Complex Trauma in Children and Adolescents: January 2007

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Complex Trauma in Children and Adolescents

Article · January 2007


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14 authors, including:

Joseph Spinazzola Marylene Cloitre

Justice Resource Institute National Center for PTSD


Erna Olafson Bessel A van der Kolk

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center … Boston University


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Treatment of Complex Forms of PTSD and related Trauma Disorders View project

Predictors of treatment outcome for PTSD versus Complex PTSD View project

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Complex Trauma in
Children and Adolescents

T he term complex trauma

describes the dual prob-
lem of children’s exposure to
can be gained by examining
trauma’s impact on a child’s
growth and development.
multiple traumatic events and
the impact of this exposure Impact on
on immediate and long-term Development
outcomes. Typically, complex
trauma exposure results when A comprehensive review of
a child is abused or neglected, the literature suggests seven
but it can also be caused by primary domains of impair-
other kinds of events such ment observed in children
as witnessing domestic vio- exposed to complex trauma.
lence, ethnic cleansing, or Each of the seven domains is
war. Many children involved discussed below.
in the child welfare system Attachment
have experienced complex
trauma. Complex trauma is most
Often, the consequences of likely to develop if an infant or
complex trauma exposure are child is exposed to danger that
devastating for a child. This is unpredictable or uncontrol-
is because complex trauma lable, because the child’s body
exposure typically interferes must devote resources that are
with the formation of a se- normally dedicated to growth
cure attachment bond be- and development instead to
tween a child and her caregiv- survival. The greatest source
er. Normally, the attachment of danger and unpredictabil-
between a child and caregiver ture the full range of developmental ity is the absence of a care-
is the primary source of safety and difficulties that traumatized children giver who reliably and responsively
stability in a child’s life. Lack of a se- experience. Children exposed to mal- protects and nurtures the child. The
cure attachment can result in a loss of treatment, family violence, or loss of early caregiving relationship provides
core capacities for self-regulation and their caregivers often meet diagnostic the primary context within which
interpersonal relatedness. Children criteria for depression, attention-defi- children learn about themselves, their
exposed to complex trauma often ex- cit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), emotions, and their relationships
perience lifelong problems that place oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), with others. A secure attachment sup-
them at risk for additional trauma ex- conduct disorder, anxiety disorders, ports a child’s development in many
posure and other difficulties, includ- essential areas, including his capacity
eating disorders, sleep disorders,
for regulating physical and emotional
ing psychiatric and addictive disor- communication disorders, separation
states, his sense of safety (without
ders, chronic medical illness, and le- anxiety disorder, and/or reactive at-
which he will be reluctant to explore
gal, vocational, and family problems. tachment disorder. Yet each of these his environment), his early knowl-
These difficulties may extend from diagnoses captures only a limited as- edge of how to exert an influence on
childhood through adolescence and pect of the traumatized child’s com- the world, and his early capacity for
into adulthood. plex self-regulatory and relational dif- communication.
The diagnosis of posttraumatic ficulties. A more comprehensive view When the child-caregiver relation-
stress disorder (PTSD) does not cap- of the impact of complex trauma ship is the source of trauma, the at-

4 focal point
tachment relationship is severely com- emotional regulation, behavior, con- abuse).
promised. Caregiving that is erratic, sciousness, cognition, and identity The existence of a strong relation-
rejecting, hostile, or abusive leaves a formation. ship between early childhood trauma
child feeling helpless and abandoned. It is important to note that sup- and subsequent depression is well-es-
In order to cope, the child attempts to portive and sustaining relationships tablished. Recent twin studies, con-
exert some control, often by discon- with adults—or, for adolescents, sidered one of the highest forms of
necting from social relationships or with peers—can protect children and clinical scientific evidence because
by acting coercively towards others. adolescents from many of the con- they can control for genetic and fam-
Children exposed to unpredictable sequences of traumatic stress. When ily factors, have conclusively docu-
violence or repeated abandonment interpersonal support is available, and mented that early childhood trauma,
often learn to cope with threatening when stressors are predictable, escap- especially sexual abuse, dramatically
events and emotions by restricting able, or controllable, children and ad- increases risk for major depression,
their processing of what is happening olescents can become highly resilient as well as many other negative out-
around them. As a result, when they in the face of stress. comes. Not only does childhood
confront challenging situations, they trauma appear to increase the risk for
cannot formulate a coherent, orga- Affect Regulation major depression, it also appears to
nized response. These children often predispose toward earlier onset of de-
have great difficulty regulating their Exposure to complex trauma can pression, as well as longer duration,
emotions, managing stress, develop- lead to severe problems with affect and poorer response to standard treat-
ing concern for others, and using regulation. Affect regulation begins ments.
language to solve problems. Over the with the accurate identification of
long term, the child is placed at high internal emotional experiences. This Dissociation
risk for ongoing physical and social requires the ability to differentiate
difficulties due to: among states of arousal, interpret Dissociation is one of the key fea-
these states, and apply appropriate tures of complex trauma in children.
1. Increased susceptibility to stress labels (e.g. “happy,” “frightened”). In essence, dissociation is the failure
(e.g., difficulty focusing attention When children are provided with to take in or integrate information and
and controlling arousal), inconsistent models of affect and experiences. Thus, thoughts and emo-
2. Inability to regulate emotions with- behavior (e.g., a smiling expression tions are disconnected, physical sensa-
out outside help or support (e.g., paired with rejecting behavior) or tions are outside conscious awareness,
feeling and acting overwhelmed by with inconsistent responses to affec- and repetitive behavior takes place
intense emotions), and tive display (e.g., child distress is met without conscious choice, planning,
3. Inappropriate help-seeking (e.g., inconsistently with anger, rejection, or self-awareness. Although dissocia-
excessive help-seeking and depen- nurturance, or neutrality), no coher- tion begins as a protective mechanism
dency or social isolation and disen- ent framework is provided through in the face of overwhelming trauma,
gagement). which to interpret experience. it can develop into a problematic dis-
Following the identification of an order. Chronic trauma exposure may

Toddlers or preschool-aged chil-

dren with complex trauma histories
The early caregiving relationship provides the
are at risk for failing to develop brain
capacities necessary for regulating
primary context within which children learn
emotions in response to stress. Trau- about themselves, their emotions, and their
ma interferes with the integration of
left and right hemisphere brain func- relationships with others.
tioning, such that a child cannot ac-
cess rational thought in the face of
overwhelming emotion. Abused and emotional state, a child must be able lead to an over-reliance on dissocia-
neglected children are then prone to express emotions safely and to ad- tion as a coping mechanism that, in
to react with extreme helplessness, just or regulate internal experience. turn, can exacerbate difficulties with
confusion, withdrawal, or rage when Complexly traumatized children behavioral management, affect regu-
stressed. show impairment in both of these lation, and self-concept.
In middle childhood and adoles- skills. Because they have difficulty in
cence, the most rapidly developing both self-regulating and self-soothing,
Behavioral Regulation
brain areas are those that are crucial these children may display dissocia-
for success in forming interpersonal tion, chronic numbing of emotional Complex childhood trauma is asso-
relationships and solving problems. experience, dysphoria and avoidance ciated with both under-controlled and
Traumatic stressors or deficits in self- of emotional situations (including over-controlled behavior patterns.
regulatory abilities impede this devel- positive experiences), and maladap- As early as the second year of life,
opment, and can lead to difficulties in tive coping strategies (e.g., substance abused children may demonstrate rig-

focal point 5
idly controlled behavior patterns, in- ciated with lower grades and poorer negative affect than nontraumatized
cluding compulsive compliance with scores on standardized tests and children. In preschool, traumatized
adult requests, resistance to changes other indices of academic achieve- children are more resistant to talk-
in routine, inflexible bathroom ritu- ment. Maltreated children have three ing about internal states, particularly
als, and rigid control of food intake. times the dropout rate of the general those they perceive as negative. Trau-
Childhood victimization also has population. These findings have been matized children have problems esti-
been shown to be associated with the demonstrated across a variety of trau- mating their own competence. Early
development of aggressive behavior ma exposures (e.g., physical abuse, exaggerations of competence in pre-
and oppositional defiant disorder. sexual abuse, neglect, and exposure school shift to significantly lowered
An alternative way of understand- to domestic violence) and cannot be estimates of self-competence by late
ing the behavioral patterns of chroni- accounted for by the effects of other elementary school. By adulthood,
cally traumatized children is that psychosocial stressors such as pov- they tend to suffer from a high degree
they represent children’s defensive erty. of self-blame.
adaptations to overwhelming stress.
Children may reenact behavior- Family Context
al aspects of their trauma (e.g.,
through aggression, or self-injuri- The family, particularly the child’s
ous or sexualized behaviors) as mother, plays a crucial role in de-
automatic behavioral reactions to termining how the child adapts to
trauma reminders or as attempts experiencing trauma. In the after-
to gain mastery or control over math of trauma, family support
their experiences. In the absence and parents’ emotional functioning
of more advanced coping strate- strongly mitigate the development
gies, traumatized children may use of PTSD symptoms and enhance
drugs or alcohol in order to avoid a child’s capacity to resolve the
experiencing intolerable levels of symptoms.
emotional arousal. Similarly, in There are three main elements in
the absence of knowledge of how caregivers’ supportive responses to
to form healthy interpersonal rela- their children’s trauma:
tionships, sexually abused children
may engage in sexual behaviors in 1. Believing and validating the
order to achieve acceptance and child’s experience,
intimacy. 2. Tolerating the child’s affect, and
3. Managing the caregiver’s own
Cognition emotional response.
Prospective studies have shown Self-Concept When a caregiver denies the child’s
that children of abusive and neglect- experiences, the child is forced to act
ful parents demonstrate impaired The early caregiver relationship has as if the trauma did not occur. The
cognitive functioning by late infancy a profound effect on a child’s devel- child also learns she cannot trust the
when compared with nonabused opment of a coherent sense of self. primary caregiver and does not learn
children. The sensory and emotional Responsive, sensitive caretaking and to use language to deal with adver-
deprivation associated with neglect positive early life experiences allow sity. It is important to note that it is
appears to be particularly detrimental a child to develop a model of self not caregiver distress per se that is
to cognitive development; neglected as generally worthy and competent. necessarily detrimental to the child.
infants and toddlers demonstrate de- In contrast, repetitive experiences of Instead, when the caregiver’s distress
lays in expressive and receptive lan- harm and/or rejection by significant overrides or diverts attention away
guage development, as well as deficits others and the associated failure to from the needs of the child, the child
in overall IQ. By early childhood, develop age-appropriate competen- may be adversely affected. Children
maltreated children demonstrate less cies are likely to lead to a sense of may respond to their caregiver’s dis-
flexibility and creativity in problem- self as ineffective, helpless, deficient, tress by avoiding or suppressing their
solving tasks than same-age peers. and unlovable. Children who perceive own feelings or behaviors, by avoiding
Children and adolescents with a di- themselves as powerless or incompe- the caregiver altogether, or by becom-
agnosis of PTSD secondary to abuse tent and who expect others to reject ing “parentified” and attempting to
or witnessing violence demonstrate and despise them are more likely to reduce the distress of the caregiver.
deficits in attention, abstract reason- blame themselves for negative experi- Caregivers who have had impaired
ing, and problem solving. ences and have problems eliciting and relationships with attachment figures
By early elementary school, mal- responding to social support. in their own lives are especially vul-
treated children are more frequently By 18 months, maltreated toddlers nerable to problems in raising their
referred for special education servic- already are more likely to respond own children. Caregivers with his-
es. A history of maltreatment is asso- to self-recognition with neutral or tories of childhood complex trauma

6 focal point
may avoid experiencing their own motivation to act effectively in one’s 2. Self-regulation: Enhancing a
emotions, which may make it difficult environment. Additional individual child’s capacity to modulate arous-
for them to respond appropriately to factors associated with resilience in- al and restore equilibrium following
their child’s emotional state. Parents clude an easygoing disposition, posi- disregulation of affect, behavior,
and guardians may see a child’s be- tive temperament, and sociable de- physiology, cognition, interperson-
havioral responses to trauma as a meanor; internal locus of control and al relatedness and self-attribution.
personal threat or provocation, rather external attributions for blame; effec- 3. Self-reflective information pro-
than as a reenactment of what hap- tive coping strategies; a high degree cessing: Helping the child con-
pened to the child or a behavioral of mastery and autonomy; special struct self-narratives, reflect on past
representation of what the child can- talents; creativity; and spirituality. and present experience, and devel-
not express verbally. The victimized The greatest threats to resilience op skills in planning and decision
child’s simultaneous need for and fear appear to follow the breakdown of making.
of closeness also can trigger a caregiv- protective systems. This results in 4. Traumatic experiences integra-
er’s own memories of loss, rejection, damage to brain development and as- tion: Enabling the child to trans-
or abuse, and thus diminish parenting sociated cognitive and self-regulatory form or resolve traumatic reminders
abilities. capacities, compromised caregiver- and memories using such therapeu-
child relationships, and loss of moti- tic strategies as meaning-making,
Ethnocultural Issues vation to interact with one’s environ- traumatic memory containment
ment. or processing, remembrance and
Children’s risk of exposure to com- mourning of the traumatic loss,
plex trauma, as well as child and Assessment and Treatment symptom management and devel-
family responses to exposure, can opment of coping skills, and culti-
also be affected by where they live Regardless of the type of trauma vation of present-oriented thinking
and by their ethnocultural heritage that leads to a referral for services, the and behavior.
and traditions. For example, war and first step in care is a comprehensive 5. Relational engagement: Teach-
genocide are prevalent in some parts assessment. A comprehensive assess- ing the child to form appropriate at-
of the world, and inner cities are fre- ment of complex trauma includes in- tachments and to apply this knowl-
quently plagued with high levels of formation from a number of sources, edge to current interpersonal rela-
violence and racial tension. Children, including the child’s or adolescent’s tionships, including the therapeutic
parents, teachers, religious leaders, own disclosures, collateral reports alliance, with emphasis on develop-
and the media from different cultural, from caregivers and other providers, ment of such critical interpersonal
national, linguistic, spiritual, and eth- the therapist’s observations, and stan- skills as assertiveness, cooperation,
nic backgrounds define key trauma- dardized assessment measures that perspective-taking, boundaries and
related constructs in many different have been completed by the limit-setting, reciprocity, social em-
ways and with different expressions. child, caregiver, and, if pos-
For example, flashbacks may be “vi- sible, by the child’s teacher.
sions,” hyperarousal may be “un Assessments should be cultur-
ataque de nervios,” and dissociation ally sensitive and language-ap-
may be “spirit possession.” These fac- propriate. Court evaluations,
tors become important when consid- where required, must be con-
ering how to treat the child. ducted in a forensically sound
and clinically rigorous man-
Resilience Factors ner.
The National Child Trau-
While exposure to complex trauma matic Stress Network is a
has a potentially devastating impact partnership of organizations
on the developing child, there is also and individuals committed to
the possibility that a victimized child raising the standard of care for
may function well in certain domains traumatized children nation-
while exhibiting distress in others. wide. The Complex Trauma
Areas of competence also can shift as Workgroup of the National
children are faced with new stressors Child Traumatic Stress Net-
and developmental challenges. Sev- work has identified six core
eral factors have been shown to be components of complex trau-
linked to children’s resilience in the ma intervention:
face of stress: positive attachment and
connections to emotionally support- 1. Safety: Creating a home,
ive and competent adults within the school, and community
family or community, development of environment in which the
cognitive and self-regulation abilities, child feels safe and cared
and positive beliefs about oneself and for.

focal point 7
pathy, and the capacity for physical al components play a critical role in Lanktree, C., Blaustein, M.; Cloitre,
and emotional intimacy. helping children to develop in posi- M, DeRosa, R., Hubbard, R., Kagan,
6. Positive affect enhancement: tive, healthy ways, and to avoid future R., Liautaud, J., Mallah, K., Olafson,
Enhancing a child’s sense of self- trauma and victimization. E., & van der Kolk, B. (2005). Com-
worth, esteem and positive self-ap- While it may be beneficial for some plex trauma in children and adoles-
praisal through the cultivation of children affected by complex trauma cents. Psychiatric Annals, 35, 390-398.
personal creativity, imagination, to process their traumatic memories,
future orientation, achievement, this typically can only be success- Cook, A., Blaustein, M., Spinazzola,
competence, mastery-seeking, com- fully undertaken after a substantial J, & van der Kolk, B. (Eds.). Complex
munity-building and the capacity to period of stabilization in which inter- trauma in children and adolescents. Na-
experience pleasure. nal and external resources have been tional Child Traumatic Stress Net-
established. Notably, several of the work.
In light of the many individual and leading interventions for child com- do?pid=typ_ct
contextual differences in the lives of plex trauma do not include revisiting
children and adolescents affected by traumatic memories but instead foster
complex trauma, good treatment re- integration of traumatic experiences Authors
quires the flexible adaptation of treat- through a focus on recognizing and
ment strategies in response to such fac- coping with present triggers within a Alexandra Cook, Joseph
tors as patient age and developmental trauma framework. Spinazzola, Julian Ford, Cheryl
stage, gender, culture and ethnicity, Best practice with this population Lanktree, Margaret Blaustein,
socioeconomic status, and religious typically involves adoption of a sys- Caryll Sprague, Marylene
or community affiliation. However, tems approach to intervention, which Cloitre, Ruth DeRosa, Rebecca
in general, it is recommended that might involve working with child Hubbard, Richard Kagan, Joan
treatment proceed through a series of protective services, the court system, Liautaud, Karen Mallah, Erna
phases that focus on different goals.
the schools, and social service agen- Olafson, Bessel van der Kolk.
This can help avoid overloading chil-
cies. Finally, there is a consensus that
dren—who may well already have
interventions should build strengths
cognitive difficulties—with too much
as well as reduce symptoms. In this The authors wish to acknowledge the con-
information at one time. A phase-
way, treatment for children and ado- tributions of the Complex Trauma Work-
based approach begins with a focus on
lescents also serves to protect against group of the National Child Traumatic
providing safety, typically followed by
poor outcomes in adulthood. Stress Network.
teaching self-regulation. As children’s
capacity to identify, modulate and ex-
press their emotions stabilizes, treat-
ment focus increasingly incorporates
This article has been adapted from
self-reflective information processing,
the following sources:
relational engagement, and positive
Cook, A., Spinazzola, J., Ford, J.,
affect enhancement. These addition-

Building on Family Strengths:
Research and Ser vices in Support of Children and their Families

Effective Services for ALL: Strategies to Promote Mental

Health and Thriving for Underserved Children and Families

May 31 - June 2, 2007:

Portland, Oregon

8 focal point

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