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FCE Practice Test 6 alta Paper 3 - Listening You will hear people talking in eight alfferent situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, A, B or C. 1, You are ot a college lecture when you hear this student interrupting the lecturer. What does the student want the lecturer to do? A. repeat a particular word B. explain something C. repeat on important point 2. You hear this poltician being interviewed on TV. What is his politcal party called? A. Social Liberal Democrats Uberal Democratic Party C. Christian Democratic Alliance 3. You overhear a hotel receptionist speaking on the telephone with a customer. Why is the hotel unable to provide the customer with rooms? ‘A, there aren't enough rooms. 8. the facies are inadequate C. the customer wants better service 4. You overhear this woman talking to her child in a shop. She is A. warning the child about something, explaining something to the child. +. felling the child off. 5. You overhear this woman talking about a problem ‘she hod with a CD player. Now the woman is A. angry. 8. worried. C. satisfied 6. You are at « pay phone in a hotel when you hear this mon ordering a taxi to take him home. Where does the man live? |A, 269, Radleigh Road 1B. 69, Rudleigh Road CC. the Haif-way Hote! You are on a train when you overhear this man talking ‘about the prices of railway tickets How much has he just paid? A. £650 8. £1650 ©. £560 '8. You hear this man on the radio introducing a song. The man, | likes the song very much B. never liked the song. . |s less keen on the song now. a] x My a fe fa) fo) ry im ra oa FCE Practice Test 6 Paper 3 - Listening Paper 3 LISTENING [LCE You will hear a programme about roller-coasters. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. You can’t control a car in a roller-coaster because ithasno BBP ont. The roller-coasters are made at [HO in Utah. The designers don’t want to make people feel [Mid the AY is the most aificult part of the ride to design. The roller-coaster gets its energy from [ESI] : The fastest roller-coaster travels at [MM] id If you know what's happening when you are on a roller-coaster you feel more [HI] : The Grand Slam Canyon coaster travels at [Mid In the future, coasters may have [I] helmets. Aroller-coaster travels faster ifthe atmosphereis [MBC Practice Test 6 Paper 3 LISTENING [LGUES You will hear five different people being interviewed on the radio about Christmas. For questions 19-23, choose from: the list A-H which words best describe their feelings about this celebration. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use enthusiastic bored with upset by it unappreciated satisfied happier than expected lonely frightened FCE Practice Test 6 Cem PART 4 | You will hear an extract from a radiio programme. For questions 24-30, decide which of the choices AB or C Is the correct answer. 24. "Soy It like tis" 28. Jone ‘A. Is always about the weather. 1A. uses the library often. au 8. 1s directed by members of the public. B. thinks students should be given free books. ry C. gives people a chance fo express their opinions. C. thinks that libraries should charge. 9 25. Mrs Kent 29. An elderly listener (a, A is an expert on the weather. ‘A. doesn't think young people should have @ 8. is worried about the weather in the near future. 10 pay in the discos. = CC. thinks there is going to be another Ice Age. doesn't like going fo the pub. ® C. thinks that people should pay in the library. eS 126. According to Tom Sheridan, aS {A food is always a good topic of conversation 30. Mos Iisteners fo the programme seem 8B. everyone likes to talk about the weather. ‘fo have something to complain about. . people dont tak about the weather any more. B. to have a personal problem. . fo be worried about money. 27. Poul Spenser 'A. does the production of a cookery programme. 8. enjoys lstering to the cookery programme thinks the cookery programme should be more difficut.

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