrsiti svoje biskupske duinosti. Biskup Sain
osnovao је па Rijeci sjemeniste za uzgoj svecenika. Tim mladim ijudi-
та zabranjeno је da medu sobom govore hrvatski i to па jedan stra-
san nааn: kod ispovijedi morali su ispovijedati kao grijeh, ako su kad
medu sobom govorili maternjim jezikom.
Primorci znaju i za Sedejev slucaj, koji је dao ostavku tek onda
kad mu је receno da је to zelja Sv. Stolice ... Kad је па njegovo mjesto
dosao potalijanceni fasista Giovanni Sirotti, to је izazvalo bol i naj-
zad smrt Sedejevu. Na sve ovo misli Primor<J.b. brizan zbog ovakve
biskupske poslanice. /"
Primorci znaju i za Lateranski sporazum izmedu svjetovnog i cr-
kvenog Rima. Ро ovom sporazumu duhovni pastiri i zupnici naroda
pod Italijom ne treba da znaju narodni jezik, dok mnogi svecenici-
misionari uce jezike najdivljih plemena, da Ы mogli poucavati i siriti
krscansku vjeru. Uslijed ovakvog postupka crkve su se ispraznile, а
vjernici u njima veoma su rijetki. ',/-/
Mislim da је potrebno i ovdje ukazati па fasisticke postupke u
Italiji. Fasizmu је posljednja stvar vjera i vjerska nauka. Cak svojim
postupcima i radom fasisti vrijedaju krscansku nauku. Ра ipak ta-
mosnji biskupi, ni pojedinci ni in corpore, nisu nikad istupili protiv
faSizma ... А ovi fasiste, sa svojim procelnikom ne propovijedaju lju-
bav, nego mrznju, ne zele mir vec rat. Njihovi uCitelji u skolama па
zapadnim granicama nase drzave pokazuju па nas, s ove strane gra-
nice, i govore svojim ucenicima i djeci naseg naroda: "Nemojte i6
preko, tamo Zive samo div~i ljudi koji su kadri covjeka napasti, istu-
6, ра cak i ubiti." Na brzu ruku sastavljeni sudovi ubijaju Mateottija,
Morzinija i druge u staroj Italiji. А u Istri, Тrstu i Gorici ubijaju nase
Gortane, Bidovce, MarusiCe, Milose i Valentice. Fasiste nekaznjeno
napadaju njima nepocudne ljude, narocito nase. Premlacuju Љ, zlo-
stavljaju ih, provaljuju u kuce, pale narodne domove, provaljuju u
crkve tjeraju6 svecenike ispred oltara. Zatvorene su ujedno sve nase
Viktor Novak

the neighboring country doing and speaking against us. Both the
secular and clerical Rome. Тhey very well remember that Andrey
Karlin, Вishop of Тrieste and Kopar, now Вishop of Maribor, was
forced Ьу the Holy See to leave Тrieste and his service there. Тhey
also know that the bishopric in Rijeka was established in great haste,
for purely political and not religious reasons. 1Ъеу also know that
the official Rome appointed Вishop Isidor Sain, who was installed Ьу
а Cardinal. But, Вishop Sain did not speak ош language and there-
fore could not сапу out his duties. However, Вishop Sain founded
in Rijeka а Clerical school (Sjemeniste) for education of priests. Тhe
students were prohibited to communicate in their mother tongue-
Croatian. Тhe violation of that rule was considered а sin which they
had to admit at confession.
People from the coastal region also remember the case of Sedey
who had to resign at the request of the Holy See ... Soon after he was
replaced Ьу the Italianized fascist Giovanni Sirotti he died of pain
and sorrow. People of that region very vividly remember аll that and
are therefore even more hurt Ьу the Epistle.
Тhey also know about the Lateran Тreaties between the secular
and clerical Rome. According to that Тreaties priests and spiritual
shepherds of the ethnic groups under Italy do not have to speak their
language. Оп the other hand, many priests-_missionaries learn the
languages of wild tribes so as to Ье аblе to properly teach them reli-
gion and spread Christianity. Тhis is the reason for empty churches
and а decreasing number of devoted believers.
I think that we should also speak about fascism in Italy. Fаsсisш
could not care less for religion and religious education. Some of their
activities are an offense to Christianity. In spite of that the bishops
over there, either as individuals, or in corpore have never raised their
voice against fascism ... And these fascists and their Duce do not dis-
seminate love, but hatred, they do not want реасе, they want war.
Тheir teachers оп the other side of ош border brainwash ош chil-
dren Ьу advising them not to go across the border because "they тау
Ье attacked, beaten even killed Ьу the people living there." Summary
courts kill one Mateotti, one Morzini and people like them in old
Italy. In Istria, Тrieste and Gorizia they kill ош people Ьу the name
of Gortan, Bidovac, Marushitch (Marusic), Milosh (Milos) and
Valentitch (Valentic). Fascist attack аН people they find suspicious,
particularly those of ош origin. Тhey beat them to death, maltreat
them, break into their homes, burn their houses, break into ош
churches and drive the priests out. Over there we once had several

Magnum crimen XIV

narodne skole kojih је bilo vise stotina; rasturena su sva nasa drustva
- prosvjetna i privredna.
Nasem narodu u Istri пе dozvoljava se da prede preko granice u
nasu drzavu па Тrsat da se pomoli trsatskoj Majci Bozjoj. Ра sve ovo
nije pokrenulo ni Svetu Stolicu ni talijanski episkopat da uzme u zasti-
tu povrijedeni princip vjere i poboinosti. А covjeka, pod счоm ирт­
vom strasno pati nas narod u Italiji najvisi vatikanski dostojanstvenici
nazivaju providencijalnim covjekom, poslatim od Boga za dobro tali-
janske driave. Тај covjek ieli da uz роmос Svete Stolice obnovi Rimsko
carstvo, а najprije da osvoji nasu Dalmaciju. А sto to znaci znamo iz
historije kao iz svega onoga sto se zbiva u Istri, Тrstu i Gorici, naime:
Rimljanin gospodar, а stanovnistvo zauzetih zemalja - roblje.:,./f
Kad па sve to mislim, poslanica mi postaje jos teza ро svome
znacaju. NaroCito kad pomislim па doba u kome se pojavila. Italija
prijeti svakoga dana, naoruzava se, gradi tvrdave, brodove, nastoji
da pridobije i naoruza i druge drzave radi toga сЩа. Sve akcije ире­
rene su protiv nas. Izdrzava i neke nase emigrante koji davaju toj
zешlјi Dalmaciju za toboznju Hrvatsku, koja Ы nesumnjivo postala
рliјепоm Italije i Madarske. Uopce паslапјапје пеkih паsih ljudi па
vanjske neprijatelje pretstavlja пајоdvrаtпiјu ројауи u паsеm zivotu.
То је izdajstvo. Svi smo duzпi da radimo unutra, u svojoj drzavi, da
пат se kuca uredi i da јасато опо sto su nagovjestavali viјеsпiсi
bolje buducnosti, zasto su dali svoje zivote stotine hiljada nasih lju-
di ... 1 bas u оуо vrijeme u koje podizu glavu razni protivnici nasi, u
vremenu kada Italija jasno i otvoreno govori 5to hoce protiv nas, u to
doba ројауа роslапicе djeluje jos роrаzпiје. А to se moze vidjeti jos
i iz toga, sto је talijanska stampa, а паrоCitо rijecka, prihvatila ovu
biskupsku poslanicu sa пајvisim odusevljenjem.
Sta treba Sokolstvo sada da radi? Тreba da prikupi sve svoje sile
da se i u hrvatskim, slovenskim i srpskim krajevima sto vise роmпо­
zi broj sokola, uvijek razumije se kao i do sada sto nisu ЫН пi bez-
vjerci пi protuvjerci, i da sve svoje sile posvete dobru nase mlade
Jugoslavije; da intenzivno rade па dU5evnom stapanju i produblji-
vапјu jugoslavellskog narodnog jedinstva i da ovakvim оdgојпim
radom pripremaju narodu sretnu ЬuduСпоst ... "71
Ovako је Vjekoslav SрiпCiс па zalazu svoga zivota, kao prvoklasni ро­
znavalac jugoslavenskih i tаliјапskih prilika, svjetovnih i crkvenih, svih роН­
tickih aspiracija fasizma i Vatikana, kroz prizmu talijanske stampe, obuhvatio

71 "Politika" 19. п. 1933. "Novo doba", 23. п. 1933.

Viktor Novak

hundred schools in Croatian language and now they are аН closed

and аН ош cultural, educational and economic societies dissolved.
Ош people living in 1stria are not aHowed to cross the border
to go to Тrsat to the Church of the Holy Mother of Тrsat for prayer.
In аН these cases the Holy See and the 1talian Episcopate did not [е­
act to the violation of the principles of religious freedom. Moreover,
for the highest dignitaries of the Vatican the тап most responsible
for the sufferings of ош people in Italy is а God sent savior of the
Italian state and its weH being. This тап has the ambition to restore
the Roman Empire with the help of the Holy See, but before that he
wants to take ош Dalmatia. We know from history and from the
situation in 1stria, Тrieste and Gorityia what that means: the Romans
will Ье the masters and the population of the invaded countries-
slaves ...
In the light of these facts the Epistle acquires ап еуеп more tragic
meaning, at this particular moment. Italy is accumulating weapons,
building fortresses and ships and trying to attract to its side and arm
other countries in the pursuit of the same objective. АН these actions
are organized against us. They also financiaHy support some emi-
grants [roт Yugoslavia ready to give ир Dalmatia in exchange for ап
aHegedly free Croatia which would very soon [аН prey to Italy and
Hungary. The support some ош people accept [roт ош enemies is
the most despicable phenomenon in ош nationallife. This is trea-
son. It is ош duty to Ье active inside ош country, establish order at
home and work in favor of ош better future because these were the
goals for which hundreds of thousands or ош people had given their
lives ... And right now, when ош enemies are raising their heads,
when Italy is clearly and openly expressing its appetites for parts of
ош country. 1n such а situation the effect of the Epistle sounds еуеп
more terrifying, the proof being а very enthusiastic reaction to the
Epistle in the whole Italian press, particularly in Rijeka.
What is the Sokol Movement expected to do? 1t should use its
very best efforts to increase the number of its members in Croatia,
Slovenia and Serbia, who, like the previous members, are not athe-
ists or hostile to religion and work hard to the benefit of ош young
Work hard оп the unity of аН ош Yugoslav peoples and through
education in this spirit рауе the way to ош better future ..... "71

71 "POLIТIKK, February 19, 1933 and "NOVO DOBK (New age), February 23, 1933.

Magnum crimen ХIУ

cijeli problem i oznaCio i osvi-

jetlio ovu poslanicu najtezom
osudom, kao pravo izdajstvo. __
Starina Spincic Ыо је sa
svih strana Jugoslavije obasut
telegramima u kojima mu se се­
stitalo i zahvaljivalo za taj heroj-
ski podvig пе samo prema do-
тасет episkopatu nego i stoga
sto је пеоЫспот odvaznoscu
ukazao i па svu pozadinu ovoga
problema. Izjava је zaprepastila
i ogorCi1a пе samo episkopat i
sve klerikalce, inicijatore posla-
nice nego naroCito beogradsku
nuncijaturu. Spomenuto је уес
u Uccellinijevom pismu, kako
mu njegov vikar А. Milosevic
javlja da nuncije nije odobravao Dr Miroslav Tirs (1832-1884)
poslanicu. Та је izjava oCigledno Dr Miroslav Tyrsh (1832-1884)
bila prozirni manevar posto је
nuncije dobro znao da govori pred vikarom kotorskog biskupa, sa патје­
rom da otkloni od Svete Stolice i Vatikana svaku sumnju. SpinCiceva izjava је
utoliko jos znacajnija bila sto је dosla i od strane jednog dugogodisnjeg viso-
kog politicara i uzornog svecenika, koji је vise рс) sezdeset godina u јаупот
Zivotu Istre i Hrvatske zraCio osobitim sjajem!j)vo је Ыо nesumnjivo tezak
udarac za episkopat i za sve jugoslavenske ptotivnike kada su osjetili, tko to
sve skida episkopatu masku s Нса, tako hipokritski zabrinutog za Boga i vjeru
u vezi sa Tyrsevom ideologijom па granicama Italije!
Као sto se pokusalo uticati па savjesti biskupa Ucce11inija i don Frana
Ivanisevica, tako је i sada senjski biskup dr. Ivan Starcevic, u Бјој se dijecezi
nalazio Spincicev Kastav, posegao za ovim istim sredstvom, koje su koristili
BonefaCic, Srebrnic i Jeglic. Biskup Starcevic је 3. marta poslao Spincicu dvo-
jicu svecenika sa pismenim nalogom senjskog ordinarijata da od Spincica
uzmu protokolarno odgovor па izvjesna pitanja. Prema tome nalogu Spincic
је imao da kaze da li је tocna njegova izjava, objavljena u "Politici", iz koje
su је i drugi listovi prestampali. Od njega se traiilo da izjavi da li је voijan da
objavljenu izjavu deтantira, bez obzira da li је njegova ili nЧе. Zatim је zatra-
zeno od njega da se izjasni zasto је парао Svetu Stolicu i katolicki episkopat,

Viktor Novak

These are the words of Vjekoslav Spinchitch, perfectly familiar with the
situation in Yugoslavia and Italy, both in the secular and clerical field and
fully aware of the political aspirations of fascism and the Vatican, clearly ех­
pressed in Italian press. ОП the ground of his Ше long experience and liv-
ing his last days he very weH understood the implications of the Epistle and
therefore condemned it as TREASON.
Telegrams of gratitude for his courage started pouring оп Vjekoslav
Spinchitch from аН over Yugoslavia, and particularly for having revealed the
background of the problem. 'Ље Catholic Episcopate, аН clerics and particu-
larly the Nuncio were appaHed and embittered. In his letter Вishop Uccellini
mentions that Vicar Antun Miloshevitch told him about the negative attitude
of the Nuncio to the Epistle. This was, evidently, only а cheap maneuver of
the Nuncio aware that he was talking to the Vicar of the Bishop of Kotor
in order to dispel every suspicion about the possible involvement of the
Holy See and the Vatican. This statement was particularly valuable because
Spinchitch was ап exemplary priest and respectful politician, who over sixty
year actively participated in the public Ше of Istria and Croatia as опе of
its most prominent public figures. His statement dealt а severe blow оп the
Episcopate and the enemies of Yugoslavia, who were particularly shocked
when they realized who was ready to unmask the Episcopate, so hypocriti-
саНу concerned for God and faith in connection with the ideology of Tyrsh
along the Italian border!
Now Dr Starchevitch (Starcevic) Bishop of Senj, in whose diocese
Vjekoslav Spinchitch lived, got the task to use the same method in his
case Bonefachitch, Srebrnitch and Yeglitch applied in the case of Bishop
Uccellini and Reverend Ivanishevitch. Namely, оп the 3-rd of March Bishop
Starchevitcll delegated two priests to contact Spinchitch and deliver him per-
sonally а written order of the Ordinarium of Senj to officially answer their
questions, namely: is his statement published in POLIТIKA trustworthy and
what are the names of other newspapers that have reprinted it; whether he
was ready to refute his statement regardless of its trustworthiness; to explain
the reasons behind his attack оп the Holy See and the Catholic Episcopate
and whether he accepts, or not, that Ьу making that statement he has vio-
lated the principle of subordination. Spinchitch answered аН these questions
frankly and directly. Не acknowledged authorship ofhis statement published
in POLIТIKA emphasizing that it only reflects his views оп the Sokols and
claimed that he did not attack the Holy See and the Episcopate. Не only
thought that the Роре and the bishops in Italy should Ье equally just towards
аН peoples, which is not the case now. Ву saying that he actuaHy wanted

Magnum crimen XIV

kao i to da li smatra da је spomenutom izjavom povrijedio princip subor-

dinacije. Na sva ta pitanja SpinCic је dao jasne i precizne odgovore. Оп је
izjavio da је uistinu autor izjave u "Politici", da је izjavom iznio sta zna i misli
о sokolstvu i da nije izvrsio nikakav napad па Svetu Stolicu ni па katolicki
episkopat, аН da smatra da pretpostav1jeni, tj. рара i biskupi u Italiji, moraju
biti jednako pravedni, jer se podjednako ne postupa prema svim narodima.
Тiтe је htio jos jednom da podvuce postupak prema gorickom nadbisku-
ри Sedeju i prema nacionalnom jugoslavenskom svecenstvu u Istri, Gorici i
Trstu о сети је SpinCic opsirno govorio u svojoj izjavi. 72 Poslije toga prosirila
se vijest da se SpinCicu prijeti sa suspenzijom "а divinis". Те vijesti izazvale
su nova i uzbudljiva negodovanja. Ovu "Politikinu" vijest registrirala је i ko-
mentirala Citavim clancima dnevna stampa.
"Kad se iznova cita ta izjava u povodu namjere, da se SpinCic
suspendira "а divinis", dobiva se sasvim jasan dojam da se s profe-
sorom SpinciCem, s izvjesnom malom razlikom, dogada u slobodnoj
Jugoslaviji ono, 5to se dogodilo pod Italijom gorickom nadbiskupu
blagopokojnom Sedeju. 1 SpinCic postaje zrtva svog nacionalnog
uvjerenja. Sedej је Ыо zrtvovan zato, jer se borio za afirmaciju nasih
nacionalnih prava u crkvi i protiv uzurpacije fasizma u fasistickoj
Italiji. SpinCic је medutim ustao u obranu nacionalnih interesa i tu-
dim duhom prozete uzurpacije u slobodnoj Jugoslaviji. А ako bude
zrtvovan, biti се zrtvovan onom istom Rimu kojemu је zrtvovan i
Sedej. Zar је moguce da se uplivna zona ujedinjenog Rima u tako
kratko vrijeme mogla prosiriti od Gorice do Zagreba i Senja. "73
Inkvizitori iz Senja i iz Zagreba nisu stigli da do kraja izvedu postupak
prema starome borcu. Bolesni starac koji se Щеао па Susaku nije docekao
konacnu odluku. Smrt је prekinula ovu diskusiju izmedu njega i njegovog or-
dinarijata. Jer 27. V. 19ЗЗ. izdahnuo је veliki narodni borac i за. таја sahra-
njen је sa pocastima kakove se ukazuju samo najveCima u narodu. SpinciCev
dugogodisnji suradnik, knjizevnik Viktor Car Emin u nekrologu se zausta-
vio па posljednjem testamentarnom gestu velikog pokojnika. Posjetivsi ga
bolesnog о Uskrsu, SpinCic ти је veoma uzbudljivo, аН odlucnim i teskim
glasom, proCitao akt senjskog biskupa od З. 111 19ЗЗ. kao odgovor koji se u
potpunosti podudara sa vijescu "Politike" о akciji biskupa protiv SpinCica.
Viktor Car Emin dodirujuCi pitanje SpinCica prema poslanici istaknuo је da
72 Vjekoslav Spincic i biskupski ordinarijat u Senju. "Politika" 19. Ш. 1933.
73 Sto to znaci? "Novosti"17. Ш. 1933.

Viktor Novak

to once again raise the case of Archbishop of Gorizia, Sedey, which he de-
scribed in details in his statement. 72 After that а news spread that Spinchitch
was threatened with suspension "а divinis", which gave rise to new protests.
This piece of news was also announced in POLIТIKA and printed and abun-
dantly commented in аН dailies.
"Оп second reading and in view of suspension "а divinis" for
Spinchitch there is а smaH difference between the case of the late
Archbishop Sedey in Italy and the case of professor Spinchitch in
Yugoslavia as а free country. Spinchitch was а victim of his national
beliefs and Sedey was sacrificed as а fighter for our national and re-
ligious rights in fascist Italy. Spinchitch raised his voice in defense of
our national rights and against those who, under foreign influence,
were trying to usurp them in free Yugoslavia. If he is to Ье sacrificed
he will Ье sacrificed to the same Rome to which Sedey was sacrifised.
Is it possible that the zone of influence of the united Rome could in
such а short time spread from Gorizia to Zagreb and Senj?"73
The Inquisition in Senj and Zagreb did not have time to complete the
procedure because the old man died in the meantime. Thus, death inter-
rupted his argument with the Ordinarium. Professor Spinchitch died оп the
27-th ofMay, 1933. His funeral was ир to the respect he commanded. Viktor
Tzar Emin (Viktor Car Emin) an outstanding writer and his coHaborator in
his necrology for Spinchitch mentioned their encounter оп Easter when he
visited the ill professor. Оп that occasion Spinchitch showed him the docu-
ment the Вishop of Senj wrote оп the 3-rd of March, 1933 which [иНу en-
dorsed the views published in POLIТlКA about the action of the Bishops
against Spinchitch. At the end Vikrtor Tzar Emin emphasized that his at-
titude to the Epistle and his statement in POLIТIKA stem from his steadfast
principles and l1is awareness of the tragic history of Istria.
"Adherence to the principles was the most outstanding feature
of his strong personality. As an independent mind he was an open
enemy of the Vatican роНсу which has always been hostile to our
people. Spinchitch was а good Christian, like аН of us who worked
with him. But, he never missed the opportunity to reveal the machi-
nations of Italian clerics of аН grades and оп аН levels, who have
always worked and are still working against the vital interests of our
people. In Istria Spinchitch was openly against the ill-famed Bishop


biskupski Ordinarijat u Senju),,,NOVOSTI", Мау 29,1933
73 "WHAT DOES IТ MEAN?", "NOVOSTI" (News), March 17, 1933.

Magnum crimen XIV

је SpinCic Ыо samo dosljedan svome zivotnome djelu i teskim politickim

iskustvima iz mucenicke proslosti Istre, kad је reagirao u "Politici".
"Dosljednost је bila jedna od najmarkantnijih odlika njegove
snazne licnosti. Otkad је stao svojom glavom da misli, SpinCic је
Ыо otvoren protivnik vatikanske politike, koja је nasem narodu bila
oduvijek dusmanska. SpinCic је Ыо dobar krscanin, kao sto smo i svi
тј, koji smo s njime radili, ali оп nije nikada propustao zgodu, da
ne pokaze prstom па makinacije talijanskih mantijasa, onih malih
i onih najvecih, koji su nasem narodu radili о glavi, kao sto to rade
i sada. U Istri nije SpinCic otvoreno ustajao samo protiv zloglasnog
biskupa Furlana Flappa, vec је cesto i nasim narodnim biskupima
prigovarao, kad Ы та koliko propustili nasilnim latinizatorima".7 4
Sva ova negodovanja protiv episkopatske antisokolske poslanice nisu
bila ublazena ni polemickim Clancima klerikalnih listova, ni onih dijecezan-
skih, ра ni "Katolickog lista", u kojemu је dr. К. В. - Kosta Bohacevski - ili
dr. Janko Simrak, napisao nekoliko Clanaka polemizirajuCi, naroCito sa don
Franom Ivanisevicem. Nije ublazila stav episkopata ni izjava nadbiskupa za-
grebackog dr. Ante Bauera koju је objavila sva stampa 27. 1 1933. Jer upra-
vo poslije izjave nadbiskupa Bauera dosle su izjave don Frane Ivanisevica,
Uccellinija i SpinCica. Nadbiskupu је bilo do toga da skine svu odgovornost
inicijative sa Rimske Кшјје, da је preuzme па se i da је prebaci па Citav ерј­
skopat. Uzbuna, koja је nastala poslije objave ove poslanice za nadbiskupa је
samo "beskrajna hajka" protiv episkopata i katolicke crkve. Zato је nadbiskup
Bauer "па sve nekvalificirane napadaje, uvrede, klevete i groznje јтао da
kaze samo ovo: "Осе oprosti јт jer ne znaju sta Cine!" Dakako ni Uccellini,
ni Ivanisevic а jos manje njegov nekad intimni prijatelj SpinciC, usli su tako
u sklop "beskrajne hajke protiv episkopata i katolicke crkve", tj. sami protiv
sebe. Nadbiskup Bauer ponajprije odbija da poslanica nema nikakve veze sa
punktacijama, а onda se zadrzava па ироrnо odrzavanim vijestima, da su toj
poslanici kumovali ili da su је cak i sastavili jezuite, uslijed cega su se pojavile
vijesti da treba jezuite protjerati iz Jugoslavije. /'-.Л
"Ovo tvrdenje protivnika zlobna је kleveta iznesena samo zato
da se moze protiv Isusovaca podiCi hajka i Ьша i da se tako nade bar
neki izgovor za njihov izgon iz Jugoslavije. Ја naprotiv znam, i ovdje
па javnost iznosim da su se vec odavno u Beogradu javili prohtjevi da
se Isusovci protjeraju iz Jugoslavije: о tome se vec pisalo u javnim gla-
silima." Jednako је nadbiskup Bauer ogorcen kad brani Svetu Stolicu

74 Viktor Car Emin, Vjekoslav Spincic. "Novosti" 29. У. 1933.

Viktor Novak

Рш1ап Flapp, but Ье а150 орепlу reprimanded ош bi5hops whenever

they did not strongly oppose the imposed Latinization."74
1he reaction to the anti -Sokol Epistle was further flared ир Ьу the ро-
1emica1 artic1es in c1erica1 newspapers and the journa1s of the dioceses, and in
KATOLICKI LIST (Catholic Journal) in particular, in which Dr. Kv. (Kosta
Bohacevski or Dr. Janko Simrak) published several polemical articles mostly
arguing with don Frano Ivanishevitch. 1he Episcopate did not change its atti-
tude in the 1east, in spite of the statement made Ьу Archbishop of Zagreb Dr.
Ante Bauer, published оп the 27 - th ofJanuary, 1933. Don Frane Ivanishevitch,
Вishop Uccellini and professor Spinchitch in fact reacted to Bishop Bauer's
statement. 1he Archbishop was using his very best efforts to c1ear the Roman
Curia of the responsibi1ity for the Epist1e. According to the Archbishop the ve-
hement reaction to the Epistle is опlу part of"a continuous campaign against
the Episcopate and the Catholic СЬшсЬ." То а11 "incompetent attacks, in-
sults, slanders and disgust" the Archbishop reacted Ьу saying: "Forgive them,
О God ... !" 1hus, Uccellini, Ivanishevitch and Spinchitch "Ьесате part of а
continuous campaign against the Episcopate and the Catho1ic СЬшсЬ" In
other words they participated in а campaign against themselves. Archbishop
Bauer also denies апу connection between the Epi5tle and Punctuations and
insists оп the conc1usion that the Jesuits have not оп1у conceived but a1so
drafted the Epistle. 1he public opinion reacted Ьу requesting the expulsion
of Jesuits from Yugoslavia.
,,1his is а теап slander conceived to lаипсЬ Ьие and cry against
the Ј esuits and thus find а pretext for their expulsion from Yugoslavia.
I know that Be1grade has Ьееп fostering this idea for а 10ng time,
which was also published in the media." Archbishop Bauer is also
vehement in defending the Ноlу See and denying апу connection Ье­
tween the Epist1e, оп the опе hand and the Н01у See and Mussolini's
aspirations, оп the other. "Опlу infernal hatred against the Catholic
СЬшсЬ (is it possible that professor Spinchitch and Bishop Uccellini
infernally hated their СЬшЬ ???) could concoct such а lie and use it
to antagonize the uninformed against the Catholic СЬшсЬ ... We,
the Catholic Bishops in Yugoslavia are the опlу responsible ones for
the Epistle. We have announced it for ршеlу religious reasons, deeply
convinced that it will Ье beneficial for the Catholic СЬшсЬ and the
Christian re1igion in genera1, and a1so beneficia1 for the Кingdom of
Yugoslavia. Its success lies in the fact that so far "тапу thoughts se-

74 Viktor Car Emin: ,,v]EKOSLAV SPINCI<:':", "NOVOSТI", Мау 29,1933.

Magnum crimen XIV

i odbija vezu izmedu te poslanice, Svete Stolice i Mussolinijevih ze-

lja. "Samo paklenska mrznja па katolicku crkvu (zar i Vjekoslava
SpinciCa i biskupa Uccellinija) mogla је ovo izmisliti i upotrijebiti
da neupucene razdraZi protiv crkve katoliCke ... Sva odgovornost za
ovu poslanicu pada samo па nas, katolicke biskupe Jugoslavije, а mi
smo је izdali iz 6sto vjerskih razloga sa punim uvjerenjem da се to
biti samo па dobro crkve katolicke i krscanske vjere uopce, а ujedno
i па istinsku korist kraljevine Jugoslavije. Dosadasnji пјеп uspjeh, - i
to пе malen - је taj, da su se "otkrile misli mnogih srdaca" (Sv. Luka
2-35), te је 6tavom narodu otkriveno koliko i kakvih neprijatelja
јта katoliCka crkva u Jugoslaviji. 75
Kad se uporede izjave Uccellinija, Ivanisevica i Spincica s ovom nadbi-
skupa Bauera, onda se vidi, пе samo antipodnost shvacanja jednog pitanja
nego i gruba razlicnost tona i па6па diskutiranja. Dok је biskup Uccellini-
Tice Ыо i poslije poslanice odlucan da i dalje blagoslivlje Sokol za njegov
rodoljubivi rad, dok su Ivanisevic i SpinCic ЫН uvjereni da петаји razloga da
se zale па Sokol radi nekih bezvjerskih nacela i bezboznickih postupaka, аН
su vidjeli prisnost podudarnosti klerofasisticke stampe u Italiji sa episkopat-
skom poslanicom i njihovu radost koju је опа kod пјЉ izazvala, dotle nadbi-
skup Bauer i dalje vidi "paklensku mrznju па katolicku crkvu" i otkrivanje
"koliko i kakvih neprijatelja ima katolicka crkva u Jugoslaviji". Dakako, kad
nadbiskup Bauer, biskupi JegliC, Bonefa6c, SrebrniC i Starcevic nisu mogli
razuvjeriti ova tri uzorna katolicka svecenika, odana vjeri i crkvi, to njima
kao ni klerikalnim polemicarima nije uspjelo da та i u cemu izmijene shva-
сапја о toj poslanici. Stovise, nadbiskupu Baueru nikako nije poslo za rukom
da obrani zagrebacke jezuite (kao i onda, kad se u hrvatskom saboru 1891. za
пјЉ zalagao da ih dovede u Hrvatsku), za koje је Ыlо jos i od ranije u sirokim
intelektualnim redovima uvjerenje da su oni zacetnici i instruktori kod svih
vaznijih postupaka hrvatskog i slovenskog episkopata.
Povodom nadbiskupove izjave је jos jednom zauzeo nacelan stav u iscr-
рпот izlaganju i analizi svih dijelova poslanice sluZbeni "Sokolski glasnik" u
kojoj је mogao da ukaze i па frankovacku primjesu duha koji је ovladao gla-
vnim sastavljacem poslanice. Osim toga, ovdje se sugestivno pokazuje koliko
је malo vjerska, а koliko mnogo је ova poslanica politicka.
"Svakako је, politicki najznacajnija pogrda jugoslavenskog soko-
la kad mu se predbacuje da negira posteno slovensko i hrvatsko ime.
Zar to nije politika, i to politika uperena protiv same drzavne ideje

75 Izjava nadbiskupa gospodina dr. Bauera о poslanici protiv Sokola. "Politika" 27. I. 1933.

Viktor Novak

cretly fostered in the heart have Ьееп revealed" (St. Luke. 2-35) and
now everybody knows how numerous the enemies of the Catholic
Church in Yugoslavia are. 75
This statement is in striking contrast with those given Ьу Uccellini,
Ivanishevitch and Spinchitch in the approach to the same issue and in the
tone and spirit of the discussion. Bishop Uccellini was ready to bless the
Sokol flags еуеп after the Epistle and continued to respect the Sokols for their
patriotic efforts, don Ivanishevitch and professor Spinchitch did not consider
them atheists and impious and аll three of them recognized the link between
the Epistle and the clero-fascist press and its enthusiastic reaction to it .. Оп
the other hand, Archbishop Bauer sees nothing but "the infernal hatred for
the Catholic Church" and "identifies numerous enemies of the Catholic
Church in Yugoslavia". Archbishop Bauer and Bishops Yeglitch, Bonefachitch,
Srebrnitch and Starchevitch did not manage to persuade the three exemplary
Catholic priest to change their mind with regard to the Epistle, nor did they
manage to change its general effect. Archbishop Bauer did not manage to ех­
culpate the Zagreb Jesuits either (Не failed like in 1891 when he tried to соп­
vince the Croatian Parliament (Hrvatski sabor) to let them соте to Croatia).
Actually, 10ng before that the opinion prevailed among the intellectuals that
the Jesuits stand behind аll important moves and actions undertaken Ьу the
Croatian and Slovenian Episcopate.
After the Archbishop's statement SOKOLSKI GLASNIK (the Sokol
Herald) опсе more reacted to the Epistle placing emphasis оп its spirit in line
with the political views of the FRANKOVCI and revealing its political, rather
than religious aims.
"The dirtiest accusation against the Yugoslav Sokols is the slan-
der that they reject the honest Slavic and Croatian пате. What else
сап it Ье than politics, politics against our State based оп the idea of
national unity and the Yugoslav пате! No wonder that the Epistle
was announced first abroad, in Italian press, and then in Yugoslavia.
Like in 1931, during the vehement conflict between the CATHOLIC
ACТION and fascism in Italy, when the Monsignories smuggled
across the border the Encyclical of Pius ХI and announced it abroad,
and опlу later in Italy... The purpose of the Epistle and the aim of
its authors are something quite different. Actually, High Catholic
Clergy was trying to use the Epistle as а tool for its rather aggressive
interference in daily politics. Their "struggle for religious and сиl-


January 27,1933.

Magnum crimen XIV

utemeljene па narodnom jedinstvu i jugoslavenskom imenu! 1 zato

nije ni cudo sto se za poslanicu saznalo ranije u inostranstvu nego kod
nas, i sto је оnа objavijena prvo bas u talijanskoj fasistickoj staтpi.
Bas kao sto је 1931. godine za vrijeme ogorcene borbe izmedu К. А.
i fasizma и Italiji Enciklika Pia XI, koju su monsinjori avionom pre-
nijeli preko granice, inostranstvo upoznalo prije same Italije ... Pravi
сЩ poslanice ima se traziti па drugoj strani, prave teznje njezinih
tvoraca uperene su и drugom pravcu. Тот poslanicom visoki katoli-
cki kler па prilicno brutalan па6п zahvata и dnevnu politiku sa 06-
glednom патјеroт da stvaranjem поуљ teskoca i zastrasivanjem sa
vjerskom i "kulturnom borbom" utice па politicki razvoj dogadaja i
da tako olaksa i omoguCi ostvarenje svojih osnovnih teznja: osvaja-
пје isklju6vog prava odgoja omladine пе samo и vjerskom nego i и
etickom i duhovnom pogledu. U tome nas potkrepljuje i cinjenica
da se od sedam tocaka и rezoluciji sa biskupske konferencije od 17.
ХI prosle godine, cetiri Ьауе isklju6vo pitanjem odgoja omladine и
skoli i уап пје. Na taj па6п biskupskom poslanicom nacet је osnovni
рroblет odnosa Crkve i Drzave i borba oko pitanja: tko izmedu пјЉ
ima prvenstveno pravo па duhovno i eticko odgajanje i podizanje
omladine i time па kulturno formiranje cjelokupnog naseg drustve-
nog i nacionalnog zivota иорСе. U tome је teziste poslanice i njezin
eminentno politicki karakter. "76
Dok је и Jugoslaviji papina Enciklika о odgoju omladine imala ovakvu
politicku primjenu, и Italiji upravo и ljeto 1931. ро tom su pitanju izbile borbe
izmedu К. А. i fasizma. Tada је Vatikan morao cuti i priznati Mussolinijevu
оротепи, zacijelo stoga sto је Ыо obiljezen od njega, kao lice Providnosti.
Tada је Mussolini rekao da "svecenici пе treba da se Ьауе politikom i da
odgoj omladine pripada drzavi: опа је nasa duznost i nasa briga". Poznato је
da је Mussolini ротоси policije raspustio К. А. а pri ропоупот sporazumu,
pri kome је zrtvovan goricki nadbiskup Sedej, svedena је К. А. па cistu du-
hovnu osnovu. Otada izmedu Mussolinija i Vatikana sve do sloma fasizma
vlada najskladnija harmonija.
Medutim, оуај odnos i podudarnost ројауе antisokolske poslanice sa ап­
tisokolskom fasistickom propagandom, а i vatikanskom pozadinom, vidjeli
su i и katolickom inostranstvu. Tako је jedan francuski poslanik istaknuo и
"La vie catholique" da ти "izgleda, prema izvjesnim informacijama, da је
Vatikan и sluzbi fasisticke vlade i da radi protiv jugoslavenskog jedinstva.

76 Politicka strana biskupske poslanice. "Sokolski glasnik" 3. П. 1933.

Viktor Novak

tural rights" was nothing but а maneuver in the effort to secure for
the Catholic Church the exclusive right to overall education for the
young, and not only in the religious, spiritual and ethical fields. The
proof can Ье found in the Resolution of the Conference of Вishops,
held оп the 17 -th of November last year. In its Conclusions out of
seven items four exclusively deal with education of the young, at
school and outside school. Actually, Ьу raising the issue of educa-
tion the Epistle has raised the fundamental problem underlying the
Church- State relations concerning the priority in organizing not
only the spiritual and ethical education of the young but also prior-
ity in shaping ош overall social and nationallife. This is the point of
the Epistle and this is what gives it а primarily political character. "76
While in Yugoslavia the Encyclical оп education of youth had the аЬоуе
described political aim in Italy, in the Summer of 1931 the same issue trig-
gered а conflict between CATHOLIC ACТION and fascism. The Vatican
was forced to comply with МussоШпi's warning, probably because it was the
Vatican that proclaimed Ыт "leader sent Ьу providence." Mussolini said that
"the priests should stay out of politics and that the state is the only responsi-
blе for education of the young." It is а notorious fact that Mussolini has used
роНсе torce to dissolve the CATHOLIC ACТION. Later оп, оп the ground
of an Agreement according to which Archbishop of Gorizia, Sesey, was sac-
rificed, the activities of CATHOLIC ACТION were restricted to the social
sphere only. After that, till the fall of fascism relations between Mussolini and
the Vatican remained harmonious.
The Catholics abroad also noticed the link between the anti-Sokol Epistle
and the anti -Sokol fascist propaganda with the Vatican in the background.
LA VIE CATHOLIQUE (Catholic life) published а statement of а Member
ofFrench Parliament, who said: "According to some information the Vatican
соиЫ Ье in the service of the Italian government in their joint effort against
Yugoslav unity. In more explicit terms, Mussolini is using Pius ХI to deepen
the internal crisis in Yugoslavia. The French liberal Herriot expressed а simi-
lar opinion. "77
It should Ье noted that in the Catholic regions 345 priests refused to read
the Epistle, and some only read it in excerpts?8
It was not only the Sokols, а few priests, scholars, public personalities
and some national institutions that protested. In many cities and towns


77 "LET US ВЕ OPEN AND SINCERE." "NOVOSТI", March 12, 1933.

Magnum crimen XIV

Jednom rijeCi Musso1ini se sluZi Piom XI da pogorsa jugoslavensku unutra-

snju krizu". АН nije Ыо osamljen оуај francuski katolicki glas. Slicne misli је
iznio i francuski liberalac Herriot. 77
Тreba [еБ da u katolickim krajevima nije 345 zupnika uopce htjelo da
Cita poslanicu, а mnogi su је Citali samo u izvodu?8
Medutim nije se ostalo samo па protestima sokola, pojedinaca svece-
nika, javnih radnika i pojedinih nacionalnih ustanova. U mnogim su gra-
dovima odrzavane velike skupstine па kojima su se takoder cule teske rijeCi
prijekora protiv episkopatske poslanice. Na skupstinama banskih ујјеса pale
su takoder teske rijeci osuda. Tako па zasjedanju banskog vijeca u Zagrebu
27.1 1933., progovorio је i zupnik dr. Mato Novosel koji је rekao da su bisku-
pi trebali rade da napisu jednu okruznicu kao sto ju је izdao jednom bis!5yP
StrQSSтn<1yer u kojoj Ы ponovili njegove misli:
"Narode, znaj, tebi се dolaziti kojekakvi savjetnici, ра се ti htje- ~
ti kazati cuvaj hrvatstvo od Srba, drugi се govoriti cuvaj katolicku :
vjeru od pravoslavne, ali ti narode medu njima ne nasjedaj, jer tim
savjetnicima nije stalo do hrvatstva, ni do katolicanstva, nego је 111i-
та samo stalo do razdora, da medu jednokrvnu bracu Ьасе smutnju
i razdor. Samo onaj, Ыо оп Srbin ili Hrvat, koji sije ljubav i bratstvo
medu jednokrvnom bracom, taj је pravi prijatelj naroda, а onaj koji
sije razdor i svadu, Ыо Srbin ili Hrvat, taj је hudoba paklena. "79 , _ /.'

Jednovremeno је biskupska poslanica nasla odjeka i u Narodnoj skup-

stini. Dr. Milan Metikos uputio је 16.1 1933. па predsjednika vlade interpe-
laciju u kojoj је zatraZio objasnjenja povodom toga biskupskog napadaja. 1
оп dovodi poslanicu u vezu sa fasistickom akcijom u Italiji i politickim ро­
budama katolickog episkopata tvrdeCi da је poslanica izradena u jezuitskom
manastiru. 80
ZJebJ:ll'!ra !9~3. podnio је Narodnoj skupstini dr. ~j(e.SeljeviC pr(-
J~~1().8._Z.(1kona·o razdvajanju crkve od drzave. Ро tom Zakonu sve skole u
Jugoslaviji bile Ы potpuno laicke; sva crkvena imanja prelaze kao narodno
dobro u drzavnu svojinu i imaju se kroz godinu dana podijeliti pripadnicima
one crkve, (јја је to imovina bila, samo је gradanski brak, obavezan i priznat;
matice rodenih, vjencanih i umrlih vodit се opCina; svecenici svih rangova"
svih vjera obicna su Нса te imaju obaveze i duznosti kao i svi ostali gradani. 81'

77 Govoriti otvoreno i iskreno. "Novosti" 12, III, 1933,

78 Preuzviseni gospodin dr. Ante Bauer. "Novosti" 29. 1. 1933.
79 Zasijedanje Banskog ујјеСа. "Novosti" 28. 1, 1933,
80 Interpelacija dr. М. Metikosa. "Politika" 21. 1. 1933,
81 Zakonski prijedlog za rastavu crkve i driave u Jugoslaviji, "Starokatolik" 1933., br, 2, 6.

Viktor Novak

gatherings (called Assemblies) were organized and from their rostrums the
Epistle was severely criticized. At its meeting of the 27 -th ofJanuary, 1933
the Boards of the Croatian Banovina vehemently criticized the Epistle. In his
statement Reverend Dr. Mato Novosel said that the bishops should reprint
the text Ьу Bishop Strossmayer in which he says:
"Мапу will Ье coming to уои, trying to persuade уои to stay
away from Serbs, others will keep repeating that уои should protect
the Catholic religion from the Orthodox, but BEWARE, because аН
these advisers could not care less for Croatism and Catholicism, they
only want to stir ир discord and disseminates hatred between the
brother of the same blood. А true friend of ош people, Ье he а Serb
or а Croat, is the опе who disseminates love between brothers of the
same blood. Оп the other hand, the опе who stirs ир discord and dis-
seminates hatred, Ье he а Serb, or а Croat, is ап infernal monster. "79
ТЬе National Assembly also had the topic of the Epistle оп its Agenda.
Оп the 16-th ofJanuary 1933 Dr. Milan Metikosh (Metikos) in his interpel-
lation to the Prime Minister asked him to explain this attack coming from
the bishops. In his opinion the Epistle reflects the political ambitions of the
Catholic Episcopate which claims that the Epistle was written in а Jesuit топ­
astery and reveals its connection with the anti-Yugoslav activities of Italian
fascists. 80
Оп the 7-th ofFebruary, 1933 Dr. Nikola Kesheljevitch (Kesljevic) sub-
mitted to the National Assembly а draft law оп separation of the Church
and State. According to that law аН schools in Yugoslavia are secular; church
property as а national good becomes state property and the foHowing year it
is to Ье distributed to the members of the church, former owner of that prop-
erty; civil marriage is the only legaHy contracted marriage; the municipal ad-
ministration is јп charge of the registers of the Ьоrn, married and deceased;
the priests of аН ranks and аН confessions are before law citizens with the
same duties and responsibilities like аН others. 81 Оп the 17 -th of February
Ante Kovach (Kovac) оп behalf of а group of MPs in their interpeHation to
the Minister for Physical Education asked his explanation for the anti-Sokol
Epistle. 82

79 "ТНЕSESSION ОР ТНЕ COUNCIL ОР ТНЕ BANOVINK (Zasijedanje Banskog vijeca),

January 28,1933.
~O "INTERPELATION ОР Dr. MEТIKOSH (Interpelacija Dr. Metikosa), "POLIТIKK, January 21,

Magnum crimen XIV

17. februara podnio је poslanik Ante Kovac sa drugovima interpelaciju па

ministra za fizicki odgoj naroda u vezi sa antisokolskom poslanicom. 82
U орсет vrijenju protiv nasilnog klerikalizma sazrijevala је misao da
treba ukloniti glavnog uzrocnika svih klerikalnih akcija, svih ekskluzivi-
stickih stremljenja i mi1itantnih nastojanja hrvatskih klerikalaca, jezuita u
Zagrebu, Sarajevu, Splitu, Ljubljani i svuda gdje ih ima. Ovu slobodoumnu
akciju poveo је dr. Oton GavranCic, narodni poslanik i stari sokolski radnik.
Jezuitski red u Hrvatskoj pored svojih literarnih branilaca, koji su uka-
zivali па izvjesne njihove zasluge u historiji hrvatskog skolstva, zaboravlja-
јиа istodobno па njegove nedostatke i тапе u pogledu nacionalnog odgoja
omladine u XVH i XVHI stoljecu, (о сети su toliko uvjerljivo sudili u svojim
raspravama Pavao Stoos, ilirski pjesnik i svecenik, naucnik Ante Mazuranic,
historicar i svecenik Ivsa TkalCic а kasnije Strossmayer i Racki), ostavio је
traga, kojim се se kretati samo tamne stranice narodne historije. Svi hrvatski
velikani, ита i pera ukazivali su svakom prilikom па jezuitizam i jezuitski
duh kojim је opterecen i voden hrvatski klerikalizam. NajveCi hrvatski рје­
snik Petar Preradovic svu је svoju liberalnu dusu i antijezuitski revolt izlio
u rodoljubivu pjesmu "Dubrovniku" 1849., koja se nalazi medu pjesmama
"rodoljupkama" u izdanju "Pjesnicka djela Petra Preradovica" (1873.), pri-
redenom od knjizevnog odbora, па (јјет celu је Ыо tadanji predsjednik
Jugoslavenske akademije, kanonik Franjo Racki. Opisavsi Preradovic slavu
Dubrovnika, а onda njegovu nesrecu koja ga је zadesila za velikog zemljotre-
sa (1667.), ukazuje da ga је ovom nesrecom snasla jos veca, dolaskom jezuita
u Dubrovnik.

"А za ovim gorje nego ovo

Z10 te snade ро z10kobnom casu;
Stoput gorje, jer bijase novo,
А ko dobro najvece па g1asu:
Оnо сrnо sjeme Loj010vo,
1 ро tvojoj zem1jici se rasu,
1 rodi ti jadom i cemerom
Stoput vecom nego potres mjerom.

]aoh raku sam iskopa sebi,

Kad по primi tu nebesku pcelu;
Која medom 1askajuc se tebi,

82 Napadaj па Sokol pred Narodnom skupstinom. "Novosti" 19. П. 1933.

Viktor Novak

In the general agitation against aggressive clericalism the idea was gain-
ing increasing support that the main source of the problem should Ье elimi-
nated, namely that the Jesuits should Ье prohibited to continue their activities
in Zagreb, Sarajevo, Ljubljana and elsewhere. ТЬе promoter of the action that
followed was Dr Oton Gavranchitch (GavranCic), Member ofParliament and
а Sokol of long standing.
In spite of some merits for the development of education in Croatia in
the XVII-th and XVIII-th century (described with due respect Ьу Рауао
Stoos, poet and priest, Ьу Ante Mazuranitch (Mazuranic) an outstanding
scholar, Ьу the historian and priest Ivsha Tkalchitch (Ivsa TkalCic) and lat-
er Ьу Strossmayer and Rachky) the Jesuits have left dark traces in the na-
tional history of Croatia. АН outstanding Croatian intellectuals used every
opportunity to emphasize the negative influence of the Jesuits and their
spirit оп Croatian clericalism. Petar Preradovitch (Preradovic), an out-
standing Croatian poet, expressed his ant -Jesuit revolt in his patriotic роет
DUBROVNIK, written in 1849, later included in his Collection of Patriotic
Poetry called RODOLJUPKE, published in 1873, Ьу the Yugoslav Academy
of Sciences and Arts (Franjo Rachky was chairman of the Board of Editors).
In this роет Preradovitch sings about the glory of Dubrovnik, deplores its
great tragedy caused Ьу the severe earthquake that struck it in 1667, and
speaks about the Jesuits in Dubrovnik as the greatest calamity of аН:

"At the tragic moment even а greater calamity struck,

Worse than the Jormer оnе.
Hundreds and hundreds times worse,
Because it was new and unknown,

And announced as а great blessing.

Тhe black seed оЈ Loyola
Was spilled all over the country,
Your country as well, and bore Jruit,
Fruit оЈ pain and sorrow.
Hundreds and hundreds times worse
than the strike оЈ the quake.

When I welcomed that celestial Ьее

I did not know I was digging ту own grave;
While flattering уои with the mouth Jull оЈ honey,
Тhe celestial Ьее was secretly buzzing

Magnum crimen XIV

А zujeCi па potajnom djelu,

Tvoje djece mozak upotrijebi,
Da ti bude otrov zdravu tijelu.
Od djece si ро nјој izrod steko,
А rinuo srecu па daleko. "83

U samom pocetku osnivanja hrvatske klerikalne stranke, historicar

Natko Nodilo, profesor Sveucilista u Zagrebu i veliki prijatelj Strossmayera,
inace istinski religiozan, аН nekompromisno antiklerikalan, 1903. rekao је

"Da је jezuitski duh opasan, osobito ро nasu slabo prosvjecenu

Dalmaciju, to stoji. Jezuiti mrze па sve tekovine francuske revolucije
i ludo hoce u pogledu politickom i drustvenom covjecanstvo potje-
rati natrag u mracni i grozni srednji vijek, uz staleze nejednake, sa
prevlasti crkvene hijerarhije i u samim svjetJ)vnim poslovima. А i u
crkvi povrsna је poboznost пјЉоуа. "84 ;-'
Као Nodilo, sva је napredna omladina tog prvog decenija хх. stolje-
са koja se tada formirala, bila prozeta ovim antijezuitskim duhom, videCi
u njemu najmocniju prepreku narodnom jedinstvu. А ti su jezuite uveliko
koristili zastitu crno-zute becke kamarile, па Cijim је osnovama carski kama-
rilski sistem gradio svoju antislavensku politiku. Citava Ы se analogija dala
ispisati о antijezuitskim raspolozenjima naprednih Hrvata i Slovenaca. А tih
је bilo i u vrijeme biskupske antisokolske poslanice. Zato је odluka koju је
donio dr. Oto Gavrancic, kad је sa svojim drugovima podnio 17.11 1933. u
Narodnoj skupstini prijedlog Zakona о zabrani Isusovackog reda u kraljevini
Jugoslaviji, bila jednodusno pozdravljena. Tada је izabran jedan odbor koji
је imao da prouCi оуај problem. Zakonskom prijedlogu, koji sadrzi sedam
tocaka, dodato је jedno iscrpno obrazlozenje. U njemu se kroz historijski
presjek djelovanja jezuita u jugoslavenskim zemljama pokazuje sva stetnost,
koja је od toga snalazila jugoslavenske zemlje. Оуај zakonski prijedlog potpi-
salo је preko 50 narodnih poslanika, уеапоm rimokatolika.
Donosimo ga u cijelosti.

83 Kad sam sa starim biskupom Uccelliniem 1935. i 1936. duze razgovarao о njegovoj mladosti, sa
gorcinom је ispricao kako su ти jezuite u Dubrovackoj gimnaziji nasilno рroтјјепili njegovo
јте Тice, сјјј predi poticu iz Hercegovine, u Uccellini i tako ти kroz sva dokumenta pronijeli ovo
nametnuto јте. Zato se kasnije Uccellini potpisivao: Uccellini- Тice.
84 Viktor Novak, Natko Nodilo. Novi Sad 1935., 155.

Viktor Novak

And brainwashing your children,

Turning them into poison in your own body.
Now your children are your bitter enemies,
And your happiness is given а fatal blow. "83

1n 1903, immediately upon foundation of the Croatian Clerical Party, а

great friend of Strossmayer, historian Dr Natko Nodilo, а devoted Catholic
but vehemently anti -clerical, said:
,,1 agree that the spirit of Jesuitism is dangerous, particularly for the
modestly educated people in Dalmatia ТЬе Jesuits hate аН achievements
of the French Revolution. ТЬеу want to push back into the darkness of the
abominable Middle Ages the political and social life of the whole society,
restore class inequalities and impose the leading role of the church hierar-
chy in аН secular matters Оп the other hand, their religious devotion is very
superficial. "84
Like Nodilo the whole progressive youth of the first half of the XX-th
century was anti-Jesuit, because for them Jesuitism represented the main оЬ­
stacle to national unity. ТЬе Jesuits enjoyed protection of the black-yel1ow
Court camarilla in Vienna which was the main promoter to the anti -Yugoslav
роНсу of the Habsburg Monarchy. Books could Ье written оп anti-Jesiut
views of the progressive Croats and Slovenes. Some of them did raise their
voice at the time of the anti -Sokol Epistle. 1his explains the warm support to
the proposal to prohibit the activities of the Society of Jesus in the Кingdom
ofYugoslavia Dr. Oto Gavranchitch submitted to the National Assembly оп
the 17-th ofFebruaru, 1933. А Committee was set ир to study the problem.
ТЬе Draft Law consisted of seven articles and а detailed Justification. It gives
the history of the activities of the Jesuits in the Yugoslav countries and reveals
their detrimental effect оп these countries. 1his Draft Law was endorsed with
the signatures Ьу over 50 members of the parliament, most of them Roman
ТЬе text of the Draft Law states:
,,1. 1t is prohibited to the members of the Society of Jesus
(SOCIETAS JEZU) to settle, stay or Ье active оп the whole territory
of Yugoslavia.
83 During 1935 and 19361 had long talks with the old bishop Uccellini about his youth. Не told те
with bitterness that јп Нigh school which he attended јп Dubrovnik, the Jesuits forced him to
change his [атјју пате Тice (Тitze) originating from Herzegovina, into Uccellini. Actua11y the
Jesuits changed his [атјlу пате јп а11 his documents. Later he decided to use both names: Uccellini-
84 Viktor Novak: "NATKO NODILO", Novi Sad, 1935, 155.

Magnum crimen XIV

,,§ 1. Redu druZbe Isusovaca (societas jezu) zabranjuje se na-

stanba, zadrzavanje i djelovanje па cijelom podrucju kraljevine
Ni red kao pravno lice, ni pojedini njegovi Clanovi nemaju prava
od dana stupanja па snagu ovoga zakona, da se zadrzavaju та u ko-
јет mjestu kraljevine.
§ 2. Onim Clanovima reda, koji su jugoslavenski drzavljani opre-
djeljuje se kao mjesto stanovanja Otok Vis, ako ne zele iseliti se.
Ono Нсе, jugoslavenski drzavljanin, а pripadnik reda DruZbe
Isusovaca, koje se па temelju ovoga zakona iseli, nece imati vise pra-
va da se povrati u zemlju, kao da је inostrani drzavljanin.
§ 3. Clanovima zabranjene DruZbe Isusovaca jugoslavenskim
drzavljanima ne dozvoljava se zajednicko stanovanje па otoku Visu,
vec imadu svaki za sebe da zive baveCi se bilo kojim poslom. Oni ne
mogu da steknu nikakovim pravnim poslovima ni medu zivim, а
niti za slucaj smrti nepokretnu imovinu.
Zatece li se 48 sati poslije stupanja па snagu ovog zakona та
koji Clan reda spomenutog u § 1. unutar granica drzave, odnosno
jugoslavenski drzavljanin, а Clan reda, izvan granica otoka Visa, bit
се kaznjen radi policijskih prestupaka do 30 dana zatvora, а poslije
odrzane kazne strazarno proveden preko granice, odnosno па otok
§ 4. Zateku li se па podrucju Kraljevine, odnosno izvan otoka
Visa, poslije vremena naznacenog u § 3. ovog Zakona, bilo koji od
Clanova reda DruZbe Isusovaca, da izvrsuju bilo kakvo crkveno ili
gradansko djelovanje, bit се krivi prestupka i kaznjeni do 5 godina
zatvora, а poslije odrzanja kazne strazarno provedeni preko granice,
odnosno па otok Vis. > { ,/

§ 5. Teritorijalno nadlezne prvostepene upravne vlasti popisat се

Бт ovaj Zakon stupi па snagu cijelu imovinu nepokretnine i pokre-
tnine reda DruZbe Isusovaca.
Ovu се imovinu unovCiti па javnim licitacijama, а utrzak ulozit
се se koristonosno kod Drzavne hipotekarne banke. Od toga novca
osnovat се se zaklada za uzgoj rimokatolickih svecenika u jugosla-
venskom nacionalnom duhu i za potporu siromasnih rimokatolickih
zupa. ВЫе odredbe donesti се ministar pravde i ministar prosvjete
zakladnicom, kojoj se priznaje zakonska snaga.
§ 6. Ovaj se zakon proteze i па Lazariste, па DruZbu svetog srca
Isusovog kao i па svaki drugi red muski ili zenski, za koji se utvrdi da
stoji u neposrednoj vezi sa redom DruZbe Isusovaca.
Viktor Novak

As of the day of entering of this Law into effect the members of the
Society of Jesus have по right to find themselves in апу place оп the territory
of Yugoslavia.
2. Those members of the Society of Jesus who are Yugoslav citi-
zens and do not want to emigrate are entitled to settle and Нуе оп the
island of Krk.
'Ље Yugoslav citizens - members of the Society of Jesus who оп
the ground of the provisions of this Law decide to emigrate lose their
Yugoslav citizel1ship and if they decide to соте back to Yugoslavia
have the status of foreigners.
3. Members of the Society ofJesus-Yugoslav citizens are not al-
lowed to live in groups оп the island of Krk. 'Љеу have to Нуе sepa-
rately and work for their living. 'Љеу are not allowed to own рroр­
erty, either purchased, or inherited.
If опе of them finds himself оп the territory of Yugoslavia 48
hours ироп entering into effect of this Law, or outside the island of
Krk if he is а Yugoslav citizen, he will Ье arrested Ьу роНсе and sen-
tenced to 30 days of prison. Upon having served his term he will Ье
deported across the boarder, or to the island of Krk ifhe is а Yugoslav
4. If after the time determined Ьу this Law а member of the
Society of Jesus is discovered involved in апу church, or secular ас­
tivity, he will Ье prosecuted Ьу the Criminal Court and sentenced to
5 years of prison. After having served the term he will Ье deported
across the border, or to the island of Krk if he is а Yugoslav citizens.
5. Immediately ироп entering into effect of this Law the relevant
authorities оп each territory will make ап inventory of the тоуаblе
and immovable property of the Society of Jesus.
This property will Ье sold at public auctions and the топеу prof-
itably invested with the State Mortgage Bank (Drzavna hipotekarna
banka). This топеу will partly go the Fund for education of Catholic
priests in the Yugoslav national spirit and partly used for financial
support to the poor Roman Catholic dioceses. 'Ље Minister ofJustice
and the Minister of education will issue special Decrees to regulate
that matter in more detai1s. 'Ље Decrees will have legal force.
6. This Law also applies to the Lazarists, to the Order of the
Sacred Heart and аll other orders of monks and nuns directly linked
to the Society of Jesus.
7. This Law goes into effect after having Ьееп signed Ьу the Кing
and officially promulgated."
Magnum crimen XIV

§ 7. Оуај Zakon stupa па snagu kad ga kralj potpise i kad bude

zakonito proglaSen."

"Red DruZbe Isusovaca osnovan ро Ignaciju Loyoli ima svrhu
da se bori za papinsku vlast. Оуи svoju zadacu red provodi kon-
sekventno od svog postanka do danas u svim zemljama u kojima
djeluje. Sjediste reda је u Rimu, gdje stoluje general, takozvani crni
рара. Red se dijeli па provincije. Na celu im је provincijal (ovakova
је t. zv. hrvatska, а пе jugoslavenska provincija u Zagrebu). Rade
u samostanima takozvanim kolegijima. Red se dijeli па cetiri klase
(grada). NajniZi su novaci. Novicijat traje dvije godine. Kroz to se
vrijeme ујеЉаји u posebnim zavodima u poslusnosti i samoodri-
сапји. Poslije dvije godine novicijata polazu tri poznata redovnicka
zavjeta, te prelaze u klasu (grad) skolastika. Оуа klasa traje 8 do 15
godina. То је vrijeme naukovanja. Treca klasa (grad) su koadjutori.
Dijele se u svjetovne (temporales) koji se skrbe za zemaljska dobra i
u duhovne (spirituales) koji vrse duznosti kao uCitelji omladine, kao
propovjednici i ispovjednici. Najvisa, cetvrta klasa (grad) jesu рro­
fesori koji treba da su svrsili teologiju i koji polazu posebni cetvrti
zavjet bezuslovne poslusnosti Svetom Оси Papi. Odatle i ime: pro-
fessi (quatuor votorum). Izmedu profesa bira se'general reda, njegov
asistent, provincijal i иорсе svi casnici reda.
Ро svom kucnom redu Isusovci su obvezani, da zatome svaki
individualitet, radilo se о kakvom bilo prohtjevu ili kakvoj bilo spo-
sobnosti pojedinca. Jednako su obvezani па bezuslovno slijepu ро­
kornost svojim starjesinama, па takozvanu pokornost ljesina. Тreba
imati па ити da је organizacija uredena sasvim ро vojnicki. Sve
пјЉоуе provincije stoje u stalnom posluhu prema generalu i svaki
Clап ima slijepo da slusa svaki nalog svoga starijeg, koji su u praksi
mahom professi, а koji su opet obvezani па slijepu pokornost prema
generalu i svetom оси papi.l...~
Kad promotrimo оуи organizaciju sa spomenutom duznom
okolnoscu sa gledista nase drzave i nasega raznovjerskoga naroda,
dolazimo do оуЉ konstatacija:
1. Jezuiti пе mogu da budu nacionalisti. 1 tom ih prijeCi slijepa
pokornost prema starjesinama, а u zadnjoj liniji prema пјЉоуот
generalu, а taj пета nikakvog nacionalnog osjecaja ni razumijeva-
пја. Оп је internacionalan. U tom im prijeCi пјЉоуо samoodricanje
i ugusivanje svake individualne volje. Ро tome postaju prosta masi-
Viktor Novak

"Society of Jesus was founded Ьу Ignatius Loyola with the task
to fight for the recognition of Роре as supreme authority. Since its
foundation to date the Jesuits have Ьееп using their best efforts to [е­
alize that aim in аН countries in which they are active. Their See is in
Rome, headed Ьу their General called the Black Роре. ТЬе Society is
divided into provinces. ТЬе head of the province is called Provintziyal
(Provincijal). ТЬе See of the Croatian, not Yugoslav, province is in
Zagreb. ТЬе centers of their activities are the monasteries which
they саН collegiums. ТЬе Society has [ош grades (levels). ТЬе lowest
grade are the novices and they spend two years in that status. During
that time they Нуе in special institutions and practice obedience and
self-sacrifice. After two years the novices take three vows of monk-
hood. ТЬе next is the grade of scholar, which take 8-15 years. This
is actually the period of learning. ТЬе third is the grade of coadjutor
and the students are divided into two groups: the secular (tempora-
les) trained to deal with the matters connected with secular live, and
spiritual (spirituales) trained for teachers of the young, preachers or
confessors. ТЬе fourth is the grade of professors, usually with а uni-
versity degree in Theology. ТЬеу take а special vow of unconditional
obedience to he Holy Father. ТЬе title professor actually comes from
quator votorum. ТЬе General, his Assistant, the heads of provinces
(Provicijals) and аН high ranking officials of the Society of Jesus are
elected [roт among the professors.
ТЬе Jesuits have to totally obliterate their individuality, еу­
ery personal desire or propensity. ТЬеу have to blindly оЬеу their
superiors"as if they were cadavers". ТЬе Society is organized accord-
ing to the military pattern. АН their provinces are subordinated to
the General and every member has to blindly сапу out the orders
of his superiors, mostly professors, who, оп their part, are blindly
subservient to their General and the Holy Father.
ТЬе analysis of this organization from the point of view of ош
state interests and the interests of ош multi -confessional population
leads to the following conclusion: Jesuits cannot Ье patriots because
of their commitment to blind obedience to their superiors and their
General. АН of them are practically depleted of national feelings and
without апу possible understanding for national matters. ТЬеу are
internationalists due to ир rooted individualism. Thus they all turn
into machines, each of them is reduced to опе part of the machine
operated Ьу the Grand General in Rome. In their practical activities
Magnum crimen XIV

nerija, а svaki pojedinac dio masine, koju pokrece veliki general iz

Rima. U svoje prakticno djelovanje пе mogu da unesu nista svoga
ра ni nacionalnoga, kad Ы se i naslo to u njima poslije toliko godina
vjeZbanja, koje treba da svrse u zadnjoj i predzadnjoj klasi (novicijati
i skolastika).
2. Sa zavjetom bezuslovne pokornosti svetom оси Papi, koju oni
polazu u cetvrtom gradu uvazujuCi, da је Sveti Otac Рара suveren
u svojoj vlastitoj drzavi, dolaze ili bar mogu doCi u protivljenje sa
duznostima prema zemlji, u kojoj ziv Nema sumnje, prema povi-
jesti toga reda, da се u takvom slucaju dati professi prednost svojoj
prisezi (zavjetu) stranom suverenu Svetom Оси Papi, а nizi imaju
da slijepo i bezuslovno slusaju naredenje svojih starjesina professa,
provincijala i drugih.
Kod poznavanja sposobnosti i utjecaja, koji taj red izvrsuje па
svjetovno svecenstvo, ра i опо najvise u svim katolickim narodima,
06to u ovoj njihovoj prisezi i mogucnosti, koju gore opisasmo, lezi
pogibelj za mir i red u nasoj zemlji.
Ро svom naopakom generalnom nacelu ("Svrha posvecuje sred-
stvo", "si finis est licitus, etiam media sunt licita"), ро svojoj vjer-
skoj snosljivosti poznati su jezuiti sirom svijeta. Stetnost DruZbe
Isusovaca ро drzavu i nas narod najbolje се isk06ti, ako citiramo
neumrlog vladiku Strossmayera. U jednom pismu svom prijatelju
Rackom оп kaze: "Moram napomenuti, da Ы za nas narod od velike
stete bilo, da se u teoloski fakultet uvrijezi jezuitizam. Nevjerstvo i
jezuitizam ravno su nasem narodu opasni. Gledajte, molim vas, da
preprijecite а tout prix naimenovanje jezuita. Ti ljudi, (jezuiti) [апа­
tizmom pokrivaju svoje nevaljalStine. (22. 11 1874.).
Dalje је Strossmayer u pismu od 6. 1 1875. drugom prilikom
pisao Rackom: "Na zadacu nasega Ьапа (Mazuranica) i nase vlade
spada preprije6ti da se u nas jezuitizam u buduce пе siri. Malo tko u
nas misli kolika pogibelj u jezuitizmu za nas lezi. Nasi ljudi, koji zele
mudrim se nazvati, пе vide cestoput dalje od nosa."
Narodni vladika i visoki dostojanstvenik rimokatolicke crkve,
zacijelo је dobro poznavao i ispravno ocijenio red DruZbe jezu-
ita, kako ih оп naziva. 1 mi пе mozemo da za obrazlozenje svoje
osnove dademo bolje razloge, od осјепе оса jugoslavenstva vladike
Moglo Ы se prigovoriti da su razlozi Strossmayera zastarjeli i da
тоЫа danasnji Isusovci ро svom radu nisu jednaki onima, koje је
imao prilike ocijeniti vladika Strossmayer. Ovaj prigovor mora da se
Viktor Novak

there is по individualism, there is по room for апу national feeling,

after so тапу years of intensive training during the first and second
stage (novice and scholar).
At the end of the fourth grade they take а Vow of Obedience to
the Holy Father, thus recognizing him as а supreme sovereign, which
is not in line with the concept of authority in individual countries
and personal responsibilities in this regard. Judging Ьу the examples
from the history of Jesuits there is по doubt that the professors will
always give priority to their Vow of obedience to the Holy Father
(а foreign sovereign) and the lower level will always give priority to
their seniors: professors, provincijals and others, whom they have to
оЬеу blindly.
In view of their knowledge, abilities and influence оп secular
priests, еуеп the highest ranking ones, in аН Catholic countries and
owing to their vow, their role тау Ье fatal for реасе and order in our
Тheir leading principle is that the end justifies the means ("si
finis est licitus, etiam media sunt licita"). АН over the world they
are famous for their religious intolerance. Bishop Strossmayer best
described their detrimental effect оп our state and people. In а let-
ter to his friend Rachky the Bishop says: "If Jesuitism take root at
our Faculty of Тheology it will Ье very detrimental to our people.
Atheism and Jesuitism are equally dangerous for our people. Please
use your best efforts to prevent а tout prix the appointment of Ј esuits.
Тheir fanaticism is just ап excuse for their misdeeds." (February 22,
In his letter of the б-th of January, 1875 Strossmyer writes to
Rachky: "It is the duty of our Вап (Mazuranitch) and our govern-
ment to prevent the spreading of Jesuitism. Very few are aware of
how fatal for аН of us they are. Мапу of those who pretend to Ье
clever and smart are in fact intellectuaHy nearsighted."
Evidently, the Вishop as а high ranking official of the Catholic
Church, was familiar with Jesuitism and [иНу aware of the јт­
plications of their activities. We do not а have better justification
for our approach to Jesuitism than the views expressed Ьу Bishop
Strossmayer, father of the idea of Yugoslavism.
Some тау find the Bishop's arguments obsolete believing that
nowadays the Jesuits are different from the ones Bishop Strossmayer
had in view. Тhis comment is out of place. Тhe work of the Jesuits
today is absolutely the same as at the time of Bishop Strossmayer
Magnum crimell XIV

zabaci. Rad u djelovanju jezuita danas је jednak, а njihova nacional-

nost, da, protunacionalnost ista. Nista se u organizaciji Isusovackog
reda nije promijenilo. Promijenilo se samo drzavno stanje u kojem
zivi nas hrvatski svijet za vrijeme Strossmayera i danas. Tada smo
zivjeli u katolickoj Austriji, а danas zivimo u Jugoslaviji, u kojoj је
katolicka vjera izjednacena sa svima drugim priznatim i vjerama i
crkvama. ~
Ako је u katolickoj Austriji nalazio Strossmayer toliku opasnost
u jezuitskom redu, da је trazio da se пе dozvoli njihovo djelovanje i
sirenje, koliko је vise njegovo misljenje opravdano danas, kada kato-
licizam kao sto је onda Ыо, nije vise tako rekuc drzavna vjera, danas,
kad је kao i prije rad i nastojanje jezuita diktirano iz Rima, grada
izvan jugoslavenske zemlje, koji Jugoslaviji nije nikad prijateljski
sklon. Ти пе razlikujemo Vatikan od Kvirinala, jer im је politika bila
i prije, а od Lateranskog ugovora naroCito jednaka, t. ј. talijanska.
Mi jezuite osjecamo па djelu. Podzemna rabota i rovarenje njihovo
postalo је nepodnosivo. Njihov legitimisticki rad uperen је protiv
interesa nasega naroda i drzave. Drzava imade pravo da ovakav rad
onemoguCi i da u tom сНји upotrijeN sredstva, koja јој stoje па ra-
spolaganju. Sredstvo koje ovim zakonom preporucamo па prihvat
nije novo. Red DruZbe Isusovaca, prognan је Ыо iz katolickih ze-
malja i to: iz Francuske 1594. do 1603., te 1864. i 1880. Iz Portugala
1752. i 1834. Iz Spanije 1877., 1835., 1868. i nedavno, а iz mjesovi-
tih ро vjeri drzava: iz Rusije 1820., iz Svicarske 1847. i iz Njemacke
1872. i t. d.
Iz nase је zemlje ро Hrvatskom saboru prije 60 godina izagnan.
Nasa drzava koja treba vjerski mir, koja zeli snosljivost izmedu svo-
јЉ gradana koji pripadaju raznim konfesijama, koja zeli da se u пјој
postuje nasa narodna mudrost: "brat је mio та koje vjere Ыо" пе
moze dozvoliti djelovanje reda Isusovaca, koji propovijeda protivno
nacelo vjerske snosljivosti. Redu kojem је nas Isus Krist dosao па
zemlju пе da donese ljubav medu ljude bez obzira па konfesiju, nego
razdor, tome redu пета mjesta u nasoj zemlji.
Nastaje pitanje, mozemo li mi izagnati jugoslavenske drzavljane
jezuite iz svoje zemlje. Gradani koji su najsvetijom prisegom obve-
zani па slijepu pokornost tudem suverenu, та to Ыо i Sveti Otac
рара, пе mogu biti dobri gradani ove zemlje. Ne mogu se ni smatrati
drzavljanima jugoslavenskim, та to formalno i bili, vec drzavljani-
та onog suverena, kojemu ро danoj prisezi imadu da sluze. Ipak
treba postovati i formu. No treba radi reda i sigurnosti svoje zemlje
Viktor Novak

and their feelings equally a-national as ever. The organizational pat-

tern of the Society of Jesus has remained unchanged. Only the state
in which the Croats lived at the time of Bishop Strossmayer and
the state in which they are living now, is different. Then we lived in
Catholic Austria and today we are living in Yugoslavia which recog-
nizes аll churches and confessions.
If in Catholic Austria Strossmayer felt the danger ofJesuitism and
requested prohibition of their activities, his view is even more valid
today when Catholicism is по longer the state religion as in his time.
But like in his time Jesuits still get instructions from Rome which is
not in Yugoslavia and which has never been its friend. There is по
difference between the Vatican and the Quirinal because their policy
has always been identical, particularly since the Lateran Тreaties-:
pro-Italian. In our country we feel the effects of their work. Their
subversive work cannot Ье tolerated. Their allegedly legitimate work
is aimed against our national and state interests. The state is entitled
to use аll avai1able means to prevent these activities. The legal means
we recommend are not new. The Society ofJesus was expelled from
the Catholic countries: France from 1594 to 1603 and again in 1864
and 1880; from Portugal in 1752 and 1834; from Spain in 1835, 1868
and 1877 and [roт multi-confessional countries: Russia in 1820,
Switzerland 1847, Germany 1872, etc.
The Jesuits were expelled from Croatia sixty years ago, Ьу deci-
sion of Hrvatski Sabor (the Croatian Assembly).
We need реасе in the country, we want to foster religious toler-
ance in our multi-confessional state, we want to live Ьу the principle
according to which "а brother is dear regardless ofhis religion." The
Jesuits who disseminate religious intolerance cannot Ье tolerated in
our country. The Society of the пате of Ј esus who disseminated love
among people cannot Ье allowed to spread discord. In our country
there is по place for them.
What about Jesuits, our citizens? Do we have the right to ех­
pel them too? The citizens committed Ьу vow to obedience to an
alien sovereign, Ье him the Holy Father, cannot Ье good citizens
of this country. They cannot Ье considered as Yugoslav citizens, al-
though [roт the formal point of view they are. They are the citizens
of the sovereign to whom they pledged their obedience. However,
the formal aspect should Ье respected. Оп the other hand, our citi-
zens should Ье prevented [roт undermining our state. Therefore,
аll Jesuits, Yugoslav citizens, should Ье allowed to stay at one place,

Magnum crimen XIV

onemoguciti svojim drzavljanima da potkopavaju temelje па kojima

јеona sazidana. Radi toga predvida zakon za one Isusovce, koji su
jugoslavenski drzavljani, dozvolu boravka па jednom samom тје­
stu, па otoku Visu. Nego ni tu se ne smiju da Ьауе crkvenim stvarima
i ne smiju da zive zajedno, уес svaki posebno. Тiтe se zeli sprijeCiti
njihovo razorno djelovanje. Jugoslavenski drzavljani, koji jednom
ostave nase granice ne mogu se vise da povrate. Uzima se da su se
odrekli nasega drzavljanstva (јт su ostavili nasu zemlju. Nasoj ze-
mlji potrebno је danas spokojstvo i vjerski mir. "85
Ovime је ponovljen prijedlog Narodnog Vijeca iz 1918. Ovime је ukaza-
по da је i 1933. bilo potomaka starih Iliraca koji su 1849. upozoravali Hrvate:
"Si сит Jesu itis, nolite ire сит jesuitis" ("Ako idete s Isusom, nemojte iCi s
Isusovcima") .
Sva је klerikalna stampa ustala u obranu jezuita. Sav klerikalni aparat
dao se jednodusno па posao da spase svoje vode. Sva sredstva mobilizira-
па su da se sprijeCi ozakonjenje ovog prijedloga dra GavranCica i drugova.
Jurisalo se па sve strane. Molilo i bogoradilo, аН i prijetilo sa svom svojom za-
granicnom moCi i zastitom koju је katolicizam imao u Rimu i u svemu osta-
lom svijetu. Nadbiskup Bauer posao је u Canossu, u Beograd i kao nosilac
Karadordeviceve zvijezde 1 stepena pojavio se i kod kralja Aleksandra i zatra-
zio zastitu, obecavsi svu lojalnost i vjernost prema "kraljevskom domu i drza-
vi". Која је obecanja dao nadbiskup Bauer kralju nije poznato. Ali iz upucenih
krugova saznalo se da се se stvar dra GavranCica zakoCiti dok se ne vidi ima
li nade da se episkopat и svom stavu prema drzavi preorijentira. Dok је оуа­
ko sluZbeni predstavnik katolicke crkve intervenirao u Beogradu, и Zagrebu
se reagiralo cak i sa demonstrativnim litijama Majci Bozjoj Remetskoj, koju
su klerikalci organizirali, "Veliki procesionalni pohod ZagrebCana и svetiste
Majke Bozje Remetske" - kako "Katolicki list" oznacava оуu demonstraciju
"od desetka tisuca katolickih gradana", koju је vodio kanonik i duhovni voda
zagrebackih "Krizara" Msgr Beluhan.
"Povod tom pohodu dadose nedavni pokusaji neprijatelja ka-
tolicke crkve kod nas, da duboko u srce rane vjerske osjecaje zagre-
backih katolika i hrvatskog naroda иорсе, а napose prigodom ne-
davno objelodanjenog prijedloga protucrkvenog zakona za izgon
reda Isusovaca iz nase drZave." Msgr. Beluhan је u svojoj propovije-
di, koju је odrzao pred crkvom u Remetama, istaknuo "kako su se
Hrvati Zagrepcani u svakoj svojoj nevolji utjecali u ротос svojoj

85 Prijedlog ... dra GavranCica о raspustu i izgonu Isusovaca. "Katolicki list" 1933., br. 8, 81-82.

Viktor Novak

the island of Vis. Еуеп there they should not Ье allowed to engage
in church activities and should live individually, not in groups, in
the aim of preventing their destructive activities. Опсе they leave
the country Jesuits-Yugoslav citizens, lose their Yugoslav citizen-
ship. Their leaving the country is understood as their giving ир
Yugoslav citizenship. Today, our country needs реасе and religious
tolerance. "85
ТЬе same proposal was submitted to the NARODNO VIJECE (National
Council) in 1918, which means that јп 1933 the Il1yrian idea from 1849 stil1
had its supporters and that their warning was still present in the memory of
their descendants: "Si сит Jesu it is, nolite ire сит jesuitis" ("If уои follow
Jesus do not follow the Jesuits").
ТЬе whole clerical press jumped оп its feet to defend the Jesuits and the
whole clerical mechanism was set in motion to save its leaders and prevent
the passing of that law. There was по door at which they did not knock, im-
ploring, еуеп threatening under the pretext of protection of Catholicism from
abroad, including Rome. Within these efforts Archbishop Bauer decided to go
to Canossa, патеlу to рау а visit to Belgrade as owner ofKARADJORDJEVA
ZVEZDA (the Medal of the highest order-Star of Karadjordje of the First
Degree). Не asked audience with King Aleksandar and asked his protection,
promising "fullloyalty to the Royal Family and the State." We do not know
anything about what else Dr. Bauer promised to the King, but from а wel1
informed circle the information leaked that the Draft Law proposed Ьу Dr.
Gavranchitch will not Ье discussed until the Episcopate possibly changes
its attitude towards the state. Contrary to what the official representative of
the Catholic Church promiset јп Belgrade, Zagreb reacted differently, where
the clericals protested Ьу marching in procession to рау tribute to the Holy
Mother ofRemete. According to KATOLICKI LIST (Catholic Journal)" about
ten thousands Zagrebians marched in the procession lead Ьу Msgr. Beluhan,
Canonian and spiritualleader of the Zagreb KRIZARI (Crusadeers).
"This was our answer to the recent attempt of the enemies of the
Catholic Church and the whole Croatian people, and particularly to
the draft law against the church, оп the expulsion of the Society of
Ј esus from Yugoslavia." In the sermon he read in front of the church
in Remete Msgr. Beluhan emphasized that "whenever they were јп
trouble the Croats from Zagreb addressed to their Celestial Queen
for help. This time too when the enemies of the Catholic Church


"КАТОLIСЮ LIST", 1933., по. 8, рр.81-82.

Magnum crimen XIV

nebeskoj Kraljici. Tako se i оуај put Hrvati katolici Zagrepcani utje-

си u ротос nebeskoj Kraljici u teskim vremenima, kad su neprija-
telji katolicke Crkve kod nas duboko povrijedili nase vjerske osjeca-
је i јаупо параН па nase katolicke svetinje. NaroCito је nepravedan
izazov, koji је nedavno иапјеп u beogradskom parlamentu, kad је
iznesen od nekih poslanika zakon о izgonu Isusovackog reda pre-
ko granica nase drZave ... " Msgr. Beluhan se naroCito zaustavio па
GavranCicevoj motivaciji о bezuslovnoj poslusnosti prema sv. Оси
Papi, dakle о опоте "sto upravo mora da bude па пајуеси cast i ро­
hvalu ovim redovnicima, jer se iz toga vidi da u njima zivi pravi duh
Crkve." Ocrtavsi zasluge jezuita za hrvatsku kulturu, zadrzao se i па
пјЉоуот suvremenom radu kao voditelja 17 raznih Marijinih kon-
gregacija u Zagrebu, raznih listova i drugih publikacija, уеота ra5i-
renog pastoralnog rada. Stovise, Msgr. је rekao i priznao da se "kod
njih tako reCi usredotocuje sav organizatorni rad Katolicke Akcije. "86
Nacelnu politiku u "Katolickom listu" poveli su profesor univerziteta dr.
Stjepan Baksic i fra Petar Grabic, analizirajuCi GavranCicev prijedlog i роЫ­
јајиСј sa klerikalnog gledi5ta svaki pojedini СЈап kao i Citavo obrazlozenje. 87
Vladi i kralju su stizale rezolucije sa organiziranih zborova svecenika i
protesti protiv prijedloga dra GavranciCa iz raznih dijeceza Jugoslavije. U
jednom protestu se kaze da је оуај prijedlog u "teskoj opreci sa osnovnim
nacelima gradanskih sloboda, koje su zajamcene ustavom, i da se time poga-
da red, prezasluzan za vjerski i cudoredni odgoj hrvatskog naroda, kao i za
uzgoj njegovih najstarijih literarnih velikana". U drugome se trazi od vlade
i Narodne skupstine da se "и interesu pravde, medusobne ljubavi i vjerskog
mira u drzavi odbije prijedlog о izgonu Isusovaca, kao 5to је odmah iza pri-
kaza Ыо odbijen prijedlog zakona о rastavi Crkve i Drzave".88
Dakako, i па suprotnoj strani se пјје mirovalo. U neklerikalnoj stampi
se kroz nekoliko sedmica о jezuitima vise pisalo i polemiziralo nego ranije
decenijama. Ozivjela se uspomena па boravak Isusovaca u hrvatskim strana-
та i о aferama u vezi s njihovim odgojem u Pozegi, Dubrovniku, Kraljevici
i о пјЉоуот sramotnom bijegu. Iscrpno se objasnjavala moralka Alfonza
Liguorija kao i sav historijski splet zakulisnog djelovanja jezuita u Evropi u
proslim stoljeCima. Za neobavijestene bila su sasvim пеоЫспа saznanja da

В6 Zavjetna procesija Zagrepcana u Remete. "Katolicki list" 1933., br. 8, 83.

В7 Stjepan Baksic, Zasto Isusovce tjeraju u progonstvo? "Katolicki list" 1933., br. 8, Petar Grabic,
Humanitarna i pravna podloga zakon. prijedloga dr. Gavrancica i drugova о izgonu Isusovaca.
"KatoliCki list" 1933., br. 8, 79-80.
8В Izjave svecenstva ... "KatoliCki list" 1933., br. II, 121-122.

Viktor Novak

have deeply hurt ош religious feelings and publicly attacked еу­

erything that is sacred to us. The draft law оп the expulsion of the
Society of Jesus from Yugoslavia is the latest, most hostile challenge
of the Parliament in Belgrade against us. Msgr. particularly insist-
ed оп unconditional obedience to the Holy Father, which was the
main motivation of Dr. Gavranchitch to submit that draft law. For
the Monsignor unconditional obedience to the Holy Father is the
greatest honor for the members of that order and а proof that а true
spirit of the Church is living in them." Msgr. Beluhan continued his
sermon Ьу recalling the merits of the Jesuits for Croatian culture and
praising their present work as leaders of 17 different Congregations
of the Holy Mary in Zagreb, as editors of journals and other publica-
tions and as very active in the pastoral field. Actually, the Monsignor
admitted that: "the Jesuits are at the heart of all organized work of
Dr. Stjepan Bakshitch (BaksiC) university professor and Fra Petar Gra-
bitch (Grabic) published in КATOLICKI LIST the draft law and from the
clerical point of view refuted each of its articles and the Justification. 87
The Government and the Кing were overwhelmed with protests against
the draft law, coming [roт numerous Catholic dioceses in Yugoslavia. In one
protest the draft law is qualified aS"a gross violation of the fundamental free-
doms of the citizens, guaranteed Ьу the Constitution and an attack against а
Society which has great merits for the religious and secular education of all
Croats, including their outstanding writers of the older generation. The other
protest requests the Government and the National Assembly to reject the
draft law оп behalf of justice, mutuallove and religious реасе in the country,
as was the case with the draft law оп the separation of church and state."88
The other side did not sit with its arms crossed either, but reacted in its
way. А few weeks later the non-clerical press devoted to the Jesuits more at-
tention and polemical articles than decades ago. The topics were the revived
memories of their scandals in Poszega (Pozega), Dubrovnik, Kraljevitza
(Kraljevica), and their shameful escape. The Moral Principles of Alfonzo
Liguoria and all underground machinations of the Jesuits in Ешоре during

87 Stjepan Bakshitch: WHY EXPEL ТНЕ JESUIТS? (Stjepan Baksic: Zasto Isusovce tjeraju и progon-
stvo?" "KATOLICКI LIST", 1933, по. 8, Petar Grabitch:"THE HUMANIТARIAN AND LEGAL
BASIS OF ТНЕ DRAFT LAW ON ЕХРULSЮN OF JESUIТS" (Petar Grabic:"Humanitarna i prav-
па podloga zakon. prijedloga Dr. GavranCica i drugova о izgonu Isusovaca), "KATOLICКI LIST",
1933, п.8, рр.79-80.
88 "ТНЕ PRIEST SAY... " "KATOLICКI LIST", 1933, по. П., рр.121-122.

Magnum crimen XIV

su se protiv jezuita izjasnjavali nе samo napredniji mislioci, nego se medu

njihovim protivnicima naslo i рара, kardinala, nadbiskupa, biskupa, kano-
nika, katolicki univerziteti, profesori bogoslovije i crkvene historije, brojni
svecenici, katolicki vladari, drzavnici i politicari.
Da Ы bila posve jasna оуа teza dosta је bilo upozoriti па obrazlozenje
раре Кlementa ХЈу., kad је 21. VП 1773. ukinuo jezuitski red sa znameni-
tim breveom "Dominus ас redemtor noster". Рара Кlement XIY. је priznao
da su se uzalud trudili njegovi prethodnici da uklone tolike optuZbe protiv
toga reda. I njegovom prethodniku Кlementu ХПI podnijet је, kao i nјети
prijedlog, da Кrscanskom svijetu nесе biti vracen mir, dok se nе ukine jezu-
itski red. Kad је to nјети иБnјеnо, а tom su se prijedlogu "pridruzili mnogi
biskupi i drugi ро polozaju i ucenosti i poboznosti odlicni muzevi", to se
оп poslije zrelog razmisljanja zeleCi crkvi da povrati pravi i trajni mir, "dize
i ukida recenu druZbu, sve nјЉоуе urede i sluZbe, nјЉоуе domove i skole,
kolegija".89 Оуај Кlementov breve potvrdio је i njegov nasljednik Pio VI, sa
tri kasnija brevea 1783, jer "nikada nije па to pomislio i nесе nikada па to
misliti, da uCini та i najmanji prigovor tom dekretu".90
Poslije sloma francuske revolucije i pada Napoleona, а iza povratka
reakcije, Pije VП 1814. vraca sa bulom "Sollicitudo omnium" red DruZbe
Isusove а s time i nоуе stalne borbe u i izvan krila katolicke crkve. I doista, jos
od vremena osnivaca reda Ignacija Loyole, kad se 1554. izjasnila protiv reda
pariska Sorbona, "koji је postao opasan za vjeru i sposoban da ugrozi mir
crkve ... sposoban vise za razaranje nego za podizanje", а tom se misljenju
pridruZio pariski nadbiskup i vise francuskih biskupa. 91 Nije cudo da se od
1814. dizu sve novi i novi prigovori djelovanju jezuita u Evropi. Nije nika-
kvo iznenadenje da su i nајуеа umovi Hrvatske - Preradovic, Strossmayer,
Racki, Nodilo, RadiC i toliki drugi - zazirali od nјЉ i u mnogo ih slucajeva
Jezuitizam i hrvatski klerikalizam u stvari su i prije, а naroCito poslije
1900., sinonimni pojmovi. Hrvatski jezuitizam Ыо је osnovni nosilac hrvat-
skog klerikalizma i poticatelj svih antijugoslavenskih i antiliberalnih akcija
hrvatskih klerikalaca. Jer, hrvatski klerikalizam prekaljen jezuitskim duhom
Ыо је uvjerenja da је ispravno nаисаnје jezuite Ota Zimmermanna koji је
formulirao tezu, da је "bezvjerstvo uvijek u tomu ako se narodnost nе podlo-

89 August Theiner, Geschichte des Pontifikats Кlements XIV Paris-Leipzig, II, 356-376.
90 August Theiner, Geschichte des Pontifikats Кlements XIV Paris-Leipzig, II, 506.
91 Stjepan Zagorac, О jezuitima. "Starokatolik" 1933., Ьг. 3, 3-4.

Viktor Novak

the past centuries were analyzed and explained in detai1. ТЪе average readers
were appalled to learn that in the past not only progressive intellectuals, but
also one Роре, several Cardinals, Archbishops and Вishops, Canons and the
Catholic University, professors of theology and Church history, numerous
priests, Sovereign of Catholic religion, statesmen and politicians were against
the Jesuits.
It is noteworthy to recall the explanation ofPope Clemens XIV for abol-
ishing the Society ofJesus (оп the 17-th ofJuly, 1773) Ьу his famous Brevet
"Dominus ас redemtor noster". Clemens XIV admitted that his predecessors
in vain tried hard to keep the accusations against the Jesuits under cover. His
predecessor, Clemens ХПI was also asked to abolish the Society of Jesus for
the sake of реасе in the Christian world. When he received the same request
supported Ьу "many Bishops and other respectful personalities known as
outstanding scholars and devoted Catholics "after having thoroughly con-
sidered the matter", he decided to abolish the Society of Jesus and аН its ser-
vices, centers, schools and collegiums for the sake of а permanent and true
piece in the Church. "89 This Brevet was later approved Ьу his successor, Pius
VI and reinforced Ьу three more Brevets he issued in 1783 "to prove that he
had по objection whatsoever to the Brevet issued Ьу Clemens ХПI. "90
After the French Revolution, the faH of Napoleon and restoration of re-
actionary forces Pius VП in 1814 with his ВиНа оп "Sol1icitudo omnium"
restored the Society of Jesus and thus revived permanent conflicts inside and
outside the Catholic Church. It is interesting to note that at the time when
Loyolla founded the Society of Jesus the Paris Sorbonne was against it "as
dangerous for the religion and а threat to реасе in the Church, more сараЫе
to destroy than build."
ТЪе Вishop of Paris and several French Вishops gave support to that
view. 91 As of 1814 the number of protests against the Jesuits has been con-
stantly increasing. It is not surprising that the most outstanding Croats-
Preradovitch, Strossmayer, Rachky, Nodilo, Raditch and many others did not
trust them and in many cases were even against them.
Jesuitism and Croatian clericalism before, and particularly after 1900
are one and the same. ActuaHy, Croatian Jesuitism was the main promoter
of Croatian clericalism and the master brain of аН anti -Yugoslav and anti-
liberal activities of Croatian Clericals. Imbued with the spirit of Jesuitism.

89 August Theiner: GESCНICHTE DES PONТIFIKATS KLEMENS XIV, Paris-Leipzig, II, рр. 356-
90 August Theiner: GESCНICHTE DES PONТIFIKATS KLEMENS XIV, Paris-Leipzig, II, р 506.
91 Stjepan Zagorac: "ABOUT JESUIТS", "STAROKATOLIK", 1933, по. 3, рр.3-4.

Magnum crimen XIV

zi vjeri ... Ako dode do opreke izmedu prave vjere i narodnosti mora vazda
da ustukne narodnost ... 92
Unatoc odlucnom stavu napredne jugoslavenske javnosti klerikalci su
uspjeli kao i 1918. Samo је tada 1918. izaslo и susret nadbiskupu Baueru
Narodno vijece и Zagrebu, а sada 1933. kralj Aleksandar, koji nije imao
odvaznosti da izvede ovakav odlucan potez. Jer pod njegovim sugestijama
GavranCicev predlog nikad nije stavljen па dnevni red и Narodnoj skupstini.
Za ovaj njegov postupak oduzio rnи se narocitorn blagodarnoscu nekadasnji
jezuitski pitornac travnicke girnnazije Ante Pavelic, kao organizator rnarselj-
skog atentata. Sarn pak dr. Oton GavranCic, za svoj pothvat Ыо је nagraden
kada је и NDH ozivotvorena jezuitska "Civitas Dei" konfiniranim prostororn
и jasenovackorn logoru и strahovitoj "zici" и kojoj је podnio smrt па паБп
kakvu nisu mogle izmisliti ni najbudnije fantazije Velikog Inkvizitora. 93
U Narodnoj skupstini jos se и nekoliko prilika raspravljalo о antisokol-
skoj poslanici prilikorn budzetske debate и vezi sa predlogorn rninistra za
fizicki odgoj naroda. Jos је jednorn niz poslanika uzeo и obranu sokolstvo,
njegovu akciju kao i svu nepatriotsku pozadinu koja је stajala iza episkopat-
ske akcije.
U toku diskusije uzeo је о toj stvari rijec i predsjednik vlade dr. Milan
Srskic 16. 111 1933. i obiljezio stav vlade и pitanju pravnih i politickih odnosa
drzave prema katolickoj crkvi. Dr. Srskic је odbio misljenja episkopata da је
katolicka crkva gonjena и Jugoslaviji ukazujuCi da је upravo radi katolicke
crkve mijenjano skolsko zakonodavstvo, da su zadrzane sve konfesionalne
skole i da se и pitanju rjesavanja dalrnatinskog agrara crkva oslobodila pla-
сапја prinosa и kolonizacioni fond, Бте se obezbjedila па 20% veca odsteta
za crkvena irnanja. Sto se tice fizickog odgoja ornladine опа ји је neutralizi-
rala аН пе rnoze dopustiti da nosi vjersku oznaku. Jednako је uzeo rijec i dr.
Lavoslav Hanzek, rninistar za fizicki odgoj koji је jos jednorn polernizirao sa
episkopatorn, i branio Tyrsa i njegovu ideologiju koja se prema rnisljenju iz-
vjesnih ceskih svecenika пе protivi vjerskirn nacelima. Dr. Hanzek је и cjelo-
sti analizirao poslanicu i и svirn njenirn detaljirna oznaCio је kao prornasenu,
zadrzavsi se naroCito па stavu biskupa Srebrnica. Dr. Hanzek је pri kraju ро­
dvukao cinjenicu da је za SKJ od velike vaznosti kao i najbolja rnoralna ро­
тос i satisfakcija sto su povodom episkopatske poslanice izjavili svoju soli-
darnost sa SKJ ceski i poljski sokolski savezi. А poljski sokolski savez jednorn

92 Stjepan Zagorac, О jezuitima, 4.

93 Vidi posljednje poglavlje: "Krvava zetva."

Viktor Novak

Croatian clericals fully subscribed to the view of Jesuit Otto Zimmerman

who said: "Faithless are those who are not subservient to their faith ..... In
case of conflict between the national and religious interests it is the religious
that always prevails over the national ... "92
In spite of а resolute support to the draft law Ьу the progressive Yugoslav
public opinion like in 1918 the clericals won the day. Only in 1918 it was
the NARODNO УЈЕСЕ (the National Counci1) in Zagreb that yielded to
the pressure of Archbishop Bauer, and now, in 1933 Кing Aleksandar was
too permissive. Actually, at the suggestion of the King the proposal of the
draft law submitted Ьу Dr Gavranchitch was not put оп the Agenda of the
National Assembly. Ante Pavelitch (РауеНс) organizer of the assassination of
the Кing in Marsei1les, а former pupil of the high school in Тravnik, spon-
sored Ьу Jesuits, paid him due tribute for drafting that law. When the fascist
NEZAVISNA DRZAVA HRVATSКA was founded and the Jesuit "Civitas
Dei" re-established Dr. Oton Gavranchitch was taken to the extermination
саmр of JASENOVAC (Yasenovatz) and died а horrendous death beyond
imagination of the most pathological mind of the Inquisition. 93
1he National Assembly had the anti-Sokol Epistle several more times
оп its Agenda, and particularly in connection with the budget for physical
еduсабоп. А signjficant number оЕ the Members of Parliament stood ир in
defense of the Sokols and its activities and condemned the anti-patriotic
background of the Epistle.
In his address to the Assembly оп the 16-the of March, 1933, Prime
Minister Dr. Milan Srshkitch (SrskiC) defined the views of the Government
оп the legal and political relations between the State and СЬшсЬ. 1he Prime
Minister rejected the accusation of the Catholic сЬшсЬ that it is persecuted
in Yugoslavia emphasizing that even the Law оп Education was changed for
the sake of the Catholic сЬшсЬ, that аll confessional schools are in place, that
regarding the problem of сЬшсЬ land property in Dalmatia the сЬшсЬ по
longer has to рау the contribution to the colonist fund (kolonizacioni fond),
which has increased the compensation for сЬшсЬ land Ьу 20%. Regarding
the physical education of youth the Prime Minister emphasized that accord-
ing to the law it is to Ье neutral and without any religious symbols.
In his statement Dr. Lavoslav Hanzsek (Hanzek) argued with the
Episcopate and defended Tyrsh and his ideology which, according to some
Czech priests is not contrary to the religious principles. Dr. Hanszek made а

92 Idem,4.
93 See the last chapter ofTHE BLOODY НАRVЕSт.

Magnum crimen XIV

је blagoslovio i sam Sveti Otac рара smatrajuCi ga kao besprikorno katolicko

drustvo!94 Izgledalo, da је za obranu SKJ potrebna i ovakva argumentacija!
Ovim је sa sluZbene strane Ыо obiljezen stav vlade prema episkopatskoj
poslanici, popustljiv u skolskim stvarima, а odmjeren i odlucan u pitanju
fizickog odgoja naroda. Poslije toga, jos se javljaju samo posljednji refleksi
оуе borbe koji su ukazali da se i agresivni i militantni klerika1izam zacas stao
povlaCiti iz prvih linija. Vidjelo se to naroCito u vezi sa sudenjem koje је iza-
zvala tuZba SKJ pred Sreskim sudom I u Zagrebu. Zastupnik tuzitelja Ыо је
dr. Oto GavranCic i оп је optuzio episkopat zbog kleveta u samoj poslanici.
Kako episkopat nije mogao da nastupi dokaz istine, zaklonio se za propise
120. kanona crkvenog zakonika da tuzitelji ne mogu иорсе podizati nika-
kve tuZbe protiv episkopata bez prethodnog dopustenja Svete Stolice, niti u
krivicnoj а niti u civilnoj stvari. 15. mаја 1933. raspravljao је Sreski sud I u
Zagrebu о prigovoru episkopatskog zastupnika о nenadleznosti toga suda i
nasao је da taj kanon Crkvenog zakonika nije u skladu niti sa glavom ХХVПI
kriviCnog zakona, а niti sa krivicnim postupnikom, koji nemaju takve usta-
nove. Stovise, oni је iskljucuju. Okrivljeni su se biskupi pozvali i па tako-
zvani priviligium fori starog austrijsko-vatikanskog konkordata, ро kojem se
krivicne stvari protiv biskupa izuzimaju iz nadleznosti gradanskih sudova,
а biskupima sudi Sveta Stolica u zajednici sa vladarom. Тime su se biskupi
pozvali па k9}!!'pet~nciju crkvenog suda i u krivicnim stvarima. Medutim
sud је nasao da је taj privilegij pripadao ро tom konkordatu Svetoj Stolici i
tadanjem austrijskom caru i kralju ugarskom, ali taj privilegij nije nikakvim
drzavnim zakonom niti medunarodnim ugovorom izmedu Svete Stolice i
kraljevine Jugoslavije priznat kralju Jugoslavije, posto izmedu njih ne postoji
nikakav konkordat. А sto se tice samog austrijskog konkordata, isti је ukinut
jos 1870., kad ga је austrougarska monarhija otkazala. Osim toga, taj konkor-
dat u ovim ustanovama dokinut је i ustanovom § 3., odj. 1 Kriv. zakona koji
kaze: "Na svakoga ko uCini u kraljevini Jugoslaviji krivicno djelo primjenit
се se ovakav zakon" t. ј. krivicni zakon, razumljivo је da okrivljeni nemaju
eksteritorijalni polozaj, уес ga imadu samo ona lica, koja taj zakon naroCito
spominju. Specijalno је pak taj konkordat dokinut u onim ustanovama па
koje se okrivljeni pozivaju u svom prigovoru nenadleznosti sa ustanovama
glave ХVПI Kriv. zakona koje govore о krivicnim djelima drzavnih sluZbeni-
ka i vjerskih predstavnika.
Уес ovim faktom da su se biskupi zaklonili za taj nekadasnji austrijski
privilegij, strahujuCi da izadu pred sud па kome su morali poloziti dokaze za

94 Sokolstvo u budzetskoj debati Narodne skupstine kraljevine Jugoslavije. Ljubljana 1933.,7-31.

Viktor Novak

detailed analysis of the Epistle, particularly the views of Bishop Srebrnitch,

and concluded that the Epistle was а failure. At the end Dr. Hanszek empha-
sized the importance of the Sokols of the Кingdom of Yugoslavia and ех­
pressed his thanks to the Polish Sokols for their solidarity with the Yugoslav
Sokols against the Epistle. 1he Minister recalled that опсе the Holy Father
himself blessed the Polish Sokols regarding them as а Catholic sports society
without reproach!94 Iп defense of the Sokols, evidently it was necessary to
[есаll аll these details!
1his was the official attitude towards the Epistle. Some concessions have
Ьееп made in allowing confessional schools to continue their work, but there
was по concession with regard to physical education оп the national level.
1he last echoes of this conflict indicated that even the most aggressive, mili-
tant clericalism was оп the dеfепsivе. It Ьесаmе particularly evident with
regard to the charge the Sokols brought against the Episcopate filed with the
First District Court in Zagreb. Dr. Gavranchitch, the attorney for the Sokols
accused the Episcopate for insult in the Epistle. Since the Episcopate had по
proofs for its statement in the Epistle it referred itself to the Church Сапоп
по. 120 according to which it is not possible to filе а charge, civil or criminal,
against the Episcopate without previous approval of the Holy See. 1he court
hearing took place оп the 15-th of Мау, 1933 before the First District Court
in Zagreb. 1he objection of the defense attorney was rejected and the Court
established that Сапоп по.120 was not in line with Chapter XXVIII of Ље
Yugoslav Criminal Law and it (the Court) has to comply only with its own
Rules ofProcedure. 1he bishops then referred themselves to PRIVILIGIUM
FORI provided for Ьу the old Concordat between Austria and the Vatican,
according to which the Bishops сап Ье only charged before the Holy See
and the Monarch, and not before regular civil courts. But this was not ап
international agreement, nor ап agreement with the Кingdom OfYugoslavia.
Moreover it was abrogated in 1870 Ьу the Austria -Hungarian Monarchy. 1his
outdated Concordat is not in line with paragraph 3. 1 of the Criminal Law
which says that "this Law applies to аН who commit а criminal violation in
Yugoslavia", which means that the indicted do not епјоу the ex-territorial
status. 1he ex-territorial status епјоу only those expresis verbis mentioned
in Ље Law. Chapter XVIII of the Criminal Law applies to аll state employees
and representatives of the church.
Afraid to appear before court, due to lack of evidence, the bishops de-
cided to take advantage of the previous Austrian privilege, which left а bad

OF YUGOSLAVIA" (Sokolstvo u budzetskoj debati Narodne skupstine Kraljevine Jugoslavije),
Ljubljana, 1933., рр. 7-31.

Magnum crimen XIV

Originalni rukopis izostavljenog poglavija V. Novaka

V. Novak's original manuscript оЈ the omitted chapter

Viktor Novak

impression оп the Yugoslav public opinion. It was also а hard blow оп the
Yugoslav Episcopate. Again, under the pressure of the Кing to withdraw the
charge for gross insult the Sokol decided to comply. Оп the 15-th of Мау Dr
Goranchitch оп behalf of the Sokol declared that the incriminated did not
withdraw their insults, nor offered апу satisfaction customary in similar situ-
"We note that they have not even tried to produce evidence Ье­
fore this Court for their insults in the Epistle, which proves that the
insults are groundless. For us it means moral satisfaction because
the indicted would have Ьееп condemned. But owing to their high
position јп church hierarchy and society and in view of the above
conclusion we withdraw ош charge. "95
1Ъе Sokols negatively reacted to both interventions of the Кing in favor
of the Episcopate and were u;lhappy about the course of action јп this regard.
In their view the Episcopate did not deserve such permissiveness.
At the moment when the conf1ict seemed to Ье over а пеw sting сате
from abroad and unmasked the true епету of the Sokols and who was Ье­
hind the Croatian and Slovenian Episcopate in Yugoslavia. Namely, at the
meeting of the League of Nations the Italian delegates raised the issue of the
Sokol Аlliапсе of the Кingdom of Yugoslavia and јп the discussion vehe-
mently accused only Yugoslavia of being а hotbed of imperialism and as such
а threat to its neighbors. Fearing the strength of the Army of the Kingdom of
Yugoslavia the Italian delegates requested the Sokols to Ье considered as part
of active army. Thus, the official Italian delegates revealed that their views оп
the Sokols are identical with those presented јп their press, the press which
was the first to publish the anti-Sokol Epistle and оп that ground accuse the
Sokol Аlliапсе of the Кingdom of Yugoslavia of being а threat to реасе of
Yugoslav neighbors, Italy јп particular. PICCOLO DELLA SERA, (Тrieste)
raised the same issue discussing the confessional and ethnical circumstances
јп Yugoslavia in the spirit and tone of the Yugoslav clerical enemies of the
Sokols. These articles actually preceded the discussion јп Geneva. Obviously,
а continuous anti-Sokol campaign of the enemies of the Sokol ideology јп
Yugoslavia was closely connected with the campaign against the state of
Yugoslavia. This attack was particularly vehement because it сате from the
official state representatives from the rostrum of the League of Nations, ап
international institution of the highest level.

95 "NOVOSТI", Мау 16, 1933.

Magnum crimen XIV

svaku inkriminiranu tvrdnju, os1abio је njihov mora1ni stav pred svom jugo-
s1avenskom javnoscu. То је Ыо veoma tezak udar za jugos1avenski episkopat.
1 opet pod uticajem krune, SKJ od1uCio se da povuce tuZbu i da пе insistira
па izvodenje pred sud okriv1jenih biskupa zbog teske optuZbe: klevete. 15.
таја izjavio је pred sudom zastupnik tuzite1ja dr. GavranciC, da optuzeni
nisu opozva1i svoje k1evete, niti su da1i опи zadov01jstinu koja se оЫспо smi-
је ocekivati i koja se daje u takvim s1ucajevima.
"Konstatiramo da nisu ni pokusali dokazati svoje objede, koje su
iznijeli u biskupskoj pos1anici proti пата, Бте је pred ovim sudom
utvrdeno da njihove objede objektivno nisu istinite. Na osnovu ovih
konstatacija smatramo da smo dobi1i mora1nu nezadov01jstinu, jer
Ы tuzeni morali biti osudeni. No s obzirom па visoki p010zaj optuze-
пЉ u crkvi i drustvu i s obzirom па njihovu gornju izjavu пе trazimo
da oni budu kaznjeni i pov1aCimo svoju tuZbu. "95
ОЬа ova postupka kra1ja A1eksandra, kad је intervenirao u korist epi-
skopata u Skupstini i pred sudom, Ы1а su u sok01skim redovima prim1jena
negodovanjem i za1jenjem, u uvjerenju da episkopat nije zas1uzio ovoliku
obazrivost poslije svih svojih postupaka.
U trenutku, kad је izg1eda10 da се se Citava stvar stisati, jos је jednom
опа buknu1a kad је dato toj borbi protiv jugos1avenskog sok01a osvet1jenje
koje је dos10 izvana i koje је pokaza10 ko је pravi neprijate1j sok01ske ideje,
па protivnika, s kojim se i ispred koga se nasao hrvatsko-s10venski episkopat.
Naime о SKJ poveli su rijec па sjednici Drustva naroda talijanski de1egati
па konferenciji za razoruzanje. Oni su poveli jednu veoma ostru i unapri-
jed sracunatu kampanju protiv SKJ, obi1jezavajuCi time samu Jugos1aviju kao
zariste imperijalistickih teznji, opasnost za mir sa susjedima. Ta1ijanski de-
1egati u strahu od jugos1avenske vojske zahtijeva1i su da se SKJ шасипа u
ор се efektive vojske. Tako su ta1ijanski s1uZbeni faktori pokazali da imaju о
SKJ jednako neprijate1jsko mis1jenje kao i njihova stampa. Опа ista koja је
prva objavila postojanja antisok01ske pos1anice i iskoristila ји је prikazuju-
ci SKJ kao ustanovu opasnu za mir jugos1avenskih susjeda, naroCito Ita1ije.
Isti је problem ponovo potegnuo u diskusiju trscanski "Рјсс010 della Sera",
govoreCi о konfesiona1nim i etnickim prilikama u Jugos1aviji, u duhu i tonu
jugos1avenskih k1erika1nih protivnika SKJ. А upravo ovo pisanje predhodi-
10 је ataku u Zenevi. Dakle, sta1no jedna smis1jena i upad1jiva povezanost i
podudarnost akcija neprijate1jskih jugos1avenskoj ide010giji sok01a, u stvari
neprijate1jski samoj Jugos1aviji. Ovaj napad Ыо је izuzetno tezak. Jer оп је

95 "Novosti" 16. v. 1933.

Viktor Novak

"From а lofty rostrum the official representatives of опе country were

impudent enough to present before ап outstanding international forum а
totally biased and groundless view. But, in spite ofbeing groundless, in view
of the place from which the attack оп the Yugoslav Sokols was launched and
the style of its wording this accusation produces ап еуеп more serious effect."
These are the words of Dr. Milan Dragitch who further оп spoke about the
seven decades long history of the Sokols in Slavic countries and emphasized
that the basic features of their ideology and the main ideals of their founder-
Tyrsh are humanism and democracy. Nationalism of the Sokols is not based
оп hatred. 1t is based оп love and has nothing to do with chauvinism. And
аЬоуе аll, the attack оп this organization сате from the delegates of fascist
Italy whose Duce sent the following message to Italian youth:
"Love уош guns, adore machine guns and always have in mind
the dagger ... Learn to hate!" Carlo Sforza, leader of Italian fascist
youth, has the following advise: "It is теап not to hate the епету.
Fascism must vehemently hate its enemies and openly express this
hatred. Hatred for the enemies of fascism is the noblest form of its
defense. Fascism is а purely religious idea. Fascism wants to draw
its inspiration from those moments in history when both the cross
and dagger, poison and torture were used and burning at the stake
and expulsion practiced. Fascism should adhere to this school
of thought -the school of overwhelming hatred. 1t is primarily the
young generation that should Ье raised in that spirit if the young
are to Ьесоте ап army- the fascist army." 1n his message to the girls
Turatti said: "Уои will Ье good mothers only if aware that уош chil-
dren are primarily Ьоrn to serve the country and fight its wars. ТЬе
loftiest ideal of fascism is to see girls competing in target shooting."
ТЬе insurmountable gap between the ideology of the Sokols and the
ideology of fascism was further increased Ьу Mussolini's following
message: "War implies а paramount effort of overall human energy
and ennobles the people brave enough to engage in it. "96
Italy was, actually оп the verge of war against Abyssinia (Ethiopia) with
the support of the Catholic church in 1taly. This was the reason for attacking
the neighbor who did not approve imperialism and was ready to militar-
ily oppose it. ТЬе Catholic church did not pronounce ап anathema оп this
new fascist religion based оп hatred, threatening with burning at the stake,
expulsion, torture, poison and the holy dagger as it did in case of the Sokols.


(Milorad Dragic, Talijanski delegati u Zenevi i jugoslavensko sokolstvo).

Magnum crimen XIV

dolazio od sluZbenih predstavnika jedne drzave, а иапјеп је pred forumom

najvise med:unarodne institucije Drustva naroda. "Pred delikatnim foru-
тот па nedelikatni паап sluZbeni predstavnici jedne zemlje iznijeli su је­
dnu tezu, Шепи svake objektivnosti i realnosti. Zbog mjesta i паапа, па koji
је izvrsen, ovaj napad па sokolstvo izuzetno је tezak, pored svega toga sto
ga prosti argumenti istine lisavaju svake vrijednosti". Dr. Milan Dragic, cije
su ovo misli, ukazao је па sedam punih decenija rada slovenskog sokolstva
sa njegovim humanistickim idealizmom i demokratizmom, vod:enog stalno
duhom osnivaca Tyrsa. Sokolski nacionalizam nije baziran па mrznji, nego
па ljubavi i пета niceg sovinistickog. 1 ovakvu su ustanovu napali delegati
fasisticke Italije, Ciji је sef, uputio omladini ovakav savjet:
"Ljubite pusku, obozavajte mitraljeze, а пе zaboravite ni sveti
ubod ... Naucite mrziti!" Carlo Sforza, vod:a fasisticke omladine go-
voreCi omladini i poucavajuCi је rekao је i ovo: "Podlost је пе mrziti
svoje protivnike. Fasizam mora bijesno da mrzi svoga protivnika,
tu svoju mrznju mora vidljivo pokazati. Mrznja prema protivnici-
та fasizma to је najplemenitiji oblik obrane fasisticke ideje, koja је
cisto religiozna ideja. Fasizam hoce da se ugleda па опај momenat
historije, kada se prihvatio таса i krsta, kada se sluzio lomacom i
progonstvom, тисепјет i otrovom. Fasizam treba da se ugleda па
ovu skolu nesnosljivosti i mrznje. U prvom redu tim duhom treba da
se inspirira mlada generacija, ako zeli da postane vojska - faSizma."
Turatti је pak poruCio mladim djevojkama: "Vi cete biti dobre majke,
koje се znati da se djeca rad:aju u prvome redu za domovinu i za rat.
Takmicenje djevojaka u рисапји, to је najbolji simbol onog сЩа za
kojim tezi faSizam." Ovu fasisticku ideologiju, toliko suprotnu so-
kolskoj dopunja i Mussolini kad kaze: "Rat dovodi do najveceg па­
ропа svih ljudskih energija i daje pecat plemenitosti onim narodima
koji imaju hrabrosti da zagaze u rаt."9б
Jer se Italija spremala za rat sa Abesinijom, za koji i u kome јој је рото­
gla u Italiji katolicka crkva, trebalo је napadati sve опе ustanove koje takvom
imperijalizmu па granicama stoje u borbenom stavu. Та nova fasisticka re-
ligija koja se odusevljava mrznjom, lomacom, progonstvom, тисепјет,
otrovom i svetim ubodom, nije bila anatemirana od talijanskog episkopata
kao sto је to bilo jugoslavensko sokolstvo. U istom koru nalaze se Mussolini,
Sforza, Turatti, "Corriere della Sera", "Piccolo della Sera", "La Vedetta d'Ita-
На", "Lavoro Fascista" sa ostalim fasistickim listovima, talijanski delegati u

96 Milorad Dragic, Talijanski delegati u Zenevi i jugoslavensko sokolstvo.

Viktor Novak

Mussolini, Sforza, Turatti, CORRIERE DELA SERA, P1CCOLO DELA SERA,

LA VEDETA D'IТAL1A, LAVORO FASC1STA, and аН other fascist newspa-
pers, the Italian delegates in Geneva, the Encyclical, Pius Х1, the Catholic
Episcopate in Yugoslavia, its Epistle, the whole clerical mechanism and the
militant soldiers of the Ecclesia Militantis in Croatia and Slovenia, they were
аН singing the same song. This noisy maneuver in 1933 was а successful in-
troduction to the later developments as of 1935 and in the period 1941-1945.
During one decade only, as off 1933",fascism as а пеw religion" after an in-
conceivable impetus and ascent, collapsed into the deepest chasm of shame
ending ир in Dante's "INFERNO."
1n 1933 the National Assembly and the Senate once again discussed the
Sokol issue. Оп the 22-nd of November the Senate discussed the draft law
оп compulsory physical education, in view of improving the оуегаН health
status of the population. Don Frano 1vanishevitch was one of the proponents
of that draft law. His speech was imbued with the same spirit in which to-
gether with Bishop Uccellini he defended the Sokols in РеЬгиагу of the same
уеаг. Не also mentioned the anti -Sokol Epistle, the negative effects of which
were prevented thanks to the awakened awareness and vigilance of Yugoslav
citizens. 1t is interesting to note that in his speech don 1vanishevitch accused
Bishop Srebrnitch ofbeing the main author of the Epistle and also explained
the anti-Sokol views of Archbishop Sharitch.
"ТЬе Austrian rule in Bosnia was based оп the religious factor ...
ТЬе first and foremost aim of Austrian policy in Bosnia was to in-
stigate the conflict among the 400.000 Catholics, 600.000 Muslims
and 800.000 Orthodox Serbs. It was the policy based оп the "divide
et impera" principle! People that have lived аН their lives under such
circumstances аге biased, which is understandable.... 1 ат against
the methods which the defunct a-national and to us hostile Austria-
Hungarian Monarchy used to implement ... Therefore, 1 think that
the understanding of the notion of church and state and the notion
of religion and fatherland should Ье brought into harmony...
As [аг as the Catholic Church is concerned 1 ат уегу well ас­
quainted with its past and present situation. Togetherwith some of ту
collegues present here 25 years ago 1 was МетЬег of the Parliament
in Vienna. Therefore, оп the ground of ту personal knowledge and
experience 1 can solemnly declare here and now that in the [огтег
Austria-Hungarian Monarchy the Catholic Church did not enjoy
nearly as much freedom and moral and material support as now in
Magnum crimen XIV

Zenevi, Enciklika Pie XI, jugoslavenski episkopat sa svojom poslanicom i

sa Citavom klerikalnom armaturom i bojnim redovima hrvatske i sloven-
ske Ecclesiae Militantis. Bio је to vanredno uspio bucni manevar 1933. kao
priprema za dogadaje od 1935. i u Jugoslaviji od 1941. do 1945. Tako se u
jednom decenijskom rasponu od 1933. ра dalje "поуа religija - fasizam" [а­
zmahala u svoj najsilovitiji uspon ali i najsramotniju kataklizmu, povukavsi
za sobom u provalije Danteovog "Inferna" i - "поуи religiju - fasizam".
Iste 1933. jos se jednom raspravljalo u Narodnoj skupstini kao i u Senatu
ро оуот pitanju i problemima vezanima sa sokolskom ustanovom. 22. по­
vembra raspravljalo se u Senatu о zakonskom predlogu о obaveznom tjele-
snom odgoju, koji Ы imao za cilj da putem fizickog odgoja poradi па pobolj-
sanju opceg narodnog zdravlja. Medu predlagaCima toga zakonskog predlo-
ga Ыо је i senator don Frano IvaniseviC. Prvi govor kojim se је Ivanisevic u
Senatu istakao dodirnuo је оуо pitanje u istom опот duhu kakvim је prozeo
svoje misli kad је mjeseca februara zajedno sa biskupom Uccellinijem branio
Sokol. Dakako оп se dodirnuo i antisokolske poslanice cije је zle tendencije
odbila i ugusila probudena svijest Jugoslavena. Zanimljivo је da је u svom
velikom govoru Ivanisevic oznaCio krckog biskupa SrebrniCa kao prvog ini-
cijatora, kao sto је objasnio i neprijateljski stav nadbiskupa 5ariCa.
"Austrijska vladavina u Bosni bazirala је па skroz konfesional-
пот temelju ... Sva politika austrijska u Bosni sastojala se u tome
kako се podupirati borbu izmedu 400.000 katolika, 600.000 musli-
тапа i 800.000 pravoslavnih Srba. То је опа poznata politika: "divi-
de et impera"! Razumljivo је da ljudi koji su proveli vijek u takvim
prilikama gledaju па stvari jednostrano ... Nikako пе odobravam da
se metode koje su se primjenjivale u bivsoj anacionalnoj i пата пе­
prijateljskoj Austro-ugarskoj monarhiji ... Stoga је bilo potrebno da
se stavi u harmoniju i ројат crkve i drzave, i ројат vjere i domovi-
пе ... 5to se tice katolicke crkve, meni su dobro poznate prilike i sad
i od prije. Ја sam nazad 25 godina Ыо аап beckog parlamenta sa
nekim mojim drugovima koji su ovdje prisutni. Ја уат mogu ovdje
sy~cano izjaviti da katolicka crkva nije nikad u bivsoj Ausirougarskoj
monarhiji uzivala te slobode ni toliko materijalne i moralne potpore
kao sto danas uziva u Jugoslaviji. (Aplauz i zivo odobravanje). То је
istina koja se пе da niCim pobiti."97

97 SteI10grafske biljeske SeI1ata kraljeviI1e Jugoslavije. 1933., I, У, 9-12.

Viktor Novak

Yugoslavia, (А round of applause and approval). There is по argu-

ment that could refute that truth."97
In his speech don Frano Ivanishevitch was very ореп and resolute, in
spite of the sentence "inflicted" оп him Ьу Bishop Dr. Bonefachitch, which
he had to serve in February.
ТЬе conflict did not wither away in 1933 but, spilled over to 1934. Оп Ье­
half of the Episcopate Archbishop Sharitch and Bishop Srebrnitch continued
their attacks against the Sokols, to the delight of the fascist press. Since his
former attacks оп the Sokols were not successful Archbishop Sharitch pro-
duced а пеw accusation "horribile dictu", according to which the Sokols are
not only faithless and impious but also republicans. ТЬе whole press reacted
accordingly. At the same time Bishop Srebrnitch attacked the Sokols in his
Easter Epistle (1934). Thanks to preventive censorship in force the censor
deleted тапу of these attacks. Only the Bishop and the Curia knew about the
censorship, but nevertheless very soon LA VEDETTA D'IТALIA, а fascist
paper in Rijeka published the news under the sensational title: LA PASQUA
- LIВERTA DEMOCRAТICHE! (Catholic Easter prohibited Ьу Belgrade!
Appeal of the Bishop of Krk to his believers prohibited Ьу the Yugoslav сеп­
sorship. Democratic freedom!). ТЬе source of the news was more than evi-
dent and thanks to whom it was announced in the fascist newspaper, includ-
ing the passages deleted Ьу censorship, known only to the Bishop himself. 98
Commenting оп the attacks of Sharithch, Srebrnitch and the fascist news-
paper [roт Rijeka SOKOLSКI GLASNIK emphasizes the coincidence in time
and а соттоп ideological approach of these jointly orchestrated attacks.
"Had we altered the school curriculum in the way the fascist
Duce did in Italy before he bought from the Vatican for опе bil-
lion liras the Lateran Treaties, of crucial importance for his policy,
the Italian press would for sure have announced that the Catholic
church in Yugoslavia was counting its last days and that in the re-
ligious sense we were worse than the Bolsheviks. In our country аН
are free to celebrate their Easter in the way they choose, whereas in
fascist Italy they are aHowed to celebrate it only under the insignia of
their lictors ... "99

97 Shorthand notes of the Senate of the Kingdom ofYugoslavia. 1933., I, V, 9-12.

99 Idem.

Magnum crimen XIV

Роп Frano IvaniseviC govorio је tako slobodno i odlucno, та da је тје­

seca februara imao da izdrzi kaznu kojom ga је nagradio za njegov stav пје­
gov biskup dr. BonefaCic.
Refleksi ovih borbi nisu okoncani 1933. Oni se produzavaju i 1934. Od
strane episkopata nadbiskup SariC i biskup Srebrnic dalje su produzili da
napadaju Sokol па radost fasisticke stampe. Nadbiskup SariC, videCi da пе
uspijeva naroCito protiv Sokola posluzio se novim sredstvom optuzivsi so-
kolstvo da nije samo bezvjersko nego i, horribile dictu, i - republikansko.
Ova SariCeva izjava izazvala је svakovrsne komentare u cjelokupnoj stampi.
U isto vrijeme biskup SrebrniC је svoju uskrsnju poslanicu (1934.) posvetio
opet napadajima па sokolstvo. Kako је postojala preventivna cenzura, to је
cenzor znatan dio tih napadaja izbacio. Ма da је ovaj posao cenzuriranja
Ыо poznat samo biskupu i ljudima iz Kurije, о пјети је vrlo brzo progovo-
rila rijecka fasisticka "La Vedetta d' ltalia" pod alarmantnim naslovom "La
Pasqua Cattolica proibita da Belgrado!" - ,,:L арре1l0 del Vescovo di Veglia ai
fedeli impedito dalla censura Jugoslava". - Liberta democratiche". ("Katolicki
uskrs zabranjuje Beograd! - Apel krckog biskupa vjernicima zabranjen od
jugoslavenske cenzure. - Demokratske slobode".). Naravno, bilo је sasvim
jasno odakle је ta vijest potekla i ko ји је dostavio fasistickom listu. Stovise,
fasisticki list donio је cenzurirane stavove koje је imao samo biSkup.98
"Sokolski glasnik" komentirajuCi SariCeve i Srebrniceve napadaje, kao i
rijeckog fasistickog lista, ukazuje па podudarnosti, vremensku i idejnu, ovih
zajednickih napadaja.
"Da smo mi опо izbacivali propela iz skolskih programa, kako
је to uCinio voda fasizma, dok nije kupio od Vatikana milijardama
lira potrebni ти Lateranski sporazum, sigurno Ы talijanska stampa
о tome pisala, kako је u Jugoslaviji katolicka crkva u izdisaju, i kako
smo u religioznom pogledu gori od boljsevika. U nasoj zemlji slobo-
dno svetkuje svatko svoj Uskrs kako hoce, а u fasistickoj ltaliji samo
u znaku liktorskih znakova ... "99
Sa оЬа napadaja, nadbiskupa Sarica i biskupa Srebrnica zabavio se SKJ
па svojoj godisnjoj skupstini krajem aprila 1934. Zamjenik starjesine Gangl
veoma је odlucno i ostro odgovorio Saricu kao i Srebrnicu.
"Sarajevski vladika ponovno proglasava nase bezvjerstvo kod
kuce, а poslanica vladike па Krku otprhnula је preko nase granice i
kao crna ptica grabljivica ugnijezdila se u talijanskom novinstvu da

98 s. С., Haranga пе prestaje. "Novosti" 13. IY 1934.

99 s. С., Haranga пе prestaje. "Novosti" 13. IY 1934.
Viktor Novak

At the Annual Assembly of the Sokols of the Кingdom of Yugoslavia,

held in April 1934, Gangl, Deputy leader (zamenik staresine) sharplyand
openly answered to Sharitch and Srebrnitch:
"ТЬе Bishop of Sarayevo accuses us here in Yugoslavia of being
faithless and impious and the Episle ofthe Bishop ofKrk, like а black
bird of prey, has flown across the border to build its nest in Italian
press and thus, from а safe and comfortable surrounding, conduct
its shameful campaign against the Sokols and everything that is
Yugoslav! ТЬе master brain of this scenario, whoever he might Ье,
has committed а despicable act which we condemn and reject with
disgust. ТЬе idea of republicanism which Bishop Sharitch is trying
to artificially transplant from Tyrsh to the Yugoslav Sokol is utter ar-
rogance which we also condemn and reject with disgust! ТЬе Right
Reverend does not even try to provide proofs for his statement ad-
dressing it to the top level, which makes the deceit even more теап,
because there is по proof that the Sokols are impious, from the top
to the grass root level. This is the moral of the Jesuits who behave ас­
cording to the principle that the end justifies the means. "100
While Sharitch and Srebrnitch continued to unscrupulously attack the
Sokols опе of the signatories of the Epistle apparently turned away from his
colleges. It happened at the Sokol Rally in Petrovaradin, оп September 9,
1934. Bishop Akshamovitch did not have а firm stand with regard to the
Sokols. Sometimes it was positive and sometimes negative, depending оп
circumstances. But, оп this occasion he was to speak before the Кing and the
Ministers, which means that his words were conceived so as to produce ап
appropriate effect. However, оп this occasion the Janus-faced bishop- cha-
meleon did not behave as а convert who decided to repent for having signed
the anti-Sokol Epistle. His speech proves it.
After having paid tribute to "our dear heir to the throne and
Leader of the Sokols, Crown Prince Peter" the Bishop emphasized
that it is heroism, а God-given, inborn quality of our people, that
inspires the young to join the Sokol movement, which makes the
nization ... Dear Sokols, boys and girls! Today solemnly entering
this home, which, unfortunately is not yet completed, your sacred
pledge for life should Ье to protect, foster and to highest level of

100 "ТНЕ SOKOLS REACT ТО ATTACKS" (Sokolstvo odgovara napadacima), "NOVOSTI", Мау 1,

Magnum crimen XIV

ы јој lakse i uspjesnije bila omogucena sramotna rabota protiv nas

sokola, i protiv svega sto је nase! Tko је to uCinio, izvrsio је dvostru-
ko podlo djelo, koje osudujemo i odbijamo svom odlucnoscu i koje
mozemo da kvitiramo samo najdubljim prezirom. Podmetanje re-
publikanstva, koje biskup dr. Saric о Tyrsevoj sokolskoj ideji prenosi
па nas jugoslavenske sokole, drskost је prvoga reda, koju - kako је
prije receno - odbijamo i osudujemo svom odlucnoscu! То podva-
ljivanjе је utoliko drskije i zlobnije, jer ga taj crkveni dostojanstvenik
i ne pokusava da dokaze, i jer ga namjerice i hotimice upravlja gore,
kao sto је prebaceno ali ne i dokazano, - jer se dokazati ne moze
sokolsko bezvjerstvo bilo upravljeno dolje, па najsire slojeve, jer Ы
nas taj crkveni dostojanstvenik htio da onemoguCi па sve strane i
sa svim silama, kojima se sluzi jezuitski moral, ravnajuCi se prema
nacelu, da сЩ opravdava sredstvo."100
Medutim dok su SariC i SrebrniC i dalje bezobzirno ustrajali u svom
nepomirljivom i neprijateljskom stavu dotle se jedan od potpisnika ро­
slanice okrenuo od svojih drugova. Bilo је to о sokolskim svecanostima u
Petrovaradinu odrzanim 9. septembra 1934. Tada se па njima pojavio dako-
vacki biskup dr. Aksamovic, koji је dosad pokazao da ima oprecna gledista
о sokolima i sokolstvu. 1 povoljno i nepovoljno. Vec prema tome kakva је
situacija. Sada kada su bili u pitanju izvjesni sekvestri stav се biti zapazen i od
kralja kao i resornih ministara. Medutim ovaj kameleonski i janusovski lik
biskupa Aksamovica nije ovim govorom pokazao da је biskup konvertita i da
se pokajao sto је prosle godine potpisao antisokolsku poslanicu.
VelicajuCi kralja kao i vrhovnoga starjesinu SKJ "naseg prije-
stolonasljednika dragog kraljeviCa Petra" i "viteski duh koji је na-
sem narodu urodel1i dar od Boga privlaCi nasu mladost u sokolske
redove, te Soko kraljevine Jugoslavije stoji danas kao jaka organi-
zacija ... Sokoli i sokolice! Kad danas svecano ulazite u svoj dom,
koji, istina, nije jos potpuno zavrsen, neka vam bude zavjet, svet i
trajan: cuvati, njegovati i do heroizma usavrsavati duh drzavnog i
narodnog jedinstva pod visokom egidom Nj. V kralja Aleksandra, а
pod vodstvom Nj. Kr. Vis. prijestolonasljednika Petra ... Genij roda
naseg nije promjenljiv, оп ne posrce, ne ide stranputicom, оп је od
providnosti bozje, vodi sigurnim putem. U presudnom dobu svjet-
skog rata bratska ljubav је povezala, а svrsetkom rata ujedinila, Srbe,
Hrvate i Slovence u jednu drzavu svima nama dragu Jugoslaviju ...

100 Sokolstvo odgovara параЈаСјта. "Novosti" 1. У. 1934.

Viktor Novak

heroic valor promote the spirit of national and state unity with his
Royal Highness at its head ... Ош national genius is steady and ип­
swerving and with God's blessing always foHowing its straight path.
At the crucial moment in history, the First World War, brotherly
love brought together аН Serbs and the end of that war brought to-
gether the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes united in опе state-our dear
Yugoslavia ... In front of аН of them 1 see today the celestial pic-
ture of the great hero and Liberator, Кing Peter 1 together with the
Bishop of Djakovo Strossmayer the great promoter of the idea of
Yugoslavism ... We should learn from them. Their energy should
Ье the source of ош strength and human qualities ... etc The rest of
the speech was devoted to glorifying the Кing of Yugoslavia and the
Sokols of the Кingdom. 101
In the afternoon the ceremony of blessing of the flags took place, after
which the Bishop made а short speech.
"Let ош Кing, as а precious gift to аН of us, Ье а lofty inspiration
for further development of ош Sokols of the Кingdom ofYugoslavia.
Dear Sokols, boys and girls, уои will Ье worthy of the importance
vested in уои only if уои honor and promote the ideas of the Sokol
Movement, faithfuHy and to the point of self-sacrifice. God bless ош
Кing and the Royal Family, God bless the Leader of the Sokols of
the Кingdom of Yugoslavia Crown Prince Peter and God bless ош
beautiful and united Кingdom ofYugoslavia"102
The speech of Bishop Akshamovitch was а great surprise. Не was praised
Ьу аН and from аН sides with great enthusiasm. For most who heard the
speech it meant victory. Only а smaH number of the well informed did not
trust the Bishop's words, who ten years later will glorify with the same enthu-
siasm Dr. Ante Pavelitch, leader of the Ustasha Independent State of Croatia
during the Second World War and after the [аН of fascism address similar
words of praise to Тito, Marshal of Yugoslavia. This meant keeping расе with
time out of personal interest and in the interest of the Catholic Church! 103
His superior, Archbishop Dr Bauer, did not share his view. At the time
of the Sokol event in Petrovaradin the Sokols ofKarlovatz (Karlovac) invited
their priest to bless their Center (Ноте) in July 1934. The Bishop decided to


September 10,1934.
DIN" (Posvecenje Sokolskog doma i zastave и Petrovaradinu), "POLIТIKA", September 10,1934.
]03 See the last chapter of the book BLOODY НАRVЕSт.

Magnum crimen XIV

Ispred svih mi se danas kao neko posebno nebesko videnje javlja duh
velikog oslobodioca kralja Petra ј heroja, u pratnji velikog ideologa
jugoslavenske misli biskupa dakovackog Strossmayera ... Njihov rad
neka bude nasa skola. Njihova energija neka bude nasa snaga i nasa
vrlina ... Itd., itd. u velicanju kralja Jugoslavije i Sokola kraljevine
Jugoslavije. "101
Poslije podne istoga dana bilo је па sletistu osvecenje zastave. Poslije Ыа­
goslova odrzao је biskup jedan kraCi govor.
"Оуај dragocjeni dar, rekao је biskup Nj. V. Kralja, neka bude svi-
jetlo znamenje za razvoj jugoslavenskog sokola. Sokoli i sokolice, za-
hvalite se dostojno paznji koja уат је ukazana а to cete uCiniti samo
па taj naCin, ako budete sokolsku ideju cuvali vjerno i pozrtvovano.
Neka Svevisnji Gospod blagoslovi i pozivi naseg kralja, nas kraljevski
dom i starjesinu Sokola kraljevine Jugoslavije Prijestolonasljednika
Petra, nasu divnu i nedjeljivu kraljevinu Jugoslaviju!102
Svijet је Ыо iznenaden nad ovim "obracanjem" biskupa Aksamovica. Sa
svih strana osule su se па ovog dakovackog biskupa pohvale, priznanja, уе­
licanja i kliktaji pobjede. Samo mali broj upucenih nije povjerovao rijeCima
ovog covjeka, koji се poslije deset godina jednakom emfazom glorificirati dr.
Antu Pavelica, а poslije njegova sloma i marsala Jugoslavije Тita! Dakako, sve
to radi licnih i klerikalnih interesa. 103
Medutim ovako nije sudio njegov sef па biskupskim konferencijama
nadbiskupa dr. Bauera. Upravo tih dana kad su se spremale svecanosti u
Petrovaradinu, karlovacki sokoli obratili su se svome zupniku za dozvolu da
јт posveti njihov dom mjeseca jula 1934. Zupnik se obratio па nadbiskupa,
а оуај је postavio dva uslova koja је trebalo usvojiti ра da izda dozvolu za
posvetu. Nadbiskup је zatraZio da sokolsko drustvo u Karlovcu izda pismenu
izjavu da stoji па krscanskom uzgojnom stanovistu i da iza katolickog duso-
briznika а ni prije njega niko drugi ne obavlja blagoslov. 104
Оујт svojim stavom nadbiskup је otkrio jednu vrlo vaznu pozadinu сје­
lokupnoga pitanja. Rim nije mogao dopustiti da se pored katolickog sveceni-
ka па istoj svecanosti i pri istom crkvenom Cinu ројауј koji drugi predstavnik
druge vjeroispovijesti. Sokoli su bili spremni da povoljno odgovore па prvi
uslov, аН па drugi nisu mogli pristati jer је u drustvu bilo Clanova nekatolika

101 Govor biskupa Aksamovica. "Politika" 10. IX. 1934.

102 Posvecenje Sokolskog doma i zastave u Petrovaradinu. "Politika" 10. IX. 1934.
103 Vidi posljednje poglavlje: Krvava zetva.
104 Interesantna prepiska izmeau Sokola, zupnika i nadbiskupa. "Politika" 1. IX. 1934.

Viktor Novak

grant the permission under two conditions: that the Sokols submit а written
statement of commitment to the principles of Christian education and that
before the catholic priest по опе celebrated а mass of blessing. 104
ТЬе Bishop's attitude actually revealed а very important background of
the whole issue. Rome could not accept the presence of а priest of different
religion together with the catholic priest оп such occasions. ТЬе Sokols were
ready to give а positive answer to the first question, but not to the second опе
because аН their members were not Catholics, which required the presence
of а priest of another religion as well. 1his is what the Sokols said in their
answer to the Bishop:
,,1t is evident that уои did not want to meet our kind request
because the conditions уои set to the Sokols are unacceptable. Ап
attitude that does not deserve а comment. ТЬе believers only wanted
the blessing of the Almighty for their work. 1hat was аН. And they
were refused.
ТЬе conditions уои set are very difficult and we could not take
the responsibility for justified revolt of аН our members against us if
we accepted to meet them. ТЬе conditions уои set directly hurt our
human and national feelings and our feelings as Sokols.
We expected your first condition and even before this request
were ready to comply with it. 1n our letter we emphasize that we
have never Ьееп against апу religion, or church, nor have we ever
prevented апу of our members from fulfilling regular Christian du-
ties. Our answer is, therefore, clear.
Оп the other hand, your second condition is а great surprise
and disappointment to us. Уои allow the blessing of а Catholic priest
only, and по опе else, before or after him.
Owing to the fact that а rather large percentage of our members
are Orthodox their wish to get the blessing of their priest too is quite
understandable. 1his is also the wish of аН our members because we
are equal brothers-Sokols, regardless of our ethnic origin, or reli-
gion. Complying with your second condition would теап dissemi-
nation of religious intolerance. ТЬе Sokols will never accept that. We
do not want discrimination among the brothers оп the confessional
basis, nor shall we allow апу опе to hurt their religious feelings and
beliefs ... We shall ореп our Sokol center without а blessing and it


ARCHВISHOP" (Interesantna prepiska izmedju Sokola, zupnika i nadbiskupa), "POLIТIKA",
September 1, 1934.

Magnum crimen XIV

ра se prema obicajima u takvim slucajevima zatrazio i svecenik опе vjeroi-

spovijesti kojoj su pripadali clanovi pored svecenika veCine Clanova drustva.
Sokoli su vrlo odlucno odgovorili svome nadbiskupu.
"Svakome је jasno, Бт proCita taj Vas dopis, da Vam nije bilo
stalo do toga, da пат izadete u susret osim pod uvjetima, koji su za
Sokolstvo neprihvatljivi. Neobicna pojava, kojoj пе treba komentara.
Ljudi, vjernici, traze blagoslov bozji nad svojim djelom, koji im se
Uvjeti koje пат postavljate tako su teski, da apsolutno пе Ы
mogli preuzeti па sebe odgovornost i shvatljivi odium cjelokupnog
naseg Clanstva, kad Ы па пјЉ pristali. Oni su takve naravi, da se mi
osjecamo direktno povrijedeni u nasim covjecjim, nacionalnim i so-
kolskim osjecajima.
5to se tice zahtjeva tac. 1. mi smo ga ocekivali i па njega smo vec
od prije bili pripravni, ра ga usvajamo. Posto smo u svome dopisu
naglasili da nismo nikada istupili protiv vjere i protiv crkve, а jos
тапје smo sprijecavali nase Clanstvo u izvrsivanju svojih redovnih
krscanskih duznosti, odgovor se sam ро sebi nadaje.
Ali smo nemilo bili iznenadeni i razocarani tockom 2., u kojoj
izriCito kazete, da iza katolickog dusobriznika а ni prije njega nitko
drugi пе obavlja blagoslova nasega doma.
Posto imade u nasem drustvu i nekatolika, а osobito znatan рro­
cenat pripadnika istocno-pravoslavne vjere, jasno је, da oni zele i
traze da se bas zajednicki dom posveti i od svecenika njihovog obre-
da sto је uostalom i орса zelja cjelokupnog naseg Clanstva, jer smo
svi bez razlike па pleme i vjeru ravnopravna sokolska braca. Kad Ы
mi izvrsili taj zahtjev znaCilo Ы to da smo роШ putem vjerske пе­
snosljivosti. Nikada sokolstvo песе pristati па to, da se odijeli brat
od brata i da se vrijeda njegovo vjersko osjecanje i uvjerenje ... Mi
сето vasom krivnjom sami svecano otvoriti nas dom - песето ga
posvetiti. Mislimo da се i bez posvete od svecenika bditi nad пата i
nasim djelom providnost bozja, i Bog се biti s пата i u пата utoli-
ko vise, ukoliko ga vise budemo nosili i osjecali u svojoj dusi i srcu.
Istina је nadbiskup Bauer nije rekao zasto i otkada potice ova zabrana
blagosi1janja katolickim svecenicima izvjesnih objekata, ako ih blagosiljaju i
svecenici druge vjeroispovijesti. Medutim pronasli smo da ta zabrana potice

105 Idem.

Viktor Novak

will Ье уош guilt. We ЬеНеуе that in spite of that God and his mercy
will Ье with us if we cherish Him in ош hearts. Zdravo! (the Sokols'
salute meaning Good health).105
Archbishop Bauer never explained the reasons behind the prohibition
to Catholic priests to celebrate а mass of blessing together with а priest of а
different confession, before or after him. Actually, this decision was taken Ьу
the Supreme Congregation of the Saint Officio in Rome, оп December 14,
1932, exactly at the time of the anti- Epistle. It was the answer to the question
of the Episcopate as to how the Catholic priests should behave in such cases.
Actually, KATOLICKI LIST published these question, but in Latin and not in
Croatian language so as to attract less attention.
ТЬе questions of the Bishops in the Кingdom of Yugoslavia are the [оl-
,,1. Is а Catholic priest allowed to celebrate а mass of blessing
together with а поп Catholic priest?
2. Is а Catholic priest allowed to celebrate а mass ofblessing after
the object has been previously blessed Ьу а non-Catholic priest?"
Decretum S.R. Congregationis S. Officii ad dubia proposita аЬ
Episcopis regni Jugoslaviae de communicatione in sacris 106 is а short
but а veryvaluable document because it refutes the anti-Sokol Epistle
more convincingly than any other critical analysis or comment and
reveals that the anti-Sokol Epistle was conceived Ьу the Vatican and
[иНу supported Ьу the Italian fascist press.
Later developments connected with Croatian and Slovenian clericalism
till the [аН of Yugoslavia will provide а пеw body of evidence оп the hostile
policy of the clericals, most of the members of the Episcopate and а consider-
аЫе number of Catholic priest against Yugoslavia.

105 Idem.
106 "КATOLICКI LIST", 1933, по. 7, р.69.

Magnum crimen XIV

pravo iz Vrhovne Kongregacije Svetoga Oficija u Rimu, koju је donio 14. ХII
1932., dakle taman poslije spremljene episkopatske antisokolske poslanice.
Mozemo mirno reCi da upravo u оуоте grmu zec lezi i da оуа zabrana, koja
је zapravo imala najvise da pogodi sokole, dosla је u vezi sa pitanjem jugo-
slavenskog episkopata kako da u takvim slucajevima katolicko svecenstvo
postupa. Оуа su pitanja bila slijedeca, kako ih "Katolicki list" objavljuje, ne
па hrvatskom, nego u originalu па latinskom jeziku, da ne Ы dnevnoj stampi
zapelo za oko. Та pitanja biskupa kraljevine Jugoslavije glase:
,,1. Smije li katolicki svecenik podijeliti crkveni blagoslov jednoj
te istoj stvari zajedno sa nekatolickim svecenikom? 2. Smije li katoli-
cki svecenik crkveni blagoslov podijeliti predmetu koji је уес blago-
slovljen od nekatolickog svecenika, ako katolicki svecenik taj blago-
slov ne obavlja istim Cinom i zajedno sa nekatolickim svecenikom?"
Dakako, Vrhovna Kongregacija Svetog Oficija u Rimu odgovorila је па
оЬа pitanja negativno.
Vise nego та koja izjava koja је kriticki analizirala i pobijala antisokol-
sku poslanicu i vise nego та koja postavljena hipoteza о podudarnostima
vatikansko-episkopatske antisokolske akcije, iza koje је bila puna i radosna
suglasnost fasisticke stampe, govori uvjerljivo kratki аН neobicno sadrzajni:
Decretum S. R. Congregationis S. Officii ad dubia proposita аЬ Episcopis re-
gni Jugoslaviae de communicatione in sacris! 106
Daljne ројауе u razvoju hrvatskog i slovenskog klerika1izma do sloma
Jugoslavije dati се nove dokumentacije о neprijateljskom odnosu klerikalizma
i najveceg dijela episkopata i znatnog dijela svecenstva prema Jugoslaviji.

106 "Katolicki list" 1933., Ьт. 7, 69.

(PiO!,J,I[ то! ;/(( (ј/,п Г}ипа !1.щпi/r. и;,'а () ,ј."гсt{ јак! ,~l(n){ n,I{-сg EjJiJkopata prema
rll:r,l ј, ј,Ј((tullй lIшllЈ/,!,iI!JiI S(r јЈ;,и 1I r;/-.:.Zо!Ј)(! 19.Ј./- .. (/ 1, IШ1.Н'mЈЈГ~l 1934.
~"c!m /Јil!,/(!,iщ(/ 11 ]I,gcs!({"{:iji),
Spbl. Ј9. ХI. 1934.
).,(;, \Ј. -1;:1 li . ....l'J:,t! l\',)\;ak. 5\Cll(11;(111 pJ.,';CSUl' ~ecgrad.
1J~ ,~":~lm (~~ ),~\.ct·;)li?,tc Е~Г{lrli\'С ј7 1H'jCh"A сеје l!
.svojc парј'<'.зti
11:~'c) 'ј,Ј
,(' 1'aZyi~k,: r,,\Ч' тЈ;: је rlj'za\'e JL!~(J51Zl.\ij5~. P('zn_H'ajt~,:i \;~as
kao 'Е<з,vјеsnа
~,pi~ej~,\ i CC',J~" \" .1. :jt,ca. \~,,~{tI \Ја \ __НН Pcy~Н\ j(.:dU\1 П1Јјн "Sr'.Ћ1СВ;СU Ц kOjl't

$аш песlа\11(. \':)1:1'/:0 lli!;"Jc..n Ш:'3';,:.,:~LII)iЈ 1-\Ј):lf1ЈLс)'L! ctI': Skpie<'Ll' 11 ZagTcbu, а kc'.jl1
sltш t. j>'"(']1:S\1 dc ,',\"11;1 k;l~,)l;ck:'m h:','!\L~1,1]j(1 11 JL'.~()5'la"ijj kfl() S:to' i papskom
лuг;сiјll LI B~<J{.i;·c~~IL;', L је (']1.1 Z:1. sa:-"IJ pli';all1e kспfј~1~псiаlru; naJ'avi тоНm Vas,
Ја bez шсјс Iu;clk (!('~YC~C "~ Ь ~tc (1 'Јј( ј L,< ja i /C:5tj 1l1sta p:,Jali n,!ti II drc:itvu
{!,l-;с..-iliL а I_~\. iZ<l IT,::;jC '3Inгti, (н:-!е 11 \r am po,rcba, C)\'Lm \'Q,Ч оу]а'1Сllјсn1 (la 5е
!iЈ(~)с:{п\.: pcsIL:.3:'': kc-,]o. hl..lr1~lc pis;J.Jt 1) ll']()zi kJ' ':icke сгk\"е II гаzvitku kra.lj-~vjn~
]l·,gPS]a.\'jjc, (с 1:::: 1;.:JI1CI1:tc (l~ је lL kl'u,gr\la п,јС;jtil)11:1 S\'cccl1ika III'yata bio· upo~
";l{Hl{l rj):::,I1{( j)r:,t П'ј SРОГЈL!]ШI1't п~Ј "':~ i1~tСУС3:Пlа ([;ZZl\'C-
SI'~l11CI1:ca је Г"~Р:::i()';3. 1 c\tr\HJ. С':-':: gо(l;ле, Го naptltku bi,skt.:p(]j
tTtcL'l'liI.l:,-~, kuji JL P'):LJ~.jJ,) r,.!./~)j!\) ~<\(lJzJ.j с:ј О'ЈС ~T'.',HCH:''::e, ј?С \~):sап.i на
(. f\О\.·{,\ГI~ГСЈ.. (,\!е !:,I~ р "1\;:.:- \1 РП'Р:-,1 'Ј\'\})1 \"')i~k~'fliша tiZ pcpratni li~л k[)ji Vam
vfГatc:m, c.!.1!I:Zlkc ЬЈ.Щ()· l,l РЈ l\'J.lnLl р~i"lJ.ы1.
S~ (LL ';оkiш ;!сVclПјLП! i Р11ј.llt1ј1ki,ш ','.)јl'с"ајеП1 тlje-~j se odani
l<'ra-ill" Ivani.scVtt.'Or(~1

I ~'(J it' (),,, },'J,\I1O I\alli\r:\'iL ~jy V1:( 19П С}П mi ie

fJOf1tJ~ttO ,1,t ~!.: :'ЈОIЛ~'ЩПЈЈI0m Ја to 1'.iпim " izгаziша пај1,.'еСс zа.hvаlпоsti.

r, џ ~Hkl"i.'.:'u Pl!\H::

ј r~~ ii \'t
[)(:i ,. ~('\ii(tS.f;H'i n;:н i,)п~!г,i 11П1'(1С
:~l ;1':Г:1:"-1 је ~';H Ј',' . '111Ј)-'(:;I'С"I11 p1'i::,l~l! јсЈ.
; 1:;I()~~o1j(l{ kan prcd';<~avnilk
i ]"..1 cg :)\;;Ј1 tdeala. il ]ugGl.:;lavij-i!
је L! с' :1) р :L; i 1 \; ;tll!,.-:;ka pl;kJC!:'1 ka. Ь ll;ноЈПl svеСе.пi.k ,r.:~Jha ,Ја' ; ;
;';1 tЛ":~:П: (11za, с а (1:; ~ ...' :J,!i1·'J(.-.i (: ";~('E",1):C C:'~:'C ј v.~::c. Za ta i tark~~ l1~t~~. )
I'CI:jz ;'.1 је ~)"1 .,;))'С1\1" ,Ј (1:-1 ~(ГЈ'lЈ 1 ci:t ШЈ~,'/l г: =pl'IJatno.stl 1 с:""-,:'Је {)d Sv{)'J!'~ VI'SJ'h
[, 'tt:,;-v'.l.'"l =-~1\:;aa, Cr:lt"" t ';Л:;/:.1iсд·(.ј г: ic ;;;шс~аIГ) (!а р; 'jLl1i' ј da г.::\.(li"dЈ.lје 1Ј L
iзtСlf\ )]1 .::"lll I~;il " 11 pl r,;;l;]~' J'~\lj
1!)19. ј EJzOjkad јс kao- i.nicija,~Qr ГI
~l)j':l~ ~\.L·.; ~.1~ ',,1. ~\ ёl';' ::~t\ Ј ј1ј!; Рl'ссllэgа( :::.jJ()rJlCJ;.Jk "'':('~Ш:Ј.!1!еn:tе rezol11cije r /
1 ;)ll~"_,l'~ t::cla;"j('TJl Г.~ II R,:'~}~·],:ltl. [' ,1 [(3.11') I\"Z'.,пi~еvi; v;lto је 1. o3Jt.~Ca()
jcJT~-:;'~'.. ; kZH· ј Jl.,Г Р ']i1i I)r')";1( \!jc\':'11a."" Sp 'lCI~, lLl stагi Ь:, ;ICl1p 11 I<otaru. Frano
.Ј_Ј.Р ~LcLl]ll' Т:се, (l<'l )1: kal; :iZk: f';J::;kIJГ:i! :,]) P)"·Jj.:~no .("I~yatj:) svoju IJlog"u II
Н lJitftRЦ'(I~~аVI 1 (i:1 S<\ 'Ј"', .:;ш ;: 'J\o"I':11 kсп~ti IlјСlliш })Ј,"~lV~ШЈ' Sa ис·а Fran-om Iva, f 7'U
Уlсеln ј ~ ССП)') "[' S1e~~1 t'~:(\'l1 ~ po).;la\'l)a. Ovdj'': dО'lиsimо- П' cj.'jtla'.)ti~
_ А' 11}~~"vu ргот::шогiјtl о kair'J,:cl,_:;j c~·l{\;; !Ј J:lp<·"J.viji:~ 1,[:ј11' j~ L~;?U'tlo ml'~.Qm n,~a-
I tJ.j
h1Skl!J'":.; kr?1t,t( 11 (1Ј· ЛI("1)ZiЈI1 ~tcj);Jjcl i..':.-:L\ ЬJ~l l~ц..Ј." а 1. ЈЮVl'1ll,Ьга ъstе. gоdш.с
рt.јt:'niпаСП(1 )\"im h', 'zl-,p,ma J\,~~ ,1<1.\ i је "-;Р\Чl~ ]'~;(~' 1~0.1~1 1: {јссе iz rltl'se i pameti
И!С.'II1'.:,:ј ] ( :lcljt ,1)(1 ј ,"\ l·L'cn;k,,1 оЈ ,"t');kc је \'Јlпоsti i za \тјјеmе (I koje је n&Sta1a,
7<'1 ]јс<1. ko'jima је lllpt,{CI1L1 k{l'J ; ZJ SVU PQzacliu::1U stava. j'J'grrБlaveJ1l.:jkO'g ~pi.skopaA.aJ
руста dI.zavl. St(1ga је (i\,:.щ~iП10 tт cjcl'tn1,1

2 Il(J~ta\'!iC!1i fiH _<:.то l1СУi1?Лl rlji~loy!.KOjl ~t: "ll I,'\ШјС \,сl'l!оы роznэti iz s~ava С1оп
r. . . :jni~t "ji,L.
"РЈ"сuzуi;СПО11l џ,О::'Рl,,\lltLU Jl' j\ S1срiпп(, :Nadbi.::kupu KI)<IdjL1tl1i1.1
'PrC117.,·j~(Тl:! 'Sl џ{,~:I\: 11 ':1~]!)\" '11"~""~'П\ i П:tјlј(Р~'lm 11adcm poz.(Jra'vi""
је PlJkl)J"ll~) pil!jJ;"~lI): \;~I~(, '1)1('I'':)'";1ПI(" ZZ\ k',{\(]\lltЏЈ'z\' Yl'l,) zа\tu:lIНШ\ d\..\hov~ ...
пот p~sti!t! 2J.'~ГC~Ц(;\E' т~а:Љi' 01· Лп!i В.1uсгu. ~V!11ine 'ита' ј, Н ~r
c1u~u рсгiс.Јtl r)(l ,!о
STC3 kl·O.Z ~")>1z11Jie i <lllbo·ku РО51.llје, pak
је pa(puna u"je;T!1. ,Ја CCl" i као "Ъ)ГЙ!l;.k па (ој st"liei, s!iie<!i.t'
nj.ego\'e stope fiэ. (:"a·-;t : ui\J.\. o\<ve \ ~О:i1l0Уlnе,
. :?bpisani, koji Va~l "У" retke llpravI!a ..је{! svссспik,stиiје dс,Ье. Rоd.епL ~
Је ISGЗ,. reden ?а S\'ссешkа Ј 886" "bavlo le ,,,?,пе ,Illzbe ,U 'sp!lwkom sJe-
шеni5tu kao p1tJtxl, [:.Ј,hо\'п:k i е'!ЩI1СШ: Ы{) је па ,g-,i,шnаziji i tea1ci u
Spii.tll ka\l plivl't:JIC1J'1 рГ:1fС':iГ. ;) [1 \'г;:шјi('i} Stl)];r1l1. р?l 1.1 ЈСЗС"I1Z-саmа',
"'ћEI'~'''ћ ,~, ... ,J, \'" ',1. ~ ,1:.,~ 1") '. _' L '1"1

Izostavijeno poglavijc 5 korckturama V. Novaka

V. Novak's omittea chaptcI' \vith corrections
Na uspornenu proslave 70 godisnjice
(1sез - 1933)
U Splitu, 1 ~anuara 19ЗЭ

Don Frano Ivanisevic sa pOSl'etom prof Viktoru Novaku

Don Ртnо Ivanishevitch with his dedication to Prof Viktor Novak

(Promemoria оп the attitude of the Yugoslav Catholic Episcopate don

Frano Ivanishevitch submitted to Archbishop Stepinec in October 1934,
and оп November 1, 1934 to аН Catholic Bishops in Yugoslavia).
Split, November 19, 1934.

Dr. VIKTOR NOVAK, university professor, Belgrade

1 have been informed that you coHect documents for you future
book оп the history of the development of our young state. Knowing
you as а responsible writer and sincere patriot 1 would like to entrust
you with а PROMEMORIA 1 have recently presented to the young
Archbishop Coadjutor, Dr. Stepinec, in Zagreb, and its сору to аН
Catholic Bishops in Yugoslavia and the Nuncio in Belgrade. Since,
for the time being, it is а private and confidential document 1 kindly
ask you not write or speak about it in public without ту previous
approval. Only after ту death 1 authorize you to freely use this docu-
ment if you find it useful for writing about the role of the Catholic
Church in the development of the Кingdom of Yugoslavia. Also,
in your book please emphasize that the patriotic Catholic priests-
Croats advised the Episcopate to reach an agreement with the state
and work jointly in its interest.
Тhe promemoria was written in October of this year. At the
suggestion of Bishop Uccellini, who had approved its content, this
promemoria was signed оп the l-st ofNovember ofthis year and а
сору sent out to аН bishops, together with а letter, а сору of which 1
also enclose to you, for you private needs only.
With deep respect and friendly feelings, 1 remain
Sincerely yours,
Frano Ivanishevitch, Senator 107

107 Dr. Frano Ivanishevitch is по longer among the living. But, јп 1937 ће gave the permission to use
his Promemoria during the conflict over the Concordat. 1 ат very grateful to ћјт and 1 ат using
this document for the sake of truth, the whole truth and nothing but truth, particularly јп the light


(Promemorija don Frana Ivanisevica о stavu jugoslavenskog Episkopata

prema drzavi, predana nadbiskupu Stepincu oktobra 1934., а 1. поует­
bra 1934. svim biskupima u Jugoslaviji).
Split, 19. ХI 1934.

Gospodin dr. Viktor Novak, sveucilisni profesor, Beograd

Doznao sam da Vi sakupljate gradivo iz kojega cete u svoje vri-
јете napisati historiju о razvitku nase mlade drzave Jugoslavije.
PoznavajuCi Vas kao savjesna spisatelja i cestita rodoljuba hocu da
Vam povjerim jednu moju "Spomenicu" koju sam nedavno upra-
vio mladom nadbiskupu Koadjutoru dr. Stepincu u Zagrebu, а koju
sam u prepisu dostavio svim katolickim biskupima u Jugoslaviji kao
sto i papskom nunciju u Beogradu. Posto је опа za sada privatne
konfidencialne naravi molim Vas, da bez тоје izriCite dozvole пе
biste о пјој u javnosti nista pisali niti u drustvu govorili, а tek iza
тоје smrti, bude li Vam potreba, ovim Vas ovlascujem da se slobo-
dno posluzite kada budete pisali о ulozi katolicke crkve u razvitku
kraljevine Jugoslavije, te napomenite da је iz krugova rodoljubnih
svecenika Hrvata Ыо upozoren episkopat па sporazumni rad sa in-
teresima drzave.
Spomenica је napisana 1. oktobra оуе godine. Ро naputku bisku-
ра Uccellinia, koji је potpuno odobrio sadrzaj i cilj оуе spomenice,
potpisana је 1. novembra оуе godine poslao u prepisu svim bisku-
pima uz propratni list koji Vam prilazem, dakako samo za privatnu
Sa dubokim stovanjem i prijateljskim osjecajem biljezi se odani
Frano Ivanisevic, senator107
107 Don Frano Ivanisevic, danas vec пјје medu iivima. Аlј 1937. оп тј је dopustio da se koristim ovom
njegovom promemorijom u vrijeme konkordatske borbe. Ја to (јпјт s izrazima najvece zahvalnosti,
u interesu рипе паиспе istine pogotovo jer u пјој пета nicega novog sto оп vec ranije пјје i javno
iznosio i zastupao.

Viktor Novak

Don Frano Ivanishevitch was an old fighter for the national cause
and Glagolitic missal, one of the last from the generation of supporters of
Strossmayer and his ideals. In Yugoslavia, being а national priest devoted to
its people, his whole behavior was an example of how а priest should serve
the interests of the state, without violating а single principle of his church,
or faith. Defending this stand he was ready to соре with great difficulties
and suffer injustice and condemnation of the high clergy. Nevertheless, he
continued his work in the same way he decided to follow already in 1919
and 1920, when he took initiative to organize а Meeting of the clergy of Split
and was the proponent of the now famous Resolution presented to the then
Nuncio in Belgrade. Don Frano Ivanishevitch, Vjekoslav Spinchtch and the
old Bishop of Kotor Frano Uccellini- Тitze were аН three of the opinion that
the Catholic Episcopate in Yugoslavia in fact misunderstood its role with
regard to the state Ьу assuming the attitude which only serves the interests
of the enemies of Yugoslavia. We shall deal with don Frano Ivanishevitch
in the following chapters too. Here we only want to present in extenso his
Promemoria оп the Catholic Church in Yugoslavia he presented to the young
Archbishop Coadjutor оп October 1,1934 and November 1 ofthe same year
а сору of the Promemoria to each Catholic Bishop in Yugoslavia, personally.
Тће Promemoria stems from the heart and mind of an exemplary patriot and
is very important with regard to the time when it was written, the individuals
to whom the Promemoria was addressed and the background which explains
the attitude of the Yugoslav Episcopate towards the state. Тће following text
is а complete and unabridged original version. 108



ТЬе Most Reverend! Тће undersigned with great pleasure, the

best hopes and due submissiveness congratulates уои оп your ар­
pointment as Coadjutor to the very meritorious spiritual shepherd
of the Archbishopric of Zagreb, Dr. Bauer whose virtues of the mind
and heart the undersigned has been witnessing and deeply respect-
ing for more than 40 years. Тће undersigned is, therefore, fully con-
vinced that уои, as his choice, will follow in his wake to the pride and
benefit of the Catholic Church and the Fatherland.

of the fact that the document does not reveal anything new јп the views of Dr. Ivanishevitch with
regard to his previous attitude оп this issue.
108 Опlу the parts of the text ref1ecting the previous well known views of Dr. Ivanishevitch have Ьееп

Magnum crimen XV


Dr Viktor N о у а k
syeucili~ni profesor.
fI&i~ .. Ф4
Doznao sаш da У! Bak1ipljate gradiyo iz kojega cete u вуоје
yrijeme napisati hi8toriju о razyitku na~e mlade ~aye JцgoB1avije.

Poznajuci Уав kao BaYjestnQ spiBate1ja i ~eBtita rodoljuba bocu da

Vаш povjerim jetnu moju "spomeniou" koju ваш nеааудо upravio mladoa
nadbiskupu koadjutoru Dr.Stepincu u z~r.bu,a жо~ sащ u prepis8
dostavio еуiщ .atolickim biBkupima u Jugos1aYiji kao ito i papias&om
Nunoiju u Be~radu. Po~to је ода za sada priyatne konfidenoijalne Аа­

ravi,molim V~,da bez тоје izricite dozyo1e,ne biste о nјој U jaynosti

ni~ta pisali niti u druйtуu goyorili.a tek iza тоје smrti,bude 1! Уат
potreba,oYim У&8 uoЫайсuјеm da ве в1оЬоdoо pos1u~ite kada budete pi-
8&1i о ulozi kato1i~ke orkye u razyitku kraljevine Jцgos1syije te nа­

pomenite da је iz krugoya rodoljubnih syecenika Hrvata Ыо upoloren

episkopat па sporazumni rad ва interesima dr!aye.
8pomenioa је napisaдa да 1 oktobra o.g.,dak1e prije tгщgi~nе

smrti Kralja A1eksaдdra u Marsei11u 9 okt.o.g. РО naputku biskupa

Ucoe11inia,koji је potpuno odobrio sadr!aj i oi1j оуе spomenice,pot-
pisani је па 1 novembra o.g. рое1ао u prepisu зУiш biskupima uz
popratni 1ist koji Уащ pri1a!em,dakako вато za priyatnu porabu.
sa dubokim йtоуаnјет i prijate1jskim овјесајет Ы1је!!

ве odaдi ј у ,--',
(!//ML~ J~~~~
,~,ц_J rL-

Propratno pismo don F. IvaniSevica kojim је svoju promemoriju dostavio

V. Novaku
Don Ivanishevitch' [etter to V. Novak attached to his Promemoria
Viktor N ovak

Originalni rukopis izostavijenog poglavija V. Novaka

Original тanuscript оЈ the oтitted chapter

Magnum crimen ХУ

Don Frano Ivanisevic, stari nacionalni borac i glagoljas, kao predsta-

vnik jos preostale generacije Strossmayerovih pristalica i njegovih ideala, u
Jugoslaviji је u Citavom nizu svojih postupaka pokazao kako narodni svece-
nik treba da sluzi interesima drzave, а da se пе ogrijesi о опе svoje crkve i
vjere. Za ta i takva uvjerenja оп је Ыо spreman da strada i da dozivi nepri-
jatnosti i osude od svojih visih crkvenih poglavara. Unatoc tome, njega nije
smetalo da produzi i da radi dalje u istom smjeru kao sto је оп to pokazao
vec god. 1919. i 1920., је kao inicijator splitskog sastanka svecenstva Ыо pre-
dlagac spomenute, vec znamenite rezolucije ирисепе tadasnjem nunciju u
Beogradu. Don Frano Ivanisevic vidio је i osjecao jednako kao i narodni
borac Vjekoslav SpinCic, ili stari biskup u Kotoru Frano Uccellini -Тice, da
је katolicki episkopat sasvim pogrijesno shvatio svoju ulogu u drzavi i da sa
svojim stavom koristi njenim protivnicima. Sa don Franom Ivanisevicem jos
сето se sresti tokom s1ijedecih poglavlja. Ovdje donosimo u cijelosti пје­
govu promemoriju о katolickoj crkvi u Jugoslaviji, koju је uputio mladom
nadbiskupu koadjutoru dr. Alojziju Stepincu 1. oktobra 1934., а 1. novembra
iste godine pojedinacno svim biskupima Jugoslavije. Spomenica koja potjece
iz duse i pameti uzornog rodoljuba i svecenika od velike је vaznosti i za vri-
јете u koje је nastala, za lica kojima је ирисепа kao i za svu pozadinu stava
jugoslavenskog episkopata prema drzavi. Stoga је donosimo u cjelini. 108

"Preuzvisenom gospodinu dr. Alojziju Stepincu,

Nadbiskupu Koadjutoru - Zagreb.
Preuzviseni! Sa velikim zadovoljstvom i najljepsom nadom ро­
zdravio је pokorno potpisani Vase imenovanje za koadjutora vrlo
zasluznom duhovnom pastiru zagrebacke nadbiskupije dr. Anti
Baueru, аје vrline ита i srca kroz dugu periodu od 40 godina pobli-
ze poznaje i duboko postuje, pak је potpuno uvjeren, da cete i Vi kao
njegov odabranik па toj stolici slijediti njegove stope па cast i uhar
crkve i domovine.
Potpisani, koji Vam ove retke upravlja, jest svecnik starije dobe.
Roden је 1863., reden za svecenika 1886., obavio је razne sluZbe
u splitskom sjemenistu kao prefekt, duhovnik i ekonom; Ыо је па
gimnaziji i realci u Splitu kao privremeni profesor, а u Vranjicu -
Solunu, ра u Jasenicama, rodnom mjestu kao zupnik za vise godina.
Bavio se је i novinarstvom. Uredivao је nekoliko tjednika i mjese-
cnika za narodnu prosvjetu. Zanimao se narodnom privredom, oso-

108 Izostavljeni su samo nevazni dijelovi, koji su od ranije уес dobro poznati iz stava don Ivanisevica.

Viktor Novak

The undersigned addressing уои these lines is а priest in ad-

vanced age. Не was Ьоrn in 1863, ordained priest in 1886, in the
Sjemeniste (Theological school) of Split, then he served as prefect
and priest, was for а short time а high school teacher in High school
in Split and for тапу years served as priest in Vranjice-Solun and
Jasenice, his birth place. Не was also а journalist and editor of several
weekly and monthly magazines devoted to national education. The
undersigned was also interested in national есопоту, particularly
in cooperatives, and was member of their boards and also member
of the Supervisory Board of the Agrarian Bank in Belgrade. At the
request ofhis congregation the undersigned entered the field of роН­
tics and in the 1907 -1911 period was the representative of the Sinj-
Vrlika district at the Imperial Council in Vienna. Last year, 1933, the
undersigned was appointed Member of the Senate of the Кingdom
ofYugoslavia Ьу Degree ofHis Majesty Кing Aleksandar and has the
honor of still performing that duty.
The undersigned deemed it necessary to bring аН these data to
the attention of the Most Reverend to persuade Him that during his
71 year long life and 48 years of service the undersigned had ample
opportunities to get acquainted with all aspects of our national life
and оп that ground express his modest opinion оп the circumstanc-
es prevailing to day in our native country Yugoslavia. Therefore, he
begs уои, the Most Reverend, to accept his modest views of ап old
and experienced priest, presented in this confidential letter in the
interest of the Catholic Church and Yugoslavia.
In every new state established after а war there are problems
which cannot Ье avoided due to the development of some new ele-
ments, at first not sufficiently harmonized and which need time to
consolidate. The historical decision ... опе пате for the State, the
flag and the question of unity of our State has Ьееп БпаНу taken and
its effects are taking root in the soul of our people. АН patriots are
duty bound to support the process of merging three tribal elements
into опе and speed it ир in аН spheres of our public and private life
in view of developing а firm concept of опе and united Yugoslavia,
as conceived Ьу our outstanding and famous the Most Reverend
Вishop Strossmayer, Сапоп Rachky and others. The Кingdom of
Yugoslavia is undergoing а period of consolidation. АН secular and
religious factors оп the level of the State are caHed upon to support
the consolidation efforts of the State in аН their activities and institu-
Magnum crimen ХУ

bito gospodarskim zadrugama, gdje је obnasao razne casti u upravi

zadruznih saveza i nadzornom odboru Agrarne banke u Беоgrаdu.
Prema zelji pucanstva Ыо је pozvan da se bavi i politikom, te је go-
dine 1907-1911. obnasao cast narodnog zastupnika u Carevinskom
Vijecu u Бесu za kotar Sinj- Vrlika, а lanjske godine 1933. ukazom
Njegovog Velicanstva Kralja Aleksandra Ыо је imenovan Clanom
Senata Kraljevine Jugoslavije, koju cast i danas obnasa.
Sve је оуо potpisani smatrao shodnim da dade па znanje Vasoj
Preuzvisenosti, а da Vam bude moguce lakse uvjeriti se kako је u
svojem zivotu od 71 godine i svecenistva 48 godina, imao dosta
prigode da upozna zivot nasega naroda u svim njegovim ројауа­
та, te da izrece svoje skromno uvjerenje о danasnjim pri1ikama u
nasoj domovini Jugoslaviji. Najlepse Vas stoga тоНт, Preuzviseni
Gospodine, da meni kao starom iskusnom sveceniku dozvolite, а da
Vam ovim skroz privatnim i povjerljivim listom podastrem nekoje
тоје opaske i poglede u interesu katolicke crkve u Jugoslaviji.
Usvakoj novoj poslijeratnoj drzavi opazaju se neke trzavice, koje
su neizbjezive uslijed formacije novih elemenata, koji nisu sasvim
homogeni а koje treba prepustiti procesu vremena da ih izgradi. Sa
historickim odlukama ... о jednom imenu (drzave) i zastavi, pitanje
jedinstvenosti nase drzave konacno је је rijeseno i росеl0 је hvatati
cvrsta korijena u dusi naroda. Rodoljubna duznost namece se svi-
та da taj proces stapanja triju plemenskih elemenata pospjesimo
i u svim fazama naseg privatnog i javnog zivota izgradimo jednu
sveopcu i nepokolebivu koncepciju jedinstvene drzave Jugoslavije,
kakovu su је zamisljali uzviseni i slavni dostojanstvenici biskup
Strossmayer, kanonik Racki i drugi. Kraljevina Jugoslavija nalazi
se danas upravo u tom periodu unutarnje konsolidacije. Svi drza-
vni, gradanski i crkveni Cinbenici pozvani su da sudjeluju ро svojim
akcijama u svojim nadlestvima u оуот izgradivanju drzavne cjeline
ili barem da ne stavljaju Ыlо kojih poteskoca svijesno ili nesvijesno
redovitom procesu toga izgradivanja.
Potpisani је katolicki svecenik. Као takav djeluje u crkvi i narodu
48 godina. U crkvi katolickoj roden, odgojen, u njoj zeli uz bozju mi-
10st zaklopiti svoje оа. U svim njegovim poslovima Ыlо privatnog,
sluZbenog i1i javnog rada, Ыlо реroт ili besjedom, uvijek ти је Ыо
па srcu ugled svoje crkve. Kad se је godine 1918. nas narod oslobo-
dio tudinskogjarma i stupio u drzavnu zajednicu sa svojom krvnom
bracom Srbima i Slovencima, potpisani је nastojao da nasa crkva
sacuva svoj ugled i razvije svoju djelatnost. U novoj drzavnoj zaje-
Viktor Novak

tions, or at least not to, consciously or unconsciously, impede that

unification process.
ТЬе undersigned is а Catholic priest and has Ьееп serving his
church and his people for 48 years. Не was Ьоrn as Catholic, edu-
cated in Catholic religion and with God's blessing expects to close
his eyes as а Catholic. Performing his activities, private, official or
public, writing or preaching, the undersigned had always in mind
and at heart primarily the interests and reputation of his Church.
When in 1918 ош people was liberated from foreign yoke and cre-
ated а соmmоп state with his brothers, Serbs and Slovenians, the
undersigned was using his best efforts to secure for the Catholic
Church the respect it should command and help it develop its activi-
ties. In the new State the Catholic Church had the opportunity to
establish closer contacts with the Orthodox Church. In this regard
it is the duty of each Catholic priest to disseminate tolerance and
foster good relations with others, in Нпе with the paramount inter-
ests of the State. ТЬе population of Yugoslavia amounts to approxi-
mately 14 million; According to the latest population census there
are 5.373.456 Catholics and 6.375.524 Orthodox, not counting the
confessions with а smaH congregation. In spite of Orthodox majority
in the State there are по signs of supremacy of опе church over the
other ...
ТЬе Constitution guarantees freedom to аН religions. This is not
а dead letter оп paper. It is implemented in practice. ТЬе case in
point is the live and а great progress of the Catholic Church in the
Capital city-Belgrade, where the population is 90% Orthodox and
the Catholics, in spite of that overwhelming majority, епјоу fuH reli-
gious freedom. ТЬе undersigned knows Belgrade very weH, where he
used to stay so mапу times. Catholic processions оп religious holi-
days, like the First Communion, solemnly take place in the streets of
Belgrade, in the presence of the representatives of state institutions
and the Royal Court and are fuHy respected Ьу the Orthodox рори­
lation. А few figures illustrate the above statement.
Тill the end of 1924 there were only five Catholic priests оп
the territory of the Belgrade Archbishopric, and today there are ы­
teen. There were three priests in Belgrade, опе in Nish (Nis) опе in
Kragujevatz (Kragujevac) for these three dioceses. There were also
12 nuns-nurses in Belgrade. Today there are 5 diocese in Belgrade
and in addition to the already existing ones in Nish and Kragujevatz,
the new ones were set ир in: Smederevo, Shabatz (Sabac) and Bor
Magnum crimen XV

dnici crkva је katolicka dosla u blizu vezu sa crkvom istocnoga obre-

da i pravoslavne vjere, te se је namecala duznost svakom sveceniku
Hrvatu da uznastoji podrzati toleranciju i dobre odnosaje u skladu
sa vrhovnim interesima drzave. Od ukupnog pucanstva, 14 miliona
otprilike Ziteljstva u Jugoslaviji, crkva katolicka broji, ро zadnjem
popisu, 5,373.456 svojih pripadnika, doCim istocna pravoslavna cr-
kva broji 6.375.524 vjernika, а da se ne uzmu u obzir druge manje
vjeroispovesti. Iako је istocna pravoslavna crkva u vecem broju na-
pram katolickoj, ipak se ne opaza nikakva prevlast jedne crkve nad
drugom ... jer је Ustavom zajamcena u Jugoslaviji potpuna sloboda
svakoj vjeroispovesti. То nije samo pisano па papiru, nego se to i u
djelu provada. Dosta је pogledati па zivot i veliki razvitak katolicke
crkve u samoj prijestonici nase drzave Beogradu, gdje 90% zitelja
pripada pravoslavnoj crkvi, а gdje pripadnici katolicke crkve uzivaju
potpuno slobodu kao ni u jednom drugom mjestu. Potpisanom је
dobro poznat Beograd u koji vec toliko godina zalazi i dugo boravi.
Katolicke funkcije obavljaju se ро beogradskim иНсата (kao па pri-
mjer Тijelovo), najsvecanijim nacinom uz prisustvovanje pretstavni-
ka drzavnih nadlestava i kraljeva dvora te sa velikim postovanjem i
obzirom sa strane pravoslavnoga gradanstva. Тоти па dokaz neka
sluze i ove brojke.
Do konca godine 1924. bilo је па teritoriji beogradske nadbisku-
рЏе samo 5 svecenika, doCim ih danas ima 15. U Beogradu bila su 3
svecenika, u Nisu 1, u Kragujevcu 1, kao potrebiti za te tri zupe. Osim
toga bilo је u Beogradu 12 milosrdnih sestara bolniCarki. Danas ima
u Beogradu 5 zupa, а osim Nisa i Kragujevca, osnovane su jos zupe u
Smederevu, Sapcu i Boru i dvije kuracije u Valjevu i Zajecaru, svega
zupa i kuracija 10. Danas ima u Beogradu 170 sestara, od kojih su
104 milosrdne sestre iz Ljubljane kao bolnicarke u bolnici i sanato-
rijumu Vracar, 48 su milosrdne sestre iz Zagreba, koje su dijelom
bolnicarke, а nekoje vode internat zavoda svetog Vinka i jedno za-
baviste, doCim је 18 sestara iz Francuske (Asumpcionistkinje), koje
vode veliki intrenat "Zavoda svetog Josipa" i francusku zensku skolu
uz cetiri razreda francuske gimnazije. U crkvama katolickim potpi-
sani је vidio vlastitim оБта preko svecanih misa uglednih gradana
pravoslavne vjere, koji dolaze u nase crkve da сији pjevanje, poucne
propovjedi od nasih svecenika, koji su mnogo postovani radi svoje
ucenosti. Kada se obavljaju poboznosti (kao па primjer u crkvi sve-
tog Ante), crkva је dupkom puna, а preko 50% prisutnih jesu pri-
padnici pravoslavne crkve. Koliko је grad Beograd susretljiv prema
Viktor Novak

and two curatiae in Valjevo and Zayechar (Zajecar), which makes

а total of ten Catholic institutions. Today there are 170 nuns-nurs-
es in Belgrade, 104 of them are [roт Ljubljana and they work in
the hospital and the sanatorium "Vrachar" (Vracar), 48 nuns are in
Zagreb, some of whom work as nurses, some are in charge of the
"St. Vincent" boarding school for pupils and а kindergarten and 18
are [roт France, in charge of the French secondary school for boys
and girls "Saint Joseph". The undersigned has personaHy noticed the
presence of outstanding personalities of Orthodox religion attend-
ing ош churches to listen to the music and hear the instructive ser-
mons of ош priests, held in high respect as scholars. Оп holidays
(e.g. in St. Anthony church) Catholic churches are fuH to capacity
and over 50% of the present are Orthodox people. The best proof of
kindness towards the Catholic Church is а five million dinar worth
plot the Municipality of Belgrade has donated for the construction
of the new Catholic cathedral. 109
The Most Reverend, 1 mention this as а proof that ош Catholic
Church, thanks to its cultural strength, its vivid and scholarly cat-
echization, vivid sermonizing and charitable work is getting in-
creasingly attractive to аН strata of ош people. Several Eucharistic
Congresses that have Ьееп organized in ош country, with massive
participation of the citizens, are the best proof of the freedom the
Catholic Church enjoys in Yugoslavia and the respect it commands.
Each Eucharistic Congress enjoyed fuH support of the government
in securing various facilities, considering them as events which
strengthen public moral and order and was solemnly marked as ап
important public event. This is the so caHed "penetration pacifique"
(peaceful penetration) which gives the Church great moral strength,
helps its continuous development and consolidates its place in the
public life of the country. This means that the Catholic side has по
ground to take а hostile position towards the other Church which,
in spite of its more numerous congregation, does not in the least
impede the development of the other church with а smaHer congre-
gation. The strength of each cultural institution lies in its strength,
not in numbers.
Now, the Most Reverend, the undersigned would like to bring
to Уош attention а crucial phenomenon at the root of various
kinds of misunderstanding, namely ош policy of tribal (ethnic) ар-

109 This was written in 1934. Data from 1937 are even more favorable.

Magnum crimen ХУ

crkvi katolickoj, najbolji је dokaz u tomu, sto је gradska opcina da-

rovala za novu katedralu fond zemljista u vrijednosti od 5,000.000.-
dinara. ]09
Ovo sam naveo, Preuzviseni, kao jasan dokaz da nasa crkva ka-
tolicka otvara sebi put u svim slojevima nasega naroda, а to zahva-
ljujuCi svojoj kulturnoj snazi zive akcije katekiziranja, propovijeda-
пја i pastirskog dusobriznistva. Koliko је crkva katolicka slobodna
i postovana u Jugoslaviji, najbolje dokazuju godisnji Euharisticki
kongresi, koji su se ovih zadnjih godina odrzali па vise mjesta пај­
svecanijim паБпот uz veliko ucesce naroda, а uz sve moguce ро­
godnosti i susretljivosti sa strane drzavne vlasti, koja u tim vjerskim
manifestacijama gleda јасапје javnoga morala i poretka. То је опа
"penetration pacifique", koja daje veliku тос crkvi da se konstantno
razvija i ucvrsti svoj polozaj u javnom zivotu. S tog pogleda пета
dakle nikakvog razloga da se s nase katoliCke strane zauzimlje kakav
neprijateljski stav proti drugoj crkvi, koja, iako brojno u veCini, ni-
malo пе smeta razvitak druge crkve koja је u manjini. Aktivnost а пе
brojnost daju snagu svakoj kulturnoj ustanovi.
Sada dolazi jedna druga neugodna pojava, па koju potpisani
hoce posebno da upozori Vasu Preuzvisenost. То је politika ili bolje
receno plemensko naziranje, koje izazivlje nesuglasice sa stozernom
idejom drzavne cjeline u Jugoslaviji.
Nama је svima dobro poznat ројат i znacaj katolicke crkve:
univerzalnost. Опа nije oznacena kao istocna crkva, sa ројтот i
granicama drzave: ruska, bugarska, pravoslavna, srpska, grcka. U
tomu је velika neogranicena jakost katolicke crkve, jer iz toga ројта
opcenitosti опа kao iz neiscrpljiva izvora prima svoju stvaralacku
тоС. Time опа moze da trazi razvitka i u predjelima koji nisu kato-
licki, ali samo uz uvjet da svoju akciju razvije u potpunoj harmoniji
s akcijom i interesima drzave prema опот geslu slavnoga biskupa
Strossmayera: "Sve za vjeru i domovinu". U nasoj narodnoj drzavi
ројат drzave i domovine jest identican.
Posto su crkva i drzava ирисепе jedna па drugu, dvije ruke u је­
dnom tijelu, ро тојет skromnom uvjerenju u tomu se sastoji upra-
vo najveca mudrost crkvene vlasti, da izbjegava ро mogucnosti sve
sukobe sa drzavnom vlasti, nego cuvajuCi svedjer svoju samostal-
nost, da trazi паБпа kako се staviti u sklad i ravnotezu interese crkve
s interesima drzave. Kako је gore izlozeno, danas је najveCi interes

109 Don Fral10 Ivanisevic piSe god. 1934. Podaci iz 1937. јо;; su povoljniji.

Viktor Novak

proach which is in contrast with the fundamental idea of the state of

Yugoslavia as опе entity.
We are аН aware of the importance of the Catholic Church and it
fundamental principle of universality. Unlike the Eastern Orthodox
Church it is not confined within state boundaries: Russian, Bulgarian,
Serbian Orthodox, Greek. ТЬе enormous strength of the Catholic
Church in fact stems from its universality which is actually the source
of its creative power. This is the ground for its presence еуеп in the
fields which are not Catholic, but only if they are in line with the
state interests. Let us recall the words of the Most Reverend Вishop
Strossmayer who said: "Everything for the Faith and Fatherland!"
Since the Church and the State have to go hand in hand, being
two hands of the same body, in ту modest belief it is ир to the wis-
dom of the Church and its high clergy to avoid possible conflicts with
State institutions and, Ьу safeguarding its independence, establish
the right balance between the interests of the Church and the inter-
ests of the State. As emphasized аЬоуе, today the consolidation of аН
its parts is the paramount interest of Yugoslavia. Destructive trends
and the negative attitude toward Yugoslavia particularly character-
istic of us-Croats and some Slovenians, for ethnic reasons, should
Ье eliminated from the state organism and the spiritual unity in the
State achieved as soon as possible. This is in the best interest of ош
State, as ош King in his Proclamation of the б-th ofJanuary, 1929,
said: "ТЬе unity of ош people and ош State is the loftiest objective of
ту rule and the supreme law for те and for аН of us."
ТЬе undersigned follows with utmost attention аН developments
and phenomena in the public life of ош Fatherland and notes with
great regret that ош Catholic Church does not take seriously that
duty. Оп the contrary, under the guise of religion, intentionally or
unintentionally, some from ош Catholic Church undermine the ef-
forts towards the merger of the three tribes into опе political and
state entity
Under the courageous leadership of ош Кing today ош interna-
tional position is rather strong, mostly thank to the fact that ош in-
ternal political frictions have Ьееп overcome, in other words thanks
to ош internal stability. Every political or religious friction, internal
or external, weakens ош international position, thus making ош
country vulnerable to aggressive appetites of ош hostile neighbor.
ТЬе undersigned is а Croat Ьу nationality and speaks his mother
tongue with pride. А Croat in his genes and а Yugoslav Ьу political
Magnum crimen ХУ

drzave Jugoslavije, da se njezini unutarnji dijelovi sto vise ucvrste, а

destruktivni pojmovi, koji su proslih godina izbijali osobito kod nas
Hrvata, а djelomicno i kod Slovenaca, а kojima se poticu plemen-
ske razmirice, da se sasvim odstrane iz drzavnog organizma, pak da
se time ат prije provede duhovno jedinstvo u Citavoj nasoj drzavi.
Tu пат duznost kategoricki diktiraju пајуеа interesi nase drzave,
duznost jasno izrazena u historickom manifestu nasega vladara 6.
januara 1929. ovim znacajnim rijeCima: "Cuvati jedinstvo narodno i
celinu drzavnu, to је najvisi сЩ тоје vladavine, а to mora biti i пај­
уеа zakon za тепе i za svakoga."
Potpisani prati pozorno, sve dogadaje i ројауе u јаупот zivotu
nase domovine, te па svoju veliku zalost opaza da u nasoj katolickoj
crkvi оуа se ducnost potpuno пе shvaca, nego dapace pod plastem
vjere, svijesno ili nesvijesno, izbijaju neke ројауе iz kojih se dade
slutiti da iz redova katolicke crkve prodire tendencija, koja hoce da
oslabi proces stapanja triju plemena u jednu politicku drzavnu сје­
linu па stetu konsolidacije drzavnog jedinstva. Uz hrabro vodstvo
nasega vladara nasa је politika danas u vanjskom svijetu dosta jaka,
а to је od toga sto su prestale unutarnje politicke trzavice, naime
sto smo unutra jaki. Svako izazivlje unutarnje borbe bilo vjerske ili
politicke naravi, slabi nas vanjski polozaj i tim izlazemo nasu zemlju
osvajackim aspiracijama nasih neprijatelja u susjedstvu.
Potpisani је rodom Hrvat. Tim jezikom govori i ponosi se.
Geneticki Hrvat, а politicki Jugoslaven, i kao takav odani privrzenik
juguslavenskog drzavnog i narodnog jedinstva, smatra svetom du-
znoscu da пе istice svoje cjeline, jer se drzi опе mudre latinske izreke
"pars debet sacrificari pro toto". Nije tako kod опЉ koji nisu proze-
ti cuvstvom jedinstvenosti Jugoslavije, а koji kao svecenici katolici
hoce da povezu u jedan ројат "katoliStvo i hrvatstvo", sto mnogo
nanasa stete ugledu crkve а izazivlje sukobe s onima koji se bore za
cjelinu drzave.
Dozvolite mi, Preuzviseni, da navedem nekoliko dokaza. Cesto
se u crkvenim proglasima uvjek istice Hrvati katolici! А znademo
da ima katolika koji se пе zovu Hrvati. Kada је nazad tri godine Ыо
u Sarajevu Euharisticki kongres, u proglasu је Ыо naslov: "Katolici
- Hrvati" nasto su se Slovenci, kojih ima u Bosni vise od jedne tisuce
cutili uvrijedeni i isklјuСепi ..Жоd vise propovjedi u crkvi od nasih
svecenika cuje se alarm zаЂоrЬu i obranu toboze "hrvatstva" i "ka-
toliStva", sto пе odgovara istini. Tim se stvara zla krv proti drugoj
strani, i sasvim је naravna posljedica da drzavna vlast poradi javnog
Viktor Novak

option and аБ such devoted supporter of the Yugoslav national and

state unity. Тhe undersigned deems it his sacred duty not to insisit
оп separate parts, which should not have prevalence over the whole,
believing in the wisdom of the old Latin saying that: "pars debet
sacrificari pro toto." Тhis is, however, not the view of those who do
not support the unity of Yugoslavia, particularly the Catholic priests
who identify Croatism with Catholicism, which is detrimental for
the reputation of the Catholic Church and а source of conflict with
those who strongly support the unity of the State.
Al10w те, the Most Reverend, to submit to Уош attention а few
proofs which illustrate ту point. In its Proclamation the Church al-
ways place emphasis оп Croats-Catholics! We very wel1 know that
in ош country there are Catholics who are not Croat. When three
years ago the Eucharistic Congress held in Sarayevo addressed its
Proclamation to Catholic Croats over one thousand Slovenians liv-
ing in Bosnia were deeply offended for being ignored. In their ser-
mons ош Catholic priests often саН for defense of the allegedly јеор­
ardized "Croatism" and "Catholicism". Тhis is not true. Croatism and
Catholicism are not jeopardizes in Yugoslavia! Тhis gives rise to bad
feelings towards the other side and naturaHy the State reacts to that оп
behalf of public order. In several case school authorities had to pro-
hibit access to school to some religious teachers who in their teach-
ing religion or religious subjects openly supported separatism to the
detriment of state unity. U have recently received the Proclamation
of the St. Jerome Society marking ТНЕ DAY ОР ENLIGHTMENT I
used to Ье its member for 45 years and its representative for 30 years.
Тhe Most Reverend, from the enclosed сору of the Proclamation оп
only one page You will find 15 times mentioned: "Croatian educa-
tion", "Croatian people", "Croatian village", etc which sounds hostile
to the people of а different name. At the end of that same page You
will also find the following statement: "WЪеп the St. Jerome Society
was founded in 1868 Bishop Strossmayer was among the first to
welcome it. His words written then are still valid today, even more
valid then at that time when Не said: "Help ош people Ьу putting
in their hands the right books to read, the books which will contrib-
ute to their material and social benefit, particularly now when some
are trying to disseminate foreign books very often fuH of venom
and hostility against ош national being." Bishop Strossmayer was
а Croat, the greater benefactor of Croatian people, this is а gener-
аНу adopted view оп Him, but at that time he did not speak about

Magnum crimen ХУ

poretka treba da istupi. Vise se slucajeva zbilo da su skolske vlasti

bile prisiljene odaleCiti iz skole nekoje vjerouCitelje radi takova ира­
dnog isticanja separatistickih izraza па stetu drzavne сјеНпе. L../
ОУЉ dana primio sam od Drustva svetog Jeronima proglas
za proslavu "Dana prosvjete" i sirenje izdanja toga velezasluznog
Drustva, kojemu sam Ыо povjerenik зо, а Clап 45 godina. Kako vi-
dite, Preuzviseni, iz priloga, koji Vam dostavljam, па jednoj stranici
toga proglasa istice se па 15 mjesta "hrvatska prosvjeta", "hrvatski
narod", "hrvatsko selo" itd. tako upadno kao da је upereno protiv
drugoga dijela naroda, koji se tim imenom пе zove. Na istoj stranici
pri dnu Cita se оуо: "Kad је godine 1868. osnovano Drustvo svetog
Jeronima, medu prvim pozdravima stiglo је pismo velikoga vladike
Strossmayera. 1 njegove rijeCi пар~апе onda vaze do danas, cak su
опе danas i aktuelnije kad kazl7;;',Pomozite narodu da ти и ruke
pruZite knjige valjane, knjige za(njegovu kako materijalnu tako i du-
sevnu korist, osobito и оуо vrijeme, kad mnogi о tom rade, da se
nasem narodu sire knjige tudinske, cesto puta otrovne i njegovom
Ыси neprijateljske." Biskup Strossmayer Ыо је Hrvat, dapace пајуеа
dobrotvor hrvatskog naroda, sto ти svak priznaje, аН и tim retcima
пе istice "hrvatski" nego "nas narod", jer је mislio i па drugi dio па­
roda, koji se zove srpskim imenom. 1 to је pisao godine 1868., dakle
natrag 66 godina, kada је nas narod Ыо razdvojen. А kako Ы pisao
danas biskup Strossmayer, da је dozivio ujedinjenje svoga naroda,
to Vi mozete pojmiti, Preuzviseni Gospodine, koji poznate njegove
jugoslavenske ideale. Носи jos nesto da паротепет. Izmedu izda-
пја Drustva svetog Jeronima za iducu godinu ima i knjiga "Hrvatski
preporod и Dalmaciji" sto potpuno odgovara historickom апи i
znacaju toga pokreta. Naslov "Hrvatski preporod" nije ispravan, jer
и оуот pokretu, osobito и prvom pocetku (1868-1870) snazno su
ucestvovali koliko Srbi toliko Hrvati, zato se ovim naslovom nanasa
nasa nepravica kad se iskljucuju Srbi koji su imali iste zasluge kao
пјЉоуа braca Hrvati sve dok nije nazalost godine 1880. doslo do
razdora. АН jasna је tendencija и svim izdanjima toga Drustva, da se
posvuda istice hrvatstvo kao neki antipod jugoslavenstva.
Bog осиуао da Ы kogod iz оуЉ redaka imao zakljuCiti kao da mi
hocemo zatajiti svoje ime, koje smo majCinim mlijekom usisali, аН
nas "theologia moralis" иа da i najsvetije djelo, kao sto је па primjer
molitva, kada Ы imala izazvati zlovolju и javnosti па drugoj strani,
mora se oprezno i skromno obaviti bez javnog isticaja, samo da se
izbjegne losim posljedicama. То nalaze prudentia koja је и јаупот
Viktor Novak

Croatian people, he said "ош people", having in mind also the part
of ош people called Serbs. This is what he wrote in 1868, which
means 66 years ago, when ош people was separated. What would
Вishop Strossmayer say now had he lived to see his people united
уои сап imagine, the Most Reverend, because уои are familiar with
his Yugoslav ideals. Опе more thing. Next year the St. Jerome Society
which is [иНу in line with its historical role and importance of the
whole movement. But the title CROAТIAN RENAISSANCE is not
correct because, particularly at the beginning (1868-1870), the Serbs
and the Croats participated in ап almost equal number. Therefore 1
think that Ьу excluding their пате [roт the title the Society does
injustice to the Serbs whose merits are as great as the merits of
their Croatian brothers, till the discord in 1880. But the trend of the
Society is clear: to always places emphasis оп Croatism as opposed
to Yugoslavism.
For God's sake, по опе reading these lines should conclude that
we want to forget, or keep secret, ош true пате which we received
from ош mothers when they were breast feeding us, but ош "theo-
logia moralis" teaches us that еуеп јп the loftiest act, which is prayer,
we should Ье very careful not to utter something that would hurt
, the other side or antagonize it. In public 1ife we should Ье prudent
because PRUDENCE is MAXIMA VIRTUS of public 1ife. At the [и­
neral of ош outstanding personality Frano Bulitch (Bulie) in Split in
several obituary addresses and articles Yugoslavia was not mentioned
at аН, only "Croatian people" and the fatherland. And for Yugoslavia
the late Frano Bulitch fought and pledged his reputation at the Реасе
Conference in Paris, in 1919. Moreover, по опе mentioned ош Кing
who decorated the late Frano Bulitch with а Medal of the highest or-
der. ТЬе participants noticed that some wanted to abuse the reputa-
tion of the outstanding scholar and exemplary priest to the detriment
ofYugoslaviaYo 1 have also read јп the papers about the initiative of
а Boards of Priests to build а church dedicated to Кing Zvonimir
and establish а Bishopric in Knin. ТЬе Proclamation says: "In this
Jubilee year of redemption it would Ье right to revive the place of
remote memories. If we cannot build а sumptuous Cathedral, we at
least сап build а modest church оп the place where the CROAТIAN

110 It should Ье emphasized that Archbishop Stepinec also made а speech at that [ипегаl,

Magnum crimen XV

zivotu maxima virtus. Pri nedavnoj smrti i pogrebu naseg slavnog

Frana ВиНса u Splitu i Solinu culo se vise govora, Citalo se vise Clа­
naka, i па vise mjesta spomenuto је "hrvatski narod" i "domovina",
а nigdje ime Jugoslavije, za koju је pokojnik isao godine 1919. па
mirovne pregovore u Pariz i svojim ugledom mnogo doprineo, kao
sto оуот prigodom nije spomenuto ime naseg vladara, koji је vr-
log pokojnika odlikovao najvisim ordenom. То је upalo u oko рro­
matraocima ucesnicima, koji su opazili, «а su nekoji htjeli zlorabiti
ugled odlicnog ucenjaka i svecenika па stetu jugoslavenske misli
u JugoslavijiYo Citao sam u novinama da se osnovao neki odbor
izmedu svecenika za podignuce crkve kralju Zvonimiru u Biskupiji
kod Knina. U proglasu se veli: "И оуој jubilarnoj godini ljudskog
otkupljenja pravo је da ozivimo sveto mjesto davnih uspomena. Ako
ne mozemo sjajnu katedralu, а to moramo barem skromnu crkvicu
da podignemo па mjestu, gdje је "hrvatski" biskup рјеуао Bogu hva-
le, gdje su "hrvatski")raljevi sudili narodu pravicu ... " Tendenca је
оуљ rijeCi jasna. I /
Kakav duh рroуејауа u nekojim redovima katolicke crkve naj-
bolje se opazilo prije godine 1930., kada se uvela jedinstvena jugo-
slavenska zastava. Prije toga vijale su se па javnim tornjevima dvije
zastave, jedna plemenska (hrvatska) druga drzavna (jugoslavenska).
U nekojim crkvama opazi1o se da је plemenska bila duga 3-4 те­
tra, doCim ona drzavna dostizala је do 2 metra. То је oCito dokaz
demonstracije proti drzavnoj zastavi, tako da је morala vise puta
istupiti policija. Dozvolite mi jos da navedem. Poznat mi је slucaj,
kada su dva franjevca iz Dalmacije bila zamoljena od kraljevskog
poslanika u Belgiji (Bruxel1es) da blagoslovi jugoslavensku zastavu
u nekoj prigodi kod radnickih kolonija u toj zemlji, nisu htjeli, а da
se tim solidariziraju sa onim radnicima koji su neprijatelji jedinstva
Jugoslavije. lll О tom nekorektnom ponasanju ја sam obznanio М. Р.
Provincijala franjevaca u Splitu.
1 u javnoj katolickoj stampi opaza se isti postupak. Ako 1i је dne-
vniku "Hrvatska straza" glavni zadatak da brani katolicka nacela u
nasoj domovini, onda neka promijeni naslov u "Katolicka straza",
kao sto је u svoje vrijeme bila u Dalmaciji "Katolicka Dalmacija" pod
urednistvom don Ivana Prodana u Zadru. Iz tog se lista jasno vidi da
se pod plastom vjere (katoliStva) hoce da istice po1itika (hrvatstvo),

110 ТгеЬаnapomenuti da је па toj sahrani govorio i nadbiskup Stepinac.

1] 1 Ovdje don Frano Ivanisevic misli па ustase koji su se nalazili u Belgiji.

Viktor N ovak

Вishop celebrated God and where CROAТIAN kings were impart-

ing justice ... " The point of these words is clear.
The spirit prevailing in the Catholic Church was particularly оЬ­
vious before 1930., when the Yugoslav flag was proclaimed the only
flag in official public use. Before that two flags were in official public
use: one tribal (Croatian) and the other state (Yugoslav). In some
сlшгсhеs the Croatian flag was 3-4 meters long and the Yugoslav
was hardly 2 meters long. This is an obvious demonstration against
the state flag, so that police had to intervene several times. Another
example. When the Charge d' Affairs of the Кingdom of Yugoslavia
to Belgium (Brussels) asked two Franciscans from Dalmatia to bless
the Yugoslav flag at an event in the workers' settlement they refused
and sided with those workers of Yugoslav origin who were against
the unity of Yugoslavia. 111 The Franciscan Provicial in Split person-
ally revealed that incorrect act оп the part of the two Franciscans.
The Catholic press is following in the same wake. If the main
task of the Catholic daily HRVATSKA STRAZA (Croatian guard) is
to defend the principle of Catholicism in Yugoslavia it should change
its title to KATOLlCKA STRAZA (Catholic guard) like we had
оп се KATOLICKA DALMACIJA (Catholic Dalmatia), pub1ished
in Zadar with Ivan Prodan as editor-in-chief. This journal clearly
shows the intention to under the guise of religion (Catholicism)
introduce politics (Croatism) in support of elements hostile to the
unity of Yugoslavia, because without а united Yugoslavia there is по
life either for the Serbs, Croats or Slovenes. The idea of the united
Yugoslav state is successfully coping with аН these open or secret
problems and boldly marching towards that goal. I deeply believe
that nothing will happen to compromise that goal, but as а Catholic
priest I fear negative effects оп ош Church if it continues to insist оп
the tribal (ethnic) to the detriment of state unity. Allow те, the Most
Reverend, to bring to Уош attention а few more details which illus-
trate the spirit prevailing in some Catholic circle. Reverend - Dean
Julius Nemetz (ЈиНје Nemec) has recently celebrated the Jubilee of
the Gold Mess in Karlovatz (Kamensko). In Zagreb papers (OBZOR,
NOVOSТI, JUTARNJI LIST) the Jubilee was mentioned, but in
HRVATSKA STRAZA there is not а single word about the event, I
have the impression, because Reverend Nemetz is and enthusiastic
supporter of the idea of Yugoslavism. Оп the other hand, this још-

111 Неге don Frano Ivanishevitch means the Ustashi at that time јп Belgium.

Magnum crimen ХУ

naime da se podupiru elementi koji su protivni jedinstvu Jugoslavije

nema spasa ni Srbima, ni Hrvatima ni Slovencima. Drzavna jugo-
slavenska misao prelazi preko svih tih javnih ili potajnih prepona i
orijaski koraca prema svome сЩи, te sam potpuno uvjeren da ји па
tom putu nece nista zaustaviti: ali se kao katolicki svecenik bojim
da crkva katolicka ide u susret neugodnim posljedicama bu~1i se
drzala ovog plemenskog naziranja па stetu drzavne cjelir;~. Neka тј
bude dozvoljeno, Preuzviseni, navesti јОБ nekoliko sitnica, iz kojih
se vidi kakav duh provejava u nekim katolickim krugovima. Ovih је
dana svetkovao јиЫlеј zlatne mise u Karlovcu (Kamensko) vrijedni
i zasluzni zupnik-dekan gospodin ЈиНје Nemec. U zagrebackim no-
vinama ("Obzor", "Novosti", "Jutarnji list") Ыо је jubilej spomenut,
doCim u katolickoj novini "Hrvatska straza", Cini mi se da nije ni slo-
vo pisano, а to stoga sto је gospodin Nemec odusevljeni privrzenik
jugoslavenske ideologije. Naprotiv, u tom listu pisu se Clanci i tiskaju
slike, u ovim prigodama, о svecenicima koji su privrzenici hrvatske
ideologije. То nije krscanska i svecenicka ljubav. Tolerancija, koju је
slavni biskup Strossmayer uvijek preporuCao u opcenju sa bracom
pravoslavne crkve, а koju nam i nasa katolicka moralka preporuca u
opcenju Ыlо sa kojim drugoga misljenja, nimalo se ne postuje.
Kad је lanjske godine Patrijarh Varnava рroБао kroz Bosnu,
Hercegovinu do Dalmacije, da obavi svoj pastirski pohod, nitko u
Sarajevu od kaptola nije iskazao bilo koji Cin uctivosti, osim provin-
cijala franjevaca, koji ga је pohodio. Tako isto i u Dubrovniku nitko
od Kurije ni kaptola nije iskazao Patrijarhu kakvu pocast, doCim је
Patrijarh Ыо velikodusan prema gradu i svecenstvu gdje је ogromna
veCina katolika, te је u svome govoru па banketu u hotel Imperijalu
dne 25. septembra 1933. rekao ove rijeCi: "А uz to upravimo nase
molitve zastitniku ovoga grada svetome Vlahu, koji је za tisucu go-
dina branio ovaj grad, neka ga i nadalje stiti u svakoj sreCi i bozjem
blagoslovu." Poznato је da svetog Vlaha stuje samo katolicka crkva.
Navesti си i nekoje ugodne pojave. Prosloga augusta mjeseca
obavio је svoju kanonsku vizitaciju gornjo-karlovacki episkop dr.
Maksimilijan. U Kostajnici Ыо је svecano docekan od pucanstva pra-
voslavne i katolicke crkve. Izmedu katolika gradana bili su prisutni
katolicki zupnici gg. Slavko Venko i Ivica Kulir. Oni su prisustvovali
па banketu pri kojemu је vladika u nazdravici pozvao svecenstvo па
sirenje ljubavi bratske medu Hrvatima i Srbima, а u znak ljubavi za-
grlio је prisutne katolicke zupnike i od srca se s njima izljubio. Ovaj
cin silno је odusevio prisutne da se је vidjelo i suza od ganuca. Pri

Viktor Novak

nal takes advantage of each opportunity to publish articles оп and

pictures of the priests-supporters of the idea of Croatism. 1his is not
Christian and pastorallove. Ош Most Reverend Bishop Strossmayer
recommends tolerance in communication with ош brothers Serbs,
which ош Catholic moral teaching also recommends in communi-
cation with anyone of different opinion but this recommendation is
not honored.
Last year when the Orthodox Patriarch, His Holiness Varnava,
travelled through Bosnia and Herzegovina оп his pastoral way to
Dalmatia there was по one in Sarayevo to рау Him respect оп behalf
of the Captol, except for the Franciscan Provincijal who paid Him а
visit. It was the same in Dubrovnik where there was по one either to
рау Him respect оп behalf of the Captol or the Catholic Curia. Оп
the other hand, the Orthodox Patriarch was very generous towards
the city with the overwhelming majority of Catholics and its clergy.
At the banquet in the IMPERIAL hotel, оп September 25, 1933 Не
said: "Let us address ош prayers to the Patron of this town, St Blaise
(Sv. Vlaho), who had defended this town а thousand years, in the
hope that he will continue to protect it in happiness and with God's
blessing." St Blaise is а Catholic Saint and everybody knows it.
1 would also like to bring to уош attention some positive trends.
Last month Dr. Maximilian, Orthodox Bishop (Vladika) of Gornji
Karlovtzi (Karlovci) visited Kostajnitza (Kostajnica) where both the
Orthodox and Catholic population extended Him а most cordial wel-
соте. Revered Catholic priests Slavko Venko and Ivitza Kulir were
among the Catholics welcoming the Orthodox Bishop. ТЬеу were
also invited to the banquet. Оп that occasion in His welcome address
the Orthodox Bishop called оп the priests ofboth confessions to dis-
seminate brotherly love between the Croats and Serbs and embraced
the present Catholic priests. Everybody got very exited and many
were оп the verge of tears. Also, Archbishop Roditch (Rodic) has re-
cently visited Bechkerek (Beckerek) to attend the Catholic Congress
organized in that town. ТЬе population of both confession extended
Him а very cordial welcome. At the railway station the old Orthodox
Archpriest (Arhiepiskop) was there to welcome the Archbishop. Such
cordiality is in the spirit of the teaching of ош Lord and does not, in
the least, jeopardize its dignity. Оп the contrary. It opens ир а wider
field for the expansion of the Catholic Church and through coopera-
tion with the other church its active participation in moral education
of ош people, which is in ош common interest and in the interest of
Magnum crimen XV

nedavnom dolasku nadbiskupa RodiCa u Veliki Beckerek, kada se

priredivala velika svecanost za katolicki kongres u tom mjestu, Citavo
је gradanstvo jedne i druge crkve iskazalo pocast katolickom nadbi-
skupu. Pri doceku па kolodvoru Ыо је prisutan zamjenik arhijereja
stari prota Stakic sa svojim svecenstvom. Ovakova susretljivost jest
u duhu Kristove nauke. Ona nimalo ne umanjuje dostojanstvo kato-
licke crkve, dapace otvara sire polje njezinoj ekspanzivnosti, jer ne
iskljucuje suradnju s drugom crkvom u onomu sto nam је zajedni-
cko dobro pri odgoju naroda u moralnom i materijalnom pog1eduv
Vasoj Preuzvisenosti dobro је poznato i pitanje Sokola. U ovim
retcima imate pred sobom svecenika, koji је mnogo toga u zivotu
prokusao i zapamtio, ра ти dozvolite da iskaze kako misli i osjeca.
Istup proti Sokolu kraljevine Jugoslavije sa strane jugoslavenskog
episkopata, ро тојет dubokom uvjerenju Ыо је netaktican korak,
koji nije nista koristio, nego dapace naskodio ugledu katolicke crkve.
Uz biskupa Uccellinija, narodnog poslanika gospodina Vjekoslava
SpinCica, Msgra Kotniga, dr. Rackoga i nekojih drugih svecenika i
potpisani se osjecao ponukovan, da javno osudi taj korak. То је оп
uCinio u beogradskom listu "Politika" od 3. februara 1933. i u Senatu
29. novembra iste godine. Motivi koji su ga па to potakli jesu u pr-
уот redu religiozne naravi. Iza proCitane biskupske poslanice bilo
је nastalo u zapadnom dijelu nasega naroda takovo silno uzbudenje
i ogorcenje proti katolickoj crkvi, da је prijetila ozbiljna pogibelj od
sirokih masa prelaza u drugu crkvu u slucaju kada Ы se svi pretsta-
vnici katolicke crkve iskazali solidarni sa biskupskom poslanicom.
Obzirom па to da preko 50% svecenstva, osobito па primorju, nije
proCitalo onu poslanicu u crkvi, jer ји је smatralo skroz neumje-
snom а i pogubnom, oni koji su malo dublje povirili u cilj poslanice,
shvatili su па prvi mah da se i tu krije politicka natruha pod plastom
vjere. Bio је i sasvim nezgodan cas, u ono doba kada se је u Zagrebu
i Ljubljani govorilo о nekim "rezolucijama" i "punktacijama", prema
kojima Ы se imala nasa kraljevina preustrojiti u posebna admini-
strativna tijela, nezavisna od centralne uprave u Beogradu, па naCin
da Ы i katolicka crkva stekla svoju samostalnu upravu u Zagreb';7/
Takovo zamisljeno preustrojstvo bilo Ы па stetu drzavnog i паю-
dnog jedinstva. ''--1
Proti biskupskoj poslanici digli su se sveopCi protesti u naro-
du, а osobito iz redova Sokola, te danas poslije jedne godine dana,
kada Ы imali zakljuCiti bilans konacnog racuna poslanice, moramo
nazalost konstatirati pasiv uz оуа dva losa rezultata: 1) Crkva se је .

Viktor Novak

the materia1 we1lbeing of the wh01e popu1ation. 1he Most Reverend,

1 assume that уои are weH informed about the Sok01s. 1he lines Ье­
fore уои are written Ьу а priest who has worked hard аН his life and
who has а 10ng memory. 1 ат deep1y convinced that it was not ratio-
na1 of the Catholic Episcopate in Yllgos1avia to adopt а negative at-
titude against the Sok01s of the Кingdom of Yugos1avia because this
decision had а negative effect, detrimenta1 to the Catholic Church.
1he undersigned, together with Bishop Uccellini, Dr. Spinchitch,
Member of Parliament, Msgr. Kotnig, Dr. Rachky and some other
priests fe1t that he had to public1y condemn that attitude. 1he un-
dersigned did it Ьу making а statement for POLIТIKA of the 3-rd of
February, 1933 and in the Senate оп the 29-th of November of the
same year, primarily for re1igious reasons. After the reading of the
Epist1e реор1е in the Western part of ош country got so agitated and
embittered against the Cath01ic Church that they were ready to give
ир the Cath01ic and adopt the Orthodox religion in case аН Cath01ic
priest support the Epist1e. It did not happen thanks to the fact that
over SO % of Cath01ic priests, partic1l1ar1y those from the coasta1 area,
did not read the Epist1e, considering it out of р1асе and fata1 because
they understood the implications. 1hey were aware of its politica1
aims and religion was on1y а screen. A1so, the Epist1e was announced
at the most inappropriate moment when from Zagreb and Ljubljana
some RESOLUТIONS and PUNCTUATONS were 1aunched calling
for the administrative division of Yugos1avia into units independent
of the centra1 administration in Be1grade. According to that concept
Zagreb is to Ьесоте the See of the Cath01ic Church in the country.
Such redistribution and division wou1d Ье detrimenta1 to the state
and nationa1 unity.
Реор1е аН over Yugos1avia protested against the Epist1e, the
Sok01s in particu1ar. After one year the effect of the Epist1e is the f01-
10wing: 1) From the point of view of the State the Cath01ic Church
is an unreliable factor destroying everything the state is trying to
build, inc1uding the Sok01s, the organization fighting for the unity of
Yugos1avia, whose Leader is the Heir to the 1hrone PetarII, himse1f;
2) Ву refusing to bless the Sok01 flags the Catholic Church alienates
а great number of young реор1е, members of the Sok01s, spirituaHy
devoted to their С1шrс11. 1his means that the overaH politica1 and
re1igious effect of the Epist1e was on1y detrimenta1 to the Cath01ic
Church. Later оп the Episcopate realized that fact and now it а1-
10ws the blessing of the Sok01s provided they make а short public
Magl1um crimel1 ХУ

katolicka izloZila pred drzavom kao nepouzdani Cinbenik, koji hoce

da rusi опо sto drzava dize, naime organizaciju Sokola kao ustanovu
koja se bori za jedinstvo drzave pod vrhovnim starjesinom u osobi .
prijestolonasljednika Petra: 2) Uskracuje blagoslov zastave Sokola,
odalecuje se od crkve nasa omladina koja se okuplja u sokolskim
cetama, а koja је u svojoj dusi prozeta iskrenim vjerskim cuvstvom.
Dakle ni u vjerskom ni u politickom pogledu katolicki episkopat nije
nista postigao sa опот poslanicom, nego је dapace tim neopreznim
korakom nehotice nanio stete crkvi. О tome se је, mislim, episkopat
kasnije potpuno uvjerio i odustao od svoje prve odluke i zabrane te
danas dopusta da se obavi blagoslov sokolskih ceta uz nekoje for-
malne izjave sa strane Sokola. То је vrlo dobro uCinio episkopat, jer
је nasa glavna pastirska svrha da mladost dovadamo u crkvu, а пе
da је od пје odbijamo. Zdrav razum ipak prevladuje. Nedavni govor
preuzvisenog dakovackog biskupa dr. Antuna AksamoviCa, prigo-
dom posvete Sokolskog doma u Petrovaradinu, pridigao је moral
u narodu i uvjerenje da crkva katolicka nije neprijateljica narodnih
ustanova, kojima је сНј da rade za jedinstvo i konsolidaciju kraljevi-
пе Jugoslavije. .V
Prije zavrsetka ovoga pisma dozvolite mi, Preuzviseni, da se оЬа­
zrem па nekoje historicke dogadaje iz nedavne proslosti, koji mogu
sluziti zgodnom uputom za promatranje nasih danasnjih politickih
prilika u Jugoslavij i. tIj~tQrij~ је vеlikачйtе1јiса zivota. Опо sto se
dogodilo pri koncu toga vijeka а zavrsilo pred samih pet godina u
Italiji, moze i пата katolicima u Jugoslaviji уеота dobro poukom
sluziti, kako сето udesiti polozaj i odnosaj crkve napram razvi-
tku drzave. Iza velikog prevrata u Francuskoj, za nekoliko decenija
slijedila је ogorcena borba glede oblika drzavne vladavine izmedu
monarhista i republikanaca. Crkva katolicka, ро svojoj naravi kon-
zervativna, pristajala је uz stari rezim (rojalista) i zalagala se za то­
narhiju, doCim se ogromna уеапа naroda izjavila za republikanski
sistem. Iako је Francuska sva katolicka, ipak је narod isao па drugu
stranu, od cega је nastao sukob i prijetila је pogibelj razdora medu
katolicima, kada је stupio па stolicu Svetog Petra mudri poglavar
crkve Leon XIII, koji је definitivno rijesio оуо pitanje i naredio fran-
cuskim biskupima da priznadu republikanski sistem vlade, ali da па­
stoje па izborima da udu u пји ljudi, koji песе biti neprijatelji vjere i
crkve. Тiт se uspostavila ravnoteza izmedu crkve i drzave.
Za doba preporoda u Italij i takoder se vodila zestoka borba
izmedu crkve i drzave iza kako se је godine 1870. ujedinila Italija, а
Viktor Novak

statement. This is not а good decision of the Episcopate because our

main pastoral duty is to attract young people under the wing of our
Church, and not to alienate them. Соттоп sense has prevailed.
ТЬе recent address of the Right Reverend Dr. Antun Akshamovitch
(Aksamovic), Bishop of Djakovo, at the consecration of the Sokol
Center in Pertovaradin produced а positive effect оп the population
as а proof that the Catholic Church is not а hostile institution and
that its aim is to work in favor of the unity and consolidation of the
Кingdom of Yugoslavia.
Before concluding this letter al10w те, the Most Reverend to
mention а few historical events from our recent past, which тау Ье
important for the evaluation of the political situation in Yugoslavia
today. History is а great teacher. What happened at the end of the
previous century and culminated in Italy only five years ago тау
Ье а good lesson to us, Catholics living in Yugoslavia and help us
adopt the appropriate attitude towards the development of the State.
Several decades after the historical change in France а very embit-
tered fight over the form of state government was waged between the
Monarchists and Republicans. Essentially conservative the Catholic
Church supported the old Royal regime and called for the restora-
tion of Monarchy, whereas the overwhelming majority of popula-
tion gave its support to the republicans. In spite of being Catholics
the French decided to support the opposite side which gave rise to
а conflict threatening to develop into а great chasm between the
Catholics. When the wise Leo ХIII was elected Роре he solved the
problem Ьу ordering the French Bishops to recognize the republican
system and then use their very best efforts to prevent the election of
people hostile to the Catholic church and religion. In this way the
balance was established between the Church and the State.
ТЬе Renaissance in Italy is also marked Ьу vehement conflicts
between the Church and the State. After the unification of Italy in
1870 when the secular state of the Роре was abolished until 1929,
which means full 60 years in Catholic Italy the struggle was also
waged for the restoration of the secular state of the Роре, against
the unity of Italy. ТЬе public knows what NON EXPEDIТ MEANS
PROHIВIТS the Catholics to participate in the politicallife of Italy
and the elections called for the Italian government which the Vatican
did not recognize. In Catholic papers such as: UNIТA CATOLICA in
Torino, CIVIТA CATOLICA, in Rome and others openly discussed
this issue, particularly in case of а war in Europe involving Catholic
Magnum crimen XV

papinska svjetovna drzava ukinuta. Od te dobe ра do 1929. godine,

dakle punih 60 godina u katolickoj Italiji vodila se borba za uspo-
stavu papinske svjetovne drzave а protiv jedinstva Italije. Poznat је
javnosti "Non expedit" kojim se zabranjivalo katolicima da ne su-
djeluju ni u politickim ni u administrativnim izborima italijanske
vlade, koju Vatikan nije htio priznati. U katolickim novinama "Unita
Catolica" u Torinu, "Civita Catolica" u Rimu i druge otvoreno su
raspravljale to pitanje u slucaju kakove ratne konflagracije u Evropi,
racunalo se па vojnu intervenciju katoliCke Spanjolske, Francuske i
Austrije, da oruzal1om silom izvojste papinsku drzavu. Potpisani је
Ыо u Italiji godil1e 1888. i deset godina kasnije 1898. imao је prigode
da govori s uglednim crkvenim licima i doznav za njihove politicke
nazore, koji su se sastojali u ovome: provesti konfederaciju bivsih
talijanskih pokrajina Pijemonta, Venecije, Romanje, Napulja itd. Sa
vrhovnim poglavicom rimskim рарот, а proti jedinstvenoj Italiji
pod dinastijom Savoja. Nesto sliCno kao sto hoce, toboze, i nasi fede-
ralisti, koji traze samostalnu Hrvatsku, Sloveniju, Srbiju, Bosnu itd. а
ne jedinstvenu Jugoslaviju.
Као u Francuskoj tako i u Italiji borba је dala sasvim negativan
rezultat za katolicku crkvu. Od раре Pija Х koji је ukinuo "Non ех­
pedit", uvjerila se Sveta Stolica, da је ta borba uzaludna i neuspjesna,
dapace stetna za crkvu te је u februaru 1929. godine рара Pio ХI sklo-
pio u Rimu Lateranski ugovor sa danasnjom italijanskom vladom
Mussolinija, odrekao se prijasnjih zahtjeva u pogledu papinske drza-
ve, priznao jedinstvo kraljevine Italije, ograniCio se па "grad Vatikan
(Citta di Vaticano)", koji uziva potpunu teritorijalnu samostalnost.
Тот prigodom рара је odlikovao najveCim ordenom predsjednika
vlade Mussolinija i nazvao ga је "providencijalnim covjekom", sto је
znao rijesiti ovo pitanje koje је zadavalo teskih briga i sukoba Svetoj
Stolici. Тreba zabiljeziti da su Francuska i Italija eminentno katolicke
drzave, sto nije slucaj kod nas u Jugoslaviji.
Na pogled ovih eklatantnih primjera iz nedavne historije, za-
sto, Preuzviseni, da mi Hrvati katolici bez ikakva razloga izaziva-
то borbu u jednoj drzavi, gdje nam је potpuno zajamcena sloboda
vjeroispovesti. >1- Ima li ikakva razloga da podrzavamo neku dusevnu
* U verziji ovoga teksta, koji је prosao drugu korekturu, ОУа гесепјса је, posle reCi vjeroispovijesti,
prekinuta. Ти је stavljena tacka. Medutim, u tekstu ргјргетlјепот za ргуи korekturu, posle гесј
vjeroispovijesti stoji zapeta, ра se ta гесепјса nastavlja sledeCim гесјта: "gdje јтато uzoritog Уlа­
dara iz narodne dinastije, koja iako пјје pripadnik katolicke crkve, ipak kao sin оуе zemlje jednako
plemenitim srcem osjeca za vjernike jedne i druge crkve, sto оп svaki dan dokazuje пе samo гјјесјта

Viktor Novak

Spain, France and Austria, in view of establishing the secular state of

the Роре Ьу military force. In that regard ап Agreement was signed
in 1888 and in 1898 Ьу outstanding representatives of High Clergy
who shared the same political attitude. 1heir intention was to estab-
lish а confederation of the former Italian regions: Piemonte, Venezia,
Romagna, Napoli, etc. ТЬе Роре would Ье at the head of this соп­
federation, which was against the united Italy under the Crown of
the Savoy Dynasty. Ош federalists wish something similar. ТЬеу саН
for ап independent Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia, etc. and are
against the united Yugoslavia.
Both in France and Italy the results of the conflict were negative
for the Catholic Church. Pius Х abolished the NON EXPEDIТ. ТЬе
Holy See realized the futility of such conflicts as detrimental to the
church. In February 1929 Pius Х! signed in Rome the LATERAN
TREATIES with Mussolini, relinquishing аН previous requests with
regard to the establishment of the Papal state, recognized the unity
of the Italian Кingdom and limited his territory to the CIТY ОР
ТНЕ VAТICAN (Citta di Vaticano) with ex-territorial status. Оп
that occasion the Роре decorated the Prime Minister Mussolini
with а medal of the highest order and caHed Mussolini "а Мап of
Providence", who knew how to solve this difficult issue and а source
of conflict within the Holy See as weH. It should Ье recaHed that
France and Italy are predominantly Catholic states, which is not the
case in Yugoslavia.
ТЬе Most Reverend, why we, Croats-Catholics, do not fol1ow
these historical examples and stop making problems to the country
which ful1y guarantees or religious freedom.'" Is there а valid reason
for ош support to the spiritual split to the detriment of consolida-
tion of ош state and thus play in the hands of ош hostile neighbors?
Is there апу justification for the Catholic Church to make impru-
dent statements which bring about frictions and conflicts, instead of
disseminating the teaching of the Holy Bible and promoting реасе,
brotherly love and culture, which is its sacred duty?

* In the second edited version this sentence is cut after the word RELIGION. In the first version after
RELIGION the text goes оп ... "we have ап exemplary Ruler from а national Dynasty, who is not а
Catholic, but as а son of this country јп his generous heart he does not make апу difference between
the two religions, which he proves not опlу Ьу his words, but also Ьу his charitable deeds Ьу аЬuп­
dantly subsidizing the Catholic Church and Catholic institutions." This favorable view about Кing
Aleksandar was expressed опlу eight days before his assassination јп Marseilles to someone who
obviously did not like it and was јп а position to eliminate it from the final version of MAGNUM

Magnum crimen ХУ

podvojenost па stetu drzavne konsolidacije а па zadovoljstvo nasih

neprijatelja u susjedstvu~ Ima li smisla da se neopreznim izjavama
daje povoda trvenjima i sukobima sa strane katolicke crkve, koja је
kao bozanska ustanova vijesnica evandelja, Kristove nauke mira,
bratske ljubavi i sveopce civilizacije u narodu, kakovu опа siri ро
Citavom krugu zemaljskome~
Mi se пе smijemo odreCi nasih tradicija i proslosti. Nase је kato-
licko svecenstvo od vajkada, od prvog Ilirskog pokreta godine 1835.
do danas, dakle kroz Citavo jedno stoljece, od biskupa dakovackog
Јшја Strossmayera, prvog zasnovatelja jugoslavenske drzavne misli
do zagrebackog nadbiskupa dr. Ante Bauera, odvaznog branitelja te
misli, dok је kao аап srpsko-hrvatske koalicije Ыо u delegacijama
u Pesti i saboru u Zagrebu, stajalo је uvijek nase rodoljubno i pozr-
tvovno svecenstvo па braniku narodne slobode, dok smo robovali
pod tudim jarmom, ра tu plemenitu tradiciju domovinske ljubavi
treba da sacuvamo, njegujemo i ucvrstimo u danasnjoj nasoj drzavi
Jugoslaviji kada smo se tog jarma, Bogu hvala, za uvijek oslobodili.
Neka dakle nasa Katolicka Akcija bude upucena u duhu naseg sla-
vnog dakovackog biskupa: "Sve za vjeru i domovinu!"
Necu vise da duljim i Vama oduzimljem dragocjeno vrijeme. U
najboljoj namjeri da nikome пе nanesem uvrede, ра bilo i пајтапје
а samo crkvi i otadzbini da iskazem svoju odanost, napisao sam ove
retke, koje blagoizvolite, Preuzviseni, proCitati kad nadete shodna
vremena, te ukoliko bude vrijedilo, uzeti па znanje i uvazenje.
Sa osjecajem najdubljeg postovanja biljezi se odani
Split, 1. oktobra 1934.
Zupnik u miru, senator kraijevine Jugoslavije
Frano Ivanisevic

Don Frano IvaniSeviC, koji је Citava zivota Ыо takoreCi па mrtvoj strazi i

svojim rodoljubivim shvacanjem svecenickih duznosti nastojao da pomogne
narodu, razjedinjenom vjerama, i da kroz svoj svecenicki poziv djeluje па si-
roke neprosvjecene mase u duhu Strossmayera, nije ni ovaj put imao srece da
ga mladi nadbiskup-koadjutor, о kome се biti vise govora u daljnjim pogla-
vljima shvati i da mu odgovori ро zelji i njegovu srcu. Nadbiskup Stepinac,

nego dobrotvornim djelima pruzajuCi iz svoje darezljive ruke obilne novcane potpore katoliCkim
crkvama i ustanovama?" Ovako povoljna ocena о kralju Aleksandru Karadordevicu, izrecena samo
osam dana pre atentata u Marselju, nekom, ko је svemocno uticao па konacnu verziju Magnum
crimen-a, zasmetala је, ра је ona, bez naznake izostavljena.

Viktor Novak

We must not reject ош tradition and ош past. Since the first

days of the Illyrian Movement in 1835 ош Catholic priest to date
have always defended ош national freedom while we were under
foreign yoke, which means during а period of а whole century, from
Strossmayer, the Вishop of Djakovo, the master brain of the idea of
Yugoslavism ир to Dr. Ante Bauer, Archbishop of Zagreb, а brave
supporter of that idea, and as member of the of the Serbo-Croatian
coalition was also member of the delegations to Budapest and the
Parliament in Zagreb. We should continue to foster that noble tra-
dition of love for the fatherland and consolidate it today when we
are living in ош own country and thanks God по longer under the
foreign yoke. Ош CATHOLIC ACТION should continue its ас­
tivities according to the slogan launched Ьу Bishop Strossmayer:
"Everything for the Faith and Fatherland!"
1 do not want to abuse any more оп Уош precious time. Му
intention was most honorable. 1 did not want to offend anyone, the
least ту Church and ту country. Ву writing these lines 1 only want-
ed to prove ту devotion. The Most Reverend, if уои have time to
read these lines and deem them useful 1 beg уои to take them into
With deepest respect,
Devoted yours
Retired priest and Senator оЈ the Кingdom оЈ Yugoslavia
Frano Ivanishevitch
Split, October 1, 1934.

Don Frano Ivanishevitch (Ivanisevic) as а priest and patriot, was using

his very best efforts to help the people divided Ьу religions and through his
pastoral work enlighten them in the spirit of Strossmayer. Unfortunately, the
young Archbishop-Coadjutor did not understand him and did not give him
the answer that would satisfy his heart. Archbishop-Coadjutor Stepinac, per-
forming that duty for only several months was still unknown to the relevant
circles. Не was not involved in any official activity. However, Archbishop-
Coadjutor did not deem it his duty to answer this letter, like аН other bish-
ops. This was the destiny of this promemoria, which like аН others, and оп
many other issues the priests-patriots have submitted to the attention of the
Vatican, simply because they were not in line with the policy of the Roman
Curia and the Captol, the See of the Archbishop of Zagreb. They had their
far reaching aims-to establish а state in which the Catholic Church would
Ье the only church and а supreme political factor. For them the end justified

Magnum crimen XV

Naslov izostavijenog poglavija

Тhe title page оЈ the omitted chapter

Viktor Novak

the means and therefore they accepted support from аН those who could
help them јп these efforts regardless of who they were. Less then seven years
later the developments will show how deep was the blunder of don Frano
Ivanishevitch, fostering the Utopian idea of Yugoslavism strongly supported
Ьу the Кing and the sincerity of aHeged Yugoslavism of Dr. Bauer which,
also at the time of Serbo-Croatian coalition was only а means for getting
the approval for his high position. When at the time of that coa1ition he did
not succeed to get the high nomination he tried to achieve it thanks to Вап
Tomashitch (Tomasic), supported Ьу Budapest and Vienna. Оп the other
hand, Dr. Bauer had support of the Jesuits because he strongly supported
their return before the Croatian Parliament (Hrvatski sabor) јп 1899. Тheir
support implied support of the Roman Curia, particularlyat the time of Pius
Х and his Secretary Cardinal Mery del Val.
It was just another јп а series of his disappointments. Тhis is а tragedy
of а great idea1ism destroyed Ьу upstarts who were not ир to his knee. Тhe
assassination of the Кing јп Marseilles has postponed the answer ad infini-
tum. After that tragic event the situation completely changed and clericalism
gained new impetus.

112 See the next chapter

Magnum crimen XV

koadjutor tek nekoliko mjeseci Ыо је jos svim krugovima velika nepozna-

nica. Jos se nikako nije pokazao па djelu. Medutim, nadbiskup-koadjutor
nije smatrao svojom duznoscu da па оуо pismo odgovori, kao sto to nisu
uCinili ni drugi biskupi. Dakle, i оуа је Spomenica prosla, kao i sve ostale koje
su se od rodoljubivog svecenstva ро raznim pitanjima upucivale и Vatikan.
Naprosto stoga, jer se takvi savjeti, ni takve тоЉе nisu ni ocekivali jer nisu
ЫН и skladu s principima crkvene politike koja је bila i ostala ista и Rimskoj
Kuriji kao i па zagrebackom Kaptolu, и zagrebackom nadbiskupskom dvo-
ru. Ти su imali cula samo za jedan dalekosezni сЩ jedne drzave, и kojoj се
katolicka crkva biti jedini i svemocni Cinilac. Odatle nastojanja, ра i ротоси
krajnjih sredstava, da se takav сЩ pomogne, ра od koga dolazio, ра та tko ga
izveo. Nece proCi ni sedam godina, i ozivotvorenje njegovo се pokazati koli-
ko је don Frano Ivanisevic Ыо и zabludama, i onda, kad se utopisticki uzdao
и jugoslavensku misao koju је dinastija propagirala, kao i и jugoslavenstvo
dra Ante Bauera, koje је i и vrijeme hrvatsko-srpske koalicije bila prosto ko-
njuktura kojom se dolazi do mitre. Kad to nije islo ротоси koalicije, uspjelo
је ротоси madarona Ьапа Tomasica, па Бјој se listi kandidirao, i svecano
propao, prije nego sto је stekao povjerenje i Peste i Веса. Povjerenje jezuita
уес је davno imao, braneCi njihov povratak и Hrvatsku, и hrvatskom saboru
1899. А imati пјЉоуо povjerenje, znaCilo је imati i povjerenje Rimske Kurije,
pogotovo и vrijeme Pija Х. i njegova kardinala-sekretara Mery del Vala.
Samo Don Frano IvaniseviC imao је da svojim ranijim razocarenjima
doda jos jedno поуо. U tome је i tragika jednog velikog idealizma, zgazenog
i pozlijedenog od skorojevica koji nisu ЫН dostojni ni da remena odrijese s
njegovih sandala. Atentat и Marseillesu odlozio је za uvijek odgovor - jer sad
se situacija sasvim iz osnova izmjenila - i klerikalcima su jos i vise porasla
krila. ll2

112 Vidi u slijedecem poglavlju.








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