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Commented [W1]: Idea suggestion: separated gender

Some people think that it is better to educate school andd mixed gender school.

boys and girls in separate schools. Others, Commented [W2]: Idea suggestion: Co-educational
however, believe that boys and girls benefit more Commented [W3]: Grammar error: Boy+S.
from attending mixed schools. Commented [W4]: Idea suggestion: A few underlying
reason +S.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Commented [W5]: Spelling error: usual.
Commented [W6]: Idea suggestion: THE only use in
specific or only one noun.
People have different view about educational effectiveness of single sex school as oppose to mixed school. While Commented [W7]: Idea suggestion: recent surveys or a
there are benefits to children who attend unisexual school, I would argue that coeducation schools offer more survey, ‘ A recent survey ’ is very unusual.
advantages for children’s development. Commented [W8]: Idea suggestion: Separated (adj) +
One the one hand, it is beneficial for boy and girls to attend separated school based on few underlying reason. First of
Commented [W9]: Grammar error: ARE easier to …..
all, when boys and girls are separated, they tend to concentrate on their studying than other activities. It is anural that
boys always want to impress the girls if there are girls around, therefore, they may distract from their lesson in the Commented [W10]: Idea suggestion: extra-curricular
mixed class. A recent survey reveals that percentage of children get high score in unisexual school higher than in both
sexes school. In addition, separate schools easier develop their extra-curriculum activities. For example, in the boy Commented [W11]: Idea suggestion: Children in
development of both academic and society
school, they can design the football club or basketball team while in girl school, teacher can develop the activities like
dancing or drama playing without many efforts. Commented [W12]: Grammar error: Relative clauses, you
have to use ‘ That or Which’. Refer: A class has girls and
On the other hand, it seems to me that studying in the mixed school is the best choice for a child development both in boys which provide a great enviroment for learning social
academic and society. A class with balance between boys and girls will provide the great environment for children to behaviours.
learn science and social behavior. Boys and girls can learn the way to communicate with the opposite sex, which is Commented [W13]: Idea suggestion: This equips members
really helpful for them in the real life when they grow up. Furthermore, males and females naturally difference in the of both genders the necessary skills to which can later be
transferred into their personal lives.
way address problem; therefore, mixed school provide a chance for young men and ladies look one issue in different
angles. As result, the children can perform the most productive learning result. Commented [W14]: Meaning error: These sentences are
almost useless to express benefit of mixed gender school.
In conclusion, it seems evidence that single sexed schools and mixed schools have their own unique advantages. Commented [W15]: Idea suggestion: Separated schools
However, in my point of view, I believe that coeducation school is better choice for children both in academic and and mixed schools.
social behavior. Commented [W16]: Idea suggestion: Co-educational


Task Achivement 6 • Addresses all parts of the task although some parts may be
more fully covered than others
• Presents a relevant position although the conclusions may
become unclear or repetitive
• Presents relevant main ideas but some may be
inadequately developed/unclear

Coherence and 5 • Arranges information and ideas coherently and there is a

Cohension clear overall progression
• Uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within
and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical
• May not always use referencing clearly or appropriately
• Uses paragraphing, but not always logically

Lexicle Resource 5 • Uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task

• Attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some
• Makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but
they do not impede communication

Grammatical Range 5 • Uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms

and Accuracy • Makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they
rarely reduce communication

Overall 5.0

Model Answer:
The topic of whether boys and girls should be taught in mixed schools has been a contentious issue ever since
the initiation of women’s rights movements. Some argue that the practice of teaching boys and girls in the same
school should be upheld, while others refute this. Both sides of this debate will be analysed in this essay before
a reasoned conclusion is drawn.
In one camp, it is believed that educating boys and girls in a co-education system reaps numerous bounties.
For example, most women rights activists contend that instructing males and females together enhances the
understanding between the two genders. This equips members of both genders with the necessary skills which
can later be transferred into their personal lives, and as result enjoy a higher degree of matrimonial bliss. Thus,
it is clear why many people support the idea of co-education.
On the other hand, many consider the practice of educating girls and boys separately is best. For example,
Saudi Arabia is often mocked for its conservative culture. Despite this, Saudi Arabia has one of the lowest rape
and sexual assault rates in the world. One of the reasons cited for this is the segregation on the basis of gender
in the educational institutes. When looking at this side of the debate, the benefits that are derived from separate
schools for girls and boys can be seen.
Although both sides of this argument have indisputable virtues, it is felt that practice of educating male and
female pupils in the same school is much more of a positive development than negative. Therefore, it is hoped
that the trend of co-education schools will continue to be the norm the world over into the foreseeable future.


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