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Final Year Project proposal

Project title: Oline Inventory Management System In WKU

Name Id
Ermias Getu CIR\125\09
Hashim A/kedir CIR\167\09
Ahemed Aliyi CIR\025\09


NOVEMBER 9, 2019
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Motivation .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Background of the Organization............................................................................................. 2
1.3 Statement of the Problem ...................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Objectives of the Project ........................................................................................................ 3
1.4.1 General Objective ............................................................................................................ 3
1.4.2 Specific objective ............................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Feasibility Analysis .................................................................................................................. 4
1.5.1 Technical Feasibility ......................................................................................................... 4
1.5.2 Operational Feasibility ..................................................................................................... 5
1.5.3 Economic Feasibility ........................................................................................................ 5
1.5.4 Legal feasibility ................................................................................................................ 5
1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Project ....................................................................................... 5
1.6.1 Scope of the Project ........................................................................................................ 5
1.6.2 Limitation of the Project .................................................................................................. 6
1.7. Significance of the Project ................................................................................................. 6
1.8 Beneficiary of the Project ....................................................................................................... 6
1.9 Methodology of the Project ................................................................................................... 6
1.9.1. Data Collection Tools/Techniques .................................................................................. 6
1.9.2. System Analysis and Design............................................................................................ 7
1.9.3. System Development Model .......................................................................................... 7
1.9.4. System Testing Methodology ......................................................................................... 8
1.9.5 Development Tools and Technologies ............................................................................ 8
1.10 Time Schedule of the Project ............................................................................................... 9
Table 1.1. Time schedule table ................................................................................................. 9
1.11. Team Composition........................................................................................................... 9
Table 1.2. team composition table ......................................................................................... 10

Project Proposal


The control and maintenance of inventory is a vital problem experienced almost by

all sectors of the economy in Wolkite university. Neglecting the importance of
inventory in any organization can lead to the closing down of the company,
especially if the factors of production are not well managed in order to meet
customers’ needs or desires, the company will grind to a halt. The stock of items
must be reasonable, meaning that it should not be too much or too little. The
organization should be in a position to meet customers’ demand in terms of quantity
and quality. Inventory management requires a particular attention to determining
the amount and placement of the materials within a facility or within multiple
locations of a store in order to meet customers’ satisfaction.

1.1 Motivation
We are very interested to develop web based Online Inventory management system
for Wolkite University due to the expansion of a number of faculties and programs
opened in Wolkite university which faced difficulty in managing inventories, until
this day computerized system wasn’t developed, to provide a solution in complexity
of the office by develop web-based system.

1.2 Background of the Organization

Wolkite University is one of the third-generation higher institutions that have been
founded in 2012. It is established for the purpose of providing and promoting higher
education learning, research, and outreach programs in the country to ensure the
realization of the national vision of reaching the level of middle-income countries
by 2020.
The Mission of Wolkite university, as indicated in the proclamation No. 650/ 2009,
has to produce graduates who are knowledge, attitudinally mature and practically
innovative, to supply relevant and demanded technology that address national and
community level development problem to help make operations of the government
and non- government organizations efficient, effective and competitive, and to
provide training and consulting services to the community and the government.

The vision of Wolkite university is to be one of the 10 universities in East Africa
by 2035 G.C.

It is expected that with the on-going expansion a number of faculties and programs
will be opened and the enrolment capacity will increase. The Wolkite University
store office was established during this time and it is developed from time to time
with the development of the University. As it is developed from time to time it
increases its capacity by increasing the number of workers in the office. The
Wolkite University store office is the back bone of the University by managing
any activities related to materials available on the University.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

 Wolkite University Inventory System is currently using manual system which
results in poor techniques handling the inventory of all the properties of University.

 Searching is very complex as there could be 1000’s of entry every year.

 The manual system involves the physical movement of staff from office to office
manually which leads to errors and difficult to keep inventory records.

 Registering materials is manual and not well organized. This will result in poor
techniques handling in arrangement related data.

 Needs more man power to facilitate all the necessary workflows.

 It is not easy to handle reservation, because the stock clerk is forced to check
manually the entire list of materials which are stored in the stock.

 Since all records kept physically on shelves and file cabinets the stock record
subjects to number of problems such as files can be destroyed or stolen.

 It is difficult to identify the materials where they are stored because of the presence
of different stores.

 Difficult to manage and control daily activities.

1.4 Objectives of the Project
1.4.1 General Objective
The general objective of our project is to develop computerized web based Online
inventory management system that can replace the manual inventory management
which provides effective and fast data processing and controlling of stocks in Wolkite

1.4.2 Specific objective
 To provide the fast reply (resource providing) of the purchasing department and
Providing reliable and fast approve of the requested resources.

 To handle the inventory details like sales details, purchase details and balance stock

 To maintain proper up to date records of all transactions and Provide transparency in

work flow.

 To shorten inventory data-processing time

 To develop a module that generates reports monthly sales and inventory
 To develop security in terms of keeping the records of the inventory
 To keep enough inventory to meet customer demand
 To determine the amount of inventory to keep in stock and how much to order and when
to order.

1.5 Feasibility Analysis

The system we will develop has tested for various feasibility criterions from various point
of views.

1.5.1 Technical Feasibility

We have technical knowledge about:
 PHP to write the code or implementation with XAMPP.
 MySQL to build the database to store the data.
 Requirement analysis to know the stockholder’s constraint for their
 Unified Modeling Language (UML) model to do analyzing and designing in
good manner.

The technical requirement for the inventory management system in order to do their
operation by the new computerized system is:
 Training on the new system to know how it operates and how to use the
computerized system.

1.5.2 Operational Feasibility
The entire team member, expect that the system which we will development is to be
operational. That is once the system is deployed, it is compatible with personal computer,
tablet and mobile phone and any web browsers. Therefore, the system will be designed to
be operationally feasible that if it is deployed, the system will operate on those devices
without any mal functionalities.

1.5.3 Economic Feasibility

To identify the economic feasibility of the project the team has done cost-benefit analyses
which enable the team to specify the benefits and costs associated with the project.

Our system is estimated to be economically affordable. The benefits include increased

efficiency, effectiveness, and the better performance. Comparing the cost and benefits the
system is found to be economically feasible due to the system requires very less human
power, the system will provide fast and efficient automated environment., The system
will have GUI interface that do not require advanced user-training to be learn.

1.5.4 Legal feasibility

The system which we will be developed is not conflict with any government directives,
and with any cultural aspects, because it gives services for inventory management in
Wolkite university, all the inventory workers also agreed before the system developed. So
the Wolkite university and peoples are profitable and the system will be legally feasible.

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Project

1.6.1 Scope of the Project
Since Wolkite university inventory management performs its basic tasks manually the
scope of this project is to develop and implement a new interactive web-based inventory
Management system which will avoid the problems associated with the manual processing
and will perform the following activities:
 To add users and items.
 To search items.
 To update users and items.
 To request an item online.
 To generate report.
Generally, this system automates the functions of inventory management system.

1.6.2 Limitation of the Project
the system will not give training about the system how it works or how to access the
system to the users.
 the system will not give training about the system how it works or how to
access the system to the users.
 Although the system updates each time a transaction enters the system, it
might lack information regarding stolen, damaged or scrapped units.
 The company remains unaware of the theft or waste, known as shrinkage,
until it performs a physical count at least once per year.
 an employee might enter data incorrectly, introducing inaccurate
information that can compromise decision-making.

1.7. Significance of the Project

 The system will enhance the service offered by the store office.
 it Enables the store customers to get fast access and help to the
organization in service giving operations.
 Reduced labor costs
 Enhanced transparency
 The system will use to store the details of the inventory, stock
maintenance, update the inventory based on the sales details, generate
sales and inventory report daily or weekly based

1.8 Beneficiary of the Project

First the stock manager is most benefited from the system because it creates easy
atmosphere to manage and control stock.

Secondly the customers are benefited since they save their time, energy and can simply
order items of their choice online just by visiting the site with their respective account.
The other benefited party is the Wolkite university itself because it simplifies the overall
management using involvement of Technology system.

1.9 Methodology of the Project

1.9.1. Data Collection Tools/Techniques
To gather data from the customers of inventory and manager the team will use the following
techniques. Those are:

Interview: to get the basic information about the existing supermarket system, the team
will interview the supermarket manager and some customers about the services that are
given to them, and the problems associated with that environment.
Observation: after we finish the interview, we will also use the other methodology of data
collection that is called practical observation. During this time, we will directly enter in to
the internal activities of the inventors to view what things are done? And what are the
limitations and strength of the existing system? The essentiality of this method is that, to
be confident with the data that we will collect using an interview.
Document analysis: - to get more information about the inventory management we will
refer to some documents related to stock.
1.9.2. System Analysis and Design
The team plan to use the object-oriented design methodology for the development of the
system among the different methodologies. Because it is better way to construct, manage
and assemble objects that are implemented in our system. Object oriented design
methodology has two phases:
Object Oriented Analysis (OOA): During this phase the team will look at the problem
domain with the aim of producing a conceptual model of the information that exists in the
area which will be analyzed. And this model the functions of the system (use case
modeling), identifying the business objects, organize the objects and also the relationship
between them and finally model the behavior of the objects.
Object Oriented Design (OOD): During this phase the model interactions and behaviors
that support the use case scenario, and finally update object model to reflect the
implementation environment. And also transforms the conceptual model produced in
object-oriented analysis to take account of the constraints imposed to our system format,
so that we will use this phase to refine the use case model to reflect the implementation
1.9.3. System Development Model
We will use Iterative model in our project Because it used in our system to build the
system incrementally, starting from basic partial system features and gradually adding
more features until the entire system is completed.

It allows us flexibility in accommodating new requirements or changes.

1.9.4. System Testing Methodology
Before directly deploying this system, the team will perform different testing for its
functionality and meeting customers need.
 First the team tests each unit at each phase. So, if a problem is encountered it will
immediately have fixed.
 Second the team will perform an integration testing to check whether the system
meets all the functional requirements. System will be tested using the following
system testing procedures.
 Alpha testing: - In this testing method, the system will be tested by giving the
correct input. It is tested by a user at the developer Site.
 Beta testing: -In this testing method, team will force the system to be tested for
incorrect data input. The System will be tested by the users at their actual work
If any failures occurred while testing the system in all the above testing methods,
the team will take immediate correction beginning where this fault occurred before
jumping to next work so that it will meet the goal. If all the above testing methods
are carried out and find to be valid the system will directly have deployed.
1.9.5 Development Tools and Technologies
We will use different Software’s, languages and hardware’s to complete the overall

 For the front-end application we used PHP for making dynamic and interactive Web
 For the back-end application we used MySQL database.
 And we use Xampp server to configure a MySQL database and to use php
applications for easy configuration and maintenance.
 Server-side scripting: PHP
 Client-side scripting: by considering the following characteristics we use
java script. It can be embedded in HTML page and it is very popular in
validation process.
 Static webpage: HTML is highly flexible with CSS to use different layouts
 Power point: for presentation.
 Microsoft Office Word 2016-to write the document.
 Editor: - Notepad++
The hardware we will use desktop Computer To perform all activities concerning
the project, such as (writing code, saving document, etc.). Flash Disk (8GB) To
save (Store) Files, Electronic Camera To capture different Image.

Reason behind PHP:

 Ease of data base connectivity
 PHP is platform independent
 It is user-friendly language

Reason behind MYSQL:

 Easily compatible with the programming tool indicated above
 Relatively secure than the previous database tools.
 Integrative database tool

1.10 Time Schedule of the Project

Table 1.1. Time schedule table

March- 30
Nov 02-20

June 16-
June- 12

Dec 25-

Nov 16
Dec 20

Apr 8-

Project Proposal

Requirement Analysis
Implementation & Coding
project Defense

1.11. Team Composition

 The project team composed of 3 members.
Table 1.2. team composition table
Team composition information
No. Name Id Responsibility
1 Ermias Getu CIR\125\09 Design,assistant
2 Hashim A/kedir CIR\167\09 Requirement
3 Ahimed Aliyi CIR\025\09 Implementation,

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