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Kaylene Hathaway

Name of assignment

November 7, 2019

For the first day of teaching, I was very surprised with how well it went. The plan was

successful and I noticed that because the children were engaged in every activity. We had a child

who normally stays at one activity; go to almost all of the activities around the room. The

children did explore what I wanted them to, if not more. There was an experience including a

caterpillar. I had some of them pick it up and carry it around the room to “show” the caterpillar

what activities there were and which ones they liked. This was something that was very

spontaneous and there were about 3 children that were engaged in it.

Classroom procedures and routines went really well. We had to change a few things since

we were staying inside, but I planned accordingly. Also when it came to physical space, I noticed

that there weren’t a lot of open runways. There was maybe one, but we had addressed the issue

as a child was running in that area. We had told the child that we walk in the classroom because

if we run, we could fall and get hurt. Also as we talked to the children and told them why we

weren’t going outside, none of them went over and got their coats. During that day, we also

moved things around in the classroom so it promoted more exploration for the children. The

things that maybe weren’t popular the lab before, were being used and explored on the day that I

was lead.

The only things that I departed from my plan was the fact that we weren’t going outside

and so we really had to use our activities and mix and match them so the children wouldn’t get

bored. We added in our inclement weather, which was stepping stones and some children used

that to enhance the gross motor area. I felt like the instructional delivery went well, but the only

thing that I would change is to make more of an effort to have more parallel and like group play.

There were some children that were on their own and I want to have a peer play with them or

interact with them somehow. I also want to acknowledge children more when they are in areas.

Something that I would do differently is to work on their goals even more as the lab goes on.

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