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HUM102- Report Writing Skills

Assignment # 02

Identify traits of technical writing and 7 C’s of a given Brochure.

Name Muhammad Abubakar Nawaz

Registration Number FA18-BCE-055


Instructor’s Name Moneeza Batool

Analysis of well written brochure with respect to the traits of the technical writing and seven
C’s of communication.
1. Clear:

Clarity of the sentence is that user can understand the written sentence easily and effectively.
The given brochure is presenting clarity by familiar use of words, by emphasis the sentences,
and structure of sentences are presenting coherence in a paragraph.
2. Conciseness:

Concise messages are easy to understand and are far more interesting to read. In this brochure
to the point idea is discussed and so it saves the time and allow the reader to read without any
3. Completeness:

This brochure convey complete message covering every single detail of the event by effective
use of pictures and charts and it contains complete information about subject matter.
4. Concreteness:

Specific information about the subject matter is provided in the brochure with facts and figures
and it does not contain irrelevant information in it, so it is obeying concreteness.
5. Correctness:

This brochure is fully accurate grammatically and logically. So it is completing the objective of
correctness. And punctuation and grammar is accurately used in it.
6. Consideration:

Consideration is the use of “our” attitude so that reader can feel his benefit. So in this
brochure “our” attitude is used and reader feels that the writer is talking about mutual
benefits and writer is guiding the way out for us.
7. Courtesy:

This C is properly used in this brochure because a sincere “you” attitude is followed
throughout the brochure. It used expression which show respect to reader and it used
nondiscriminatory expressions.

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