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Republic of the Philippines

Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City



Researcher: JaztineAntonnette B. Debulgado

Maria Katrina C. Tabug
Honey D. Toling

Practical Research Adviser

Mrs. Mary Ann C. Capinig

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City


We are presently conducting a research entitled "Financial Problem its effect to the

Scholastic performance of G12 SHS Students of MNCHS." Prepared and submitted by

Jaztine Antonnette B. Debulgado, Maria Katrina C. Tabug, and Honey D. Toling as partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Research 2 recommended for approval

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject of

Research 2 rating of ____.


Date ___________


GAS Coordinator
Date ___________


SHS Coordinator
Date ___________

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City


The purpose of this study is to get rid of, for those students who were unable to

finish their academics, because this is really one of the reasons why some Filipinos are

suffering before, till this days. We are dealing with this kind of research because we want

everyone or every student to show their capabilities, abilities, talents, or intelligence to the

public for our own nations good. Because as a Filipino we are obliged to help on improving

or developing our own nation or country. And for us to be able to help we need knowledge

and for us to possess or obtain knowledge we need to get rid of this financial problem. And

this is what the purpose of this research, to find ways or solutions to somehow obliterate

or eliminate this crisis. Many students believe that financial problems are having an adverse

effect on their academic. This is the kind of research that we have concluded to study

because this is a beneficial research for those students who are particularly experiencing

this phenomenon, because one of the problems we proposed to our research is what we

students, teachers, or administrators can do to help those suffering students. At the end of

this research we might be able or we can possibly identify or devise a solution that could

lessen this kind of case. Based from the results of our research that the researchers have

gathered they were able to conclude the following; 1) As to the respondents, they have

different gender, monthly family income, and daily allowance. 2) As to our questionnaire,

the respondents didn’t consider that financial problem as a main cause of having a failing

grades. 3) As the result of our questionnaire

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

more of our respondent chose the “Control yourself from buying unimportant things” and

“School needs or demand” is the best way to manage or spend their allowances.

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City


 The researcher would like to express their gratitude to the following persons who

contributed a lot to complete this research.

 First we would like to thank our ever supporting section adviser Mrs. Hanie Lisa

Aguilar who always encourage and motivate us to work as hard as we can.

 To our practical research adviser Mrs. Mary Ann C. capinig for giving us this


 To our parents for their unwavering support.

 To our Dear 45 respondents for their kindness in filling up our questionnaire and

giving us our needed data.

 To our best friends who always stay beside us even thou we are not able to entertain

them due to abundance of activities. They still care and support us.

 To our enemy and critics for bringing out the best of us.

 And above all to God for guiding us, giving us good health and for giving us this

opportunity to enhance our research skills.

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City


Chapter I ………………………………………...………………………………….. 8-16

INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………….8-9

Background of the Study ……………………………………………………….8-9

Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………….....10

 Hypothesis …………………………………………………………………..10

Scope and Delimitation of the study ………………………………………….....11

 Locale of the Study ………………………………………………………12-14

Significance of the study ………………………………………………………...15

Notes/ References ………………………………………………………….……16

Chapter II ……………………………………………………………………...……17-23


RRL ………………………………………..………………………………...17-19

RRS ………………………………………………………………………….19-21

Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………………22

Definition of terms ………………………………………………………………23

Chapter III ……………………………………………………………………...…..24-26

 Research Design ……………………………………………………………..24

 Respondents of the Study ……………………………………………………24
 Research Instrument …………………………..…………………………24-25

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

 Data Gathering Procedure ………………………………………..…......25

 Statistical Treatment …………………………………………….………26



Bibliography …………………………………………………………………… 33-34

Appendix …………………………………………………………………………..35

Curriculum Vitae …………………………………………………………………36-38

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City


Background of the Study

Have you ever wonder why some students fail their academic businesses? And have

you ever thought what might be the possible cause of their failure? “financial problem”

financial problem is one of the most devastating or stressful cause to the students why they

fail their scholastic performance even if they want to study as hard as they can, this crisis

won’t let them do whatever they want. Just thinking that you lack financial support while

dealing your academic matters is very unsettling or it gives us too much pressure that

enable us to execute greatly to every performance we need to deal in our school just to

excel. There’s a lot of devastating things that financial problem could give to the students,

not just too much pressure but there’s more. For instance lack of confidence, doubting your

own abilities, committing unnecessary business that could lead us to death. Financial

problem is not a laughing matter that you could easily overcome. Living easily while

dealing this problem could really lead us to death. We all know that this kind of problem

has a lot of cases already, and this thing is already considered as a common societal

problem. Going back to our main topic or subject financial problem could even force a

student to stop attending to school and enter a new level of living which is working for

himself or for his family at the very young age. This is what our

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

research aims to get rid of, for those students who were unable to finish their academics,

because this is really one of the reasons why some Filipinos are suffering before, till this

days. We are dealing with this kind of research because we want everyone or every student

to show their capabilities, abilities, talents, or intelligence to the public for our own nations

good. Because as a Filipino we are obliged to help on improving or developing our own

nation or country. And for us to be able to help we need knowledge and for us to possess

or obtain knowledge we need to get rid of this financial problem. And this is what the

purpose of this research, to find ways or solutions to somehow obliterate or eliminate this

crisis. The aim of our research is to know the percentage of the first batch of SHS students

of MNCHS who failed their scholastic performance because of financial problem or crisis.

we can successfully gather all the data we needed to this research by the help of the school’s

administration because we all know that the school administration has all the record or data

of all the students, which is very beneficial for us researchers because by the help of the

school administration we can simply locate all the students who failed last school year

(2016-2017). This research also aims to know the recommendations or suggestions of the

respondents since they are the ones who experienced this problem, it is expected that we

can create or make a great solution for this matter to prevent this awful crisis from

happening. This is the kind of research that we have concluded to study because this is a

beneficial research for those students who are particularly experiencing this phenomenon,

because one of the problems we proposed to our research is what we students, teachers, or

administrators can do to help those

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

suffering students. At the end of this research we might be able or we can possibly identify

or devise a solution that could lessen this kind of case.

Statement of the Problem

The researcher aims to know what is the percentage of the failure First batch

SHS students in academics performance, so we can help or solve their problems. The main

objective or purpose of our research is to know the accurate od exact rating of all the

students who failed their scholastic performance caused by financial problem in the school

year 2016-2017.

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents?

2. How much is the percentage of the failures of academic performance in the school year

2016-2017 caused by financial problem?

3. What are the things that we students, teachers, or administrators can do to at least keep

on giving them opportunities to achieve their dreams by supporting their academic needs?


Many students believe that financial problems are not the cause of having a

failure in academics or grades.

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

Scope and Delimitation of the study

What the researchers seek in this study is the actual percentage of the students who

failed their scholastic performance caused by financial crisis. Our research focuses on the

students of the Masbate national comprehensive high school (MNCHS) who was not able

to pass their academic matters because of some handycuff that enables them to bring out

their best in school. This study will be conducted or will last till the month of October; the

time given to the researchers is enough to gather all the data needed for the study to be

completed. we made this study to possibly revise or make a way or solution to eradicate

this crisis that might cause agonies to the students, so that once we somehow get rid of this

crisis, this could possibly be a trivial news in the department of education (Deped) because

as a department, who aims to teach all the children if possible, this would be a dream come

true for them, and also for those children. In this research we will be dealing with those

students of MNCHS who suffers the stress and pressures brought by financial crisis. this

research will be completed once we gathered all the data needed to identify or locate all

the students who failed, and make an appointment with us to interview them on about their

experience in this particular kind of problem or crisis, and to take the opportunity to ask

them about their recommendations or suggestions to create or make a great solution.

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City
Locale of the Study

From a humble beginning, the Masbate High School first opened in August 1917

with a first year class, with no building of its own, so that the students were housed in a

classroom in what is now the Jose Zurbito Sr. Elementary School. Only first year classes

were in operation for two years until a second year class was organized in 1919-20,

followed by a third year class in 1922-23. Mr. Luis Barlet was the first school principal

and through his foresight he ensured the reservation of a school site of 36 hectares, covering

the sprawling area presently occupied by the Jose Zurbito Sr. Elementary School, Masbate

Athletic Grounds, the Provincial Hospital, and extending up to Medina Street, but all that

remains of this area is only 7.6 hectares.Due to the absence of a complete secondary course,

many Masbateños decided to study at the Sorsogon High School. Masbate was then a sub-

province of Sorsogon.The first graduating class during the school year 1924-25 consisted

of twenty-six members, with Jose Rubia as the valedictorian and Juan Arce as the

salutatorian, the principal was Mr. Alfonso Villaflor.In the more than seven decades of its

existence, the school has passed under the stewardship of nineteen principals with only two

ladies in the group. Mr. Jesus Moya, who had been teaching in the school for more than

ten years, became the first Masbateño to become principal in 1946. During the

administration of Mr. Jesus Menez in 1947, RANCH, the school paper was founded.The

retirement of Mr. CresencianoBailon in 1977 gave way to the assignment of Mrs. Patria B.

Butalid. Barely three months after her appointment as principal, was Masbate High School

converted into Masbate National Comprehensive

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City
High School by virtue of a Presidential Proclamation,

during the on-the-spot countryside visit of former President Ferdinand E. Marcos to

Masbate on September 15, 1977.The proclamation became a reality on December 7, 1977

when the school received its first budget allotment for its nationalization. This is also the

day when the school celebrates its anniversarySince its nationalization the school has

endeavored to give a quality secondary education to the youth and to the community it has

committed to serve. It has made a name for itself and can hold its own among the secondary

schools in the country, be it in academics, athletics and other related activities. Proof is, it

was awarded The Most Effective Secondary School in Region V in 1998-2001 and one of

the Top Three Schools in the entire country.The school is proud of its numerous alumni

who have brought honor, distinguishing themselves in various fields both in public and

private sectors. Foremost among them is Congressmen Emilio R. Espinosa, Jr., a 1940

alumnus who was once a BatasanPambansa Member, Cabinet Member, Governor and

served as Secretary of Labor under President Ferdinand E. Marcos. Honorable Leonardo

Quisumbing former Secretary of Labor and Employment, an alumnus of class 1955 and

presently Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

30B Rodeo Building


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
12 32
25B 31
24B Library



Faculty Guard
Lounge House

Campus Gate



Figure 1: Map of the Area of Study

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City
Significance of the Study

Students – this study deemed to benefit the following and is conducted to know the actual

percentage of the students who suffered the crisis of being unable to study because of

financial problem. This research seeks to know the recommendations or suggestions of

respondents which are the students who struggles against poverty to revise or create or

make an effective way of solving this crisis. This study will benefit the upcoming students

or future researchers who will dive into this kind of research because this will give them

some concrete, precise, or accurate information or data relevant to our research, and also

for those students who might experience or who are currently experiencing this particular

problem for them to somehow get rid it or struggle against it.

Teacher – This Study will also benefit the teacher for them to be able to prepare some

countermeasure or plans if ever there are students are experiencing this problem, so that

they’ll be able to do their job as a teacher to encourage them, motivate them, and set them

to the summit of their perseverance and determination to struggle as they can to get rid of

this crisis.

Community/ Society – This research is also beneficial to our community or society

because we that, we children carries the future of the development of our country, as long

as we persevere and study as hard as we can for the good of our country we can.

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

Providing Quality Education to The Community (Masbate National Comprehensive High

School) June 02, 1995 <

Student money problem affect performance (University of central England June 2, 1995)




Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

Review of Related Literature

This study helps us to understand that the current student financial assistance

system will need to undergo certain changes in order to positively impact university

success.Financial Problem of Students Essay 665 Words Dec 10th, 2012 3 Pages Show

More What are factors that causes financial problem of a students And what are the effects

of it? Handouts and material things are large expenses for students. A full-time senior high

school student might spend so much money for the school expenses. Many times, these

students do not realize they could apply for federal Pell grants to cover many of these

expenditures. Pell grant recipients must meet certain income requirements, but scholarships

are often available for students not eligible for those grants. Find out more through your

school website or counseling office or on websites such as

According to an article by "The New York Times," variable interest rate loans can reach

20 percent. This can lead to long-term debt that is often difficult to cope with for recent

college graduates. Because of the Fiscal Responsibility Act, students can now take out

government loans at rates ranging from 4 percent to 9 percent. At the end of the loan period,

repayments required will not exceed 10 percent of your discretionary income, and if the

loan still exists after 20 years, the balance is forgiven.

“Financial stress is, like many others, a significant stressor, not only among students

but also working professionals. We would expect it to have similar

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City
psychological, physical, and behavioral strains to that

of many other commonly studied stressors such as workload or conflict at work,” said Lee

in an email statement. Lee refers to commonly experienced strains, such as depression, and

affirms that any form of stressor can have an impact on a person’s cognitive resources. She

cites sleeplessness as a common strain experienced among many as a stressor that can leave

someone unable to function at full mental capacity at work or school. As a professor, Lee

sees that some students appear tired and have difficulty with time flexibility, something

she tries to accommodate by offering plentiful opportunities for extra credit points and

exam reviews. “I understand that people who walk in late to class, leave early or even fall

asleep are not always doing so out of being disrespectful. Many times, there are students

who are working full time and are doing the best they can,” said Lee. Meagan Tarantelli is

a junior and communication arts major working part-time and going to school full-time.

“You don’t sleep very much,” said Tarantelli when asked how she manages to perform

well in school while working part-time. She remembers the start of her college career, when

she wasn’t worried about her finances and didn’t have the stress of having to work. “During

that time I took four to five classes, I was vice president of my campus and I was involved

in many clubs. That stress is nothing compared to what it is like having to work,” said

Tarantelli. Now, Tarantelli takes half of her classes online, to accommodate her schedule,

and admits that juggling online, in-person classes and a work schedule can be difficult and

may affect IQ. “I absolutely agree that financial stress affects cognitive ability because it

affects your ability to focus if you are worried about

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City
more pressing issues,” said Tarantelli. Daniel Fonseca,

a junior majoring in international relations, is an exclusively online student, taking five

classes while working full-time. “Having to work is an added distraction that is always on

the back of your mind and doesn’t facilitate learning,” said Fonseca. Fonseca has forced

himself to prioritize with school and work, allowing other obligations to take a backseat.

He has had to become extremely organized to keep track of due dates, but admits that

working affects his ability to perform. “I work on projects and if something goes wrong, it

stays with me after the clock ends, so that preoccupation of not having enough money is

replaced by the preoccupation of the problems at work,” said Fonseca.

Review of Related Study

Student money problems affect performance June 2, 2004 Many students believe

that financial problems are having an adverse effect on their academic performance, a

survey of University of the Philippines has shown. UP's Centre for Research into Quality

(CRQ), found that 51.9 percent of the 1,139 full-time undergraduates polled believed their

academic performance was suffering and 15.1 per cent believed that there was a major

negative impact. Lee Harvey, senior research fellow at CRQ and co-author, with Selena

Mason, of the report, believes that UP’s students are reasonably representative.

The survey had been constructed so as to minimize overstatement of financial and

academic difficulties. Just over 20 percent said that their financial status had a positive

impact on their academic performance. Students who also had part-time jobs were more

likely to think that financial problems were affecting their academic work, with

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

proportions rising to more than 60 percent for those working 11 or more hours per week,

against 49 per cent for those with no part-time job. The report found an overwhelming lack

of confidence in the current higher education funding system, with 92.2 per cent calling for

reform against only 2.7 per cent wanting to leave things as they are. Asked about alternative

sources of funding, students drew a clear distinction between tuition and maintenance.

Seventy-one percent believe that Government should continue to contribute 100 percent of

tuition costs, but 44 per cent were prepared to accept either a student or a graduate

contribution to maintenance. In many cases they were prepared to say that this should be

50 percent or more of the maintenance cost." The report argues that it is the current student

loan system of maintenance rather than the idea of student contributions in them that makes

students unhappy.

As stated in Financial research (Joo,2008; Xiao, Tang, & Shim, 2009) has long

recognized that financial behavior is the main determinant of one’s financial well-being,

which, in turn, is influenced by four major factors – financial attitude, financial

socialization, financial socialization agents and financial knowledge. Taken together these

factors make gender studies in economic issues essential in order to understand the

differences in the determinant factors of male and female financial problem. Thus, the

primary aim of the present study is to determine gender differences in factors predict

financial problem among Malaysian students. However identifying gender differences in

determinant factors of financial problems provides a better understanding of male and

female differences in financial management and educational needs. $1.25 Tuesday, May

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

27, 2014 Vol XCIII, No. 311 Problem Statement FINANCIAL PROBLEMS AMONG


university attendance is the first time they have experienced financial problem. With the

expansion of educational services in Malaysia, which tripled the number of college students

in two recent decades (Economic Planning Unit, 2006) university or college students have

become an important consumer market segment. However there has been limited research

on financial problem (e.g. savings), especially college students, since the concern over the

role of young consumers is relatively new. Based on the research that had been done above

we have discovered financial problem not only occurred because of the lack of

responsibility of the student to manage their financial, but also there are four (4)

consideration that come into play with financial situation with students.


Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City
Financial stress is a concern because of the

negative health outcomes associated with increased levels of stress. Therefore, as

researchers examine factors r likelihood of reporting financial stress, it may be useful to

turn to a health care model. The Roy Adaptation Model (RAM), see Figure 1, is a well-

known theoretical framework for designing nursing intervention for patients (Rice, 2011).

Under this framework, the patient is viewed as an adaptive system that manages external

or internal stimuli through control coping mechanisms) and the output is either adaptation

(health) or ineffective responses (illness) (Roy, 2011, 2011; Roy & Roberts, 2012). Since

the details of the RAM are discussed in the nursing context, the specific, technical features

of the model will not be discussed here. For a detailed coverage of the model, interested

readers Andrews (2012).

Figure 1:

Input (Stimuli)

 Control
 Effectors
Output (Responces)

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City
Definition of Terms

Cognitive Resources - Is a leadership theory of industrial and organizational psychology

developed by Fred Fiedler and Joe Garcia in 1987 as a reconceptualization of the Fiedler

contingency model. The theory focuses on the influence of the leader's intelligence and

experience on his or her reaction to stress.

Discretionary - Available for use at the discretion of the user.

Eligible - Having the right to do or obtain something; satisfying the appropriate


Expenditures - The action of spending funds

Fiscal responsibility - is a catch-phrase that seemingly no politician can do without. The

White House used “fiscal responsibility” to name a summit meeting, a bipartisan national

commission, and one of their web pages. House Democrats named “fiscal responsibility”

as a top priority; so did Senate Republicans.

Pell Grant - Is a subsidy the U.S. federal government provides for students who need it

to pay for college. Federal Pell Grants are limited to students with financial need, who

have not earned their first bachelor's degree, or who are enrolled in certain post-

baccalaureate programs, through participating institutions.

Unitar - United Nations Institute for Training and Research.

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

This chapter presents the research design, Respondents of the study, Research

Instrument, Sampling Method, Data Gathering and lastly the Statistical Treatment of data

Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive and analysis method, this has been necessary

on analyzing the effects of financial problem to scholastic performance of Senior high

School Students in Masbate National Comprehensive High School. Effect of Financial

Problem to the SHS students such as stress, anxiety, and depression that leads to stop their

dreams. Recommendation to solve the problem that the students, teachers or administrators

can do at least keep on giving them opportunities to achieve their dreams by supporting

their academic needs.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the senior high school students of MNCHS. The

researchers decided to get 50 respondents.

Research Instruments

The researchers, in order to answer the questions given in the statement of the

problem, made used survey questionnaire as our research instrument. The respondents

survey questionnaire have been attached the personal information. This supports our

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City
research topic. The survey questionnaire was divided

into three essential questions. The first question is the socio demographic profile,

percentage of SHS students who failed

Sampling Method

Probability sampling because our main objective is to know the effect of financial

problem to the SHS student, which is the cause of failed in academics.

Data Gathering Procedure

To make sure that the conduct of the study shall be orderly and have a good result

as well, the researchers made use of the following procedures.

1. The researchers prepare a Survey Questionnaire to the chosen respondents.

2. The respondents were given at least 20 minutes to deliberate the questions of the research

instrument. This was a necessary for the respondents to give intelligent answers.

3. After the duration for the answering of the questions of the research instrument, the next

step was retrieval of the questionnaires. To make sure that all the given items are not

missed, the furnished interview guide and questionnaires were first examined. If there were

any missed items, then the researchers simply asked the respondents on what is his or her

answer on the missed question.

4. After the researchers already finished with the data gathering, they proceeded to the

analysis and interpretation of the data gathered.

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City
Statistical Treatment of Data

To analyze and interpret the data gathered, the study made use of the following

statistical tools:

Frequency Count to show how often a particular occurs in the frequency table. This

involves the process of tabulating all the answer of the respondents on the questionnaire.

Percentage to compute and describe the magnitude of the variables.

The formula for percentage was:

P = f / n × 100


P is the Percentage

F is Frequency count

N is total number of the respondents

100 is constant


Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City


Table 1.1– Socio Demographic Profile

Table I Illustrate the Socio Demographic Profile of SHS Student. The first
Gender: Frequency Percentage Total
Female 29 58% 100%
Male 21 42%
Important Question indicate the profile of Students, in this field the highest frequency is

the Female who got 29 or equivalent to 58%, while Male got the lowest frequency of 21 or

equivalent to 42%.

Table 1.2 – Daily Allowance

Frequency Percentage Total

₱10 – ₱20 13 26%
₱30 – ₱50 27 54% 100%
₱60 – ₱100 10 20%
The daily allowance of the respondents. 30 – 50pesos got the highest frequency of

27 or equivalent to 54% while the 10 – 20 pesos got the frequency of 13 or equivalent to

26% and last is the 60 – 100 pesos got the lowest frequency of 10 or equivalent of 20%.

Table 1.3 – Monthly Family Income

Frequency Percentage Total
₱500 – ₱1000 9 18%
₱5000 – ₱10000 22 44% 100%
₱15000 – ₱20000 14 28%
₱25000 – ₱30000 4 8%

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City
The Monthly Family Income of respondents 5000-

10000K got the highest frequency of 22 or equivalent to 44%, Next is the 15000 – 20000K

got the frequency of 14 or equivalent to 28%, then 500 – 1000K got the frequency of 9 or

equivalent to 18%, and last the 25000 – 30000K who got the lowest frequency of 4 or

equivalent of 8%.

Table II – The Yes, No, and Maybe

Table 2 Frequency Percentage Total

1. Do you consider that the financial problem is the main
cause of having failure grades?
Yes 6 12%
No 25 50% 100%
Maybe 19 38%
2. Are you having a hard time managing your allowance?
Yes 28 56%
No 16 32% 100%
Maybe 6 12%
3. Do you consider that planning and managing school
budgets is the solution?
Yes 41 82%
No 2 4% 100%
Maybe 7 14%
In this 2nd structural question has the choices of Yes, No and Maybe. The 1st

question, No got the highest frequency of 25 or equivalent to 50%, while maybe got the

frequency of 19 or equivalent to 38%, and last is yes who got the lowest frequency of 6 or

equivalent to 12%. In the 2nd question, yes got the highest frequency of 28 or equivalent to

56%, while No got the frequency of 16 or equivalent to 32% and last is the Maybe who got

the lowest frequency of 6 or equivalent 12%. In last question, Yes got the highest frequency

of 42 or equivalent to 82%, while Maybe got the frequency of 7 or equivalent to 14%, and

last is No who got the lowest frequency of 2 or equivalent to 4.

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

Table III – Which is the best way to manage their daily allowance

Frequency Percentage Total

What do you think is the best way to manage your daily
Economize 3 6%
Expend in an 10 20%
important matter
Control yourself 24 48%
from buying
unimportant things 100%
Save your excess 5 10%
Make a plan on how 8 16%
you’re going to
spend your money
Other 0 0
In this 3 structural question show how the respondent Manage their daily

allowance, first who got the highest score was the Control or Discipline yourself from

buying unimportant things got the frequency of 24 or equivalent to 48%, next is Expend in

an important matter got the frequency of 10 or equivalent to 20%, then the Make a plan on

how you’re going to spend your money got the frequency of 8 or equivalent to 16%, yet

the Save your excess money got the frequency of 5 or equivalent to 10%, while Economize

got the frequency of 3 or equivalent of 6%, and last was the Others who got the lowest

frequency of 0 or equivalent to 0%.

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

Frequency Percentage Total

How do you spend your money?
By purchasing non- 1 2%
sense things
Foods 6 12%
Transportation 7 14%
Purchasing School 15 21% 100%
School Needs or 21 42%
Others 0 0
In this table show how the respondents spend their daily allowance, the first who

got the highest score was the School Needs or Demands got the frequency of 21 or

equivalent to 42%, next was the Purchasing School Requirements got the frequency of 15

or equivalent to 30%, then the Transportation got the frequency of 7 or equivalent to 14%,

Yet the Foods got the frequency of 6 or equivalent to 12%, while the By purchasing non-

sense things got the frequency of 1 or equivalent to 2%, and last was the Others got the

lowest frequency of 0 or equivalent to 0%.

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City


This research study attempted to determine best way to overcome the failure grades

of senior high school students in Masbate National Comprehensive High School and to

find the best solution/recommendation. This research questionnaire is needed to be

answered by the senior high school respondents.

Statement of the Problem

The researcher aims to know what is the percentage of the failure First batch

SHS students in academics performance, so we can help or solve their problems.

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents?

2. How much is the percentage of the failures of academic performance in the school year

2016-2017 caused by financial problem?

3. What are the things that we students, teachers, or administrators can do to at least keep

on giving them opportunities to achieve their dreams by supporting their academic needs.


Based from the results of our research that the researchers have gathered they were

able to conclude the following:

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

1. As to the respondents, they have different gender, monthly family income, and daily


2. As to our questionnaire, the respondents didn’t consider that financial problem as a

main cause of having a failing grades.

3. As the result of our questionnaire more of our respondent chose the “Control

yourself from buying unimportant things” and “School needs or demand” is the

best way to manage or spend their allowances.


Base on our questionnaire, the respondents prefer to “Control your from buying

unimportant things” and “School Needs or Demands” Is the effective way on managing

our allowances. How to help a senior high school students in managing their allowance are

encouraging them to have a few savings, most traditional age students are working and

working, therefore, an increasing number of students must balance, they need to work to

pay for their academic needs.

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City


Providing Quality Education to The Community (Masbate National Comprehensive High

School) June 02, 1995 <

Student money problem affect performance (University of central England June 2, 1995)







Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City



Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

Financial problems has caused a lot of effect on the educational sector, the increase

exorbitant cost formal education constitute the major excuse most parents or guardians

gives for not educating or withdrawing their children and wards from school to learn a

trade, they do not bother to put or contribute their money in the education of their children.

Some students for financial reasons could not pay attention in the class, rather they would

be thinking of how to get money to buy their practical materials, handouts e.t.c in most

institutions today, we have many ladies going into prostitution for financial purposes, since

they do not have other means of getting money. Likewise, the guys also engage themselves

in cultism or armed robbery. Moreover, some students whose studies are going smoothly

suddenly fall victim of half education because of their parents or guardians who go through

financial crises or they could even lose them and that could make them stop their education.

Institutions of higher learning need to understand the full impact of the conditions of

poverty, under which students live, think and learn while studying for a degree or diploma

and how these conditions affect their academic success. Entry into tertiary education for

students from poor backgrounds is an opportunity to change their economic status at a

personal and family level. But this becomes difficult to achieve when their economic

conditions impact on their ability to achieve academic success. Without adequate financial

resources available in institutions of higher learning, students' experiences of poverty may

be only marginally alleviated, which merely extends and in effect reproduces systemic

conditions of poverty.

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

NAME: Jaztine Antonnette B. Debulgado

ADDRESS: Zurbito st. Masbate City

AGE: 16

NAME OF FATHER: Mr. Roy A. Debulgado


NAME OF MOTHER: Mrs. Mercy B. Debulgado

OCCUPATION: Government Employee


Jose Zurbito Sr. Elementary School
Quezon St., Masbate City
2005 - 2011

Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Quezon St., Masbate City

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

NAME: Maria Katrina C. Tabug

ADDRESS: 24 Osmeña St., Masbate City

AGE: 17

NAME OF FATHER: Mr. Rudy S. Tabug


NAME OF MOTHER: Mrs. Ma. Virginia C. Tabug



Amancio Aguilar Elementary School
Danao St., Masbate City

Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Quezon St., Masbate City

Republic of the Philippines
Region V
Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Masbate City

NAME: Honey D. Toling

ADDRESS: Nursery A-1, Masbate City

AGE: 18

NAME OF FATHER: Mr. Harry M. Toling

OCCUPATION: Government Employee


Jose Zurbito Sr. Elementary School
Quezon St., Masbate City
2005 - 2011

Masbate National Comprehensive High School
Quezon St., Masbate City


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