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“Effectiveness of LGU’s Basura ko , Uwi ko

Campaign: A basis for Monitoring and

Evaluation tool.”

Opeda, Nick G.

Espina, Ana Mae T.

Morales, May Angeline T.

Mape, Christian C.

Fabreag, Marc Eric V.

Chapter I

The Problem


Filipinos are not new to the idea that prosperity causes environmental degradation.

According to the popular song of Asin, progress is not a bad without destroying nature. The

problem of waste disposal is just one of many environment issues, and it is real contributor to

social development. The teachers need to be setting a good example as well, so that the

environmentally friendly ideas filter down to the children.

Environmental problem is a global concern. It has no boundary, around the world; efforts

are being made to make people aware about environmental protection. One of the main cause of

environmental degradation is improper management in the disposal solid waste. It is a major

cause of pollution and outbreak of disease in many parts of the world. There is no permanent

solution for environmental problem, only thing we can reduce and control waste generation by

proper awareness and practice. Proper management of the waste generated is most important in

this matter, waste management is a science that addresses the logistic, environmental impact,

social responsibility and cause of an organization waste disposal. Solid waste management

(SWM) has 3 basic components namely collection, transportation and disposal. Comprehensive

solid waste management incorporates a diverse range of activities including reduction, recycle,

segregation, modification, treatment and disposal which have varying levels of sophistication

(Zagozewski et. al, 2011).

Unfortunately, many schools struggle to think of imaginative ways to implement

effective waste management in schools. Initially, it is crucial that the teachers get involved to
keep the children enthusiastic. They can set up the recycling sign and run competitions for signs

and poster about recycling. The children can help with compost and emptying signs. To integrate

recycling into their work, they could address it in science as part of humans and their effect on

the environment. For the non-fiction section of English, they could write instruction on how to

make compost etc. To manage random waste, schools can have creative challenges using left

over paper and other materials as a fun, interactive game for the children. They could also do this

in Art, which would save on schools paying for resources.

In Pansol Integrated National High School (PINHS), garbage’s of students is one of the

schools problem. They always throw they’re garbage in one side of the campus. Every individual

should take the responsibility of managing their waste properly. Thus, Basura ko , Uwi ko

campaign is really a need to encourage the people and specially students to be part of this

objective, protecting our environment through proper waste management through this campaign.

In Addition, “Basura ko Uwi ko” campaign helps every student and also the teacher on how to

manage their own waste, and be responsible in waste management. Instead of having trashcans,

every student puts their bag they will throw it when they got home. The students have discipline

in their waste community and even their school will become a good place. This campaign of

LGU can be effective if every individual do the different activities about this campaign, like

waste segregation, if student have knowledge about this, it can be a simple task for them and

they can help other individual or student on how to manage properly their waste. This study

shows if every students have their knowledge about the LGU campaign “Basura ko , Uwi ko”, it

will be easy for them to follow and apply the proper waste management.

This campaign can help the school to lessen the garbage in the surroundings. This study

represents on how to manage the garbage of the students this is came from in buying products or
foods in school. In this case, the researchers see the effectiveness of this campaign and that is to

improve cleanliness if it is implemented in the school. As the result, the researchers find out this

campaign can help to the problem of our school this is proper waste management. Also when it is

implemented in school, the students and individuals will be a responsible when it comes to their

own wastes.

Separating, reducing, reducing, reusing, recycling and composting are good options for

managing school waste. As a board of trustees, you have to find ways to get rid of school waste

with the least negative effect on the environment. Incinerating and building waste pits on the

school grounds can only be done by school with no other options. Separate waste, separating

waste is the first step in managing your school’s rubbish. Set up bins for the different kinds of

waste and make sure the right bins are used. You should have clearly labeled bins for glass,

paper, plastic , cans and for organic waste. Educate staff and students about using other ways of

disposing of waste, such as recycling, reusing and composting. Reuse waste, think about reusing

waste around the school and the school community, including: taking lost property to your local

opportunity shop using plastic bags as bins liners or as packaging (instead of bubble wrap)having

students make recycled paper and use shredded paper as bedding for pets. Make sure recycle bins

are used correctly and that the items are clean when they go in the bins.

Even when we are on Grade level, we always encounter that campaign. But many of us

didn’t follow that simple rule. We all know that we have a big responsibility when the calamities

came like flashfloods, landslide and other more. If we think about flashflood, the commonly

cause of it are the garbage on canals. We can solve that kind of calamities. Don’t go away, even

on our school, on chairs, plants, hallways, etc. We can see the garbage so that’s why our topic is

all about waste management.

Statement of the Problem

Specially, the study seeks to find answers to the following question:

1. How effective the Basura ko , Uwi ko Campaign to PINHS?

2. How do the school implement the Basura ko , Uwi ko Campaign?

3. What are the positive effect of “Basura ko , Uwi ko “ Campaign in the school?

4. What monitoring and evaluation tool maybe develop to measures the effectiveness of

Basura ko , Uwi ko Campaign?

Scope, Delamination and Limitations

This study focuses on the effectiveness of Basura ko , Uwi ko Campaign in Pansol

Integrated National High School during the school 2019-2020. In this study, the researchers will

determine the implementation of the school in Basura ko , Uwi ko campaign it will who look the

positive effect of their Campaign. At the end, the researchers will develop a monitoring and

evaluation tool.

This study will limits only to the students of Pansol Integrated National High School.
Significance of the Study

The study is conducted to determine the effectiveness of LGU’s Basura ko , Uwi ko

campaign in PINHS. The study results may be beneficial to the following:

Teachers. The study will help them to promote the LGU “Basura ko , Uwi ko” campaign in the


Students. This may encourage students to follow this campaign to lessen the garbage in the

school and for then to be responsible on their personal waste.

Schools. This study will give an insight and information about how effective the campaign in the

school. It can help the school to lessen the garbage or waste and also, this study will help to

improve the cleanliness of the school.

Future Researcher. This study will help the future researchers as their basis of their study and

additional literature investigation.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the through and in depth

search done by the researchers. This will presents the synthesis, theoretical framework, and

conceptual framework to fully understand the research to be done and lastly the definition of

terms to better comprehension of the study.

Foreign Literature

According to World Health Organization (2011), the solid waste management in

technical note the term ‘solid waste’ is used to include all non-liquid wastes generated by human

activity and range of solid material resulting from the disaster, such as general domestic garbage

such as food waste, ash and packaging materials; human feces disposed of in garbage;

emergency waste such as plastic water bottles and packaging from other emergency supplies;

rubble resulting from the disaster; mud and slurry deposited by the natural disaster; and all

entrees and rocks obstructing transport and communications. Other specialist waste, such as

medical waste from hospitals and toxic waste from industry will also need to be dealt with

urgently, but they are not covered by this technical note.

Healey (2010) stated that Australia may be a large country, but they live in a throw-away

society that is rapidly filling it with their waste. Their insatiable desire to constantly upgrade

disposable technology and consume over-packaged products has continued unabated for decades.

At the same time however, there has been a trend away from both burning waste in incinerators

and burying it in landfills. Waste management policies now seek to minimize waste disposal by

reducing its generation and by reusing and recycling. He also reveals the extent of the growing
waste problem and examines the waste and recycling practices of households, and includes many

tips on how to reduce, reuse and recycle

The management of waste has become one of the key environmental concerns of the past

decades, with hundreds of scientific papers published on the topic every year. The management

of waste attracts increasing attention all over the world as people are becoming conscious of a

variety of environmental problems such as Global warming, air, water and land pollution. Waste

generated as part of daily human activities not only damages natural resources, but potential

negative impacts on the environment or human health cannot be excluded (Zurbrugg 2003;

United Nations 2010)

As cited by Schidmit (2012), in his book entitled “Lets waste management” cited that the

present cubbish includes synthetic materials that help pilling up unlike natural ones that degrade

and eventually return to earth. Thus, disposal becomes a problem. Aside from this, garbage is

also a health hazards being a melting pot of all waste of disease. As today’s throwaway society

consumes more and more products, we also generate more and more waste. Much of these

wastes gets burned incineration or buried in landfills, causing a series of environmental problems

including water pollution and loss of open space.

Rapid population growth, urbanization and economic development are the most

important factors lead to generation of solid waste of Bangladesh. In Bangladesh sixteen

thousand three hundred eighty (16,380) tons of solid waste generated every day, which posing

threat for the environment if not managed properly (Roy and Roy 2013). The increasing urban

population made the environmentalist thinks about the scientific waste management with top
most priority in urban planning in the developing countries. Waste management is now

concerning issue of other city.

A massive volume of waste is generated every day in urban areas and unfortunately, the

solid waste management system is gradually worsened day by day to the limited resource. It is

difficult to handle the increasing rate of generated waste because of over population. This paper

shows that the waste generation in urban areas of Bangladesh approximately sixteen thousand

fifteen (16,015) tons per day. Due to lock proper waste management of authority the people

easily dumped on roads and into open space which leads to serious health risk degradation of

living environment (Bahauddin & Uddin, 2012).

In the research done by Oliva (2013), it tackles that a simple and obvious choice is to cut

back on the amount of waste by using and throwing out less in the first place. Some states have

adopted regulatory strategies to discourage dependence on landfills. In 1990, for example,

California enacted a law that established a baseline for the amount of solid waste its cities and

towns send to landfills. By 1995, that amount was to be reduced by 25 percent; by the year 2000,

by 50 percent. California now diverts more than 25 percent of its waste, resulting in disposal of

approximately 33 million tons per year. Such heavy cuts are usually accomplished by recycling.

Packaging is one of the major sources of waste paper and plastics. According to Earth Works

Groups, it accounts for approximately one-third of all the garbage Americans send to landfills.

Packaging should be minimal. It production should be environmentally and it should be made up

of materials that can be reused or recycled repeatedly. Some packaging is purposely elaborate to

make the contents more attractive-cosmetic are notorious for this. Smart buyers can support the

use of environmentally friendly packaging by purchasing product with minimal packaging or

with packaging or with packaging made of recycled or recyclable materials. Recycling works
and it does so in several ways. It reduces the monetary and environmental cost of landfilling and

incineration. It substitutes used materials for virgin materials, thereby reducing the demand for

natural resources. It conserves energy. And it creates jobs in the community. Curbside recycling

containers. The community provides containers in which individual families deposits such

materials as newspaper; glass bottles and jars; tin and aluminum containers; plastic bottles;

mixed waste paper (cardboard, phone, books, magazines, junk mail, office paper, brown bags);

and used motor oil. The community arranges for curbside pickup and delivery to a recycling

facility. Drop-off recycling zones. Groups or large recycling bins are installed on public property

in one or more location throughout the community. Recycling centers. The community provides

the center itself and encourages residents to drop off or sell refuse materials there. Green waste

diversion and composting programs. Leaves, grass clippings, and other organic waste materials

are composted used to enrich soil or as much or landfill over.

Local Literature

Solid waste management is the collection, transport or disposal and treatment of waste

materials. It relates to materials produced to human activities, and the process generally

undertaken to endure its effects on health, the environment and aesthetics. It reduces or

eliminates adverse impacts on the environment and human health rather supports economic

development and improved the quality of life. In today’s polluted world, learning the correct

methods of handling the waste generated has become essential (Marello and Helwege, 2014).

As stipulated in Republic Act 9003 or the “Ecological Solid Waste Management act”,

section 2, the policy of the state ensures the protection of the public health and environment; set
guidelines and targets for solid waste avoidance and volume reduction through source reduction

and waste minimization measures, including composting, recycling, re-use, recovery and green

charcoal process among others. There must be appropriate and environmentally sound solid

waste management facilities in accordance with the ecologically sustainable development

principles. It ensure proper segregation, collection, transport, storage, treatment and disposal of

solid wastes through the formulation and adoption of the best environmental.

As reported by Guzman et al., (2010), solid waste management is one of the most critical

environmental problems today. In metro Manila alone, approximately 0.6 kilogram per person of

garbage is produced with a total amount of about 6000 to 7000 tons per day. Despite the fact that

not all of these collection system people seem to be unconcerned with the amount of solid and

semisolid waste they produce. Proper collection is a solution to the country’s waste problem.

Unfortunately, disposal would not be the most and sole answer to this concern (Guzman et al.,


According to Lyyanki Muralikrishna and Valli Manickam from Research Gate

(December,2017), “Without an effective and efficient waste management program, the waste

generated from various human activities, both industrial and domestic, can result in health hazard

and have a negative impact on the environment.” An effective and efficient waste management

program is way for an area to have a clean and safe environment. The researchers have

formulated a way to accomplish the aim of lyyanki Muralikrishna and Valli Manickam.

All of the methods of waste prevention and waste management require public

participation. Oliva as cited by Villanueva (2013) said that education is an important component

of solid waste management that should be present to establish a good program for the
community. Awareness of solid waste management will create change on how people look at

garbage. People grew up thinking that garbage is garbage, it should not be touched or one should

not go near to it. They thought before that all types of garbage should just be thrown in one

container (Sarino, 2014).

According to Baula as cited by Punongbayan (2014), awareness accompanied by

participation is the key for students to be involved in the waste management program of the

schools where effective and sustainable implementation of the proper waste management

practices could be achieved. Section 55-56 of Republic Act 9003 or The Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act stipulates that the national government in coordination with Department of

Education (DepED), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA);

Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Philippine Information Agency (PIA), should

conduct a continuing education and information campaign on solid waste management and

strengthen the integration of environmental concerns in school curricula at all levels, with

particular emphasis on the theories and practices of waste management principles like

segregation at source, reduction, recycling, re-use and composting, in order to promote

environmental awareness and action among the citizenry. Segregation at source is a solid waste

management practice of separating different materials found in solid waste at the point of origin

in order to promote recycling and re-use of resources and to reduce the volume of waste for

collection and disposal (Article 2, Section 3, RA 9003).

The environmental protection agency has determined a three tiered approach for

managing solid waste. Each of these should be practiced to reduce the amount material headed

for final disposal. They are in order of importance: REDUCE, the better way to manage solid

waste. REUSE items use them over and over until they are completely worn out. RECYCLE, the
good way to manage solid waste, Recycle means taking something old and making it into

something new. (Seminole Country Government, 2012).

In the Philippines, recycling is well established. It is slowly taking-off in the more parts

of Asia. Two of which are in the remote village of Looc on Panglau Island in the Philippines.

Locals now collect plastics for recycling to supplement their income. Also, schemes are under

way to recycle plastic bottles and cans. The collected material is send to Cebu City by barge.

There, the bottles can are processed. It is important to note that the motivators for this recycling

initiate are mostly financial rather than environmental. These rural communities are still living in

a severe poverty, with the proceeds of sale used to buy basic foods staples (Alan, 2011). There

are two types of recycling: One is direct in the sense of materials are reused directly like bottles

and refillable beverage containers. The indirect way is when the waste materials will undergo

processing like aluminum cans. With recycling, new materials are formed out of sates (Guzman

& Reyes, 2003 as cited in Anito, 2011).

Ambayic et al. (2013) cited that reduction is bringing down the amount of trash disposed

by consciously buying items that generate a lot of trash. It instills a culture of responsible waste

management among students while helping schools reduce their waste. Recycling saves landfill

space and also rescues the resources that were used to make another new product. It treats used

or waste materials through a process of making them suitable for beneficial use in a way that the

original products may lose their identity. In many cases, recycling can also save energy. Schools

purchasing paper products made from recycled content help to ensure a viable market for

recycled products (Griffiths, et al., 2010).

Treatments and disposal method depends on the type of problem that any community has.

Residents or any responsible citizen of the community are able to conduct an appropriate

solution for the sake of their environment. Based on their research, it is also said that various

human activity can result a negative impact that can also cause health hazard to the residents.

Proper discipline and awareness of residents is needed. Nowadays, the main problem of

everybody about solid management is the lack of discipline of some people, that causes growing

rate of garbage problems that affect air pollution, water and soil contamination, floods and

excessive breeding of rodents and vermin.

Weak waste management is one of the most common problems in developing countries

(Thanh & Matsui 2011, 1), where infrastructure development cannot catch up with the economic

development. To be able to improve waste management services, it is crucial for Vietnam to

establish and encourage international cooperation and partnerships (Thanh & Matsui 2011, 1).

Vietnam has become an attractive destination for foreign companies and investors due to the

encouraging incentive schemes of the government, especially in environmental protection 6

sectors. Foreign companies have recently shown their interest in entering Vietnam’s market.

Monitoring and evaluation are critically important aspects of planning and management

of any program. Monitoring is the systematic and continuous assessment of the progress of a

piece of work over time, in order to check that things are going to plan. Evaluation is an

assessment of the value or worth of a program or intervention and the extent to which the stated

objectives have been achieved. Evaluation is not continuous and usually takes place periodically

through the course of the program or after completion. Together, monitoring and evaluation are a

set of processes designed to measure the achievements and progress of a program. The two terms
are closely connected and are frequently combined with the result that the abbreviation M&E is

widely used. Good management of solid waste is one of the most important ways of protecting

our health. Before we can design a waste management service and monitor its effectiveness we

need detailed information on the waste itself. For each type of waste produced we need to know

the quantities generated where the waste is generated and its composition.

The Philippines has been making inroads in solid waste management with the enactment

and implementation of the Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological waste management Act of 2002.

Said legislation has had tremendous influence in terms of how the national and local government

units confront the challenges of waste management in urban and rural areas using the reduce,

reuse, recycle and recover framework or 4Rs. One of the sectors needing assistance is the

informal waste sector whose aspiration is legal recognition of their rank and integration of their

waste recovery activities in maintenance waste management. To realize this, the Philippine

National Solid Waste Management Commission initiated the formulation of the National

Framework Plan for the Informal Waste Sector, which stipulates approaches, strategies and

methodologies to concretely involve the said sector in different spheres of local waste

management, such as collection, recycling and disposal. What need to be fleshed out are the

monitoring and evaluation components in order to gauge qualitative and quantitative

achievements vis-à-vis the Framework Plan. In the process of providing an enabling environment

for the informal waste sector, progress has to be monitored and verified qualitatively and

quantitatively and measured against activities, outputs, objectives and goals. Using the

framework plan as the reference, this article developed monitoring and evaluation indicators

using the logical framework approach in project management. (Serrona, 2014).

Several issues must be dealt with first. Number one in the list is the absence of regular

solid waste collection in the municipality. Due to some limitations, garbage collection is not

done on a regular basis and sometimes the local citizens are not aware about its exact schedule.

Collection and transport of solid waste is done only once a month by a private hauler. A huge

chunk of the expenses comes from the disposal fee of the solid waste to Calamba City. Another

issue about collecting the solid waste only once a month is the accumulation of wastes. This is

one of the serious problems along the Poblacion area where most of the population is located the

LGU is proposing the establishment of the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) to accommodate

the segregation. Establishments of sanitary landfill can also be considered because there is no

existing element near the LGU. Implementation technology such as briquette making,

composting, and residual waste processing will also be explored. Existing proposals and there is

still no specific group or unit established that is in charge with dealing with SWM and the

different committee has been established but it is still not enough as the LGU is experiencing

currently. Valderrama (2014).

For the waste segregation at sources, the wastes are recommended to be separated into

compostable/biodegradable, recyclable, residual, and special wastes. Segregation bins will used

for the different kinds of wastes. This segregation will help lessen the amount of wastes collected

and dumped in Calamba. These bins will help people segregate. The biodegradables are planned

to be composted within the MRF. Other technologies involving biodegradable wastes also could

be considered. The recyclables are suggested to be collected by accredited junkshops. This will

address the issue that comes with them and from the roving junk buyers. To further support this

segregation, a satellite MRF will be put up in selected barangays and especially schools.

Valderrama (2014).
Solid Waste Management

Foreign Study

(Asmawati Desa, 2012)The study further discovered that for those who had children aged

5-14 years old, most information about solid waste management received at school influenced

their household. This indicates that school campaigns and focused on recycling can increase

awareness and attitudes toward solid waste management among children and their parents.

Reports on solid waste management recommended that recycling habit needs to be established in

relation to sustainability solid waste education are more motivated to take part in environmental

protection activities and plans. Thus would generate new ideas for the solution of environmental

problems. Sharing new information from their activities with families, other adults, and

community probably will have some positive implications on solid waste management practices.

In the study of Ferrer (2015), he asserted that the major variations among students who

throw wastes improperly were found according to their gender. Female students tend to show

more responsibility toward the environment than male student based on their research.

On the other hand, Hsu’s research (2014) assessed the effects of an environment

education course on college student’s responsible environmental behavior and associated

environment literacy variables, he showed that course significantly promoted the students’

responsibility, intention to act, perceived knowledge of and skill in using environmental action


The study highlighted that complexity of the relationship between students’ KAP

toward sustainable environment (Ahmad et al.,2015). The same findings were reported by

Ifegbesan (2010) in a knowledge-practice level assessment done in Ogun State, Nigeria. It was
revealed that secondary school students from the sampled zones were relatively aware of waste

problem in their school compounds, but the same students possessed poor waste management

practices (Ifegbesan, 2010).

Local Studies

The experiences and practices of household waste management of people in a barangay

(village) in Manila, Philippines are documented. The respondents segregate their wastes into

PET bottles, glass bottles, and other waste (mixed wastes). No respondents perform composting.

It is worth noting, however, that burning of waste is not done by the respondents. The

households rely on garbage collection by the government. Collection is done twice daily, except

Sundays, and household members bring their garbage when the garbage truck arrives. However,

there are those who dump their garbage in non-designated pick-up points, usually in a corner of

the street. The dumped garbage becomes a breeding ground for disease-causing organisms. This

study concluded that there are possibility of having dengue fever in the dumping areas and

garbage collection in government’s responsibility.

The results of the study showed that RA 9003, also known as the Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000, is not fully implemented in Metro Manila. This study highlights the

results of the study that was conducted to analyze the solid waste management practices of the

waste generators, and the extent of their compliance with the Republic Act 9003, otherwise

known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. The study was conducted in

Bacolod City, Philippines in 2007. The findings of this study served as basis in developing a

handbook on solid waste management (Ballados, 2010).

According to Busalla, Cones, Mercader, Morales Serrano (2013) on their study on The

Level of Waste Management in the Selected Public School in Cebu City: Proposed improvement,

education is an essential part of our existence which is why approximately 23 million of the

Philippines’ population today is enrolled in elementary and secondary education. Of the 23

million, around 20 million are students of the public schools while the rest, about 3 million, are

enrolled in private school. With the recent implementation last June 4, 2012 of the K-12

educational system, this number will increase exponentially in the years to come. Due to the

expected rise in numbers of enrollees because of the new educational system, environment health

is the one of the main concerns of the school and the government because it directly affects the

students as well as the surrounding communities. Almost the quarter of the population is the

elementary and the secondary students and as a group, they have an enormous impact in the

environment. This impact is geared towards a positive one. The capacity of these students to

influence is used appropriately so as to raise awareness and to compel the rest of the population

to do the responsible act of proper waste disposal.

According to Khylle Tumala (January 2015) from her study in the effect of improper

waste disposal in the Philippines, “Improper waste disposal is one of the biggest environmental

issues here in the Philippines. It caused bigger problems that affect not only the environment but

also the health and life of the people. This problem may be resolve or it will remain problem to

the country in the next few years”. A law in the Philippines approved by the Office on the

President on January 26, 2001 was created in response to the rapidly growing rate of garbage

problems in the country caused by improper waste disposal. Unfortunately, even though there is

a law improper waste disposal in the Philippines was ranked 3rd as top source of water

contamination in a study on February 2015.

Waste disposal is different from waste management. Proper waste disposal is needed to

properly execute waste management. Waste Management refers to the recycling, processing,

transport, assortment, and monitoring of waste product. The waste products are mainly of three

types: solid, liquid or gas state. Solid waste commonly is known as non-biodegradable waste

(UKEssays,2015). Their study centered on the waste hierarchy or 3R’s –reduce, reuse, recycle-

and explored waste management as a concept and effect of waste disposal. Without properly

executing waste disposal, difficulty in waste management also emerge. It is also proven that

human activities and lack of discipline are the main reason of improper waste disposal that

makes problem difficult to resolve.

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Solid Waste management among Undergraduate

Students done by Dela Cruz (2016) asserted that the students’ knowledge and attitude were

positively correlated with their level of practice. The tendency of the students to minimize the

use of materials the use of materials was highly associated with satisfactory knowledge rating.

Reuse of solid wastes including plastic/ glass bottles, can, and paper and rainwater was also

associated with satisfactory knowledge rating, but not with attitude; whereas, preference to use

rechargeable batteries over the disposable types was significantly related to satisfactory attitude

ratings. High positive correlations between knowledge and practice level were also reported by

Tatlonghari and Jamias (2010). Similar to the findings of this study, respondents with higher

knowledge scores were more likely good practice on solid waste management.

Another study, which is about effect of improper garbage disposal (Boehlke, 2017), also

implied that humans are not the only ones who are affected but also animals. As water can be

contaminated, marine life is also in danger. When waste cluster and form algal bloom, it can
suffocate and contaminate everything near it-may it be a habitat which includes corals or an

organism like fishes, mollusks, etc.

Another study, which is about effects of improper garbage disposal (Boelhlke, 2017),

also implied that humans are not the only ones who are affected but also animals. As water can

be contaminated marine life is also in danger. When waste cluster and form algal bloom, it can

suffocate and contaminate everything near it may it be a habitat which include choral or an

organism like fish, mollusk, etc.

Selecting actions for improvement of solid waste management in low and middle income

countries and understanding how a specific decisions choice will fit and impact on a local

context is key to identifying sustainable solutions. Various assessments tools and methods are

currently available to support decision making in solid waste management. Assessments methods

can also evaluate and compare different possible choices as in project scenarios. This overview

describes established and innovative assessments methods serving both these purposes. A range

of assessment tools are often designed to asses specific sustainability domain (technical,

environmental and health, economic and financial, social and institutional, organizational

aspects), others attempt to provide a more holistic picture by integrating different sustainability

domains into the same tool. A user oriented focus in the development of assessment tools would

enhance their application, provide sound data for informed decision making and foster dialogue

between technicians and policy makers in low and middle income countries. Sustainability

Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework

(Asmawati Desa, 2012)The theory planned behavior views an individual’s determination

is influenced by attitude, social support and perceived behavioral control. Therefore, this theory

is suitable to predict a student’s intent to participate in a specific behavior in relation to solid

waste management. Before the awareness and education programme can be conducted, two

different researches were carried out. The first study was to identify the current waste collection

and waste data. Results showed it is estimated that the National University of Malaysia produce

an average collection of about 8 ton of solid waste per day. In order to identify the type of waste

produce by the university, waste characterization study was conducted. The method used can be

referred from the study by Kian-Ghee Tiew, Stefan Kruppa, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri and

Hassan Basriof waste characterization research team from Faculty of Engineering and Built

Environmental. After sorting, the waste was store in bins which were labeled for different items

and later were considering the current state of the Philippine solid waste management system, it

indicates that the government cannot solve the enormous waste problems without the

contribution of other stakeholders and assessment of other important matters aside from the

technical or technological perspectives (i.e. Political, social and economic perspective).

Specifically, the sustainable solid waste management system and recycling industry of the

country can be attained by having good environmental governance through collaboration

with other stakeholders, effective public information dissemination through campaigns and

promotions, and shared ideas on innovative and appropriate technology (Atienza, 2008; Atienza,


The Theory of Waste Management represent a more in-depth account of the domain and

contains conceptual analysis of waste, the activity upon waste, and a holistic view of the goals of
waste management. Waste Management Theory is founded on the expectation that waste

management is to prevent waste causing harm to human health and the environment. The proper

definition of waste is crucial to constructing a sustainable agenda of waste management. It is

largely the case that case that current legislation attends to existing waste. Definition emerging

from this condition may, however conflict with the goals of waste prevention, because something

that already exists cannot be presented from arising. When material is assigned the label of

‘waste’, it will be treated as such; consequently, despite its explicit wish of waste prevention,

implicitly, legislation essentially amasses waste. The inherent philosophical implication of such

definition is that they are not able to facilitate a sustainable waste management system.

Therefore, new, dynamic definition for waste and waste management must be sought, which can

explain why waste is created and can offer an intrinsic solution for the problem. A radically new

approach, based on an object-oriented modeling language, is presented to define the key

concepts of waste management.(Pongracz, 2010).


The foregoing literature and studies focused on the discussion of effectiveness of LGU’s

campaign basura ko uwi ko campaign a basis for monitoring and evaluation tool. More of the

foreign literature and studies and local literature and studies presented waste management.

The presented conceptual literature, deals with the effectiveness of LGU’s campaign

basura ko uwi ko or waste management and evaluation and monitoring tool.

Part of the conceptual literature covered description of the management of waste has

become one of the key environmental concerns of the past decades, with hundreds of scientific

papers published on the topic every year. The management of waste attracts increasing attention

all over the world as people are becoming conscious of a variety of environmental problems such

as Global warming, air, water and land pollution. Waste generated as part of daily human

activities not only damages natural resources, but potential negative impacts on the environment

or human health cannot be excluded (Zurbrugg 2003; United Nations 2010).

The conceptual literature was also focused on monitoring and evaluation are critically

important aspects of planning and management of any program. Monitoring is the systematic and

continuous assessment of the progress of a piece of work over time, in order to check that things

are going to plan. Evaluation is an assessment of the value or worth of a program or intervention

and the extent to which the stated objectives have been achieved. Evaluation is not continuous

and usually takes place periodically through the course of the program or after completion.

Together, monitoring and evaluation are a set of processes designed to measure the achievements

and progress of a program. The two terms are closely connected and are frequently combined

with the result that the abbreviation M&E is widely used. Good management of solid waste is
one of the most important ways of protecting our health. Before we can design a waste

management service and monitor its effectiveness we need detailed information on the waste

itself. For each type of waste produced we need to know the quantities generated where the

waste is generated and its composition.

On the other hand, the related studies will present from oth foreign and local sources.

Local sources and foreign sources delve with waste management and monitoring and evaluation


This study is similar to the study of Hsu’s (2014) as he also focused on the effects of an

environment education course on college student’s responsible environmental behavior and

associated environment literacy variables, he showed that course significantly promoted the

students’ responsibility, intention to act, perceived knowledge of and skill in using

environmental action strategies.

The study of (Ahmad et al.,2015) were also similar to the present study as their study

deals with the complexity of the relationship between students’ KAP toward sustainable


In general, the findings of the previous studies may or may not be similar to the expected

findings of this present studies. Moreover, the time frame , research locale, subject of the study

and methods of research will use different from one study to another. Despite the found

similarities of the previous studies to the percent, the present is not a duplication of any them as

it focused on the effective of LGU Basura Ko, Uwi ko campaign.

Definition of Terms

LGU (Local Government Unit)- LGUs could provide the ideal, authority, infrastructure,

policy and planning procedures to maximize the benefits for its communities. LGUs play a major

role in a community’s development, provide the links between the people and government,

address, its community’s problem and concerns, enforce policies and hold influence over it

communities. The LGUs are also intermediaries in channeling the framework of government

into each individual community in order to create a beneficial outcome. Javier (2011).

Waste Management-is all of the activities that handle waste materials, from the time it

is made to its disposal. This include how your business collects, transport, processes, recycles or

disposes it waste. Managing what you waste in your business can equate to lost opportunities or

profits. Waste management it about being more efficient with raw materials and making the most

of each stage of the production process, (2018).

Effectiveness- the degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which

targeted problem are solved. In contrast to efficiency, effectiveness is determined without

reference to cost and whereas efficiency means “doing the thing right”, effectiveness means

“doing the right”. Deming,(2019)

Campaign-complete, planned course of action formulated to achive defined objectives in

marketing, public relations, quality enhancement, revenue generation, safety standards, etc.

Conceptual Framework

This system approach (input-process-output system) was use in describing the conceptual

framework of the study entitled “Effectiveness of LGU’s Basura Ko, Uwi Ko Campaign: a basis

tool for Monitoring tool and Evaluation tool”.


1. Effectiveness of The monitoring and

Basura ko , Uwi ko evaluation tool may be

to the Pansol develop to measure the

Integrated National effectiveness of Basura ko ,

High School. Uwi ko Campaign.

2. Implementing of
Questionnaire/ Interview
Basura ko , Uwi ko

campaign in the


3. The positive effect

of Basura ko , Uwi

ko campaign in the


Figure 1

Research Paradigm on Effectiveness of Basura Ko Uwi Ko



This chapter will present the research design, the subject study, data gathering,

instrument, and data gathering procedure.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers will use the descriptive design through an questionnaire as a

data gathering technique. According to McCombes (2019) descriptive research aims to

accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or phenomenon.

Respondents and Locale of the study

The respondents of this study will be one hundred (100) students, 20 students in every

grade level of Pansol Integrated National High School (PINHS) who willingly participate in the

conduct study covering 2019-2020.

Data Gathered Instrument

In this study, the researchers will use questionnaire as main complement of data

gathering instrument.


The researchers instruments will conceptualize. Through reviewing different concepts

and studies by using questionnaire in the study entitled "Effectiveness of LGU's Campaign

Basura Ko , Uwi Ko". The researchers use the questionnaire to gather other information.
Data Gathering Procedure

To be able to get the necessary information needed in the contextualization of this study,

the researcher’s will follow the certain procedure.

Construction of Questionnaire

Through extreme readings and through analysis of the variables of the study, the

researchers was able to come with the questionnaire. The questionnaire will be composed of

three (3) question.

Validation of the Questionnaire

To ensure the validity of the questionnaire, it will be presented point to the adviser. The

researcher will need help to teachers and some school head to verify the content of

appropriateness of the specific questions to the statement of the problem. The first draft will be

presented to the advisers. The final draft will then be presented to different experts for comments

and suggestions, and further, for validation. After it, all will distributed for a day for the among

selected respondents.

Administration of the Questionnaire

Before the administrations of the questionnaire to the respondents, the researcher will

submit a letter request upon approval, the researcher will distribute the questionnaire to the


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