Imo Tomato

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Background of the Study

In the field of agriculture, fertilizers played an important role in producing goodcrops. Fertilizers
supply primary plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash. However, these
fertilizers are very expensive that most of our small farmerscannot afford to buy.The study,
published in the current issue of the journal Toxicology and IndustrialHealth, suggests that
combinations of commonly used agricultural chemicals, inconcentrations that are found in
groundwater, can significantly influence the immune andendocrine systems as well as neurological
health (Jaeger & Carlson, 1999).Inorganic fertilizers may then bring hazards to our health and to our
environmentand can pollute the water and soil.

Tomato (

Lycopersicon esculentum)

is one of the most important and widely usedvegetable. It ranks high in providing Vitamin C for our
diet. It has a variety of uses like inthe preparation of catsup and as a constituent of different recipes.
Tomato can be raised inalmost places in the Philippines. According to the Bureau of Agricultural
Statistics(BAS), the production of tomato in our country ranked the 4


greatest production in2009.

Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO) is called beneficial microbes because itinhabits the soil and the
surfaces of all living things, inside and out. IMO is involved indifferent processes such as
fermentation, decomposition, nitrogen fixation, and nutrientfixation. It aids in the assimilation of the
plants. It enables better nutrient absorption andhence healthier plant growth. IMO is said to be
cheap because of the availability of thematerials in cultivating it. It can be collected in rice or in
fermented vegetables likemustard. A large diversity of IMO can be found in forests, bamboo groves
and areas withthick accumulation of plant residues. The introduction of IMO as substitute to
chemicalfertilizer in the production of tomato would lessen the use of these hazardous
chemicals.Hence, the researchers came to with the idea of using IMO as a substitute to getrid of the
bad effects of inorganic fertilizers in our environment and produce a better yield of crops.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aimed to determine the effectiveness of IndigenousMicroorganisms in the

growth and yield performance of tomato (

To be specific, this study sought out answers to the following questions:1. Were there
improvements in tomato production using IMO in terms of:a. plant height b. total number of fruits in
each treatmentc. total weight of fruits in each treatment

2. Were there any significant differences among the treatments in terms of:a. plant height b. total
number of fruits in each treatmentc. total weight of fruits in each treatment3. Was IMO comparable
to the commercial inorganic fertilizer in terms of expense?



There were improvements in tomato production using IMO in terms of :a.

plant height b.

total number of fruits in each treatmentc.

total weight of fruits in each treatment2.

There were no significant differences among the treatments in terms of :a.

plant height b.

total number of fruits in each treatmentc.

total weight of fruits in each treatment3.

IMO was comparable to the commercial inorganic fertilizer in terms of expense.


Significance of the Study

In our modern society, the growth of Science develops as many years pass. Andas of today, new
methods, processes, discoveries, knowledge and formulas widen andhave been developed in our
country. These developments make our daily life easier, better and more comfortable.Agricultural
products, especially fertilizers increased their cost because of theeconomic crisis that our country is
experiencing today. Fertilizers are the products thatour farmers depend on for the nutritional
requirements of their crops like tomato,eggplant,

bell pepper, and cabbage, and many more. Their good harvest depends on these products but many
farmers cannot afford to buy these products to supply nutrients for their crops.In crop production,
the use of chemical fertilizers is in large amount. However,these products emit methane (CH

), a greenhouse gas contributing to ozone layer depletion and global warming.The introduction of
Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO) in the plant can besubstituted from inorganic fertilizers, enabling
less emission of methane and preventinggroundwater contamination, soil acidity, and even global
warming. It is found tocondition the soil and give the required nutrients needed by the plants. IMO
can also becollected from the environment and nature-friendly materials like rice and brown
sugar.Therefore, IMO would promote another way of increasing the crop production atlesser
expense without affecting the soil at the same time.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused mainly on the effectiveness of Indigenous Microorganisms(IMO) in the growth
and yield performance of tomato. Tomato seeds were obtained fromFruits and Vegetables Seed
Center at CLSU. This study was conducted at Gabaldon,Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija which
started on August 2010 and ended on January2011. There were five treatments with three
replications. Each replicate had sevenseedlings. This study used the variety of tomato called
Rosanna. Tandelum soil was usedfor growing the test


Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO)

Soil microorganism is a group of living, breathing organisms and, therefore, needto eat. They
compete with plants for nutrients including Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassiumand micronutrients as
well. They also consume amino acids, vitamins, and other soilcompounds. Their nutrients are
primarily derived from the organic matter they feed upon.The benefit is that they also give back or
perform other functions that benefits higher plant life (Carow, 2001).Indigenous microorganism
(IMO) is found and propagated from the immediatevicinity of growing location. It is already naturally
adapted to our climate and can easilygo to work in a symbiotic relationship with the plants. It
provides natural fertilizer for the plants and burrow deep to loosen soil providing a no-till

IMO is a beneficial member of the soil microorganisms including filamentousfungi, yeasts and
bacteria collected from non-cultivated soil. It has a high content of thesemicrobes on the soil with
the presence of earthworm castings, often found under bambootrees. The increased diversity and
activity of these beneficial microorganisms in the soilcan stimulate decomposition process, providing
a constant supply of nutrients from thesoil organic matter, enhancing nutrient uptake by plant
(Jensen, 2006).IMO is the basis in making fertile land. Farming is not conceivable without
land.Therefore, adding fertility to land is the number one priority in farming. In the light of
theresearch done by scholars so far, about 700 kilograms of microorganisms are found tolive in 0.1
hectare of land for non- contaminated field although it varies depending onhow much organic
material is contained in the land. Out of these, 70~ 75% is fungus and20~25% bacteria and 5% small
animals.For a successful environment-friendly agriculture, making soil condition that isclose to the
above is important.Adequate condition and food for the microorganisms and small animals
isessential in order to make the soil condition.When covered with straw mats or straws for 7 to 10
days, the hard land will havewhite fungus and it becomes soft and wet. This environment never fails
to attractearthworms. Without having to add microorganisms artificially but simply by
providingenvironment for the microorganisms to live in, the land recovers strength on its own.
In proper environment, the fungus (microorganism) grows first. Nematodes that feed on

these microorganisms are then attracted. Earthworms will follow. These organisms andanimals, in a
harmony, improve the soil condition and help the growth of plants. 90% of the microorganisms that
are beneficial to plants live within 5 cm from surface.When the land is covered by organic material
such as rice straws, ideal conditionof shade to sun will be formed on the soil.In such shady condition,
water is kept from evaporation and the land is protectedfrom direct sunlight. Various methods are
applied including rice straw or leaf mulching,wild grass cultivation (Mulching) and rye sowing in
order to form this environment.

Tomato Production

Tomatoes are different when grown inside a greenhouse or an outdoor farm. Thefollowing data
showed the difference between a greenhouse-grown and outdoor-growntomato plants.Tomatoes
can be red, yellow, orange, and spherical, plum-shaped, flat or pear-shaped according to its variety.
When grown in a greenhouse, it will produce a successionof marketable fruits.Tomatoes are grown
in a greenhouse border beds (raised beds give better results)or in growing bags or pots. Seeds are
sown thinly in trays filled with compost andcovered lightly with more compost. The temperature
must be at around 65°F (18°C) andthe compost must be moist. Seedlings are pricked out into 3
inches (7cm) pots filled withcompost and weaker seedlings must be removed after germination. The
seedlings are

ready to be planted when they are 6-8in (15-20cm) high and the flowers of the first trussare starting
to show. The average yield of tomatoes is 8lbs (3.5kg) per plant.Watering is done regularly to keep
the soil moist. Too much water will reduceflavor, but insufficient water will cause dark sunken areas
at the base of the fruits, acondition known as blossom end rot. When plants are 4-5ft. (1.2-1.8cm)
high, the lower leaves will be cut off. The greenhouse must be shaded when the temperature
reaches80°F (25°C). The greenhouse is ventilated throughout the summer.The tomatoes are picked
when they are ripe and fully colorful, with the calyx stillattached. At the end of the season ripe green
fruits in a layer on a tray placed in a drawer,or cut the strings and the lay plants on a bed of straw,
then cover with cloches.The following are the pest found to destroy the plants: White fly, potato
mosaicvirus, grey mould (botrytis), seedling blight. While these are some deficiencies:magnesium
deficiency, boron deficiency, foot and root rots, blossoms end rot, tomato leaf mould.On the other
hand, outdoor tomato crops have more flavorsome fruits and, if bushvarieties are grown, is less hard
work. They do not grow well at temperature below 61°F(16°C) and do not tolerate frost, so in many
areas protection will be needed.Tomatoes enjoy a warm spot in front of a south facing wall and a
rich, deep,fertile soil with plenty of organic worked in.. They can be grown in 9in (23cm) pots
or growing bags. Some varieties are good in hanging baskets and window boxes.

Seeds are sown 3/4in (18mm) deep at a temperature of 59°F (15°C) in compost-filled seed trays.
They are transplanted at the two or three-leaf stages into 2-3in (5-7cm) pots, giving them plenty of
light, space and ventilation. The young plants harden off, and plant outside when the flowers on the
lower can be seen. Its average yield is 4lbs. (1.8kg) per plant.For Cordon varieties: As the plants
grow, tie the main stem loosely to a cane at12in (30cm) intervals. When small tomatoes have
developed on the fourth truss, removethe growing point two leaves beyond it. Yellowing damaged
and diseased leaves must be removed below the fruit trusses as the growing season progresses, but
do not overdothis process. Watering must be regular and evenly to keep the soil moist. Over
wateringcan cause loss of flowers.Bush varieties: Plant 12-36in (30-90cm) apart, depending on
variety. They tend tosprawl on the ground. Do not remove side shoots. Dwarf varieties can be
spaced moreclosely. Cover with cloches in the early stages of growth.

Ripe fruits are picked. The bush varieties can be harvested 7-8 weeks after planting. Hanging a
banana from the stem will help the ripening process. Ripen greentomatoes by placing a layer of fruit
on a tray and storing in a drawer, or lay the plants ona bed of straw.These are diseases and pests
common in outdoor plants:

Leafhopper, potato cyst,eelworms, tomato blight, and damping-off in seedlings.


Review of Related Studies

³Evaluation of the indigenous microorganisms in soilless culture: occurrenceand quantitative

characteristics in the different growing systems

is the title of thestudy that were conducted by Prommart Koohakan

Hideo Ikeda, Tanimnun Jeanaksorn,Motoaki Tojo

Shin-Ichi Kusakari

Kiyotsugu Okada

and Suguru Sato. Quantitativecharacteristics such as population density and population dynamics of
the indigenousmicroorganisms in four types of soilless tomato production systems were
investigated.For non-specific genera, the amount of the population of aerobic bacteria and fungi
inroot was 9.2±10 and 4.2±5.5 Log cfu g


, respectively, regardless of the location of samples collected. For the specific genera, however,
fluorescent pseudomonads showedthe highest population density (5.4 Log cfu g


) followed by


spp. (2.5± 3.7 Log cfu g


) and


spp. (2.3±2.8 Log cfu g


). Population of microorganismswas significantly different between soilless culture systems as well.

The coconut-fiber system (organic substrate culture) showed the highest amount of fungi and


spp., whereas the rockwool system (inorganic substrate culture) contained the highestamount of
fluorescent pseudomonads. Solution culture, DFT and NFT, contained higher amounts of


spp. than the substrate cultures throughout the experiment. NFT alsocontained the largest
population of


spp. compared to the other ones. In population density investigation, aerobic bacteria in roots
became equilibrium at10 Log cfu g

in all systems under investigation, however, fungi tended to increase untilthe end of experiment.
The results indicated the unique indigenous microorganisms population in each soilless system. Also,
it revealed that aerobic bacteria could bedominant over fungi in inorganic substrate culture. With
further research of beneficial


microorganisms to horticultural plants, biological control with reduced fungicideapplication in

soilless culture would be feasible.Mutai Bao, Ximing Li et. al. conducted the study entitled ³

Laboratory study onActivating Indigenous Microorganisms to enhance oil recovery in Shengli


Microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) offers an economic alternative to enhanced oilrecovery
(EOR). In accordance to the source of the microorganisms used, microbialenhanced oil recovery can
be categorized into two types: injected exogenousmicroorganisms or utilized indigenous
microorganisms for enhanced oil recovery.Indigenous microorganisms for MEOR have greater
advantages compared to injectedmicroorganisms. For example, this technology does not need
additional injectioninstruments for in situ inoculation and the indigenous microorganisms adapt,
grow, and breed more easily in the oil reservoir.Laboratory studies show the existence of some
species of indigenousmicroorganisms (mainly bacteria) in crude oil and formation water of S12 block
inShengli Oilfield, such as Hydrocarbon Degrading Bacteria (HDB), Denitrifying Bacteria(DNB),
methane Producing Bacteria (MPB), Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB), IronBacteria (IB), Sulfur Bacteria
(SB), and Total Growth Bacteria (TGB). These indigenous bacteria are the objective of investigations
for the MEOR.The results of the chemical analyses, bacteriological analyses of the crude oil andwater
samples, and the growth and physical simulation experiments are presented. Theresults show that
the indigenous bacteria beneficial to MEOR can be selectively

stimulated by nutrient injection while the detrimental bacteria can be restricted to someextent,
enabling oil recovery to be enhanced by 9.14% after the first waterflooding.

³Influence of plant density and time of fertilizer application on the growthcharacteristics, nutrient
uptake and yield of tomato´

is the study that was conducted by M.O.A. Fawusi. In a factorial experiment to investigate the
combined effects of plantdensity and time of split application of fertilizer, 4 spacings and 3 fertilizer
treatmentswere employed. Plant populations were varied between 24,000 and 54,000 per ha.
Equalamounts of NPK were applied in different split applications and at specific
physiologicalstages.Time to 50% flowering was delayed by fertilizer application as well as by
widewithin-row spacing. Total leaf N and P content declined with all treatments betweenflowering
and mature-green stage of fruits, but increased again at table-ripe stage. Leaf K content remained
constant throughout the growth period.Two-split applications of NPK, one at 2 weeks after
transplanting to the field andthe other at fruit set, were more beneficial than either no fertilizer or
3-split applicationsof equal amount of fertilizer, when the third application was at mature-green
stage. Thiswas indicated by higher fruit yields with 2-split applications.Highest fruit yields were
obtained when tomatoes were planted either at 30.5 cm× 91 cm single-row spacing, or at 45.5 cm ×
122.0 cm, double-row spacing, both giving36,000 plants per hectare. Fruit yields were reduced at
lower and higher populationdensities.

Another study conducted by R.K. Toor, G. Savage, and A. Heeb was entitled as³

Influence of different types of fertilizers on the major antioxidant components of tomatoes´.

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of three differentmineral nutrient solutions
(nitrate: ammonium ratios of 4:1 or 1:4), chicken manure andgrass-clover mulch on the major
carpometric and antioxidant components of greenhousegrown tomatoes. The mean plant shoot
biomass was significantly higher (P<0.05) for the plants grown with mineral nutrient solutions (mean
plant fresh weight, 1.05 kg) comparedwith chicken manure and grass-clover mulch (0.80 kg).
However, there was nosignificant difference in the yield, dry matter content, or soluble solids of
tomatoes grownwith different forms of fertilisers for the duration of the experiment. The titratable
acidityof tomatoes grown with nitrate-dominant solution was significantly lower (P<0.05)
thantomatoes grown with other treatments. The mean total phenolic and ascorbic acid contentof
tomatoes grown using chicken manure and grass-clover mulch was 17.6% and 29%higher,
respectively, than the tomatoes grown with mineral nutrient solutions. The meanlycopene content
was 40% lower in tomatoes grown with high chloride levels and grass-clover mulch (11.5 mg/100 g
dry matter) compared with other treatments (19.2 mg/100 gdry matter). The mean antioxidant
activity of the ammonium-treated plants was 14%lower compared with other treatments. These
results show that the nutrient source plays amajor role in determining the levels of titratable acidity
and antioxidant components intomato.

Definition of TermsAmmonium sulfate

- an inorganic chemical compound commonly used as a fertilizer

Anaerobic Process

- a process from which air or oxygen not in chemical combination isexuded


- the process of assimilating new ideas into an existing cognitive structure


- characterized by, produced by, or involving chemical processes in livingorganisms


- a gas produced by the biological breakdown of organic matter in theabsence of sugar


- used by the wade water industry to denote the by product of domestic andcommercial sewage and
waste water treatment


- a combination of fermented rice and brown sugar mixed into a liquid sothey can be used in


- the gradual decomposition of organic compounds

Gamut -

an entire range or series


a structure in which temperature and humidity can be controlled for thecultivation or protection of

Growth performance -

the development from a seed, germ, or root, to full size or maturity; increase in size


- a colorless, tasteless, odorless element that as a diatomic gas is relatively inertand constitutes 78
percent of the atmosphere by volume

- emergent agricultural technique which can increase the amount of water inthe soil and decrease


± any of a genus of bacteria that causes food poisoning, typhoid fever diseases of genital tract

Soilless culture

±artificial means of providing plants with support and as reservoir for nutrients and water

ield Performance

the performance of plants in bearing flowers and fruits

Research ParadigmIndependent Variable

Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO)

Dependent Variable

Growth and Yield Performance of Tomato (

Lycopersicon esculentum

Extraneous Variables

Frequency of watering the plant

Kind of soil (tandulem soil)


Tomato variety (Rosanna)

Environmental conditions

Age of tomato seedlings at the beginning of the study


IMO Collection

One kilogram of milled rice was cooked and cooled. Milled rice was used in thisstudy because of its
high-carbohydrate content which can attract diversity of goodmicroorganisms. The cooked rice was
placed in a plastic box container up to fivecentimeters from the lid. It was, then, covered with manila
paper and was secured withrubber band. The covered box was buried in the soil at a depth
equivalent to thecontainers height under a bamboo grove or where there was a thick accumulation
of decomposing plant residues. The buried box was lined with plastic to avoid entering of water into
the box and was covered with soil. The box was left untouched for five days.After five days, white
molds were formed and the IMO was ready to harvest.

Fermentation and Preparation of IMO Concoction

The rice in the box was transferred to a larger container or plastic pail for fermentation. Black and
blue green molds were lessened through hands with gloves tolessen the undesirable microorganisms
that entered the fermented rice. One kilogram of brown sugar was added and mixed thoroughly
with the rice in the metal pail. Brownsugar was added to increase the further fermentation of rice to
form a concoction. It wascovered with manila paper and was secured with rubber band. It was
stored in a secured

place for seven days to ferment. After seven days, ferment was transferred in plastic bottle and was
labeled as IMO concoction.

Seedling Production

Tomato seeds (Rosanna variety) were sown in a seedling tray initiating a mediumcomposed of soil.
Seeds were scattered unevenly in the tray. Rice straw was placed in theseedling tray to protect the
seeds. After four days, rice straw was removed. Humus soilwas placed in the seedling tray. The
seedlings were watered to keep the soil moistureevery day. After 25 days, the seedling was ready for

Experimental Design and Treatments

The experiment was laid following the Randomized Complete Block Design(RCBD) with the following
treatments to be replicated three times:T

-No application of IMO (control)T

-30mL of IMO concoction per liter of water T

-40mL of IMO concoction per liter of water T

-50mL of IMO concoction per liter of water T

-recommended inorganic fertilizer (140-60-60kg)Treatments were assigned randomly in the different


Greenhouse Construction

Before the construction of greenhouse the area had been cleared. The area of thegreenhouse was
5m by 3m. Three bamboo sticks with varying height of 3.5m were placedin two opposite sides of the
greenhouse. The middlemost bamboo sticks with the lengthof 4.5 meters were placed at the center.
It was covered by mosquito net to avoid theinsects from entering which can cause damage to the
plants and to control theenvironmental conditions.


One kilogram of Tandelum soil was contained each in black plastic. Tandelumsoil is a reddish ,loose
and fine soil which is a perfect soil in growing tomato plants.There were three replicates having
seven black plastic in each treatment. Twenty-fiveday-old seedlings were transplanted at the rate of
one seedling per black plastic. Thetransplanted seedlings were watered and placed in the
greenhouse. The seedlings wereassigned randomly and labeled per replicate in each treatment.

Application of IMO Concoction and Inorganic Fertilizer

Concoction was prepared by mixing the IMO in accordance with the treatments ina liter of distilled
water thoroughly prior to application. A sprayer is used as the

instrument to apply the concoction directly on the soil. The concoction was applied fivedays after
transplanting with the assigned treatments per replicates.For Treatment 5, Inorganic Fertilizer using
14-14-14 (Complete Fertilizer) andAmmonium Sulfate (21-0-0) were applied five days after
transplanting at the rate of 140-60-60kg (N, P


O/ha). This is equivalent to 6.25 grams per carton box of 14-14-14and 4.2 grams of 21-0-0. The two
fertilizer materials were mixed and applied in the hole,five centimeters away from the base of the
plant.The application was done after 5 days. It was applied thrice every ten days in theexperiment.

Other Cultural Management Practices

The plants were watered every morning and afternoon of the day to ensure normalgrowth of the
plants. Weeds were removed weekly. Insects were removed by hand picking. There was no spraying
of insecticide to avoid killing the IMO.


Yellowish to reddish fruits were harvested through hand-picking with the calyxstill attached.
Harvested fruits were counted manually and weighed using 1-kg capacity balance. The data were
recorded per treatment and per replication in a laboratorynotebook. Harvesting was done every

Gathering of Data

The effect of the different treatments on tomato plant was evaluated using thegrowth and yield
parameters such as plant height, and total number and weight of fruits ineach treatment.The height
of all the plant in each black plastic was measured using a tapemeasure from the base up of the
plant to the tip of the longest leaf every ten days after transplanting. Plant height was gathered
thrice in the experiment.The fruits were harvested through hand picking. The number of fruits in
eachtreatment was counted while the weight of fruits in each treatment was weighed using a1-kg
capacity balance and was recorded.

Cost Analysis

Materials in making IMO concoction and inorganic fertilizers were listed withtheir cost. Cost analysis
was done by comparing the total cost of the used materials.

Statistical Analysis

All the data gathered were analyzed using SIRICHAI STATISTICS 6, statisticalsoftware following
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Mean comparison
whenever significant mean variations were doneusing Duncan¶s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5%
level significance.

Flow Chart of the MethodologySeedling ProductionConstruction of the Greenhouse

Fermentation and Preparation of IMOCollection of Indigenous MicroorganismsTransplanting

Application of IMO Concoction and Inorganic Fertilizer HarvestingStatistical AnalysisGathering of



The results of the experiment conducted to determine the effect of indigenousmicroorganisms

(IMO) in the growth and yield performance of tomato (


) were shown in the following parameters that were analyzed using theAnalysis of Variance in
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD); average growthin plant height, total number and weight
of harvested fruits. Means were compared usingDuncan¶s Multiple Range test at 5% level of

Average Height of Tomato Plants

Plant height of tomatoes was measured every 10 days after the application of thetreatments.
Presented in Table 1 is the analyzed data of the average height of plants.

Table 1.

Average growth of plants (in centimeters)


Date of Observation

Day 10 Day 20 Day 30





T2(30mL IMO concoction)





T3(40mL IMO concoction)

8.71 20.62


T4(50mL Imo concoction)




T5(inorganic fertilizer)




aMeans not sharing letter in common differ significantly by Duncan¶s Multiple Range Test (DMRT).

The results of the application on the height of the tomato are presented in table 1.On Day 10,
tomato plants applied with inorganic fertilizer gave the highest heightcompared to the control and
treatments applied with IMO Concoction. DMRT supportsfurther that T5 (inorganic fertilizer) was
significantly higher than the rest of thetreatments.Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed that on Day
20, there was a significantdifference between the treatments. DMRT revealed that plants with
inorganic fertilizersare significantly higher than the other treatments. Treatments 4 (50mL IMO
concoction)and 1 (control) were significantly different from one another. While T2 (30mL
IMOconcoction) and T3 (40mL IMO concoction) are comparable to T4 likewise they arecomparable
to T1.However, on the last day of observation, ANOVA showed that at 5% level of significance, there
was no significant difference between the treatments. This implies thatIMO can be substituted to
inorganic fertilizers in improving plant height.According to Joan Puma, plants live in a symbiotic
relationship with the soilmicroorganisms in the natural environment. The microorganisms produce
nutrients,hormones and antibiotics that plants can absorb in small quantities. Inorganic
fertilizersallow plants to bypass this process, and absorb nutrients directly in larger quantities
thatcan burn plant roots, especially if the soil is dry.


Total Number and Weight of Harvested Tomato Fruits

Fruits were harvested in a three-week period. The number of fruits was countedand weighed using a
1-kg capacity scale. Table 2 and 3 show the total number of fruitsand total weight of fruits,

Table 2.

Total Number of Fruits Harvested per Treatments


R1 R2 R3 Mean Scores


2 2 1 1.67

T2(30mL IMO concoction)

4 6 5 5.00

T3(40mL IMO concoction)

3 4 7 4.67

T4(50mL IMO concoction)

6 5 5 5.33

T5(inorganic fertilizer)

3 5 8 5.33

Means not sharing letter in common differ significantly by Duncan¶s Multiple Range Test (DMRT).

Table 3.

Total weight of Harvested fruit per treatments (in grams)


R1 R2 R3 Mean Scores

31 33 21 28.33

T2(30mL IMO concoction)

135 167 150 150.67

T3(40mL IMO concoction)

115 152 286 184.33


T4(50mL IMO concoction)

275 235 223 244.33

T5(inorganic fertilizer)

140 176 247 188.33

abMeans not sharing letter in common differ significantly by Duncan¶s Multiple Range Test (DMRT).

Treatment 1 was observed to have the least number of harvested fruits per plants.DMRT also
revealed that all treatments were not significantly different.
Control was observed that it has the lowest ripening rate of fruits which becomean attraction for
pest. It was also observed that its fruits are infested by worms. Treatment3 was infested by
aphids.On the weight of harvested fruits per plants, T4 showed the heaviest harvestedfruits per
plants. ANOVA revealed that there was a significant difference between thetreatments.
Furthermore, T3 and T5 were comparable to T2 likewise they are comparableto T4.Even though, T5
has the same number of fruits to T4, it was observed to havefruits that are light because they easily
ripens than the other treatments. This implies that plants applied with IMO produced comparable
number of fruits to inorganic fertilizers but were heavier than the plants applied with fertilizers.

Cost Analysis

The table below shows the list of items and cost of IMO and fertilizer.

Table 4.

Comparison of expense between Concoction and fertilizers

IMO Concoction Inorganic Fertilizers

Item Cost(peso) Item Cost(peso)1 kg rice 25 Complete fertilizer 151 kg brown sugar 16 Ammonium
sulfate 30Total

php41 php45

IMO concoction was comparable to inorganic fertilizers in terms of expensesince IMO is cheaper
than the use of inorganic fertilizers. IMO is also used in smaller


amount than the fertilizers and has a lasting effect because these are natural livingmicrobes in the
soil. On the other hand, inorganic fertilizers are chemicals that are easilywashed away by rain when


Based on the results obtained in the study, the researchers concluded that:1.

There are improvements in the use of IMO in the tomato production in terms of:a. plant height b.
total number of fruits in each treatmentc. total weight of plants in each treatment2.

a. There is no significant difference between the treatments on plant height. b. There is no

significant difference between the treatments on the number of fruits harvested per treatments.c. T


(50mL IMO concoction) and T

(30mL IMO concoction) weresignificantly different in the weight of fruits produced. While T

(inorganicfertilizers) and T

(40mL IMO concoction) were comparable to T

likewise to T


IMO concoction is comparable to the commercial inorganic fertilizer in terms of expense.



It is suggested that a follow-up investigation be done with concern to thefollowing


Use of other test plants like eggplant and bell pepper should be used in thestudy

Conduct of the study should be on cool and dry seasons for moreacceptable and meaningful results

Use of other mediums in cultivating indigenous microorganisms other than rice like vegetables
including mustard

Make plots for the plants to grow directly to the soil

Application must be continuous until its time to harvest



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California.Madrid, A.V. (1981). Fruit setting performance of different tomato varieties/lines
duringlate rainy season. An undergraduate thesis, CLSU.Verzosa, R.L. (1976).Response of tomato to
the different levels of Sagana 100-Commercial organic fertilizer. An Undergraduate Thesis,
CLSU.Wyk, B.V. (2005).

ood Plants in the World.

South Africa : Marshall Cavendish BrizaPublications.

Internet Resources
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Appendix Table 1.

Initial Height of tomato plants in cm

Treatments Replicated Total Mean Scores


13.43 14.43 17.86 45.72 15.24

13.43 13.43 12.86 39.72 13.24

12.43 13.14 13.57 39.14 13.05

14 13.29 12.29 39.58 13.19

13.14 12.57 13 38.71 12.9

Appendix Table 2.

Plant height after 10 days

Treatments Replicate 1 Replicate 2 Replicate 3T1(control; no application)

11.29 10.29 7.57

T2(30mL IMO concoction)

8.43 8.86 9.43

T3(40mL IMO concoction)

8.14 9.43 8.57

T4(50mL IMO concoction)

5.57 9.43 12.29

T5(inorganic fertilizer)

13.14 16.57 13.71


Appendix table 3.

Plant height after 20 days


Replicate 1 Replicate 2 Replicate 3

T1(control; no application)

26.14 24.86 24.57

T2(30ml IMO concoction)

23.86 21 24.14

T3(40ml IMO concoction)

19.86 20.17 21.29

T4(50ml Imo concoction)

15.57 20.29 23.86

T5(inorganic fertilizer)

30.29 36.71 33.71

Appendix Table 4.

Plant height after 30 days


Replicate 1 Replicate 2 Replicate 3

T1(control; no application)

45.29 42.71 37.43

T2(30mL IMO concoction)

38 36.57 39.29

T3(40mL IMO concoction)

39.14 39.29 41.57

T4(50mL IMO concoction)

33.86 58.71 44.57

T5(inorganic fertilizer)

51.14 58.71 44.57

Appendix Table 5.

Analysis of Variance in terms of Plant height


Source d.f. Sum-of-squares Mean Square F



Block 2 6.5492 3.2746


Treatments 4 70.7804 17.6951 4.46* 3.84Ex. Error 8 31.7327 3.9666total 14 109.0612 7.7901Block 2
14.5548 7.2774


Treatments 4 365.8000 91.4500 14.66** 3.84Ex. Error 8 49.8947 6.2368total 14 430.2495

30.7321Block 2 342.852 171.426


Treatments 4 108.7565 27.1891 0.64ns 3.84Ex. Error 8 341.6179 42.7022total 14 793.2264

56.6590*-significant**-highly significantns-no significant difference

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