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Nama : Miftakhul Mghfiroh

Kelas : 4D

Nim : 201601146

Deskripsion of UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital

The UCLA Mattel Hospital is located on the third and fifth floors of Ronald Reagan
UCLA Medical Center. UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital attention to physical well-being.
Full attention and emotional needs of children. UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital facilities
upon entering the hospital there is a parking area and a reception area where patient
regristration is not only that UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital provides a cantten, type of food
and some snacks. Nurses and doctors are very friendly if the patient needs enough by pressing
a button A nurse will come and help her.

Hospitals are usually frightening places but different from UCLA Mattel Cildren’s
Hospital is designed or designed as a cheerful environment so that the hospital is the most
comfortable place for children and helps relieve fear and anxiety. Child-friendly decorating
starts from the entrance on each of the welcome walls precisely in the lobby wich tells the
stories of workers in the UCLA Mattel Cildren’s hospital with the hope of healing and grief
for its patients, not only that UCLA Mattel Cildren’s hospital facilitates the patient’s family by
decorating the hallways where the patient’s room is located so that the patient’s family member
are comfortable.

The emergency departement has an angled waiting room where children can watch
videos and play games in the hope of helping to alleviate cildren’s well-being. The architect
decorates and incorporates the sun’s rays and the beauty of the great outdoors into the room to
enjoy the open air and the healing effects of sunlight. This instituation increases its ability to
continue to lead in efforts to improve cild health care.

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