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Self‐Report Questionnaires

Chapter · January 2015

DOI: 10.1002/9781118625392.wbecp507

9 9,978

3 authors:

Constantina Demetriou Bilge Uzun Özer

University of Cyprus Bahçeşehir University


Cecilia A Essau
University of Roehampton


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Self-Report questionnaires are often used as screening
instruments in the first stage of a two-stage
Questionnaires process in epidemiological studies. Further-
more, because the respondents themselves are
Constantina Demetriou,1 Bilge Uzun
much closer to the issues in question than
Ozer,2 and Cecilia A. Essau1
1 University of Roehampton, U.K. and 2 Cumhuriyet other individuals, the information they give
University, Turkey in self-report questionnaires tends to be more
accurate. Others are limited to reporting only
the obvious side of respondent’s experience
Self-report questionnaires are frequently through their behavior and verbal responses.
needed in clinical psychology to identify Nevertheless, some of the limitations of using
specific symptoms or signs of psychological self-report questionnaires should be consid-
disorders. They are also used for understanding ered. The main disadvantage of self-report
the prevalence of the disorders. The general questionnaires might be the possibility of
format of most self-report questionnaires is providing invalid answers. While responding
Likert-style responses to items in terms of to the items, respondents may not answer
subjective experience, or frequency of specific truthfully, especially on sensitive questions.
symptoms of psychological disorders or degree This phenomenon is known as social desir-
of impairment. Self-report instruments may ability bias, in that they may respond in a
not be sufficient for determining an individual’s socially acceptable way. There are also some
specific diagnosis, but are necessary to assess issues that affect the validity and reliability
their experience. They can be completed in of the questionnaires. One of the issues is a
hand or online with or without the assessor’s response bias, which is an individual’s tendency
presence. to respond in a certain way regardless of the
In order to compare responses across differ- question. For example, individuals may be
ent diagnoses, questionnaires are frequently more likely to respond “yes” regardless of the
used to assess symptoms before and after content of the question—known as an acquies-
treatment. Self-report instruments are also cent response bias—or more likely to respond
typically administered as part of a comprehen- “no”—a nonacquiescent bias. Another problem
sive assessment. The responses can be used to in using self-report questionnaires might be
assist a clinician in the initial evaluation by the clarity of the items, which brings the risk of
providing a guide as to the probability of a par- obtaining different interpretations of questions.
ticular problem and as a tool for quantifying Moreover, in the case of the highly structured
the individual’s presenting symptoms. questionnaires, the structure may force partic-
ipants to answer in a way that does not match
Advantages and Disadvantages
their views. For example, the structure may
One of the main advantages of the self-report reflect the preconceptions of the researcher.
questionnaire is that it can be administered to On the other hand, open-ended questions may
a large sample of people quickly without much lead to subjectivity that leads to more com-
effort or financial cost. As self-report question- plex analysis. The presence of the researcher
naires enable the collection of a large amount at the completion of the questionnaire may
of quantitative data, generalization of the find- affect answers as well. For example, subjects
ings is possible, especially when the sample is may change their behavior or demonstrate
collected randomly. For this reason, self-report an improvement in their outcome because

The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology, First Edition. Edited by Robin L. Cautin and Scott O. Lilienfeld.
© 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118625392.wbecp507

they know they are being observed. More The third step in designing self-report ques-
specifically, in the presence of the examiner, a tionnaires involves selecting a response scale.
responder may not feel comfortable selecting There is a broad variety of scale types, such as a
the extreme choices. Another disadvantage Guttman scale, a Thurstone scale, and ranking.
can be the lack of flexibility, especially with One of the most common rating scales is the
fixed-choice questions. Asking the participants Likert scale, in which the participants decide
to rate a statement gives them limited ability to how strongly they agree or disagree with a state-
express themselves and their feelings. ment. In constructing a response scale there are
a number of points to consider. One is the num-
Designing a Self-Report ber of scale points, which can range from two
Questionnaire upwards. Scales with two options are known
as dichotomous, whereas scales with three or
Designing the questionnaire is a crucial pro- more choices are known as multiple choice.
cedure and several steps are needed. The first Dichotomous scales can limit a person’s ability
step involves deciding on the topic(s) to be to express uncertainty or varying degrees of a
covered. Self-report questionnaires are often characteristic (e.g., a false choice between fully
divided into subsections representing different absent and fully present for a symptom). How-
topics or constructs. In this respect, to cover ever, some participants may use in-between
the topic to be examined, the questionnaire rating options to minimize their response
should include items covering the range of (e.g., endorsing “some of the time” when the
the topic (sometimes referred to as content symptom is present “most of the time”); a
validity). dichotomous item forces the individual to state
The second step involves constructing spe- that something is or is not present.
cific items to be included in the self-report Additionally, response scales can be either
questionnaire. All the items in a self-report unipolar or bipolar. A unipolar scale has only
questionnaire must be clear to understand. one concept (e.g., “no pain” at the one end and
Self-report questionnaires can contain open “unbearable pain” at the other), whereas a bi-
and closed questions. Open questions invite polar scale has opposite descriptions at each
end of the scale (e.g., from “agree” to “dis-
the participants to respond in their own words,
agree”). There is a possibility that a bipolar scale
which provide qualitative data. On the other
may also have a midpoint. It allows respondents
hand, closed questions, providing quantitative
to legitimately express “no opinion” if they have
data, limit the participants to certain answer
none. However, a neutral midpoint may allow
choices. Moreover, the self-report instruments
individuals to avoid expressing an opinion
may contain fixed-choice questions, where the even when they have one. The last consider-
respondent has to make a fixed-choice answer, ation in designing self-report questionnaire
usually yes or no. It is suggested to start with is anchoring, which refers to identifying the
easy, simple, and clear questions written in points of the scales in words and/or numbers.
everyday language. In a clinical setting where Explicitly defining the rating options increases
the researcher may want to obtain informa- the reliability of how respondents use the scale.
tion in sensitive areas such as suicide and In this respect, the researcher should always
self-harm, the questions should be nonthreat- consider the measurement assumptions of the
ening. Double-barreled questions that include scale, including the scale of measurement (e.g.,
more than one construct in a single question nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) and the
are problematic since they can confuse partici- specificity of the anchors.
pants; for example, agreeing with the one part After constructing the questions and the
of a question but disagreeing with another (de response format, the subsequent step is to list
Leeuw, Hox, & Dillman, 2008). the questions in a coherent manner. The layout

of a questionnaire is also important as good with other variables (Silva, 1993). Validity for
layout encourages respondent engagement and self-report questionnaires is established by
minimizes possible irritation. In this respect, a correlating the scores with a similar instru-
questionnaire should have a good layout with ment. There are four types of validity, termed
simple instructions. Physical attractiveness criterion validity, content validity, construct
of the questionnaire is another important validity, and face validity. Face validity refers
aspect. Questionnaires should be designed to to whether the items appear to measure the
appear as short as possible, should not be over- intended construct. For example, a measure
crowded, and should have adequate space for of anxiety has face validity if it includes items
open-ended responses. After completing all the asking how anxious the person feels. Content
aforementioned steps, a pilot study is necessary validity indicates the extent to which a ques-
to ensure that the items used for the instrument tionnaire examines all the targeted aspects of
are understandable. The pilot study allows the a construct. If a depression scale, for example,
developer to make revisions if needed. examines only the emotional aspect of depres-
sion but not the behavioral, it may lack content
Reliability validity. The third type, criterion validity,
assesses how well the instrument correlates
Self-report questionnaires should be tested for
with an established criterion. In other words it
reliability, which is the repeatability or depend-
is assessing validity by comparing how well a
ability of the measurement. A questionnaire
variable predicts an outcome based on other
yielding the same results in repeated usage
variables. Last, construct validity is the degree
in similar circumstances can be accepted as
to which an instrument takes the hypothetical
reliable (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). There
qualities it was designed to measure. It exam-
are several methods to understand the scale’s
ines the extent of the pattern of relationship
reliability. Internal consistency refers to the
between measures of two constructs consistent
homogeneity of items. The internal consistency
with theoretical expectation.
of multi-item scales can be assessed by coeffi-
There are several factors that might con-
cient alpha, which is the mean of all split-half
tribute to a lack of validity for the use of
coefficients (Cronbach, 1951). For a reliable
particular questionnaires. First of all, the
questionnaire, an internal consistency score of
respondent must be cognitively capable of
.7 is recommended as a minimum (Nunnally
answering the question. Brener, Billy, and
& Bernstein, 1994). Reliability can also be
Grady (2003) suggested four cognitive pro-
assessed by the test-retest method, in that the
cesses influencing the response of participants
participants are asked to respond to the items
including comprehension, retrieval, decision
of the instrument twice at different times.
making, and response generation. In this
Test-retest reliability addresses consistency
respect, participants first engage in a com-
across time, which is obtained by calculating a
prehension process that determines how the
correlation coefficient for the two assessment
question is encoded in the person’s mem-
periods. As the test-retest coefficient is not sen-
ory. Then retrieval cues are used to search
sitive to specific error, equivalent/parallel forms
memory in the subsequent retrieval stage.
reliability can be a solution. It examines the
Any retrieved information is evaluated during
reliability across different but parallel versions
the decision-making stage and finally, if the
of the same instrument.
retrieved information is deemed passable for
the purposes of answering the question, then a
response will ensue. However, if this informa-
Validity is the extent to which an instrument tion is judged inadequate, additional retrieval
measures what it is supposed to measure. It is a attempts will be made. Breakdowns at any of
multifaceted concept determined by relations these stages could disrupt the person’s ability

to answer a question. In addition, other such for use in clinical practice. Self-report ques-
issues as reading ability, attention problems, tionnaires can be used to help practitioners
memory problems, and an individual’s clinical monitor and evaluate treatment progress. Some
problems may influence a respondent’s ability questionnaires are used to assess specific diag-
to recall their attitudes or their behaviors. nostic criteria, whereas others assess emotions
Second, validity problems also arise from char- and behaviors more broadly.
acteristics of the external, social environment Selecting the appropriate psychological
instead of internal processing. For example, assessment instrument is important because
social desirability, desire of attention, and lack the clinician should consider the extent to
of confidentiality, anonymity, or privacy are which the instrument can answer the referral
some factors postulated to be influential. More question. Not every questionnaire is appropri-
specifically, social desirability has an impact on ate for every purpose. Some of the examples
situational biases while both desire of attention frequently used in clinical psychology are pro-
and lack of confidentiality can lead to response vided below. Certainly, practitioners’ training,
bias (Brener et al., 2003). Third, the person may experience, personal preferences, and famil-
lack introspective ability, even if the person is iarity with the related literature are important
trying to be honest and accurate. A person may factors to consider. It is also crucial for the
not recognize a particular problem or quality, clinician to understand the intended purpose
even though others would attest to its presence. of the instrument (e.g., was it intended to aid
So, even if the response is accurate, there may in diagnosis or just to track symptoms over
be a lack of validity. Finally, there are other time?), the composition of its standardization
practical reasons why questionnaires may not sample (and if that matches the clinician’s
be valid. Participants may vary regarding their intended population), and the adequacy of the
understanding or interpretation of particular reliability and validity of the test.
items. Some people are extreme responders One use of self-report tests may be to gen-
while others interpret and use the scales dif- erate treatment plans (Beutler, Clarkin, &
ferently. There may be a problem when the Bongar, 2000). A psychological test provides
questionnaire includes ordinal data due to the useful information regarding the planning,
fact that these kinds of data provide informa- implementation, and evaluation of the treat-
tion only about the order in which questions ment process. For example, the second edition
are ranked but not the distance between them. of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II; Beck,
Considering both reliability and validity, Steer, & Brown, 1996) is one of the most widely
evidence from previous research has indicated used instruments to measure depression. It
that validity takes priority. In terms of research, contains 21 questions loading on a two-factor
establishment of validity of a self-report ques- approach to depression: the affective and the
tionnaire is of primary importance, as it somatic components. For the second version of
characterizes theoretical practicality, but it the BDI, Dozois, Dobson, and Ahnberg (1998)
needs to be supported by recommended lev- carried out validity and reliability studies by
els of consistency and appropriate external gender. They found the scale to be highly reli-
reliability. able, with a coefficient alpha of approximately
.90, and valid for use in clinical settings. This
scale is sensitive to changes in symptomatology
The Clinical Use of Self-report
over 1 week or 1 month, and therefore can
be used monitor an individual’s response to
Use of self-report questionnaires plays a central treatment. In addition, it offers some advan-
role in the practice of clinical psychology. A tages over clinician-rated scales, as it may take
plethora of self-report questionnaires exists less time, does not require trained personnel,

and its administration and scoring process is cross-cultural equivalence, to consolidate all
standardized. the versions of the questionnaire, and to
develop a prefinal version of the instrument
Multicultural Adaptation for field testing. The fifth stage of the process
includes testing the prefinal version. In this
With the increase of multicultural and multi-
stage, 30–40 participants complete the instru-
national research projects and the increased
ment, and the participants are interviewed
use of self-report questionnaires in clinical
regarding the clarity of the items and rating
practice, the need to adapt questionnaires
scales. Based on the feedback received from the
for use in different languages has grown. It is
participants, the scale is revised and piloted.
well known that if self-report questionnaires
This process ensures that the adapted version
are to be used across different cultures, items
of the questionnaire is suitable for the new
must not only be translated into different
culture for which it has been adapted. After
languages, but must also be adapted cultur-
the pilot study, the validity and reliability stud-
ally to maintain the content validity of the
ies aforementioned are conducted. The final
instrument (Beaton, Bombardier, Guillemin,
step includes the submission of the reports
& Bosi Ferraz, 2000). Therefore, cross-cultural
and forms to the developer of the instrument
adaptation necessitates a method to com-
for appraisal of the adaptation process. This
pare the original source and target versions
procedure has been found to be the best way
of the questionnaire. Beaton and colleagues
to adapt self-report questionnaires for use in
(2000) used the term cross-cultural adapta-
different countries and cultures (Beaton et al.,
tion to cover a process that includes both
the language and cultural alteration issues in
the process of preparing the new translated
questionnaire. SEE ALSO: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI); Con-
The process of adapting questionnaires for struct Validity; Cross-Cultural Issues in Assessment;
use in another culture has six stages. The
original form of the instrument is obtained
in the first stage of the process. Two transla- References
tors with different profiles and backgrounds
Beaton, D. E., Bombardier, C., Guillemin, F., & Bosi
(informed/uninformed) are asked to translate
Ferraz, M. (2000). Guidelines for the process of
the questionnaire from the original language cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures.
into the target language. The translations are Spine, 25(24), 3186–3191.
compared in terms of wording choice and/or Beck, A. T., Steer, R. A., & Brown, G. K. (1996).
conceptual consistency. The second stage is Manual for the Beck Depression Inventory-II. San
the synthesis of the translations where the Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation.
two translators and an observer discuss and Beutler, L. E., Clarkin, J. F., & Bongar, B. (2000).
conduct a synthesis of the results of the trans- Guidelines for the systematic treatment of the
lations. This synthesis process is summarized depressed patient. New York: Oxford University
in a written report. Back translation follows Press.
this stage. Working from the translated version Brener, N. D., Billy, J. O. G., & Grady, W. R. (2003).
Assessment of factors affecting the validity of
of the questionnaire, a totally blind translator
self-reported health risk behavior among
translates the questionnaire back into the origi- adolescents: Evidence from the scientific
nal language. If possible, it is best to obtain two literature. Journal of Adolescent Health, 33(6),
of these back translations. In the fourth stage, 436–457.
an expert committee, ideally including health Cronbach, L. J. (1951). Coefficient alpha and the
professionals, methodologists, language profes- internal structure or tests. Psychometrika, 16(3),
sionals, and the translators, are asked to achieve 297–334.

de Leeuw, E., Hox, J., & Dillman, D. (Eds.). (2008). Silva, F. (1993). Psychometric foundations and
International handbook of survey methodology. behavioural assessment. Thousands Oaks, CA:
New York: Taylor & Francis. Sage.
Dozois, D. J. A., Dobson, K. S., & Ahnberg, J. L.
(1998). A psychometric evaluation of the Beck Further Reading
Depression Inventory-II. Psychological
de Leeuw, E. D., Hox, J., & Dillman, D. (2008b).
Assessment, 10, 83–89.
International handbook of survey methodology.
Nunnally, J. C., & Bernstein, I. H. (1994).
New York: Taylor & Francis.
Psychometric theory (3rd ed.). New York:

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