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The world have yet so unfair, even though some people are good they have been
struggling really hard. Sometimes, I had thinking God is really powerful to give us
problem and to test our faith to Him. This true to life movie I had watched in the
REEXSPI subject really an eye opener to the viewers how God loves us in a different
way and with a twist.

Miracles in Heaven is a true story movie that shown the religious experience of a family.
The movie have A ten year old godly Annabelle lives a normal life together with her
family. Until her mother Christy, immediately recognizes her daughter has something
serious in her. At first, the doctors did not find the sickness of Anna until they are
preferred to the Boston. After that they went to Boston, but unfortunately Dr. Nurko have
an outside. By that, the waitress in the hotel where Christy and Anna have checked in
had conducted to a tour in Boston just to have fun in behalf of Anna’s severe sickness.
While they are in the hospital many scene have gone.

Other people doubt if heaven is real or do God really exist I believe that this experience
will cannot be explained by scientific explanations Even though heaven is not a focus of
the story, the movie does make some attempt at recreating Anna’s vision of heaven. I
can see how Anna experienced heaven in how she guided by our Lord. This movie has
also strengthen my faith because when the life of Anna have in very down situation how
about me that just a simple life. Anna have very young age still hold on by her faith, I
think if I have in that situation I really have issue with God on why He has done to me. I
am blessed that I watched this movie to reflect in my own way on how I will strengthen
my faith in God. And by that, I realize that God have better plans for us just believe in
Him, even when we struggling very hard situation we must believe and strengthen our
faith in Him.

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