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Dedicate teachers and other esteemed staff of this alma mater distinguished
officials of the department of education honored guest and government officials hope
field parents, students, form different levels ladies and gentlemen good morning.

I’ve been working in the medical field as a heart specialist for nearly 2 decades
now. In the entire stretch of my saving-lives line of profession, I am well-thought with the
complexity of the cardiovascular system of the human body. My hands are familiar with
the patients I’ve touched in every surgical procedures I had. I literally have seen
numerous human hearts including the problems they experiencing.
I devoted most of my time understanding heart-related disease to be able to treat
live. And yet, I have to admit, I could not assure every dying man a life without pain. The
reality of death and the hope of life is something beyond my control. I must agree that I
am still a student of heart and therefore a student of life.
Let me tell you a bit of story. I spent my younger days with a meager life in the
countryside. My parents raised me with my four in a small farming village. Their
earnings were just enough to cover our basic needs. As an eldest, I began to be
anxious about the future we may had.
I had to deliver their farm produce early in the market before going to school. Our
situation pained me knowing that my parents were not fortunate enough to provide us.
And that was the first major battle of my heart as a young boy.
My overworked father suffered bone fracture that make him unable to work in
larger hours. So I had to run from the school towards the rice field to finish his work after
classes. This time I counted this as my second heart battle – my fight for my loved once.
My third heart battle task place when I graduated in high school. As my parent
could no longer afford to send me to collage, it was not a crippling of reason to flow me
down. This was the fight for my dreams.
After completing my high school, I received a full scholarship form a prestigious
university that eventually ushered me to my medical degree. Thanks God! After I
graduated, I successfully passed the medical licensure examination and got ready to
practice my ever-dreamed profession.
But one thing I had to celebrate. I victoriously passed the 3 major heart battles
I’ve been fighting with – battle to financial opportunity battle to give comfortable life for
my family and family my battle to reach my dream.
In my profession, I have learned various heart disease. I have dealt almost all of
them and each one is a terrible as the other. Most of them share the same symptoms. If
a person is attacked and left untreated, choices might lead to multiple complicated heart
My life was intensely attacked. I was hit hard with despondence, doubt and
uncertainty. I was discourage with our financial capacity. Now I am able to send my
siblings and children to their preferred school. My parents health were challenged but I
am privilege now that I can let them be checked in good hospitals. I was runner of
farming goods, but now I run to help my parents.
The human heart taught me a great life lesson. That is, take good care of your
heart and it would take good care of your life. How? First, exercise. Stretch out your
limits and focus on your strength. Second, diet. Eat only what is beneficial and helpful.
Avoid junk habits and principles. Third, sleep. Dream as clear as possible. Make a step
of faith and held towards it.
I am Sander Lugo, a certified heart specialist, and a life-learner!
Thank you so much!

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