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SUBJECT: Aerospace Cadets of the Philippines Program

 Article XVI Section 4 of the Philippine Constitution:

“The Armed Forces of the Philippines shall be composed of a citizen armed force which shall
undergo military training and serve, as may be provided by law. It shall keep a regular force
necessary for the security of the State.”

“It seeks to prepare the youth for their vital task as nation-builders and citizen soldiers through
civic motivations to respond to the needs of the people and to be ready to defend our country.”

 DepEd Order No. 50 series 2005

1.) The Program is a requirement for Graduation for all Grade 10 Junior High School students in
both public and private school.
2.) It shall be rated on a “Pass” or “Fail” basis.

 DECS Memorandum 166 series 2001 dated May 17, 2001 re: Training Program for
Aerospace Cadets of the Philippines in selected private schools.


This program aims:

 to train Grade 9 and Grade 10 junior high school students as ACP Cadets
 to enable them to meet the requirements for leadership, law enforcement and
community service
 to prepare them for technology and skill-oriented jobs in the highly specified field of
aviation through Aerospace Education, Citizenship and Military Training

Generally, this program is intended to:
 Promote national enthusiasm in aviation among the youth of the land
 It is designed to develop youth leadership in the field of aviation through the acquisition
of the basic skills in aerospace technology, which is contributory to the general welfare
and betterment of life of the members of the community.


The objectives of the Aerospace Cadets of the Philippines Training Program are:

a. To train Aerospace Cadets in selected private secondary schools to meet the requirements for
leadership and community service through aerospace education, citizenship and military
b. Prepare the cadets for technology and skill-oriented jobs in the highly specialized field of
c. To prepare the cadets into a ready pool and reservoir of highly qualified men and women
ready to serve the country both in times of peace and during the time of emergencies.

Cadet - a male/female student enrolled in ACP
Cadet Airman (C/AM) – refers to a male cadet
Cadet Airwoman (C/AW) – refers to a female cadet
Cadet Officer - A male/female cadet who, after completing the required Cadet Officer Course /
Encampment Training is appointed with a commensurate rank by the ACP Commandant and
indorsed to the ACP Supervisor


01. Enrollment
 All Grade 9 & Grade 10 junior high school students, both males and females,
shall register during enrollment period for ACP Training Instruction.
02. Exemption
The following students may be exempted from ACP Instruction:
 Those with permanent physical disability. School Physician and other private
practitioners can only forward endorsements, based on their findings to military
hospitals through the ACP Commandant concerned.
 Aliens (not of Filipino Citizenship)
 The ACP Commandant, subject to the approval of the ACP Supervisor may
recommend such other cases.
 Exemption from ACP shall entitle the students to graduate from his/her course.
03. Failure to complete the ACP Program
a. The successful completion of the prescribed ACP course is a requisite for
graduation in the academic course. The graduation shall be held until he/she
can fully satisfy the requirements of the prescribed ACP Course.
b. If non-completion of the course is not due to the student’s neglect or fault, as
determined by the committee created by the School Head with the ACP Commandant as
a permanent member, certificate shall be issued to the effect that the student shall be
allowed to graduate from the academic course.



Aerospace Cadets of the Philippines - SYMBOLISM

 Triangle - this represents the 'holistic' personality of the youth, bred for courage, honor,
loyalty, integrity, and purity to serve God, country and others.

 Three Sides - represent the three domains in the total formation of the youth:
knowledge, skills and values.
 Three Stars - The three geographical divisions of the Philippines: Luzon, Visayas and
 The Spaceship at the center of the Philippine map - The desire to stimulate the youth's
dreams and aspirations to promote the aviation industry, hand-in-hand with the
country's economic development and industrialization.
 White - honor, integrity, purity.
 Blue - patriotism, loyalty.
 Red - courage, bravery.
 Yellow - charity, truth, love.
 Green - justice, hope and awareness



01. Designation of the Course

 The course of instruction shall be designated as ACP.
02. Period of Instructions
 The minimum periods of ACP Instruction shall be four (04) periods per week at forty (40)
minutes per period for a total of one hundred sixty (160) periods for the whole year. The
required period of instruction may be distributed throughout the year in accordance
with the schools approved school calendar.
03. Absence from Instructions
Absence from a prescribed instruction shall only be excused for reasons of
sickness, injury or other exceptional circumstances:

 Any cadet who was absent from any part of practical or theoretical instruction shall be
required to explain the cause thereof, and if found excusable, shall be allowed to make-
up for the loss.
 Excused absences not made up within the time prescribed by the ACP Commandant
shall be considered as unexcused. Unexcused absences cannot be made up for.
 The ACP Commandant shall designate periods and dates when extra instructions are to
be held.
 Any student who was absent from the ACP instruction for more than twenty percent
(20%) of the total acceptable excuses shall fail the course. The name of the said
student(s) shall be submitted by the ACP Commandant through the School Head to the
Regional Director for proper disposition under Section 88 of the National Defense Act.

04. Grading
 Cadets shall be rated every grading period in conformity with the system
used in the school.

 Grades shall be by percentages the passing mark shall be seventy five percent
(75%). In computing grades major fractions of a percent shall be considered;
minor fractions of a percent shall be disregarded.
 Cadet grades shall be computed based on the following weights:

Attendance - 30 pts
Aptitude & Conduct - 30 pts
Exams - 40 pts
TOTAL - 100 pts

Computation for Grades

• Attendance
The grades for attendance shall be computed on the basis of the total number of
periods of attendance as per master training schedule, plus the period of
attendance in prescribed special formations, such as parades, ceremonies, rallies,
duty/security detail, etc.

Number of periods present x .30

Total Periods of Attendance
= Points for Attendance

• Aptitude Rating
The grade for aptitude rating shall be computed as follows:
Merits Allotted - Demerits
Merits Allotted
= Points for Aptitude

 If a cadet gets extra merits, so that his/her total merits at the end of the
school year exceed 100, he/she shall be given a grade of 100% for the
aptitude. Never shall this aptitude rating exceed 100%, nor shall extra
merits be credited to the succeeding year.
 Each cadet shall be given 100 merits at the beginning of every school
year. For every infraction of regulations, he/she shall be penalized by
demerits. Additional merits may be awarded for attending special
formations, or other school activities outside the prescribed training

• Exams
The grade for subject proficiency shall be the average of all the ratings in written outputs
and practical exercises.
Sum of Grade in Written/Practical Tests x .40
Number of Tests
= Points for Exams

05. Military Courtesy and Discipline

 The strict observance of military courtesy and discipline shall be observed by all
cadets during the entire duration of the School Year and prescribed period of

06. Student Engaged in Competition

 Student engaged in competition and is officially representing the school may be
excused from ACP instructions during the days in which he/she is participating in
such competition, provided that he/she will make-up for the time lost by
attending extra instructions scheduled by the ACP Commandant.

07. Graduation
 Each year, during ACP Graduation, certificate shall be given to all ACP Graduates.
1ST ARCEN ACP Branch will prescribe the form of ACP activities.

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