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2. The above cited members will perform the following functions: uu... of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE FOR TRANSPORTATION SECURITY ‘SPECIAL ORDER February 27, 2018 XK No, 2018-056 OTS TASK FORCE ON ACCESSIBILITY 1. Pursuant to the Memorandum issued by the Department of Transportation (DOTr) the following OTS Officers/Personne! in addition to their present duties/functions are hereby designated to compose the OTS Task Force on Accessibility and the permanent, representatives to the DOTr Task Force on Accessibility: DESIGNATION NAMES PRESENT ASSIGNMENT Head Lolita G. Estacion OIC , Planning Division , AFS Vice Head | Milagros L. Dinglasa - Planning Division, AFS Jocelyn A. Mirabueno Planning Division, AFS Mario M. Monteagudo General Services Section Eat Members, | Erwin Dwight D. Valencia (Principal) | Civil Aviation Security Bureau | Paulo John M, Villar (Alternate). Gemma T. De Ocampo (Principal) | Maritime Transportation Security | Katleya P. Malaluan (Alternate) Burea Richard A. Maluya (Principal) Land/Rail Transportation Security < Leah D. Dela Cruz (Alternate) Bureau @. Prepares the plans, programs and funding requirements of OTS for the Implementation of the Batas Pambansa Bilang 344 “Accessibility Law” and Republic 7277 also known as the "Magne Carta for Disabled Persons”, b. Monitor the implementation of the approved plans and programs concerning Accessibility Law and Magna Carta for Disabled Persons” ©. Monitors, surveys and conducts ocular inspections relative to the provisions of Batas’ Pambansa Bilang 344 “Accessibilty Law” and its Implementing Rules and Regulations and Republic Act 7277 "Magna Carta for Disabled Persons”. d. Prepares the OTS Annual Accomplishment for submission to Department of ‘Transportations (DOTr), Commission on Audit (COA) and other Government Agencies as requested, e. Ensures the presentation of OTS to meetings, forum, seminars, conferences and activities” of the DOTr Task Force on Accessibility, National Council of Disabilities Affairs (NCDA) (le, Sub-Committee on Accessibilties, Build Environment and transportation (SCABET), Sub0Committe on ICT, Inter-Agency National Working Committees, NCDAJICA Non: Handicapping Project and NCDA Board) f, Coordinates and attends to all activities pursued by the Department purposely to fulfil commitments pertain disability matters, 3. The budget for the implementation of the functions and responsibilities to be performed by the OTS Task Force on Accessibility and OTS representative/s to the DOTr Task Force on Accessibility is in accordance with Sec, 31 of the General Appropriation Act of 2018, Programs and Projects related to Senior Citizens and Person with Disability, 4, Please by ingly CERTIFIED COPY Lorna 8 MeDIn«® USEC. ARFGRO GELISTA RECORDS SEC [Bey FS DATE: By Administrator ec oUt 4014 B anna Z — RD, TSOCS: 855-2725 TERMS: 853-7064 LS: ‘AES: 853-4351 OTS Website: Corn Androns Avenue The Law to Enhance Mobility of Disabled Persons BATAS PAMBANSA BLG. 344 AN ACT TO ENHANCE THE MOBILITY OF DISABLED PERSONS BY REQUIRING CERTAIN BUILDINGS; INSTITUTIONS, ESTABLISHMENTS, AND PUBLIC UTILITIES TO. INSTALL FACILITIES AND OTHER DEVICES. Be it enacted by the Batasang Pambansa in session assembled: Section 1. In order to promote the realization of the rights of disabled persons to participate folly in the social life and the development of the societies in which they live and the enjoyment ofthe opportunities available to other citizens, no license or permit for the construction, repair or renovation of publie and private buildings for public use, educational institutions, airports, sports and recreation eenters and complexes, shopping centers or establishments, public parking spaces, workplaces, public utilities, shal be granted oF issued unless the owner or operaioe thereof shall install, ‘and incorporate in such” building, establishment, institution oc public utility, such architectural facilities or structural Features as shall reasonably enhance the mobility of disabled persons such as sidewalks, camps, Tailings and the like. If feasible, all such existing building, institutions, establishments, or public uilities may be renovated or altered 9 enable the disabled persons to have access to the: Provided however, that buildings, institutions. establishments, ot » public utilities to be constructed oF established for which licences or permits tad already been issued may comply with the requirements ofthis law: Provided further, That in case of government Duildings,steets 2nd highways, the Ministry of Public ‘Works and ifighways shall see to it that the same shall, be provided with architectural facilities o¢ structural features for disabled persons, In the case of the parking place of any of the above institutions, buildings, or establishments, or public utilities, the owner or operator shall reserve sufficient and suitable space for the use of disabled Persons. Section 2. In case of public conveyance, eviees suc as the prominent display of posters or stickers shall be used to generate public awareness of the rights of the disabled and foster understanding of their special needs. Special bus stops shall be designed for disabled persons. Discriminating against disabled. Persons in the carriage or transportation of passengers is heteby declaced unlawful Section 3, The Minister of Public Works and Highways and the Minister of Transportation and ‘Communications, in coordination with the National Commission Concerning Disabled Persons, shall prepare the necessary rules and regulations io implement the provisions af this Act, Seetion 4. Any person violating any provision of this Act of of the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder shall, upon conviction by 2 court of competent jurisdiction, suffer the penalty of imprisonment of not less than one moath but not one year or a fine of P2,000 t0 P5,000 or both, at the discretion of the court: Provided, That in the case of corporations, partnerships cooperatives oF associations, the president, manager or administrator, fr the person who has charge of the constuction, repair or renovation of the building, space or utilities shall be criminally responsible for any violation ofthis ‘Act and/or rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto Section 5. All law, executive and acministeative ‘orders, rules and regulations inconsistent with the foregoing provisions are hereby repealed or amended accordingly. Section 6, this Act shall take effect upon its approval. ‘Approved: February 25, 1983, BS PAMRMNGK GP] BIG. OH: AY AGT TO BMWANCE THE WOBLITY GF DISVELED PERSONS BY AEGURING CERTAN BLOWS, INSITUTIONS,ESTASLSFMENTS, AND PUBLIC UTLITIES TO NSTALLFACIUTES AND OMIERDEMGES yeancsed rae omann NSS RA 7277 — Magna Carta for Disabled Persons + An act providing for the rehabilitation, self-development and self-reliance of disabled persons and their integration into the mainstream of society and for other purposes * rights and privileges of disabled persons: equal opportunity for employment access to quality education National Health Program Auxiliary Social Services Telecommunications Accessibility ( barrier-free environment) Political and civil rights

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