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ee RE Cosme) Beebe LOPIZf dots’ , Sem WAY CROCS Tuncge Presets QP Gode : 5994 (3Hours) [80 Marks) N.B.; 1) Question No.1 is compulsory 2) Attempt any Three questions out of remaining 3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary and state them clearly. 1. Answer the following:- (20 (0) What do you understand by zero memory operation, (b} Discuss different diseontiauties in image. (©) What is an Unitary matrix . (@)Define Morphological operations Erosion and Dilation Me 2.{a) Discuss color models for a digital image. 80 * (i) Forthe given 3 bits per pine, 4% 4 size image perform following cptiationse (10) (8) Intensity level slicing with background, 1) = 3 and 4-5 Gi) Bitplate slicing. {6[273 im [4 I ex] |p| 0 2 7 (@)_Explain:The first difference makes the chain code invatiant to rotation (10) (@) Explain Homomorphic filtering with the help of bloeié diagram, (40)- + . (a) Write.8 x 8 Hadamard transform matrix and its signal flow graph for fast Hadamard stransform..Alsing this butterfly diagrami(Signa? flow graph).compute: Hadamard transform for x(n)).=(1.2)1,1,3,2)1,2) ‘ ao) o () Find the DCT of the’ iver! Image ufldg matrix multiplication method (10) e we PND 1nd a 14H 2] @ Discuss the’Gifferent types of redundancies in images with examples a9) (0) Constructimproyet Gray Scale (IGS) quantization code for given gray scale date, (10) {100))110, 12424, 130, 200, 210} . Also Compute €;ms (root mean squere error). £ 6. Write det tes on (any Two) 20) @) Sage Linking using Hough transform (©) Thinaing with example. Differential Pusie Code Modulation (DPCM) i) Segmentation techniques: Region growing and split and merge. MD-Con. 10765-15.

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