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cubs corypRogvaphy : nletwork Cecurity and Cyber Lawe cuptede* lees6l Module -1 1.a, What is cyber attack Describe the main motives of launching cyber attacks. (05marks) Ak Cyber REROEK th any Eype of offensive maneuver employed by tndividuals ov whole orqant gations fhat= EargteA computes Jalormation SHEE iofrask recurs and personal computey device, by vartous Meant Ff malicioy aces usually originating from an anonymout Source that either skeale, alee ov destroys & spectired kargek Le hacking into @ gugcephible sytem , | computer NeEworks wt on Computer creyberattock th lho Kaan a Comp se packs Re cases) ON ag sa aa rete. talormabson .~ y Thee of sem s ce & Communicake semitive ialormation Oe oP prance tery dened oF ween ue can be hugely advankeqcon to @ company's Ce leaeee eeu, deketls of eli Beery: imkallation of Preetaes a ustetary. past con be of immense Value Eo Nattons Adve a Uy rdenkiey there > Lemtagqe ef persenst snhormadton cuch as credti: Numbers , pwnwords and even personal spendin commen & Such tafprmation in ad verterts 4 haben ave. webstEes & May be purchased 4® on cexkaty fer & Smal fee. 4 ptnupkion of cuwice 7 Takermuption or drArupkion Seavice an ocqontgations cenveu so they are vendercd unavaltable, En vecent times, there have been unconfirmed weparks of such abkacks berng Launched by busine Mivats of €-commeree WEBSTERS + th Launched again i ¥% Tllegat accom bo ov wre of Rerourcer The grat here TS bo obbatn free acter ov Service ko paid gewiees. eramptes of HAA producke such oh fame on Someone elhe'k eke account: , ree ose of toclude free ACER ko onktne digital Maga tine or fournal areicter , free bath ecctount , fee Bale Efme on comeone, Compuling ROWE OO & SuPerConputry i Lb Illustrate the Working of Hill cipher and apply the same cipher method to find ciphertext for the given plaintext P=[SAMPLE], k= [3 7 j and block size is2 (06 Marks) 15 12 til Cipher se anetfer polyalphabebre expher proponed by Laker RAGA 88 aes the vigenere capher, the plaikert Tx broken inte blecty Tze vn + However key to fe HIM cipher chon mxm metxte } Tnkegere blu o and oc EE SS Se Chovacters Tm ie Platotert & bee C1,Ca. te cowesponding chavacters in the cipherteve — Eom “wepreten, —7 TO compute {he Ciphevteuk , we map each alphabel to an Takeger. we we ie Mapping Aso, Bol - zoae The velationship biw block of ploteieet “& ThA cipherteer TA eupremed by Cpe PK Hh Kay t= Pekin mod ac cae Be Kin tPakaat -- == Pm tma mod a¢ em = Pe Kim t Pa Kam + —- = Pm mm mod ac Thin can be conveniently “rikten a4 | caek where GR axe TES VecOre Comresponding Eo the plamnéey ee ciphertext VeHpeceiwety Kom te ARE HEM MALVIL comprising the key > Ate the Necetver end, the plasntret can be recovered from fee enphertavk by sing e ert & P= ToaMpLel K-f 3 + we Lk Me & PL ts al = [ie oJ qe ere Le of [R « c,= Ts 186} mod ac qe CX asl -=[e »\ Cre Le wh Pe TMPT- fra tel Cos Pak = fra ic} I; 1 Ir ia| cas [d61 den} mod ag cae Lt u Ca= [eR E) be- Ee EjJ= fu 4} cage Cu ad [3 + Ce 13| coe Las tas med 9g w=Le oy -Levi lotntetk a SAMPLE Crphecterk > CwREPV 1c Define the followii iii.Fields_iv.Polynomial fields v:Polynomiat prea be group G, comebines denoked by AG, ey tha See of elemenks with @ braary operation denoted by FH quavcial dened. Poly Ca.b) of Elements bey HO each OFF an elemene Caeby in ste —that= the {ovlovs? ro, 7 . Quinny Ye obeyed . Rings venga ERC crit ey where + and e are | benary © exations and Rt & see cattafy eng ro \puowtng proper - © LRT ih GO commutakive qoup, The Addi ete. Toenkiey fh destqnated a 8. yeahs bh ed eR tek? ty a comma kolive wing woth the 3 . L additonal opener « . : fpr 64 eye tae (deroked by 0) axatine hos & quant PUES a J ee rdenti HY SAVE worm O (the adtt ce ceueetle ee fe 5) eath erenene SO gentted get, sucn that . mw he paver © evemenk 7 qietet a t te one form puttenticakton fx the humble pareoord he wer first enbktys hislher Login mame. by romping. challenges the PRES a Alter su ceessful sautfeneication , & Subject ix legged tntD the Spkem . The subjeck troy need Ko acces several Resounces Such ay phe. ony made 10 Yerponte EP Subjteg | | the authoct gation deciai free gratned & oni | Yequath fer voruour WeROURCER ATE | mode alter auttenkication hax been cuccernpu lly completed EL.- yntveoutiy btbrexg | Student Can Any Member Of, the focuthy, sent or eee ete enter the Ltbyaxy by productng valid. uni so here rp casd ih He mechaniim Jor nffenifcation sh the Cpcoad th vad & belong to the valtd Member then will be decided ay that Nember ay Autfortaed Peror Then we ostll Give @ chance for Hak puitfori zed perton to Recon tHe vetouxte (itbrary book) The Mato principle of ACCeM control determi res “who ae Sheuld be able Eo Aces tohabl. b) Daka prokecizion +. — The dak to kramiE oy tn Storage need to be Protected ¥ confidentialtey t- eae ple of confidentiality spect fies Hak only He cendey | 7 qi fhe content of @ Menage ~ Chawtdnnk be veodable bY an * Dake inkegrity data tn Hanmtk stouldnok be tempered with or modified tntruder ettRey toadverkenkly ov by walicrou, otertgn eof Rout | berng detected . > when the contents of @ € ave chamed afkey the cendey sends tk, bub before Th reachs the tnkended | cectpiente , we Say Rak fhe Enkeqrtby of, He Meoge 74 oct - « stmiloaty Here are a Humber of tnbegrity check secnmquy Hak moy be used the Mock Seceme of ce th the cryptograehte checkcuny” oe ee dy Sender compukes Re Checksum of a one-way functton oy the morage g Secret- Te Eramm? He Memagqe & Checksum af The Recetver alho compuker the Checksum . Ef the Compuked checksum Notther that Yecetved , the TeECe ren nanctuder Hhak there Ph Mo error fa the weceived Menage, C) Prevention and petection > Cocke beak a w ing ih Wad to detect vulnevabtibies eck bot tering ix employed when te courncecede of a Proyrem th Rok early available b In thin cove Carefully crafted % pute are bed “running program . The weaponte of the wenntng Koy SS GS there > For qreakey Assurance of Ceewu & Colts a kerking should be crnpioyet ofwore , white bow ad) Response + Recovery and Eovenica rap cay > ence. an Attack hax been dekecked , Response m ghoutd be swittl aken. Thre freludty shell tag down all or park of the Syatem. tng @ worm epidemic, the tnecked Parte oy the > du ankined & Necemany patches | Speer Ghoul be Yr | appied- aHempic Leave bingerprtnta care Many fnkxurioo = ‘4 dow, at the Creme ike . Juke ao cxtminal ber Eoverscch TH an Emerging dincipttne WIA a that help Hroceback fhe perpetrator = 1 cet of, Fools oh, cyber CREME 2.b.Encipher the text message “SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN” with one-time pad text “GOVERNMENT OF INDIANS” using vernam cipher techniques. (04 Marks) CHH BHARAT aBnrya N plotatere Suwa g ard att 1 Eo le Otq OL FR AYO (2 Plointevt 1 Value oneking go VERN MENT CE TNDLAN C Dod tk | r lg onekme , GW AL IF 124 ho 1 tus SL3POKR pad Valuer ay gg arG oy ao te Ul 1B So ty ay eth 0 Sum 16 Bh LS 34 caper tere = YRVGYYUR a KQYNE Zao 2.¢ Explain Feistel structure and round function of DES algorithm.(06 marks) Fieskel Struckeste, een aa pes ures efffey SG or lor ey Evantbormed fnko cipherted: DES block St3e 7A Chih Ss. & single block o planter CA afeey ROMA, through the {otiovotg. Stage. we hn Entiat permutation, | 5 nction ap (6 rouNsS 4 qrven fene 7 | gan Lperes Ty | we A BABE Late nveghE Stoap ak final pormabetion . note cH Tathial Permaketion ] cH Roundy Enerypeion [eat Ferstston | en by Stngle Pound. 44, DES a guaqr to DES Eneeyption > Eath of te IG wounds tA functionally ftalentical, Such an | ckevaletve deiqn fs econom: ea| fern Me Pe vcpec kitve 4 Chie BYea oY code Cie - the plainkevk bloc ih divided Toko & halve, | i P LEVE REL fe Pamer trough U6 Younde to get cipreneet, to arRe gerusERe of Path DES yeund HE enter Lek Ltr anol Rr be tre Lhe & Wiqghe halves a the Eapuk to wound f. Lis @-1 eee Lt © (RIA. Ke) fon £ ta applied at each voand iA rehernee d bo wy Kyound funthion. EaCh wound user a ound key the TAPUkA Ko fF. Each yound Kea cy devive: Tee. Ae which fh one of from the DES Key. > The proces of decay pkion tnvolver obketning Leet RAE from Le and eg. Evecution proceeds from bebtem ke kop Th gummariged by the, fotlousing equatvony RW-r= Li roe RF OECLI, kt) yp & cipher tat hay Suth @ Skruckure 1A seferred ko ate Scetstel cipher? —_————— Round henchon junction Pavolver 4 Operattons | de Cound 3 Etpankion = © with the round Kea > cubikietton —> permutation 5 The Mpet to He kound function ih er * ek to TH, & 89 bre quaakity » This ws first expanded Inky UPbi EA by Vepeats, some bthh & Tnkey chang tng they posttvong 4 ne ug-bite panBey th then @ed [koe with] the. reand YR. The btkA in a yoand key ave a lund bie tm the original sobre Rey \ ” Me 2 a Renee The © [eeed aperation %4 divided into 1 GbE Chenks. Eath Chank th cubstibuked ly bik Chant, A bokal 4 ¢ dittesent ¢-borer Ptovi de’ Sa g cubskikutions - a > H&M S- bor TA tmplemented wstag oa WX LC attey Each you of te ary Pe permukerti : ‘ ‘routs a “4 Ps extion a Re Numbers “> Tw. biEA of the ith chunk Serve ag a row index into fie tt Beble & the semazntrg Meier tolumn Tndet i tapuk tA = OLLOO ae ~. " Lot bTER OF rows tadet & eve WE have select: grck & guradte BERS OTe go OL TH HO Re 11007 column NO ie iy fe ia lo SHeKE CA KHOU ABUL Ce Module-2 3.a Perform encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm for P=3,q=11,e=7 and m=9 (05 Marks) i) Ke gensakor b= 3, Get n= P¥T= 2H {l= 82 aoa btn) = -O + qn) = oF w= 20 e- + ge i dts) vod Ot») edmod dln)= | = {a= ] pubic Key = dens 4 1387 priva ke Key = x dye 43.337 Were prion) See me mod n= ¢* mod 83 J cts [cephereert — ae —_—__ ic\ pp Decyeheo m= cd mod 9) — ich med 83 3.b Explain public key cryptography standard (PKCS). (04 marks) oS , {i Key Couplograply Stensterts (Picc3) PA She bo the prodlnrns sitar eal Ewa tana Kes Fo peck ta ME wil nom gro Pamefoom Lily bapre - ™ PorGreminey Eroviphiow = Th mumbin R potion g) kine Nendows bila Wao baern Lancarchyect. Sa tat Seem hoes wot ME rnbapat Hu monclor bik fa Lote —? Padding 1 also PospeAloud & Trdg Covtama Hate that Conn ee Quuisech: ie Onn etude Coutd. Hr plamdtiret Cmoryyt ib itl Ciphebeet qublick. Fey © Duck (ta ates F Ciphotext (oseigiw al Soiffecd Tes sone, Us mes é ge = emonyph Verity Py Mapeatit ontrt A atete rin fount Y LE oticekan, Rmorypiech Velen BBE anol Ciphat nt Sauget P bg ona & Bib I Slendando om PRES chmatopal by RE! =! KCS #1 2 Specpan The bmat ] Cacta block ty be aes Erowjprick by RSA T ne. a co 02 pap oo] Puaincerr, Or Lhovm Obows Ha bybo blocks afore At Come) Aboutd be 00 Pllownst Sy Gee oo byl 02 Gpllourelty ot Dial Cipit onclon, eroreyne bie orcas 0.6. “Tha Sus g Ker bon & Conpaseel g tah 00 te sug 4% sramchoon byte Srv tclecals tort of taba Fithow block, fa block 1% pookd with only 0 fee, Ciphalerl oot be only , function yor Ma Short ont ce only plewalat) 09 Bhovom beboes see gro pul Ped fw pack _q host fy 06 Sita donb hes Ho mead Were will bea fortron J ben” Short ome Padded ; [2022 — Roles) £2 Plat Short wety Rewrlons Syke [hale ¢ OMA, Ha ottaclans Neu aur to Guent not oak, Fe Kat wag bat aloo brown to gees Tudlomn by feo 7k PRES elon iaedute oByerstien —inlpavebnk Syrabac ifr, fron ont feck Date Otigilad Sigmatons Obata Eroutopis Ext enctal Cartidieatis eb 3.¢ Describe the properties of cryptographic Hash. TTL propantieo ff ao_folloua'— ” Che 004 propaty Given a lear vodun Y 6 towns 40 tha Samay 4) ten hoot Busta took KUO*Y: 7 Week Collis rom Stupor (07 Marks) Giver don iff Yalu %1) it 14 Compatalioneadl, ‘iopeat Fe ferct OrOlr i/P Vellum 2, kartrteat AGF h(a) ~ Showa Coddesion Radome TE ts Compuedtemally rmhoribt bo grok too pw Hy BX, Bar Hat houd= hOad ConQeront clifiveron; TE Sool it to Hs lfp meg Fliprcch, than Cool bh g q. Kat bin oF sfappash tote probubillyy Cee fe ox i : . A ctl charornecl hay forchow I emg | OP > pmb 190 + Hark Vea Polls ua. denalnn 0%) Hener Grn innfrarile Mo 4 HPata He Bomme hook voles « deg Gan ing qf Pate map to ve Ton Grom oe ok CoMbrroy. Poorer = 2) 4 Authbecl ¥ clallig Fo fred curorlirry vbuch K(%) = AGa) 1 RX hoy to be Aelachect Buds He h(a) = ho) ~ Hin Hes atterctean hoo te Lebar ty bo Choose % Tm Phong Colbrnronn Steashoanrcry So ee 4.a, IMustrate the working of Diffie-Helman key exchange protocol. : = Probie] Ditre- Herennw Key Exchawae Protecas 7 Comstdin hwo partes Aa B muad to a ma pom a Shond Sout Yor fog Botizon gtr Cosat Simiens rans im advent 68 B know beoe Gg Hadute P > GI ae Wary (He ARG) porbeipale Mia fttoasey &) wwsin B08 (a> Broom neg)? Thera PA Cheatd a-tondonn inlay a, eae P com p flaps a Keach “Fe in got fapore ag) Stale gulp —| Rum com & Cheesin & taddow flys bE PH oe, ate Smt peeatys PETTY) ap Uo On ici of Alamty : aa 4, B compen IF CE reed Pe ganesh fp Compuk(g med | te God 70> recdehg heety yh cpale “ated “fmt Cftomedpfia gebanod b Leen Wee Bat A 3B Shatia Cormows yy Grad fo = \+ 4.b.Describe how the SHA-1 hash of message is computed. (07Marks) Case Srupy: Syn al 1 Vek He thned heh Comttnnetre: TT gy 8 apt ele Mocks of 2Q8 Sia bas. Foy Mee ta mig mat be omoche | Lovgin J apts Mutipld Flare Pe deq he Buoy) omseeg & Seprurs fim binary 20° 644 by 7 Appencl te bu bit fo tas meg 2 eh nol Sect Moat toe Dngt Gotta mate ie Canty epact+ 6x) Metheny ee g te Crty tracks 60) TT pak hea Be fone Liou fy by the Stepennrel ems eb Oo Next « orgy Toswete satin i Povey Tastaligh Each. bho « Gpkck mdo Ib rwordd , adh 32.bit corde ( (6x3Q01- Sta bit) P Te U6 toondo popula Ka i (6 Positions , Coy tor 05: Lay, Jom ome J Bo course 7 Thy Durmeing 6h Hoorda om obtoruel D 0} =00,.,OV 2 Dn, OWiw 16 Cock bhodk GH Cmrg a rad + Regard weeny Weziege) } Coaute Hat Brvwend 99104 swing (1a 202}.409/80 ODO. 166 1 Freods it 4080 r -- i i Oy tite tg, Hemme Se + (St cee) +f) (82,85 Sw4 KH oe a ieee $6 RSS a B= 8H oT yo Shy Sy ess t (a —— SaeSa>22 | a Rye ' a S\e hemp = t so} —2 i oe rere 5! OF S{ HES Beet Relehsn J8ry5h> E Sr>2 densles Dokehon [82525 : Kj >Comtinta I Ig igge LOS S- ROSs Oe, > Sieg C8r, $3 si) (sa. ms3) v (ey nsny v (35 MS) als iggy i < "Gy S18.)- 828 sees, Gee \9 4. ¢.Give a detailed note on EL Gamal encryption. (04Marks) St Grama Emoryptioes PT vas a Jorge Pree numba PZ = qomnaton 4 mm " (2s) PEL GonaD print Ky 4 On inlga a Maer g ~? Pobbee Ve oy a bp (9 QL) hon of 1, he Emoyrtron Ky Colatetiol os da (hg, X) > bea Public hey J A Novo if B woomls to Sonck % Mepuge WO fo A’ then BR Emowpla am” Bo fatloons (™m Ten Somolo Coa) be A. Be Ae On meng Coren Ge RH ype. Clone oo eet Cera * Cg mol p- eh ee pnts P my A! Module 3 5.a. Describe in detail different Architectures in Public key Infrastructure(PKI). (06 Marks) SH PKL Aretattecture rea suns ® PKI votth BF Gle one) (H Hterorhteod (tre based) PRI quehfieclive UD Mesh boned Pet a Ae YH CAL ould eur rte feet, to multiple 0 FUE Uh. OL Gey Crabb any rad 4 Hae cere to communica euusely oahge witffeote e6tharged befioun am. 4) Each oe fa We RR a tert _relotfoneiip for eomeple org, fen tt oda Ur exprerre Ost jock that cat wouslit for Ore Panlte ray fe lee eekly cate tected by fae CAL to U2. Auk On arch ftecCiere. howerer & not scoleble: BY fhase ave dene ap melltons of Use oho moy aud cstryfadé y) ve & not practteat for Cat to teeus cestpfeader fo Hoon oll enpertally 4 wae pep sttpeabe eecus d & Aus One that repufver nth ocrgeound Uwekley- . » FA prackteot glutton 10 Wa problem 4 geal ont CAL earthy olmer CAS iho Sm cturn er tby £ to have av cae and £2 On Pant ne Hop oe a= oretettectire, Hrerarcntcal PR ae cat tees catty po CAD) G98, and CAH. fun CARA eerityteatie TO cas and end user US- uutpteohie 40 Veer Os and Ug. Ta advantape + CAS tars thik opp Go eoky Barat Uy each th __ responttal ov otter forty ating ed _sumber 9 wero ers ge aire cron oot (Cog Ceo cepued OO anchor. Ub & apes thet Every node ve We fe OTHE Fs Mu wot _cf’s_public by. ‘supyone Gy Us NA OS pubte by Osis wrttpfea _ & Rigned by CAG. Meat Oy Moy NOt have Uss public J key to verthy FE aiqnature on 05's aatipiaale . More over dow not tave atrat wlationhip flr cae. - B Ar in Or ae H Ingttad gq 2 eoage eesti faeurd by CAG veoushia & Ucr public bey, Us would have fo poride an entire chain. carifyfiatts —O% fpr. > Uyttyfeae — atgad by LAT wouctitng for CAS’S public Peay 2) ComTtfca Aigmed bY tas \ouchfng Gr CAe's publle Py 8) teitifali nad CAG Nourhihg ov Os'c publte ty node POR O eOpy By Tr TOO pothic ——— above Ces thyteate unain, Sr cartepeeati vache ay ee & ateumed shat cad ty. @, upon socateiag ths con worthy ave dignatitve On ta fret cade (tah tuat anchor’) public by: ty public im Lee pet Tt can Han be used 10 verthy the Bynatire We aerord CH cae & Go on. sy RCO Mah ~ boted PAL. yp Wh could Macltde — austuatlly Husting cas Cony Yrurting Cha, Cag tusking tA dapteled bY O btdirertionas O9€ benoun AL and CA. [Rot tar} vote fh tue mautiipit furt — patak blo jree—boked PRL, Hare may be noo Sherk. For wKample Ore tut patn Ww vcert Di and Us poser Hrvouph CALS CAs and Cau. Awoldr Aust path favolve, CAL, CAT, and reativenc, cA a tau. mule gathe powtds qrealer twenty one or more et vetog comp romtted . PRT Dak wat sd Bridge baked! Bm mottvatd b{ ble anangaton ri partnaring piganiyetion a OR ridge cA E inhodudd "pad setatone hip vtth a represrntative CK from gath or, Gi & allomplighed by (x brfdpe cA and He onganijationat Noncetantatives téuing GakKratis 0 each Oey. ww rand fpr Kecure tommunrat' hoo wusture pottranlsy . kuppose aleeady hore fusie Own PRI's establish. @ Muah + Qs + Ts mproative ca 6 Ont hat har a buat path ty au Ua vse th shel Oyantation. in tie Gt gan roniretion th a hieorchfeal PRT rep countatine ca Gm root 4 tie tre * = Nbob tot mH exiting PKI cncletkcetires 4 we two yan patton howe been wht ontouehed . Alo miler -Pyantya tomar Ames blo CAL have added. Only edd? Non, ont We trust retattonuhge ola Uae neprusatatt wn 4 Pach Orgr_¢ UH bAdpe eA. 5.b With a neat diagram, explain the overview of Kerberos. (07 marks) RBEROS oe — mpuber peerwore putherti cation P | tha ce a ce parin of FRC! we neon nlerwore EO ees cane Naan ¢ tn oa SSO ectes co altos M wo Kerberos 7 prove. TRY 8 thar el tpmmenteas ther there eaenssey FR One ANE SQrey g woe wed & Kendt ob vero — Th Kt cexven ty pathenescaten S bang SCENE: Came Serve eo gore YO ted on thE mT gmplemen' button centey ee aXe. att Ce ow a called the * key dab enacting F “Cc KDC)" ay | > En Kerberos, the Escher | cohely digkrtbuce sexton Keeyg, Each ae ome wrer * eh Fre synteny Shorey o secret ky KS C Authentication Server). Thi, secrek th exmenfialts the hath of Re User's parrudord. f -> Unftke Needham achroeder protna| Kerberos maker ure 4 ‘ Ltmestanps ‘ aey tA ber the Kode Ito authenticate each etme of Login, the masimum duralton of « Re Aehantion sea ke — ne poss tb len and ‘tecord the surton ancl Re suston Keys La therabher fpr each Tequerk fpr sewice from a logged on wer, the kpc could creake RCE ker the wer anal tre weyested server. cy cath Etetee would contain the encrypted seuton Key and qeaked tnjormaion guch ot He Lifekfme of, TRE seuton Rey, oy Ye suaton key would be Used fpr mutual Authentication los the Uren and ihe Nequecked ewer and for Petsrble Eeceypkton of, all gubsequent Communication bi fhe Ewe, + tn Kerberos, ettifon skate folprmation 7 Mek Mat batne of en the Koc buk vather oN Licks Cmued by Me Ag, The AS TK Involved fn autRenkYeaking a xen when She Aktempet Ee legen ko the system, ks then TMUtL Oe Fickee granting iceee be the user. CTYT) > clink approaches the Tas with the TET. The TGT fire authenktcaber fhe Wien and then provides the uae with euvice Granting EfCEEE C qT) be be handed ow; bo the Server whale sevice CK vequrrect , ac ws The cequence of Hokage Etchanged between He ctr we 1 e rr bi clren. fhe Kerberos serves CAS and T s) and tte wequerted BS ° ty shen in Fe below btq : ® © c Peek riceete qranking TICK ® © secene ricete granting Ticket @® c Peyek ceavice yanking Tice @® c cee © ¢ authen Kicakes © s peuuthen tet caer ceavice qranting TCC and seston Key . reset Ee © peseie EO sker® * pecerpl of Tice ranking ite pemagel cmos er, *rqst, Timer, RI wonege dt be (tryst, Kesrqe yimes, RLY age tet, THEE ot 4s) where, cree tgs = ergs 'e™) “TAS Ke rqs, HEY Lyte MUREGEL , He CLIENE roforme the AS “frat. the wotshe to temmuatcake wrth THE a Tarte,” [etd sped iO the Stace Hime and Expected duratis oh the Login anion: QG | sets Eo g the ter Ry > Monce generated’ by wey. > expose from fs Conteoins oO guaton Fey “ke tas” te used bot communtcatton blwW cand TGe. —+ Thin suaTon Key th enery pteal weft Long Beem Fey Ke Frown ko clienk and AS- z 5 th Cth Tequert _ tnetudes a TET tn connection w 4 aa he abo saeles oT ta eey Ee og an te tevin Key Shaved buw the As and TY encrypeeh using the ng eke @ i: Reeeye of SEH cen granting Etctete Mgt, Timer, authenticator, THEE. a. TES yt 8M, Timer, Fe, Merete ba rece Milhenkittlor ¢ = ergs {OTS paunoge te! Tass 1 Ne", rerees , Ee,rgs4"S", Keys , Timer,23} where Thceteg = Fe 4"e", Keys, timer y “En Mehaged , c froards He TET fo fhe TGS from where He Tys Evtyacks the sUAtOn Key Ke, rq¢ Known only bo cand Ts, "© prover enowled.qe HRis EUIon key Gy Creating @ authenticator , 2 “ey Ts ‘ 7 TQS qentaster o brerh seion Key « Kes bo be Shuey blo cand s. then key iy Enery Pinal “AIOE the Seltion tee, Ke, Teg So only © Can deerype it 4 7 Me frerh nonce Ra [rom C ih ako enteypeed by th Tas utoy Ke ras. ae W Thy convincer C that the veeeted meg oy Arom the, Fs and nok o Keploy of a Hthage from g Previout ection . wy the |rab cetston ke Ke,s ch Enclored to , . _ Kes ¢ te @ sevice {tanking Vccet 6s be bpwoatded by C koe or Seep: — cltent server Autienttcalton Mesoge 5 C8: Tickets , Authenticakor « where authenticator co Eas('c", Tea] ec fey wuloge & ExcReE contointn He Setston ke ko San cutetate by sonton Key Keys ie orwards Fo the _calbo creates and sendt a Etmestomp ustth te wen the sevice gracing ftcnel= . Kes - encrypt of 4g reprieve Keys ¢ wie de authenticator fom ce a S Hen encremenks the Eimestoump and Every PEA te with fork senion Key the encnypeed Eimestamp Sve tm authenticate SOC creation vequne knowledge of Kes prevents replay Rtacky. a gince TEA we 4 Lime samp alno ar 5.c Explain briefly the different methods to handle Revocation (03 marks) Hanetttng Roxocatfon : folutfon 1 4) —Ons—peeetbletolutfn in lle problem witifah sevaiahe & to Oe An On- eine fos ty Rat Provfdlus impormatin On uirent staliy 4 dgttat ostipratig 4)-—-Prtocol tala, On-ne Leute hiaG. atalis Protocol... a) BH Be pn extent, ARL pullepiar 1a pefadpal edvantapes sealie US aaa deftos Grtipi colic th Wi iat pla that q Obviating im wend for or online public tay ink fab ly . Hu q Button ay Bnd propoked. aobutfon & 1 dBttbuld Wt g revoke writable Gut feat Puvorosfon Atte (CRL). te frequanuy Lert pdatfon & an impostant contd, - ation . ARE on tint buked 100 prequintly Wy tod tontume Longfelaablu bandwotdth. Hin woth foluion, gu verter to mate hue that the cortipfea & currently vattd. aq Solutions ta sf and We TTP rave a port o the woth qattrer peuly fnowing (G on teh own Creat a Bqnatire oF a kerame & propored & Teoncous- um trer Dowd onroct, wm TTP. Oo alate 7 zh etgnfeg Hee TTP e wa &egau's ROX beer red_and Eat b eguse as onc terany eo ara a © eno fen gocument awe hoe ot onic m ett ot by aigning o volute eG exon optaine’ ao ttrvatamp ern nash eh u A carting ao _@s— ee ee Huto tofu}io acl lio > eg Gumemariys tae cortyteast cerocatton —prapiim fra tea pefepective g K%notive vertpration. Gs Romeaal vertese Peto 4 0 ud? & TAN 3) 2010 tO Dec a1 9010. pete Hat we privaG e bey (Ge Cart grea + Kathe! A a one on Apél goto, Ae a en AB cut?fte dd. Atume that (Ge revocation — mh & known tt Ge {Gi parte Orly on ARAL (0, 2010 30 6.a Explain sh: ared si (OSmarks) ecret key based method for Mutual authenti entication. i Matvat prutranticaston : qt emer re 7 communtariag jortter fo aueth Se nacebkOr 4p poth YY tt each ot - : aed imperative Tar ential Haren belves to for choy te, In anturnat banning + T a Customer interact sth RE [Hr bank and 10 \ some ER porting ea We ANH paceorre fF & imp vortant that a pank rable to vertpy idantily % (Ge WaAtomer - wy Multia em auctheniteatton UI O secret BY noe 104 Win porter. ne wre pane Fay LPrfvo® Py gate for mutual authrenttea ton - 3\ Gecret baka —Authentiratfon - hand _ TJ “p Ba © Felt Freer} [anon C) Corrected provorol ) Ral) hoa slratgntjorsord extension 9 protocol for pre Oy puttant{aoo » gO tn mearape | A commento ea hunt and fey cholenge fy ws FOE a cone RA- Any nAsope a,’ raxponds jo Wa chatlerpe by encrypning Ra oft tea common gecret 6 wot A and B glare . Shu BR Seare atéo Sends i oton challrye , Pg to A Bit tery ‘ ponte > Bir, challenge fh ie thiol macaape mutual autlanb(Cab? Oppeark 40 compute a protocol fo: On. nohfle We ; protel t AB ees owe te ey Appear vound wire “One Som ay) Muaraye 2s An atocker » C sends G mrantope t 8 contakrg a NON EB Ord—etoteatng fo be A #) Mearope 9: B respon dxf ta challunge potth Ener) cand FG oon cHaturpe eer eremrcyasvedemaed cote above poret 4 fy to). : x) Maearape 2 + now Cc atempa conch tO A claim wig fe AB oth o chatuae Ra No jrat 4st wes — Aame ehatlnpe offered to th by B th mea Rope 2. yw) Maer are a: A cerponds fo te challerye north Enka) and a Peren ora wy Muakare - Cue A's | enponke x (ka) OmPEE wa threr = manrope austen tea Hon provorol BIH B , that hos twa attacker © accompla&hed g ce hos aucuntly wmpuronoted we .Meceye & 1208, roviad © rompse ua uitenteatéon Of © Cyoscng as A) > * wee outs et Lonpabl We teefonte wo Be whe 7 mnptat eon invomag BS citee be trot vequired 4 Gant pay, K snared ts pond & 33 Eafttated laa austhant®eat for rot ss es js ny proforot sof A preten tin A um same chalet ee wad received from B- to Wa chatlenge wR MeaB ope a wag eed & fe wae A hat — 00% trytng tO _ PA's rexponke Ct convinw @ that eatanigh communtcation 49F0 him . S Tht attack & tamed o Reflection Arta % ue SR pat ¥ ca feected beck fe oe mereore reeaived by or atrocKer Ge wWettm- tee (Re) er tn tae take, cted make ope fraprast Hak (ne ofa G olko calud a Porotel neaaton ata inca Ua attacker, Re occa les ne man with ore ante, Open xno: proroiot ae gUAOn potte UGE sams OF onotGer ent: ua wntetat > One Woy tawartiny cegese OO attracts & gaye © cre bo draw) waturge bom defperent Acta. 6.b Discuss the transport mode of operation i vee and Eneapsulatin z peration in Authentication Heade g security payload(ESP). ean (AH) sp tree _Promeals 1 RM ond GSP | to fetid, two, “provecnls waadic DL Art + Authunttictton Cx eaypqunottagy secur Paryloed =. Es en pec) te) ACen Coated eee hax on for _conpidanttakG; — wus EFF provtoles confide 708 BA-OPRON wy) Tas protools tan be aed fo We OS Tronped mods A- rare founnel mod - eR end tntoduce | Kennet neote, shown waadirn “inkoaudd: bipgahtt-s2§ Loveropé autunanreatren > eandiwitche & Ese ane tek piron. Ga tPsec & Ripe ody ecg onc neoder ay a Mere iy “te wateprily one provfaad by a Re oh 2. MAC sa both carn. Air” the nach @ part oh tu Aw header, ee th Gicluded @ profur % an ECP portet, cunticen Heaton and ay LP aen Implementations are reguivec! Yo Support MACS based on MO-S and SHA-1. Oe MRC fed Va pce aclet nly ab BEE go only bi 9 mote Segnigeant Fu Ta torrepattd Mt — see fa tha 1P80C ‘5 Ture & an empottant dfffuene Bo what Covered by tae inlepry eek th AH ond ESP worth AH oo cack & computed on parle of (a IP “heater futh an sr our and uctiontfon VP adden ® 2 Mutable arth of fut puodiy auch oA We TTR, TOC Ond hencls “Uuctrum — qieldé Ore zaroed before commpuhing, | casa HAC - (Tews Pelds are feroed’ for WA" purpore computing Gs RAC TRAE ala aR trons MelD-A] By — tenant EXP cows not provide froxcton 1 any que $ ua tp hear th Hanszort ned. y Catt (psec header Cloth Ati ant ecP $n both modes ) have da _bet pledds each py We Sei_ and @ .pactet + Sepusner number. — tatter O04 miendd TO prokee a ators. (Serial potest wejaee] P A ; 1 Padding acta ho thot He tery th) tofoad Go muttfo. yf doce ays (On rqubed hy enurgption odpoAth m ). Pal tng also qulps HED! AG ocGuat beng 0} ee data oben ESR as Ored Us enenypifon — DpHun thrned on. ae 6.c With a neat sketch, explain the four steps of handshake protocol in secure socket layer(SSL) (05 marks) | (woMarks’) esn-—tondangtee Profeco |: (oe Randshote : watiale a Rand Aha be cake us baver to CORT a) Ghark RED eeAtOT . be) resuna OA eeittng geanion or cee op yay eb a nud Conrectfon pees o ny session 2 (be mada akpg te Ua ssh nandaha be er ae pottovoe “t A new eelsfon are a4 1 Agresmant on common cfphae ute TO be Okedt teAKFON te WG At ay Rewtpt & vatidatfon — 4 WU carver ac peas by Uae Cenk - : ‘ > communication a" pre- maxttr ¢ecret” and Comput -o.tion q dartved gecrets u) wntagn vortpyca than 4 handsha te me&kOpe and gerver autaerTicertion 36 Ry 2 Sst haadshate | Gbep 1 Top UAB are Communtcauted thy tate” = thin uted valle ant desver Hallo. ua follo.sig dociaiom ane taten Mero at eroblahed or AhOULd an In Ua former care, ie, cttent allo” MBAROPE & 08 eerston be +) Bkoutd a nto se-ured 9 er titing one be deggeon (Dd freld fm tae alae Ge ffetd & set to We AD 4 UG seaefon 0 we re -URed me cekgton «1D pel pinay gocven) WOO) meee & We i Peer enstoy Ccens yo be urablahed Or ww jd 4 on ex dctiny ReeRton to be used th commpuing- us 4) ator mn pine for mnespope — inkeptlay. unot as tretade Mos and fHAHt Permfaatble 2) Altathar vr Mot maaeape congedsatia Bly & reguived pes, BES, Aes Rly Ha ery prion, oor tn 4. 60, gre and Gy RYN eee 0) Gs Tey eRchanpe mathod URu fOr commuatahng WS pre = moatey cee . ws pg) ws Server comnuntattse #4 ects to We cllent on tecetpe or ttptcas , ta ent hacks le valid tay pertod. « pes pede col tes as, Algnatire Gee ° also vert *») ub ua a Ran. we) Guupul — vertpfeation 4 oe gid dou not aaa te cue tren Hil % WG Bender. a Gower Uae S tepeoded ey frammitied over interme hh the clear G (an be eaatly — obtained ee 32 pre master secret - @ We Lia Cent cooker & (ie pre monk decree te amen bye fandom nuncber - justice buy an “Cent to Uk server Pcs Lok UR gerver's cUleat - Ly - Exchange — emOYE vo fl % Bom Cert ond ferver commpuli UG master deeret, te Goon HMAC -SUYL Qunction, 45 ay Wie pre = mart deorel the Wo nonur exchanged % Et and Come pre-difined eomtants a “P : » bw lonipuration Ohes Mandard enzo togcaphtc hor function BUN Os Ge SHA-1 ov WG MDS Monte decret s “4 pre- monty ferret, £4 . te . Constants) 4) Kix dere one darted Vatng nance sty penetfone 9 Vie matter deuret, “(ia hwo money, and dafherent yre- duprned conctanG boride becrets. 7 > pe manter Secret, Pa. Re.comatant ).1s'3 (wa_Ste_ carved eecreti are y ntbtaation vector for eneripeg -eractape from eat wo Rawr. 2) tre ost weetor ov _— MAARKOYE Gye» ReVEr ~ to chien 2 se a Beet rey sn sue Sato. foe Maver 5) Seeet foe computing eyed neal 00” & Cltent» fo Kener e 6) geeret foe COMPAR Taye Niet sever > Cent PeMOPE © from Med 2 2 aq Rrvolves. cxhary . 4 wo NADER OPC wh eae AAP OL Mie GWT Semangen Cipher ape * Toot cande tact mec ape niga that fron : pur bul po nagontated ard tm Peas fut Crmputid ofl be Uged Ws derond marcape & KA ship A UD “pate nad” me Wiis rng enadts a boyd rash On waco enation Os We hondknate — mndcape wont oh 1D preta dha AEDS A pre Btgihed comtant ay Oe Fayed hash €erres as ON inked? ech on Ua prerfour —randshate ruerhage ) Apr WR carver univer tis Finighed — mechope prom te citent 4 (as Fayed . nah “ chorye - cipher -gpce nd tt wertyics _ Ata Compurasy yo Module-4 7.a List and Explain three entities are involved in 802.11i protocol to support authentication at link layer. (06marks) énicaHion, utthenkioe : ce eoeth eo protocol frak Supports Authentic t Tel Qoatli WAL ak tee binctaqer- Ee ave. tovolved » supplican (the votvelen etation) vw) putrentica FOF ( the ae) +) nuttenticalion Seaver, - pifenente huffentication —Methansaey and MeKage Eypes are, ‘ i. i tocol C&A | defined by ETE: ekentble Apultenticalton Pr ‘ol CEAR) pitftrent Autfenticalton techanuma and MeMage type are deftned. by TET. Butenible Autheotitation prbtoed CEAp) . END té nok Yealty an. Rufhenticatton..protece| but atic; a someworle pon, whith ‘Vvarfou authentication Protecel, oy be, Supported. EAR Euchanges are mostly Comprised 4 vequertc and vetpontes - For example, one party Nequerts te EO a4, encttier Ponty. the Ladtey: vexponds ttt fk CURE AMame OF. emarl Addrey SS FOgAL T Mitfehticatton- baker place a{bey.. He cettion axoctate, Mest” an np) The AP b¥oadicorta otk, Security capability tn the” Beacon ov probe: Vemponge. frame. the Station cacy fre ASmactave” CeqlE frame te: communicate, fix Security, CopartGbia « * wt > below fig hows fot qenerte Authentication mene ge, in TEE E Goals Kyi huthenbication cod MAKES semen Key Euthange th Poet) ia T Request EAP Evteruible AuMenhiCation Pioh yo} Espo EAP over Lives, The, probecel uted Bio the Ctalten anol AP 7K EAP bur, fin used. ble te Ap, and fittenti gation stun depends Bee the sheciben. of te Latter. : > The AuMentiraleo Cet ve, ts often. Paps. ght u cory, Nethage Fypelgnd fpemats -> RADIUS th Ramdke HutfiotiCation” pial th akeHwervite oD TA a citenk—séver protocol used for Seen. phadhorieaon ar Acesan 04. Reeasseg Ha 7.» Explain the different types of Intrusion detection system(IDS). (06Marks) where ane Hyper oh Los #) Amomaly bared Enkyutton Sbsetion Sipe Network Embhic y¥PE Nonvhore a Keep tyack oh pater of rabbic and Enformatton ko Obtsen Bosrelsne - ¥ Th deviatten @9 the Able beromour Px debected Toe cotl( Assume a0 attack . a Higher Vicks of fate -pocttive . Ki) Signakure Bored FOS _ pkRACK CTgnakure dakabase CA maintained , & % Compare terah hie fo the dakabae a Ph match t6 hound alerk ik Sepik & Require conmtant Updakes , : boxed LOS a use pps i6 Eypically implemented (9 safkeoare and 5 Wes based ‘xe opetartog aa ; . speardea Of op oh Koy the enkernal behavous oh the haste ge KO sont ’ _ a so uence cypkem call mace, the [ler Receed cbc queh at Me $4 ad mates Use oh hn Leys PPE CaH Loge z For th puTpoe , ; x operating Sim aud? eneurtor) k Eratig to tdedktty events Yelated toan and ty) thetusork bared EPS oe ee g that Captuste Fofovtnatton about — Paricets Te er rough the dhehor fk vehested. to ara Nehoorw, 9 o 2 eet ‘Cemenon feo have Chand -alone Aepl2ancer that. perform ~ Wie bared Eatrution detsechon 7. ¢. Discuss the main functions of Firewall. (04 marks) The Mata functions oh firewall are , 1) Accom control : mah firewall! filkeu Incoming (pron Toternet foko the organisation) ay well os outgoing (from wwotthtn, Organisation to the owtarde’) packed which te decrde, which Packets ane to be allowed and which, ave to be dropped 1) Addie] port: Erantlation + devited 40 alleviate the Cexfou Shortage Nat “was fateiallyy Oh Ep kdekveuer by providing. a. sek of Privake addrete, tart: could be Wed by Sykbem Adimfatstra fore on there fOternal Network but tfok are qeralty Invaltd (on the fatesned), Le Macktne, withPn a0 ofganizakion, cuch ay or may ok: hae public Enternel Add reuer. Howeven th pestle to conceal the AddKeL Ing Schema world Mrough fhe ee 4 publicly #CCOK Fl web Served cmoy Po the Latter care, TE oh Here Machines from the outerde NAT: — Through NAT, fotetnal Mathtne, though nok vistble en the Saber Can EAFebLLH a connection wif ettemal Macking on the tnterned 44 ty begging 9 & sound cecurt Foeomeng or outgotag Wtectune will emure tat each aye i enceunkeu ot leatt one {Froseti pace ak frrewall Can tog all anomalour packers - There. lox are. very Utelul for Skudying atfempks at Tntruon together wite Yartous worn and Ddos A4acKt iv) qubtentication : Caching agome Eyper of bivewalte perfor authentication of Ete nal j machine attemplng Ee Ehkeblich a connection wtth to eotesng | fF MORRO . . be gpectol Eype. of firewall calles a web _pory authentt cobt ykemnat Cevice internal Uae attempting fo ace on © ca alee uted EO Cote frequently yeque > > guth a prewall | seb payer: us 8.a Give in detail four way handshake procedure for 802.11i. (05 Marks) Four way hand shake : ly -woy handistake’s axe Lo . The = Mato, goal of the t a) deve The pT from the pak | the _ciphey cuite Eammuntzated en the beace wy jd pitociated Requet Frame (Ree) on group Keng fron the Ke tro the Stat . oe & van yee Shoe the Nevaga Compistng ted ang, bend a goals . soy Station . eNones Na Fo the Lethe: AP firs Sendo wy. The Salton choos ot slonce Ne the stakton _ Compete, the pT of fpltowa ue 8b Explain different categories of Firewall. (05marks) prreosmlt Eypes — a) paccee fitew and Statelul Tngpec ton, a a a a ces eae The Earltak ftvewall detigned to perform tht bark wot Yelosed ko ara packer fieeung [rrewatt. = Mt Ace Toute gation, Nelwork +0 the Entesnek. iat connects the orge The border ‘router becomer the first ltne of defen te agame malicious Fncemeng pactets - padi serven CIP AdA TEL = AB) Hat 4 contder an Etternal erqanteatton . ov TATA pusporc. usthher EO beltver marl Ee an joe te Te should free etkaalich 0 TCP Connection with the at\ cenvey Me organida rons ane oh PKE wfth the fettovorng Potty tbe tontder the atyival source TP AdATER = ABC Dettination Tp sddreu = MS Tep destination Pore = AcK flog cet. Cuch a PkE would be pare of & normal flow provided q Connectfon bly ARC to Me hag been etbablthed . ac > The Ctmple pode fiELr fll allow the PRE to en: even h no PY Connec HON blo ABC and ME tome Ettablthey without an ExikHnq connection , Me ME would Send an RST tq veaponte tO vecetpt oh Suth @ Pactek . yh cuth packers provide fnjevmatton ko the gender veqaading which pore ate oped OF Vartou, hosts wrthin, th organidation . qt ork = PYECPMK, Na, Ns NAC A, MAC g) “ihe pT fh @& prcudorendom function (pH) of the PME the Mac addres of the Station A AF and nencen conhibute by te station & the AP. wy The bxso Alanter help Eo prevent reply MMacee the Stating sends tha hence togttfoy with tet cheice-4 caphey sutte, to the AP. TE UAC fhe Kew to Compure a Hovage enkegrity chett CMe). “ae Hon thwavth aM c ALgorithenk tn the copter sul an-in- the Niddit pAtack wa suth protet intended Ko Teplace eryphoq rank her positbly . weaker options ( ghoctey Key ¢ tac) es Ne -CMBRege2) He Ap computer the PT from fhe above expen used. by fre station. ZE then ectracts TK, KCK and kek. = PR VErTiOr the tnteg rte and Source 4}, menoge 2 uring key KCK. &. oMURagez from the AP EO the Stakion contetag Phe cwuten qrour evans ient: (Gtk). thin th The Kerp edt by he AP and all gEatom En toteartty protect alk mulktcart= & broade SS = Mokages jalte Tatos0s the Eipher cutee chosen by the AP fhe MeMoge Th Enerypked using Re KEK and th tobeqrity protected. ating Keck. ye Mubsgey th an ACK nowledgement from the Station that te os wecetvest te previous Mehages utthouk exroy , De te signa Eo the Ap far al Menage exit be THIEQIPTE Protected and. encrypted enthh the TR - ue The Packer frorn & xenlige Hat te hos the Swot hondshate and ) Meplicotion feret Evewall [rtkex tng [rewall, even with the added [pecttonabey 4 gh SHIN cevenely Limtted . A patKet ‘ grotalst paceee tnspectton , + whok th needed th ao [irewalt Hat can examine the Applcsto. food and Scan Packers tov owns , Wider, Spam age t and srappropns ee contenE. guth o devtce th called a “deep Enspecton fro La be qpéetal Kind of replication devel bivewalt 94 bart Ur tn F 4 . a yy agents ySuch ae “prory pevewatl atkK af Gn tker med % petuoeen the, Went and gave, ablesher a TCP Connedkton 4=0 the proky and the > the Cgent” Et mneakion wth the Seaver. | yor exrablinher another TCP Co withouke ae = ra Ae | cBeok Cc) SEAN Ce) prec Tep connection between Cand ¢ 4a 8. c. Briefly Explain the different technologies used for web services.(06 Marks) , boewice ate “Eethnalogin ured fy we t) XML de Maveup banguoge UteL 0g, AL a Mechantem fon tdhentiey church TA a document oF to Cecrey prMeakatony Sésyle. ELS- each Chapkey made up of Lor more cecrrow Gath Ceehion tN urn fA Made ap ob Seo oy Moye £UbSeeHon, and each gubsecHon tA madeup ay Ler more Parographe. < Chapkes > < [pares raph < | Subceotion > <{CeeHon> #n Operabon fh an Hp crack dey tnition gd an PLHoy sy Towel VU pov more MAC cy weg TA a AbE Trae cLeleni Bon A cater berg exchange ol ak path oy an Operation - IN) Sch Seeuse tell Protoco} 5 TE TA widely used Pprofotol fey cecuring Web Commas fee Ssh MNO gutteable {pv We fA webCuy ile - S\ q oe > epi. ws mapottont preslehnf C10 Marts) ) _Digrtat Kgnaliire + Ruthanttatton 4 Elechonte Records A digitar Giqnatie & banca & Way to enture tat can eltchontc record oF dowment & auttuat’c me act tonteting te {plloroir g Ao 20 a) Pay sunstoer way auttuatal an elechonte —reroid by Weeng ba dteftat — Atgnaticre - te curthen Heaton cucron’e record shatt be effected by tee W6e 4 te crymmabic typo Agate and = hash function — Ldhich — envelop and hans form tha Unb tral ele -chonte record tito another elbchonec retoyd . 4) PRY peRoN oy He URE FUBliC Hry g Tee Subscriber can Vertgy pe eleehonic rewoad x) te pat Fey and fa purlic tey dar unique to the gubserrde cand — cons tftule a furctiining bey pat >) Elechonic Crovernance ; tagat RecognPtton 3 elechontc Retoids ¥) -Cyovernane = & the public deetons ue} a and wth the atm 4° wing Communication kechnologtes ee an pemation and Auwice delivery, encourapin participa tiny fy the alec fat okt pour and makicdy Pvermment mone atuountable, tranpaneat and epbective . 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