Minerals G

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Diamond  Has special optical  Use in

properties such as a jewelry,
high index of such as
refraction, high rings or necklaces,
dispersion, and high because of their
luster. durability and their
sGranite  Granite is composed  Used in buildings,
mainly of quartz bridges, paving,
and feldspar with monuments, and many
minor amounts of other
mica, amphiboles, exterior
and other minerals. projects.

Sulfur  Extremely  Used in insecticides,

flammable burning herbicides, fungicides
with a blue flame. soaps,
 1.5 to 2.5 is the rubber,
Mohs scale. gunpowder,
leather, paint, dyes, food
Emerald  Has no  Used in making jewelries
visible inclusions to
the eyes.
 Has a Mohs
hardness of 7.5 to 8
 Vitreous in luster

Fluoride  4 in Mohs scale  as a cleaning agent

 Have distinctive  in pesticides
bitter tastes, and are  to make Teflon, steel,
odorless. and

January Alexis Garing 11- Chrysolite

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