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FE) UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE ESOL Examinations Experts in Language Assessment Speaking Test Preparation Pack for First Certificate in English Acknowledgements ‘Cambridge ESOL is grateful to the following for permission to reproduce photographs: Part 2 Making music: Corbis for musicians playing traditional instruments and family making muate at home. ‘Educational visite: National Trust Photo Library for schoolchildren on visit to farm. Every effort has been made to identify the copyright owners for material used, but it is net ways possible to identity the source or contact the copyright holders.In such cases, ‘Cambridge ESOL would welcome information from the copyright owners. University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations 11Hills Road Cambridge cei 2eU UK wwwcambridgeESLorg. © UCLES 2008 Rewould normally be necessary to obtain written permission in advance from the publisher before photocopying any part of this book. However, the Student Worksheet pages in this book are designed tobe copied and distributed in class: for these pages the normal requirements are ‘waived here and itis not necessary to contect UCLES for permission for an individual teacher to make copies for use within his or her awn classroom. Only those Student Worksheet pages ‘which carry the wording “© UCLES 2008 Phatocopiable' may be copied. First published 2008 Printed in the United Kingdom by Cambridge Printing Services Ltd ISBN 978-1-906438-38-8 Introduction ‘This Speaking Test Preporotion Pack for FCE has been specially created to help you prepare your students for the Speaking test of the First Certificate in English (FCE) from Cambridge ESOL. ‘Written by experienced Speaking teat examiners, it consists of: + abook containing comprehensive Teacher's Notes and a set of aix Student Worksheets which provide detalled practice for all parts of the FCE Speaking test + one set of candidate visuals in colour to allow you and your students to practise with realistic visual stimutus + @ DVD showing real students taking a Speaking test to give your students a clear idea of what to expect on the day, ‘The Student Worksheets can be photocopied to use in clase, or printed from the files on the DVD if you prefer. Worksheets 14 cover the four parts of the Speaking test in detail and. contain a varlety of exercises and discussion tasks using the video on the DVD. The Introductory Worksheet is designed to give students an overview of the whole Speaking teat and the Supplementary Worksheet covers how the Speaking test is weaved. ‘The Teacher's Notes for each worksheet explain in detail how to conduct each activity and provide anawers to and commentary on the various exercises. There are also Teaching Tips" fer each of the four main worksheets, giving you extra Ideas for use in clasa, and “Helpful Hints for Students’ with useful advice for you to pase on, ‘The DVD contains video of one complete FCE Speaking test for you to use with the worksheets and electronic versions of the Student Worksheets and candidate visuals. ‘We hope you enjoy using the Speaking Test Preparation Pack for FCE and wish your students every suceess when they take the test. Cambridge ESOL, univenstrofcamanioce FCE Speaking test % S01 Examinations Teacher's Notes Cosaucar f = Aims of the DVD and worksheets + toraise students’ awereness of the format of the FCE Speaking teat + to focus students’ attention on techniques that will improve their performance + to provide opportunities for students to practise the language used in the different parts of the test + toupdate teachers on the current test format for the FCE Speaking test + to provide activities and teaching tipa for teachers to use with examination classes. Please note: ‘The DVD and worksheets are not intended as a forum for discussing grades. Although in certain questions we are asking students to look at the candidates' performance, itis with a ‘view to Improving the students! own performance and not for them to grade the candidates on the DvD. ‘The FCE Speaking test on the DVD has been produced for teaching purposes only andiis nota live exam, There are, therefore, no grades available. @ How to use the DVD and worksheets ‘The Student Worksheets are at the back of this book in the section beginning on page 25.The tasks in the worksheets are to be used at your discretion to create maximum benefit for your students. The guidelines below sre suggestions only. ‘You can use the worksheets to: ‘Introduce the FCE Speaking test at the beginning of your course + review or revise key points near the exam date © focus on different parts of the test at different times according to your syliabus. Please note: ‘The material is not designed to be used as complete lessons of any fixed length. Make sure that your students are sware when the answers to the tasks cannot be found on the DVD. Some of your students may find these activities challenging If necessary, adapt or simplify the casks and give assistance where needed, SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION ACK FOR FCE 5, Student's Introductory Worksheet ‘= Task One: general information about the FCE Speaking test ‘Ask the students to fillin the missing information on the worksheet Tel them they can find ‘some of the information they need on the Candidate Support site at ‘wow.candidates.CambridgeESOLorg/ea/Help_with exams/Ceneral_Engliah/FCE ‘and in the Infermatian for Candidates booklet which they can download. Answers 1, Length: 14 minutes 2, Nomal format 2. ‘candidates und 2__ examiners 3. Number of parts: 4 4. The Speaking test is worth _20_% of the whole FCE exam (all papers), 1 Task TWwo: what happens in the FCE Speaking test ‘Ask the students to complete the table on the worksheet with the correct information from the boxbelow. * leadsa discussion ‘expresses opinions tough compat exchanges views and oplotons * ves personalinformation, asks Indvidual deci questons * Inklates discussion Answers What ore iterocstor | Whatecancidete | Possibleronga of lnguage Ports Ting | does oes sed ‘Jmimaes | asks indhduat ‘shes personal ‘Genel ineractionatand ‘Grace questions | laformation soda language: © hing personat Adnteew Information about everday crcumstances ‘= expressing opntons aboot every Ge minutes. | asks.each candidate | expresses opinions | Organising a ager unk of . fotokabouttwo | through comparing | discourse: 2. nvicoat visuals fort micte © comparing ong ture © descbing © expressing opinions Smiowtes | asks candidatesta | exchanges ideas and | Sustioing an Inteactlon: fatktageterusiog | pinions,makes | » exchanging eas visualprompts "| suggestions. agrees, | + expressing ond fstying. ‘tsapmes, and pions tons andor 3 Gottaborative eae | Peas task © suggesting + speculating + erauating * decision mang veugh nepotang 4 Discussion | aminutes | tadaadlocinston | exhangesviewsand | » expressing and using ‘on toples “plrions opions related + abrecingandfor Pond Alsapreteg 6 SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION MACK FOR FEE a u Task Three: about the FCE Speaking test Ask the students to rend the statements and write ‘True’ or ‘False’ next to each one, Answers 1. Youcan choose to take the test in a pair ora group of three.- FALSE However, there is an ‘odd number of candidates at the centre, the Inst test will be a group of three, 2, The assessor asks you questions during the test. - FALSE. The interlocutor asks the questions, 3. Only the assessor awarda marks, - FALSE. The assessor gives detailed marks on grammar, vocabulary discourse management, pronunciation and interactive communication but the imerlacutor also gives a global mark. 4. You are given your marks at the end of the test, -PALSE. Examiners are not allowed to give any indication of a candidate's performance at the end of the test, and candidates should bbe discouraged from asking, ‘S. You might not know your partner, - TRUE. At open and devolved centres candidates may be Paired at random, ‘6. You are not tested on your general knowledge.- TRUE. This ia a test of language, not of generat knowledge. In Part 1, you ask your partner questions. FALSE. You are asked direct questions by the interlocutor. 8. In Part 2, f your partner runs out of things to say you can help.~ FALSE, Part Zs the time ‘when candidates can spesk alone and uninterrupted. 9. The questions are written at the top of the page in Parts 2 and 3, - TRUE. The question: ‘written at the top of the page of visuals in the Candidate Booklet ta Nelp candidates remember and focus on the task. 410. You should interact with your partner in both Parts 3 and 4, TRUE. its important in Part 3 ‘that candidates interact with exch other, and in Part 4 the interlocutor may address a question to both candidates for them to discuss. Its also posuible in Part 4 for a candidate toadd something to what their parmer has said, Tell the students to check their answers with a parmner, Then play the DVD and tell them to check if they were right, ‘SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR FCE 7 untversitye¢camorioce FCE Speaking test ESOL Examinations Teacher's Notes ‘This worksheet is based on Part 1 of the FCE Speaking test. = Task One 4. Tell he students to work with 4 partner and ask and answer the questions in turn. + Where are you from? ‘+ What do you like about living in (partner's country/UK)? + Do you find it easy to study where you live? (Why2/Why not?) ‘+ Is there something yout really ike to learn about? (Why would you like to lean about ie) ‘Which area of (candidate's country) would you like to get to know better? ‘What's the most interesting place you've visited near here? (Why do you think It's Interesting?) How much TV do you watch in a week? (Do you think this is too much?) (Why?/Why not?) + Doyou use the internet to learn new things? (What sott of things do you learn about?) Play Part 1 on the DVD. Ask the students to discuss how their answers were different from ‘Ana's and Giallo’s, ‘Answers will depend on what the atudents say, Encourage them to think about how well they answered the questions, and how they feel about the candidates on the DVD. ‘Task Two . Play Parton the DVD again. Ask the students to make notesin the table on the worksheet, Answers, Wher does Ana sey about... ‘What does Glaiosayabout... ‘Madrid when she answers question 1? ‘Perugia when he onswers quesdon 1? ‘We doo't End out anything about Madi at tls point bbecausethe answer lsat extended, athough Is not ecessary to entend this answer, lato extends his answer by explaring where in Uualy Perugia fs tocated. ‘Modrid when she answers question 27 ‘Ana exiends hee answer well here. She tls us hat ‘Mads sa very bie ly, one ofthe mast important tle in Sosin,thartsthe caphat and that here are {ots ol things to do thee, ng fn the UK? Gao says he doesn't know ihe Ukes ting lathe UK, bute st goes on ta Find postive things 0 say aboutthe fact that Eralth peopte are practical and ‘Organised, Even fcandidstes don ike something es sl etpoctant to go on ta say why, and i's even Detter ney canst find a positive cortsentto make, ‘he area of her county she'd Uke 1 know better? ‘Axain Ana gives a full answer, explaining that she'd eta know more abaul the soa of Spain but shes abit ‘ary about going there because she bes hot ‘weather and tie Beach, and thal this i a good area with old buitings and Is intersting, studying? {Gato could have sald more Inanswes to this question but we stl feam that Re thinks RIS too ‘rowdy’ at university ad it was ease for hi to eam at school, ‘the mast interesting place she's sted? ‘Wa tea atthe place Ana finds interesting Is london and that she has been there 3.0 4times. However, Aaa seys very litle about why its the most Aeeresting place for her, We find out only thats a ead cry and very big. ‘row much TV he watches? lata answers the question coiideaty: he doesa’® ‘watch TV because hehas the Inermet which he ‘thins Isbetterbut at home he watched T for 30% oftheay! ‘sing the internet ta term new things? ‘Ara says that she would keto lez new things on {the ntemet but actualy she doesnt. She uses the Itemet fr comnmunieation with kends. SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FO FCE (ee) 2. Flay Part 1 om the DVD again if necessary and ask the students to discuss the questions on =} the worksheet. Answers ‘+ Which questions do Giallo and Ane answer well? = Gallo answers all his questions well. He always answers confidently and goes on to give explanations for his answers, Ana ives 2 very full answer to her second question when ahe talks in detall about Madrid and she also gives am extended answer to the question about the area of her country she'd ike to get to know betcer. Both students perform well in this partof the test. + Which questions could they have answered better? ~ Giallo's answer to the question about living In the UX could have been better explained. We are unsure why Giallo thinks people in the UK are practical and organised, and what he means when he says that they *move around’, He could also have gone into more detall on the question of studying. ‘When answering her questions, Ana does not always fully explain why she saya what she says, in particular in answering the question about London. + Who do you think gave the best answers in Part 1 of the test? Why? ~ Giallo gave the best answers overall because he nearly always extended his answers and explained the reasons for what he said. When answering the Part 1 questions candidates should keep asking themselves ‘Why?" so that they give full answers to all the questions. They should ‘ot, however, say more than would be expected in a normal conversation (Le. no long prepared speeches). m= Task Three 2, Ask the students to chink of two questions to ask their partner ineach of te topic areas, + sports + travel and holldays + fobs/srudies/edueation «leisure interests + entertainment + the area where they live work and study + experiences Hikes and disltees + family + daily life + future plans 2, Tell the students to practise in pairs or small groups, taking turns to ask and answer questions. Encourage them to extend their answers in an interesting way, and to use a range of grammar and Interesting vorabulaty. Remind them that this part requires personal answers and personal information and ideas. SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR FEE 9) T, Put aside time atthe Beginning ot end af lessons lo give students the chance to talk about themselves «and sheirlives. Give them o general topic, for example ‘What you do atthe weckends' ar"Where you ike too shopping and what vou buy’ and give them te to discuss these tepics n groups. Prepare Ists of Useful phrases that come up during these group discussions. 2, Put students into pairs and give them time to wite questions on liferent topic areas related to thelr lives. Ask them to use a range of tenses when forming these questions, Students can then question ‘each ather. Monitor the students 2s they speak and give feedback on thei performance, 3, Ask students to prepare avery shont presentation on one aspect oftheir Ives, for example, "My plans for the future’. Students can Uren deliver ths presentation In small groups while the ther students ‘think up three questions to ask. Monitor the students and give feedback. 4, Give students practice that involves using 3 range of tenses Lo ensure that they ore able to talk about thelr past experiences, current situation and future plan. Listen carefully tothe questions you are asked. In this pat ofthe test questions willbe about whe you ate Jand what you do. ‘Don't be afraid to ask the Intelocutos to repeat the question if you're not sure what you have Lo say. You ron’ lose any marks for doing this, _ ‘Don’t prepare tong answers before the test because this won' sound natural, Usten to your partners answers so thatyou can selate your answers fo what he/she has sald, ‘Speak cleatly so thal both examiners can hear you. ‘Try not to ghve very short answers tothe questions. For example, if the Interocutor asks you about your plans for the future, try Yo say more than, ‘Fd Uke to be a teacher. Try vo say Td Uke to be a teacher because..." and then give ove artwa reasons why. Do this whenever you can. ‘Don't speak for too fong, The examiner wil tl you know when you have to step. This may be as a spoken Instruction, for exampie ‘thank you’. ot by gesture, Make sure you don't cary on speaking for longer than. ‘expected a you need to share the time with yout pariner, 10 SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PACK FOR FCE universttyefcaMarioce FCE Speaki ing test ESOL Exzminations Teacher's Notes ‘This worksheet ts based on Part2 of the FCE Speaking test, Une the candidate visuals provided ‘with this book or, before the lesson, print out the Part 2 photographs (prefersbly in colour) from the DVD and make sure you have enough coples to give one set to each pair of students. ws Task One: focus on Ana 4. Play the beginning of Part 2.on the DVD and stop tt after the interlocutor has given Ana her task. Tell the students to listen carefully to the interlocutor’s instructions to Ans and write the missing information in the box on the worksheet Answer merocutor: Ana's yous tum fs, Here are your phoragrapts. They show people making muni ia ‘EMferent wey. ‘tke yout compare the photographs and say why you think ihe rate ls important ta tbe answer salght away. Students often lack confidence In this part of the test, Ulaing tat wit they have 1 say might not be good enough Frequent pactce and the opportunity to heat ether students! respanses wil build thelr confidence in thls part of he test. 4. Tryto cover a range of topes and gradually Increase the cicaly ofthe questions asked. The folowing topes are given as examples: © education > jobs + holidays + the environment * past and present * technology * travel and transport the fre later carefully tothe questlons and ty to answer confident. Falways try to enswer the questions fuly. When you tell th examiner why you think that a5 wel. Sometimes the interlocutor wil ask you # question and sometimes you will be asked to discuss something. with yout partne. If you're asked to discuss somethiag with your partner, Uisten carefully a what your partner Is saying and decide whether you agree of disagree. Make sure, i you disagree, that you do It polite. ‘Be senshive. Don't talk tor too long without giving your partner or the intertocutor a chance to speak paminer what you think ty to tell the 22 SPLAKING TEST PREPARATION PACE FOR PCE, unwersiTyofcamerioce FCE Speaking test ESOL Examinations Teacher's Notes ISURuCMCWTAR wasieeners 1" How we asueas spesking for FCE (Candidates ate satessed on their own individual performance and not in sclauon Wo each, ‘thes, according tothe following four analytical criteris: grammar and vocebulery, llscowron _manegement, pronunciation and Interactive communication. These criteria ara usterprated et FCE level, Assessment fs based on performance in the whote test end ls nol Telaled lo performance in particular parts of the teat. oth examiners assess the candidates. he eseestor applics dctalled enabvaical acelea, and ue interlocutor eppliea a global achlevement scale, which is based on tha analytical ecale = Anslytical scales Grammar ond vocabulary ‘This refers to the accurate and appropriate use of a rangs of graminadical forms and ‘vocabulary. Performance is Viewed in terms of the overall effectiveness of the language uel I spoken interaction, Discourse monagement ‘This refers to the candidate's ability to link utterances together to form cohevent speech, ‘without undue hesitation. The utterances should be relevant to the taekz, and should be arranged logically to develop the themes or arguments required by the tasks. Pronunciation ‘Thia refers to the candidate's ability to produce comprehensible utterances to fulfil the task requirements. This includes stress snd intonstion as well as individual sounds. Examiners put themselves ia the position of a non-ESOL specialist and assess the overall impact af the pronunciation and the degree af effort required to understand the candidate. Interactive communication ‘This refera to the candidate's ability to take an sctive part in the develepment ef the discourse. ‘This requires on ebility to participate in the range of interactive situations In the test and to develop dlacussions on a range of topies by initiating and responding appropriately This also refers to the deployment af strategies to maintain interaction at an appropriate level throughout the test so that the tasks can be fulfilled. = Global schievement scale ‘This refers tothe candidate's overall performance in deating with the tasks in the four separate parts of the FCE Speaking test. The global mark is an independent impression mark which reflects the aesessment of the candidate's performance from the interlecutor’s perspective. SPEAKING TEST PREPARATION PAK FOR SCE 29 = FCE typical minimum adequate performance ‘The candidate develops the interaction with conirbuttons which are mostly coherent and extended when dealing with the FCE-level tasks. Grammar ls movily accurate und vocabutary ‘appropriate. Unterances are understood with very little strain on the listonor, Please note: Candidates cannot pass or fail any individual paper. The candidate's grade for mp sxaminstion, is based on their total score from all five papers. § Assessment task Answers Use arange of structures, “iy pot laenaka bate atskos, ‘Tryt0 use Inevesting words, not ue! mma same.anee altho ima. “Tyta be precise In the wars you use, Grammar ond vwoxcubulery ‘Tryte connectyour ideas together clear. Ske tre that you speak tran appropiate engin tn. ‘Don't worry too much ifyou have an accent, but ty ta speaker classy so hal yowr ‘emadosaa tne ond Une interlocutor can undertand what you are eying. Think about the parton fistaning to you - how can pou help thom to undartand what you sre saying? Partlpate in of pats ofthe test Inteoctve Remember testa discussions a6 wo 2c responding fowhat your Parner Cay, ‘communication Give your opinions wlth confidence and iy aot t9hechate or tno long isons yo speak 2h SPEAKING TESE PREPARATION PACK FOR FEL

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