BUSN 464 Assignment

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BUSN -464 -A

Total Quality Management

To: Sir Fareed Malik
By: Mian Shehryar Umar (20-
Q: Write a note on “QC begins with education and ends
with education”.

“Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics etc. are common in the world. In “Quality Control” on the other hand,
which includes the term as “Control”, human and social elements have a profound impact, and no matter
how superior a way the U.S.A. and the U.K. deploy it, it would never go well, in Japan as it is. In any case,
we must develop the method, called the Japanese Way.” Said by Prof. Ishikawa in his book What is Total
Quality Control? The Japanese Way.

We can clearly get a picture of this from his book that how much QC is important. Late in the 1950s it
was really difficult to train the engineers/employees to attend different seminars and was considered
practically impossible. This problem was solved by utilizing the mass media and began a QC
correspondence course for foreman in 1956 through the Japan Shortwave Broadcasting Corporation.

Group activities were considered more desirable and based on following

1. Voluntarism. Circles are to be created on a voluntary basis and not by command from above.
Begin circle activities with those people who wish to participate.
2. Self-development. Circle members must be willing to study
3. Mutual development. Circle members must aspire to expand their horizons and cooperate with
other circles.
4. Eventual total participation. Circles must establish as their ultimate goal full participation of all
workers in the same workplace.

Every employee even a president to a simple assembly line worker should get QC Education. It is very
important that this education process must be repeated over and over again as this will definitely reflect
over to your company when you will have more educated employees so the company will definitely be in
a good performance and get more benefits.
QC education for Each Level
There are very detailed education programs are available for each job level in japan, including the
president, company directors, managing directors, engineers, foremen etc. However, in the West QC
education is available for engineers, but seldom is education made available for other types of job e.g
assembly line workers.

Long- term Education

In the West, QC education normally lasts for 5 to 10 days which is insufficient. The QC Basic Course
designed by JUSE last for 6 months with meeting 5 days each month.

Education and training within the company

A company may wish to choose its own program instead. In fact, some companies develop their own
texts and engage in their programs for education and training of the employees

Education must be continued Permanently

QC education has been conducted in Japan since 1949 without interruption. Year after year more
courses have been added to the total educational effort. Education must be maintained to answer the
needs of the organization of its employees.

Formal education is less than one-third of the total educational effort

Education does not end with assembling workers to receive instruction. At best, this instruction can
represent only a small portion of their total education. Delegate powers to subordinates and provide
guidelines to workers is very important.

By educating employees we can change their thought pattern and allow them to apply their knowledge
to think and then apply

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