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In this chapter, the researchers have reviewed various types of literature and studies, which were related and

had relevance to the research conducted by the researchers. The topic of the researchers’ study is regarding the

Enhancement of Literary Arts Learning Skills with the Use of Digital Technology of grade 11 students. The

different journals, books, and articles that have been cited contain factual information that supported and served

as basis for this study.

Related Literature


According to Espinosa (2016), technological advances had greatly changed the education landscape in that

teaching is no longer confined to the traditional face-to-face delivery of lessons. The convenience and

effectiveness of e-learning had long been recognized by educational institutions and education officials. Despite

the fears of parents and some teachers that gadgets may distract students, surveys and studies have shown that

generally, these technological tools are a big help in learning. A study at Oklahoma State University found that

75 percent of students said the use of gadgets enhanced their learning experience. The United States had

invested heavily by providing computers for students in public schools. This year, more states administered

tests for the elementary and middle grades through the Internet, discarding the use of pen and paper.

Moreover, the Philippines should not be left behind when it comes to applying education technology. The

ethical and responsible use of computers, tablets, cellphones and other devices can greatly enhance the learning

capability of students, for it has been shown through studies that children (and adults for that matter) can better

grasp and understand their lessons in a more relaxed environment, without the prying (and sometimes mocking)

eyes of classmates or teachers.

Furthermore, emerging technologies can be powerful tools in education. The Philippines can copy the US and

slowly, as the budget of the Department of Education allows, provide schools computers, fast Internet service,

digital devices and software for the use of students. Investing on e-learning will benefit both teachers and
students. Teachers can disseminate their lessons and assignments with ease, and students can work on their

lessons at home. Little by little, the country can introduce changes to the system by adopting a wider array of

learning platforms with the use of technology.

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