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When the Night Shines

I have this dream when I was a little girl, I was with my Mom and she’s singing to me. It was at night and were
walking under the stars and the moonlit night. I feel the comfort of her hands while she’s holding me and I
wanna hold her and stay with her, forever. I want so badly for this dream to be real, but that would be
impossible because my mom died when I was a little. And I can’t go out at night, like not at all. I have this
mysterious ailment called Luminescence disease or LeD which basically means, when the light of the moon
shines on our body, our skin is glowing. It’s just like glowing-in-the-dark-human-version. Pretty fun, right?
Well, as long as we wear a super covered suit, we can bear the moonlight for an hour, just for an hour and we
can expose to sunlight for exactly about 2 hours because when it lasts, I will get some rashes and I can hardly
breathe. So, I spend all my time indoors, hanging out with my Dad who is the best Dad ever. Since my disease
occurred, seems like everyone got scared of me but there’s someone whose brave enough that stayed with
me through this.
“Hey, Shary! Miss me? Mwuah” meet my bestfriend since childhood, Callie. I’m very thankful that God gave
me a friend like her. “Yea, sort of.” And I continue what I’m doing. From that point on, it was me, Dad and
Callie. “Seems busy huh? What are you doing? Lemme look of it.” And she grabbed my notebook that makes
me look embarassed when she read that loudly. “Dear Evans…. Hmmmm whose the lucky guy?” she’s teasing
me. “Stop it! Will ya? Give me back my notebook!” I tried to grab her but I can’t. “Your heart is glowing huh?
Come to think of it, how do you met this guy?” and I told her how I met this guy named Evans. “Wow! Just
wow! My friend is in loved. Congratulations! You graduated from being hopeless romantic.” Then Callie laughs
after she declared that sentence. “Don’t make fun of me. I know it’s ridiculous, being in love at first sight just
watching him by my window, skateboarding. I was just completely, you know my heart just beat, aish
nevermind.” I defended myself to her and she hugged me tight. “Just don’t fall too deeply okay. You know—
” “Yea, I know.” I cut what she’s trying to say. Since I had an incurable disease and a full recovery is
impossible. Even a treatment methods haven’t been established. So I don’t have a long life to live.
The next day, it’s my graduation day. Yes, you heard it right. I’m enrolled at online school and I can say, based
on my experience, there’s nothing better than online schooling. Specially on your P.E class. “Mayo, Shary
Mae S.” I was shocked when my Dad enters my room while wearing his graduation uniform. “What are you
wearing dad?” I chuckled. “Oh! A cap and a gown? And this is for you. Here you go.” Dad gave me a diploma
from my school and he put his cap on my head. “I assume, as valedictorian, you have a speech prepared. Yes?”
I don’t know what to say. “Uhm, first, I would like to thank my English teacher for staying with me till the end
and for the record, my P.E teacher who had absolutely no idea what he was doing.” “Oh! You sucks.” And my
Dad just laughed at me. Yea, I hate physical activities. “Are you ready for your present.” “There’s a present
involved?” Wow. I didn’t know my Dad took this ceremony seriously. “Of course, there’s a present. It’s your
graduation” and Dad gave me his present. “Dad, this is mom’s—” “I know that guitar is kinda old, so if you
want a newer one—” I kissed my Dad on his cheek and hugged him tight. “No, I love it! Thank you, thank you
so much Dad!” “You look just like your Mother. Lucky you, she’s hot.” I strike a sexy pose right after he utter
those words. “Ew, that’s gross.” And we laughed to each other. Then Dad leave my room cause his going to
cook our dinner. I followed my Dad downstairs cause I’m thinking about playing at the park. “Hey, um Dad. I
just wondering if I could go play my new beautiful present at the park today.” I said to my Dad while his
cooking for our dinner. “It’s 4:00pm, why can’t Callie just come over? You could play here for me.” I knew it,
this is not going to be easy. “Callie’s busy with her family, and Dad, I love playing for you, I really do, but I also
want to play in front of other people too. Please, please, please. And I graduated today.” I pout to my Dad,
cause I know he can’t refuse my cute face. “Okay, I’ll extend your curfew one hour which means twilight,
okay.” I jumped in excitement and kissed my Dad on the cheek. “Love you Dad.” I said to him as I walked out
in the kitchen. “Text me right when you got there, okay.” “Yes Daddy!” Finally, I can go outside. I’m now
walking on my way to the park. I sat on the bench and start tuning my guitar. I take a deep breath and start
strumming. I saw a kid who’s clapping for me. I laughed and then start to sing. “I will reach the moon and the
stars. I know it’s too far but I’ll keep reaching. So I’ll keep reac—” I stopped when I saw Evans’ watching me
and I ran to get out of my embarrassment. “Hey wait! I didn’t mean to freak you out.” While I was packing my
guitar, his trying to help me but I really don’t want him to see me. So I hurry up and tried to run but he gently
hold my arm. “Where are you going?” he asked. “I gotta go home.” I replied to him and trying to get out of his
hands but his so powerful. “Home? Wait, You lived here?” he paused for a moment and asked me a question
again. “You didn’t go to Seirin High, didn’t you?” I faced him this time. “No, it’s a very different school. And I
graduated today and my Dad’s a super big worrier. So I really gotta….”
I really want to go home. “What’s the rush? Can we just hang out a little bit?” I really love too Evans but the
sun will come down soon. “My dog, he died.” Honestly, I really don’t had a dog in the first place. I need to
make up some stories to get out of here. Callie, where are you? Please come. “Your dog? So you’re not in a
rush then, right?” “No! I am. I-I had to plan the funeral for my um dead dog that died. You know, rest in
peace.” This is my chance to run. “Wait, wait! What’s your name?” Sorry Evans, maybe next time. And I
continued running and went home. “What? Really! So you knew each other now?” said my bestfriend Callie
when I called her and told her what happened earlier. My heart is still pounding. “No! I didn’t even say my
name to him.” I still regretting that moment. “What? You stupid dog!” I laughed when I remembered that
dead-dog alibi. “Yea, stupid dog.” And we hanged up to each other.
Dad’s POV
“You haven't noticed any changes in her? Motor functions still seem strong?” I’m talking now to the Doctor of
Shary. His checking about the condition of my daughter. “Yes Doctor. She’s still normal and no signs of
allergy.” I assured the Doctor that my daughter still lives like a normal teenage girl out there. It’s been 15
years since my daughter suffered from this mysterious disease called luminescence disease. I know it’s
incurable but I never lose hope, there’s always a miracle. “Any exposure to moonlight?” the doctor asked
again. “No, of course not.” “I’m gonna refill her prescription for you this time, but she really should be
coming to these appointments with you.” I know it’s hard for my daughter Shary to come over here at the
hospital knowing that there’s still no treatments. “She has LeD, Harry.” And the doctor mentioned that damn
disease that gets to my daughter. “I know exactly what she has.” I gritted my teeth as I said that to the
Doctor. “Every year, the risk becomes even more serious for her. So, if she exposed to even the slightest bit of
moonlight—” I cut the doctor right away. “She won’t be.” I assured the doctor. “Any word for University of
the Philippines study?” I asked the doctor when I calmed down. “I submitted Shary’s name for their Phase
Two trials, if it even gets that far. I wouldn’t get your hopes up. We’re talking about the disease that affects
only one in a million people.” the doctor explained. “We’re luck, ‘cause she’s one in a million.” And we
finished the talking and I went home.
Shary’s POV
Callie’s in our house today and we still had that conversation. “You should’ve told him, Hey! I’m Shary. I’ve
watched you outside my window for these past months and I’ve been in loved with you, stalking you every
minute of the day.” I hit her with the pillow. “Are you crazy? I feel so stupid and lame.” I lay down in my bed
reminiscing that moment. Callie’s lay down in the bed too. “Well, at least, you’ve just gotta make up for it
next time.” I stood up as she says that. “There’s not gonna be next time.” “You don’t know that.” Callie’s still
insisting were going to meet up again. She’s saying, what if that night Evans got hook up with me too? I just
rolled my eyes when she said that. “Are you listening to me young lady?” “I’m looking my song diary. Did you
see it when you came in?” I asked her while busy looking for that notebook. “Your diary? No.” and she help
me looking for it too. “I think I left it at the park. Can you please go get it for me. Callie, you know it’s very
important to me.” I begged her because I can’t go outside now. “You know, I would. But there’s like a dog
funeral I have to attend to.” And I shout her name out loud before throwing her a pillow. In the end, I’ve got
no choice but to get back on the park by myself. Since Callie is waiting for this moment to come, so she’s in the
house that will give me a signal if Dad were home. “Oh my God! Oh my God!” Evans is here. Why the hell his
here? What his doing here? Wait, is that my notebook his holding? I called Callie so she can give me some
advice. “Hello, Callie? Are you there?” “Hey there. So how’s your second date?” ugh, she’s not helping.
“Callie, please. I don’t know what to do. Hello? Callie? Call--” Wow! She hanged up. “Woah! You exist. I
thought I was dreaming or something.” God! He found me. What I’m gonna do? “Uhm, I’m just looking for
my notebook.” I told him while not looking at his eyes. “You mean this?” he point out my notebook and I
was about to get it when he raised it up. “Hey, that’s mine!” I didn’t mean to say that loudly. He just smiled
and “Your name please.” He said while looking in my eyes, hoping for my answer. And yea, I told him my
name for the sake of my notebook. “Shary.” And he smiled after saying my name. Swear my heart just melts
and he add some accent to it. Cute. While his mesmerize with my name, I find my way to run but he grabbed
my arm. “Wait, did another dog died?” “I really have to go home. I’m sorr—” I didn’t finished what I’m
saying because “Can I walk you home?” I looked at him and I can’t hide my smile. Were now walking
together on my way home. “Uhm, thank you for finding my notebook. You didn’t read through it, did you?” I
asked him hoping he didn’t read it. “Um, I’m..I’m really sorry you left really quick, so I had no idea who it
belonged to, so I just looked through it quickly. I like that you still handwrite things. It’s cool. It’s old school.”
He smiled after that long explanation. I want to be mad at him but I can’t, like this is what I’m dreaming of. To
be with him just for a while.
“So, uhm, what do you think of the songs you read? Without my permission, I may add.” I asked him because
that song tells about how I felt about him but he didn’t know that. “I don’t know, like you can’t read a song
right? I guess I’d have to hear you sing them.” I smiled as my response. “Anyways, I’m right up here. You don’t
have to walk me.” I pointed out our house to him. “Wait, you live up there? I-I don’t understand how we’ve
never met. I’ve probably skated by your house like, every day on the way to school. It’s a funny…. Coincidence.”
I smiled and waved at him as I’m entering our house. “That is so romantic.” Callie, yea she’s liking this. I jist
sighed and went upstairs to go in my room. “So tell me, what did he say about your LeD?” “I didn’t bring it up.
I’m not gonna just randomly be like, Hey dude, by the way, the moonlight’s gonna brrrr.” Well, were not
gonna meet each other again so there’s no need to mention my LeD, right?
The next day, we went to the hospital for some appointments and the doctor told me that I’m doing good.
While my Dad’s talking to the doctor, Callie called, “Hey, do you want to have some party. Evans’ will be
there.” Is my friend got an amnesia and forgot about my LeD? “What are you talking about?” “I know you
can’t expose to nature’s light but believe me, it’s only a fluorescent light, trust me. So what can you say, G?” I
rolled my eyes as I heard a good plan of my old time friend. “Whatever.” And I hanged up. Dad is now driving
on our way home. “Dad, can you take a detour and take me to Callie’s home?” “Why? Is Callie’s sick?” “Um,
yea. You know when Callie’s sick, she wants me by her side.” I sound like I’m really concerned to Callie and I
hope my Dad will play along. “Okay, just stay put to Callie’s house. Don’t go anywhere.” “Yes Daddy, I love
you.” I kissed his cheek as I bid my goodbye and enters to Callie’s house. Sorry Dad, I lied. “Wow! Look
who’s here?” I pinched her as my response. “Ouch, be gentle my friend.” “So where is he?” I asked her as I
went inside to their house. “Calm down. He’ll be here in a minute.” I sat on the sofa and drink some drinks.
Arghh, I really can’t handle alcohol. “I didn’t know you’re drinking.” I turned around to know who’s talking.
“Evans, uhm you’re here too. Want some drinks?” we tossed each other drinks and start a conversation.
“You know, I can’t hear you clearly. Can we go at the rooftop?” Evans said as a loud music begins. Due to the
influence of the alcohol, I’m not in my right state of my mind. In just a snap, I just knew we’re here at the
“Hey, Shary. Are you alright?” I felt the night breeze in my skin and felt the radiant coming from me. “I’m
pretty, like a firefly, right?” I know, he is currently at the state of shock. “Your…your shining. Why?” ready to
get out of your box Shary Mae? “I had this disease called Luminescence disease. Our body glows when bathed
in the moonlight and as the disease progresses, the light becomes stronger.” I forced a smile to him. His still
looking for words to say. “I’m really shining, aren’t I?” He then slowly, come near me and utter those words
“You’re the most beautiful person in the universe.” I stared at him and his voice felt like it was right next to
me. Without any hesitation, I kissed him. Evans quickly pulled his lips away and looked at me. And then he
kissed me back. “I love you.”
When I woke up, I realized I’m here at the hospital. My head hurts so badly. “Hey, are you okay? How you
feeling?” just the tone of his voice, I know my Dad is very worried. “I’m sorry Dad.” I cried when I realized I
commit a big sin. I don’t want my Dad to be alone. I became so selfish this time. “No sweety, it’s alright.”
And Dad kissed my forehead. The Doctor came and Dad followed him. “You stupid dog!” And Callie’s starts
to cry too and we hugged each other. I saw Evans who’s currently entering my hospital room. “Hi.” He
greeted me and he gave me a bouquet of flowers. I didn’t expect this. I thought I was just dreaming last night.
Callie’s now leaving the room saying she will buy some food. The room is now filled with silence. He wipe my
tears away and I looked at him. “Why are you here?” I asked him and all of a sudden the tears went down to
his face. “If I had just looked up…. I could’ve been with you this whole time.” I hugged him as I try to comfort
him. “You were, Evans.” I smiled at him and then he kissed my forehead.
Evans’ POV
“If I had just looked up…. I could’ve been with you this whole time.” I regretted for not knowing her earlier.
Like were so closed by. “Here, she wants it for you to listen to it.” Her friend gave me a voice recorder. “This
is not your fault. She’s happy that she met you under the sun. Thank you for being there with her, for making
her happy. She will always shine, for a thousand years.” Her friend added. After that, I went to Shary’s hospital
room and plugged in my headphones.
“Hey there! How you doing? I’ve really preferred writing song lyrics than actual sentences, but okay listen
carefully. You’ve really meant a lot to me Evans. Since that moment we first saw each other, or the joy you’ve
brought me since I first saw you outside my window. I regretted nothing for meeting you. You fulfilled my
destiny in my twilight dream. Thank you for being there with me underneath the stars and for giving me a
greatest night of my life. Even though our time together was short, the light from those moments will be
shining down in my heart. And If you need me, all you have to do is look up. And remember… I love you.”
After her message, she starts to sing a song that I once heard at the park. Damn. Her voice is so pretty that it
hurts. “Stupid tears.” I said while I’m wiping my tears away. I can’t believe that this scene was happening in
my reality. Luminescence disease patients sometimes wrote in their wills that they wanted their remains to be
cremated at night. As I looked up in the sky, Shary’s body burned. The smoke became a ray of light that
climbed into the heavens. Watching that light dissolve into the night sky, the days I’d spent with Shary
momentarily flashed in my head. Her smile that fades all of her sufferings. Her voice that made her stronger
and her music that lights up my life. My night starts to shine because of her. Thank you and I love you, my
beautiful Aurora.

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