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Module 1

Disciplines and Ideas in Social Science

In our everyday life, routine, or regimen, seldom do we think of “patterns of” our usual behaviour. These
are not random actions but are shaped by “structures” of our living conditions. When we study our own
society, we also examine ourselves and the community where we belong. Social Science do help in
providing us the necessary perspective and methodological tools in order for us to understand the
realities around us that are more often than not “hidden” from our “normal” understanding of the
world around us.

How is society different from nature?

Nature – conjures an image of random and unstructured forces that shape a given area.These forces
and events, while unrestrained and ever dynamic, usually follow a general pattern, law, or process ever
since the world begun. These pattern and laws follow an amazing uniformity, which enables a
researcher to trace back what happened in the past by looking at what is happening in the present.

NATURAL SCIENCES – developed sophisticated ways on how to investigate nature.Premised on the

principle of a constantly changing earth, science draws from the belief that knowledge is not inherent in
sacred scriptures but comes from a keen observation of sorroundings and an appreciation of the fact
that information about life and the world can be learned through a rigorous mental and methodological
process known scientific method.

Society is organized, deliberately structured and formalized, and bound by rules drafted and
implemented by the people who themselves constitute society. The rational mind imposes control and
order in society.

By the late 19th century to early 20th century, different types of societies all over the world had been
classified and categorized placing a western urban and industrialized society in direct opposition to non
western “primitive society.

Social Science is the science of studying society. It consist of disciplines that enable us to comprehend
the complexity of a social phenomenon. Data and information known as social facts,are found in our
relations, communication, objects that we use, places that we go,activities that we do and all aother
things vital to our existence as members of society. Ethnography as developed in antropology and now
practiced by many disciplines within and outside of the social science is an example of how social
scientist think about and engage the notion of society.

Modernity deals not only with the shift in the physical and material conditions of society but also with
the mental and behavioural shifts among people.It is also characterized by the presence of urbanism
and capitalism.Modernity has a blueprint of Society that promotes individualsm and in the words of
Emile Durkheim, organic solidarity or interdependence among its segment and differentiated members
who are usually unrelated residents of the city.Durheim French social thinker of the early 20 th century
considered “Father of Sociology and Antropology”, provided the foundation of modern social
sciences.Society should always strive to be coherent and orderly, and it only happens when each part of
a bigger whole does its job or task.


The term Social Science is a body of knowledge characterized by an objective to understand what
society is and what does it do to people living inside it.

The word “social” situates the whole discipline in people and their social context. Whenever there are
people and matters or issues that affect them, social science comes to the fore.


Define each disciplines and give example of each studies





Activity # 1

Differentiate the natural Science and social science.

As Senior High School, how do you use the social Science in your daily living?

Activity # 2

Write your observation in an essay form on a wedding ceremony in your own culture. Using the
following guide questions.

How did the entire occasion proceed? Where did it take place?Who were the key personalities in the
wedding aside from the wedded couple? What rules were followed? What sorts of gifts given? What did
people say in their speeches?
Activity # 3

Write true if the statement is correct and false if not.

_____1.Social Science can be used to study and understand society.

_____2.Socialization affects the overall cultural practices of a society, but it does not shape one’s self –

_____3.Most Social Scientist believe heredity is the most important factor influencing human

_____4.Social Sciences perspective can be used to address issue or problem.

_____5.Society refers to a group of people who share a culture and territory.

Individual Output

Write your output in short bond paper with blue morocco folder.

Deadline: August 16, 2019

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