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Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics


Triggering of the breakdown in a discharge tube by visible-spectrum light

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Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 335202 (12pp)

Triggering of the breakdown in a discharge

tube by visible-spectrum light pulses
A V Meshchanov , D O Ivanov, Y Z Ionikh and A I Shishpanov
St. Petersburg State University, 7-9 Universitetskaya Emb., St. Petersburg 199034, Russia


Received 4 May 2018, revised 28 June 2018

Accepted for publication 6 July 2018
Published 24 July 2018

The influence of the pulses of visible-spectrum light on the breakdown in a discharge tube was
studied experimentally. The tube of 80 cm length and 1.5 cm inner diameter contained neon at
a pressure of 0.6 Torr. High-voltage rectangular or ramp pulses were applied to the anode. The
light pulses of 0.1–100 µs duration were produced by the light-emitting diode or laser diode
at a wavelength of 460 and 407 nm, respectively. A small area of the tube wall near the anode
was illuminated at different moments after or before the voltage pulse onset.
It has been found that the light pulse exerts the strongest influence on the breakdown. In the
case of rectangular pulse, it drastically decreases the statistical delay time of the breakdown.
As a result, all the breakdowns, which did not happen before the light pulse, occur during
several microseconds after its onset. The light pulse influences the breakdown delay time even
if it terminates before the voltage pulse onset. This can be explained by the finite lifetime
of the secondary electrons produced by the light. In the case of the ramp voltage pulse, an
essential decrease in the breakdown voltage scatter is observed under illumination. The effect
is especially pronounced if the light pulse is applied at the moment when the anode voltage
is equal to or somewhat lower than the minimum breakdown voltage. For later moments,
the breakdown voltages are strictly bounded by both sides. The average breakdown voltage
decreases noticeably.
As for the mechanism responsible for the observed effect, electron photodesorption from
the tube wall is suggested. This process presumably occurs in dielectric barrier discharge at
atmospheric pressure where it can influence the breakdown voltage and provide synchronous
breakdown of micro discharges, thus causing the formation of multiple filaments.

Keywords: breakdown in a long tube, breakdown delay time, breakdown voltage, wall charge,
electron photodesorption

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction It was first formulated by Seeliger and Rock in 1938 [3].

Then Bartholomeyczeyk [4] in 1939 showed that ignition of
In a conventional discharge tube, the length is usually much the discharge starts with ionization of the gas near the high-
larger than the diameter. In such geometry, a pre-breakdown voltage electrode, and then the area of ionization moves to the
electric field created by the applied voltage is bunched near opposite electrode, charging the tube wall. This movement is
the high-voltage electrode and is weak elsewhere. This case accompanied by luminescence of the gas. This scenario was
differs markedly from that of the short discharge gaps with supplemented and refined by Nedospasov and Novik 20 years
large plane electrodes, where the field is nearly uniform later [5]. They showed that a glow discharge ignition starts
and breakdown occurs via either Townsend avalanches or with the initial breakdown of the gap between the high-voltage
streamers, depending on the gas pressure and applied voltage electrode and tube wall. Plasma domain (‘plasma cloud’, is
[1, 2]. In a long tube, both of these mechanisms are excluded. the authors’ term) is generated, and voltage is now applied

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J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 335202 A V Meshchanov et al

between its boundary and the next part of the wall. This, in turn, delay time was explained by the deactivation of the Ne 1s5 or
causes the appearance of a new ionization region, so that the the N2A3 Σ+ u metastable states by the radiation, which led to
plasma boundary and ionization front move towards the low- a decrease in the rates of the ionization processes involving
voltage electrode. The speed of this movement found in [5] these states. The authors of [24] explained the decrease in the
through optical and electrical measurements, was ~105 cm s−1. delay time by the photoemission from the cathode surface,
After the ionization front reaches the low-voltage electrode, presumably covered with an iron oxide microfilm, which has
plasma fills the whole tube, and the current circuit is closed. a longer wavelength threshold than the metal itself.
Plasma electrons that settled on the wall create an electric The effect of optical radiation on the breakdown was
field that, together with the external field, retracts electric field observed in [25] when studying a corona discharge in a point-
lines inwards of the plasma volume [2]. The resultant field is to-plane gap with a polished plane cathode. A considerable
directed along the tube axis and forms a glow discharge with increase in the generation rate of initial electrons under the
appropriate spatial structure. action of visible light was found. As a mechanism of this
The mechanism proposed in that work was approved in effect, the authors consider photo-stimulated exo-electron
later studies [6–20]. Of those works, [6, 8, 9, 11–20] pre- emission (PSEE) [26], which arises at a wavelength longer
sent the result of an experimental study, and in [6, 7, 10, 11, than the threshold of the photoelectric effect. PSEE is a par­
13–15, 19] the modeling was performed. An interest to the ticular case of exo-electron emission, viz. low-temperature
breakdown in tubes was primarily aroused by their applica- electron emission from a solid surface under preliminary exci-
tions in fluorescent lamps. That is why in most of these works tation of the emitter [27]. In [25], it was supposed that such
the tube was filled with argon, either pure or in a mixture with an excitation was performed by mechanical polishing of the
mercury vapor and/or the rare gases Ne and Kr. Breakdown electrode, which led to the formation of charged microcracks
in nitrogen was also studied in [14], in helium [16], neon [18] in the surface oxide layer.
and an Ar–N2 mixture [19]. In many cases, the discharge tube The effect of illumination by visible light on the break-
was shielded with a grounded metal cylinder (Faraday cage), down in the tubes was observed in [28–31]. A tungsten-hal-
which should exclude non-controlled electrical interference ogen lamp of 150 W power was used as the irradiating light
from external equipment and could also serve as a climate- source. Standard fluorescent lamps (Hg–Ar, 50 cm in length,
control system. The key features of the model [5] were con- 28 mm in diameter) with no wall fluorescent coating were
firmed in these studies, namely the appearance of a charged studied. In [29], the lamp was mounted in a metal housing
area near the high-voltage electrode and the propagation of an with an opening for light irradiation. Voltage pulses with time
ionization front (ionization, or pre-breakdown wave) and of dependence U  =  U0  ×  [1  −  exp(−t/τ)], τ ~ 10 ms, and with
wall surface charge, towards the low-voltage electrode. One a repetition rate of 10 Hz, were applied to the high-voltage
more wave in the opposite direction may propagate prior to electrode. The U0 magnitude was fitted so that the discharge
the breakdown. However, only one wave was registered in ignition occurred once per two or three seconds. The authors
[12, 14–20] and three waves were observed in [6]. The authors define such U0 value as ‘ignition voltage’; it probably cor-
of [13] saw only a direct wave for the positive voltage polarity, relates (but does not coincide [31]) with breakdown voltage.
and direct and return waves for the negative one. Note, that the A growth of U0 under illumination was observed; the effect
first stage of this scenario, that is the initial breakdown, has was enhanced with light intensity and for illuminance ~103 lx
not been studied in detail. Nevertheless, because of the short- saturated at the level of an almost 1.5-fold voltage increase.
ness of the discharge gap for this breakdown, it is assumed to For negative pulse voltage it was essentially weaker. The long-
have a Townsend-like nature [13, 18]. wavelength limit of the effect was ca. 500 nm. It was found
In [13], it was mentioned that illumination of the tube can that the efficiency of irradiation depended on the position of
affect the breakdown voltage; however, special studies of the irradiated place along the tube; the points 4–6 cm from
this effect in that work have not been performed. Actually, the anode were the most sensitive to illumination. The authors
the effect of UV, x-rays, and gamma radiation on the break- proposed two possible mechanisms of the irradiation effect.
down is well studied [1] and its mechanism is well known; (1) Illumination depopulates the metastable argon levels,
it is the generation of secondary electrons due to either gas thereby decreasing the ionization of Hg atoms in the Penning
photoionization or photoelectron emission from the electrode processes. (2) Illumination changes the charging state of the
surface. But the effect of visible radiation on the breakdown wall surface and, as a result, influences the ionization front
has received little attention. There are several papers on movement. No quantitative treatment was proposed.
the study of Townsend breakdown in short discharge gaps In our works [16–18], the influence of the illumination on
[21–24] where the delay time of breakdown was measured. the dynamic breakdown voltage Ub in long tubes was studied
In [21], in which neon at a pressure of 10 Torr was studied, for tubes filled with He [16], Ar [16, 17], Ar–Hg mixture
the discharge gap was illuminated by a laser operating at the and Ne [18] at a pressure of 1–5 Torr. In [16], the tube was
wavelength of 614.3 nm, corresponding to the Ne 1s5  −  2p6 illuminated by filtered emission of the halogen lamp, in [17,
transition. In [22–24] (nitrogen at a pressure of 1 Torr), the 18] the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were used. The ramp
gap was illuminated by the emission of a nitrogen discharge. high-voltage pulses with steepness dU/dt up to ~107 V s−1
In all cases, the irradiation changed the breakdown delay time; [16, 18], or pulses with the leading edge governed by equa-
however, the sign of this change was different; in [21–23], tion U  =  U0  ×  [1  −  exp(−t/τ)], τ  ≈  50 µs [17], were applied
it increased, while in [24], it decreased. The increase in the to the anode of the tubes. In all cases, illumination lowered

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 335202 A V Meshchanov et al

the average breakdown voltage Ub by as much as two or three For all pulse shapes, the sharp drop of the voltage was
times. Besides, statistical scatter in the Ub values decreased observed at the moment of breakdown. For ramp pulses,
or almost ceased. The long-wavelength threshold of the effect voltage at the point preceding this drop was considered as
was estimated to be 400–500 nm. In [18], it was also obtained the breakdown voltage Ub. For rectangular pulses, when all
that illumination of the tube reduced the breakdown statistical breakdowns occurred at amplitude voltage, the breakdown
delay time. In this case, rectangular voltage pulses were used. delay time td was determined as an interval between the pulse
Similar to [27, 28], the points most sensitive to illumination leading edge and point of the voltage drop.
were placed at 5–6 cm from the anode. Light pulses were produced at different time shifts relative
As for the mechanism of the effect, in [16] it was suppos- to the voltage pulse onset. In figure 2, their possible mutual
edly similar to [25], which is PSEE. However, in later studies positions are shown schematically. Two light sources were
[17, 18] another mechanism was proposed, viz. electron pho- used. (i) An LED of ~50 mW input power and ~1 cd luminous
todesorption from the wall surface. This process is assumed to intensity. The irradiation was diaphragmed and narrowed, so
occur in dielectric barrier discharges (DBDs) at atmospheric that the 5 mm spot on the tube wall was illuminated. The lumi-
pressure [32–37], where electrons are presumably desorbed nous flux through this area was  ≈3·10−5 W. (ii) Laser diode
from the surface of the dielectric barrier under the action of of ~500 mW input pulse power. The irradiated spot was also
discharge radiation. It is suggested that this is important for 5 mm in diameter and the luminous flux was ca. 10 mW. For
discharge ignition owing to the synchronization of separate both light sources, the light beam was nearly parallel and
micro-discharge pulses. crossed the axis of the tube at a right angle. Two positions
In [38], the influence of visible light on the ignition of of the illuminated spot could be used: (1) close to the anode
pulsed discharge in a flow of He, N2, O2, and He–N2, He–O2 end, so that the light beam passed next to the anode ceramic
mixtures is described. The gas pressure ranged from 2 × collar; (2) at a distance of 5 cm from the anode towards the
103–9 × 104 Pa, while the flow rate was 0.5–4 l min−1. The cathode. The spectral distributions were measured for both
light sources were LEDs, lasers and Xe lamps. The break- sources using the calibrated spectrometer (figure 3). All other
down delay time was measured and found to be decreasing light sources including the room lighting were switched off.
when the tube was illuminated. In nitrogen, the effect was It was noted above that in some of the previous works where
especially strong; the delay time fell from more than five min- the breakdown in tubes was studied, they were surrounded by
utes to several seconds. The proposed mechanism is the PSEE the grounded shield (mostly aluminum tube of about 5 cm in
mentioned above; it can also involve the vibrational excitation diameter). The main purpose of the shielding is usually to
of nitrogen molecules. exclude the non-controlled electrostatic interaction with the
In all previous research of the effect of visible-spectrum environment. But instead, interaction with the shield arises.
light on the breakdown in tubes, continuous light sources were It seems evident that this interaction can also influence the
applied. In the present work, the pulsed illumination of the breakdown. In our recent studies [18, 20], we have detected
tube was studied. This allowed us to examine the temporal such an influence in experiments with Ar–Hg mixture, when
characteristics of the effect and get additional information on the tube was placed inside the grounded cylindrical shields
its features. of varied diameter d. In particular for d  =  5 cm, the ioniz­
ation wave average velocity was more than 3-fold higher than
2. Experimental that with no shielding. The shield also drastically distorted
waveforms of the anode voltage and current. The idea of this
The sealed-off discharge tube was of 15 mm in inner diameter work was to study the breakdown in tubes under conditions of
with an 80 cm distance between the cylinder hollow aluminum their conventional applications (light sources, gas-discharge
electrodes of 2 cm in length and 10 mm in diameter. Their lasers, plasma research, etc) where no special shielding is usu-
front edges were coated with ceramic collars. The tube was ally used. Therefore, the discharge tube in this work was not
filled with high-purity neon at a pressure of 0.6 Torr. One of screened. For minimizing electrical impact on the environ­
the electrodes was grounded; the positive high-voltage pulses ment, the tube was fixed on dielectric holders at a distance
were applied to the other. Pulses of two different waveforms larger than 7–10 cm from all small-sized metal components of
were used (figure 1): (1) rectangular pulse with steep leading the setup, and at more than 40 cm from its larger components.
edge (rise time of ~1 µs); (2) the pulse with a linearly growing The absence of such an impact was proved by the fact that no
leading edge (ramp pulse) U(t)  =  (dU/dt)  ×  t, with dU/dt  = rearrangement in laboratory equipment had had any effect on
106–108 V s−1. The pulse amplitude was varied through the the measured parameters of the breakdown. No change was
range 1–5 kV, and the pulse repetition rate was 1 Hz or lower. observed when relocating the tube to another laboratory room.
Such a low rate was chosen to ensure independence of the It was also found that the presence of small-scale metal (even
breakdown characteristics from the influence of the previous grounded) objects affected the breakdown characteristics only
pulse (‘memory effect’ [14, 39]). The pulse duration was typi- if they were located closer than 2‒3 cm from the tube. It is also
cally 10 ms. It was enough for igniting glow discharge after worth noting that in experiments with Ar–Hg mixture [18, 20]
the breakdown, and for discharge current to reach the steady- where the tube was placed inside the shields of varied diam-
state value. The ballast resistor in the discharge circuit limited eter d, the breakdown characteristic distortions waned when
this value to a magnitude of 10–40 mA. increasing the d value and almost disappeared at d  ≈  70 cm.

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 335202 A V Meshchanov et al

Figure 1.  Waveforms of voltage and current for the rectangular (a) and ramp (b) pulses. Breakdown delay time td and breakdown voltage
Ub are shown.

Figure 2.  Relative positions of voltage and light pulses. Bold lines show the voltage pulse waveforms. Bar depicts the light pulse.

3.  Experimental results

3.1.  Influence of illumination on the breakdown delay time

This effect was studied by applying the voltage pulses with

short (~1 µs) rise time. Delay time td was determined as an
interval between the pulse leading edge and moment of break-
down (figure 1). In figure  4, the breakdown delay times are
depicted for a series of 300 voltage pulses of 1.5 kV ampl­
itude. Plot 1 shows the data collected with no illumination.
The other two with illumination by emission of the 5 µs LED
pulses applied at different moments t0 (see figure 2(a)) after
the voltage pulse leading edge. The area at the anode was
irradiated. Without illumination, the td values show very wide
scatter (figure 4(a)), between 20 and almost 1000 µs. The light
pulses sharply limit the upper boundary of these values at the
level close to t0 (figures 4(b) and (c)).
Figure 3.  Spectral characteristics of the LED (a) and laser diode
Alternative and more informative presentation of these (b). Upper scales show associated photon energy.
data is as follows. For breakdown of the short discharge gaps,
the delay time is the sum of two components, statistical time ts interval between the appearance of effective electron and the
and formative time tf [1, 2] sharp rise of the discharge current. Statistical time has a sto-
chastic nature, so the same is true for the whole td value. Two
td = ts + tf .
components of the latter are the parameters of the delay time
Statistical time is an interval between the moment of voltage distribution function (Laue distribution)
application and the (random) moment of appearance of the Å ã
electron, which creates the avalanche initiating the break- n(td ) td − tf
(2) = exp − ,
down (so-called effective electron [39]). Formative time is an N t̄s

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 335202 A V Meshchanov et al

Figure 4.  Breakdown delay times for sequences of 300 pulses with no illumination (a) and with the 5 µs LED pulses illuminating the area
next to the anode end at different delay time t0 after the voltage pulse onset (b) and (c). Lines mark the t0 values.

where n(td) is a number of breakdowns that occurred at the

moments later than td, and N is the total number of break-
downs. Equation (2) is valid for td  >  tf, otherwise n(td)  =  N.
In the former case, the plot of the logarithm of n(td)/N versus
td is a straight line (Lauegram [39]), for which the slope is
equal to t̄s−1 and the point of intersection with the td axis is
tf. Such dependence was really observed [1, 39]. For dis-
charge tubes, according to the above described scenario, the
first stage is an initial Townsend-like breakdown between the
high-voltage electrode and nearest section of the tube wall.
For this breakdown, the above approach may be applicable.
For the breakdown of the whole discharge gap, ionization
wave propagation is still required; therefore equation  (1)
must be replaced by
td = ts + tf + tw ,
where tw is the passage time for the wave (or waves). For
given conditions, tw is a fixed (not a random) value, as well as Figure 5.  Breakdown delay time distributions for sequences of 300
tf, and therefore they may be summarized. Then, equations (1) voltage pulses with the illumination area next to the anode end by
and (2) transform into 5 µs LED pulses for different light pulse delays t0. Figures near the
curves show the t0 values in microseconds.
td = ts + tfw ,
outside this interval. A more detailed consideration of these
Å ã curves will be presented in section 4.1.
n(td ) td − tfw
(5) = exp − , Figures 6 and 7 demonstrate the data of experiments with
N t̄s
the light pulses of varying duration δt applied at the fixed
where tfw  =  tf  +  tw may be considered as formative time for moment (t0  =  200 µs) after the voltage pulse onset (pulse
the breakdown in the whole tube. Such dependence was really amplitude is 1.5 kV). One can see that the efficiency of illu-
observed in [18]. In that work, the same tube as in the present mination grows with the light-pulse duration but saturates
study was irradiated with the emission of LEDs operating in at δt  ≈  10 µs (points for 10 and 100 µs in figure  7 lie on a
continuous mode. Irradiation increased the Lauegram slope, common line).
which turned out to be in linear dependence on the light The lifetime of electrons emitted by irradiation is obviously
intensity. finite. Therefore, the light pulses should affect the breakdown
In figure 5, the experimental points of line 9 demonstrate even if they are applied somewhat before the voltage pulse
the Laue distribution with the darkened tube. The param­ (as shown in figure 2(b)). The appropriate experiments were
eters of the distribution found from this line are tfw  ≈  15 µs performed with the laser diode as a light source, which pro-
(marked in the figure) and t̄s   ≈  200 µs. The other curves in vided increased sensitivity of measurement owing to higher
this figure show the effect of the illumination of the tube next light power. For the same purpose, the irradiated spot was
to the anode end with light pulses of 5 µs duration applied at shifted from the anode in the direction towards the cathode
different delays t0 relative to the onset of the voltage pulse. It by 5 cm, to the point that ensured the strongest impact of
can be seen that after the light pulse, with 15–20 µs delay there illumination on the breakdown [18]. The laser pulse dura-
is a sharp bend in the curves and during 10–15 µs interval, tion was 100 ns. For these measurements, the voltage pulse
the slope of the curves is about 30–50 times steeper than that generation was improved to reduce the pulse leading edge to

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 335202 A V Meshchanov et al

Figure 6.  Breakdown delay times for sequences of 300 pulses under illumination of the area next to the anode end with the LED pulses of
different duration δt applied at t0  =  200 µs after the voltage pulse onset.

Figure 8.  Breakdown delay time distributions for sequences of 300

voltage pulses with the illumination area at 5 cm from the anode
Figure 7.  Breakdown delay time distributions for sequences of 300
end by the laser pulses of 100 ns duration applied earlier than the
voltage pulses with the illumination area next to the anode end by
voltage pulse. Time gaps between the light and voltage pulses Δt
the LED pulses of different duration δt applied at t0  =  200 µs delay
(nanoseconds) are shown near the curves.
after the voltage onset. Figures near the curves are the δt values in
microseconds. Figure  9(a) depicts the data for a sequence of 50 break-
0.1 µs. Lauegrams obtained in these experiments are plotted downs by ramp voltage pulses with dU/dt  = 5  ×  106 V s−1
in figure 8 for different time gaps Δt between the light and (5 kV ms−1). A very wide scattering is observed from ca.
voltage pulses. The plots show that the effect certainly exists 1–5 kV. The other panels show similar data for measurements
for Δt  ⩽  150 ns but becomes negligible for 200 ns and more. when the spot at 5 cm distance from the anode is irradiated
Note that these values do not take into account the electron- with the LED pulses of 10 µs duration and different lags τ
transit time in the photomultiplier. When accounting for it, from the voltage pulse onset (see figure 2(c)). The thick shorter
they should be increased by 50–100 ns. horizontal lines show the voltage U at the moment of light
pulse. The thin longer lines in figure 9 are drawn through the
points with the minimum Ub = Ubmin = 1210 V values, which
3.2.  Influence of illumination on the breakdown voltage are equal for all the panels. One can see that the light pulses
decrease point scattering; the effect is most noticeable when
In these studies, the voltage pulses with ramp leading edge τ is equal to or somewhat less than τ*, where the τ* value
of different slopes dU/dt were applied. The influence of illu- (242 µs) is such that voltage U = Ubmin (figure 9(d)). In this
mination on the breakdown, which had appeared as a change case, the scatter almost disappears. For τ  >  τ*, all the break-
in the td value for the rectangular pulse, now showed itself downs occur inside the interval between τ* and τ.
as changing the breakdown voltage Ub. Fluctuations of delay Because of stochasticity of the dynamic breakdown voltage
times ts and td caused scatter of the Ub values. The breakdown its value averaged over the large number of pulses is more val-
voltage in this case should be referred to as dynamic break- uable. In figure 10, dependence of Ubav on τ is plotted. Every
down voltage, being the opposite to the static one, which is point is a result of averaging the Ub values over 50 pulses.
realized for dU/dt  →  0 (see section 4.2). Error bars are standard deviations (thin lines) and standard

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 335202 A V Meshchanov et al

Figure 9.  Breakdown voltage measured for sequences of 50 ramp voltage pulses with the illumination point at 5 cm from the anode end by
10 µs LED pulses. Time gap between the voltage pulse onset and light pulse τ (µs) is depicted in a frame; dU/dt  = 5 kV ms−1. For other
details, see in the text.

τ  =  τ* (marked on the plot) corresponding to the minimum of

Ub, or a bit earlier.

4. Discussion

It is important to note at the outset that apart from the mea-

surements described in this paper, we performed a number of
experiments with discharge tubes of other sizes, at different
pressures and parameters of the voltage pulse, and with other
rare gases. In all cases, the basic qualitative features of the
effect under study were similar.

4.1.  Influence of illumination on the breakdown delay time

The illumination effect on the breakdown delay time td is

clearly seen in figures  4 and 5. In figure  5, it is manifested
Figure 10.  Average dynamic breakdown voltage as a function of by a sharp bend of Lauegram at the moment t0  +  t1, where
the time gap between the voltage pulse onset and light pulse found t0 is an interval between the voltage and light pulse onsets
by averaging over 50 pulses. dU/dt  = 5 kV ms−1. Horizontal line
shows the average data with no illumination. Longer error bars are
and t1  =  15–20 µs. Then, during the t2  ≈  10 µs, the Lauegram
the standard deviations, shorter ones are the standard errors of mean slope is about 30–50 times steeper than outside this interval.
values. τ* marks the moment at U = Ubmin . The Lauegram slope is the reciprocal of the average statis-
tical delay time t̄s (equation (5)), so the t̄s value changes
errors of the mean values (bold lines). The horizontal line is from  ≈  200 µs with no illumination to a few microseconds
Ubav obtained with no illumination. Figure  10 reveals again with it. This results in most (more than 90 per cent) of the
that the strongest effect of illumination on the breakdown breakdowns, which have not happened before, occurring in
is achieved when the light pulse is produced at the moment this interval. The latter may evidently be made still shorter by

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 335202 A V Meshchanov et al

increasing light intensity. The t̄s value in turn is determined

by the appearance rate Z of the effective electrons, this value
being equal to t̄s−1  [1, 18, 39]. In this way, the Z value during
illumination may be estimated as  ≈(2–3)  ×  105 s−1, which
agrees with the data of experiments carried out for similar
conditions with continuous-mode illumination [18].
The time shift t1 between the light pulse and breakdown
response to it is evidently due to the existence of the formative
component of delay time τfw. The duration of the t1 interval
(15–20 µs) coincides with the tfw value. One can conclude that
the light pulses of this rather moderate intensity drastically
reduce the statistical component of the delay time, but do not
affect the formative time.
It is clear that the minimal td value must be equal to tfw
both with and without illumination. Indeed, the td minimum
is equal to 19 µs for figure  4(a) and 17 µs for (b) and (c)
(because of stochasticity of breakdown time, the difference Figure 11.  Appearance rate of effective electrons Z (see
equation (6)) as a function of the interval between the light and
between these magnitudes is insignificant). voltage pulses
With no illumination, the td values are scattered widely,
between tfw and  ≈1000 µs, with an indefinite upper bound. where Z is the rate of light-stimulated effective electron emis-
With the light pulses, the upper boundary becomes sharp. sion, and t̄s−1 and ts0 are slopes of the two parts of Lauegram
From the above analyses, this boundary should be between (figure 8). The Z values found from equation  (6) with the
(tfw  +  t0) and (tfw  +  t0  +  t2), which differ by 10 µs only. This use of the distributions plotted in figure 8, decrease with Δt
agrees well with the experimental points of figure 4. exponentially with a time constant of 46  ±  2 ns (figure 11). It
Note that although the portion of Lauegram corresponding seems evident that at extremely low density of charged par-
to the formative time lies before the portion describing the ticles before the voltage pulse, the electrons are removed from
statistical delay time, actually the statistical processes of the volume mainly due to free diffusion to the wall. With the
appearance of effective electrons precede those of electron diffusion coefficient from [40], the free diffusion time is equal
multiplication and formation of initial discharge between the to 33 ns, which agrees reasonably with the estimated value.
anode and the wall. Therefore, the apparent t1  =  tfw delay of
the light pulse impact implies in fact that photo-emitted elec-
trons appear from the very onset of this pulse. 4.2.  Influence of illumination on the breakdown voltage
Figures 6 and 7 show that the light influence increases
4.2.1.  General consideration.  Consider first the case of very
with the light pulse duration δt. For δt  =  0.2 µs, the effect
slow voltage growth
is weak; it must be so because with the Z value given
above (Z  ≈  (2–3)  ×  105 s−1), the average number of effec- (dU/dt) × td  Ub ,
tive electrons per light pulse is less than 0.1. This number where td is the average delay time. Here, the breakdown occurs
grows with δt increasing, is about 1 for δt  =  5 µs and for when the voltage reaches what is known as static breakdown
10 µs reaches several units, which implies that each light voltage US, and Ub  =  US, or very close to it. In the opposite
pulse initiates the breakdown. In other words, almost all case when
the breakdowns that without illumination would have hap-
pened after the light pulse, occur within the first several (dU/dt) × td  U0 ,
microseconds of the pulse, so further pulse widening does where (U0 is the pulse amplitude) the breakdown is possible
not change the picture (curves for δt  =  10 and 100 µs in if U0  >  US, and then Ub   =  U0. In both cases, the breakdown
figure 7 coincide). voltage is fixed (or almost fixed in the first case), and stochas-
It should be stressed that the electrons in question are ticity of breakdown appears as fluctuations of delay time. In
effective ones, that is those of secondary electrons that order for breakdown to definitely happen, the pulse duration
manage to initiate the breakdown [18, 30, 39]. The lifetime must be much longer than the average td value. In the inter-
of these electrons can be estimated from the experiments with mediate case, when the pulse leading edge is longer, but not
the light pulses applied before the voltage pulse, as shown in much longer than td and the breakdowns occur mainly on the
figure  2(b). The plots of figure  8 show that the light effect slope part of the pulse, the existence of delay time results in
is manifested in increasing the slope of the initial portion of increasing breakdown voltage as against the static value
Lauegrams, while their rest part remains unchanged. To eval-
uate the action of the light pulse, one should therefore con- U b = US + (dU/dt) × td = US + (dU/dt) × (ts + tfw ).
sider the difference Fluctuations of statistical delay time ts causes scatter in the
Ub values. This scatter may be very wide (from 1–5 kV in
Z = t̄s−1 − ts0 , figure 9(a)). The light pulses narrow it, essentially lowering the

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 335202 A V Meshchanov et al

upper limit, but not changing the lower one Ubmin = 1210 V.
The latter is marked in figures 9(a)–(f) with thin lines and obvi-
ously corresponds to the ts equal to 0 (or at least to ts  ≪  tfw).

Ubmin − US = (dU/dt) × tfw .


Under the conditions of this work, US  =  930 V. It was esti-

mated by measuring Ubmin for different slopes and extrapo-
lating these values to dU/dt  = 0 [39]. Then, from (10) one
obtains tfw  =  56 µs. This value differs from that found in
experiments with rectangular pulse (15–20 µs, figures 5 and
7). This can be explained by the difference in anode voltage
for these two cases (≈1 kV in the former and 1.5 kV in the
latter). Both tfw values agree with those received in [18] under
similar conditions.
Figure 12.  Processing of the data obtained for 300 voltage pulses
The thick shorter horizontal lines in figure  9 show the
of 1.5 kV amplitude with illumination of the tube by the 50 µs LED
voltage at the moment of the light pulse. The effect is most pulse and simultaneous application of a 60 µs voltage pulse of 400
noticeable at the moment τ  =  τ* when the voltage of the light
V amplitude. LED and additional pulses are applied at Δt before
pulse is equal to Ubmin or somewhat less (figure  9(d)). For −1 −1
the main pulse. Z = t̄s−1 − ts0 , where ts0 , is the slope of the
τ  >  τ*, all the breakdowns occur strictly inside the interval
Lauegram for no illumination and t̄s−1 is that with illumination at
between τ* and τ (between two horizontal lines). The lower appropriate Δt.
limit of this interval is determined by the obvious fact that
the light pulse cannot affect breakdowns that have already voltage was lower than US and could not produce the break-
occurred. The existence of the clear upper limit proves the down. The Laue distributions plotted for different Δt showed
high efficiency of the light pulse in triggering the breakdown. that the reciprocal average statistic delay time decreases with
Figure 10 also reveals that the strongest effect of illumi- Δt exponentially, similar to that of figure 11, but with a time
nation on the breakdown is achieved when the light pulse constant of ca. 300 µs (figure 12). This time cannot be attrib-
is produced at the moment τ  =  τ*  =  242 µs corresponding uted to electron diffusion time, the latter being four orders of
to the minimum of Ub (1210 V), or a bit earlier. At longer magnitude less.
τ, the effect weakens, which is explained by the increasing A possible explanation for the result of this experiment may
number of breakdowns that occurred before the light pulse; be as follows. Although the additional pulse voltage is too low
they cannot be affected by the illumination. for the breakdown, the electric field created by this voltage
may be high enough to excite atoms. Metastable atoms that
4.2.2.  Short delays of the light pulse.  Weakening of the effect appeared in this process have a lifetime of the order of a hun-
for shorter τ also seems clear, because in this case the electrons dred microseconds. They can live till the voltage reaches the
are emitted at lower voltage, which reduces the probability for breakdown value and at collision with the wall produce sec-
them to initiate the breakdown. Moreover, if the light pulse is ondary electrons initiating the breakdown. Metastable Ne(s5)
radiated before the voltage has reached the static breakdown diffusion lifetime under conditions in this study is just about
voltage US, breakdown seems impossible. For dU/dt  =  5 kV 300 µs (diffusion coefficient is taken from [41]).
ms−1, it takes 185 µs for the voltage to reach the US value An additional experiment was performed to test this
(930 V). One might expect that for shorter τ, illumination is hypothesis. Decay of the Ne(s5) level population in the post-
inefficient. In fact, however, the effect is clearly noticeable discharge period was studied by the absorption method [42].
even at τ  =  50 µs (figures 9(b) and 10). The optical absorption was measured for the Ne 1s5–2p9, λ
When studying breakdown by rectangular voltage pulses 640.2 nm line emitted by the DC discharge in the tube iden-
(figure 8) it was found that the light pulse being applied before tical to the main tube and placed beyond and parallel to it.
the voltage onset can affect the breakdown if the interval Supposing a Doppler line profile both for emission and
between them does not exceed Δt ~ 100 ns. From these meas- absorption, the metastable 1s5 density averaged over the tube
urements the lifetime of photo-emitted electrons was estimate radius was determined in the post-discharge (figure 13). The
to be 46 ns (figure 11), which is much less than the just men- similarity of the time dependencies for the values plotted in
tioned 50 µs. However, there is a difference between these two figures 12 and 13 is evident.
cases. In the case of ramp voltage, an electric field exists at the In the same way, it is possible to explain the results
instant of laser pulse, while it is absent in the case of rectan- described above, when the light pulse affected the breakdown
gular pulse. To check if this difference matters, we repeated voltage at short pulse delay τ. Although the voltage for such
the experiment with the illumination which preceded the a delay is too low for the breakdown, it may be high enough
rectangular pulse, but with additional voltage pulse applied to produce metastable atoms, which afterwards generate the
simultaneously with the light burst (see figure  2(d)). This effective electrons and thus initiate the breakdown.

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 335202 A V Meshchanov et al

statistical component ts. For rectangular voltage pulses, it is

manifested directly in reducing averaged delay of the break-
down, or even in truncating it at the light-pulse moment.
For the ramp voltage, it appears in changing the breakdown
dynamic voltage Ub, which is related to the td value by equa-
tion (9). In turn, the statistical component of the delay time
is determined by the appearance rate Z of effective electrons.
Therefore, the problem formulated in the subtitle of this sec-
tion  has to be read as the mechanism of electron emission
under irradiation.
In previous studies, two such mechanisms were proposed.
The first is the so-called PSEE [26]. As was mentioned in sec-
tion 1, PSEE is a particular case of exo-electron emission, viz.
emission from a solid surface under preliminary excitation of
the emitter [27]. In [25], it was suggested that it was the PSEE
Figure 13.  Decay of the Ne s5 level population averaged over that initiated the burst pulses, which were observed in atmos­
the tube radius in a post-discharge. Pulse current is 5 mA, pulse phere-pressure corona discharge in air when an incandescent
duration is 10 ms. lamp irradiated the cathode surface. The authors of that paper
suggested that the excitation of the surface could be per-
4.2.3. Comparison with the data of previous works.  The formed by mechanical polishing of the electrode, which led
impact of the illumination on the breakdown voltage was stud- to the formation of charged microcracks in the surface oxide
ied by Hamamato et al [28–30] in a fluorescent lamp contain- layer. For a long tube, the PSEE as a mech­anism of illumina-
ing an Ar–Hg mixture. Voltage pulses with time dependence tion impact on the breakdown was considered in [16, 38]. It
U  =  U0  ×  [1  −  exp(−t/τ)], τ  =  6.8–11.5 ms and a repetition was supposed that in this case the emitter (glass wall surface)
rate of 10 Hz, were applied to the tube. The U0 magnitude could be excited by interaction with plasma of a previous
was fitted so that the discharge ignition occurred once per two discharge pulse. There is no evidence however that such an
or three seconds. Such a U0 value was defined as ‘ignition excitation mechanism is really possible. The other possibility
voltage’. It is not the same as the breakdown voltage Ub, but considered in [38], was vibrational excitation of N2 molecules
evidently correlates with it. A halogen lamp was used as an produced by illumination, which should result in lowering the
irradiating light source. Considerable U0 value increase under ionization threshold (nitrogen was present as a component of
illumination was observed (the authors however mention that the mixture or as an impurity). This version is evidently incor-
one specific lamp most sensitive to irradiation, was selected rect because for N2 as a homonuclear molecule, optical trans­
for investigation). A possible explanation of the difference itions between vibrational levels are forbidden.
between the data of those works and ours may be as follows. In [17, 18], another interpretation of the effect was consid-
The voltage rise in [28–30] was rather slow, dU/dt  ≈  100 V ered, namely electron photodesorption from the wall surface.
ms−1 at the pulse onset and several times less near the break- This process is presumed to occur in a DBD at atmospheric
down point. It is very likely that this is the case described by pressure [32–37]. The possibility of electron desorption from
inequality (7), and then the breakdown voltage Ub is close to the dielectric surface was first postulated in [43], where a fluid
the static breakdown voltage US. In such a case, statistical model of the homogeneous barrier discharge in nitrogen was
delay time and its scatter does not affect the Ub, so the light developed. It was found that the known experimental results
influence on the Ub through decreasing delay time as observed can be explained with the help of the assumption that des-
in the present study, is not realized. It may explain why illu- orption of electrons adsorbed at the dielectric may occur.
mination does not reduce breakdown voltage in [28–30]. The Desorption caused by the thermal influence and the impact
authors of those works proposed two possible mechanisms for of excited molecules (according to the estimations, of vibra-
its raising. The first is that the illumination depopulates argon tionally excited nitrogen molecules) can presumably be the
metastable levels, which results in diminishing the rate of the efficient process of electron production. It was suggested that
Penning ionization of Hg atoms. This mechanism is not appli- electrons are bound with the surface due to the polarization
cable for pure rare gases. The second mechanism proposed force; therefore, the binding energy is relatively small (of the
in [28] is that the light changes the charging state of the wall order of 1 eV), and the processes of desorption can proceed
surface, thus causing the change in the electric field in the vol- efficiently. In more detail, modeling of the electron adsorption
ume and exerting the repulsive effect to the moving ionization and desorption processes was performed in [44, 45]. It was
front. No modeling or estimations were however proposed. found experimentally [34, 46, 47] that electrons adsorbed on
a surface of a dielectric in the DBD may stay there after ces-
sation of plasma exposure for several minutes or even hours.
4.3.  Mechanism of illumination influence on the breakdown
In terms of the present study, the most important point is
that desorption of electrons can occur under the impact of pho-
In fact, the parameter which is affected here by the illumi- tons. In [46], illumination of the dielectric (BSO crystal) by
nation is the breakdown delay time td; to be more exact, its the LED at λ 632 nm (photon energy hν  =  1.96 eV) reduced

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 335202 A V Meshchanov et al

the lifetime of the surface charge by three orders of magni- may drop from 5-fold to 10 percent. The average breakdown
tude. In [48], the breakdown voltage in the DBD in helium voltage decreases up to more than twice. For the moments τ
decreased essentially under irradiation of the di­electric later than τ*, all the breakdowns occur in the interval between
(glass) by a Nd:YAG laser at λ 532 nm (hν  =  2.33 eV); emis- τ* and τ, and the breakdown voltages are strictly bounded by
sion with λ 1064 nm (1.17 eV) induced the discharge trans­ both sides.
ition from the glow mode to the Townsend mode. The light As the mechanism responsible for the observed effect, the
emission initiated by the fast electrons provides synchronous electron photodesorption from the tube wall is suggested. This
breakdown of micro discharges (filaments) [32–37, 47]. Due process is proposed to occur in DBD at atmospheric pressure
to such collective effect, the first filamentary discharge trig- where it can influence the breakdown voltage and provide
gers the subsequent filamentary discharges and thus causes synchronous breakdown of micro discharges, thus causing the
the formation of multiple filaments. Similar processes occur formation of multiple filaments.
in a surface DBD [33]. For the ramp voltage, it has been found that deferred action
The spectral range effective for desorption is evidently of light pulse on the breakdown may be realized when meta-
defined by the binding energy Eb of adsorbed electrons. The stable atoms are involved as intermediates.
following data are available on this magnitude: for glass sur- It seems possible to use the effects described in the paper to
face Eb  <  3.5 eV [33] and 1.17 eV [48]; for quartz 0.50 eV improve the characteristics of the breakdown in the tubes, e.g.
[47]. These data were obtained in works devoted to the study to diminish jitter, to decrease breakdown voltage fluctuations
of DBDs. In conditions of ignition of low-pressure glow dis- and to reduce the average value of this voltage.
charge where photoemission threshold λth was determined,
available data for the glass surface [16–18, 28] give the
interval 420–530 nm (hν  =  2.34–2.95 eV) and for quartz wall
λth  =  530 nm (2.34 eV) [38]. The authors are grateful to N A Dyatko for his valuable
The above consideration confirms the hypothesis [43] of comments and D Marinov for very helpful discussions and
the existence of weakly bound adsorbed electrons on the glass information on publications on photostimulated electron
and other dielectric surfaces. Their bond energy and appro- desorption. This work was supported by the Russian Founda-
priate wavelength threshold make it possible for these elec- tion for Basic Research, project #15-02-06191-a.
trons to be emitted under the impact of photons of visible
spectrum radiation. It seems most likely that this very process
is the mechanism of effects observed in this work. ORCID iDs

A V Meshchanov
5. Conclusion Y Z Ionikh
A I Shishpanov
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