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Slab retreat and active shortening along the central-northern Apennines

Davide Scrocca (*), Eugenio Carminati (**), Carlo Doglioni (**) & Daiana Marcantoni (**)

* Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria (CNR ), c/o Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra,
Università La Sapienza, P.le A. Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy.
** Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università La Sapienza, P.le A. Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy.

The Quaternary geodynamic evolution and the tectonic processes active along the Central and
Northern Apennines thrust fronts and in the adjacent Padane-Adriatic foredeep domains are
analysed and discussed.
A reinterpretation of the available geophysical and geological data reveals that the south-eastward
prolongation of the Apennines thrust front in the Adriatic Sea is most likely located along the north-
eastern side of the Adriatic ridge, i.e., in a more external position with respect to traditional
interpretations. Further south, the Apennine thrust front is segmented in correspondence with the
Tremiti lithospheric right-lateral transfer zone.
This new interpretation of the Apennine thrust front bears some relevant implications since it
rejuvenates to Late Quaternary the most recent contractional deformations in its Adriatic portion.
This is consistent with the Late Quaternary activity of the buried thrust-related folds associated with
the Apennine front along the Marche coastal belt and in the Po Plain documented by
geomorphological analysis and by seismic reflection profiles. Moreover, active shortening
associated with the Apennines accretionary prism in the Po Plain and in the central and northern
Adriatic Sea is documented by GPS data and by historical and instrumental seismicity.
The Quaternary evolution of one of the active thrust-related folds recognised in the Po Plain
subsurface (the Mirandola anticline) has been investigated in detail by backstripping high resolution
stratigraphic data. Our results show decreasing relative uplift rates during the Quaternary. However,
tectonic relative uplift rate of about 0.16 mm/a can still be recognised during the last 125 ka.
Horizontal shortening faster than 1 mm/a should be expected in agreement with available GPS data.
Furthermore, the SW-ward (or W-ward) increasing dip of the foreland monocline in the Po Plain
and in the central-northern Adriatic and the asymmetric distribution of the Quaternary to Recent
subsidence indicate a still active flexural retreat of the subducting lithosphere in these domains.

The Quaternary to Recent flexural retreat of the subducting Adriatic lithosphere and the related
frontal accretion of the Apennines prism are framed in a coherent geodynamic scenario
characterized by a retreating west directed subduction zone, which is the natural evolution of the
Neogene geodynamic history.

1.0 Introduction
The central and northern segments of Apennines accretionary prism - foredeep system are among
the most studied thrust belts worldwide. The buried geometries of the Northern Apennines frontal
thrust system were already nicely imaged below the Po Plain by seismic reflection data at the
beginning of the ‘80s (e.g., Pieri and Groppi, 1981; Pieri 1983). Since then, this structural
configuration has served as a classic example for thrust tectonics and growth strata studies (among
many others: Doglioni, 1993; Zoetemeijer et al. 1993, Doglioni and Prosser, 1997; Hardy et al.,
1996; Ford, 2004). Moreover, by analyzing the Adriatic foredeep domain, fundamental concepts
have been developed on the relationships between thrusting and sedimentation as, for instance, the
definition of piggyback basin (Ori and Friend, 1984).
The basic tectonic evolution of the Apennines thrust belt-foredeep system may be considered the
result of the late-Oligocene to Present NE-ward roll-back of a W directed slab (among many others:
Malinverno and Ryan, 1986; Royden et al., 1987; Doglioni, 1991; Patacca et al., 1990; Faccenna et
al., 2003). The subduction depth decreases moving from Calabria to the northern Apennines.
Moving along strike, the accretionary prism shows variable depth (3-10 km) of the frontal basal
décollement plane (Bigi et al., 2003; Lenci et al., 2004), and variable dip of the foreland regional
monocline (Mariotti and Doglioni, 2000). These structural undulations are related either to lateral
stratigraphic variations or to inherited Permo-Mesozoic structures (i.e., horst and grabens). The
Quaternary geodynamic evolution and the active tectonic processes are, however, still a matter of
debate. This scientific controversy provides an interesting opportunity to review and discuss some
general issues related to the tectonic evolution of thrust belt-foredeep systems.
Regarding the Central and Northern Apennines thrust front and adjacent Adriatic foredeep domains,
the main controversies regard the following points:
• the actual position of the south-eastward prolongation of the Apennine thrust front in central
Adriatic domain;
• the age of the most recent tectonic activity along the Apennine thrust front and its present-day
seismotectonic behaviour;

• the geodynamic processes responsible for the Quaternary subsidence of the Padane-Adriatic
In this paper, a review of the above issues is carried out. Based on the interpretation of both recently
acquired and already available seismic reflection profiles and well data, a new definition of the
Apennine thrust front is proposed together with an assessment of the natural subsidence of the
Padane-Adriatic region.
The Late Quaternary to Recent tectonic vitality of the Central and Northern Apennine thrust front is
discussed by comparing geological and geophysical evidences in Adriatic domain and in the Po
Plain. Moreover, the Quaternary evolution of one of the active thrust-related folds recognised in the
Po Plain subsurface (the Mirandola anticline) is investigated in detail by backstripping high
resolution stratigraphic data.
The proposed structural interpretation of the Apennine thrust front, its recent activity and
seismotectonic behaviour, and the Quaternary natural subsidence of the Padane-Adriatic domain are
finally framed in a coherent geodynamic scenario.

2.0 Geological and geodynamic setting

The Apennines thrust belt (Fig. 1) developed in Neogene and Quaternary times in the hanging wall
of a west-directed subduction zone, as documented by subcrustal seismicity and seismic
tomography (e.g., Spakman, 1990; Amato et al., 1993; Lucente et al., 1999; Chiarabba et al., 2005).
The eastward retreat of the subduction is the most plausible explanation for the progressive
eastward migration of the thrust fronts, the foreland flexure (and consequent shift of the foredeep
basins) as well as the extensional processes along the internal Tyrrhenian back-arc basins (e.g.,
Malinverno and Ryan, 1986; Royden et al., 1987; Patacca et al., 1990; Doglioni, 1991; Doglioni et
al., 1999a; Faccenna et al., 2003).
Off-scraping and incorporation at the subduction zone of the Meso-Cenozoic passive margin
sedimentary covers that overlay the subducted Apulo-Adriatic plate drove to the development of the
Apennines accretionary prism. In the Padane-Adriatic domain, these units are made up of clastics,
evaporites, and shallow to deep water carbonates sedimentary sequences (Bally et al., 1986;
Zappaterra, 1990; Grandić et al., 2002 and references therein).
In the external part of the Apennines, the interaction between the flexural bending of the
underthrusting Adriatic plate and the foreland-ward propagation of the contractional deformations
produce a zone of active sedimentation above the deforming accretionary wedge (Fig. 2). This
“depositional wedge top” (De Celles and Giles, 1996; Ford, 2004) is commonly observed in
orogens related to west directed subduction zones where the fastest subsidence rate occur (Doglioni,
1994). In regions where the depositional wedge top is well developed due to the presence of an
effective décollement level, the foredeep sensu stricto (i.e., the area where foredeep deposits overlie
undeformed passive margin sedimentary cover) may be restricted to a very narrow band.
Following the pioneering study of Royden et al. (1987) and Royden (1988), who first recognised
the segmentation of the subducting Apulo-Adriatic lithosphere, the position of the main lithospheric
discontinuities occurring in the Adriatic Sea has been better defined by analysing the tectonic
evolution of the Apulo-Adriatic areas. During Pliocene to Pleistocene times, the Central Adriatic
underwent high subsidence rates due to eastward rollback of the hinge of the Apennine subduction
while the Apulian region experienced uplift since middle Pleistocene (e.g., Doglioni et al., 1994;
1996). The W-E trending Tremiti lineament has been interpreted as the main right-lateral transfer
zone between the two sectors of the subducting Adriatic lithosphere characterised by different
amounts of flexural retreat (Milano et al., 2005). The genesis of this transfer zone, occurred mainly
during the Pleistocene, has been attributed to the encroachment of the Apulian thick continental
lithosphere in the subduction zone (Doglioni et al., 1994; 1996; Gambini and Tozzi, 1996) that has
hindered the rollback of the subducting plate in the Apulian region (Figg. 1 and 3).

3.0 Apennine thrust front

The subsurface location of the front of the Northern Apennines accretionary prism below the Po
plain is very well defined by seismic and well data (e.g., Pieri and Groppi, 1981; Pieri, 1983;
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1992), that constrain a geometry consisting of three arcuate
thrusts systems. These three buried arcs, from west to east, are i) the Monferrato, ii) the Emilia, and
iii) the Ferrara-Romagna arcs. These arcs are delimited externally by thrust faults which separate
them from the Pedalpine monocline. The structure of Ferrara-Romagna arc can be subdivided into
three second order features: the i) Ferrara, ii) Romagna and, more to the east, iii) Adriatic folds
(Fig. 3). Moving south-eastward, the prolongation of the Apennine thrust front in the central
Adriatic Sea is less evident.
In the Adriatic domain, the external front of the Apennine accretionary prism is traditionally traced
a few kilometres off-shore between the towns of Ancona and Pescara (among many others, Patacca
et al., 1990; Doglioni, 1991; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1992; Argnani & Frugoni, 1997;
Artoni & Casero,1997; Calamita et al., 2003; Casero, 2004; Lavecchia et al., 2004; Montone et al.,
2004). However, as discussed in detail by Scrocca (2006), several lines of evidence suggest a

different localization of the Apennine thrust front with respect to the commonly accepted
interpretation (Fig. 4a).
It should be noted that the Central Adriatic Sea is characterised by the presence of a ridge, the so
called “Mid-Adriatic Ridge” (Finetti, 1982) also known as “Central Adriatic Deformation Belt”
(Argnani & Gamberi, 1995; Argnani & Frugoni, 1997), made up of structural highs, distributed
along a dominant NW-SE to WNW-ESE trend. This Adriatic ridge, well defined by the isobaths of
the base of the Plio-Pleistocene deposits (e.g., Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1992), extends
south-eastward from the town of Ancona for at least 150 km in the central Adriatic Sea (Fig. 4).
The majority of these highs have been interpreted as thrust-related folds although evidence of salt
diapirism has been also recognised (e.g., Bally et al., 1986; Ori et al., 1986; De Alteriis, 1995;
Argnani & Frugoni, 1997; Calamita et al., 2003; Scrocca, 2006). Some structures combine both
compressional and salt tectonics (e.g., Bally et al., 1986).
The interpretation of the CROP M-15 seismic reflection data (Fig. 5), acquired within the
framework of the Italian deep crust exploration project (CROP Project; Scrocca et al., 2003),
integrated with a review of the multichannel seismic reflection profiles and well data available at
the Italian Ministry of Industry, provides a valuable contribution to improve the structural
description of the Adriatic ridge.
Some of the Adriatic ridge’s folds developed on pre-existing Mesozoic horsts and show seismic and
well evidence of tectonic inversion along pre-existing Mesozoic extensional faults at the end of the
Lower Cretaceous and in Tertiary times. The origin of the Cretaceous events has been related to the
onset of the convergence between Europe and Africa while the Tertiary tectonic inversions have
been attributed to far-field effects of the Apenninic and Dinaric compression or to diapirism (e.g.,
Argnani et al., 1993; De Alteriis, 1995; Gambini et al., 1997; Bertotti et al., 2001).
A main tectonic phase affected the Adriatic ridge in middle/late Pliocene-Quaternary, as clearly
demonstrated by the widespread occurrence of folded deposits and growth strata. Also this last
event has been interpreted by some Authors as the result of a thick-skinned tectonic inversion of
pre-existing extensional features induced by the Apennine compression (e.g., Argnani and Frugoni,
1997; Bertotti et al., 2001; Calamita et al., 2003). In this thick-skinned tectonic scenario, the reverse
faults in the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary cover do not connect with the thin-skinned Apennine
thrust front, which is located farther west, but instead constitute local accommodation features (fish
tails) above reactivated high-angle normal faults involving the basement. If the basal detachments
accounting for the Adriatic ridge’s inversion features and for the western thin-skinned front were
connected farther west in the lower crust, the outermost reactivated and/or inverted structures might

be considered an example of the “reactivation front” as defined by Lacombe and Mouthereau
However, the crustal structure of the Apennine accretionary wedge is still a debated issue (see
Scrocca et al., 2005 for a discussion) and, in fact, the geodynamic setting of the Apennine orogen as
a whole, when compared with other orogens world-wide, suggests that the accretionary prism
should be mainly formed by the tectonic stacking of the sedimentary cover (e.g., Doglioni et al.,
1999a, 1999b). Although the quality of the available seismic data in not resolutive, we do believe
that an alternative thin-skinned interpretation can be put forward in the central Adriatic domain. In
the proposed interpretation (Fig. 5), the main detachment of the last middle/late Pliocene-
Quaternary contractional deformations can be traced at the base of the Mesozoic sedimentary cover
(likely within the Upper Triassic evaporites). These late stage contractional deformations are thus
superimposed on the older Cretaceous and Tertiary inversions of basement-involving normal faults.
Moreover, in our opinion, this detachment can be followed westward and correlated with the
regional detachment of the Apennine accretionary prism (Fig. 4), as also already proposed by Bally
et al. (1986).
These considerations suggest that the actual Apennines external thrust front should be located on
the north-eastern side of the Adriatic compressive belt that, accordingly, should be formally
included in the Apennine accretionary wedge. In the proposed interpretation, the Apennine thrust
front should not to be regarded as a continuous feature but rather as the envelopment of discrete
thrust structures.
Further southward, the Apennines thrust front is segmented in correspondence with the Tremiti
lithospheric transfer zone (Fig. 3), which separates two sectors of the subducting Adriatic plate
characterised by different amounts of flexural retreat (Doglioni et al., 1994) and by different amount
of thrust front advance (Scrocca, 2006).

4.0 Quaternary tectonic activity along the Central and Northern Apennines thrust front
Along the Central and Northern Apennines thrust front the last main events of thrust accretion
occurred between Pliocene and Early Pleistocene times (e.g., Castellarin et al. 1985; Bally et al.,
1986; Ori et al., 1986), these processes being related to the eastward flexure-hinge retreat of the
subducting Adriatic lithosphere.
According to a first group of researchers, following a major geodynamic change, thrusting and
related folding at the front of the Apennines ceased in Early Pleistocene times both in the Po Plain
and in the adjacent sector of the Adriatic Sea (e.g., Argnani et al., 1997; Bertotti et al., 1997; Di
Bucci & Mazzoli, 2002; Argnani et al., 2003 and reference therein). This conclusion is derived from
both field studies and seismic reflection lines that, in the interpretation of these authors, show
thrusts sealed by Middle Pleistocene to recent deposits.
An alternative scenario has been proposed. Geomorphological analyses, subsurface geology,
seismicity and present day stress field, suggest that the tectonic activity of the frontal part of the
Northern Apennine accretionary wedge is still going on (e.g., Meletti et al., 2000; Valensise &
Pantosti, 2001; Burrato et al., 2003; Boccaletti et al., 2004 and references therein).
In the following the two conflicting interpretations will be briefly reviewed and compared with the
results of our analysis.

4.1 Central-Southern Po Plain

Along the southern edge of the Po Plain, at the morphological boundary with the Apennines, clear
evidence of tilted and offset late Quaternary deposits has been described (Boccaletti et al., 1985;
Castellarin et al., 1985; Amorosi et al., 1996). Although these features have been also explained
with the onset of extensional deformation along SW dipping faults and consequent flexural
unloading of their footwall (Bertotti et al., 1997), they are commonly attributed to the activity of a
regional thrust (e.g., Castellarin et al., 1985; Amorosi et al., 1996; Benedetti et al., 2003; Boccaletti
et al., 2004). This thrust is generally known as the Pede-Apenninic Thrust Front (Boccaletti et al.,
1985) or as the Pedeappenine Lineament (Castellarin et al., 1985).
In the area located between the Pede-Apenninic thrust and the external fronts (Emilia and Ferrara
arcs), an active compressional tectonic regime is documented by borehole breakout data (Mariucci
et al, 1999; Montone & Mariucci, 1999; Montone et al., 2004), showing a roughly N-S maximum
horizontal stress, focal mechanism (e.g. Gasperini et al 1985; Boccaletti et al., 2004; Eva et al.,
2005), and seismological data (e.g., Frepoli & Amato, 1997; Selvaggi et al., 2001). Furthermore,
recent geodetic velocity solutions for Italy and the surrounding areas, obtained from an analysis of
continuous and survey-mode Global Positioning System observations (e.g., Battaglia at al., 2004;
Serpelloni at al., 2005; Zerbini et al., 2006), show a shortening of a few mm/a between the
Medicina site, positioned above the Apennines buried accretionary prism, and the Padova station,
located above the Adriatic foreland away from zone of active deformation (Fig. 3).
All the described observations, as well as the result of geomorphological analyses, suggest the
presence of growing anticlines driven by active blind thrust faults (e.g., Burrato et al., 2003;
Benedetti et al., 2003; Boccaletti et al., 2004; DISS Working Group, 2005). The same conclusion
arises from the interpretation of seismic reflection profiles, as discussed by Boccaletti et al. (2004).
The active thrust-related folds are spatially arranged along seismogenic belts (Boccaletti et al.,
2004; DISS Working Group, 2005) that are nearly coincident with the buried Monferrato, Emilia
and Ferrara-Romagna arcs. Some deep faults considered able to produce earthquakes larger than M
5.5 have been already identified along these belts (Valensise & Pantosti, 2001).
In figure 7 the relationships between subsurface structure (after Pieri, 1983), seismicity (after
Chiarabba et al., 2005) and the interpreted geodynamic setting are shown. According to Eva et al.
(2005), in the south-western half of this section the shallow seismicity (0–10 km of depth) is mainly
transtensive, while just below about 10 km in depth, the stress regime converts to transpressional
and then to compressive. In our interpretation, the deep compressional events (between 20 and 30
km) are related to the south-western prolongation of the active thrust, developed along the
morphological boundary between the Apennines and the Po Plain.

4.2 Central and northern Adriatic Sea

Moving southwards, along the northern Marche coastal belt, several geomorphic features and the
occurrence of several historical and instrumental earthquakes suggest the presence of active and
seismogenic thrust-related folds (Vannoli et al., 2004; DISS Working Group, 2005). The lack of
contractional deformations in middle Pleistocene to recent deposits in the adjacent Adriatic offshore
area, pointed out by Di Bucci & Mazzoli (2002), is reconciled with the geomorphologic and
seismologic evidence of tectonic activity by observing that the most external position reached by
the Apennine thrust front in Early Pleistocene times does not necessarily coincide with the north-
eastern edge of the belt affected by Late Quaternary to recent contractional deformations, which can
actually be located in a more internal position (e.g., Vai, 1987).
In the central Adriatic Sea, a very recent activity of the Adriatic ridge’s folds is supported by
contractional deformation affecting late Quaternary strata, induced by buried blind thrusts (Fig. 5),
which sometimes have a morphological expression at sea-floor (e.g., Argnani & Frugoni, 1997;
Calamita et al., 2003; Scrocca, 2006). This indication is also in good agreement with the
distribution of the present day seismicity (e.g., Chiarabba et al., 2005 and references therein) and
with the few available focal mechanisms (Fig. 3), which indicate a compressional stress field with
minor strike-slip component (e.g., Riguzzi et al., 1989; Mariucci et al., 1999; Lavecchia et al.,
Based on the geographic distribution of stress indicators, e.g. borehole break-out and seismological
data (e.g., Mariucci et al., 1999; Montone et al., 2004), it becomes possible to define a NW-SE
oriented belt, that extends south-eastward from the town of Ancona in the central Adriatic Sea for at
least 150 km, characterised by a present-day compressional stress field and active contractional
structures (Fig. 6).
It should be noted that in the proposed interpretation of the Apennine thrust front, the last phase of
tectonic activity of the Adriatic ridge (Late Pliocene-Late Quaternary) relates to the forelandward
propagation of the Apennines detachment. Therefore, the late Quaternary to Recent deformations
along the Adriatic ridge provides an indication of the most recent tectonic activity of the Apennine
thrust front in the Adriatic domain.

4.3 Mirandola Anticline: relative uplift rates

One of the recognised seismogenic sources buried below the Po Plain sediments is the Mirandola
anticline, which is located at the western edge of a group of thrust-related folds belonging to the
Ferrara arc . This arc represents one of the most external structures of the Northern Apennines
thrust front, certainly active during late Pliocene - early Pleistocene times.
Since the Mirandola structure is considered an active seismogenic fault (e.g., Burrato et al., 2003;
Boccaletti et al., 2004; DISS Working Group, 2005), we have studied in detail its Quaternary
evolution by integrating high resolution stratigraphic data (RER & ENI-AGIP, 1998), that provide
an accurate description of the tectono-stratigraphic setting relative to the last 0.65 Ma, with other
constraints about the overall stratigraphic and structural architecture (AGIP, 1959, 1977; Pieri and
Groppi, 1981; Nardon et al., 1990; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1992).
The structural and stratigraphic setting of the Mirandola thrust-related fold (Fig. 8) strongly
suggests a syn-sedimentary growth with clear overlapping geometries (i.e., sedimentation rates
higher than uplift rates) also in middle to late Pleistocene times.
Since the geometry of the middle to late Pleistocene growth strata is certainly due to a combination
of regional subsidence, sedimentation rates, eustatic history, tectonic uplift and compaction effects,
we have analysed and corrected for compaction the available stratigraphic data. As shown in figure
9 we have compared the depth of the basement at the crest of the anticline and in the adjacent
syncline at different time steps. In this way, although this domain is affected by an overall
subsidence, we have estimated a tectonic “relative uplift rates” between the fold crest and the
adjacent syncline due to the tectonic activity of this thrust-related fold.
The procedure that we used to decompact sediments follows the backstripping method (Sleep, 1971;
Sclater & Christie, 1980). This method allows the restoration of the original (uncompacted)
thickness of sediment formations or members starting from the lowest unit in a stratigraphic section
and considering in the following steps the younger units. The method assumes that, during
progressive burial of sediments in a subsiding basin, the compaction process is mainly depth
dependent rather than time dependent (Schmoker & Halley, 1982). The decompaction procedure

assumes the exponential porosity-depth relation φ = φ 0 exp − cy , where φ is the porosity at depth y,

φ0 is the original porosity of sediments and c is an experimentally derived coefficient. The original
porosities and the decompaction coefficients adopted for the calculations are shown in table 1.
In our calculation we have performed both backstripping to 1D sedimentary columns, a technique
widely adopted in literature (e.g., Scheck & Bayer, 1999) and 2D section by mean of LithoTect
software. At each decompaction time-step the depth of the basement and of the overlying sediments
is calculated summing the thicknesses of deposited sediments and adopting corrections for
paleobathymetry and eustasy. Theoretically, the corrected depth of a layer (Dlc) is calculated
following the relation Dlc = Dl + Dw − E , where Dl is the uncorrected layer depth (derived only from
the thickness of deposited sediments), Dw is the paleobathymetry and E is the relative eustatic
change of sea level.
In our calculations paleobathymetries and eustatic sea level changes are assumed to be equal to
zero, since the entire sequence was deposited in shallow marine to continental environments (AGIP,
1959). In other words, after decompaction the tops of the calculated sedimentary columns are
located at the zero reference level, i.e., at the average sea level, throughout the entire analysed
structure. However, the occurrence of a thick (up to 500 m) tabular unit with prograding clinoforms
in the shallow part of the considered succession (Pieri, 1983) implies that processes of basin filling
(i.e. the occurrence of moderate paleobathymetries) must also be considered.
The assumption of zero water depth is granted for the middle Pleistocene (ca. 600.000 yr ago) to
Present sediments, which were deposited in continental environments. The error on subsidence rates
calculated for this period due to assumed paleo-water depth is necessarily equal to zero. For the
lower Pleistocene sediments, deposited in shallow water, the zero paleobathymetry assumption
bears consequences on the calculated subsidence rates, i.e., on the depth of the basement at a certain
stage. However, as sketched in figure 9, when calculating the relative uplift along the Mirandola
anticline, we compare the depth of the basement at the crest of the anticline and in the adjacent
syncline. Since the basement position at the two locations would be affected exactly by the same
error induced by our paleobathymetric assumption, it is clear that the resulting relative uplift is by
no means affected by imposed paleobathymetry.
Sensitivity analysis has been carried out varying the lithological composition, although the available
geological data indicates an overall 50% shale and 50% sand ratio.
Moreover, the effects of the original porosities φ0 were evaluated. A change of 10% of φ0
determines a change of 2.5% of the calculated uplift rates.
The resulting rates of tectonic uplift decrease during the last 1.4 Ma from values of 0.53 mm/a to
values of 0.16 mm/a (Fig. 10a). This means that the Mirandola anticline is still active today,
although it moves more slowly than in Pliocene. Anyway, these tectonic uplift rates must be added
to a regional subsidence rate of about 1 mm/a, or more (discussed in the following section),
resulting in an overall subsidence.
Quaternary sedimentation rates corrected for compaction have been also assessed (Fig. 10b) by
simply dividing the decompacted thickness of sediments for the corresponding time interval in the
syncline adjacent to the Mirandola anticline.

5.0 Adriatic flexural retreat

The evolution through time and space of Plio-Pleistocene foredeep domain in the Po Plain and in
the Adriatic domain has been already analysed in several studies (among many others, Dondi et al.,
1985; Ori et al 1986; Vai, 1987; Royden, 1988; Zoetemeijer et al., 1993; Kruse & Royden, 1994).
Below the Apennines foredeep, the regional monocline gradually becomes steeper moving from the
foreland domain towards the belt with documented dips of about 20° below the Po Plain (e.g., Pieri,
1983; Mariotti and Doglioni, 2000). Consequently, the thickness of the Plio-Pleistocene foredeep
deposits can be as high as 7000 m in the deepest depocenters (Pieri & Groppi, 1975; Consiglio
Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1992).
The development of the Plio-Pleistocene Apennine foredeep is usually related to the eastward
rollback of the subducting Adriatic plate (among many others, Malinverno and Ryan, 1986; Royden
et al., 1987; Patacca et al., 1990; Doglioni, 1993), since it has been shown that the flexural bending
of the Adriatic plate cannot be explained by the load of the Apennine orogenic belt (e.g., Royden,
Other geodynamic processes have been also invoked to explain the evolution of the Apennine
foredeep. According to van der Meulen et al. (1998), a lateral shift of foredeep depocentres along
the Apennine chain may have been induced by the SE migration of a lithospheric tear which drove
to a detachment of the Adriatic slab (Wortel and Spakman, 1992). However, the tomographic
analyses that were at the base of this slab detachment model have not been confirmed by other more
recent tomographic studies (e.g., Lucente et al., 1999; De Gori et al., 2001) which have pointed out
the presence of an almost continuous sub-vertical high velocity body, while also the lateral
depocenters migration has been questioned (e.g., Bertotti et al., 2001).
Alternatively, the Quaternary subsidence in the Adriatic Sea has been interpreted as the results of
crustal/lithospheric buckling of the Apulo-Adriatic plate with subsidence concentrated in the central
part of the main crustal scale synclines (e.g., Bertotti et al., 2001; Calamita et al., 2003).

However, the distribution of the Pleistocene to Recent subsidence rates both in the Po Plain and in
the Northern Adriatic domain (Carminati & Di Donato, 1999; Carminati et al., 2003) show a clear
subsidence increase moving from the foreland towards the buried thrust front (Fig. 11). Recent and
asymmetric (faster to the southwest) subsidence is also testified by stratigraphic and geodetic
measurements in the whole Po Basin, which is at places below sea-level (Carminati and Martinelli,
2002). Quaternary sedimentation rates in the Po plain can be reasonably assumed to be equal to
subsidence rates, since the entire sequence was deposited in shallow marine to continental
environments. The obtained subsidence rates range between 0 and 2.5 mm/a, with the largest rates
(greater than 1 mm/a) occurring in the southern part of the Po Plain and in the Po Delta. As an
example, a significant part of the long term natural component of the subsidence of Venice (about
0.7-1.0 mm/a) has been related to the north-eastward retreat of the Adriatic subduction (Carminati
et al., 2003).
Mean Pleistocene subsidence rates in the Po Basin are comparable to those of other parts of the
Apennines foredeep (e.g., the Pescara Basin to the south along the Adriatic coast; Colantoni et al.,
1989) where large deltas do not occur.
Moreover, the late Pliocene-Quaternary propagation of the Apennine thrust front in the central
Adriatic, and the related development of the Adriatic ridge’s folds, strongly influenced the
distribution of the Quaternary deposits (post 1.4 Ma), which show two main depocenters (Fig. 3;
Dondi et al., 1985; Bartolini et al., 1996). The first sub-basin, at the eastern edge of the Peascara
Basin, mainly develop during the Early Pleistocene while the second one, located at the SE edge of
the Po Plain basin (i.e., NE with respect to the Adriatic ridge), is characterised by a subsidence
maximum in Late Quaternary time (e.g., Calamita et al., 2003).
The asymmetric distribution of the Quaternary subsidence in the Po Plain and in the central-
northern Adriatic Sea, and the SW- or W-ward increasing dip of the foreland monocline, suggests a
Quaternary-Present flexural retreat of the subducting lithosphere in these domains. The deepest
depocenters of the Apennines foredeep tend to match inherited Permo-Mesozoic basins (e.g.,
Lombard basin, Belluno basin, Umbro-Marchigiano basin, etc.) where the accretionary prism forms
salients. These pre-existing features are usually accompanied by subduction-related steeper foreland
regional monocline, and the foredeep basin frequently develops on top of the prism (i.e., top-thrust
or piggyback basin).

6.0 Discussion and conclusion

6.1 Central and Northern Apennines thrust fronts

The data exposed and discussed above show that the location of the Apennine thrust front in the
Adriatic domain should be located in a more external position with respect to the classical
interpretation (e.g., Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1992), i.e., along the north-eastern edge of
the Adriatic ridge (Fig. 6). This new interpretation bears some relevant implications since the Late
Quaternary to Recent contractional deformations in the Adriatic domain, documented by the
interpretation of seismic reflection profiles, seismological data and present-day stress indicators,
significantly rejuvenate the most recent activity of the Apennine thrust front.
This conclusion is in agreement with the documented Late Quaternary to Recent activity of the
buried thrust related folds associated with the Apennine front along the Marche coastal belt and in
the Po Plain (Fig. 6). Although rates of tectonic uplift decrease during the Quaternary, a tectonic
uplift rate of about 0.16 mm/a is still recognised during the last 125 ka for one of the most external
active thrust-related folds detected along the Ferrara arc. Similar uplift rates (about 0.1 mm/a) have
been also estimated by Vannoli et al. (2004) by means of geomorphological analysis for the active
blind thrusts that drive the growth of the Marche coastal anticlines.
The decreasing uplift rates must be evaluated taking into account that the Quaternary eustatic low-
stand has generated a large increase of sediment supply. This process determines an apparent
decrease of thrust activity versus sedimentary chronostratigraphic thickness (Fig. 12). Assuming a
steady slip on a thrust surface, a sea-level drop triggers larger volumes of sediment supply into the
foredeep that eventually produce a smaller apparent fault throw due to the expansion of the
chronostratigraphic thickness. Moreover, the larger load generated by Pleistocene sediments
increases the vertical stress and induces a stabilization of thrusting in compressional settings (e.g.,
Carminati et al., 2004). Anyway, shortening faster than 1 mm/a are effectively documented by GPS
data (Battaglia at al., 2004; Serpelloni at al., 2005; Zerbini et al., 2006) as also expected since uplift
rates are one or two orders of magnitude slower than horizontal velocity in all tectonic settings
worldwide (e.g., Cuffaro et al. 2006).
The overall tectonic picture is characterised by an active thrust front (in fact made up by the
envelopment of discrete thrust structures) running along both the northern Apennine and the central
and northern Adriatic domain. Noticeably, the interpreted thrust front delimits the external (north-
eastern) edge of a belt where a compressional shallow seismicity and stress field have been
The most external position reached by the Apennine thrust front in Quaternary times does not
necessarily coincide with the north-eastern edge of the belt affected by Late Quaternary to Recent
contractional deformations, which in some areas is more internal (Fig. 6, Vai, 1987). This evidence
reflects the complex interplay between the different parameters controlling the accretionary wedge
mechanics (e.g., Davis et al., 1983; Dahlen et al., 1984; Dahlen, 1990; Boyer, 1995). As an
example, an early forward propagation of the thrust along an efficient detachment may have been
followed by a shift of the tectonic activity towards inner portion of the wedge in response to an
increased dip of the regional monocline.
The internal (south-western) edge of the belt affected by Late Quaternary to Recent contractional
deformation is marked by the presence of another active thrust that corresponds to the
morphological boundary between the Apennines and the Po Plain. Noticeably, this thrust is also
responsible for the rapid uplift of the chain (Doglioni et al., 1999b).

6.2 Quaternary geodynamic evolution

We consider that the most internal active thrust together with the external thrust front define the
portion of the orogen where accretion of sediments from the subducting plate takes place, as
suggested by geodynamic models for west directed subduction zones (Doglioni, 1991; Doglioni et
al., 1999a; 1999b). In this geodynamic models the shear between the downgoing and retreating
lithosphere and the eastward compensating mantle is transferred upward, generating the shortening
within the accretionary wedge.
Salients and recesses of the thrust front are accommodated by transfer zones with strike-slip or
transpressional components all along the buried frontal part of the belt.
The subducting Adriatic plate is characterised by an inhomogeneous flexural behaviour, with the
Tremiti lineament representing the main right-lateral transfer zone between the central Adriatic
domain, characterized by a more pronounced northeastward retreat, and the Apulian region,
affected by uplift (Doglioni et al., 1994; 1996). Accordingly, a foreland-ward advance of the
accretionary prism above the more retreated Central Adriatic slab segment could be observed while
the Southern Apennines accretionary prism shows a decreased activity (Scrocca et al., 2005). The
Apennine thrust front loose its structural continuity in correspondence with the Tremiti transfer
zone, that in turn may be considered the actual tectonic boundary between the central and southern
segments of the Apennines accretionary prism. It may be argued that the differential slab retreat
between the central and southern sectors of the subducting Adriatic plate, has induced the
segmentation of the Apennine thrust front (Scrocca, 2006).
In our interpretation, both the north-eastward flexural retreat of the subducting Adriatic lithosphere
and the related frontal accretion of the Apennine prism have been active throughout the Quaternary

and may be considered still lively in both the Po Plain and the Central-Northern Adriatic domain,
north of the Tremiti lineament (Fig. 6).
In the northern Apennines, the instrumental seismicity at depth of about 20-30 km (Chiarabba et al.,
2005), mainly represented by compressional events (Boccaletti et al., 2004; Eva et al., 2005), might
relate to the south-western prolongation of the active thrust, developed along the morphological
boundary between the Apennines and the Po Plain (Fig. 7). Above this thrust, the seismicity is
mainly characterised by extensional events (Boccaletti et al., 2004; Eva et al., 2005).
As a consequence, a large scale gravity driven tectonic interpretation of the Northern Apennines
(e.g., Argnani et al. 1997; 2003), a model that has been developed for a different class of orogens,
do not seem compatible with the vertical juxtaposition of a zone of shallow extensional earthquakes
above deeper compressional events. Rather, the proposed structural interpretation, the present-day
stress fields and seismicity, and the quaternary natural subsidence could be framed in a coherent
geodynamic scenario characterized by a retreating west directed subduction zone, which represents
the natural evolution of the preceding Neogene geodynamic history.

Discussions with Leigh Royden, Federica Lenci, and Sabina Bigi were very helpful. François Roure
an two anonymous reviewer are thanked for constructive criticism. We are grateful to the Geo-
Logic System LLC for making available the LithoTect software. Research supported by CNR
(PTA11011: Struttura crostale ed evoluzione geodinamica della penisola italiana - Partecipazione al
Progetto CROP).

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Figure Captions
Fig. 1 – Main structural features of Italy (modified from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1992).
Foredeep deposits are delimited by the -1000 m isobath. MA = Monferrato Arc; EA = Emilia
Arc; FRA = Ferrara Romagna Arc; AF = Adriatic Folds; AR = Adriatic ridge; PB = Pescara
Basin; TF = Tremiti Fault; MF = Mattinata Fault.
Fig. 2 – Schematic cross-section of an orogen due to a W-directed retreating subduction zone
(modified after Doglioni et al., 1999a). The shear between the down-going and retreating
lithosphere and the eastward compensating mantle is transferred upward, generating the
shortening within the accretionary wedge.
Fig. 3 – Epicentral map of the instrumental seismicity recorded between 1985 and 2000 (data after
Chiarabba et al., 2005) and representative focal mechanism along the Apennine front
(solutions after Harward CMT Catalogue; MedNet regional CMT; Gasparini et al., 1985;
Riguzzi et al., 1989; Vannucci et al., 2004). The simplified isobaths of the base of the
Quaternary deposits are traced according to Dondi et al. (1985) and Bartolini et al. (1996).
Fig. 4 – a) Structural map of the central Adriatic. The grey-dashed line highlights the commonly
accepted position of the external front of the Apennine accretionary prism according to the
Structural-Kinematic Map of Italy (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1992). Thick line
identifies the regional cross section shown in figure 4b. Box indicates the CROP M-15
seismic profile shown in figures 5. b) Geological section across the Apennine thrust front and
the Adriatic ridge. Western part modified after Montefalcone and Scisciani (2005), eastern
part based on seismic profile CROP M-15. The main detachment of the middle/late Pliocene-
Quaternary contractional deformations affecting the Adriatic ridge (likely located within the
Upper Triassic evaporites) is correlated with the regional detachment of the Apennine
accretionary prism.
Fig. 5 – CROP M-15 seismic profile (location in figure 4). Interpreted horizons are solid where well
constrained, dashed where approximate, and dotted where speculative. Four structural highs
are recognisable on this profile (labelled from A to D); two of them (A and C) can be
interpreted as thrust related folds with the main detachment likely located within the Upper
Triassic evaporites. A diapir (D) is also recognisable. The last phase of tectonic activity of the
Adriatic ridge (late Pliocene-late Quaternary) can be related to the forelandward propagation
of the Apennines detachment. The associated shortening could have enhanced the diapir
Fig. 6 – Tectonic scheme of the Adriatic domain and cartoon showing the 3D slab geometry of the
subducting Apulo-Adriatic plate (inset, modified after Doglioni et al., 1994). The Apennine
thrust front is located on the NE side of the Adriatic ridge. The differential slab retreat
between the central and southern sectors of the subducting Adriatic plate has been
accompanied by a different tectonic evolution of the related segments of the accretionary
prism that ended up with a segmentation of the Apennine thrust front.
Fig. 7 – Simplified geological cross-section showing the relationships between subsurface structure
(after Pieri, 1983), interpreted geodynamic setting (after Carminati et al., 2003) and the
seismicity (after Chiarabba et al., 2005). Location in figure 3. Note that the deep seismicity
between 20 and 30 km is mainly represented by compressional events (Boccaletti et al., 2004;
Eva et al., 2005) and may be related to the south-western prolongation of the active thrust,
developed along the morphological boundary between the Apennines and the Po Plain. The
area above is mainly affected by extensional seismicity.
Fig. 8 – Data used in the decompaction procedure to estimate uplift rates of the Mirandola thrust-
related fold. Location in figure 3. a) simplified geological cross-section (drawn after Pieri and
Groppi, 1981 and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1992). b) stratigraphic setting of the
Middle Pleistocene to Recent section based on high resolution stratigraphic data (modified
after RER & ENI-AGIP, 1998).
Fig. 9 –Decompaction procedure adopted to estimate a tectonic “relative uplift rates” (ΔZTECT)
between the fold crest (X2) and the adjacent syncline (X1) at different time steps (t0, t1, t2,
Fig. 10 – Mirandola anticline: uplift rates (a) corrected and uncorrected for compaction during the
last 1.4 Ma and corrected sedimentation rates (b). Based on the cross-section of figure 8,
uplift rates have been evaluated on the anticline crest while sedimentation rates have been
estimated in the adjacent syncline. Compactable layers include Miocene while, according to
available geological data, lithology is assumed to be 50% shale and 50 % shale.
Fig. 11 – Schematic profile across the Apennines, Po Basin and Venetian area, showing the
curvature of the Adriatic plate in the foreland of the Apennines, associated to the slab retreat.
Profile location is shown in figure 6. Subsidence rates, taken from Carminati & Di Donato
(1999), along the profile trace are also shown (solid line in the graph). Notice that the regular
subsidence trend due to subduction retreat is perturbed by thrust tectonics.
Fig. 12 - Assuming a steady slip on a thrust surface (above), a sea-level drop triggers larger
volumes of sediment supply into the foredeep (bottom left), determining a smaller apparent
fault throw (bottom right), due to the expansion of the chronostratigraphic
Table 1 – Decompaction coefficients, porosities, and densities adopted for the calculations.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

Fig. 9
Lithology c φ ρ Reference
Sclater and
Sand 0.27 0.49 2650 Christie (1980)
Sclater and
Shale 0.51 0.63 2720 Christie (1980)
Sclater and
Shaley sand 0.39 0.56 2680 Christie (1980)

Tab. 1

Fig. 10

Fig. 11

Fig. 12


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