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The Myths of Innovation by Scott Berkun

Myth #1: The Myth of the Epiphany

 An epiphany only comes when you’ve put in all the hard work. It’s just the final piece in a
1000 piece puzzle
 When inventors are asked how they came up with their idea they say “it just came to me”,
and have some interesting story about how the idea formed in their head. They don’t say
“after 1000 hours of research the idea became obvious”, because it’s boring. Stories about
epiphany’s are interesting and exciting and give us hope that we will have one
 The most useful way to think of epiphany is an occasional bonus of working on tough

Myth #2: We Understand the History of Innovation

 Don’t think of history as a single line from the past to the present, think of it as thousands of
branches on an enormous tree. Thousands of those branches of innovation come to
nothing, and a few innovations become mainstream.
 Timelines show only one path of the full tree of innovation and ignore all the failed attempts.

Myth #3: There is a Method For Innovation

 Nope. The best advice is “It doesn’t matter where you start, as long as you start” – John
 The majority of innovations come from dedicated people in a field working hard to solve a
well-defined problem. Not sexy, but it’s the truth.
 Sometimes, during that hard work, an unexpected opportunity emerges and is pursued
midway through the work. Eg Art Fry at 3M invented weak glue that he didn’t know what to
do with. Post It’s were born. Tea bags were first used as packaging for loose tea samples.
Microwaves were an unexpected discharge from a radar system that melted the scientists
chocolate bar in his pocket
 Innovations can be driven by curiosity, wealth and money, necessity, or a combination

Myth #4: People Love New Ideas

 Nope. Because it disturbs the status quo. And companies who you think might buy your
innovation can’t change direction – it’s too risky. So often, inventors start their own
companies because they can’t sell their ideas
 We prefer ideas only after others have tested them. We confuse truly new ideas with good
ideas that have already been proven, which just happen to be new to us.

5 Factors That Define How Quickly An Innovation Will Spread

 Relative Advantage. What value does the new thing have compared to the old? This is
perceived advantage, determined by the potential consumer of the innovation, not its
makers. This makes it possible for a valueless innovation – from the creator’s perspective –
to gain acceptance, while more valuable ones do not. Perceived advantage is built on factors
that include economics, prestige, convenience, fashion, and satisfaction
 Compatibility. How much effort is required to transition from the current thing to the
innovation? If this cost is greater than the relative advantage, most people won’t try the
innovation. These costs include people’s value systems, finances, habits, or personal
beliefs. Technological compatibility is only part of what makes an innovation spread: the
innovation has to be compatible with habits, beliefs, values, and lifestyles.
 Complexity. How much learning is required to apply the innovation? If a box of free, high-
quality, infinite battery-life cell phones (and matching solar-powered cell towers) mysteriously
appeared in 9th century England, usage would stay at 0%, as the innovation requires a jump
in complexity that would terrify people. The smaller the perceived conceptual gap, the higher
the rate of acceptance.
 Trialability. How easy is it to try the innovation? Teabags were first used as giveaways so
people could sample tea without buying large tins, radically improving the trialability of
brewed tea. Samples, giveaways, and demonstrations are centuries old techniques for
making it risk-free to try new ideas. The easier it is to try, the faster innovations diffuse.
 Observability. How visible are the results of the innovation? The more visible the perceived
advantage, the faster the rate of adoption, especially within social groups. Fashion fads are
a great example of highly observable innovations that have little value beyond their
observability. Advertising fakes observability. Many technologies have limited observability,
say, software device drivers, compared to physical products like mobile phones which
people use socially.

Myth #5: The Lone Inventor

 Edison didn’t work alone – but he did get all the credit. Hundreds of mini inventions paved
the way for him – filaments, glass blowing, electricity etc
 It is convenient to tell the story of the lone inventor though – Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, etc.
Neil Armstrong was the first to walk on the moon, but 500,000 people at NASA helped.
 Every component in an innovation (eg Television set) represents a long train of inventions.
All inventions reuse ideas from the past

Myth #6: Good Ideas Are Hard to Find

 Rubbish. Humans are highly creative. Einstein said “Imagination is more important than

Idea Finding Techniques Used by Innovators

 Brainstorming
 Produce as many ideas as possible
 Produce ideas as wild as possible
 Build upon each others ideas
 Avoid passing judgement
 Journal
 My field
 Other fields
 Collaboration
 Experimentation
 Improvisation
 Prototyping
 Mediation

Myth #7: Your Boss Knows More About Innovation Than

 It is natural for people to protect what they know instead of leaping into the unknown
 Innovations always threaten someone in power

Myth #8: The Best Ideas Win

 The best ideas don’t always win, but that doesn’t stop people from believing they
should. We believe that the good guys should win, but often they don’t
 Fictional legends are in our face all the time that drive this myth: James Bond, MacGyver,
Indiana Jones, John McClane (Die Hard), Captain Kirk. They all have better ideas so they
 “If you build it, they will come” sentiment is alive and strong

7 Factors That Affect Innovation Diffusion

 Culture. The Japanese invented firearms years before Europeans. But their culture saw the
sword as a symbol of their values: craftsmanship, honour, and respect. Despite the
advantages of using firearms, the innovation was ignored and seen as a disgraceful way to
kill. Innovations do change societies, but they must first gain acceptance by aligning with
existing values.
 Dominant Design. The QWERTY keyboard was invented to stop typewriters sticking, but
the design has stuck. Many dominant designs achieve popularity on the back of another
innovation. Better designs might follow, but to gain acceptance, they must improve on that
dominant idea by a sufficient margin to justify the cost of the switch (eg relearning how to
type). The more dominant the design, the more expensive those costs are (eg try innovating
or unifying the shape of electric plugs around the world)
 Inheritance and tradition. The US rejection of the metric system is tied to tradition. Some
people confuse comfort for a belief with it actually being good; therefore, inherited ideas are
often protected by the very people they hurt in the name of honouring the beliefs of their
parents and the past
 Politics: who benefits? The interests of those in power influenced the adoption, or
rejection, of every innovation in history. Hunger, war and poverty are tough problems, but it’s
in someone’s interest for those problems to continue. Any innovation aimed at solving those
problems must consider politics for it to succeed.
 Economics. Innovation is expensive. Will the costs of changing to the new thing be worth it?
Everyone might agree that an innovation is better in the abstract, but the financing required
might be impossible or the risks unreasonable. Dominant designs are expensive to replace.
Often there is only time or money for innovating in one area; other innovations are rejected,
not on their merits, but on their value to the priorities of the moment.
 Goodness is subjective. Consumer difference sin values, tastes, and opinions are rarely
explored until after an innovation has been proposed, or even built, leaving innovators with
creations the public does not want. Smart innovators study their customers, mastering their
needs early enough that hose factors can be useful. Eg VHS was adopted because of the 3
hour tape – long enough for movies, whereas Beta tapes were 1 hour. The superior video
quality wasn’t as important
 Short-term vs long-term thinking. How long does this innovation need to be used for?
Many superior ideas are rejected by societies interested in cheaper, shorter-term gains. Eg
removing trolleys and trams for more car lanes – cities now regret that move.
Myth #9: Problems and Solutions
 Discovering problems actually requires just as much creativity as discovering solutions.
There are many ways to look at any problem, and realising a problem is often the first step
toward a creative solution. John Dewey “A properly defined problem is partially solved”
 Frame the problem by picking strong goals – eg Edison’s goal wasn’t “make a working light
bulb”, but “make an electricity system cities can use to adopt my lights”. Hawkins (the
inventor of Palm Pilot) wrote a list of goals: fits in a shirt pocket, syncs seamlessly with PC,
fast and easy to use, no more than $299.

Myth #10: Innovation is Always Good

 All innovations combine good and bad effects regardless of the intention of the innovator or
how well designed they are
 Innovations are unpredictable – eg DDT, automobiles, the internet
Eight Ways To Create Space
For Innovation

In a previous article, I wrote about the myth of the innovation

lab and how intrapreneurs need to focus a good proportion of
their time on stakeholder management. A reality that we cannot
deny is that innovators who work in established companies face
immense cultural challenges. It is these challenges that often
trigger the creation of innovation labs. What intrapreneurs are
looking for is a space to innovate, away from the interference of
corporate antibodies.

This need for a space to innovate is understandable. However, I

have observed that intrapreneurs tend to spend a lot their time
negotiating with leadership for physical spaces. Once created,
these physical spaces are great places to work. They are
designed as expressions of startup culture and they can be quite

But this is not enough. Being given a physical space for

innovation does not mean that you have been given space to
innovate. In order to overcome the myth of the innovation lab,
intrapreneurs need to fight just as hard for other types of spaces
to innovate beyond the physical space. Below are eight critical
ways to create space for innovation.

1. Strategic Space: This involves working with leadership to

make innovation an explicit part of corporate strategy. As
part of our stakeholder management work, we should be
working with our leaders to help them think about the future
and how the company is going to use innovation to respond.
Leaders can then make clear decisions about what the
company will (and will not) focus on with regards to
innovation. Creating space for innovation within our
corporate strategy is fundamental to our success. This is
because a clear innovation strategy makes it easy for
intrapreneurs to choose to work on projects that they know
matter to their company.
2. Portfolio Space: We need to create space for new
innovations within our company’s portfolio of products and
services. I have found that it is relatively easy for leaders to
invest in incremental improvements to current products.
Transformational innovation, where companies make new
products for new markets, is much more difficult to
accomplish. As such, innovators need to help leaders define
their innovation ambitions. This involves deciding on the
portfolio balance that we want to achieve as a company (i.e.
core vs. adjacent vs. transformational). By making our
innovation ambitions explicit, we have a way to create
portfolio space for new products. We can then figure out how
to track progress and ensure that we are delivering on our
3. Financial Space: Even with a clear strategy for
innovation, leaders can fail to protect their investments in
innovation from budget cuts within the core business. The
tentacles of these cuts often reach the innovation lab, even if
it is in a separate physical location. Without a protected
budget, there is no financial space for innovation. Funding
can be cut at anytime and this means that innovation
projects are less likely to have sustained success. To succeed
in the long term, we need corporate leaders to create
financial space by protecting investments in innovation from
budget cuts.
4. Management Space: Innovation represents a different
way of working. Contemporary intrapreneurs use lean
startup methods that involve experimentation and iterative
product development. This new way of working cannot be
managed using the same processes and tools we use for
managing our company’s core products. Instead, companies
need to create management space for innovation. This is
done by using a different set of tools for managing early
stage product development. These tools should help leaders
ask the right questions at the right time and help teams make
decisions about what to do next.
5. Time Space: As Gary Hamel notes, it is impossible to
sustain innovation within the small shards of free time that
we have within our day jobs. A lot intrapreneurs I work with
are frustrated by the limited amount of time they have to
work on new ideas. This may be one of the benefits of having
a separate innovation lab where people can go and work on
projects for a period of time. However, I have also been in
companies with cool innovation spaces that never get used.
Just as leaders need to protect investments in innovation,
they also need to allot and protect time for intrapreneurs to
focus on developing new products and services.
6. Learning Space: Innovation requires people to learn new
skills. There is no point getting resources and time if we are
not going to use them well. Most people in established
companies people are used to working in traditional ways. As
such, we need to create spaces for learning. As innovators,
we need to train our colleagues across different functions on
the new ways of working (e.g. lean startup and design
thinking). This will be useful later when we need their
support for our projects.
7. Space To Fail: Innovation is about trying out new ideas
and sometimes, things don’t go as planned. Most product
ideas fail. But the more things we try, the more likely we are
to find something that works. This means that intrapreneurs
need space to fail and learn. For innovation to flourish,
leadership must embrace and celebrate this failure. It is
easier for leaders to accept and learn from failure if they
make small incremental bets in new ideas, track progress
and only double down on those ideas that show the most
8. Space To Scale: One of the worst things that can happen to
intrapreneurs is to develop a really good product with a great
business model, only to find that your company is unwilling
to take it to scale. This is the problem of success. Sometimes
this challenge arises due to a lack of strategic alignment. The
challenge can also arise if the new product we are developing
cannibalises a currently successful core product. What we
need is an explicit commitment from key stakeholders that if
we do the hard work of finding a great business model, they
will invest in taking it to scale.

In my opinion, the above eight ways to create space for

innovation are more important than a physical space. They are
much more fundamental to the sustained success of innovation.
The physical labs and innovation rooms should only act as
expressions of these eight spaces. In fact, if you have these eight
spaces within your company you may not even need to setup an
innovation lab. You will have succeeded in creating authentic
space to innovate.

But getting the above eight spaces for innovation is a difficult

task because it ultimately involves leadership decisions. This
further highlights the need for intrapreneurs to engage in
stakeholder management. If you set up an innovation lab
without being given these eight spaces to innovate by your
leadership, then you are actively participating in innovation
theatre — and you will need to be a very good actor!

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