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Steps of task analysis

Objective: Logan will interact with another child for 2 minutes

Task related to Objective:
*=independent Steps Description from the child Description from the child Description from the child Description from the child
# if the child perspective. What is the child perspective. What is the perspective. What is the perspective. What is the child
struggles expected to do? Physically child expected to do? child expected to do? expected to do?
Cognitively Socially Linguistically
Step Find a toy he is interested in and
One wants to play with
Step Stay engaged with the toy
Two independently
Step Three Hear or notice another child
participating in the same
activity or coming towards it.
Step Look towards child Make eye contact with the
Four child
Step Engage in parallel play with the
Five other child
Step Start interacting in play with
Six the other child
Step Seven Willing give a toy to the other Sharing toys with the other
child children
Eight Maintain play behavior for at
least 2 minutes.
Step Nine
Describe the child’s need for breakdown:. Logan struggles with interactive play with children for two minutes  (please expand table as
Breakdown 1. be aware 2. Look around at the other 3. While staying engaged in 4. notice other children are
skill of # of student in the area. the toy he is using. more reserved coming near
steps: 3 surrounding him
breakdown if

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