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IASbaba PIB Weekly : Press Information Bureau – 29th

Jan to 3rd Feb, 2018

February 5, 2018

IASbaba Press Information Bureau 29th Jan to 3rd

Feb, 2018


Launch of GeM 3.0 – National Procurement Portal of India

(Topic: Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors
and issues arising out of their design and implementation)

The GeM 2.0 was launched as a pilot in August 2016 and its success led to this massive
transformation program – GeM 3.0 which would offer standardised and enriched catalogue
management, powerful search engine, real time price comparison, template-based Bid and
RA creation, demand aggregation, e-EMD, e-PBG, user rating, advanced MIS and analytics
and more.

GeM 3.0 has undergone a digital transformation with superior technology and ability to
scale from the previous version. This will bring together many sellers and service providers
for products and services across the country under one roof, truly making it a digital tool of
empowerment and entrepreneurship. This initiative gives a huge uplift for growth of
MSME’s, manufacturers & service providers. As Digital India aims to bring in maximum
transparency by minimising Government’s human transactional interface, the launch of the
Sellers On-boarding Campaign will streamline the procurement of goods and services
making it an easy, go-to portal for sellers and service providers

Notable enhancements in the 3.0 version:

Market Based generic requirements across all government agencies

Standardization of specifications of both products and services enabling empirical
price comparability
Completely transparent transactions across all ranges
Generic standards established through universal service levels and cost comparison
Open and dynamic market place with rating based on performance of user on

GoI and World Bank sign $100 Million Project to Boost

Rural Economy of Tamil Nadu
(Topic: Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India
and/or affecting India’s interests)


To promote rural enterprises

Facilitate their access to finance
Create employment opportunities for youth, particularly women, in selected blocks of
Tamil Nadu across 26 districts, directly benefitting over 400,000 people.

The Tamil Nadu Rural Transformation Project will create an enabling environment for
producer organizations and enterprises to promote businesses across select value chains.
Based on the analysis, communities will identify commodities and subsectors in the value
chain for preparing business plans. The Project will enable producer organizations and
enterprises especially women entrepreneurs in Tamil Nadu, build businesses that will help
them access finance, markets and networks and generate employment.

​It will also specifically support eligible households from socially and culturally
disadvantaged groups harness their existing assets, skills, and resources; break their entry
barriers to value-added economic activities; enhance their ability to access finance,
markets, technology, and related support services; help them graduate to value-added
economic activities with higher returns such as garment manufacturing and food
processing units, eco-tourism ventures, and businesses around creative industries.

Selected innovations and start-up ideas will also be tested or scaled up under a newly
created platform known as the Tamil Nadu Rural Transformation Marketplace. This platform
will identify, showcase and celebrate innovative solutions related to themes that have the
potential to impact rural economic growth in the state. Innovative ideas related to promoting
rural artisans, local nutritious food systems and traditional health practices will be

Please Note:

India’s first Rail and Transportation University: Vadodara, Gujarat

“Operation Greens” launched: To address price fluctuations in potato, tomato and onion
for benefit of farmers and consumers.

Launch of Gobar-Dhan Scheme: to make the villages open defecation free and improving
the lives of villagers; manage and convert cattle dung and solid waste in farms to compost,
bio-gas and bio-CNG.

Dynamic Façade lighting system:

Energy efficient as well as cost effective; this LED fixtures has around 1 lakh burning
hour whereas earlier light fixtures were around 10,000 burning hour.
New lighting system has computerized control having unified power and data cable
for easy installation and maintenance with automation in selection of colour
combination scheme using opti-bin technology, selection of timing, facility of
dimming, switching on/off facility, individual/combined control of light fittings etc.
through Ethernet based controller.
Has features to produce multi-colour combinations.

Guru Ravidasji

A North Indian mystic poet-sant of the bhakti movement during the 15th to 16th
century CE.
Considered as the founder of 21st-century Ravidassia religion, by a group who
previously were associated with Sikhism.
Tradition and medieval era texts state Ravidas was one of the disciples of the
Brahmin bhakti saint-poet Ramananda (a 14th-century Vaishnava devotional poet
sant, his disciples included later Bhakti movement poet-sants such as Kabir, Ravidas,
Bhagat Pipa and others)
taught removal of social divisions of caste and gender, and promoted unity in the
pursuit of personal spiritual freedoms

Economic Survey 2017-18

Economic Survey for 2017-18 estimates a real GDP growth rate of 6.75 per cent for the full
year, based on a 7.5 per cent real growth for the second half of the year. For 2018-19 it
projects a real GDP growth between 7 – 7.5 per cent.

India jumped 30 places to break into the top 100 for the first time in the World Bank’s Ease
of Doing Business Report (EODB), 2018.

India leaped 53 and 33 spots in the taxation and insolvency indices, respectively, on the
back of administrative reforms in taxation and passage of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Code (IBC), 2016.


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