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Rauwolfia Serpentina in the Treatment of

High Blood Pressure

A Review of the Literature

By RUSTOM JAL VAKIL, M.D. (Lond.), M.R.C.P. (Lond.)
The root of the Rauwolfia serpentina Benth (N. 0. Apocyanaciae) has been in use in India for
hundreds of years for a host of unrelated ailments. Since 1949, after the English publication of a
clinical report by the author on Rauwolfia serpentina therapy in fifty cases of essential hyperten-
sion, the plant has gained universal acclamation as a useful therapeutic weapon in high blood
pressure states. The whole subject of Rauwolfia serpentina therapy in hypertension has been re-
viewed up to the present time, including discussions on the history of the plant, its various species
and types, nomenclature, geographic distribution, chemistry, pharmacologic actions and clinical
studies, reported on the subject from all over the world.

T HE plant rauwolfia is named after the patala garud or atalaganidhi (Telegu), covan-
German doctor and traveller Leonhard namiloori (Tamil), chuxvanaavilpori (Malay)
Rauwolf, who in 1582 published an and as dhannerna or dhan-barua (Oriya).
account of his many travels. Roots of the plant Of the 130 odd species of rauwolfia, which
Rauwolfia serpentina (Benith) have been are said to occur indigenously ill the tropics,
recognized in India and the _Malay peninsula Youngkeln'50 has given an excellent description
from ancient times as antidotes to the stings of the following fire, viz. R. serpentina, R.
and bites of insects and poisonous reptiles. canescens, R. micrantha, R. densiflora, and R.
Mention of the plant is found in an old Hindu perakensis. Eight species of rauwolfia grow in
manuscript (1000 B.C.)128 as well as in the India; according to origin or source of supply,
monumental works of Charaka (second cen- it is customary to recognize the Bengal,
tury, A.D.), under the Sanskrit name of Bihar, Assam, Dehra Dun and Ceylon varieties
"sarpagandha." It has also been used as a of rauwolfia in the Indian market; these show
febrifugue, as a stimulant to uterine con- considerable differences inl quality and content
tractions, for diarrhea, dysentery, insomnia of the therapeutic alkaloids. The most useful
and insanity. For just over two decades, its variety of rautwolfia from the therapeutic
clinical application has been extended with standpoint is Rt. serpentina, which grows to a
success to the treatment of high blood pres- height of one and one-half to three feet and
sure.132 has pinkish-white flowers.
R. Serpentina or the serpentina plant is a
large climbing or twininig herb or shrub, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION
belonging to the natural order Apocyanaceae, Early researches suggested the presence in
and found in the Himalayas, Assam, Pegu, the R. serpentina plant of all alkaloid, which
Java, Tennasserim, Bihar, Deccan peninsula was provisionally named psendobrucine. Since
and the Malay peninsula. It is variously known 1931, the chemical structure or composition of
as sarpagandha (from ancient times), chandrika the plant has been the subject of investigation
(Sanskrit), chota-chand (Hinidi), chand (Ben- by numerous observers.
gali), dhan-murua or dhanbarua or pagla-ka- Ill 1891, Dymock,42 for the first time,
dawa (Bihar), chandra, chota-chanid, karavi detected the presence of an alkaloid and a
or harkai (Bombay), harkaya (M\arathi), yellow resin in the root of R. serpentina.
From the Department of Cardiology, King Edward In 1931, Sen and Bosell found two alkaloids
Memorial Hospital, Bombay, Indita. in its root (the total alkaloid content being
220 Cl'rulation. Volume XII, August, 1955

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about 1 per cent of the dried root), ill addition depressant to the heart, respiration and central
to fair quantities of resin and starch. Siddiqui nervous system, the serpentine group causes
and Siddi(ui"7 (1931) found, besides phytos- paralysis of respiration, depression of nerves
terol, oleic acid and unsaturated alcohols, five and stimulation of the heart. Sen and Bose"'
alkaloids with different physical characteristics (1931) reported a small drop of blood pressure,
and molecular formulae, classified by them a depression of the heart muscle, respiratory
into two groups, viz., (1) the ajmalinie group stimulation and relaxation of smooth muscles,
of three white crystalline weak bases, ajmaline in cats and other animals, after the administra-
(C26H2602N2), ajmalinine (C20H2304N\), and tion of R. serpentina alkaloids. Roy'04 (1931)
ajmalicinie; and (2) the serpentine group of two described dulling of sensations, sluggish reflexes
yellow, crystalline stronger bases, serpentine and sleep after large doses and death from
(C21H2 304N) and serpentinine (C20H20033N 2). respiratory failure after lethal doses. In 1933,
In 1932, two Dutch chemists, Van Italie Chopra and associates,24 working with the
and Stenhauerl'37 isolated three alkaloids similar total alkaloids of Rt. serpentina described
in formula or structure to the ajmalinie, valuable sedative, hypnotic and hypotensive
ajmalininie and serpentinine of Siddi(ui and properties.
Siddiquil 7-'0. They named their first alkaloid, In 1940, Haniet63 observed, for the first
rauwolfin (C21H2602N). time, the sympathicolytic activity of alkaloids,
In 1939, Siddiqui'20 reported that the only particularly, ajmaline and rauwsolfine, isolated
two alkaloids obtained from the Dehra Dun from R. serpentina (Benth), and remarked on
variety of R. serpentina differed from those of the hypotensive action of several of the
the Bihar variety in their chemical structure alkaloids.
and melting points and named them iso- In 1941 and 1942, Chopra and his asso-
ajmalinie or nieoajmalinie. In 1941, Mookheiji90 ciates26 27 reported exhaustively on the pharma-
isolated all alkaloid from R. canescens, and cological and toxic effects of R. serpentina root
named it rauwolseine (C21H2603N2). M\uller, extracts as well as of individual alkaloids; in
Schlittler and Bein,92 in 1952, isolated a new their experience, while the total alkaloids,
alkaloid, reserpin, from R. serpentina, with an alcoholic extracts and serpentine, particularly
empirical formula of C33H4009N2. In 1953, the last, possess valuable hypotensive proper-
Chowdhury and Ghosh29 isolated yet another ties, ajmaline and serpentinine are hypertensive
alkaloid, hypotensin, from the serpentine drugs. Bhatia and Kapur'2 (1944) reported,
root. after the administration in animals of the two
Other alkaloids of R. serpentina more alkaloids, isoajmaline and neoajmaline, stimu-
recently isolated and described are, sarpagine lation followed by depression of the central
(C19H2202N2), isolated and described by Stoll nervous system, and lowering of the blood
and Hofmann'23 (1953), raupine (C2oH26O):,N2), pressure in intact, spinal and decerebrate
by Bodendorf and Eder13 (1953), rauhimbine animals, with or without experimentally
(C21H1260:,N2), and iso-rauhimbine (C21H260:1N 2) induced hypertension. In 1944, Gupta, Kahali
by Hofmann167 (1954), substance I (C2 2H2604N2) and Duttt5 found that the crude resin isolated
and substance II (C21H2503N2) by Popelak and by Dymock in 1891, also possessed the sedative
associates98 (1953) and reserpinine (C22H26- and hypnotic properties of the serpentina root.
04N2) by Schlittler and associates108 (1954). Chakravarty'7 (1952) and Mukherjee9l
(1953) described the sympathicolytic effects
PHARMACOLOGIC EFFECTS of the alkaloid rauw olseine, isolated from
The pharmacologic actions of the R. R. canescens (Linn).
serpentina root and of its individual alkaloids \Iuller and associates92 (1952) and Bein8
have been investigated from time to time. (19553), on the basis of animal experiments,
Oil the basis of experiments otn frogs, found the new alkaloid reserpin to possess
Siddiqui and Siddiquil"7 (1931) showed that marked and long-lasting hypotensive, vaso-
while the ajmalinie group acts as a general depressor and sedative-hypnotic properties. In

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1953, Dasgupta and associates3" described the hypertension only; the indications and sufita-
sympathicolytic activity and adrenergic block- bility of the case for the drug have not as yet
ing activity of the purified total alkaloids and been worked out."
the oleoresinous fraction of ft. serpentina. In A vague reference to the use of a tincture or
their opinion, the hypotensive action of the alcoholic extract of the root of R. serpentina,
root is only partly due to the sympathicolytic in cases of high blood pressure, was made in
effect, other factors like peripheral vasodilata- 1942 by Paranjpe.9' He claimed improvement,
tion being also concerned. Chowdhury and without ally statistical support, inl most cases
Ghosh21 (1953) reported the hypotensive effects of hypertension; the hypotensive action was
of a new alkaloid, hypotenisini, isolated from said to be particularly gratifying in elderly
the root. subjects and in the case of the diastolic
On the basis of experimnental and clinical pressure.
studies, the root of R. serpentina is said to have Ill 1942, 13hatia," after employing R. serpen-
the following pharmacologic attributes.132 tina ill the treatment of cases of high blood
(1) By action on the vasomiotor center, it pressure, both with and without renal damage,
leads to generalized vasodilatation, with a reported it as a useful and well-tolerated hypo-
lowering of blood pressure. (2) 1By depressant tensive remedy.
action oti the cerebral centers, it soothes the
general nervous system.'45 (3) It exerts a International Con'ribtutions
sedative action onl the gastric mucosa and a In 1949, ill England, Vakil'1' reported the
stimulating action on the plain musculature of results of all extensive clinical trial of the dried
the intestinal tract. (4) It stimulates the root of R. serpentina ill 50 cases of essential,
bronchial musculature. benign hypertension. Satisfactory drops of both
systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels
CLINICAL STUDIES were observed in 85 per cent and 81 per cent
Until the year 1949, in spite of many of cases, respectively, after four weeks of
notable clinical and pharmacologic contribu- therapy; it was concluded, on the basis of this
tions on the subject in India, interest in study, that ft. serpentina has "a definite place
R. serpentina therapy had remained strictly ill the treatment of high blood pressure."
localized to that country. The following are among the most note-
When, in 1949, the author'32 published in worthy of the international contributions onl the
England the first clinical report on ft. serpentina subj ect.
therapy to appear outside of India, interest in From the United Stales. Ill 1953, after
the subject soon became international. Since carrying out clinical trials in over 100 cases,
that time, contributions, both clinical and over periods varying from one month to one
pharmacologic, o1n the subject of f. serpen- year, Wilkins and Judson,'48 found R. serpen-
tina, have been literally pouring forth from tina useful in lowering high blood pressure
different countries of the world. levels, nonihabit forming, free of serious side
effects, and applicable in most cases of hyper-
Earlier Indian Contributions tension. In the opinion of Wilkins,1461-49 R.
Although the therapeutic value of R. serpentina is "a valuable addition to our armna-
serpentina in cases of insanity, particularly mentarium against hypertension," possessing
when associated with maniacal tendencies, was both symptom-reliev inig and hypotensive
recognized in 1931 by Sen and Bosell' and properties, especially ill young labile hyper-
subsequently confirmed by Ghosh in 1940, the tensives with sensitive nervous systems.
first mention in the literature of its value in Amongst side effects, he observed nasal
human cases of hypertension was in 1940, stuffiness, a tendency to diarrhea, gain ill body
when Vakil'30 made the following allusion to weight, nightmares and, on rare occasions, a
the subject: "After a trial of this preparation, sense of "depressed anxiety" or jitteriness.
one finds it useful in a percentage of cases of Optimal results were obtained with a dose of

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100 to 123 ing. of crude root, administered one (1953), obtained a good hypotensive response in
to three times a day. 37 out of 50 cases of hypertension treated with
In 19533 Ford and \Moyer49, after subjecting R. serpentitla. Cerebral arteriosclerosis and
25 cases of essential hypertension to combined nephrosclerosis were regarded as contraindica-
R. serpentina and hexamethonium therapy, tions. Lassitude was commonly noted as a side
were able to report (1) adequate reduction of effect and orthostatic phenomena without
pressure levels in a large number of cases, (2) circulatory collapse, on rare occasions. Sarre106
fewer and milder side reactions than with (1953) reported systolic pressure drops of over
hexamethoniium alone, (3) adequate lowering 30 mm. and diastolic drops of over 15 mm. in
of pressure even with suboptimal doses of the great majority of his cases; headache and
hexamethonium and (4) better stabilization of v-ertigo cere constantly relieved and subjective
pressure levels. impr ov emyent noted in almost all the cases.
From, Lngland. In 1934, after a trial of R. According to New\-miayer94 (1953), R. serpentina
serpentina, used in conjunction with veratrum is capable of lowA-erinig the systolic and diastolic
viride, in 24 severely hypertensive patients, pressures in most cases of labile hypertension,
Joiner and Kauntze7l could not demonstrate in a fair number of cases of fixed hypertension
either a good therapeutic response to the drug and in occasionial cases of renal hypertension.
or evidence of synergistic action. Bradyeardia The pressure effect was said to start gradually,
and lowrerinig of diastolic pressure were ob- attaininig its maximum after two or three
served in some of their cases, while pruritus weeks; while nose blocking was comnmon after
and urticaria were noted twice. In view of the therapy, symptoms akin to collapse were
acknowledged refractoriness of severe hyper- rarely observed. The bradyeardia was found
tensives to any form of therapy, the disappoint- to be proportional to the degree of pressure
ing results obtained by these authors are not drop. Kleinsorge and Wittig75-76 (1954), after
surprising. using R. serpentina alkaloids in 84 classified
From, New Zealand. In 1934 Doyle and cases of hypertension, reported a systolic
Smirk39 found reserpine, the alkaloid of R. response in about 40 per cent of cases. While
serpentina, in large doses (2 to 3 mg., thrice subject ive improvement occurred in about
daily), capable of inducing striking falls of two-thirds of his cases, no alterations were
blood pressure within four to six hours of observed in the eye grounds, electrocardio-
administration; unpleasant reactions, like graphic tracings and renal function tests. In
fatigue, drowsiness, depression, shivering, 1953, Marx95 found the drug useful in all
feeling of heat, conjunctivitis, restlessness, varieties of hypertension, including the nephro-
nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, were observed sclerotic and cerebral arteriosclerotic forms.
after larger doses of the drug. An additive He was greatly impressed by its sedative
effect was noted in some of the cases treated on qualities. M\eissner59 (1953) found it effective
combined reserpin-methonium therapy. in 90 per cent of hypertensive cases, normal
From Germany and Aiustria. After using R. pressures being restored within three weeks in
serpentina in 25 cases, Vida13l in 1952 found it many cases. An average lowering of 40 mm.
effective in all kinds of high blood pressure Hg of pressure was observed in cases of labile
and superior to other hypotensive agents. hypertension, of 28 mm. in fixed hypertension
Arnold3 (1952), regarded it as (1) the most and of 15 mm. in renal hypertension. A good
effective soothing agent with a centrally response was also noted in hyperexcitable and
effective component knowl for the autonomic thyrotoxic individuals. Watschingerl'43 (1953)
nervous system and (2) a valuable hypotensive found it superior in many respects to the other
agent, particularly for cases of labile hyper- better kniowX-n hypotensive agents. Runck105
tension. Seliger110 (1952), after confirming (1954) was impressed by both the hypotensive
Vakil's work on the subject, recommended effect of the drug, as well as by the complete
continuous R. serpentina therapy in the treat- absence of toxic reactions. He advised a
ment of high blood pressure. Arnold and 13ock4 modification of dosage in cases of diabetes and

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cerebral arteriosclerosis. Jxlausgraber74 (1953), hypertension, and without ill effects. In 195:3
in Vienna, tried the drug in 8.3 cases of hyper- Vakil'33 reported a good hypotensive response
tension of diverse types; some cases were to the alkaloid reserpine in 72 per cent of
associated with renal an(l cardiovascular cases, and few side effects. The accidental ad-
complications. A satisfactory response of both ministration of 10 times the therapeutic dose
systolic and diastolic pressures was obtained in to one patient merely resulted in a transitory
6:3 per cent of cases. Although all cases were feeling of lassitude and vertigo.
subjectively improved, the electrocardiographic Manay more studies, hitherto unpublished,
tracings, retinal fields, renal function tests and on the hypotenisive action of R. serpentina
teleradiograms remained unaffected by the root or of its individual alkaloids, either used
treatment . singly or in combination with hypotensive
From Switzerland. In 1'953 Loffler and agents like veratrum viride, hexaimethoniiun
associates83 tried the alkaloid reserpin, isolated and hydralazine, have been brought to light,
from R. serpentina by Swiss workers, in 51 recently, from various parts of the universe.
cases of hypertension. Adequate falls of The results are said to be uniformly good in
pressure were observed in only 14 cases and mild and moderate cases of hypertension and
maintained for only 12 days in spite of con- devoid of any serious or toxic ill effects. As far
tinuationi of therapy. Subjec tive improvement as can be ascertained, the results obtained with
was reported in 16 cases, and side effects, individual alkaloids of R. serpen/ina have not
including fatigue, depression, excitability, pain- differed materially from those obtained with
ful extremities, visual phenomena, miosis and the (rude extracts of the root.
dryness of mucous membranes only inl cases
treated with doses larger than 1.5 mng. per day. PRESENT DAY 'iSTATUS OF
From Japan. In 1954 (oto22 found the R. Serpentina THERAPY
alkaloid reserpin effective in 12 out of 13 cases Il the short span of about 15 years that the
of hypertension. The hypotensive action was dried root of R. serpentina has beeni on the
apparent three to seveni days after initiation of market in India, this hypotensive remedy has
therapy and maintained for t0 to 21 (lays after gaiiled such unprecedented popularity that
its suspension. Nose block and "pharyngeal the following statements canl be made: (1)
bolus" were observed in three cases. Oii trying There is hardly one patient with high blood
various combinations of R. serpentirna with pressure in that country who has not been
veratrum viride and Apresoline in 72 cases of subjected at some time or another to its
hypertension, including 18 cases of renal application'32. (2) In the experience of ovem 90
hypertension, Goto obtained a hypotenisive per (cet of Indian doctors, as revealed by a
response of 30 mm. or over within a month of (luestiomiaire circulated by Vakil in 1949,132
the initiation of therapy in 83 per cetit of cases; R. serpentina is the best "hypotensive" remedy
this result was maintained for two to four knownm. (3) One manufacturing firm alone
months. Apart from o(ccasionial -vertigo and claims to hare sold, prior to the year 1954,
conjunctivitis, there were io side-rea(ctionls. over 98 million tablets of the dried root, of
From India. In 1952, (1hakravarty and R?. serpentina.'6 (4) Shipments of the serpentina
associates17 reported average systolic and root in crude or tablet form have been sent
diastolic pressure falls of 18.5 mm., and 16.4 from India to over 17 countries of the world
mIm., respectively, on the tenth day of R. within the last four years.'6 (5) It is said to be
serpentina therapy. Mazimidar and \Iukher- prescribed by over 60,000 physicians at the
jee86 (1951) reported subjective improvemeint present time. ' 6
in all cases and a hypotensive response in 7
out of 12 cases of hypertension. Chowdhury R. Serpentina: Crude Extracts TVersus. Pure
and Ghosh29 (1953), found the alkaloid "hypo- A l1;aloids
tensin ", isolated from R. serpentina inl Calcutta, For many years now, and particularly after
effective, even in small doses, in most cases of the isolation of the alkaloid, reserpinie, a strong

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controversv has been raging b)etween opposing Le nunc( recognoscite usos del planta es enu-
schools of thought about the relative merits or merate se(uelntemente: (1) Per ager super le
superiority of the one form of serpentina centro vaso-motor, illo produce vasodilatation
preparation over the other. generalisate con resultante effectos hypoten-
The following argumenits have been put sive. (2) Per su action depressive super le
forward in favor of the alkaloid: (1) Being a centros cerebral, illo (alma le systema nervose
pure crystalline single alkaloid, it cannot general. (3) Illo exerce un effecto sedative super
produce undesirable effects from unknown le mucosa gastric e un action stimulante super
alkaloids in the whole root. (2) Being a single le nonstriate musculatura del tubo digestive.
known entity, results are likely to be more (4) Illo stimula le musculatura bronchial.
predictable. (3) _iuch smaller doses are Studios cliiiic ante le anno 1949 esseva res-
required to obtain the same results. (4) tringite a India. A ille tempore le autor del
According to some observers, it is a much more presente articulo publicava un articulo in
potent hypotensive agent. Anglaterra que initiava uil longe serie de
Those who report favorably on the whole studios e reportos. Istos es summarisate in
gruppos secundo le paises de lor origine. Le
extract in preference to alkaloids support their revista include contributiones ab le Statos
clainms with the following arguments: (1) The Unite, Anglaterra, Nove Zelanda, Glermania,
whole extract of R. serpentina contains not one Austria, Switza, Japon, e evidentemente India.
but several proved alkaloids with hypotensive
properties, ajmalinie, serpentine and ajmalinine.
Le section concludente del articulo discute
le stato presente del therapia a R. serpentina.
According to those of this school of thought, Es presentate le major argumentos del autori-
the only pressure-raising alkaloid in the whole tates (ui prefere le extracto crude e le major
extract is serpentinine, which is more than
neutralized by the hypotensive alkaloids. argumentos de illes (qui prefere le alcaloides in
forma pur.
(2) Alkaloids are not the only active con-
stituents of R. serpentina root, the yellow resin ACKNOWLEDGMENT
fraction being also a highly active, sedative My- thanks are due to Dis. R. Captain, A. F.
agent, as first noted by Dymock42 in 1891, and Golwalla, K. H. Gruschwitz, M1. Pavri and to _Miss
K. i\1. Vania for assistance in the collection of
subsequently confirmed by Gupta, Kahali and data.
Dutta55 (1941). (3) Numerous authorities in REFERENCES
the past have reported the therapeutic superi- AcCHI LIS, J. D. AND KRONEBERG, G.: Rauipin-
ority of the crude extractl'i 26 144. (4) The ein neues Alkaloid aus Rauwolfia Serpentina.
synergistic action of the total alkaloids N\'altur w issenschaften 12: 342, 1953.
eliminates danger of hypersensitivity likely to 2.ANDIRSON, F.: Respiration recording employing
a new principle. Arch. internat. de phaim-Illa-
develop from the use of single alkaloids. co(lyn. et de therap. 90: 427, 1952.
SUMMARIO IN INTERLINGUA ARNOLD, 0. H.: Die Behandlung der Chronischen
Es presentate un revista del litteratura in re arteriellen Hypertonie. Therap. Gegenwart 5:
167, 1952.
Rauwolia serpentina (omo agente hypotensive, 4 BOCK, K. D.: Xeuere Ergebnisse fiber die
includente referentias a 131 distincte contribu- meclikamentoese Behandlung (ler arteriellen
tiones. Iiitroductorimente le autor summarisa Hypertonie. Deutsche. med. Wc(.hnschrI. 78:
le historia ancian e plus recente del planta, su 565, 1953; 78: 879, 1953.
5AYMIAN, D.: Potassium thiocyanate in the treat-
usos in medicina popular, su characteristicas ment of essential hypertension. It's impracti-
botanic, e su ecologia. cabilitv. J.A.MI..A., 96: 1852, 1931.
Recercas chimic in re le agentes efficace in R. 6 Bismuth subnitrate in the treatment of es-
serpentina es describite ab lor initio in le disco- sential hy pertension. J.A.M. A. 98: 545, 1932.
perta per W. Dymock in 1891 que le planta 7 Arterial Hypertension. New York, Oxford
contine uI1 alcaloide. University Press, 1948.
8 B1IEIN, H. J.: Zur Pharmakologie des Reserpin,
Le studio scientific del effectos pharmacologic eines neuen Alkaloids aus Rauwolfia Serpen-
de R. serpentina es traciate ab 1931 al presente. tina (Benth). Experientia 9: 107, 1953.

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9-- GROSS, F., TRIPOD, J. AND MIEIER, R.: Ex- alkaloids of riauw-olfia serpentina. Indian J.
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Rauwolfia Serpentina in the Treatment of High Blood Pressure: A Review of
the Literature

Circulation. 1955;12:220-229
doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.12.2.220
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