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Present Simple vs. Present Continuous (1) This is Mrs White. She .. (be) a primary school teacher. she. .. (teach) English, Maths and Geography. At the moment, she wns wsane (teach) Maths. She .. (live) in London and ... + (be) married to Georges, who is French. They . have) three children. They alt . (Love) animals, but they (not have) any pets because they ..... . (live) in an apartment. Mrs White .. snnne (Speak) French as well as English, but she ... (not teach) it ‘Mrs White's niece Sophie .. .» (Stay) with the Whites for a few days. Sophie live) and (study) in Liverpool, but she (enjoy) her mid-term break in London at the moment. She .» (plan) to do some serious shopping and sightseeing. oe Mrs White's son Arnold -- (not like) shopping, but he +» (love) hanging out with friends. They usually . (go) to the local park where they niernsninensns (Play) football or basketball. Today, however, Arnold (not play) football or basketball; he . (skateboard). Mr White sancsumnen (WOrK) for a multinational company. He wnnsnnnmneun (NOt work) today, however, because he . (not feel) well. He phoned in sick. SCOPES veil 25 Write the verbs in Present Simple 1.-Martin (Wash) his car every Friday. | 2-Daniel awayS.cvon (run) Inthe marathon, 3-Martha .....- (notlaugh) with my jokes. 4-Lorena often...» (Wear) sunglasses, S-The baby often... (Sleep) in the afternoon. ‘ 6-Wilia (not tidy) his bedroom, ‘hetoreraterntteston. Leonor 8-We sometimes wow (eat) fish and chips. S-Pattiela ooouee{(notunderstand) English, | 10-Miriam ..... (dust) the furniture. i 11-toThat woman .....- (go) shoppingon Mondays. i 1Z-Ralph oo... (have) a nap after lunch. : 13-My granddad ....... (smoke) apipe : 14-You (watch) television in the pub. | 15.-These men (repair) my windows + 16-Josephine never... (do) her i homework. : 17-Blanca.....(visit) her uncle atthe i weekend i 18-Today the sun (shine) : 19-The Wind «0.» (blow) at night. : 20- Lorenzo (not ride) his horse. Choese the correct option: 7+ Paula and you now. .. the new magazine » The doctor the local hospital now, a)works bis working : 2 Michael ..... shopping with his father on Saturdays. : a)goes —_djisgoing : 3-Roberto wwe (Catch) the bus in the | morning : Aeatches bis catching ‘ 4e The git] often (drink) milk for breakfast, : @drinks bis drinking ; 5. I's 9.00pm and my family... Dinner, a)has — bjishaving : 6-Clalire her lessons at 2,15pm : a)Isfinishing _b)finishes : a) are reading byread Write the verbs in Present Continuous -Look! The bus 2-Julia (come) (teach) Spanish this term, Carl wn(stucy) French right now. 4-The kids... (sing) a song, 5-We not surf) in the web. (wear) a black dress, - (sit) on a bench, 8.-Barbara .. (go) to school. Christine «...un« (travel) by plane, 10-Those Cats s.mnne (play) with a ball 11-That bitd «anu (My) very high. 12-The mechanic ne». (mend) the cars. 13-My sister (do) some housework. 14-At the Moment it se. eon (SNOW) 15eMy mother n...u- (bake) biscuits 16-The Harrison family the football match. V7 ANCE oo. 0.{FEpare) the party. 18-WFe oon nn(bFeaK) anything 182Tom and” Anne (behave) correctly. 20-My neighbour trees. (enjoy) (plant) some Write the verbs in Present simple on continucus. A-Katherine .... (work) in the farm in 2-John often Saturdays. Alan usually .... (brush) his teeth. They .-...-+(tun) to catch the bus now. Sarabhswnun (hate) eating sou (g0) to bed late on GeMy cousin sow. (live)in San Francisco at the moment, 7-Some teachers (correct) the exams right now. 8-Lucia sometimes ...» (participate) in the festival, SeThe photographer always... (take) nice photos. 1O-LUCAS none (direct) the new film now. L-Listen! They (lay) your \ favourite sone \ Task 1 - Fill nthe sentences with the correct form of ‘the verbs in Present Simple 1) Hew mery hours she 2) My friend 2 (to sleep) ‘TWat right (fo watch) 3) Sem inthe library. (te tudy) 4) When___ you ‘on Sundays? (40.96 up) 5) table tennis. (rot / to play) 6) She home at 4. (not / to come) D "your sister offen 2 (toery) 8)You_____in the garden. (fo be) 9)We inthe pork. (rot / to welk) 10) He olweys her homework, (todo) "Task 3 Make these sentences negoTive 1) Charles is building a house. TTade 2= Fil in the sentences with fhe correct form of] the verbs in Present Contimcus, Dee. ‘the grass, to cut) 2)___ air daughter there? (to swim) 3) We. ‘ome apple juice. (to érrk) 3) ihn “coke (rot / to boke) 5) Why __| ‘the table? (to set) ‘is shirt now. (net / ta iron) |___ te the crema. ( 10 90) ste. ? (to draw) ‘eter rom. (rot / to write) to the radio? (to listen) 2) He drives @ car. 3) We have got o dog 2) Patnis having lunch, 4) Eamreally tired, 3) TF San interesting book 3) They are sitting onc tree. 4) They visit granny on Saturdays. “Task 6 - Ask questions cbout the underined parts of] the sentences 1) The children ore happy. 2)Mary is eleven years old. 3) The boys are hiding behind that ie. 4) Usails wearing a blue BT get up at 6 o'dleck, 15) The Lees ere travelling to Londen "Task 7 Fillin the sentences with r JR correct form of the verb in the bracket 4) Me Shith 4 black tie in the picture. (to wear) 2) The students (remake) 3yIt 4) Somebedy moment. (to call) 5)___ yuu 6) Paul, where you ast. (to run) Dinever. 8) bed ust e) or 10) Look! Beisy 41) The sun 42) Mrs Tayler just ‘the lke. (to feed) 43) What you. 44) ‘Where's your mung "She in the kitchen (to cook) ‘an exeursion in Mey. {bt incuturn. (to rin) ‘my nome at the this task? (to understand) ? You're 00 you ny secret (tte) ‘us a bedtime story. (te hot in here. (to be) in the sun, (to he) inthe east, (to rise) ‘the ducks in ? (te wont) PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Fill in the blanks with the corrget form of the verbs in brackets. Us¢ the present simple or continuous: 1. Mg father (wash) the car. tig always (wash) it on Satarday moming. 2. “What (Peters do)?" “1 (think) ne (do) the homework in his bedroom” 5. “Don't make a noise! The baby (slzzp) at the moment. 4, Marg’s father usually (rive) her to school, but this week she (Cake) the bus. 5. (star!) school at 8:30 and the last I¢sson_ (bg) at 6. goa go) on holiday, Susan?" “I (nol know), my parenis (not want) to go to the beach again. 71. (bg) afraid! ______(can/not/ go) to the cingma this evening. | (revise) for tomorrow's exam this afternoon. 5 Harry up. children! The bus (coms). (Mandy/ like) pasta? No, she. qo. ‘The newsagent’s (not/ opgn) at 9:30 a.m. {opgn) at 9:45 am. (t. Paul sometimes. Gvatch) TV after lunch. 12, tow often (the childrgn/ play) football? 15.9on't gooutlli (rain) cats and dogs. 14. Mam (water) the flowers right now. (5. Why You/ not/ come) to the café with me? 1 (meet) Susen therg at 6:30 p.m. 16." (gou/ like) my new dress, qiiee?” “Yes, 1 You —_____ (look) great!” tr. My brother (study) 2 lof these days; he (want) to pass his exams. 18. Tony ngver (havg) lunch at the canteen because he (finish) sehool at 215 p.m. , 7 Fill in the correct form of the verbs: 1. Look! Tom his bike over there. 2. Nora ___ a lot of books every week. 3. Alec a test right now. 4. Pam often ___ funny animals at school. 5. The boys__ in the yard at the moment. 6. We always to school in time. 7. I _____a very interesting film now. 8. You often _____a lot of mistakes. 9. We ____ to the classical music now. 10. Paul never SMS to his friends. 11.1 (not) the flowers at the moment. 12. Tim (not) his friends every day. 13. They ____ (not) football now. 14. Anna ___ (not) to the zoo every day. 15. We _____ (not) Andrew at the moment. 16. You__ (not) this rule today. 17, Liz____ (not) food at present. 18. He ___ (not) German right now. 19. I___ (not) Lesley every day. 20. Tina (not) cookies at the moment. 21. __ you your e-mail now? 22. Ben his pens every day? 23. ____ they _____in the corridor now? 24. ___s Kate a nice dress today? 25. ss you__ anew song right now? 26. ____ she ___ her car to work today? 27. ___s they ___ a cake at the moment? 28.__—s Tina __ a lot of SMS today? 29.__s he ___in the park at present? 30.__Ss you __ your pet every day? 31.__s Nick ___ coffee right now? a a Ge se . listen } . send . water . call . play draw run come . watch make. + go . help . know . buy . learn * mt ante . lose . Stand . wear |. sing i ae a ia . Ski . feed «drink, | PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS | 1. Lusually to rock music. a) listen b) am 2. What is she doing? She to music, a) listens b) is listening 3. My professor always very slowly, a)isspeaking — b) speaks 4. What are you doing tonight? We to see a movie. a) are going b) go 5. He normally very fast. a) drives b) is dri 6. never what to expect. a)am knowing —_b) know 7. U'm sorry, Angela can’t come to the phone - she a)istaking —b) takes 8.1 home right now. a)go_b) am going 9. Those girls out every Friday. a)are going 6) go 10, (Generally) T classical music. a)like —-b) am liking 11, T always before 1 go to sleep. a)am reading b) read 12, She French, but she doesn't speak Italian. a) speaks b) is speaking 13, She right now. a) speaks) is speaking 14, Next week we to the theater. a)go—b) are going 15, (Generally) I Mexican food. a)love —_b) am loving 16. How do you feel? I great! a) am feeling b) feel 17, Listen = 1 to explain this to you. a)amtrying —b) try 18, Tomorrow I to see my friend. a)amgoing —_b) go 19, Where is she now? She home. a) walks b) is walking 20, How does she usually get to work? She STATE VERBS - PRESENT Choose between the present simple ot present continuous for these verbs depending on whether they are stative or active: 1 This soup Emma I'm afraid | My children Jane We My daughter Why The waiter My friends What i Mary q My husband, Mmm! That That box Sara How much Jenny (not/taste) right. (you/love) him? look) lovely in that new dress. (you/see) what | mean? (think) (Il havea test; 'm tired. (be) teally damp today. Chave) a bath every morning (need) some new clothes for the winter. (not/know) the answer to the question. (not/belteve) in fairies. (sce) her daughter next month, (want) fo go the USA for our holidays. Cenjoy) going to discos (you/look) at me like that? Caste) the wine for us now. (have) a good time at the moment? (you/think) about Sue's new house? (not/feel) well. Can I sit down please? (not/be) a nurse, she's a doctor. (hope) the weather is good tomorrow. (alnays/aste) the food while I'm cooking! (youswant) a sandwich? (have) a terrible toothache. (Gmell) nice. What is it? Chave) a party next weekend. (contain) office equipment. (think) of going te live in France. (it/cost)! (see) the doctor now. (you/understand) this exercise Present Simple and Present Continuous Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1. Does you live in Amsterdam? 2. Look! The baby walke! 3. lam going to school every day. 4, Tim makes his homework after school. 5. It’s time to go to school! Why do you look at the TV? 6. He no like orange juice. 7. Lam thinking you are wrong. 8, Do your mother workin the hospital? 9. She is reading a book every night. 10. lam wanting @ new smartphone. 111. What do we have for lunch tomorrow? 12. She is playing tennis every Wednesday afternoon, 13. She have two dogs. 14. How often are you going on holiday? 15. Do you go to Susan's party tonight? Efiglish 1, John sleeps / is sleeping now. 2. Francesca goes / is going to school every day. 3. Ihave / am having a piano lesson on Tuesday and Friday. 4. Tom and Sarah play / are playing tenis every Saturday. 5. Mr and Mrs Clark visit/ are visiting my family every year. 6. My mum doesn’t cook / isn’ t cooking at the moment. 7. Ido / am doing my HW every day. 8. Frank’s dad works / is working in Austria this month. 9. We don’t dance / aren’t dancing at school today. Boys don’t wear / aren’ t wearing pink T-shirts. 11, Our teachers sing / are singing at the moment. 12. We eat /are eating our snacks from 9.25 to 9.40 every day. 13, Simon has / is having a football training every Monday and Thursday. 4. Simon doesn’t have / isn’t having a football training this week. 15. Imake / am making beds every morning. 16. My brother washes / is washing the car at the moment. 17. _ Listen! A baby cries / is crying. 18, Look! Children sledge / are sledging there. 19. Tony is inhis room. He learns / is learning 20. Kate is at the cinema, She watches / is watching « film, 21. My grandad is in the garden. He cuts /is cutting the grass. 22. My grandma is in the living room. She reads /is reading a book. 23. Mysister is in the UK. She phones / is phoning u severy week 24, We go / are going to the sea every summer. 25. Peter goes / is going skiing to the Alps every February. ‘Make the sentences negative A, I go shopping on Saturday. B, Bob is having a shower. C, My parents work indoors. D, My cousins live in Prague. E, Children are drinking milk. F, Caila plays the flute. 6, Lam sitting. H, My dog likes grass. I, The girls are laughing. veo bec este evetveeteeeeneys Lt Present Simple or Present Continuous? ‘T- Complete the sentences with the verbs in the PRESENT SEMPLE or the PRESENT CONTINUOUS, using contracted forms when possible. Then look at the pictures and try to ‘ell your clossmate something about Ashley on Josh. *Have a lock at the grammar notes on p.3 if you need to revise. 1. Ashley.-.-(be) From New York 2. She ornnnmnnenn (Plax) by playing her guitar every evening or going swimming. 3. At the moment ShE.snsnmesennnnnsn test. She snannsnnnns(Want) 10 phone her friend Tosh after she ... (Finish) her homework, 5. Ashley's friends... (be) very important for her, especially Tosh 6. Teh live) in San Francisco, He o..nnnn(pley) Football or soccer, ashe says, every day. Josh and Ashley sometimes oman (Chat) online. Te Astley GIWOYS on cnnnnneu (Send) Tosh emails ond sometimes she sescmnn text) itn, 8. Her sister, Kate, (do) aneneenenseennn¥@Qa in this photo, Ashley sndbe) a very busy girl. SHE ssn rnnnsnneennsnnea ke) music and French lessons on Frideys this semester. 10, She @l60 socnnmvnnnnnenn(t2ach) the young kids to swim at the clubl 11, Look at Ashley's friends in this photo! ..... svn (REY = dance) on a bridge in San Francisco? 12. One of Ashley's friends (phone). = ther now. 13. What do you think they oscwusesnmnnnennnnnn(tll) about? 14, Ashley .......(toke) pictures every time she .-.--.---(9o) sightseeing 1B, She os eevonmnenven(3kete) in the Central Park in this phote 16. The boy who (weer) an orarge T-shirt and jeans is Tome, He onc nenmrnennene( Ot Sing) $0 Well But he snn--Aplay) ‘the guitar as a professional $7. Tame -orvnnne(not lke) Mathematics classes. Look! He (sleep) in the classroom 18. What about you? nnn mn (yaustike) all your school subjects? 19, Students usually love) PE. but some of them (not enjoy) Foreign languoges 20, How many subjects ~ (you have) at school? PELE sn (Study) For her Geometry A) Choose the correct one My mother usually is going / goes to shopping ‘with my aune. ‘Susan is watering / wacers the Flowers ae he ‘weekends. le are having / have great time. Why don't you join us? Unho is wanting / wanes #0 Come with mer They never are helping / help us. My parenes are Visiting Visit my grandparents ‘his weekend. ‘She sometimes is studying / studies French. How ofeen are you visieing / do you visie your grandmother? “ylhere is your brother?" “He ‘washes Father's car.” 20) Ve are happy because we are going/ go <0 the z00, 21) Tm very busy. J am working / work on a project. 2) Jimmy is knowing / Knows the Faces about the ld man, 23) “What are you doing / do you dor" * Jam wasting / wash my car.” 24) The children are waiting/ wait ( washing / porches den mona = s ‘today they are going / go by train. 25) Are you helping / do you help your mother in your free ¢imes? SEVRSY 4s > C) Make sentences with the given Sally -20~ Fishing ~ free times ‘Somebody waie— you — now He ~ paitre~ the fences ~ look Kel wear ~ red — always Cats ~ chase ~ mouse « normaly My Father — read ~ newspaper — in the evening The seudenes- have —exatn -rishe now Dana ~ go ~ shopping ~ on gunaays I-gee~ ready ~ for the party - now 20) She~ brush - her teeth — twice @ day 3) The kids ” @ Normalyy cacs: ‘B) Fill in the blanks with “Simple Present or Preserre Continuous" Gina (be) 50 il that she’ (look) like a shost. = (y0u~ believe ) in ghosts7*“No, i (nave } great time ze CF) their Kees, (kip) rope. Te (be) 50 beautiful For then. 1 (like) spencing time wieh mr fami. My Father (each) me ‘now to play chess. 1 chetp) my mother with the housework, we (80) out with my siseers. Qur grandparenes ___( Vise) us at the weekends. “Tonighe is very differen for our Famiy. My Father never _ __ wae) TH before dinner bue now he wetch ) TV. My mocher fish bus nobody our Famivy. ie picnics. They. (oo0k) (eat) Fish In (he) a strange night. (drink) milk bue hate) ik. ‘(your Father -do Vin ehe (cut) down the Clove) spending time my cat “What, sorden?”“} ‘urees. He In the garden.” “what. teacher.” Be careful The car oi 3 (you-do) 7 "Ima PRESENT SIMPLE or PRESENT CONTINUOUS Complete with every day or at the moment, Mami cooking dinner Telecn my teeth We have dinrer at 7 dleck Cosma and Suzie are playing in the garden Alice gets up ot 8 delock They're doing their homework. Tim having lunch My ded finishes work at 5 oelork Peter and Stanley go to school by bus ‘Aunt Agatha is playing golf Complete with am / is\/ are or do / does, you looking for your keye? you know Alex? T driving teo fast? your boeter like cats? his aunt working? your father work en Saturdays? they having «party? 2 wwe need ony bread? Mary sleeping? ‘Tim and Jerry go to scheol together? ‘Answer, Bo you live near your school? Yes, 2 Ghoose the correct item. She. rik every morning. Ts your teacher speaking right row? Nb, Adeerks B)iserinkrg drink ‘Do your friends visit you on Sundays? Yes, We. to the parknow. Is it raining at the moment? Ne, A)goes Bare going C) go Does your best friend speak French? No, The woran shopping now. ‘Ave yousnd your friends watching TV? Yes, Davee Bisgong ae Does your teacher drive a car? Yes, She Ofte svesenene her red ess ‘Ave you sitting ona table? Ne, A)wears B)is wearing C) weer Do you lke English? Yes. i Look! The eat Up the tree. Te she having lunch new? A)elimos B)ischmbing C)lim> Joh to schoo! now. ‘A)walks B)iswelking C)walke Choose a time expression for each sentence: My cot usualy wnnneby the fie ‘now ~ on Fridays - always ~ at the moment - every evening Dy foe tegen have toast for breakfast. Vernier My brother is doing his homework My mother goes to the eupermarket Tread a book or « magazine in bed My grandmother ___ sends me a birthday present. My brother is playing Foctbell [At echool we have our history lesson My father buye a newspaper from the shep ‘A)sleep 8) sleeping C) sleeps letter ct the moment amuriting C) is writing css ina restauront every Sunday. A)eats Bare esting Cheat Father always the grass. Adeuts B)eut Cis cutting Put the verbs in the correct tense (PST or PST). Tony. ‘a shower every morning (have) He. letter at the moment. (write) We to the radio at night. (listen) Listen! The birds in the garden. (sing) My mother ‘tea now. (drink) Look at Tom ond Jim! They We usually. He often up the hil. valk We. ‘warm clothes in winter. (wear) My dad tte car now. (wash) We {to the disco every Friday. (90) Jere. her bed at the moment. (rake) I my homework every evening. (do) They ‘their lunch now. (have) skiing every winter. (0) Tore tenis every Thursday. (ploy) ‘sandwich at lunchtime. (eat) s m easy | don't_or doesn’ Prove it us ey Present simple & Present (Continuous = ~** 4. My partner and T, Deputy Dog, searching for the person who kidnapped Fluffy, the neighbor's cat. . Fluffy ____(not) live inside the house, She (not) sleeping on the porch now, because she isnt here. \ you believe that detectives can find missing cots? Dscre people (ret) | 4. ght row Tolding a mage fying glase. And ny festeful wearing a grey hat. We. wearing detective. (not) wearing our school clothes. 5 Fluffy have a lot of friends? Yes, she ____clways ployirg with the neighborhood cats. 6 ‘the neighborhood cats enjoy Fluffy company? OF course, they, 7.We looking around the neighborhood for a brown eat. Fluffy and her friends (rot) hiding from us. 8, Today T (rot) thinking about whet trouble Fluffy is 1 Tnstead my partner end T looking for clues everywhere. 9. My portner (noi) ike Fluffy, that (not) important. He sniffing everywhere for her. 10, Fluffy often hide from her owner? T. ‘think so 11. Mr. Dolittle, who is Fluffys owner, (not) went to own deg, He. worrying about her now. (Circle the correct answer for each pesson reading mystery now. cat (rot) sleeping at home. sn't are cren't doesn't do am detectives working, detectives look for clues? we looking for the cat? helping the detectives. ‘he dog sniffing fer Fluffy? the deg like cats at all? (not) playing games now. detectives weor hats? te searching the house now? 12,___ dogs mke good detectives? 13, ‘the detective weenrg a raincoat? 14, That dog (rot) smell =~ anything. it ieGraphics Myc

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