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[Nov-15] MODULE -III

[ECY-101] 5. a) What are the factors which effects the corrosion? 6

B.Tech. Degree Examination b) Why does a steel pipe in a large copper tank corrode causing
rapid destruction? 6
Civil, CSE, ECE, EEE, EIE, IT, ME, IE & AE
6. a) Distinguish between galvanizing and tinning 6
ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY b) What is Electro chemical corrosion? 6
(Effective from the admitted batch 2015–16)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 60
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. a) Write short note n Freundlich’s theory of adsorption and it
Instructions: Each Module carries 12 marks. applications 6
Answer all modules choosing one question from each module. b) Explain the classification o adsorption 6
All parts of the module must be answered in one place only.
Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted. OR
8. a) What are lyophilic and hyophobic sald? 6
MODULE-I b) Write short note on:
1. a) A state the zeolite process for removal of hardness of water 5 i) Emulsion ii) Brownian movement
b) What is Osmosis? How is reverse osmosis used for iii) Application of colloidal chemistry 6
desalination of water?? 7 MODULE -V
9. a) Explain the preparation and properties of silica refractions 6
2. a) Explain the function o Calogon in the water treatment 6 b) What is meant by white wares and chemical stone wares and
b) How is permanent Hardness of water determined? 6 gives their uses 6

3. a) Describe the construction, working and applications of 10. a) What are refractories? Give an account of characteristics of
photovoltaic cell 6 refractory 6
b) Write briefly about b) Give the advantages of glazing ceramics 6
i) Primary cells ii) Secondary cells 6
OR [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/I S/115]
4. a) Explain the working principle of Methyl alcohol oxygen fuel
cells 6
b) Describe the construction of head acid battery with the reactions
accusing during the discharge 6

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