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Enzyme and Microbial Technology 41 (2007) 312–317

High-density cultivation of oleaginous yeast

Rhodosporidium toruloides Y4 in fed-batch culture
Yonghong Li a,b, Zongbao (Kent) Zhao b,∗ , Fengwu Bai a,b
a Department of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, PR China
b Division of Biotechnology, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics CAS, Dalian 116023, PR China
Received 19 December 2006; received in revised form 22 February 2007; accepted 22 February 2007

Microbial lipid production by the oleaginous yeast Rhorosporidium toruloides Y4 was studied using glucose as carbon source, in order to realize
high-density cell culture. Batch cultures demonstrated that there was little inhibitory effect with a substrate concentration of up to 150 g l−1. Flask
fed-batch cultures were run for 25 days and reached a dry biomass and cellular lipid content of 151.5 g l−1 and 48.0% (w/w), respectively. Using
pilot-scale fed-batch cultures in a 15-l stirred-tank fermenter for 134 h resulted in dry biomass, lipid content and lipid productivity of 106.5 g l−1,
67.5% (w/w) and 0.54 g l−1 h−1, respectively. The fed-batch culture model used here featured initial nutrient-rich media and a pure carbon source
with discontinuous feeding. Gas chromatography analysis revealed that lipids from R. toruloides Y4 contained mainly long-chain fatty acids with
16 and 18 carbon atoms. The four major constituent fatty acids were oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and linoleic acid. A slight increase in
stearic acid production was found during the culture process. Based on these compositional data, microbial lipids from R. toruloides Y4 are a
potential alternative oil resource for biodiesel production.
© 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: High-density cell culture; Rhorosporidium toruloides Y4; Fed-batch culture; Microbial lipid

1. Introduction and with no extensive arable land requirement, is pivotal for a

sustainable biodiesel industry. In this regard, microbial TAGs
Microorganisms that can accumulate lipids at more than 20% may be a prospective alternative feedstock.
of their biomass are defined as oleaginous species [1]. Some The basic physiology of lipid accumulation in microorgan-
yeast strains, such as Rhodosporidium sp., Rhodotorula sp. and isms has been well studied. It is known that lipid production
Lipomyces sp. can accumulate intracellular lipids as high as requires medium with an excess of sugars or similar compo-
70% of their biomass dry weight. The majority of those lipids nents (e.g., glycerol, polysaccharides, etc.) and limited other
are triacylglycerol (TAG) contained long-chain fatty acids that nutrients, usually nitrogen. Thus, oleaginous potential is criti-
are comparable to conventional vegetable oils [2]. More impor- cally affected by the carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio of the culture
tantly, some of those oleaginous species show the ability to and other factors like aeration, inorganic salt presence, etc. [7].
metabolize pentoses, demonstrating the potential to produce Various microorganisms are capable of accumulating huge quan-
TAG from lignocellulosic biomass and other cheap materials tities of lipid when cultured on hydrophobic materials, while
[3–5]. Recent demand for biodiesel worldwide has turned TAG lipoid production is restricted when cultivation is carried out in
into an ever-growing and substantial consumption resource [6]. nitrogen-limited sugar-based media [8–10].
As TAGs from oil crops, woody oil plants or animal fats are The costs of microbial oil production are currently higher
currently just balancing the demands of food supply and oleo- than those of vegetable oil but there are many methods
chemical industry, the quest for non-traditional TAG production to drastically improve the techno-economics of microbial
processes, especially those that can be operated continuously oil production processes. In particular, the exploration of
lignocellulose-based carbohydrates as feedstock may greatly
lower the costs. Process engineering that leads to a higher lipid
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 411 8437 9211; fax: +86 411 8437 9211. production rate and cellular lipid content may also contribute
E-mail address: (Z. Zhao). in this regard. Different cultivation modes, including fed-batch

0141-0229/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Y. Li et al. / Enzyme and Microbial Technology 41 (2007) 312–317 313

and continuous fermentations, have been used to increase inoculum. The cultures were incubated in an orbital shaker at a rotary rate of
cell density of oleaginous microbes. Evans and Ratledge [11] 200 rpm at 30 ◦C. Twenty-five milliliter of 500 g l−1 glucose was fed in 5-ml
studied Candida curvata D growing on glucose and xylose in a aliquots when residual glucose was lower than 20 g l−1. Samples of 0.2 ml were
continuous fermentation process and obtained lipid production withdrawn every 12–24 h for residual sugar analysis and estimation of biomass.
Pilot scale fed-batch fermentation was carried out in a 15-l stirred-tank biore-
rates of 0.16 and 0.27 g l−1 h−1, respectively and a cell density actor (FUS-15L (A), Guoqiang Bioengineering Equipment Co. Ltd., Shanghai,
of around 14 g l−1. Hassan et al. [12] optimized the growth of China) equipped with an on-line data acquisition and control system. Culture pH
Apiotrichum curvatum in a continuous culture system using and dissolved O2 were monitored with a pH meter (Mettler-Toledo, Switzerland)
and an oxygen probe (Mettler-Toledo, Switzerland). The cultivation conditions
glucose and reached a lipid production rate of 0.42 g l−1 h−1
were as follows: 10% (v/v) seed culture, temperature 30 ◦C, pH 5.6 (by auto-
and lipid content of 31.9% (w/w). Pan et al. [13] obtained a cell matic control using 10.0 M NaOH), aeration at 0.9 vvm and dissolved oxygen
density of 185 g l−1 in an 84-h fed-batch culture of Rhodotorula at 40–50% saturation. The initial culture contained 7.0 l medium. The substrate
glutinis aerated with oxygen-enriched air. Yamauchi et al. [14] concentration was maintained above 20 g l−1 by feeding 1000 g l−1 glucose in
obtained a cell density of 153 g l−1 and a lipid content of 54% 500-ml aliquots in a single pour. Aliquots of 15 ml were taken at 4-h time inter-
vals to estimate glucose concentration, cell dry weight, lipid content and nitrogen
(w/w) using fed-batch cultures of Lipomyces starkeyi for 140 h. concentration. Five cycles of substrate feeding were done and the experiment
The red yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides is a known micro- was run for 134 h.
bial lipid producer and extensive characterization the oleaginous The feeding solution of 1000 g l−1 glucose for pilot scale fermentation was
profile of R. toruloides CBS 14 has been reported [15–17], but realized, batch-by-batch, with the following procedure. Briefly, the solution was
its high-density fermentation has so far not been published. prepared by dissolving 500 g of glucose in water to a final volume of 500 ml
We have recently identified R. toruloides Y4, a lignocellulose at 80 ◦C or above, autoclaved at 121 ◦C for 15 min, and cooled. This syrup-
like solution had a density of 1.31 kg l−1, and was stable for hours without
hydrolysate domesticated strain of R. toruloides AS 2.1389, crystallization at room temperature.
originally from China General Microbiological Culture Collec-
tion Center, which can accumulate lipids up to 76.1% of cell dry
2.4. Lipid extraction
weight [18].
In this study, we developed an effective, yet simple fed-batch Total lipid was extracted by the method of Li et al. [20]. Lipid content was
fermentation system for lipid production using R. toruloides Y4. expressed as gram lipid per gram dry biomass.
This process greatly increased cell density as well as the rate of
lipid production. 2.5. Analytic methods

2. Materials and methods Cell optical density was recorded at 600 nm with a V-530 spectrophotome-
ter (Jasco Corp., Tokyo, Japan). Wet cells were collected by centrifugation and
2.1. Organism, media and chemicals washed with the same volume of distilled water. Cell dry weight was obtained
from wet cells from a 20 ml culture broth after being dried at 105 ◦C overnight.
The glucose concentration was determined using a SBA-50B glucose analyzer
Peptone (animal-tissue based containing 3% ammonium-N and 14.5% total
(Shandong Academy of Sciences, Jinan, China). Residual nitrogen concen-
nitrogen), yeast extract (containing 3% ammonium-N and 9.0% total nitrogen)
tration in the culture medium was determined by estimation of the ammonia
and agar were purchased from Aoboxing Bio-tech. Co. Ltd. (Beijing, China).
formed using direct distillation of cell-free samples by KDN-2C type nitrogen
All other chemicals and reagents were bought locally and were of analytical
reagent grade. installation (Shanghai, China).
To determine fatty acid composition, wet cells were directly transmethylated
R. toruloides Y4 was maintained at 4 ◦C on YPD agar slant (1% yeast extract,
according to the following procedure. Wet cell pellets from 1 ml of culture were
1% peptone, 2% glucose and 2% agar) [19], and sub-cultured twice a month.
Inoculum was prepared by an overnight culture on YPD medium (1% yeast treated in a flask with 0.5 ml of a 5% KOH methanol solution at 65 ◦C for 50 min,
followed by the addition of 0.2 ml BF3 diethyl etherate and 0.5 ml methanol.
extract, 1% peptone and 2% glucose, pH 5.5) at 30 ◦C.
The mixture was refluxed for 10 min, cooled, diluted with distilled water and
Batch experiments were performed using a minimal medium (pH 5.5)
extracted with petroleum ether (bp 30–60 ◦C). The organic layer was washed
containing per liter of distilled water: (NH4)2SO4 12.0 g, KH2PO4 1.0 g,
with distilled water and subjected to fatty acid compositional analysis.
MgSO4 ·7H2O 1.5 g, yeast extract 0.5 g. Flask fed-batch medium (pH 5.5) con-
Fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed using a 7890F gas chro-
tained: glucose 60.0 g, peptone 30.0 g, and yeast extract 30.0 g per of distilled
matography instrument (Techcomp Scientific Instrument Co. Ltd.,
water. Fermenter fed-batch medium (pH 5.5) contained: glucose 60.0 g, peptone
Shanghai, China) equipped with a cross-linked capillary FFAP column
15.7 g and yeast extract 15.7 g/l distilled water.
(30 m × 0.32 mm × 0.4 µm) and flame ionization detector. Operating condi-
tions were as follows: N2 carrier gas 40 ml/min, injection port temperature
2.2. Batch culture 230 ◦C, oven temperature 190 ◦C and the detector temperature was 230 ◦C.
Fatty acids were identified by comparison of their retention times with those of
Flask cultures were conducted in duplicate in 250-ml Erlenmeyer flasks con- standard ones, quantified based on their respective peak areas and normalized.
taining 50 ml of minimal medium and inoculated with 5 ml of 20-h-old preculture
((2.0–3.0) × 106 cells). The minimal medium was supplemented with glucose
to formulate a medium with an initial substrate concentration of 10, 40, 60, 90, 3. Results
120, 150, 200, 300 or 400 g l−1, respectively. The cultures were incubated in an
orbital shaker at a rotary rate of 200 rpm at 30 ◦C. At different time intervals, 3.1. Substrate inhibition studies
culture samples (0.2 ml) were withdrawn and the absorbance was measured at
600 nm for optical density comparison.
To determine the effect of substrate concentration on growth
2.3. Fed-batch culture
profile of R. toruloides Y4, batch experiments were performed
in conical flasks with glucose concentration ranging from 10 to
Flask fed-batch cultures were performed in 250-ml Erlenmeyer flasks. The 400g l−1. Fig. 1 shows the plots of cell culture optical density
initial culture contained 22.5 ml medium and 2.5 ml of 28-h-old precultured against fermentation time. These results indicated that the yeast

314 Y. Li et al. / Enzyme and Microbial Technology 41 (2007) 312–317

Fig. 1. Effect of initial glucose concentrations on R. toruloides Y4 cell growth. Fig. 3. Fed-batch flask fermentation profile for R. toruloides Y4.

grew well on glucose as a sole source of carbon and energy at a ever, the biomass and lipid accumulation slightly dropped to
concentration up to 150 g l−1. When the glucose concentration 18.0 and 8.60 g l−1 for cultures with an initial glucose concen-
reached 200 g l−1, cell growth was greatly repressed and more tration of 120 g l−1. These data were further reduced to 17.7
severe inhibitory effects were observed at even higher glucose and 8.30 g l−1, respectively for cultures with 150 g l−1 glucose.
concentrations. When the substrate concentration reached 200 g l−1, biomass
The data shown in Fig. 1 can also be converted into specific and lipid production were greatly decreased, suggesting that a
growth rates within the first 20 h. Specifically, when the glucose considerable inhibitory effect had occurred.
concentration increased from 40 to 150 g l−1, the specific growth
rate of R. toruloides Y4 showed little decrease, i.e. from 0.135 3.2. Fed-batch fermentation
to 0.119 h−1. These data suggested that a wide range of sub-
strate concentrations were suitable for lipid production by this The time-courses of biomass and glucose concentration for
strain with no significant substrate inhibition. However, drastic the flask fed-batch culture over 25 days are shown in Fig. 3.
specific growth rate loss was found for the culture when glucose Final cell biomass, lipid and lipid content were 151.5 g l−1,
concentrations were higher than 200 g l−1. 72.8 g l−1 and 48.0% (w/w), respectively. Thus, the overall
Fig. 2 shows the biomass and lipid accumulated by R. lipid yield and productivity were estimated to be 0.26 g g−1
toruloides Y4 after 120 h culture against the initial glucose and 2.91 g l−1 day−1. These data were higher than those from
concentration. When the initial glucose concentration increased the batch culture system [18] (yield 0.23 g g−1, productivity
from 10 to 90 g l−1, the biomass and lipid yields increased from 2.78 g l−1 day−1). There was also a noticeable biomass produc-
4.7 and 1.13 g l−1 to 18.6 and 8.63 g l−1, respectively. How- tivity decrease during the whole process. For example, biomass
was produced at approximately 9.5 g l−1 day−1 up to 8 days,
following which it decreased to about 6.8 g l−1 day−1. In con-
clusion, these flask fed-batch experiments demonstrated that R.
toruloides Y4 had the robust ability to grow in liquid culture and
reach very high cell density and that nitrogen source feeding was
not required for this process.
Enthused by the good results from flask fed-batch cultures,
we also conducted a pilot-scale fed-batch culture using a 15-l
stirred-tank fermenter. The typical time-course of glucose con-
centration, biomass and lipid production for this experiment are
shown in Fig. 4.
It was obvious that cell growth was fast during the initial
stage. Biomass increased rapidly from 0.3 to 32.2 g l −1 within
18 h, and biomass yield was 0.59 g g−1 glucose. In the period
of 10–18 h, growth was linear and biomass increased with a
high specific growth rate of about 0.13 h−1. The first batch of
feeding medium was introduced at 18 h and repeated four times
during the 134-h-long fermentation. The overall biomass yield,
Fig. 2. Biomass and lipids accumulated by R. toruloides Y4 vs. initial glucose lipid yield and cellular lipid content were 0.35 g g−1, 0.23 g g−1
concentration. and 67.5% (w/w), respectively. The overall lipid production rate

Y. Li et al. / Enzyme and Microbial Technology 41 (2007) 312–317 315

acid content is shown in Table 1. It is clear that R. toruloides

Y4 is composed mainly of long-chain fatty acids with 16 and 18
carbon atoms.
These data show that the distribution of some fatty acids,
namely, C14:0 (myristic acid), C16:0 (palmitic acid), C16:1
(palmitoleic acid) and C18:3 (linolenic acid), were almost con-
stant during the whole process. A clear decrease in the relative
content of C18:1 (oleic acid) was found, while an increase for
C18:0 (stearic acid) was observed over time. It is also interesting
to note that C18:2 (linoleic acid) showed an increased presence
during the early stage, namely from 8.2% in the 6-h sample to
11.9% in the 18-h sample. However, linoleic acid content dras-
tically decreased when lipid accumulation initiated and turned
out to be 4.7 and 8.8%, in the 38 and 78-h samples, respectively.
It is known that fatty acid distribution impacts on the saponi-
fication number (SN) and iodine value (IV) of the particular
Fig. 4. Pilot-scale fed-batch fermentation profile for R. toruloides Y4 in a 15-l lipids [21], which can also determine the cetane number (CN)
fermenter. of the corresponding biodiesel product. According to the empir-
ical equation [22], with the percentage distribution shown in
was 0.54 g l−1 h−1. Within the 134-h-long fermentation, 2500 g Table 1, all the lipid samples could produce biodiesel with CN
of glucose was fed into the reactor, which corresponds to a final values higher than 51.0. Minimal CN values have been set at
substrate concentration of 307 g l−1. 47, 49 and 51, by biodiesel standards ASTMD 6751 (USA),
The ammonium-N (inorganic nitrogen) concentration in the DIN 51606 (Germany) and EN 14214 (European Organization),
initial medium was 0.068 mol l−1, however, it dropped to 0.024, respectively. Therefore, the FAMEs produced from the microbial
0.015, and 0.005 mol l−1, at 6, 10, and 18 h, respectively. No lipids of R. toruloides Y4 meet these standards.
media ammonium-N was detectable after 24 h. Such a fast nitro-
gen source consumption pattern was in well accordance with 4. Discussion
other R. toruloides strain [15,16]. The course of ammonium-N
depletion also correlated with the onset of lipid accumulation. Nutrient imbalance in the culture medium has long been
As shown in Table 1, cellular lipid contents for the 6- and 18-h known to trigger lipid accumulation by oleaginous microor-
samples are 5.5% (w/w) and 18.1% (w/w), respectively, indicat- ganisms. When cells run out of key nutrients, usually nitrogen,
ing that the lipid accumulation process was partially established, excess substrate continues to be assimilated by the cells and
although excess nitrogen sources in the culture broth favored converted into fat for storage. However, under nitrogen-limited
cell growth. Exhaustion of ammonium-N apparently greatly pro- conditions, cell propagation is drastically depressed, which in
moted lipid accumulation, as revealed by a lipid content of 43.8% many cases restricts cell density. To achieve a high-density cell
(w/w) in the 38-h sample. Overall, these data suggested that culture for microbial lipid fermentation, different substrates and
nitrogen limitation, the key to oleaginity [7], could be realized cultivation modes have been used.
later through feeding carbon sources, while an initial cell growth Fed-batch cultivation modes have been widely applied for
stage with excess nitrogen resources was preferred for better microbial lipid production. Pan et al. [13] reported on fed-
efficiency. batch cultures of Rhodotorula glutinis with feeding medium
containing 600 g l−1 glucose, 20 g l−1 yeast extract and 9 g l−1
3.3. Fatty acid compositional analysis MgSO4 · 7H2O, and the final cellular lipid content was 40%
(w/w). Yamauchi et al. [14] obtained a high cell density of
Lipid samples produced by the fermenter fed-batch culture 153g l−1 and lipid content of 54% (w/w) with Lipomyces
system were analyzed by gas chromatography. Relative fatty starkeyi using a complicated feeding medium and a high seed

Table 1
Fatty acid composition of R. toruloides Y4 cells during fed-batch fermentation
Cultivation time (h) Lipid content (%, w/w) Relative amount of total fatty acids (%, w/w)

C14:0 C16:0 C16:1 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 C18:3

6 5.5 1.7 23.6 0.9 6.7 55.3 8.2 3.6
18 18.1 1.5 20.2 0.3 7.6 55.9 11.9 2.6
38 43.8 1.6 23.3 0.6 14.3 53.7 4.7 1.7
78 61.7 1.6 21.6 1.0 16.0 49.3 8.8 2.7
134 67.5 1.3 20.0 0.6 14.6 46.9 13.1 3.5

316 Y. Li et al. / Enzyme and Microbial Technology 41 (2007) 312–317

inoculum of 50% (v/v) was also employed in this experiment. sole carbon source feeding and is convenient for large-scale
Ykema et al. [23] examined lipid production in various culture operation. This strategy significantly improves biomass and lipid
modes with whey permeate using Candida curvatus. A cell den- productivity and will be useful for further engineering of cost-
sity of 91.4 g l−1 and lipid content of 33% (w/w) were observed effective microbial lipid production processes.
using a partial recycling method, while both nitrogen and car-
bon sources were supplied. Meesters et al. [4] used glycerol as a Acknowledgements
carbon source in fed-batch fermentation with Candida curvatus
and realized a cell density of 118 g l−1 in 50 h with a lipid pro- This work was supported by National Basic Research Pro-
duction rate of 0.59 g l−1 h−1; however, the final cellular lipid gram of China (973 Program) (no. 2004CB719703) and CAS
content was only 25% (w/w). It should be mentioned that these “100 Talents” program.
previous fed-batch lipid fermentation processes simultaneously
introduced a carbon and nitrogen source, which might produce
a disfavored C/N ratio for lipid accumulation. In addition, this References
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