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Other Maintenance Program: Corrective and Emergency Maintenance

In general, emergency maintenance is categorized under corrective

maintenance, a type of maintenance task which is done after a failure of any
equipment or system has occurred. Basically, reinstating the equipment functionality
after it has been allowed to fail, corrective maintenance can be result of a deliberate
run-to-failure strategy. It based on the assumption that there is no significant impact
on safety or environment and avoiding failure is either uneconomical or impossible.
Corrective Maintenance is also the result of unplanned failures which were inevitable
through preventive maintenance.

A run-to-failure strategy can effectively be used for smart process

instrumentation where the consequence of failure is limited and would not urge for
repairment. When opting for corrective maintenance as a strategy, it is important to
ensure that the failure modes are under consideration and do not have any potential
on becoming as an Emergency Maintenance. If undergoing run-to-failure for
equipment that once it has failed, it is necessary to restore the equipment functionality
immediately before dooming the organisation to a reactive maintenance environment.
A reactive maintenance environment is unlikely as an option which is can cost a lot,
less efficient and less safe.

Under corrective maintenance, it is divided into two which includes emergency

maintenance. Emergency maintenance is one of corrective maintenances that is used
to prevent a threat to lives, property, profitability, or viability of an organization.
Whether in an industrial or residential setting, emergency maintenance (EM) is
required when lives, property, or assets are under immediate threat. For example, in
a processing plant, emergency maintenance is applied to keep a facility safe and
operational. In tenancy situations, emergency maintenance protects the health and
safety of residents as well as the building’s assets.

Emergency maintenance can be related in a situation when an automatic

system shuts down or begins a process without human intervention to prevent
damage, specifically when it places a call for help. For instance, when a natural gas
utility detects a sudden pressure drop in a gas delivery subcomponent, valves close
to prevent uncontrolled escape. Similarly, an electric utility shuts down sections of the
power grid to avoid a cascade failure of the entire system.

Time Based Maintenance

In general, time based maintenance is categorized under preventive maintenance, a

type of maintenance task that is done before a failure of any equipment or system has
occurred. Specifically, time based maintenance refers to a process of replacing or
renewing an equipment to restore its functionality and reliability at a fixed time, usage
or interval regardless of its condition. For instance, some of the time based
maintenance tasks including lubricate the pumps for every 6000 run hours, gutters
cleaning for every six months and exterior sealant inspection for every 3 years.

Time based maintenance is done with purpose of protecting employee against the
failure of known wearing parts which have predictable Mean Time Between Failure
(MTBF); Time based maintenance deduces that the failure is age related and a clear
service life can be determined. When dealing with various equipment in a plant, most
of the equipment failure are not considered as ‘age related’ manner. While time based
maintenance effectively manages age related failure modes, this type of maintenance
only plays a small part of overall maintenance program, respectively. In fact, time
based maintenance tasks do not take time or manpower for inspection, however since
it may result in over maintenance for some assets, the repair is eventually high,

Recently, study has been towards the application of time based maintenance program
for air compressor system. The suitable equipment for this type of maintenance is
runtime clock. Basically, runtime clock has been used for measuring the running time
of the machine or system. The clock run hours can varies from either time, distance or
others. For air compressor system, the runtime is usually being calculated in hours
and also known as hour service.

Similarly, other than runtime clock, acknowledgment button is also can be used in time
based maintenance program. Actually, this instrument is not necessarily be a button.
It can also be a button for reset timer, button to mark hour of services or just a plain of
old sticker for recording the time services. In addition, the function of every kind of
button are simply the same regardless of its shape as it has been used to mark the
time for maintenance.

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