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First Semester, AY 2018-2019
Midterm Examination
GE MATH- Mathematics in the Modern World
I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer before the number. Strictly NO ERASURES.

1. It is the set of all elements in the collection.

a. Subset b. set c. Union d. Intersection
2. Is a group of collection of objects or numbers, considered as an entity unto itself?
a. Subset b. set c. Union d. Intersection
3. What characteristics or attribute of subjects or objects that is used for naming, labeling, and
categorizing only.
a. Nominal Numbers b. Ordinal Numbers c. Interval numbers d. Ratio Numbers.
4. It refers to the characteristics of subject or subjects that is used for ranking and ordering.
a. Nominal Numbers b. Ordinal Numbers c. Interval numbers d. Ratio Numbers.
5. What fundamental form of reasoning that the logical process in which premises, all believed
to be true or found true most of the time are combined to obtain a specific conclusion.
a. Deductive b. Inductive c. Log ic d. Reasoning
6. The drawing of inferences or conclusions from known or assumed facts.
a. Deductive b. Inductive c. Logic d. Reasoning
7. A researcher is using data gathered on a group to describe or reach conclusions about the
same group, the statistics that are used is called
a. Descriptive b. Inferential c. Deductive d. Inductive
8. What graphical presentation that consist of bars either vertically or horizontally and usually
constructed for comparative purposes.
a. Line graph b. pie chart c. table presentation d. Bar graph
9. What type of measure being used to describe a data set which yields information about the
center or majority of a group of numbers?
a. Measures of central Tendency c. Measures of Dispersion
b. Measures of Relative Position d. Linear Regression
10. It tells where data values fall within the ordered set.
a. Measures of central Tendency c. Measures of Dispersion
b. Measures of Relative Position d. Linear Regression
11. What statistical technique used to determine the degree to which two variables are related?
a. Measures of Relative Position c. Measures of Dispersion
b. Linear Regression d. Correlation
12. It is also called Pearson's correlation or product moment correlation
a. Linear Regression c. Simple Correlation coefficient
b. Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient d. Multiple Regression
13. Which of the following is the algebraic statements for Thrice the difference of twice a number
and one is four.
a. 3x-2x=4 b. 3(2x-1)=4 c. 3-2x-1=4 d. 3x(2-1)=4
14. Which of the following is the mathematical statements for Twice the difference of twelve and
four is sixteen.
a. 2x(12-4) =16 b. 2x-12-4=16 c. 2(4-12)=16 d. None of These

15. What number would you divide by to calculate the mean of 3, 4, 5, and 6?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 3 d. 6
16. What measure of central tendency is calculated by adding all the values and dividing the sum
by the number of values?
a. Mean b. median c. mode d. Typical Value
17. The mean of four numbers is 71.5. If three of the numbers are 58, 76, and 88, what is the
value of the fourth number?
a. 64 b. 60 c. 76 d. 82
18. Which of the following measures can be determined for quantitative data?
a. Mean b. Median c. Mode d. All of these
19. Which of the following measures can have more than one value for a set of data?
a. Mean b. Median C. Mode d. None of these
Document Code No. FM-SSCT-MMCAT-007

OF TECHNOLOGY Effective Date 01 January 2019

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20. A set of four numbers that begins with the number 32 is arranged from smallest to largest. If
the median is 35, which of the following could possibly be the set of numbers?
a. 32, 32, 36, 38 b. 32, 35, 38, 41 c. 32, 34, 36, 35 d. 32, 36, 40, 44

For numbers 21-23. Convert the following algebraic expression and mathematical expression to
English sentences. Write your final answer on the space provided.
21. 12x=10-2 ___________________________________________________
22. 3(11-5)=18 ___________________________________________________
23. 2(x-1)/ 3 = 5 ___________________________________________________

For numbers 24-36. Solve the following problems. Write your answers at the back portion of this
page. Show all the pertinent solution.

24-25. Every person at a party of twenty eight people said “hello’ to each other people at the
party exactly once. How many “hello’s” were said at the party? Solve this Problem using Polya’s
Problem-Solving Steps. (2pts)

26-28. The mean weight of five complete computer stations is 167.2 pounds. The weights of four
of the computer stations are 158.4 pounds, 162.8 pounds, 165 pounds, and 178.2 pounds
respectively. What is the weight of the fifth computer station? (3pts)

29-36. Cell phones, computers, and televisions have now improved so rapidly that to make use
of the latest technological breakthroughs, people have replaced and discarded most of the
electronic equipment they possess. The discarded items end up in landfills where the chemicals
from batteries and other electronic parts add poisonous substances to the environment. The
following table shows the amount of tonnage of the most common types of electronic equipment
discarded in 2015.

Electronic equipment Thousands of Tons Discarded

PCRT TV’S 751.1
CRT Monitors 38.8
Printers, Keyboard, Mice 32.9
Desktop Computers 25.5
Laptop Computers 3.8
Projection TV’s 12.8
Cell phones 0.7
LCD Monitor 0.9

Present and analyze the data using the bar graph and pie chart. (8pts)

For 37-38. Use variables to rewrite the following sentences more formally. Write your answer on
the space provided below.
a. Are there numbers with the property that the sum of their squares equals the square
of their sum?
b. Given any real number, its square is non negative.
For 39- 43. Fill in the blanks to rewrite the following statement: For all real numbers x, if x is non
zero then x2 is positive.

a. If a real number is non zero, then its square ____________________________.

b. For all nonzero real numbers x, _____________________________________.
c. If x _____________________________, then __________________________.
d. The square of any nonzero real number is _____________________________.
e. All nonzero real numbers have______________________________________.
44-50. Construct 7 syllogism that manifest a real-life scenario.


Instructor I – Temporary

Checked by: REX C. LEGASPI, MIT

Program Chair, BS Info.Tech
Document Code No. FM-SSCT-MMCAT-007

OF TECHNOLOGY Effective Date 01 January 2019

Page No. 3 of 3

Answer Key
GE MATH- Mathematics in the Modern World

Midterm Examination

I. Multiple Choice
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. D
15. A
16. A
17. A
18. D
19. C
20. C
21. Twelve times a number is equal to the difference of ten and two.
22. Thrice the diffrence of eleven and five is eigthteen.
23. The ratio of twice the sum of a number and one, and three is equal to five.
24-25. 378
26-28. 172
29-36. answer may vary.
37. Are there numbers a and b with the property that a2+b2 =(a+b)2?
Or: Are there numbers a and b such that a2+b2 =(a+b)2?
Or: Do there exist any numbers a and b such that a2+b2 =(a+b)2?
38. Given any real number r, r2 is nonnegative.
Or: For any real number r, r2 greater than 0.
Or: For all real numbers r, r2 greater than 0.
44-50. Answer may vary.

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