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International Institute of Business & Information Technology

Competency Code / Unit(s): BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Student's full legal name:
Student ID:

Structured Activities: Assessment Task 2


Assessors must explain the assessments to the students prior to the students commencing
their assessment tasks.

Purpose of this assessment is to assess skills and knowledge required to lead and manage effective
workplace relationships.

This assessment takes place in International Institute of Business and Information Technology (IIBIT)

The following factors must be observed during assessment – please follow WHS instructions given by
your trainer and ones put on the wall. This assessment is due when you are instructed by your

 Read all questions carefully
 Provide the answer to all questions
 Attach evidence documents to this tool
 Ensure your assessor has acknowledged the receipt of the evidence by signing next to
“assessor acknowledgement of receipt” section of marking guide.
 Please ensure to keep electronic copies of evidence submitted until you complete your

Instructions to the students

For section 1 of this assessment task, you are required to assume the role of General Manager of
Accountancy Victoria and develop a number of policies and procedures to do with workplace
communication and consultation. For section 2 of this assessment task, you are required to assume
the role of the General Manager of Accountancy Victoria and complete the activities.

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

Purpose of Assessment: This is a Summative Assessment designed to provide evidence of the
student’s ability to:

Performance Evidence:
 develop and/or implement processes to manage ideas and
information including:
 communicating information to support others to achieve work
 facilitating employees' contributions to consultation on work
 providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations
 resolution of issues raised or referral to relevant personnel
 establish and/or implement policies to ensure that the
organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical values are adhered to
 provide leadership through own behaviour including:
 professional conduct that promotes trust with internal and
external contacts
 adjusting own interpersonal communication style to meet the
organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical environment
 plan for, and manage, the use of networks to support identifiable
outcomes for the team and the organisation
 develop and/or implement processes and systems to manage
difficulties including:
 identifying and resolving conflicts and other difficulties
according to organisational policies and procedures
 planning how to address difficulties
 providing guidance, counselling and support to assist co-
workers in resolving their work difficulties

Knowledge Evidence:
 explain how systems, policies and procedures can support the
development of effective work relationships focusing on
interpersonal styles, communications, consultation, cultural and
social sensitivity, networking and conflict resolution
 outline legislation relevant to managing effective workplace

It covers the content of the Learner Guide: BSBLDR502 Lead and manage
effective workplace relationships. Comprehensive mapping of key
components of task to Unit of Competency is included in the Unit
Mapping Guide for BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace
Target Group: The target group is international students undertaking BSB51915
Response Format: Oral Response
(may tick more than one Written Response
item)  Performance/Demonstration

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

☐ Create Output
☐ Other (please specify) << insert text>>
Assessment Conditions: Location
☐ In-Class: Exam Conditions
 In-Class: Supervised
In-Class: Unsupervised
Workplace: IIBIT Observed
☐ Workplace: Third Party Observation
☐ Other (please specify) << insert text>>
Assessment Conditions Specified by the Assessment Requirements
 Access to resources, such as:
 common office equipment, technology, software and
 current financial services industry economic literature
and research
☐ Access to case-studies, or where possible, real situations
☐ Access to the opportunity to interact with others
Your trainer can assist you to have access to any of the above documents
Time Restrictions
The time allocated for the completion of this assessment item is Week 3.
Restrictions on the administration of the assessment item
 No restrictions; assigned member of teaching staff may administer
☐ There are specific assessor qualifications/and or training required

Material/Resources  Units of Competence

Required:  Learner guides
 Trainers presentation materials
 Aids and materials defined by the assessment conditions (refer to
separate inventory and session plans)
 Guidance notes
Assessor Intervention: Prior to the assessments, the learners will be orientated to the assessment
environment. Learners will be familiarized with:
 the equipment available,
 the Assessment environment
 the location of commonly used equipment
 the facility-specific policies that may impact on the assessment
 Software required
 Submission procedure

Candidates are allowed to ask questions about any aspects of the

assessment environment. The assessors use the full description of the
marking criteria to determine whether a performance indicator was
demonstrated. An Assessor will speak with the candidate at any time during
the Assessment to manage any risks or reasonable adjustments.
Reasonable Adjustments: The types of reasonable adjustment permitted for this assessment item
should not affect the standard of skills required in the workplace. Examples
of reasonable adjustments in assessments may cover the following;
Teaching Tools & Environment
 substitute alternative tasks
 note-taking support

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

 Present information in a range of media

 adapt the physical environment and equipment, for example, audio-
visual aids, specific furniture
 ergonomic chair/desk
Learning Materials
 course material in alternate formats—electronic, large print, braille
 Extend or modify timeframes for assessment.
 use of laptop for assessments
 alternate assessment tasks
 Use oral assessments ( presentations, recorded responses, and
telephone sessions) as alternatives to written tasks
 Provide sufficient feedback on the progress of individual learners
regarding their learning goals.

(Note that IIBIT cannot Substitute English to assess the learner.).Please refer
Reasonable Adjustment guidelines more details.

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

Instructions for Task 2

SECTION-1 Project Scenario

Accountancy Victoria is based in Footscray, Victoria and provides accountancy and bookkeeping
services for a range of clients.
Accountancy Victoria was established by the two Directors who are the Senior Accountants for the
company. Other staff employed are three accountants, a bookkeeper, and an Officer Manager. The
company is expanding due to the demand for accountancy services and will employ a further three
Senior Accountants in the next two months, as well as another Officer Manager and a Client Services
Imagine that you have recently been appointed as the General Manager of Accountancy Victoria.
Your role is to manage the day-to-day operations of the company. The first task you have been
allocated is to establish formal systems and processes for a range of areas, as currently most of the
company’s systems and processes are informal.
To start the process of creating formal systems and processes, you have been asked to develop
systems and processes for workplace communication and consultation, as well as a Code of Conduct
and Dispute Resolution processes.
1. Develop a Code of Conduct.
You are required to develop a Code of Conduct so that staff are aware of and follow the standard
of expected behaviour.
In developing your Code of Conduct you should research other companies Codes and relevant
legislation. Your Code of Conduct must be in your own words, must comply with current
legislation and must include a list of references that you have used in the development of the
The Code of Conduct needs to include, as a minimum, the following guidance:

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

In performing their job duties, Accountancy Victoria employees should always act lawfully, ethically, and in
the best interests of Accountancy Victoria. This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the "Code of
Conduct") sets out basic guiding principles.
Employees who are unsure whether their conduct or the conduct of their coworkers complies with the Code of
Conduct should contact their manager or the Legal Department. Employees may also report any suspected
SCOPE noncompliance as provided in the Legal Department's reporting guidelines referred to in paragraph IX below.

I. Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations

Employees must follow applicable laws, rules and regulations at all times. Employees with questions about the
applicability or interpretation of any law, rule or regulation, should contact the Legal Department.

II. Conflicts of Interest

In performing their job duties, employees are expected to use their judgment to act, at all times and in all ways, in
the best interests of Accountancy Victoria . A "conflict of interest" exists when an employee's personal interest
interferes with the best interests of Accountancy Victoria .

Employees should attempt to avoid conflicts of interest and employees who believe a conflict of interest may exist
should promptly notify the Legal Department. The Legal Department will consider the facts and circumstances of
the situation to decide whether corrective or mitigating action is appropriate.

III. Insider Trading Policy

Federal and state laws prohibit trading in securities by persons who have material information that is not generally
known or available to the public.

Employees of the Company may not a) trade in stock or other securities while in possession of material nonpublic
information or b) pass on material nonpublic information to others without express authorization by the Company
or recommend to others that they trade in stock or other securities based on material nonpublic information.

IV. Discrimination and Harassment

Legislation that applies Accountancy Victoria provides equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and will not tolerate any illegal
discrimination or harassment of any kind. For more information, see the Accountancy Victoria policies on Equal
Details of expected personal Employment Opportunity and Workplace Harassment in the Accountancy Victoria Owner's Manual.

and professional behaviour V. Health and Safety

Accountancy Victoria provides a clean, safe and healthy work environment. Each employee has responsibility for
Conflict of interest maintaining a safe and healthy workplace by following safety and health rules and practices and reporting
requirements accidents, injuries and unsafe conditions, procedures, or behaviors.

Gifts, benefits and Violence and threatening behavior are not permitted. Employees must report to work in a condition to perform
their duties, free from the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol.
VI. Price Fixing
Outside Employees may not discuss prices or make any formal or informal agreement with any competitor regarding prices,
employment/consulting discounts, business terms, or the market segments and channels in which the Company competes, where the
purpose or result of such discussion or agreement would be inconsistent with applicable antitrust laws. If you have
Use of social media any questions about this section or the applicable antitrust laws, please contact the Legal Department.

Serious misconduct VII. Bribery; Payments to Government Personnel

Employees may not bribe anyone for any reason, whether in dealings with governments or the private sector. The
U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and similar laws in other countries, prohibit offering or giving anything of value,
How and when the Code of
directly or indirectly, to government officials in order to obtain or retain business. Employees may not make illegal
Conduct will be payments to government officials themselves or through a third party. Employees who are conducting business with
communicated to staff the government officials of any country must contact the Legal Department for guidance on the law governing
payments and gifts to governmental officials.

VIII. Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Financial Integrity

Accountancy Victoria 's books, records, accounts and financial statements must be maintained in appropriate detail,
must properly reflect the Company's transactions and must conform both to applicable law and to the Company's
system of internal controls.

IX. Questions; Reporting Violations

Employees should speak with anyone in their management chain or the Legal Department when they have a
question about the application of the Code of Conduct or when in doubt about how to properly act in a particular

The Accountancy Victoria Legal Department has developed and maintains reporting guidelines for employees who
wish to report violations of the Code of Conduct. These guidelines include information on making reports to the
Legal Department and to an independent third party.

Employees who violate the Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.

X. Periodic Certification
The Legal Department will designate certain employees who, based on their level of responsibility or the nature of
their work, will be required to certify periodically that they have read, understand and complied with the Code of

XI. Board of Directors

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

With respect to their service on behalf of the Company, Accountancy Victoria 's Board of Directors must comply
with the relevant provisions of this Code of Conduct, including conflicts of interest, insider trading and compliance
with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.

XII. Waivers
Waivers of this Code of Conduct may be made only in a manner permitted by law.

2. Develop a Workplace Communication and Consultation Policy and Procedure.

Develop a workplace communication and consultation policy and procedure to describe the
mechanisms that will be used for internal communications, as well as how staff can provide input
into a range of workplace related matters.
In developing your policy and procedure you should review other workplace
communication/consultation policies and/or procedures. Your policy and procedure must be in
your own words and must include a list of references that you have used in the development of the
The policy and procedure should include the following minimum information:

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

Workplace Communication and Consultation Policy and Procedure

Accountancy Victoria open and effective communication and recognises its vital role for good industrial relations, quality management
and effective management of Work Health and Safety.
Consultation and Communication enables Accountancy Victoria to meet organisation and legal requirements on consultation and ensures
all workers have a genuine opportunity to effectively participate in decision making on matters with potential to affect their health and
Establishment of Consultation Arrangement
The management discussed establishing consultation arrangements with workers in January 2000. After feedback from workers, it was
agreed to establish a consultation arrangement.
Worker Consultation and Communication
WHS will be included on the agenda of all meetings held at Accountancy Victoria. It is the responsibility of the meeting coordinator to
refer issues raised to (Health and Safety Committee/representative or management) and to ensure that action is noted in the minutes of the
Minutes will be posted on noticeboards/intranet etc.
Workers and others will be encouraged to use the Hazard Report form to notify of issues needing to be addressed. The hazard report form
will be available at the front office (and/or intranet) and information about this form will be included in the worker handbook.
Roles and Responsibilities
Health and Safety Rep roles can include:
• To represent the workers on health and safety matters;
• to monitor the measures taken by the PCBU;
• to investigate complaints from members of the work group relating to work health and safety; and
• to inquire into anything that appears to be a risk to the health or safety of workers in the work group.
• Conduct workplace inspections
• Accompany a Regulator’s inspector as an observer in any workplace inspection
• Be an observer during any formal report by an Inspector to the employer
• Accompany a worker(at their request) during any WHS interview
• Request the establishment of a H&S Committee
• Receive information about health and safety
• Issue PIN and cease work notices if not able to resolve risk with management

Health & Safety Committee roles can include:

 Advise the employer on WHS Policies and procedures
 Any of the HSR roles where there is no HSR

WHS Dispute Resolution Procedure

When workers become aware of a WHS issue they are expected to raise it with their immediate supervisor initially and complete a hazard
report form. If the issue is not able to be resolved by the immediate supervisor due to its complexity, application to other work areas etc it
will be raised with the (enter process e.g. local/regional manager, Health and Safety Committee/Rep etc) who will make recommendations
to senior management on how to resolve the issue. Feedback on action(s) to be taken will be provided to the person(s) raising the issue
via (insert mechanism e.g. return of hazard report form with action to be taken, agenda item at meeting, etc.)
Review of Consultation Arrangements
It has been agreed by the management and workers that these WHS consultation arrangements will be monitored and reviewed on a
biannual basis. This will ensure that consultation with all members of staff is effective and that all safety issues are being addressed.

Signed: Manager Date:

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

3. Develop a Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure

Develop a Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure so that all staff are aware of the dispute
resolution procedures in place.
In developing your policy and procedure you should review other workplace's policies and
procedures. Your policy and procedure must be in your own words and must include a list of
references that you have used in the development of the document.
Develop a Dispute Resolution Procedure that addresses the following:

Dispute Resolution
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 10, 2011


Employee disputes are best resolved informally directly between an employee and the supervisor.
However, Accountancy Victoria recognizes that there are situations when a formal process may be
beneficial and additional perspectives may be needed to review a dispute. Successful resolution of a
dispute requires an open and honest exchange of information, a willingness to see a situation from a
different perspective, an appreciation for the challenges and expectations of the jobs of both the employee
and the manager, appropriate use of flexibility and an understanding of the business needs of the
The purpose of this policy is to provide an opportunity for Accountancy Victoria employees to internally
resolve disputes arising out of issues concerning the Progressive Discipline Policy (including end of
employment) or other policies. This policy does not include concerns regarding performance feedback or
a written performance review. Employees utilizing this process in good faith will be protected from any
retaliatory actions, such as reprimands or harassment.
The goal of the dispute resolution process is to exchange and review information in order to determine
whether revision or rescission is warranted of discipline, end of employment or other application of
policy. The first step in the dispute resolution process is a meeting between the employee and immediate
supervisor to determine if they can resolve the issue. In the event the employee and the supervisor are not
able to resolve the dispute, the employee has the option to request a meeting with Human Resources to
facilitate a conversation with the employee and the supervisor. There may be circumstances where HR is
able to assist the employee and manager in finding a resolution, before additional levels of management
are involved. The process may then continue, as needed, to a departmental review and a panel review.
The dispute resolution process is also available if an employee believes there was a procedural flaw
related to a Performance Accountability and Commitment Plan. A procedural flaw relates to process, not
content of the plan (performance expectations and examples) or feedback from the supervisor. Examples
of a procedural flaw would include if an employee received the written performance plan by e-mail and
the manager did not have a conversation with the employee or if the written performance plan did not
include the areas of performance that need improvement.
Topics such as the content of the plan (the examples and expectations) and feedback from the supervisor
are addressed in the Performance Accountability and Commitment Policy and are not subject to the
dispute resolution process.

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology


The dispute resolution process provides opportunities for the exchange of information between the
concerned employee and members of management. The process will include in-person meetings and a
review of any related documentation to ensure a full understanding of the facts and circumstances and to
provide clarification on any issues. As appropriate, written decisions will be provided at the conclusion of
the steps for departmental review and panel review.
If there are allegations of a violation of the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy, Anti-
Harassment Policy, or retaliation, the employee should contact the Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action,
and Disability Services Department (EAD). If allegations of this nature should arise at any point during the
dispute resolution process, the process will be placed on hold while EAD reviews the allegations.
Employees utilizing this process may not be represented by an attorney at any of the internal proceedings
nor may a recording device be utilized.

Eligibility and Use of Dispute Resolution Process

All employees (except temporary) who have completed their initial orientation period are eligible to use
the Dispute Resolution Process. It may be used to appeal actions involving formal disciplinary written
warnings, final warnings, suspensions and termination of employment. The process may not be used to
challenge verbal disciplinary warnings, coaching actions, performance feedback or performance review
related concerns. Participants who are disruptive of the process (e.g., using threatening behavior) or
refuse to abide by the guidelines established in the policy will forfeit their opportunity to participate in
the internal process. Failure of the department to meet time limits will move the dispute resolution to the
next step of the process. However, if the employee fails to meet the time limits established for a response,
the dispute will be considered resolved and the Dispute Resolution Process will be terminated. Time
limits may be extended by mutual agreement. It is understood that work-related travel commitments or
other significant personal or work-related needs or commitments may justify or necessitate extending


Step 1 – Discussion with Supervisor

Employees are always encouraged to address their concerns directly with their immediate supervisor. The
first step in the dispute process is a discussion between the employee and the supervisor. This in-person
conversation should include a review of the facts and any relevant policies or documents. As appropriate,
the employee and supervisor should bring copies of related documents so they can be reviewed during
the meeting.
Employees who intend to utilize this process must do so by notifying their supervisor within seven (7)
calendar days of the action that gave rise to the dispute. The conversation between the supervisor and the
employee should include the issue being disputed and the desired outcome of the dispute process.
If the discussion does not result in a satisfactory resolution, the employee may contact their Human
Resources Consultant (HR Consultant) regarding continuing the Dispute Resolution Process. The
employee must provide written notice within seven (7) calendar days of meeting with the supervisor,
where the dispute was not resolved. The written notice should include a summary of the concern, any
related documents and the outcome desired by the employee. When possible, this written notice should
be an e-mail to the HR Consultant with the documents attached. If an e-mail is not possible, a written
notice with attachments may be delivered to the Office of Human Resources. The form or completeness of
the submission will not be used as a justification for ending the dispute resolution process.

Optional Step – Facilitated Conversation with Human Resources

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

This optional step is available to employees to provide an opportunity for the employee and the
supervisor to meet together with a Human Resources professional and attempt to resolve the dispute. As
with every step of the process, an open exchange of information is critical for success. A Human Resources
professional may be able to help both the employee and the manager to express their thoughts, concerns
and willingness to find a resolution.
If resolution is not reached during this step, the employee may proceed to Departmental Review. The
employee must notify the HR Consultant in writing or by email within seven (7) calendar days of the
facilitated conversation meeting of their request to proceed to Departmental Review. The HR Consultant
will inform the employee in writing of the next deadline.

Step 2 – Departmental Review

In the Departmental Review step, the employee meets with an appropriate administrator who will review
the concern. The HR Consultant will notify the appropriate administrator and schedule a meeting at the
earliest possible opportunity. The administrator will meet with the employee, review their concerns, and
within seven (7) calendar days of the meeting provide the employee and HR Consultant with a written
decision. If the employee does not consider the issue to be satisfactorily resolved after Departmental
Review, they should notify the HR Consultant in writing within seven (7) calendar days of the receipt of
the administrator’s decision indicating they want to continue to Panel Review.

Step 3 – Panel Review

A Panel Review is a review process where the employee’s concerns and the departmental actions are
heard by a panel of three Accountancy Victoria leaders selected from a list maintained in the Office of
Human Resources. An in-person meeting is conducted with the three panelists, the employee and
appropriate member(s) of the management team.
The panelists must objectively review disputes after receiving training in the dispute resolution process.
Every effort is made to ensure that the panelists are not closely associated with the employee or with the
department. Both the employee member and the department have the right to request and receive a
substitute for one of the panelists. Neither the employee nor the department is required to give a reason
for requesting the substitution. The Panel will review the information and make recommendations to the
appropriate general officer (vice-chancellors, provost or treasurer) or their designee for final disposition.
Panelists are selected from a list, maintained in Human Resources, of Administrators from the University.
After review by the Panel, a recommendation will be made within seven (7) calendar days to the
appropriate general officer or their designee for a final decision.
Human Resources will facilitate this process. An employee utilizing this process may bring one person
currently employed by Accountancy Victoria to the hearing to provide support. Both the department and
the affected employee may have witnesses. Witnesses must be current or former Accountancy Victoria
faculty or employee with direct knowledge of the issues in dispute. If there was an allegation of the Equal
Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy, Anti-Harassment Policy or retaliation, the EAD will be
requested to appear at the hearing.

Criteria for Panelists:

1. Have three years of service;

2. Be in good standing (employee should not have been placed on either performance or
disciplinary actions within the past two years);
3. Be recommended by the appropriate general officer or their designee; and,
4. Successfully complete the training on the Dispute Resolution Process.

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

4. When you have completed all of the above documents, you must submit them to your assessor (as
though he or she is a staff member of Accountancy Victoria).
Include an introduction to the documents (either an email or memo) that provides a clear and
simple summary of the documents and refer to the opportunity for staff to provide feedback,
clarify points and/or ask questions before the final version of the documents are launched. Ensure
your communication is clear, written in plain English and error free.
Your assessor, in the role of a staff member, will provide you with feedback which you should
incorporate into your documents.
Submit the final version of each document to staff (your assessor) and include an introduction
(either an email or memo) indicating that their feedback has been incorporated and provide
a clear and simple outline of what has been changed. Ensure your communication is clear,
written in plain English and error free.


The __________________, Staff member of Accountancy Victoria

Subject: Feedback

It is stated that, I need you to provide a feedback incorporated into attached documents which have
formed for a code of conduct policy and procedure, communication policy and procedure, dipute
resolution policy and procedure for Accountancy Victoria. As there was no formal policy and
procedure was formulated for Accountancy Victoria ever. I have attached the documents which I
have formulated for the policy and the procedures. It has changed and developed the Accountancy
Victoria in a following manner.

 Code of conduct formulation has guided the workers on how to handle difficult situations
related to the work.

 Communication policy and procedure helps in arrangements aimed at enhancing

consolidative and communication in the business organization.

Please feel free to get in touch with me, If you have any quiries.

Much thanks to you

Sincerely, _______________

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Code of Conduct 
Workplace Communication and Consultation 
Policy and Procedure
Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure 



You have recently commenced in the role of General Manager at Accountancy Victoria. This role
involves taking on the human resource function for the business as well as managing a team of staff.
You have been told by individual members of your team and the accounting partners that the
previous General Manager, Casey, did not have a great relationship with any of the staff nor the
senior management team - rarely communicated with them and did not appear to build any
professional networks externally either.
Staff did not trust Casey as they often heard her repeating confidential conversations, liked to play
staff off against one another, was disrespectful to junior staff and was often pulled up for her total
lack of cultural sensitivity.
You have discovered that there are few formal processes in the business, including policies and
procedures and your predecessor has provided inaccurate advice and information with regards to
policy and legislative requirements, and the business has had two cases lodged with Fair Work
Commission in the past 12 months.
You have only been in the role for three weeks but you already feel as though staff distrust you and
do not come to you with issues that you feel they should. You will need to work hard to establish and
build the trust and confidence in the team.
Complete the following activities:
1. Research and identify at least four particular methods/activities (eg, team meetings,
training, one-on-one meetings, consultation and feedback on projects, social functions and
events, team building, etc.) you can use to build relationships with your team and other
managers in order to gain their trust and confidence.
For each method, answer the following questions:
– What professional conduct and interpersonal communication styles will you need to use to
build this relationship?
– What method of communication will you use to guide them through this period of
transformation and change, and why?
– What is the specific outcome or benefit of this method/activity?

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

1) Team-Building Hazards
Effective team-building between supervisors and their employees should not be competitive.
Although games such as baseball and volleyball are enjoyable, they can hinder building a cohesive
team because they pit groups of employees against one another, creating winners and losers.
Employees or managers on the losing team tend to to be disheartened, and disappointed staff
members can create morale problems. Engaging in spirited, upbeat and non-competitive team-
building activities will leave management and staff feeling positive, energized and looking forward to
participating in friendly and effective teamwork.

2) Build People Up In Any Situation

Your team members' personal lives matter, and bad times at home can often affect performance at
work. Effective managers prioritize taking a genuine interest in their employees and providing
support during rough patches. In the same way, when times are good, managers should celebrate
victories with the whole team. Build people up in any situation and you’ll foster a deep level of trust.
- Andy Bailey, Petra Coach

3) Ask Your Employees What's Most Important To Them

Based on Loren Margolis, Training & Leadership Success LLC in “12 Ways Managers Can Establish A
Trusting Relationship With Employees” stated that- In all of the years that she has coached leaders,
she has found that the most overlooked strategy for building trusting relationships is the most
simple. Ask! Inquire what is most important to your employees for building trust, ask how they prefer
to be recognized, find out how they like to receive feedback and prefer to communicate.
Acknowledging and acting upon their preferences will build trust.

4) Save Surprises For Birthdays

Employees typically do not like surprise reviews, news or anything serious in nature from managers.
Managers can build trust with employees with regular communication, scheduled updates regarding
work performance, and by being transparent about the health of the organization. When an employee
knows they can rely on their manager for the truth, it can be motivating and help build trust.
- LaKisha Greenwade, Lucki-Fit

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

2. Prepare a 12 month schedule that includes all of the staff and networking activities
that you have identified in questions 1 and 2 to ensure you develop and maintain the
relationships. For each activity include the name of the activity, who is involved and whether
it is an internal or external activity. Where the activity is a networking event include the date,
location and cost.
Submit the answers to the questions and your schedule to your assessor. Ensure your documentation is
structured logically, error free, clear and easy to read.

For each of the networks that i have identified, I have identified events provided by the network
over the next 12 months. I have identified at least 4 events that area of interest to me in the role
of General Manager of Accountancy Victoria and that would be of benefit to the team and/or

1. Increasing the management’s effectiveness by the process of recruiting , orienting

,selecting and also training

2. Developing strategic plan through studying the opportunities in technology and finance

3. Coordinate all the efforts in an organization through establishing marketing production

procurement and technology

4. Maintaining the quality of the services and goods through observing the standards of the

Professional development/networking plan for the next 12 months and the details of the
networking events i have identified as relevant to the role of General Manager of
Accountancy Victoria.


Current position: General Manager

Date started: 1st february, 2019.

Performance summary: accomplishing performance successfully and being competent in the

current role targeting an overall performance being evaluated at four The performance target are

1. To provide the consulting services and support the human resource management

2. To provide support for the implementation of general managerial activities

3. To lead and participate in managerial programs

4. To manage staff and general manager consultants

Leadership targets

1. Being strategic oriented

2. Being decisiveness
Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

3. Develop other people

4. Achievement oriented

Career goals

My career goal is to take project managerial role in large projects and to be director Strength

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Answers to Question 1 
Answers to Question 2 

Student ID 20188526
Student’s Declaration:

I declare that:
 I am submitting work in this assignment that is my own, except where acknowledgement/s of
sources are made.
 I was explained the Units of competence, elements and performance criteria which I studied
during the course and provided with adequate resources which enable me to complete this
 The assessment tasks, assessment criteria and assessment due date(s) for this course were
 I was advised and I am aware of IIBIT’s Policies and Procedures including the Assessment
Policy and the Assessment Appeals Process.
 I have been advised am aware of how to access my Record of Results.

Signature of student: ___________________________ Date:_____________________

Assessor Acknowledgment
of receipt
Sign: _______________________Date: __________________

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology


Assessor Marking and Feedback Form
Assessor to ensure the evidence supplied is enough to demonstrate satisfactory performance.
Assessment 2

Please tick if the learner completed Mapping 1st 2nd

all the required evidences. Assessor P.C S NS S NS
to ensure the evidence supplied is
enough to demonstrate satisfactory
Did the learner:
Activity 1 2.1
The student is required to develop a
Code of Conduct so that staff are
aware of and follow the standard of
expected behaviour.
In developing the Code of Conduct
student should research other
companies Codes and relevant
legislation. The Code of Conduct
must be in student’s own words,
must comply with current legislation
and must include a list of references
that the student has used in the
development of the document.
The Code of Conduct needs to
include, as a minimum, the following
 Introduction – the purpose of the
 Scope – who it applies to
 Legislation that applies
 Details of expected personal and
professional behaviour (as a
minimum, this should address a
range of ethical behaviours, as
well as behaviours appropriate to
working within diverse
 Conflict of interest requirements
 Gifts, benefits and hospitality
 Outside employment/consulting
 Use of social media

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

Please tick if the learner completed Mapping 1st 2nd

all the required evidences. Assessor P.C S NS S NS
to ensure
Serious the evidence supplied is
 How and when the Code of
Conduct will be communicated
to staff.
Student’s Code of Conduct should be
no longer than two pages in length,
be structured logically and be written
clearly and concisely in a language
suitable for the audience (managers
and staff).
Activity 2 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
The student is required to develop a
workplace communication and
consultation policy and procedure to
describe the mechanisms that will be
used for internal communications, as
well as how staff can provide input
into a range of workplace related
In developing the policy and
procedure the student should review
other workplace
communication/consultation policies
and/or procedures. Student’s policy
and procedure must be in his/her
own words and must include a list of
references that he/she has used in
the development of the document.
The policy and procedure should
include the following minimum
 Purpose
 Scope
 Communication strategies for
communicating with staff – type,
purpose and frequency. Student
should include at least four
strategies in his/her policy and
 Communication protocols for
meetings in relation to sending
out of agendas and writing up of
 Consultation process – ways in
which staff can contribute to
workplace issues (for example,

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

Please tick if the learner completed Mapping 1st 2nd

all the required evidences. Assessor P.C S NS S NS
to ensure thesuggestion
surveys, evidence supplied
forms, is
committees and so on) – student
must include at least three.
Provide specific detail about the
consultation mechanism and
how staff will receive feedback,
e.g. for a suggestion box, indicate
the location of the box and how
suggestions will be recorded and
actioned, and how staff will be
given feedback on the
consultation process and/or
action taken.
Student’s policy and procedure
should be no longer than four pages
in length, be structured logically and
be written clearly and concisely in a
language suitable for the audience
(managers and staff).
Activity 3 1.4, 4.1, 4.2
The student is required to develop a
Dispute Resolution Policy and
Procedure so that all staff are aware
of the dispute resolution procedures
in place.
In developing the policy and
procedure the student should review
other workplace's policies and
procedures. The policy and
procedure must be in student’s own
words and must include a list of
references that he/she has used in
the development of the document.
Develop a Dispute Resolution
Procedure that addresses the
 Purpose of the policy
 Scope – to whom it applies
 Relevant Legislation
 What constitutes a dispute
 Responsibilities of managers in
disputes. This should include
advice on how to identify conflict
and how to plan to address
issues before a dispute is raised.
 Responsibilities of employees in

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

Please tick if the learner completed Mapping 1st 2nd

all the required evidences. Assessor P.C S NS S NS
to ensure the This
disputes. evidence supplied
should includeis
advice on the steps an employee
should take to resolve
issues/conflict before involving
their supervisor.
 The process and timeframe by
which a dispute will be handled.
The process must demonstrate
how the dispute moves through
the internal chain of command
right through to referral to an
external body.
Student’s policy and procedure
should be no longer than three pages
in length, be structured logically and
be written clearly and concisely in a
language suitable for the audience
(managers and staff).
Activity 4 1.2, 1.3, 1.4,
When the student have completed all 2.2, 2.3
of the above documents he/she is
required to submit them to his/her
assessor (as though he or she is a
staff member of Accountancy
Include an introduction to the
documents (either an email or
memo) that provides a clear and
simple summary of the documents
and refer to the opportunity for staff
to provide feedback, clarify points
and/or ask questions before the final
version of the documents are
launched. Ensure student’s
communication is clear, written in
plain English and error free.
The assessor, in the role of a staff
member, will provide the student
with feedback which he/she should
incorporate into his/her documents.
Submit the final version of each
document to staff (student’s
assessor) and include an introduction
(either an email or memo) indicating
that their feedback has been
incorporated and provide a clear and

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

Please tick if the learner completed Mapping 1st 2nd

all the required evidences. Assessor P.C S NS S NS
to ensure
simple the evidence
outline supplied
of what has been is
changed. Ensure student’s
communication is clear, written in
plain English and error free
Activity 1
The student is required to research
and identify at least four particular
methods/activities (eg, team
meetings, training, one-on-one
meetings, consultation and feedback
on projects, social functions and
events, team building, etc.) the
student can use to build relationships
with his/her team and other
managers in order to gain their trust
and confidence.
2.2, 3.1
For each method, answer the
following questions:
 What professional conduct and
interpersonal communication
styles will need to use to build
this relationship?
 What method of communication
will use to guide them through
this period of transformation and
change, and why?
 What is the specific outcome or
benefit of this method/activity?
Activity 2 2.2, 3.1, 3.2
The student is required to prepare a
12 month schedule that includes all
of the staff and networking activities
that the student has identified in
questions 1 and 2 to ensure the
student develop and maintain the
relationships. For each activity
include the name of the activity, who
is involved and whether it is an
internal or external activity. Where
the activity is a networking event
include the date, location and cost.
Submit the answers to the questions
and student’s schedule to the
assessor. Ensure student’s
documentation is structured logically,

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

Please tick if the learner completed Mapping 1st 2nd

all the required evidences. Assessor P.C S NS S NS
to ensure
error free,the evidence
clear supplied
and easy to readis
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
 develop and/or implement
processes to manage ideas and
information including:
 communicating information
to support others to achieve
work responsibilities A2-
 facilitating employees' Section 1
contributions to consultation Section 2
on work issues
 providing feedback on the
outcomes of consultations
 resolution of issues raised or
referral to relevant personnel
 establish and/or implement
policies to ensure that the A2-
organisation’s cultural diversity Section 1
and ethical values are adhered to
 provide leadership through own
behaviour including:
 professional conduct that
promotes trust with internal A2-
and external contacts Section 1
 adjusting own interpersonal Section 2
communication style to meet
the organisation’s cultural
diversity and ethical
 plan for, and manage, the use of
networks to support identifiable
A2-Section 2
outcomes for the team and the
 develop and/or implement A2-
processes and systems to Section 1
manage difficulties including:
 identifying and resolving
conflicts and other
difficulties according to
organisational policies and
 planning how to address
 providing guidance,
counselling and support to
Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

Please tick if the learner completed Mapping 1st 2nd

all the required evidences. Assessor P.C S NS S NS
to ensure the evidence
assist co-workers supplied is
in resolving
their work difficulties
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
 explain how systems, policies
and procedures can support the
development of effective work
relationships focusing on
interpersonal styles,
Section 2
communications, consultation,
cultural and social sensitivity,
networking and conflict
 outline legislation relevant to A2-
managing effective workplace Section1
Foundation Skills
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
Writing A.2
 Prepares plans and policies
incorporating appropriate
vocabulary, grammatical
structure and conventions
Interact with others A.2
 Adapts personal communication
style to model behaviours, build
trust and positive working
relationships, and to support
 Plays a lead role in situations
requiring effective collaboration,
demonstrating high level support
and facilitation skills and ability
to engage and motivate others
Navigate the world of work A.2
 Establishes or follows
organisational policy regarding
diversity and ethical conduct
Get the work done A.2
 Takes responsibility for
formulating, organising and
implementing plans, processes
and strategies that impact the
 Systematically gathers and
analyses all relevant information

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
International Institute of Business & Information Technology

Please tick if the learner completed Mapping 1st 2nd

all the required evidences. Assessor P.C S NS S NS
to ensure the evidence
and evaluates supplied
options is
to inform
decisions about organisational
 Evaluates outcomes to identify
opportunities for improvement
1st Attempt (Trainer to Tick)
Assessment Outcome:

 Satisfactory

 NOT Satisfactory

2nd Attempt (Trainer to Tick)

Assessment Outcome:

 Satisfactory

 NOT Satisfactory

Assessor Comments

Authorised by : General Manager Doc Name – BSBLDR502 Student Assessment Task 2
Issue Date November 2018 Version 3
International Institute of Business & Information Technology
RTO No: 6538/ ABN:64 085 266 771/ 085 266 771
Head Office: Ground Floor, 841 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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