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Oracle Learming Management

R12 : Set Appointment in Outlook


Author: Estelle Merzouk

Creation Date: October 4th 2009
Last Updated: October 4th 2009
Control Number: -
Version: 1


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04/10/09 Estelle Merzouk 1 Creation Document


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R12 : Set Appointment in Outlook Calendar Document Control ii

Company Confidential - For internal use only


Document Control .................................................................................................................. ii

Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
Purpose.............................................................................................................................. 1
Scope .................................................................................................................................. 1
Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 1
Setup Steps ............................................................................................................................... 2

Utilisation of the export button ............................................................................................. 8

Open and Closed Issues ......................................................................................................... 9

Open Issues ....................................................................................................................... 9
Closed Issues .................................................................................................................... 9

R12 : Set Appointment in Outlook Calendar Document Control iii

Company Confidential - For internal use only

This document describes the steps to follow to setup outlook in order to have an
appointment created in the outlook calendar.


From the Oracle White Paper : Configuring the iCalendar Export Feature in Oracle
HRMS Applications, published in June 2009, it is mentioned that iCalendar can be
updated by the following HRMS applications: Oracle SSHR, Oracle iRecruitment and
Oracle Learning Management.

The aim of this document is to provide a step by step training for Oracle Learning
Management thanks to an example.


The screen shots have been copied from an instance having the characteristics below
and the support was made of the documents mentioned below:

 Oracle Application 12.1.1.
 OLM: Patch: 7457054 -
 White Paper June 2009 : Configuring the iCalendar Export Feature in Oracle
HRMS Applications (Note 761563.1)
 MS Outlook 2000 SP3


At the end of this document the reader should be able to perform the setup in order
to have his calendar updated for the selected training.

R12 : Set Appointment in Outlook Calendar Introduction 1

Company Confidential - For internal use only

Setup Steps

Repair the data to insert in the appointment:

Log as Learner Self Service Responsibility.

Click on learner Home link.

On the Home page, scroll down and click on the “About this Page” link.

Click on Expand all

and scroll down until the “table : Enrollment” section to notice the way the elements
are written down.

table: Enrollments
messageStyledText: Course Name EventLaunchVO ActivityVersionName
messageStyledText: Class Name EventLaunchVO Title
messageStyledText: Start Date EventLaunchVO CourseStartDate messageStyledText:
Start Time EventLaunchVO CourseStartTime messageStyledText: End Date
EventLaunchVO CourseEndDate messageStyledText: End Time EventLaunchVO
CourseEndTime messageStyledText: Time Zone EventLaunchVO Timezone

R12 : Set Appointment in Outlook Calendar Setup Steps 2

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Scroll down and click on table "Return to Page: Learner Home"

Create the item with personalization:

Back to the Learner Home Page,
click on Personalize page Link (on top right corner of the page),
click on the Complete View radio button and then you can see the create Item available.

Click on Create Item icone and you will access this template :

R12 : Set Appointment in Outlook Calendar Setup Steps 3

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R12 : Set Appointment in Outlook Calendar Setup Steps 4

Company Confidential - For internal use only

fill it in in this way:

Details of the elements:

level Site,
ID: ColEstelle
Admin Personalization: true

destination URI: (Please note that we use the exact wording of the column View
attributes noticed earlier in the About page)

disable server side validation: false

Prompt: Export
Rendered: true
View Instance: EventLaunchVO (Please note that we use the exact wording of the
column View Object noticed earlier in the About page)

R12 : Set Appointment in Outlook Calendar Setup Steps 5

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Click on Apply.

The image “Export” is now visible in the personalization table in this way:

To view the details, click on the second pencil. To view the personalization details click on the first
pencil and you will obtain this page:

Back on the learner Home Page: the export button is displayed at the end of the enrollment details line:

R12 : Set Appointment in Outlook Calendar Setup Steps 6

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R12 : Set Appointment in Outlook Calendar Setup Steps 7

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Utilisation of the export button

On OLM Side :
After having clicked on the export icone, you see this window:

On Outlook side:
you are prompt for the appointment creation:

Once the appointment is created you can see it in the calendar:

R12 : Set Appointment in Outlook Calendar Utilisation of the export button 8

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Open and Closed Issues

Open Issues

Closed Issues
1. You get the following error message when clickin on export button:

This error occurs when the parameters used for the creation of the calendar
appointment are not present in the current class enrollment.
In our example, based on an In-door training, we used some columns which aren’t
used for an online training. By clicking on Export icone on the enrollment line
corresponding to an online training, this error will occur.
To correct this, pay attention to use data which are relevant in both cases.

R12 : Set Appointment in Outlook Calendar Open and Closed Issues 9

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