GIDB3647341-Money Worksheet

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Subject: Mathematics

Name: Class: 3

Name of the Teacher: Date:

Topic: Money

1. Convert the following amount into ₹:

(i) 945 paise -

(ii) 870 paise -

(iii) 775 paise -

(iv) 700 paise -

(v) 855 paise-

2. Convert the following ₹ into paise:

(i) ₹6 -

(ii) ₹43 -

(iii) ₹8.10p -

(iv) ₹9.85p-

(v) ₹ 67 -

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3. Find the sum of:

(i) ₹ 8.25 + ₹ 4 (ii) ₹18. 40 + ₹ 20.25

(iii) ₹112.45 + ₹ 235.45 (iv) ₹58.70 + ₹21.25

4. Find the difference between:

(i) ₹ 75.85 - ₹ 15.25 (ii) ₹ 127.35 - ₹ 27.67

(iii) ₹239.65 - ₹112.85 (iv) ₹460.65 - ₹21.95

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5. Word Problems:

(i) A pencil box costs ₹ 25.30 and a note book costs ₹ 15. How much money is needed to pay for

(ii) The price of a bag is ₹ 50 and the price of a note book is ₹7 . How much should Reena pay if she
buys 2 bags and 5 note books?

(iii) Sonia had a 100 rupee note. She buys a book for ₹ 65.45 and a pen for ₹ 47.75. How much more
does Sonia need to buy both?

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(iv) If Baskar paid ₹ 819 for 9 balls, what is the cost of 1 ball?

6. Given below is a bill which shows the items Neetu bought. Find how much each item cost
her and the total amount.

Item Number Cost of each Total

Chocolates 2 ₹ 4.65

Ball pen 3 ₹ 5.32

Fruit jellies 3 ₹ 5.99

Pencil 2 ₹ 6.43

Note books 3 ₹7


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7. Write the correct number of notes or coins to add up to the amount given in the table.

Amount ₹ 500 ₹ 200 ₹ 100 ₹ 50 ₹ 20 ₹ 10 ₹5 ₹1


₹ 866

₹ 247

₹ 89

VBQ: Riddi saved ₹ 10 every day in her piggy bank. Find out how much she saved in a week.
Mention why saving money is important.


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A) Answer the following:

i. How many 5-rupee notes are there in 100 rupees?

ii. How many 10-rupee notes are there in 200 rupees?

iii. How many 20-rupee notes are there in 500 rupees?

iv. How many 50-rupee notes are there in 1000 rupees?

B) Mention >, < or =

i. 426p _____________ ₹ 42.60

ii. ₹ 14 ________________₹ 18.50 -₹ 4
iii. ₹7 ________________ 500p +200p

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