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A fresh formulation of a traditional age problem

This problem is intended and designed to make you smile =:)

It also proves that even very traditional age problem can go in a very
attractive fresh formulation.


In a film an actor plays an "uncle", he was being criticized for marrying a

woman when he is three times her age.
He then replied: "Oh, but in 20 years time I will only be twice her
age." How old are the "uncle" and the woman?


Let w be the woman's present age, and m be the actor's present age.

Then according to the condition, you have these two equations:

m = 3w (man's age is three times that of the woman).

m + 20 = 2(w+20). (20 years later)

So you have the system of two equations in two unknowns:

m = 3w, (1)
m + 20 = 2(w+20). (2)

Substitute m = 3w from (1) into (2). You will get

3w + 20 = 2(w+20), or 3w + 20 = 2w + 40, or w = 40-20 = 20.

Answer. The woman is 20 years now. The actor is 60 years now.

Really intricate age word problem

Problem 1

A father said to his son: When I was your age, you were 2 years old.
His son replies: When I reach your age, you will be 68 years old. What is
the father's present age?


Let x be the father's present age and y be the son's present age.

Then it was x-y years back when the father was of his son's present age.
Thus (x-y) years ago the sun was 2 yesr old. It gives an equation

y - (x-y) = 2. (1)

It is how the phrase "When I was your age, you were 2 years old" is

Next, it will take (x-y) years when the sun reach the father's present age.
And the father's age at that time will be x + (x-y). According with the
condition, it gives an equation

x + (x-y) = 68. (2)

Thus we have the system of two equations, (1) and (2). Let us write the
equation one more time in an simplified form:

2y - x = 2 (3) ( instead of (1) ), and

2x - y = 68 (4) ( instead of (2) ).

To solve this system, express x = 2y - 2 from (3) and substitute it into (4).
You will get a single equation for y:

2*(2y-2) - y = 68, or 4y - 4 - y = 68, or 3y = 68+4, or 3y = 72.

Hence, y = = 36.

Thus the sun's present age is 36 years.

Then the father's present age is x = 2y - 2 = 2*36 - 2 = 70 years.

Answer. The father's present age is 70 years. The sun's present age is 36

Problem 2

"When I was at your age now, you were only 5 years old. When you
become as old as I am now, I will be 71 years old."
How old are A and B now, respectively?

Let me re-formulate to get the solution more easy.

When A was at the age of B now, B was only 5 years old. When B become as old
as A is now, A will be 71 years old.
How old are A and B now, respectively?

Let x be the preset age of A and y be the present age of B.

When A was at the age of B now? - It was x-y years ago.

What was the age of B at that time, x-y years ago? The age of B was y - (x-y)
= 2y-x.

It gives you the first equation

2y - x = 5.

When B become as old as A is now? - It will happen after x-y years.

What will be the age of A at that time? - The age of A at that time will be x
+ (x-y) = 2x - y.

It gives you the second equation

2x - y = 71.

Now solve this system

2y - x = 5,
2x - y = 71.

Do it yourself please. It is easy.

Answer. A is 49 years now. The present age of B is 27 years.

Problem 3

When the son will be as old as father, their ages will add up
to 126 years.
When the father was as old as the son is today, their ages added up
to 38 years. Find their present age.


Let "s" be the son's present age.

Let "f" be the father's present age.

When the son will be as old as the father is now? - In f-s years.
At that time the son will be f years old and the father will be f + (f-s) =
2f-s years old.
Their ages added up at that time will be f + (2f-s) = 3f-s years.
It gives you the first equation

3f - s = 126. (1)

When the father was as old as the son is now? - In f-s years.
At that time the father's age was s years old and the son's age was s - (f-s)
= 2s-f years old (assuming that 2s-f >= 0).

Their ages added up at that time were s + (2s-f) = 3s-f years.

It gives you the second equation

3s - f = 38. (2)

Now express s from (1): s = 3f - 126, and substitute it into (2). You will

3(3f-126) - f = 38, or

9f - 378 - f = 38,

8f = 38 + 378 = 416.

Hence, f = = 52.

Father's current age is 52 years.

Then the sun's age is s = 3f - 126 = 30. (notice that the intermediate
assumption 2s - f >= 0 is valid !)

Problem 4

Ram is twice as old as Shyam was when ram was as old as Shyam is
now. If the present age of Shyam is 18 years, find the present age of


Let R = Ram's present age and S = Shyam's present age.

When Ram was as old as Shyam is now? R-S years ago.

What was Shyam's age then? It was S - (R-S) = 2S - R.

Now, R = 2(2S -R), since "Ram is twice as old as Shyam was when Ram was as
old as Shyam is now".

It is your equation, and it gives you, after simplifications, 3R = 4S.

And since Shyam is 18 years now, 3R = 4*18 = 72, R = = 24.

Answer. Ram is 24 years now. // Shiam is 18 years now.

Check. When Ram was as old as Shyam is now? 6 years ago.

What was Shyam's age then? He was 12 years old.

24 = 2*12. ! Checked.

Selected age word problems from the archive

This lesson is a collection of selected age word problem from the archive
of the site
So, the problems came from students/visitors, were solved in response
and saved in the archive.

Problem 1

Maria's father is now twice as old as she is. 16 years ago he was four
times as old as Maria was at that time. How old is each now?


Let M be Maria's present age and F be her father's present age.

Then you have two equations

F = 2M (1) ( <--- "Maria's father is now twice as old

as she is." )
F - 16 = 4(M - 16). (2) ( <--- "16 years ago he was four times as
old as Maria was at that time." )

Simplify (2):

F - 16 = 4M - 64. (3)

Now substitute F = 2M from (1) into (3). You will have

2M - 16 = 4M - 64.
Collect like terms:

64 - 16 = 4M - 2M,

2M = 48,

M = ,

M = 24.

Answer. Maria is 24 years old now. Her father is 2*24 = 48 years old.

Problem 2

Ali's age now is his dad's when Ali was 5 years old. When his dad
reaches 71, Ali will be his dad's age now.
What is the age for each of them?


Let A be Ali's age now and F be his father's age now.

1. The condition says "Ali's age now is his dad's when Ali was 5 years old".
Ask yourself: when it was? - It was (A-5) years ago.

Therefore, this part of the condition gives this equation:

A = F - (A-5). (1)

2. Next, the condition says "When his dad reaches 71, Ali will be his dad's
age now."
Again, ask yourself: when it will be? - It will be in (71-f) years.

Therefore, this part of the condition gives the second equation:

A + (71-f) = F. (2)

3. So, now we need to solve this system of two equations

A = F - (A-5), (1')
A + (71-F) = F. (2')

Simplify the equations (1') and (2') in this way:

2A = F + 5, (3)
A + 71 = 2F. (4)

Now, express F from the equation (3)

F = 2A - 5 (5)

and substitute it into the equation (4). You will get a single equation
for A:

A + 71 = 2*(2A-5).

Simplify it step by step:

A + 71 = 4A - 10, ---> 71 + 10 = 4A - A, ---> 81 = 3A, ---> A =

= 27.

Thus Ali is 27 years now.

Then his father is F = 2A - 5 = 2*27 - 5 = 49 years now, according to (5).

The problem is solved.

Problem 3

Jack's age plus Marie's age is 27; Jack's age plus Fred's age
is 38; Marie's age plus Fred's age is 33. How old is Jack?


Let j, m, f be their ages. Then

j + m = 27, (1)
j + f = 38, (2)
m + f = 33. (3)

The method to solve this system is as follows.

Add equations (1), (2) and (3) (both left sides and right sides). You will

2*(j + m + f) = 27 + 38 + 33 = 98, or

j + m + f = 49. (4) ( <<<--- 49 = )

Now, distract equation (1) from (4). You will get

f = 49 - 27 = 22.

Next, distract equation (2) from (4). You will get

m = 49 - 38 = 11.

Finally, distract equation (3) from (4). You will get

j = 49 - 33 = 16.

Answer. Jack is 16, Marie is 11, and Fred is 22.

The lesson to learn from this solution is this trick for solving this special
system of equations.
Actually, it is the method which works in many other similar cases. See
the lessons
- The tricks to solve some word problems with three and more unknowns using
mental math
- Joint-work problems for 3 participants (Problem 2)
in this site.

Problem 4

One car is seven times as old as the other. It will be 4 times as

old 5 years from now.
Find the present age of each car.


"One car is seven times as old as the other." =====> A = 7B (1)

"It will be 4 times as old 5 years from now." =====> A+5 = 4*(B+5) (2)

Substitute (1) into eq(2). You will get

7B +5 = 4*(B+5) ====> 7B + 5 = 4B + 20 ====> 7B - 4B = 20-5 ====> 3B =

15 ====> B = = 5.

Answer. Second car (car B) is 5 years old.

First car (car A) is 7*5 = 35 years old.

Age problems for mental solution

Problem 1

Ethan is 29 years younger than Sarah. 7 years ago, Sarah's age

was 2 times Ethan's age. How old is Ethan now?

Mental solution

The age difference between them is 29 years and remains to be constant


So, 7 years ago Sarah's age was 58 years and Ethan age was 29.

Thus their present ages are 58 + 7 = 65 for Sarah and 29 + 7 = 36 for Ethan.

Problem 2

Ridhima is 5 years younger than Aarav. Four years later Aarav will be
twice as old as Ridhima. Find their present ages.

Mental solution

1. A is 5 years older than R,

and this age difference will be always in place.

2. Four years later A will be twice as old as R.

Hence, four years later A will be twice as old as R AND (according

to n.1) A will be 5 years older than R, at the same time.

It means that 4 years later A will be 10 years old, while R will be

5 years old.

3. Hence, their present ages are 6 years for A and 1 year for R.
One unusual age problem

Problem 1

Jenny is years old and her daughter Allyson is y years old. If Jenny lives to

the age of 13y Allyson will be years old.

How old is Allyson now?


The equation is

= . (years coming from now till the future . . . )

= 0,

= 0,

y = 7.

Answer. Allison is 7 years now, Jenny is 49 yeas now.

Check. 13y = 13*7 = 91 will happen in 91-49 = 42 years.

Jenny will be 7 + 42 = 49 years old at that time.

List of lessons on age word problems with short annotations

Age problems and their solutions

Problem 1. Kevin is 4 years older than Margaret.

Next year Kevin will be 2 times as old as Margaret. How
old is Kevin?

Problem 2. Ann is 2 years older than Betty.

Last year Ann was 2 times as old as Betty. How old is

Problem 3. Susan is 3 years older than Tom. Two years ago Susan was
twice as old as Tom.
Find their present ages.

Problem 4. Jerry is 7 years older than Jennifer. In three years Jerry

will be twice as old as Jennifer.
Find their present ages.

Problem 5. A man has a daughter and a son. The son is three years
older than the daughter.
In one year the man will be six time as old as the daughter
is now.
In ten years the man will be fourteen years older than the
combined ages of his children at that time.
What is the man's present age?

A fresh formulation of a traditional age problem

Problem 1. In a film an actor plays an "uncle", he was being criticized

for marrying a woman when he is three times her age.
He then replied: "Oh, but in 20 years time I will only be
twice her age." How old are the "uncle" and the woman?

Really intricate age word problem

Problem 1. A father said to his son: When I was your age, you were 2
years old.
His son replies: When I reach your age, you will be 68
years old. What is the father's present age?
Problem 2. "When I was at your age now, you were only 5 years
old. When you become as old as I am now, I will be 71 years old."
How old are A and B now, respectively?

Problem 3. When the son will be as old as father, their ages will add up
to 126 years.
When the father was as old as the son is today, their ages
added up to 38 years. Find their present age.

Problem 4. Ram is twice as old as Shyam was when ram was as old as
Shyam is now. If the present age of Shyam is 18 years, find the
present age of Ram.

Selected age word problems from the archive

Problem 1. Maria's father is now twice as old as she is. 16 years ago he
was four times as old as Maria was at that time. How old is each now?

Problem 2. Ali's age now is his dad's when Ali was 5 years old. When his
dad reaches 71, Ali will be his dad's age now.
What is the age for each of them?

Problem 3. Jack's age plus Marie's age is 27; Jack's age plus Fred's
age is 38; Marie's age plus Fred's age is 33. How old is Jack?

Problem 4. One car is seven times as old as the other. It will

be 4 times as old 5 years from now.
Find the present age of each car.

Age problems for mental solution

Problem 1. Ethan is 29 years younger than Sarah. 7 years

ago, Sarah's age was 2 times Ethan's age. How old is Ethan now?

Problem 2. Ridhima is 5 years younger than Aarav. Four years later

Aarav will be twice as old as Ridhima. Find their present ages.
One unusual age word problem

Problem 1. Jenny is years old and her daughter Allyson is y years

old. If Jenny lives to the age of 13y Allyson will be years old.
How old is Allyson now?

Age problems with a defective sum of ages

Problem 1. There are 4 people in Sam's family. The sum of their ages
is 73 . Sam's father is 3 years older than his mother.
Sam's sister is 2 years younger than him. But 4 years
ago the sum of the ages of everyone in Sam's family was 58.
How old is each of them now ?

Age problem for the day of April, 1

Problem 1. My brother is 3 years elder to me. My father was 28

years of age when my sister was born,
while my mother was 26 years of age when I was born. If
my sister was 4 years of age when my brother was born,
what was the age of my father when my brother was

Age problem for the day of April, 1

Problem 1

My brother is 3 years elder to me. My father was 28 years of age when

my sister was born,
while my mother was 26 years of age when I was born. If my sister
was 4 years of age when my brother was born,
what was the age of my father when my brother was born?

Let i = my age now,

b = my brother's age now,
s = my sister's age now,
f = my father's age now, and
m = my mother's age now.

Now I will algebreze the condition, by writing the equation/expression for

each statement of the problem.

1. "My brother is 3 years elder to me." ---> b = i + 3

2. "My father was 28 years of age when my sister was born" ---> f = s + 28
3. "my mother was 26 years of age when I was born" ---> m = i + 26
4. "my sister was 4 years of age when my brother was born" ---> s = b + 4.

We have 5 unknowns and only 4 equations. But still keep the positive

What do they want? - They want from us to find f-b. OK.

f - b = (s+28) - (s-4). (5) <--- I replaced f by (s+28) based on (2), and

replaced b by (s-4) based on (4).

So, I can continue (5) in this way:

f - b = s + 28 - s + 4 = 32.

It is just the answer to the problem's question:

"what was the age of my father when my brother was born?" - The father's
age was 32 years at that time.

The problem is solved.

Probably, there is a shorter way to solve the problem.

But developing this solution, you learned so many things that our efforts are

It seems to me that a young reader may have a question:

how it could happen that we were able to solve the system of 4 equations
in 5 unknowns?

The answer is: we didn't solve the system.

We only found the value of some expression ("f - b" in this case) of the
variables, based on given equations.
But we didn't solve the entire system.

Also, you can see that we used only some part of the given data, and didn't
use all of them.
It is also the trick of the authors of the problem: They included a non-
necessary information to miss the readers.
But, happily, we were not missed.

Age problems with a "defective sum of ages"

Problem 1

There are 4 people in Sam's family. The sum of their ages is 73. Sam's
father is 3 years older than his mother.
Sam's sister is 2 years younger than him. But 4 years ago the sum of
the ages of everyone in Sam's family was 58.
How old is each of them now ?


The difference 73 - 58 is 15 years instead of expected 4*4 = 16 years.

From the first glance, it seems that the problem has a defective condition.
But do not hurry with this conclusion.

It means that the youngest member of the family - the sister, is only 3 years

Then Sam is 3+2 = 5 years old.

Now we know that

Father + Mother = 73 - 3 - 5 = 65, and

Father - Mother = 3.

By adding the last two equations, you get 2*Father = 65+3 = 68 ====>
Father is 68/2 = 34 years old.

Then the Mother is 34-3 = 31 years old.

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