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Of cial or Govt. Correspondence

Posted Date: 13 Jun 2009 | Updated: 13-Jun-2009 | Category: Education (/resources/Category4-Education.aspx) | Author: Jyoti Malhotra (/member/jmalhotra.aspx)
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This article describes about the letter format for giving a of cial or government correspondence.

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Of cial or Govt. Correspondence

The letters written between different of ces and departments of government, autonomous bodies and government or semi-government are called
OFFICIAL or GOVERNMENT CORRESPONDENCE. These letters also include letters written between two governments, inter-government, from one
state government to another state or central government or vice versa. These letters are written by the concerned authoritative of cer or authority in
his of cial capacity and for the use of the of ce. It is different from business letters as they are not friendly and should have a direct style of addressing.
The of cial letters demands special care of dignity and designation of the person or of cer writing the letter.

Distinction or Difference between Of cial Correspondence and Business Correspondence: There are differences between business correspondence and 1/9
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of cial correspondence and they are detailed below:

1. Difference in Language: - The language in of cial letters is mostly of cial and authoritarian in the form of directions. In business letters the language is
polite, friendly and congenial. In of cial letters the language is governed by the post held by the writer of letter. In business letters there is nothing like
of cial designation etc.

2. Difference in Lay out or Form:- Unlike business letters, the of cial letters are not written or typed on printed letter heads and are written on plain
paper giving the name of of ce and designation of the of cer writing the letter at its letter head. Even the reference number and date is written
differently than business letters. The letter heading in an of cial letter is mostly followed by the words ‘From’ and the addressee’s name and address is
followed by the words ‘To’. The subject in of cial letter is generally written above the salutation but in a business letter the subject is written after the
salutation. The form or lay out of writing salutation depends upon the designation of the writer and addressee.

3. Personal touch or feelings: - An Of cial letter is written in authoritative tone and abstains from personal touch or feelings but is governed by of cial
directions and the post held. The business letters cannot afford to go this way and are written to evoke a spirit of fraternity and friendship with the

4. Sale Point: - An of cial letter is not written to attract attention, arouse reader’s interest, creating desire, stimulating action etc. because the of cial
letters does not relate to business world. Business letters have some element of a sales letter because it aims to persuades and in uence customers for
longevity and prosperity of good business.

Forms or Types of Of cial Correspondence: The of cial correspondence can come into play or action in any of the following forms:-

1. Of cial Letters
2. Demi-of cial letters (also known as D.O. Letters)
3. Of ce Memorandum (also known as ‘memo’)
4. Circulars
5. Endorsements
6. Noti cations
7. Resolutions
8. Press Communiqué

1. Of cial Letters: - These letters are used generally in the communications in government or semi-government of ces. They have different lay-out, style,
language etc. The of cial letters are supposed to be ne blend of correctness, conciseness and clarity in all aspects.

Lay out of an Of cial Letter:-

(a) Heading – The of cial letters do not have attractively printed letter heads but are written on plain papers. The heading in of cial letter is written with
the pre x ‘From’ or by giving the of cial designation and name, address of the of ce of the writer at the top of the letter.

(b) Reference number and date: - In of cial letters, the reference number are generally lengthy and are written at the same place as in a business letter.
The date is written in a way that it is followed by the name of the place.

(c) Name and address of Addressee: - They are usually written with the pre x ‘To’ and immediately after the sender’s name and address.

(d) Salutation and Subject:- In of cial letter, the usual way of salutation is ‘Sir’ when it is written to higher of cial otherwise words ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ may
be used for salutation. The subject in an of cial letter is written before the salutation whereas the subject is written after salutation in business letters.

(e) Body of Letter: - In of cial letters, the body of letter is divided into convenient and suitable paragraphs in serial numbers. The opening sentences of
the of cial letters are generally written with words – ‘I am directed to inform you’ or ‘With reference to your letter No. …….dt…, or ‘In continuation to our
letter No……..dt…, I am directed’ etc. The closing sentences are different from business letters as there is no sales point in of cial letters.

(f) Subscription or Complimentary close: - The general way of writing subscription is ‘Yours Faithfully’ and is followed by blank space for signature and
then the name of the of cial is written with designation.

Specimen of Of cial Letter


NEW DELHI – 110015

Ref.No. G.4/ACQ-II/SR-II/6-89/1231/MCD New Delhi -15, 12th April 1999 2/9
11/30/2018 Official or Govt. Correspondence

Deputy Director


The Honorary Secretary

Diamond Housing Society Group,
New Delhi

Sub: Allotment of land under Revised Group Housing Scheme.


In continuation of this of ce letter No. …….. dated ……… offering allotment of land measuring 10 acres to this society, I am to inform that M.C.D has
proposed to allot 15 acres of land instead of 12 acres offered earlier.

In case the society is interested in the allotment of additional land they are requested to deposit a sum of Rs. 20 lakhs towards the cost of additional land
within 60 days from the date of issue of this demand notice failing which the offer of land will be withdrawn.

Yours Faithfully,

Deputy Director

2. Demi-of cial Letters: - They are personal cum of cial letters written by of cers in their personal of cial capacity. They are also called D.O Letters and
is addressed in personal name with the of cial designation of the of cer concerned and is also addressed to another of cer by his name and his of cial
designation. They are generally printed or typed on printed personal letter head containing the name, of cial designation and name and address of the
of ce. D.O Letters are intended to show personal relationship between the correspondent and sender.

The main objectives of writing D.O Letters are as following:

(a) They are written to get the information or things done at the earliest.
(b) They are written to involve the personal attention of correspondent by ignoring the usual lengthy of ce procedure.
(c) They are written to keep the information con dential.

Essentials for drafting D.O Letters: -

The basic essentials of drafting D.O Letters are as following:-

1. Demi-of cial letters are generally written or typed on printed personal letter heads containing personal name, of cial designation, name and address
of of ce etc.
2. In these letters, reference number and date are written as usual.
3. The starting point of a D.O Letter is ‘Dear Mr. ……..’ or ‘My dear Shri ………’ in the form of salutation.
4. They are written in rst person using “I” instead of “We” and of cial language is used in minimum way.
5. The general or usual way of subscription in D.O Letter is written as ‘Yours sincerely’ and thereafter the personal name is typed or written in brackets.
6. In these letters, the name and letters of the addressee is written at the end on left hand bottom corner of letter together with his of cial designation.

Specimen of a Demi-of cial Letter

RAJ MALHOTRA University of Delhi

Cashier Delhi,

No. DO/Purchase 20th April 1999 3/9
11/30/2018 Official or Govt. Correspondence
Dear Mr. S.K Khanna,

Please refer to this of ce letter No. DLU/ADM/99/6789 dated 20.2.99 about the purchase of of ce stationary and furniture in your college. In this
relationship, I would like to have your con dential opinion about “PRAKASH PUBLICATIONS” and “Royal Furnishers”, the lead suppliers of your college.
Please let me have your opinion about their goodwill, durability and quality as you have been using them for last ve years.

With kind regards,

Yours sincerely,


Mr. S.K Khanna
Purchase Manager,
K.M College,
Delhi University,

3. Of ce Memorandum: - It is also called ‘Memo’ and is used for inter of ce correspondence in the of ces. These letters are written in noma-simpli ed
style and it abstains from salutation as well as complimentary close. The memo is used usually used in of ces for routine matters like granting of annual
increments, con rmation in services, salary and leave adjustments etc.

There are two forms of Memorandum and they are:


Date ………..
No. To
From: ……………………
………………… ……………………


The difference between memo and letter are:

1. In a memo, it is essential to write of cial designation, department with or without the name of sender and the recipient. In letter it is not necessary and
we can simply write the nomenclature of the person signing the letter.
2. In memo, the words ‘From’ and ‘To’ are written consistently but not in a letter.
3. In memo, there is no salutation or complimentary close but they are essentially written in a letter.
4. Memo is written in direct style and in brief but not in a letter.

Specimen of a Memo

No. Dated ………..

From: To

The General Manager Mr. Ram Kumar

Rajouri Garden Kirti Nagar Branch
New Delhi – 110027 New Delhi -110015

Mr. Ram Kumar, cashier, joined the Bank on probationary basis on 21.11.99 and he is con rmed in the service of the Bank w.e.f 1.6.2000.

His work output and conduct were not found satisfactory during this period, it has been considered necessary to extend his probation period by another
six months so as to provide him an opportunity to show satisfactory results. 4/9
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It is therefore decided that the probation period of Mr. Ram Kumar, Probationary Cashier, is hereby extended upto 1.12. 2000.

General Manager

Copy to:
The Branch Manager, Kirti Nagar Branch, New Delhi
The District Manager, Delhi-circle, New Delhi

5. Endorsements: - Whenever the copy of an of cial letter if forwarded to the other departments, of ces or authorities simultaneously with the original
addressee, then they are called Endorsements. It is usual practice in of ces as whenever any important information has to be forwarded to other of ces
and departments simultaneously with the original addressee, it is forwarded with a copy or carbon copy of the same letter by writing the following words

Copy forwarded for information, record and necessary action to:-

(a) XYZ …
(b) ABC ….

We should write the full name and address of the endorsee together with the of cial reference number and date while making any endorsement on any

6. Circulars:- In an of ce, whenever any information or matter is to be communicated to a large number of persons or of ces, members or branches of the
same organization, then they are done through Circulars. They are in a form of letter addressed TO ALL OFFICES, TO ALL BRANCHES or TO ALL
DEPARTMENTS. They are drafted in such a way that the information is understandable, reasonable and useful to all the concerned persons or of ces. So
circulars are drafted carefully so that it covers up all information and should be correctly written or typed. Circulars should be written in third person and
should be printed or cyclostyled, depending upon the nature and coverage of the contents or matter. Circulars are different from ‘Circular Letter’ as the
name and address of addressee is not speci c but is written in general. In circular letters the name and address of the addressee may not be written
speci cally. Circulars are generally referred for internal use of one particular organization or department or branch but circular letters refers to persons
outside organization.

Specimen of a Circular


No.-R-678/sal/stf/admn. New Delhi, 25th March 25, 2007

Sub: Availability of NOKIA camera phones in all designs

In continuation of our Circular No …… dated …… on the above subject, all the recognized branches will be provided with latest models of NOKIA camera
phones of all designs in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai. It is requested that all branch managers should contact the head of ces for all the important details
and information latest by one week. It is believed that these new mobile sets will boom the company’s and branch’s sales in the coming months.

This information kindly is brought to the notice of all the patrons, customers through the hoardings, posters and lea ets available at company’s head
of ce.


Manager (Administration)

7. Noti cations: - They are the formal announcements intended for the purpose of the information to the general public or to all the concerned persons.
In Government of ces, noti cations are published in Gazette while in other of ces they are displayed in the form of notices on notice boards. They are 5/9
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written or typed with the reference number, date, designation and signature of the concerned authority. Noti cations are written in third person and are
generally written in regard to new appointment of of cers, transfers etc or other such information that are useful for the all the concerned or for the
general public.

Specimen of a Noti cation

Government of India
Ministry of Tourism
New Delhi

No …… Dated ……..

Noti cation

Mr. Ram Kumar, Under secretary of Tourism Ministry is appointed with effect from ….. to of ciate as the General Secretary of the Ministry as Mr. Hari
Prasad is retiring from his post by next month.


(Joint Secretary)

8. Resolutions: - It is a communication containing the decision or verdict of the Government or the Higher Authorities on any subject and is meant for
publication for general information of the public. They are neither addressed to any person nor does it contain any address or salutation or subscription.
Resolutions contain the decision passed by the government or the concerned higher authorities.

Specimen of a Resolution
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Welfare

Resolution No. 10th July 2007


The Ministry of Urban Welfare, Government of India has decided of setting up a Welfare Board for Urban Welfare to look into the problems and issues of
growing problems in Housing Societies. The Welfare Board will be taking up issues area wise and thereafter it will take suggestions from the concerned
citizens for further developments.

Secretary to the Govt. of India
No ….
Ordered that the Resolution be published in Gazette for general information

Secretary to the Govt. of India

9. Press Communiqué or Press Release: - They are important resolutions or announcements passed by the government and published in newspapers or
magazines for general information of public. Such important resolutions or announcements made through daily newspapers or print media are termed as
‘Press Communiqué’ or ‘Press Release’. They are informal communication through the services of Press Reporters or by release of press note. There are
advantages of Press Release as the information reaches public earlier and faster than the publication in Government Gazette. The other advantage is it
reaches to larger number of people as newspapers reaches to all. The nature and contents of Press Release are similar to that of noti cations.

Specimen of Press Release or Press Communiqué


Mr. Hari Ram, General Secretary of Ground staff, Indian Airlines has invited tenders for the purchase of plastic furniture’s, marble ooring and of ce
stationeries. The concerned business parties are requested to submit their quotations till …….

Chief Traf c Staff Assistant

11/30/2018 Official or Govt. Correspondence

Guest Author: Dev Kumar 09 Jun 2013
Yes I like this article very much. Really you did very good job by imparting this knowledge to so many needy persons.
Thanks a lot.

Guest Author: seshagiri 19 Mar 2015

sir i like this article. It is very useful to newly appointed Govt of cials. Thanks a lot

Guest Author: Vijaykumar madana 15 Apr 2015

This is very useful for correspondence among all cadres of govt.of cials

Guest Author: negi da 17 Oct 2015

This article on of cial or government correspondence is very useful. kindly post more such letters if possible.

Guest Author: Bing kong 10 May 2017

Thanks for such a helpful article on an of cial Govt. letter. Please post more guidance on noting and ling.

Guest Author: Sunanda 15 Dec 2017

Thank you so much or this letter format for an of cial correspondence. It is really helpful.

Guest Author: Ravi 19 May 2018

The way you have explained concisely the matter is very impressive. I hope this is very useful to all govt. employees to overcome their writing dif culties. Moreover, people
can consider it also as a reference letter for their regular use. I appreciate it for your effort.

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