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Terrado’s Computer Trading
And Services

In Partial Fulfillment of
The requirements for
Computer System Servicing (CSS)

Submitted by:
Rhea Clair Q. Brandares

Submitted to:
Ms. Ailyn H. Docor
Chapter 1

History of Terrado’s Computer Trading and Services

Terrado’s Computer Trading and Services have started this business around 29 of May,
2017. The business have face alot of hardships to build this company. Every company have a brief
history, different history and their history started at when Mr. Donald Terrado (the CEO of the
company) starts working as a manager in a bank while Ms. Rosalia Terrado a house wife, at first they
imagines if they can build a business that was owned by them. They also have 3 kids. Before Mr.
Terrado planned to resign in his position as a bank manager, he first loans a money to buy a
computer. That time he just only plan to fix’s computer problem and not planning to build a business
but since he know that technology are important these days that is the time where he plan to build
Some days went well and other days didn’t. They started at fixing computer from formatting,
troubleshooting and assemble to trading and when they have enough money they start buying
computer parts and sell it.They have two branches the first one is in Tin-Ao, Cagayan de Oro City and
the other one is located in Balingasag, Misamis Oriental near bus stop.
Months around 2017, their business starts to become well-known as they start enlarging
their products, they start doing an Import and Export product that will be transported to the different
places. They also start recruiting an employee’s to maintain their business. Terrado’s Computer
Trading and Services makes sure to left a great impact to their clients, they make sure that the job
they’re doing is excellent and they themself are also trustworthy.
In 2018, They also try to accepts students who are conducting an OJT in their company as
they want them to manually learn the things they wanted to know. The first school they allowed to
conduct an OJT is the Agusan National High School/ Senior High. The teachers themself contacted
Mr. Donald Terrado to ask permission if their students are allowed to conduct an OJT in their
company. Around 15 of April, 2019, ICI students also started to conduct their OJT in TCTS.
The students themself learned that building your own business is not easy as you imagine, it
will gain alot of hardworks, trust, patience and trials. When Mrs. Terrado started to open up the brief
history of TCTS. Their close mind starts to become open to face the reality. Before they finish their 80
hours staying in the known company TCTS make sure that they will learn new things in that 80 hours,
they make sure that the help they produced to the students will be added to their skills in the future.
Terrado’s Computer Trading and Services is not just a company with a serious mission, they
are a company friendly around with their employees and the manager itself. To raise the qualification
and motivation levels of the workforce through greater involvement in the entire business process in
2017 TCTS reveals that the hardships will be payed off if you work hard to work your imaginations to
become a reality

Chapter 3

Assessment of Practicum Program

1. Describe your role in your OJT Company. What were your responsibilities? How did you feel about
doing that kind of work?

Answer: My role in TCTS is just so random. Like I didn’t settle in one place only, sometimes my
manager want me to clean some places and after that they assign me to another one. My
responsibilities are when there’s a customer I needed to take care of them and entertain them since
it’s part of my partial training for work. Feeling these kind of works feels new to me, I feel like I wasn;t
doing an OJT but instead I feel working for my own.

2. Were you able to apply concepts you learned in school? Which ones?

Answer: My course is CSS. The concepts we learned in school were applied in my OJT since my
manager wanted us to apply our knowledge in our job. We have our own skills and TCTS make sure
that our skills will be applied in our job. TCTS teaches us alot of things while staying in their company
and it makes me feel relieved somehow.

3. What have I learned (technical) from my practicum?

Answer: I learned alot of things from my study like formatting and assembling computer parts. My
parents have a computer shop business and they want me to study about computer especially they
wanted me to learn how to format computer. This practicum helps me to know those and I am
thankful to my school too.

4. My experience with the people around me...

Answer: In school people around me become my closest friends and help me to face my ferars in my
OJT people arouind me become my teachers for experiencing the new things that I can encounter.
Though we have different personalities, I experience the things that I didn’t do before because of

5. The most memorable event during my practicum...

Answer: The most memorable event during my practicum is when we held the ICT days that was held
during the month of february, It is memorable because there’s alot of competition that well be held
on that event, along with that is also the valentine’s day. It is included in my memorable moments
since I will be the one supporting each lovelife’s of my beloved classmates.
6. Do you think the OJT experience is an important part of your education? Why or Why not?

Answer: The OJT experience is important for our education because this is the time where we can
enchance our skills and knowledge about our courses.. It is also a temporary experience about
looking for a job and doing your best to impress your boss/manager in order to get a grade that you
deserve. Deducting an OJT experience in school will count as important part because your skills will
be your own success.

7. What I can recommend for the improvement of the apprenticeship program...

Answer: I can recommend that you should do your best as an apprentice not just to your boss but to
everyone. Listen to your manager if ever and do what he wanted you to do, never talk back and
respect everyone that was behind it.

8. My advice to those who will take their practicum on the near future...

Answer: My advice to those students who will soon take up their OJT, my advice is that, listen to your
boss if ever, don’t be hard headed. Do your best if you want to have a good grade, and if ever you’ll
have a customer, make them your friend. Be a friendly person so that they won’t regret choosing
your service.
Chapter 1: Brief History/Background of the company
Chapter 2: Weekly Progress reports compilation
Chapter 3: Assessment of practicum program
1. Describe your role in your OJT Company. What were your
responsibilities? How did you feel about doing that kind of work?
2. Were you able to apply concepts you learned in school? Which ones?
3. What have I learned (technical) from my practicum?
4. My experience with the people around me...
5. The most memorable event during my practicum...
6. Do you think the OJT experience is an important part of your education?
Why or Why not?
7. What I can recommend for the improvement of the apprenticeship
8. My advice to those who will take their practicum on the near future..
Chapter 4: Pertinent Documents
1 Daily Time Report (DTR) (monthly documentation of the students work
2 Training Schedule Form
3. Certificate of Completion
4 Evaluation Form

1. Pictures of relevant works that have done.

Assemble of Motherboard and Computer Box

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