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Journal of Cognitive Psychology

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Frequency of finger looking during finger counting

is related to children's working memory capacities

Anne-Françoise de Chambrier, Catherine Thevenot, Pierre Barrouillet &

Pascal Zesiger

To cite this article: Anne-Françoise de Chambrier, Catherine Thevenot, Pierre Barrouillet

& Pascal Zesiger (2018) Frequency of finger looking during finger counting is related to
children's working memory capacities, Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 30:5-6, 503-510, DOI:

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Published online: 22 Jul 2018.

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2018, VOL. 30, NOS. 5–6, 503–510

Frequency of finger looking during finger counting is related to children’s

working memory capacities
Anne-Françoise de Chambriera, Catherine Thevenotb, Pierre Barrouilletc and Pascal Zesigerc
Special Needs Education Unit, University of Teacher Education from State of Vaud, Lausanne, Switzerland; bInstitute of Psychology,
University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; cFaculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Geneva, Geneva,


Finger counting can be useful in solving arithmetic problems, noticeably because it Received 20 July 2017
reduces the working memory demand of mental calculations. However, proprioceptive Accepted 9 July 2018
information might not be sufficient to keep track of the number of fingers raised
during problem solving, and visual input may play an important role in this process. Numerical cognition; mental
The present study was designed to address this question and shows that 8-year-old arithmetic; arithmetic
children look at their fingers in 60% of the trials during finger counting when solving strategies; finger use;
additive problems. Moreover, our results reveal that the frequency of finger looking is working memory
negatively correlated with working memory capacities and is higher for more difficult
problems. These findings suggest that finger looking is recruited in managing the
cognitive demand of the arithmetic task, probably by providing additional external
cues to monitor the number of steps that have to be incremented during finger counting.

start to count from the largest addend (for 3 + 5, “6,
Arithmetic skill development in children has been 7, 8”) (Groen & Parkman, 1972; Svenson, 1975). The
widely studied over the past four decades, and, min procedure becomes predominant during the
more recently, a link between fingers and number first grade and is supported by the use of fingers
processing has been established (Berteletti & up to the second grade or beyond (Geary, Hoard,
Booth, 2016 for a review). The use of fingers in Byrd-Craven, & Catherine DeSoto, 2004; Lecointre,
numerical tasks does not seem mandatory for the Lépine, & Camos, 2005; Ostad, 1997).
acquisition of good numerical skills (Crollen, Mahe, The use of finger counting is very commonly
Collignon, & Seron, 2011), but may provide useful considered as helping children to keep track of
support to children during the first steps of arith- the counting and calculation steps, and, conse-
metic learning (e.g. Butterworth, 1999; Wasner, quently, helps them to release a part of the signifi-
Moeller, Fisher, & Nuerk, 2014). cant working memory load inherent in counting
Indeed, during the first developmental stages of tasks (Alibali & DiRusso, 1999; Crollen & Noël,
arithmetic strategies, children often rely on counting 2015; Geary, 1994). Indeed, counting procedures
procedures involving fingers (Geary & Burlingham- involve both maintaining partial information and
Dubree, 1989; Siegler & Robinson, 1982). For processing new information, which is particularly
example, when solving additive problems, they demanding. More precisely, during counting tasks,
initially use the “counting all” procedure, which con- children have to recite the verbal numerical
sists of representing both operands on fingers and sequence while coordinating and monitoring the
counting all of them (Fuson, 1982; Siegler & number of steps that have to be incremented
Shrager, 1984). Then, they progressively adopt strat- and, at the same time, they have to remember
egies in which they count from one of the addends. the problem to be solved (Noël, Seron, & Trovarelli,
Children can count from the first operand (for 3 + 5, 2004). The high cognitive cost of this counting pro-
“4, 5, 6, 7, 8”) or directly use the more sophisticated cedure can be relieved by physically instantiating
and less demanding “min” procedure whereby they the quantities to be added. In this way, fingers

CONTACT Anne-Françoise de Chambrier

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constitute ideal tools for endorsing a part of this less conventionally than their sighted peers. Fur-
cognitive demand because they can act as incre- thermore, Crollen et al. (2014) found that, relative
mental external counters (Alibali & DiRusso, 1999; to sighted and late-blind participants, early-blind
Costa et al., 2011; Crollen & Noël, 2015). In line individuals are not affected by hand movement
with this, many studies showed that from the interference in an enumeration task. In sighted par-
middle of the primary school, children with lower ticipants, this disruption is interpreted within a
working memory use finger counting more fre- functional framework which assumes that finger
quently (Geary, 1993; Geary et al., 2004; Barrouillet counting constitutes one of the bases for the
& Lépine, 2005). Moreover, Berteletti and Booth development of counting and arithmetic (Crollen
(2015) demonstrated that activation in finger & Noël, 2015; Michaux, Masson, Pesenti, & Andres,
motor areas increased with the size of the pro- 2013). The lack of interference between hand
blems to solve, and so with the number of steps movements and enumeration performance in
required to solve the problems. According to early blind individuals suggests that finger count-
many researchers (LeFevre, DeStefano, Coleman, & ing is not as important for them in their develop-
Shanahan, 2005), the number of steps required to ment of numerical skills. This might precisely be
solve the problems represents a variation in com- due to their impossibility to see their fingers
plexity that is linked to working memory while counting. Conversely, late blind and controls
demands. For example, Hecht (2002) found, on pro- are affected by hand-motor interference probably
blems up to 8 + 9 solved by min counting, that the because developmental vision allows to implement
more counts had to be made, the more the sec- the close connection between fingers and count-
ondary tasks disrupting central executive caused ing. The authors also underline that early blindness
interference. Thus, the higher somatosensory acti- does not prevent individuals to have numerical
vation found by Berteletti and Booth (2015) in skills that are similar to the other groups. As a con-
finger motor areas for larger problems is inter- clusion, these studies show that while vision and
preted as a greater reliance on finger counting finger counting are not mandatory to have good
when the size of the problems – and therefore numerical skills, visual cues provide an important
when the working memory load – increase. Still, interface allowing fingers to act as a valuable tool
in order to benefit from the use of fingers as exter- in counting (Crollen et al., 2014). In fact, and as
nal place-holders, children need to know the exact suggested by Crollen et al. (2011), the role of
number of fingers already raised and of those still fingers in relieving working memory load during
to be raised, which is not necessarily possible in a arithmetic calculations could in part be owed to
purely proprioceptive way. finger looking. Dormal, Crollen, Baumans, Lepore,
Therefore, looking at fingers could constitute an and Collignon (2016) even suggest that blind indi-
important source of information for accurate finger viduals compensate for the lack of visual cues
counting. This is supported by a series of studies during arithmetic by their enhanced working
showing that children and adults are quicker to memory abilities.
determine the number of fingers raised when Therefore, and conversely, poor working memory
they are presented in a canonical rather than an resources should lead to an increased need for visual
atypical configuration (Di Luca & Pesenti, 2008; input during finger counting. Thus, arithmetic pro-
Lafay, Thevenot, Castel, & Fayol, 2013; Noël, 2005; blems that are especially demanding should also
Thevenot et al., 2014). This ability to better identify elicit higher frequencies of finger looking than
finger patterns as they are commonly seen pro- easier problems. In order to test these assumptions,
vides supporting evidence for the visual com- and to better understand the role of finger looking
ponent of finger representations. Even more in during finger counting, we observed second
line with the objective of the current study, graders’ strategies and performance in a single-
recent research involving blind individuals have digit addition task. We selected second graders
suggested that visual input may play a critical because we know that finger counting frequency
role in the development of finger counting. increases up to the Fall of the second grade
Indeed, Crollen et al. (2011) showed that although (Jordan, Kaplan, Ramineni, & Locuniak, 2008). Chil-
blind and sighted children achieve similar levels dren’s working memory skills were assessed using
of counting and finger discrimination, blind chil- the counting span and the listening span tasks. We
dren use finger counting less spontaneously and predicted that finger looking frequency would be

inversely related to working memory capacity, and to identify the arithmetic strategies used, children
would positively correlate with problem complexity. were video-recorded while performing the tasks.
The experimenter was on the left side of the children
and the camera was positioned at two metres in the
Method diagonal front-right of them in order to see whether
Participants they used finger-counting and if so, whether they
looked at them. The camera was positioned on a
Fifty-eight children (34 boys) aged 7 years and 9 tripod at one metre high, in order to film whether
months on average (SD = 0;3; range from 7;0 to children used their fingers even under the table.
8;8) were recruited in three different French-speak- The experimenter coded, during the task and later
ing elementary mainstream schools. The selected through the videos, how fingers were used. The
schools were composed of mixed-class families. finger counting strategies were classified as “min”,
“counting from the first” or “counting all”; and as
Material “with” or “without finger looking”. Finger looking
was coded binary in terms of presence or absence
The data were collected as a part of a larger study on per trial. Trials in which fingers were looked at
the cognitive processes associated to arithmetic least once, even briefly, were considered as trials
skills. The other tasks administered within this with finger looking and coded 1. A second exper-
larger study were phonological awareness and imenter, blind to the conditions, watched 10% of
number magnitude tasks. Only the tasks that were the 696 trials and had to note if she could detect
used for the current research question are detailed finger counting. Where appropriate, she had to
below. note where the counting began (form the larger
operand, from the smaller operand or from one) as
Arithmetic task well as if finger looking was used. The inter-rater
The original task comprised 50 single-digit additions reliability was very high, r(56) = .889, p < .001.
with operands ranging from 2 to 9. Ties and pro- Finger counting and finger looking frequencies
blems with sums up to 10 were excluded from the were averaged across the problems.
analyses of the present study because they were
mainly solved using covert strategies and rarely Working memory tasks
involved finger use. Thus, the analyses were con- Working memory was assessed using the counting
ducted on the remaining 24 addition problems span and the listening span tasks. In the counting
with sums >10, thereby giving rise to a substantial span task, children had to count the red dots
amount of finger-counting. These 24 addition pro- amongst red and blue dots on a computer screen.
blems were presented into two separate sets of 12 There were from two to nine targeted red dots on
problems rigorously matched by problem size and each screen. At the end of a series of screens, chil-
by the number of problems having the larger dren had to recall in the correct order the totals
operand first (see Appendix). Half of the children reached in the series. In the listening span task, chil-
were presented with the first set and the other dren were required to determine whether aurally
half with the second set. presented sentences were true or false while
The problems were aurally presented through the remembering their last word (e.g. “dogs drink
computer loudspeakers (ProBook 4510s). This aural water” or “flowers make noise”). At the end of a
presentation was chosen so that the eyes of children series of sentences, children had to repeat the last
were more free than in a condition in which the pro- word of each sentence in the correct order. For
blems are visually presented on a screen. Answers both tasks, three series with the same number of
had to be given orally. One practice item preceded items were provided, and the number of items in
the test phase. Children were asked to respond as the series progressively increased from 2 to 6
correctly and as quickly as possible, and it was (three series of two screen/sentences, three series
emphasised that they could solve the problems of three screens/sentences, three series of four
any way they wanted. The computer was on a screen/sentences … up to three series of six
table, in front of which children were slightly taken screens/sentences). For both tasks, two series of
away, in order to let them the opportunity to look two items were administered as a practice trial.
at their fingers when using them beneath. In order Both tasks ended when the child failed to recall

Table 1. Mean reaction time, mean accuracy, range and Table 2. Correlations between finger looking frequency,
group differences for the two sets of problems. working memory and finger counting frequency (N = 58
Set 1 Set 2 t (27) p except for finger looking, N = 42).
Mean RT 6.12 (1.44) 6.5 (1.49) .99 .88 1 2 3
Range 3.88–9.22 4.42–9.56 1. Finger looking – −.40** .09
Mean accuracy 89.7% (12.7) 88.2% (11.7) .45 .54 2. Working memory - −.22
Range 58–100% 58–100% 3. Finger counting –
Significance threshold have been adjusted using a Bonferroni correc-
tion, **p < .008.
two series of a given length. One point was attribu-
ted for each correctly recalled series.
calculating a Bayes Factor (BF), which computes a
weighted average likelihood ratio that indicates
Procedure the relative plausibility of the data under the two
competing hypotheses (i.e. r equals 0 versus r
The arithmetic and working memory tasks were different from 0; for more information about the
administered individually to the children in the advantages of a Bayesian Factor over standard fre-
same session. The experiment took place at the quentist tests regarding correlations, see Wetzels &
middle of the second grade (December – January). Wagenmakers, 2012). A BF value above 1, as calcu-
All the participants had written consent signed by lated by the online available calculator of the Univer-
their parents and the study obtained the agreement sity of Missouri,1 indicates how many times the data
of the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Psychology are as likely to have occurred under the alternative
and Educational Sciences at the University of hypothesis than under the null hypothesis, and the
Geneva. degree of support can be interpreted according to
Jeffreys scale (1961).
Correlational analyses are displayed in Table 2.
For the working memory capacity measure, in
First, Table 1 displays the descriptive statistics and order to obtain a more reliable score that captures
differences for the two sets of 12 problems that more common factor and that is less dependent to
were administered each to half of the children. As the material, we combined the scores obtained in
can be seen, the two sets of problems gave rise to the counting span and the listening span tasks,
very similar results and consecutive analyses were which strongly correlated, r(56) = .48, p < .001, BF =
computed on the scores averaged across the two 168.28. As expected, finger looking frequency nega-
sets. tively correlated with working memory capacity, r
The percentage of correct responses in the (40) = −.40, p = .008, BF = 5.51 (see Figure 1). It is
addition task was high (88%). In all the trials the worth raising that finger looking correlated more
mean percentage of finger counting was 48%, but strongly with the counting span task (r(40) = −.411,
16 children (out of 58) never used their fingers. p = .007, BF = 6.62) but also marginally with the lis-
When children counted on their fingers, they tening span task (r(40) = −.291, p = .062, BF = 1.29).
mainly used the “min” strategy (83%). In contrast, Interestingly, finger counting did not correlate sig-
the “counting from the first addend” strategy was nificantly with working memory capacity, r(56) =
used in only 6% of the trials and the “counting all” −.22, p = .10, BF = 0.86, nor with finger looking, r
strategy in 11% of the trials. The 42 children who (40) = −.09, p = .57, BF = 0.34.
used their fingers at least once looked at them in In order to test whether finger counting and
60% of the problems on average. Seven children finger looking frequencies increased with the cogni-
never looked at their fingers, 13 of them always tive load of the problems as measured by the
looked at them, and 22 children only looked at number of steps required to solve the problem,
them for some of the trials (ranging from 10% to and given that most finger counting strategies con-
91% of the finger counting trials). sisted of incrementing the steps from the larger
In order to test the presence of a relationship addend (i.e. min strategy), the size of the smaller
between the variables of interest, the analyses of addend was entered in an item-level analyses. It
Pearson’s correlations were complemented by appeared that the frequency of both finger


Figure 1. Scatterplot illustrating the correlation between finger looking frequency (Y axis) and working memory skills (X axis).

counting, r(22) = .55, p = .006, BF = 8.21, and finger modest, but significant negative correlation
looking, r(22) = .56, p = .005, BF = 9.49 (see Figure between the two variables. In other words, among
2), increased with the size of the smaller addend. the children who use their fingers to solve additions
in at least one problem, those with lower working
memory resources rely more often on finger
looking than children with higher capabilities. More-
It is already well documented that finger counting over, and still in line with our predictions, we also
can relieve the working memory load associated found a correlation between finger looking and
with the execution of mental arithmetic operations the size of the smaller addend, which determines
(e.g. Crollen & Noël, 2015). In this study, we the working memory demand of the most fre-
studied the role finger looking might play during quently used min strategy. An increase in size of
finger counting and in releasing working memory the smaller addend was indeed accompanied by
resource by testing if finger looking was related to more frequent finger looking. To sum up, this
working memory resource and load. To this end, shows that when children’s working memory
we observed the behaviour of second graders in resources are lower, or when the problems to be
an addition task and tested their working memory solved are cognitively demanding, children more
capacity. often look at their fingers. In accordance with
First, our results indicate that almost half of one- Crollen et al. (2014), it thus appears that the visual
digit additions (i.e. 48%) with a sum above 10 are input during finger counting provides a good plat-
solved by second graders with the help of fingers. form to relieve the memory load of the task.
Moreover, when finger counting is used, children As regards the more precise nature of the role
look at their fingers in 60% of the trials. Interestingly, finger looking might play in arithmetic, it is interest-
most of the children who look at their fingers during ing to note that there was a slight trend towards a
finger counting do not use this strategy systemati- positive correlation between finger looking and
cally for all problems, which shows that finger RTs (r(40) = .27, p = .084). That is, children who
looking is not a rigid personal habit. looked more often at their fingers tended to solve
Concerning the relationship between finger the problems slower. Accuracy on these rather
looking and working memory capacity, our results simple problems was too high to study its link with
are in line with our predictions and reveal a finger looking. Moreover, it should be taken into

Figure 2. Scatterplot illustrating the correlation between finger looking frequency (Y axis) and the size of the smaller operand
(X axis).

account at which point working memory could act the construction of accurate representations and
as a mediator within the links between finger manipulations of small numbers on fingers, it
looking and arithmetic performance. At the current could be insufficient when larger numbers need to
state of the art, our interpretation is that finger be represented on fingers. In this case, finger
looking helps children in coping with the cognitive looking appears to be required to monitor the
demand of the task by providing, when needed, finger counting process. Stated in another way,
additional external cues in order to adequately when numerosities are too high to be recognised
monitor the number of steps to be incremented and monitored through sensory-motor perceptions,
during the counting procedure. However, relieving fingers seemingly need to be looked at in order to
cognitive load by looking at fingers does not necess- act effectively as external incremental counters.
arily improve performance and tends to be time A last point that deserves discussion in the
consuming, while it seems that children who context of our results is the absence of a significant
manage to solve the problems without looking at relationship between children’s working memory
their fingers are faster. capacity and the frequency of finger counting. It
Indeed, it is possible that finger looking is could have been expected that children with more
recruited when proprioceptive information is not limited working memory skills would have been
sufficient to monitor the finger counting process. more likely to use their fingers in an arithmetic
Interestingly, Noël (2005) showed that the relation- task than children with higher capabilities.
ship between finger gnosia (i.e. finger perception However, this absence of relationship is consistent
and discrimination) and arithmetic, which is com- with recent data showing that at the early beginning
monly reported in the literature (Costa et al., 2011; of school (around 6 years), finger counting is posi-
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structed with operands ranging from 6 to 9. There- memory skills and low arithmetical performance
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