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6 grade Art and Design

This is a visual design theory course that introduces the core concepts of visual design –
Visual elements, principles of design and creative process. Composition issues and
strategies valid in all areas of design are explored through examples, exercises, critiques
and creative projects.

We introduce and refine our creative problem-solving skills. We work to understand and
analyze design problems, developing distinctive concept statements and then creating
and refining designs that manifest that concept. We explore designers and artists of the
past and present for examples of successful visual design solutions. The course involves
a balance of lecture and discussion along with extensive design exercises and design

Developed concepts ground great design. Inspiration, of whatever sort, begins a

concept. Talent and technical skills are needed to implement and present designs, but
the practice of refining, revising and gradually improving solutions is the most valuable
and necessary ability for successful designers in any field. You must be willing to
develop your ideas – this is primarily a matter of disciplined analytic and creative work,
not pure inspiration. You must dedicate your attention to the problem, research existing
solutions, generate ideas, and improve them. The fact is that some designers don’t
bother to improve their initial ideas. You are expected to refine your ideas and designs
as far as well-managed time permits. You are graded, in part, on how successfully,
critically, and persistently you improve your concepts.
Students are provided with all the supplies except a folder. Materials you will need to
bring daily include:



-Sketchbooks (we will make these in class)

-Rubber band or hair tie (to roll artwork)

-Trash bag (if bringing home, to protect from weather and other elements)

Students are graded by their creativity, neatness, craftsmanship, and quality of their
work. Adrian Public Schools follows the National and State Visual art Standards which
can be found at: and

Late work
At Springbrook, we really want students to try their best and encourage students to be
responsible for turning in their work on time. But we understand that certain events can
delay us from getting our work done. Please make arrangements with the teacher if this
is the case or you know you are going to be absent.

See attached

Expectations and rules

• All of Springbrook’s school rules apply in this room.
• If you are going to be absent for any reason, please discuss ahead of time / catch up
after you return.
• Us kind words and actions. GIVE RESPECT, GET RESPECT.
• Use materials in a responsible and safe manner. Put them back when you are
finished and make sure you have properly cleaned up.
• Follow directions
• Always try your best. Not everyone is good at everything! But at least you can say
you tried!

Daily Routine
Students are greeted at the door, students begin working on bell ringer/ sketchbook
assignment that will be on the board. Attendance is taken. Recap, directions, and
possibly a demonstration will happen next. After will be either work time or
critique/discussions. Clean up is extremely important!!! If you have finished early, work on
your sketchbook assignments. Please stay seated after you have cleaned up. When
asked to line up, please push in your chairs and check that your area is 100% clean
General Rubric
Scale Concept Creativity Craftsmanship Work Ethic
Advanced Understands Expresses oneself Produces quality images Demonstrates the
A+ 100-97% art concepts in in an independent and objects that exceed characteristics of a global
A 96-93% a manner that and individual grade level citizen in a manner that
A - 92-90% exceeds grade manner to create expectations. exceeds grade level
level original images expectations.
expectations. and objects in a -Uses time effectively
way that exceeds -Listens -attentively
grade level -Follows directions
expectations. -Works independently
-Shows respect
-Cooperates with others

Proficient Understands Expresses oneself Produces quality images Demonstrates the

B+ 89-87% art concepts. in an independent and objects. characteristics of a global
B 86-83% and individual citizen.
B- 82-80% manner to create -Uses time effectively
original images -Listens -attentively
and objects -Follows directions
-Works independently
-Shows respect
-Cooperates with others

Basic Needs Needs Needs improvement in Needs improvement

C+ 79-77% improvement in Improvement the quality of images demonstrating the
C 76-73% understanding expressing oneself and objects produced. characteristics of a global
C- 72-70% art concepts. in an independent citizen.
and individual -Uses time effectively
manner to create -Listens -attentively
original images -Follows directions
and objects. -Works independently
-Shows respect
-Cooperates with others

Minimal Does not Does not express Does not produce Does not demonstrate the
D+ 69-67% understand art oneself in an quality images and characteristics of a global
D 66-63% concepts. independent and objects. citizen.
D- 62-60% individual manner -Uses time effectively
to create original -Listens -attentively
images and -Follows directions
objects. -Works independently
-Shows respect
-Cooperates with others

Missing Unable to Unable to grade. Unable to grade. Unable to grade. Student

E 0% grade. Student Student did not Student did not turn in did not turn in work.
did not turn in turn in work. work.
Please RETURN BY ____________________________
Dear parent(s) and / or Guardian(s),

My name is Ms. Robbins and I am your student’s art teacher for the trimester! I
have been teaching art for over 5 years, but this is my first year at Springbrook! I have a
Bachelors of Fine Arts and as a Visual Art Teacher from Eastern Michigan University,
with a minor in photography. Please note that the easiest way to contact me is via email
at . I can assure you of a prompt reply.

Please read the above syllabus to ensure you agree to my expectations for your
student in my class. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Also, it is important to fill out the contact information so that I can contact you with what
is happening in the classroom. Please include your email so that I can send you our
weekly newsletter from my art website

Thank you. I look forward to seeing you soon,


Ms. Robbins
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

_______ Yes, I have read and agree to the above terms and conditions of 6th
grade Art and Design syllabus. I understand what is expected when I enter
into art room. I have thoroughly read over the rubric and understand the
grading process and late policy. I also understand that I can keep updated
on happenings, art lessons and more if I provide my email and contact
information. Please know that you can contact me at any time (best through
email) if you have any questions.

Parent signature: ______________________________

Student signature: ______________________________

Email address: _________________________________

Phone: _______________________________________

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